Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 401] [Versions 310 and 402] [Versions 310 and 403]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * Strings for component 'tool_lp', language 'en'
  19   *
  20   * @package    tool_lp
  21   * @copyright  2015 Damyon Wiese
  22   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  23   */
  25  defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  27  $string['actions'] = 'Actions';
  28  $string['activities'] = 'Activities';
  29  $string['addcohorts'] = 'Add cohorts';
  30  $string['addcohortstosync'] = 'Add cohorts to sync';
  31  $string['addcompetency'] = 'Add competency';
  32  $string['addcoursecompetencies'] = 'Add competencies to course';
  33  $string['addcrossreferencedcompetency'] = 'Add cross-referenced competency';
  34  $string['addingcompetencywillresetparentrule'] = 'Adding a new competency will remove the rule set on \'{$a}\'. Do you want to continue?';
  35  $string['addnewcompetency'] = 'Add new competency';
  36  $string['addnewcompetencyframework'] = 'Add new competency framework';
  37  $string['addnewplan'] = 'Add new learning plan';
  38  $string['addnewtemplate'] = 'Add new learning plan template';
  39  $string['addnewuserevidence'] = 'Add new evidence';
  40  $string['addtemplatecompetencies'] = 'Add competencies to learning plan template';
  41  $string['aisrequired'] = '\'{$a}\' is required';
  42  $string['aplanswerecreated'] = '{$a} learning plans were created.';
  43  $string['aplanswerecreatedmoremayrequiresync'] = '{$a} learning plans were created; more will be created during the next synchronisation.';
  44  $string['assigncohorts'] = 'Assign cohorts';
  45  $string['averageproficiencyrate'] = 'The average proficiency rate for completed learning plans based on this template is {$a}%.';
  46  $string['cancelreviewrequest'] = 'Cancel review request';
  47  $string['cannotaddrules'] = 'This competency cannot be configured.';
  48  $string['cannotcreateuserplanswhentemplateduedateispassed'] = 'New learning plans cannot be created. The template due date has expired, or is about to expire.';
  49  $string['cannotcreateuserplanswhentemplatehidden'] = 'New learning plans cannot be created while this template is hidden.';
  50  $string['category'] = 'Category';
  51  $string['chooserating'] = 'Choose a rating...';
  52  $string['cohortssyncedtotemplate'] = 'Cohorts synced to this learning plan template';
  53  $string['competenciesforframework'] = 'Competencies for {$a}';
  54  $string['competenciesmostoftennotproficient'] = 'Competencies most often not proficient in completed learning plans';
  55  $string['competenciesmostoftennotproficientincourse'] = 'Competencies most often not proficient in this course';
  56  $string['competencycannotbedeleted'] = 'The competency \'{$a}\' can not be deleted';
  57  $string['competencycreated'] = 'Competency created';
  58  $string['competencycrossreferencedcompetencies'] = '{$a} cross-referenced competencies';
  59  $string['competencyframework'] = 'Competency framework';
  60  $string['competencyframeworkcreated'] = 'Competency framework created.';
  61  $string['competencyframeworkname'] = 'Name';
  62  $string['competencyframeworkroot'] = 'No parent (top-level competency)';
  63  $string['competencyframeworks'] = 'Competency frameworks';
  64  $string['competencyframeworksrepository'] = 'Competency frameworks repository';
  65  $string['competencyframeworkupdated'] = 'Competency framework updated.';
  66  $string['competencyoutcome_complete'] = 'Mark as complete';
  67  $string['competencyoutcome_evidence'] = 'Attach an evidence';
  68  $string['competencyoutcome_none'] = 'None';
  69  $string['competencyoutcome_recommend'] = 'Recommend the competency';
  70  $string['competencypicker'] = 'Competency picker';
  71  $string['competencyrule'] = 'Competency rule';
  72  $string['competencyupdated'] = 'Competency updated';
  73  $string['completeplan'] = 'Complete this learning plan';
  74  $string['completeplanconfirm'] = 'Set the learning plan \'{$a}\' to completed? If so, the current status of all users\' competencies will be recorded, and the plan will become read only.';
  75  $string['configurecoursecompetencysettings'] = 'Configure course competencies';
  76  $string['configurescale'] = 'Configure scales';
  77  $string['coursecompetencies'] = 'Course competencies';
