Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * Class for Moodle Mobile tools.
 * @package    tool_mobile
 * @copyright  2016 Juan Leyva
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
 * @since      Moodle 3.1
namespace tool_mobile;

use core_component;
use core_plugin_manager;
use context_system;
use moodle_url;
use moodle_exception;
use lang_string;
use curl;
use core_qrcode;
use stdClass;

 * API exposed by tool_mobile, to be used mostly by external functions and the plugin settings.
 * @copyright  2016 Juan Leyva
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
 * @since      Moodle 3.1
class api {

    /** @var int to identify the login via app. */
    const LOGIN_VIA_APP = 1;
    /** @var int to identify the login via browser. */
    const LOGIN_VIA_BROWSER = 2;
    /** @var int to identify the login via an embedded browser. */
    /** @var int seconds an auto-login key will expire. */
    const LOGIN_KEY_TTL = 60;
    /** @var string URL of the Moodle Apps Portal */
    const MOODLE_APPS_PORTAL_URL = '';
    /** @var int seconds a QR login key will expire. */
    const LOGIN_QR_KEY_TTL = 600;
    /** @var int QR code disabled value */
    const QR_CODE_DISABLED = 0;
    /** @var int QR code type URL value */
    const QR_CODE_URL = 1;
    /** @var int QR code type login value */
    const QR_CODE_LOGIN = 2;
    /** @var string Default Android app id */
    const DEFAULT_ANDROID_APP_ID = 'com.moodle.moodlemobile';
    /** @var string Default iOS app id */
    const DEFAULT_IOS_APP_ID = '633359593';

     * Returns a list of Moodle plugins supporting the mobile app.
     * @return array an array of objects containing the plugin information
    public static function get_plugins_supporting_mobile() {
        global $CFG;
        require_once($CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php');

        $cachekey = 'mobileplugins';
        if (!isloggedin()) {
            $cachekey = 'authmobileplugins';    // Use a different cache for not logged users.

        // Check if we can return this from cache.
        $cache = \cache::make('tool_mobile', 'plugininfo');
        $pluginsinfo = $cache->get($cachekey);
        if ($pluginsinfo !== false) {
            return (array)$pluginsinfo;

        $pluginsinfo = [];
        // For not logged users return only auth plugins.
        // This is to avoid anyone (not being a registered user) to obtain and download all the site remote add-ons.
        if (!isloggedin()) {
            $plugintypes = array('auth' => $CFG->dirroot.'/auth');
        } else {
            $plugintypes = core_component::get_plugin_types();

        foreach ($plugintypes as $plugintype => $unused) {
            // We need to include files here.
            $pluginswithfile = core_component::get_plugin_list_with_file($plugintype, 'db' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mobile.php');
            foreach ($pluginswithfile as $plugin => $notused) {
                $path = core_component::get_plugin_directory($plugintype, $plugin);
                $component = $plugintype . '_' . $plugin;
                $version = get_component_version($component);

                foreach ($addons as $addonname => $addoninfo) {

                    // Add handlers (for site add-ons).
                    $handlers = !empty($addoninfo['handlers']) ? $addoninfo['handlers'] : array();
                    $handlers = json_encode($handlers); // JSON formatted, since it is a complex structure that may vary over time.

                    // Now language strings used by the app.
                    $lang = array();
                    if (!empty($addoninfo['lang'])) {
                        $stringmanager = get_string_manager();
                        $langs = $stringmanager->get_list_of_translations(true);
                        foreach ($langs as $langid => $langname) {
                            foreach ($addoninfo['lang'] as $stringinfo) {
                                $lang[$langid][$stringinfo[0]] =
                                    $stringmanager->get_string($stringinfo[0], $stringinfo[1], null, $langid);
                    $lang = json_encode($lang);

                    $plugininfo = array(
                        'component' => $component,
                        'version' => $version,
                        'addon' => $addonname,
                        'dependencies' => !empty($addoninfo['dependencies']) ? $addoninfo['dependencies'] : array(),
                        'fileurl' => '',
                        'filehash' => '',
                        'filesize' => 0,
                        'handlers' => $handlers,
                        'lang' => $lang,

