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* Legacy log store tests.
* @package logstore_legacy
* @copyright 2014 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org/}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/event.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/store.php');
class logstore_legacy_store_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
public function test_log_writing() {
global $DB;
$user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
< $user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$module1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('resource', array('course' => $course1));
$course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
< $module2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('resource', array('course' => $course2));
// Enable legacy logging plugin.
set_config('enabled_stores', 'logstore_legacy', 'tool_log');
set_config('loglegacy', 1, 'logstore_legacy');
$manager = get_log_manager(true);
$stores = $manager->get_readers();
$this->assertCount(1, $stores);
$this->assertEquals(array('logstore_legacy'), array_keys($stores));
$store = $stores['logstore_legacy'];
$this->assertInstanceOf('logstore_legacy\log\store', $store);
$this->assertInstanceOf('core\log\sql_reader', $store);
$logs = $DB->get_records('log', array(), 'id ASC');
$this->assertCount(0, $logs);
$event1 = \logstore_legacy\event\unittest_executed::create(
array('context' => context_module::instance($module1->cmid), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)));
$event2 = \logstore_legacy\event\unittest_executed::create(
array('context' => context_course::instance($course2->id), 'other' => array('sample' => 6, 'xx' => 11)));
< $this->setUser($user2);
< add_to_log($course1->id, 'xxxx', 'yyyy', '', '7', 0, 0);
< $this->assertDebuggingCalled();
< add_to_log($course2->id, 'aaa', 'bbb', 'info.php', '666', $module2->cmid, $user1->id);
< $this->assertDebuggingCalled();
$logs = $DB->get_records('log', array(), 'id ASC');
< $this->assertCount(4, $logs);
> $this->assertCount(2, $logs);
$log = array_shift($logs);
$this->assertEquals(0, $log->userid);
$this->assertSame('', $log->ip);
$this->assertEquals($course1->id, $log->course);
$this->assertSame('core_unittest', $log->module);
$this->assertEquals($module1->cmid, $log->cmid);
$this->assertSame('view', $log->action);
$this->assertSame('unittest.php?id=5', $log->url);
$this->assertSame('bbb', $log->info);
$oldlogid = $log->id;
$log = array_shift($logs);
$this->assertGreaterThan($oldlogid, $log->id);
$this->assertEquals($user1->id, $log->userid);
$this->assertSame('', $log->ip);
$this->assertEquals($course2->id, $log->course);
$this->assertSame('core_unittest', $log->module);
$this->assertEquals(0, $log->cmid);
$this->assertSame('view', $log->action);
$this->assertSame('unittest.php?id=6', $log->url);
$this->assertSame('bbb', $log->info);
< $oldlogid = $log->id;
< $log = array_shift($logs);
< $this->assertGreaterThan($oldlogid, $log->id);
< $this->assertNotEmpty($log->id);
< $this->assertTimeCurrent($log->time);
< $this->assertEquals($user2->id, $log->userid);
< $this->assertSame('', $log->ip);
< $this->assertEquals($course1->id, $log->course);
< $this->assertSame('xxxx', $log->module);
< $this->assertEquals(0, $log->cmid);
< $this->assertSame('yyyy', $log->action);
< $this->assertSame('', $log->url);
< $this->assertSame('7', $log->info);
< $oldlogid = $log->id;
< $log = array_shift($logs);
< $this->assertGreaterThan($oldlogid, $log->id);
< $this->assertNotEmpty($log->id);
< $this->assertTimeCurrent($log->time);
< $this->assertEquals($user1->id, $log->userid);
< $this->assertSame('', $log->ip);
< $this->assertEquals($course2->id, $log->course);
< $this->assertSame('aaa', $log->module);
< $this->assertEquals($module2->cmid, $log->cmid);
< $this->assertSame('bbb', $log->action);
< $this->assertSame('info.php', $log->url);
< $this->assertSame('666', $log->info);
// Test if disabling works.
set_config('enabled_stores', 'logstore_legacy', 'tool_log');
set_config('loglegacy', 0, 'logstore_legacy');
$manager = get_log_manager(true);
$stores = $manager->get_readers();
$store = $stores['logstore_legacy'];
array('context' => \context_system::instance(), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
< add_to_log($course1->id, 'xxxx', 'yyyy', '', '7', 0, 0);
< $this->assertDebuggingCalled();
< $this->assertEquals(4, $DB->count_records('log'));
> $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('log'));
// Another way to disable legacy completely.
set_config('enabled_stores', 'logstore_standard', 'tool_log');
set_config('loglegacy', 1, 'logstore_legacy');
array('context' => \context_system::instance(), 'other' => array('sample' => 5, 'xx' => 10)))->trigger();
< add_to_log($course1->id, 'xxxx', 'yyyy', '', '7', 0, 0);
< $this->assertDebuggingCalled();
< $this->assertEquals(4, $DB->count_records('log'));
> $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('log'));
// Set everything back.
set_config('enabled_stores', '', 'tool_log');
set_config('loglegacy', 0, 'logstore_legacy');
* Test replace_sql_legacy()
public function test_replace_sql_legacy() {
$selectwhere = "userid = :userid AND courseid = :courseid AND eventname = :eventname AND timecreated > :since";
$params = array('userid' => 2, 'since' => 3, 'courseid' => 4, 'eventname' => '\core\event\course_created');
$expectedselect = "module = 'course' AND action = 'new' AND userid = :userid AND url = :url AND time > :since";
$expectedparams = $params + array('url' => "view.php?id=4");
list($replaceselect, $replaceparams) = \logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params);
$this->assertEquals($replaceselect, $expectedselect);
$this->assertEquals($replaceparams, $expectedparams);
// Test CRUD related changes.