  78  $string['coursecompetencyratingsarenotpushedtouserplans'] = 'Competency ratings in this course do not affect learning plans.';
  79  $string['coursecompetencyratingsarepushedtouserplans'] = 'Competency ratings in this course are updated immediately in learning plans.';
  80  $string['coursecompetencyratingsquestion'] = 'When a course competency is rated, does the rating update the competency in the learning plans, or is it only applied to the course?';
  81  $string['coursesusingthiscompetency'] = 'Courses linked to this competency';
  82  $string['coveragesummary'] = '{$a->competenciescoveredcount} of {$a->competenciescount} competencies are covered ( {$a->coveragepercentage}% )';
  83  $string['createplans'] = 'Create learning plans';
  84  $string['createlearningplans'] = 'Create learning plans';
  85  $string['crossreferencedcompetencies'] = 'Cross-referenced competencies';
  86  $string['default'] = 'Default';
  87  $string['deletecompetency'] = 'Delete competency \'{$a}\'?';
  88  $string['deletecompetencyframework'] = 'Delete competency framework \'{$a}\'?';
  89  $string['deletecompetencyparenthasrule'] = 'Delete competency \'{$a}\'? This will also remove the rule set for its parent.';
  90  $string['deleteplan'] = 'Delete learning plan \'{$a}\'?';
  91  $string['deleteplans'] = 'Delete the learning plans';
  92  $string['deletetemplate'] = 'Delete learning plan template \'{$a}\'?';
  93  $string['deletetemplatewithplans'] = 'This template has learning plans associated. You have to indicate how to process those plans.';
  94  $string['deletethisplan'] = 'Delete this learning plan';
  95  $string['deletethisuserevidence'] = 'Delete this evidence';
  96  $string['deleteuserevidence'] = 'Delete the evidence of prior learning \'{$a}\'?';
  97  $string['description'] = 'Description';
  98  $string['duedate'] = 'Due date';
  99  $string['duedate_help'] = 'The date that a learning plan should be completed by.';
 100  $string['editcompetency'] = 'Edit competency';
 101  $string['editcompetencyframework'] = 'Edit competency framework';
 102  $string['editplan'] = 'Edit learning plan';
 103  $string['editrating'] = 'Edit rating';
 104  $string['edittemplate'] = 'Edit learning plan template';
 105  $string['editthisplan'] = 'Edit this learning plan';
 106  $string['editthisuserevidence'] = 'Edit this evidence';
 107  $string['edituserevidence'] = 'Edit evidence';
 108  $string['evidence'] = 'Evidence';
 109  $string['findcourses'] = 'Find courses';
 110  $string['filterbyactivity'] = 'Filter competencies by resource or activity';
 111  $string['frameworkcannotbedeleted'] = 'The competency framework \'{$a}\' cannot be deleted';
 112  $string['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
 113  $string['hiddenhint'] = '(hidden)';
 114  $string['idnumber'] = 'ID number';
 115  $string['inheritfromframework'] = 'Inherit from competency framework (default)';
 116  $string['itemstoadd'] = 'Items to add';
 117  $string['jumptocompetency'] = 'Jump to competency';
 118  $string['jumptouser'] = 'Jump to user';
 119  $string['learningplancompetencies'] = 'Learning plan competencies';
 120  $string['learningplans'] = 'Learning plans';
 121  $string['levela'] = 'Level {$a}';
 122  $string['linkcompetencies'] = 'Link competencies';
 123  $string['linkcompetency'] = 'Link competency';
 124  $string['linkedcompetencies'] = 'Linked competencies';
 125  $string['linkedcourses'] = 'Linked courses';
 126  $string['linkedcourseslist'] = 'Linked courses:';
 127  $string['listcompetencyframeworkscaption'] = 'List of competency frameworks';
 128  $string['listofevidence'] = 'List of evidence';
 129  $string['listplanscaption'] = 'List of learning plans';
 130  $string['listtemplatescaption'] = 'List of learning plan templates';
 131  $string['loading'] = 'Loading...';
 132  $string['locatecompetency'] = 'Locate competency';
 133  $string['managecompetenciesandframeworks'] = 'Manage competencies and frameworks';
 134  $string['modcompetencies'] = 'Course competencies';
 135  $string['modcompetencies_help'] = 'Course competencies linked to this activity.';
 136  $string['move'] = 'Move';
 137  $string['movecompetency'] = 'Move competency';
 138  $string['movecompetencyafter'] = 'Move competency after \'{$a}\'';
 139  $string['movecompetencyframework'] = 'Move competency framework';
 140  $string['movecompetencytochildofselfwillresetrules'] = 'Moving the competency will remove its own rule, and the rules set for its parent and destination. Do you want to continue?';