                    // All the mobile packages must be under the plugin mobile directory.
                    $package = $path . '/mobile/' . $addonname . '.zip';
                    if (file_exists($package)) {
                        $plugininfo['fileurl'] = $CFG->wwwroot . '' . str_replace($CFG->dirroot, '', $package);
                        $plugininfo['filehash'] = sha1_file($package);
                        $plugininfo['filesize'] = filesize($package);
                    $pluginsinfo[] = $plugininfo;

        $cache->set($cachekey, $pluginsinfo);

        return $pluginsinfo;

     * Returns a list of the site public settings, those not requiring authentication.
     * @return array with the settings and warnings
    public static function get_public_config() {
        global $CFG, $SITE, $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
        require_once($CFG->libdir . '/authlib.php');

        $context = context_system::instance();
        // We need this to make work the format text functions.

        list($authinstructions, $notusedformat) = external_format_text($CFG->auth_instructions, FORMAT_MOODLE, $context->id);
        list($maintenancemessage, $notusedformat) = external_format_text($CFG->maintenance_message, FORMAT_MOODLE, $context->id);
        $settings = array(
            'wwwroot' => $CFG->wwwroot,
            'httpswwwroot' => $CFG->wwwroot,
            'sitename' => external_format_string($SITE->fullname, $context->id, true),
            'guestlogin' => $CFG->guestloginbutton,
            'rememberusername' => $CFG->rememberusername,
            'authloginviaemail' => $CFG->authloginviaemail,
            'registerauth' => $CFG->registerauth,
            'forgottenpasswordurl' => clean_param($CFG->forgottenpasswordurl, PARAM_URL), // We may expect a mailto: here.
            'authinstructions' => $authinstructions,
            'authnoneenabled' => (int) is_enabled_auth('none'),
            'enablewebservices' => $CFG->enablewebservices,
            'enablemobilewebservice' => $CFG->enablemobilewebservice,
            'maintenanceenabled' => $CFG->maintenance_enabled,
            'maintenancemessage' => $maintenancemessage,
            'mobilecssurl' => !empty($CFG->mobilecssurl) ? $CFG->mobilecssurl : '',
            'tool_mobile_disabledfeatures' => get_config('tool_mobile', 'disabledfeatures'),
            'country' => clean_param($CFG->country, PARAM_NOTAGS),
            'agedigitalconsentverification' => \core_auth\digital_consent::is_age_digital_consent_verification_enabled(),
            'autolang' => $CFG->autolang,
            'lang' => clean_param($CFG->lang, PARAM_LANG),  // Avoid breaking WS because of incorrect package langs.
            'langmenu' => $CFG->langmenu,
            'langlist' => $CFG->langlist,
            'locale' => $CFG->locale,
            'tool_mobile_minimumversion' => get_config('tool_mobile', 'minimumversion'),
            'tool_mobile_iosappid' => get_config('tool_mobile', 'iosappid'),
            'tool_mobile_androidappid' => get_config('tool_mobile', 'androidappid'),
            'tool_mobile_setuplink' => clean_param(get_config('tool_mobile', 'setuplink'), PARAM_URL),

        $typeoflogin = get_config('tool_mobile', 'typeoflogin');
        // Not found, edge case.
        if ($typeoflogin === false) {
            $typeoflogin = self::LOGIN_VIA_APP; // Defaults to via app.
        $settings['typeoflogin'] = $typeoflogin;

        // Check if the user can sign-up to return the launch URL in that case.
        $cansignup = signup_is_enabled();

        $url = new moodle_url("/$CFG->admin/tool/mobile/launch.php");
        $settings['launchurl'] = $url->out(false);

        // Check that we are receiving a moodle_url object, themes can override get_logo_url and may return incorrect values.
        if (($logourl = $OUTPUT->get_logo_url()) && $logourl instanceof moodle_url) {
            $settings['logourl'] = clean_param($logourl->out(false), PARAM_URL);
        if (($compactlogourl = $OUTPUT->get_compact_logo_url()) && $compactlogourl instanceof moodle_url) {
            $settings['compactlogourl'] = clean_param($compactlogourl->out(false), PARAM_URL);

