Class containing data for managecompetencyframeworks page
Copyright: | 2015 Damyon Wiese |
License: | GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 110 lines (4 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
manage_competency_frameworks_page:: (2 methods):
Class: manage_competency_frameworks_page - X-Ref
Class containing data for managecompetencyframeworks page__construct(context $pagecontext) X-Ref |
Construct this renderable. param: context $pagecontext The page context |
export_for_template(renderer_base $output) X-Ref |
Export this data so it can be used as the context for a mustache template. param: renderer_base $output Renderer base. return: stdClass |