 141  $string['movecompetencywillresetrules'] = 'Moving the competency will remove the rules set for its parent and destination. Do you want to continue?';
 142  $string['moveframeworkafter'] = 'Move competency framework after \'{$a}\'';
 143  $string['movetonewparent'] = 'Relocate';
 144  $string['myplans'] = 'My learning plans';
 145  $string['nfiles'] = '{$a} file(s)';
 146  $string['noactivities'] = 'No activities';
 147  $string['nocompetencies'] = 'No competencies have been created in this framework.';
 148  $string['nocompetenciesincourse'] = 'No competencies have been linked to this course.';
 149  $string['nocompetenciesinactivity'] = 'No competencies have been linked to this activity or resource.';
 150  $string['nocompetenciesinevidence'] = 'No competencies have been linked to this evidence.';
 151  $string['nocompetenciesinlearningplan'] = 'No competencies have been linked to this learning plan.';
 152  $string['nocompetenciesintemplate'] = 'No competencies have been linked to this learning plan template.';
 153  $string['nocompetenciesinlist'] = 'No competencies have been selected.';
 154  $string['nocompetencyframeworks'] = 'No competency frameworks have been created yet.';
 155  $string['nocompetencyselected'] = 'No competency selected';
 156  $string['nocrossreferencedcompetencies'] = 'No other competencies have been cross-referenced to this competency.';
 157  $string['noevidence'] = 'No evidence';
 158  $string['nofiles'] = 'No files';
 159  $string['nolinkedcourses'] = 'No courses are linked to this competency';
 160  $string['noparticipants'] = 'No participants found.';
 161  $string['noplanswerecreated'] = 'No learning plans were created.';
 162  $string['notemplates'] = 'No learning plan templates have been created yet.';
 163  $string['nourl'] = 'No URL';
 164  $string['nouserevidence'] = 'No evidence of prior learning has been added yet.';
 165  $string['nouserplans'] = 'No learning plans have been created yet.';
 166  $string['oneplanwascreated'] = 'A learning plan was created';
 167  $string['outcome'] = 'Outcome';
 168  $string['path'] = 'Path:';
 169  $string['parentcompetency'] = 'Parent';
 170  $string['parentcompetency_edit'] = 'Edit parent';
 171  $string['parentcompetency_help'] = 'Define the parent under which the competency will be added. It can either be another competency within the same framework, or the root of the competency framework for a top-level competency.';
 172  $string['planapprove'] = 'Make active';
 173  $string['plancompleted'] = 'Learning plan completed';
 174  $string['plancreated'] = 'Learning plan created';
 175  $string['plandescription'] = 'Description';
 176  $string['planname'] = 'Name';
 177  $string['plantemplate'] = 'Select learning plan template';
 178  $string['plantemplate_help'] = 'A learning plan created from a template will contain a list of competencies that match the template. Updates to the template will be reflected in any plan created from that template.';
 179  $string['planunapprove'] = 'Send back to draft';
 180  $string['planupdated'] = 'Learning plan updated';
 181  $string['pluginname'] = 'Learning plans';
 182  $string['points'] = 'Points';
 183  $string['pointsgivenfor'] = 'Points given for \'{$a}\'';
 184  $string['proficient'] = 'Proficient';
 185  $string['progress'] = 'Progress';
 186  $string['rate'] = 'Rate';
 187  $string['ratecomment'] = 'Evidence notes';
 188  $string['rating'] = 'Rating';
 189  $string['ratingaffectsonlycourse'] = 'Rating a competency only updates the competency in this course';
 190  $string['ratingaffectsuserplans'] = 'Rating a competency also updates the competency in all of the learning plans';
 191  $string['reopenplan'] = 'Reopen this learning plan';
 192  $string['reopenplanconfirm'] = 'Reopen the learning plan \'{$a}\'? If so, the status of the users\' competencies that was recorded at the time the plan was previously completed will be deleted, and the plan will become active again.';
 193  $string['requestreview'] = 'Request review';
 194  $string['reviewer'] = 'Reviewer';
 195  $string['reviewstatus'] = 'Review status';
 196  $string['savechanges'] = 'Save changes';
 197  $string['scale'] = 'Scale';
 198  $string['scale_help'] = 'A scale determines how proficiency is measured in a competency. After selecting a scale, it needs to be configured.