        // Identity providers.
        $authsequence = get_enabled_auth_plugins();
        $identityproviders = \auth_plugin_base::get_identity_providers($authsequence);
        $identityprovidersdata = \auth_plugin_base::prepare_identity_providers_for_output($identityproviders, $OUTPUT);
        if (!empty($identityprovidersdata)) {
            $settings['identityproviders'] = $identityprovidersdata;
            // Clean URLs to avoid breaking Web Services.
            // We can't do it in prepare_identity_providers_for_output() because it may break the web output.
            foreach ($settings['identityproviders'] as &$ip) {
                $ip['url'] = (!empty($ip['url'])) ? clean_param($ip['url'], PARAM_URL) : '';
                $ip['iconurl'] = (!empty($ip['iconurl'])) ? clean_param($ip['iconurl'], PARAM_URL) : '';

        // If age is verified, return also the admin contact details.
        if ($settings['agedigitalconsentverification']) {
            $settings['supportname'] = clean_param($CFG->supportname, PARAM_NOTAGS);
            $settings['supportemail'] = clean_param($CFG->supportemail, PARAM_EMAIL);

        return $settings;

     * Returns a list of site configurations, filtering by section.
     * @param  string $section section name
     * @return stdClass object containing the settings
    public static function get_config($section) {
        global $CFG, $SITE;

        $settings = new \stdClass;
        $context = context_system::instance();
        $isadmin = has_capability('moodle/site:config', $context);

        if (empty($section) or $section == 'frontpagesettings') {
            require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/format/lib.php');
            // First settings that anyone can deduce.
            $settings->fullname = external_format_string($SITE->fullname, $context->id);
            $settings->shortname = external_format_string($SITE->shortname, $context->id);

            // Return to a var instead of directly to $settings object because of differences between
            // list() in php5 and php7. {@link}
            $formattedsummary = external_format_text($SITE->summary, $SITE->summaryformat,
            $settings->summary = $formattedsummary[0];
            $settings->summaryformat = $formattedsummary[1];
            $settings->frontpage = $CFG->frontpage;
            $settings->frontpageloggedin = $CFG->frontpageloggedin;
            $settings->maxcategorydepth = $CFG->maxcategorydepth;
            $settings->frontpagecourselimit = $CFG->frontpagecourselimit;
            $settings->numsections = course_get_format($SITE)->get_last_section_number();
            $settings->newsitems = $SITE->newsitems;
            $settings->commentsperpage = $CFG->commentsperpage;

            // Now, admin settings.
            if ($isadmin) {
                $settings->defaultfrontpageroleid = $CFG->defaultfrontpageroleid;

        if (empty($section) or $section == 'sitepolicies') {
            $manager = new \core_privacy\local\sitepolicy\manager();
            $settings->sitepolicy = ($sitepolicy = $manager->get_embed_url()) ? $sitepolicy->out(false) : '';
            $settings->sitepolicyhandler = $CFG->sitepolicyhandler;
            $settings->disableuserimages = $CFG->disableuserimages;

        if (empty($section) or $section == 'gradessettings') {
            require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php');
            $settings->mygradesurl = user_mygrades_url();
            // The previous function may return moodle_url instances or plain string URLs.
            if ($settings->mygradesurl instanceof moodle_url) {
                $settings->mygradesurl = $settings->mygradesurl->out(false);

