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Moodle 3.10 XRef and Diffs
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Moodle 3.10
Moodle 3.10 Database Schema
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Moodle 4.2
Moodle 4.1
Moodle 4.0
Moodle 3.11
Moodle 3.10
Moodle 3.9
Search moodle.org's
Developer Documentation
See Release Notes
Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
Moodle 3.10 Database Schema (by Marcus Green)
Top level directory
Variable Cross Reference
line 64
line 93
line 94
line 2156
line 1906
line 1952
line 1583
line 595
line 15037
line 896
line 626
line 129
line 161
line 1960
line 1971
line 120
line 210
line 361
line 437
line 603
line 664
line 47
line 2396
line 2398
line 414
line 168
line 476
line 488
line 48
line 2009
line 465
line 103
line 1108
line 605
Referenced 176 times:
line 64
line 65
line 93
line 94
line 96
line 97
line 2156
line 2162
line 1906
line 1907
line 1952
line 1956
line 1971
line 115
line 1583
line 1584
line 595
line 596
line 597
line 598
line 616
line 618
line 618
line 15037
line 15038
line 15041
line 15042
line 15043
line 15055
line 15092
line 15096
line 15106
line 15110
line 896
line 899
line 626
line 637
line 129
line 130
line 133
line 161
line 162
line 169
line 55
line 59
line 87
line 91
line 1960
line 1961
line 1962
line 1971
line 1972
line 1973
line 120
line 121
line 122
line 123
line 210
line 212
line 215
line 216
line 217
line 218
line 224
line 227
line 228
line 229
line 230
line 240
line 241
line 242
line 243
line 251
line 252
line 253
line 254
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line 261
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line 279
line 280
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line 288
line 289
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line 298
line 299
line 300
line 330
line 361
line 362
line 397
line 437
line 439
line 442
line 443
line 444
line 445
line 451
line 454
line 455
line 456
line 457
line 470
line 572
line 603
line 604
line 629
line 664
line 665
line 668
line 669
line 671
line 672
line 674
line 675
line 677
line 678
line 679
line 680
line 682
line 683
line 684
line 685
line 686
line 688
line 689
line 717
line 44
line 47
line 61
line 65
line 44
line 2396
line 2398
line 2402
line 414
line 418
line 421
line 168
line 169
line 476
line 486
line 487
line 488
line 48
line 49
line 2009
line 2010
line 2014
line 2015
line 465
line 466
line 103
line 104
line 106
line 107
line 1108
line 1119
line 55
line 56
line 150
line 153
line 605
line 608
line 610
line 614
line 174