 200  * The item selected as \'Default\' is the rating given when a competency is automatically completed.
 201  * The item(s) selected as \'Proficient\' indicate(s) which value(s) will mark the competencies as proficient when they are rated.';
 202  $string['scalevalue'] = 'Scale value';
 203  $string['search'] = 'Search...';
 204  $string['selectcohortstosync'] = 'Select cohorts to sync';
 205  $string['selectcompetencymovetarget'] = 'Select a location to move this competency to:';
 206  $string['selectedcompetency'] = 'Selected competency';
 207  $string['selectuserstocreateplansfor'] = 'Select users to create learning plans for';
 208  $string['sendallcompetenciestoreview'] = 'Send all competencies in review for evidence of prior learning \'{$a}\'';
 209  $string['sendcompetenciestoreview'] = 'Send competencies for review';
 210  $string['shortname'] = 'Name';
 211  $string['sitedefault'] = ' (Site default) ';
 212  $string['startreview'] = 'Start review';
 213  $string['state'] = 'State';
 214  $string['status'] = 'Status';
 215  $string['stopreview'] = 'Finish review';
 216  $string['stopsyncingcohort'] = 'Stop syncing cohort';
 217  $string['taxonomies'] = 'Taxonomies';
 218  $string['taxonomy_add_behaviour'] = 'Add behaviour';
 219  $string['taxonomy_add_competency'] = 'Add competency';
 220  $string['taxonomy_add_concept'] = 'Add concept';
 221  $string['taxonomy_add_domain'] = 'Add domain';
 222  $string['taxonomy_add_indicator'] = 'Add indicator';
 223  $string['taxonomy_add_level'] = 'Add level';
 224  $string['taxonomy_add_outcome'] = 'Add outcome';
 225  $string['taxonomy_add_practice'] = 'Add practice';
 226  $string['taxonomy_add_proficiency'] = 'Add proficiency';
 227  $string['taxonomy_add_skill'] = 'Add skill';
 228  $string['taxonomy_add_value'] = 'Add value';
 229  $string['taxonomy_edit_behaviour'] = 'Edit behaviour';
 230  $string['taxonomy_edit_competency'] = 'Edit competency';
 231  $string['taxonomy_edit_concept'] = 'Edit concept';
 232  $string['taxonomy_edit_domain'] = 'Edit domain';
 233  $string['taxonomy_edit_indicator'] = 'Edit indicator';
 234  $string['taxonomy_edit_level'] = 'Edit level';
 235  $string['taxonomy_edit_outcome'] = 'Edit outcome';
 236  $string['taxonomy_edit_practice'] = 'Edit practice';
 237  $string['taxonomy_edit_proficiency'] = 'Edit proficiency';
 238  $string['taxonomy_edit_skill'] = 'Edit skill';
 239  $string['taxonomy_edit_value'] = 'Edit value';
 240  $string['taxonomy_parent_behaviour'] = 'Parent behaviour';
 241  $string['taxonomy_parent_competency'] = 'Parent competency';
 242  $string['taxonomy_parent_concept'] = 'Parent concept';
 243  $string['taxonomy_parent_domain'] = 'Parent domain';
 244  $string['taxonomy_parent_indicator'] = 'Parent indicator';
 245  $string['taxonomy_parent_level'] = 'Parent level';
 246  $string['taxonomy_parent_outcome'] = 'Parent outcome';
 247  $string['taxonomy_parent_practice'] = 'Parent practice';
 248  $string['taxonomy_parent_proficiency'] = 'Parent proficiency';
 249  $string['taxonomy_parent_skill'] = 'Parent skill';
 250  $string['taxonomy_parent_value'] = 'Parent value';
 251  $string['taxonomy_selected_behaviour'] = 'Selected behaviour';
 252  $string['taxonomy_selected_competency'] = 'Selected competency';
 253  $string['taxonomy_selected_concept'] = 'Selected concept';
 254  $string['taxonomy_selected_domain'] = 'Selected domain';
 255  $string['taxonomy_selected_indicator'] = 'Selected indicator';