        if (empty($section) or $section == 'mobileapp') {
            $settings->tool_mobile_forcelogout = get_config('tool_mobile', 'forcelogout');
            $settings->tool_mobile_customlangstrings = get_config('tool_mobile', 'customlangstrings');
            $settings->tool_mobile_disabledfeatures = get_config('tool_mobile', 'disabledfeatures');
> $settings->tool_mobile_filetypeexclusionlist = get_config('tool_mobile', 'filetypeexclusionlist');
$settings->tool_mobile_custommenuitems = get_config('tool_mobile', 'custommenuitems'); $settings->tool_mobile_apppolicy = get_config('tool_mobile', 'apppolicy'); } if (empty($section) or $section == 'calendar') { $settings->calendartype = $CFG->calendartype; $settings->calendar_site_timeformat = $CFG->calendar_site_timeformat; $settings->calendar_startwday = $CFG->calendar_startwday; $settings->calendar_adminseesall = $CFG->calendar_adminseesall; $settings->calendar_lookahead = $CFG->calendar_lookahead; $settings->calendar_maxevents = $CFG->calendar_maxevents; } if (empty($section) or $section == 'coursecolors') { $colornumbers = range(1, 10); foreach ($colornumbers as $number) { $settings->{'core_admin_coursecolor' . $number} = get_config('core_admin', 'coursecolor' . $number); } } if (empty($section) or $section == 'supportcontact') { $settings->supportname = $CFG->supportname; $settings->supportemail = $CFG->supportemail; $settings->supportpage = $CFG->supportpage;
> } } > > if (empty($section) || $section === 'graceperiodsettings') { return $settings; > $settings->coursegraceperiodafter = $CFG->coursegraceperiodafter; } > $settings->coursegraceperiodbefore = $CFG->coursegraceperiodbefore;
/* * Check if all the required conditions are met to allow the auto-login process continue. * * @param int $userid current user id * @since Moodle 3.2 * @throws moodle_exception */ public static function check_autologin_prerequisites($userid) { global $CFG; if (!$CFG->enablewebservices or !$CFG->enablemobilewebservice) { throw new moodle_exception('enablewsdescription', 'webservice'); } if (!is_https()) { throw new moodle_exception('httpsrequired', 'tool_mobile'); } if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', context_system::instance(), $userid) or is_siteadmin($userid)) { throw new moodle_exception('autologinnotallowedtoadmins', 'tool_mobile'); } } /** * Creates an auto-login key for the current user, this key is restricted by time and ip address. * This key is used for automatically login the user in the site when the Moodle app opens the site in a mobile browser. * * @return string the key * @since Moodle 3.2 */ public static function get_autologin_key() { global $USER; // Delete previous keys. delete_user_key('tool_mobile', $USER->id); // Create a new key. $iprestriction = getremoteaddr(); $validuntil = time() + self::LOGIN_KEY_TTL; return create_user_key('tool_mobile', $USER->id, null, $iprestriction, $validuntil); } /** * Creates a QR login key for the current user, this key is restricted by time and ip address. * This key is used for automatically login the user in the site when the user scans a QR code in the Moodle app. * * @return string the key * @since Moodle 3.9 */ public static function get_qrlogin_key() { global $USER; // Delete previous keys. delete_user_key('tool_mobile', $USER->id); // Create a new key. $iprestriction = getremoteaddr(null); $validuntil = time() + self::LOGIN_QR_KEY_TTL; return create_user_key('tool_mobile', $USER->id, null, $iprestriction, $validuntil); } /** * Get a list of the Mobile app features. * * @return array array with the features grouped by theirs ubication in the app. * @since Moodle 3.3 */ public static function get_features_list() { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/authlib.php'); $general = new lang_string('general'); $mainmenu = new lang_string('mainmenu', 'tool_mobile'); $course = new lang_string('course'); $modules = new lang_string('managemodules'); $blocks = new lang_string('blocks'); $user = new lang_string('user'); $files = new lang_string('files'); $remoteaddons = new lang_string('remoteaddons', 'tool_mobile'); $identityproviders = new lang_string('oauth2identityproviders', 'tool_mobile'); $availablemods = core_plugin_manager::instance()->get_plugins_of_type('mod'); $coursemodules = array(); $appsupportedmodules = array( 'assign', 'book', 'chat', 'choice', 'data', 'feedback', 'folder', 'forum', 'glossary', 'h5pactivity', 'imscp', 'label', 'lesson', 'lti', 'page', 'quiz', 'resource', 'scorm', 'survey', 'url', 'wiki', 'workshop'); foreach ($availablemods as $mod) { if (in_array($mod->name, $appsupportedmodules)) { $coursemodules['$mmCourseDelegate_mmaMod' . ucfirst($mod->name)] = $mod->displayname; } } asort($coursemodules); $remoteaddonslist = array(); $mobileplugins = self::get_plugins_supporting_mobile(); foreach ($mobileplugins as $plugin) { $displayname = core_plugin_manager::instance()->plugin_name($plugin['component']) . " - " . $plugin['addon']; $remoteaddonslist['sitePlugin_' . $plugin['component'] . '_' . $plugin['addon']] = $displayname; } // Display blocks. $availableblocks = core_plugin_manager::instance()->get_plugins_of_type('block'); $courseblocks = array(); $appsupportedblocks = array( 'activity_modules' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockActivityModules', 'activity_results' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockActivityResults', 'site_main_menu' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockSiteMainMenu', 'myoverview' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockMyOverview', 'timeline' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockTimeline', 'recentlyaccessedcourses' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockRecentlyAccessedCourses', 'starredcourses' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockStarredCourses', 'recentlyaccesseditems' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockRecentlyAccessedItems', 'badges' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockBadges', 'blog_menu' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockBlogMenu', 'blog_recent' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockBlogRecent', 'blog_tags' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockBlogTags', 'calendar_month' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockCalendarMonth', 'calendar_upcoming' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockCalendarUpcoming', 'comments' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockComments', 'completionstatus' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockCompletionStatus', 'feedback' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockFeedback', 'glossary_random' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockGlossaryRandom', 'html' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockHtml', 'lp' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockLp', 'news_items' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockNewsItems', 'online_users' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockOnlineUsers', 'selfcompletion' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockSelfCompletion', 'tags' => 'CoreBlockDelegate_AddonBlockTags', ); foreach ($availableblocks as $block) { if (isset($appsupportedblocks[$block->name])) { $courseblocks[$appsupportedblocks[$block->name]] = $block->displayname; } } asort($courseblocks); $features = array( "$general" => array( 'NoDelegate_CoreOffline' => new lang_string('offlineuse', 'tool_mobile'), 'NoDelegate_SiteBlocks' => new lang_string('blocks'), 'NoDelegate_CoreComments' => new lang_string('comments'), 'NoDelegate_CoreRating' => new lang_string('ratings', 'rating'), 'NoDelegate_CoreTag' => new lang_string('tags'), '$mmLoginEmailSignup' => new lang_string('startsignup'), 'NoDelegate_ForgottenPassword' => new lang_string('forgotten'), 'NoDelegate_ResponsiveMainMenuItems' => new lang_string('responsivemainmenuitems', 'tool_mobile'), 'NoDelegate_H5POffline' => new lang_string('h5poffline', 'tool_mobile'), 'NoDelegate_DarkMode' => new lang_string('darkmode', 'tool_mobile'), 'CoreFilterDelegate' => new lang_string('type_filter_plural', 'plugin'), ), "$mainmenu" => array( '$mmSideMenuDelegate_mmaFrontpage' => new lang_string('sitehome'), '$mmSideMenuDelegate_mmCourses' => new lang_string('mycourses'), 'CoreMainMenuDelegate_CoreCoursesDashboard' => new lang_string('myhome'), '$mmSideMenuDelegate_mmaCalendar' => new lang_string('calendar', 'calendar'), '$mmSideMenuDelegate_mmaNotifications' => new lang_string('notifications', 'message'), '$mmSideMenuDelegate_mmaMessages' => new lang_string('messages', 'message'), '$mmSideMenuDelegate_mmaGrades' => new lang_string('grades', 'grades'), '$mmSideMenuDelegate_mmaCompetency' => new lang_string('myplans', 'tool_lp'), 'CoreMainMenuDelegate_AddonBlog' => new lang_string('blog', 'blog'), '$mmSideMenuDelegate_mmaFiles' => new lang_string('files'), 'CoreMainMenuDelegate_CoreTag' => new lang_string('tags'), '$mmSideMenuDelegate_website' => new lang_string('webpage'), '$mmSideMenuDelegate_help' => new lang_string('help'), 'CoreMainMenuDelegate_QrReader' => new lang_string('scanqrcode', 'tool_mobile'), ), "$course" => array( 'NoDelegate_CourseBlocks' => new lang_string('blocks'), 'CoreCourseOptionsDelegate_AddonBlog' => new