$selectwhere = "edulevel = 0";
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams) = \logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params);
$this->assertEquals($selectwhere, $updatewhere);
$selectwhere = "edulevel = 0 and crud = 'u'";
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams) = \logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params);
$this->assertEquals("edulevel = 0 and action LIKE '%update%'", $updatewhere);
$selectwhere = "edulevel = 0 and crud != 'u'";
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams) = \logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params);
$this->assertEquals("edulevel = 0 and action NOT LIKE '%update%'", $updatewhere);
$selectwhere = "edulevel = 0 and crud <> 'u'";
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams) = \logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params);
$this->assertEquals("edulevel = 0 and action NOT LIKE '%update%'", $updatewhere);
$selectwhere = "edulevel = 0 and crud = 'r'";
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams) = \logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params);
$this->assertEquals("edulevel = 0 and action LIKE '%view%' OR action LIKE '%report%'", $updatewhere);
$selectwhere = "edulevel = 0 and crud != 'r'";
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams) = \logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params);
$this->assertEquals("edulevel = 0 and action NOT LIKE '%view%' AND action NOT LIKE '%report%'", $updatewhere);
$selectwhere = "edulevel = 0 and crud <> 'r'";
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams) = \logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params);
$this->assertEquals("edulevel = 0 and action NOT LIKE '%view%' AND action NOT LIKE '%report%'", $updatewhere);
// The slq is incorrect, since quotes must not be present. Make sure this is not parsed.
$selectwhere = "edulevel = 0 and 'crud' != 'u'";
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams) = \logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params);
$this->assertNotEquals("edulevel = 0 and action NOT LIKE '%update%'", $updatewhere);
$selectwhere = "edulevel = 0 and crud = 'u' OR crud != 'r' or crud <> 'd'";
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams) = \logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params);
$this->assertEquals("edulevel = 0 and action LIKE '%update%' OR action NOT LIKE '%view%' AND action NOT LIKE '%report%' or action NOT LIKE '%delete%'", $updatewhere);
// The anonymous select returns all data.
$selectwhere = "anonymous = 0";
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams) = \logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params);
$this->assertSame("0 = 0", $updatewhere);
// Test legacy field names are mapped.
$selectwhere = "timecreated = :timecreated and courseid = :courseid and contextinstanceid = :contextinstanceid and origin = :origin";
$params = array('timecreated' => 2, 'courseid' => 3, 'contextinstanceid' => 4, 'origin' => 5 );
$expectedparams = array('time' => 2, 'course' => 3, 'cmid' => 4, 'ip' => 5);
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams) = \logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params);
$this->assertEquals("time = :time and course = :course and cmid = :cmid and ip = :ip", $updatewhere);
$this->assertSame($expectedparams, $replaceparams);
// Test sorting parameters.
$selectwhere = "courseid = 3";
$params = array();
$sort = 'timecreated DESC';
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams, $sort) =
\logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params, $sort);
$this->assertSame('time DESC', $sort);
$sort = 'courseid DESC';
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams, $sort) =
\logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params, $sort);
$this->assertSame('course DESC', $sort);
$sort = 'contextinstanceid DESC';
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams, $sort) =
\logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params, $sort);
$this->assertSame('cmid DESC', $sort);
$sort = 'origin DESC';
list($updatewhere, $replaceparams, $sort) =
\logstore_legacy\test\unittest_logstore_legacy::replace_sql_legacy($selectwhere, $params, $sort);
$this->assertSame('ip DESC', $sort);
* Test logmanager::get_supported_reports returns all reports that require this store.
public function test_get_supported_reports() {
$logmanager = get_log_manager();
$allreports = \core_component::get_plugin_list('report');
< // Make sure all supported reports are installed.
< $expectedreports = array_intersect_key([
< 'log' => 'report_log',
< 'loglive' => 'report_loglive',
< 'outline' => 'report_outline',
< 'participation' => 'report_participation',
< 'stats' => 'report_stats'
< ], $allreports);
< $supportedreports = $logmanager->get_supported_reports('logstore_legacy');
> $supportedreports = array(
> 'report_log' => '/report/log',
> 'report_loglive' => '/report/loglive',
> 'report_outline' => '/report/outline',
> 'report_participation' => '/report/participation',
> 'report_stats' => '/report/stats'
> );
> // Make sure all supported reports are installed.
foreach ($expectedreports as $expectedreport) {
> $expectedreports = array_keys(array_intersect_key($allreports, $supportedreports));
$this->assertArrayHasKey($expectedreport, $supportedreports);
> $reports = $logmanager->get_supported_reports('logstore_legacy');
> $reports = array_keys($reports);
< $this->assertArrayHasKey($expectedreport, $supportedreports);
> $this->assertContains($expectedreport, $reports);
* Test that the legacy log cleanup works correctly.
public function test_cleanup_task() {
global $DB;
// Create some records spread over various days; test multiple iterations in cleanup.
$record = (object) array('time' => time());
$DB->insert_record('log', $record);
$record->time -= 3600 * 24 * 30;
$DB->insert_record('log', $record);
$record->time -= 3600 * 24 * 30;
$DB->insert_record('log', $record);
$record->time -= 3600 * 24 * 30;
$DB->insert_record('log', $record);
$this->assertEquals(4, $DB->count_records('log'));
// Remove all logs before "today".
set_config('loglifetime', 1);
$this->expectOutputString(" Deleted old legacy log records\n");
$clean = new \logstore_legacy\task\cleanup_task();
$this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('log'));