Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 401] [Versions 310 and 402] [Versions 310 and 403]
Step definitions to generate database fixtures for the data privacy tool.
Copyright: | 2018 Jun Pataleta |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 334 lines (14 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 2 files lib/phpunit/classes/util.php lib/behat/behat_base.php |
behat_tool_dataprivacy:: (9 methods):
Class: behat_tool_dataprivacy - X-Ref
Step definitions to generate database fixtures for the data privacy tool.the_following_data_categories_exist($elementname, TableNode $data) X-Ref |
Creates the specified element. More info about available elements in http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Acceptance_testing#Fixtures. param: string $elementname The name of the entity to add param: TableNode $data |
i_set_the_site_category_and_purpose($category, $purpose) X-Ref |
Sets the data category and data storage purpose for the site. param: string $category The ID of the category to be set for the instance. param: string $purpose The ID of the purpose to be set for the instance. |
i_set_the_category_and_purpose_for_course_category($name, $category, $purpose) X-Ref |
Sets the data category and data storage purpose for a course category instance. param: string $name The instance name. It should match the name or the idnumber. param: string $category The ID of the category to be set for the instance. param: string $purpose The ID of the purpose to be set for the instance. |
i_set_the_category_and_purpose_for_course($name, $category, $purpose) X-Ref |
Sets the data category and data storage purpose for a course instance. param: string $name The instance name. It should match the fullname or the shortname, or the idnumber. param: string $category The ID of the category to be set for the instance. param: string $purpose The ID of the purpose to be set for the instance. |
i_set_the_category_and_purpose_for_activity($name, $type, $coursename, $category, $purpose) X-Ref |
Sets the data category and data storage purpose for a course instance. param: string $name The instance name. It should match the name of the activity. param: string $type The activity type. E.g. assign, quiz, forum, etc. param: string $coursename The course name. It should match the fullname or the shortname, or the idnumber. param: string $category The ID of the category to be set for the instance. param: string $purpose The ID of the purpose to be set for the instance. |
i_set_the_category_and_purpose_for_block($name, $coursename, $category, $purpose) X-Ref |
Sets the data category and data storage purpose for a course instance. param: string $name The instance name. It should match the name of the block. (e.g. online_users) param: string $coursename The course name. It should match the fullname or the shortname, or the idnumber. param: string $category The ID of the category to be set for the instance. param: string $purpose The ID of the purpose to be set for the instance. |
set_category_and_purpose($contextid, $categoryname, $purposename) X-Ref |
Sets the category and purpose for a context instance. param: int $contextid The context ID. param: int $categoryname The category name. param: int $purposename The purpose name. |
i_create_a_dataprivacy_request_for($type, $username) X-Ref |
Create a dataprivacy request. param: string $type The type of request to create (delete, or export) param: string $username The username to create for |
i_approve_a_dataprivacy_request_for($type, $username) X-Ref |
Approve a dataprivacy request. param: string $type The type of request to create (delete, or export) param: string $username The username to create for |