 256  $string['taxonomy_selected_level'] = 'Selected level';
 257  $string['taxonomy_selected_outcome'] = 'Selected outcome';
 258  $string['taxonomy_selected_practice'] = 'Selected practice';
 259  $string['taxonomy_selected_proficiency'] = 'Selected proficiency';
 260  $string['taxonomy_selected_skill'] = 'Selected skill';
 261  $string['taxonomy_selected_value'] = 'Selected value';
 262  $string['template'] = 'Learning plan template';
 263  $string['templatebased'] = 'Template based';
 264  $string['templatecohortnotsyncedwhileduedateispassed'] = 'Cohorts will not be synchronised if the template\'s due date has passed.';
 265  $string['templatecohortnotsyncedwhilehidden'] = 'Cohorts will not be synchronised while this template is hidden.';
 266  $string['templatecompetencies'] = 'Learning plan template competencies';
 267  $string['templatecreated'] = 'Learning plan template created';
 268  $string['templatename'] = 'Name';
 269  $string['templates'] = 'Learning plan templates';
 270  $string['templateupdated'] = 'Learning plan template updated';
 271  $string['totalrequiredtocomplete'] = 'Total required to complete';
 272  $string['unlinkcompetencycourse'] = 'Unlink the competency \'{$a}\' from the course?';
 273  $string['unlinkcompetencyplan'] = 'Unlink the competency \'{$a}\' from the learning plan?';
 274  $string['unlinkcompetencytemplate'] = 'Unlink the competency \'{$a}\' from the learning plan template?';
 275  $string['unlinkplanstemplate'] = 'Unlink the learning plans from their template';
 276  $string['unlinkplantemplate'] = 'Unlink from learning plan template';
 277  $string['unlinkplantemplateconfirm'] = 'Unlink the learning plan \'{$a}\' from its template? Any change made to the template will no longer be applied to the plan. This action can not be undone.';
 278  $string['uponcoursecompletion'] = 'Upon course completion:';
 279  $string['uponcoursemodulecompletion'] = 'Upon activity completion:';
 280  $string['usercompetencyfrozen'] = 'This record is now frozen. It reflects the state of the user\'s competency when their learning plan was marked as complete.';
 281  $string['userevidence'] = 'Evidence of prior learning';
 282  $string['userevidencecreated'] = 'Evidence of prior learning created';
 283  $string['userevidencedescription'] = 'Description';
 284  $string['userevidencefiles'] = 'Files';
 285  $string['userevidencename'] = 'Name';
 286  $string['userevidencesummary'] = 'Summary';
 287  $string['userevidenceupdated'] = 'Evidence of prior learning updated';
 288  $string['userevidenceurl'] = 'URL';
 289  $string['userevidenceurl_help'] = 'The URL must start with \'http://\' or \'https://\'.';
 290  $string['viewdetails'] = 'View details';
 291  $string['visible'] = 'Visible';
 292  $string['visible_help'] = 'A competency framework can be hidden whilst it is being set up or updated to a new version.';
 293  $string['when'] = 'When';
 294  $string['xcompetencieslinkedoutofy'] = '{$a->x} out of {$a->y} competencies linked to courses';
 295  $string['xcompetenciesproficientoutofy'] = '{$a->x} out of {$a->y} competencies are proficient';
 296  $string['xcompetenciesproficientoutofyincourse'] = 'You are proficient in {$a->x} out of {$a->y} competencies in this course.';
 297  $string['xplanscompletedoutofy'] = '{$a->x} out of {$a->y} learning plans completed for this template';
 298  $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Learning plans plugin does not store any personal data.';