lang_string('blog', 'blog'), '$mmCoursesDelegate_search' => new lang_string('search'), '$mmCoursesDelegate_mmaCompetency' => new lang_string('competencies', 'competency'), '$mmCoursesDelegate_mmaParticipants' => new lang_string('participants'), '$mmCoursesDelegate_mmaGrades' => new lang_string('grades', 'grades'), '$mmCoursesDelegate_mmaCourseCompletion' => new lang_string('coursecompletion', 'completion'), '$mmCoursesDelegate_mmaNotes' => new lang_string('notes', 'notes'), 'NoDelegate_CoreCourseDownload' => new lang_string('downloadcourse', 'tool_mobile'), 'NoDelegate_CoreCoursesDownload' => new lang_string('downloadcourses', 'tool_mobile'), ), "$user" => array( 'CoreUserDelegate_AddonBlog:blogs' => new lang_string('blog', 'blog'), '$mmUserDelegate_mmaBadges' => new lang_string('badges', 'badges'), '$mmUserDelegate_mmaCompetency:learningPlan' => new lang_string('competencies', 'competency'), '$mmUserDelegate_mmaCourseCompletion:viewCompletion' => new lang_string('coursecompletion', 'completion'), '$mmUserDelegate_mmaGrades:viewGrades' => new lang_string('grades', 'grades'), '$mmUserDelegate_mmaMessages:sendMessage' => new lang_string('sendmessage', 'message'), '$mmUserDelegate_mmaMessages:addContact' => new lang_string('addcontact', 'message'), '$mmUserDelegate_mmaMessages:blockContact' => new lang_string('blockcontact', 'message'), '$mmUserDelegate_mmaNotes:addNote' => new lang_string('addnewnote', 'notes'), '$mmUserDelegate_picture' => new lang_string('userpic'), ), "$files" => array( 'files_privatefiles' => new lang_string('privatefiles'), 'files_sitefiles' => new lang_string('sitefiles'), 'files_upload' => new lang_string('upload'), ), "$modules" => $coursemodules, "$blocks" => $courseblocks, ); if (!empty($remoteaddonslist)) { $features["$remoteaddons"] = $remoteaddonslist; } if (!empty($availablemods['lti'])) { $ltidisplayname = $availablemods['lti']->displayname; $features["$ltidisplayname"]['CoreCourseModuleDelegate_AddonModLti:openInAppBrowser'] = new lang_string('openusingembeddedbrowser', 'tool_mobile'); } // Display OAuth 2 identity providers. if (is_enabled_auth('oauth2')) { $identityproviderslist = array(); $idps = \auth_plugin_base::get_identity_providers(['oauth2']); foreach ($idps as $idp) { // Only add identity providers that have an ID. $id = isset($idp['url']) ? $idp['url']->get_param('id') : null; if ($id != null) { $identityproviderslist['NoDelegate_IdentityProvider_' . $id] = $idp['name']; } } if (!empty($identityproviderslist)) { $features["$identityproviders"] = array(); if (count($identityproviderslist) > 1) { // Include an option to disable them all. $features["$identityproviders"]['NoDelegate_IdentityProviders'] = new lang_string('all'); } $features["$identityproviders"] = array_merge($features["$identityproviders"], $identityproviderslist); } } return $features; } /** * This function check the current site for potential configuration issues that may prevent the mobile app to work. * * @return array list of potential issues * @since Moodle 3.4 */ public static function get_potential_config_issues() { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . "/lib/filelib.php"); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/message/lib.php'); $warnings = array(); $curl = new curl(); // Return certificate information and verify the certificate. $curl->setopt(array('CURLOPT_CERTINFO' => 1, 'CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER' => true)); $httpswwwroot = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $CFG->wwwroot); // Force https url. // Check https using a page not redirecting or returning exceptions. $curl->head($httpswwwroot . "/$CFG->admin/tool/mobile/mobile.webmanifest.php"); $info = $curl->get_info(); // First of all, check the server certificate (if any). if (empty($info['http_code']) or ($info['http_code'] >= 400)) { $warnings[] = ['nohttpsformobilewarning', 'admin']; } else { // Check the certificate is not self-signed or has an untrusted-root. // This may be weak in some scenarios (when the curl SSL verifier is outdated). if (empty($info['certinfo'])) { $warnings[] = ['selfsignedoruntrustedcertificatewarning', 'tool_mobile']; } else { $timenow = time(); $expectedissuer = null; foreach ($info['certinfo'] as $cert) { // Due to a bug in certain curl/openssl versions the signature algorithm isn't always correctly parsed. // See for reference. if (!array_key_exists('Signature Algorithm', $cert)) { // The malformed field that does contain the algorithm we're looking for looks like the following: // <WHITESPACE>Signature Algorithm: <ALGORITHM><CRLF><ALGORITHM>. preg_match('/\s+Signature Algorithm: (?<algorithm>[^\s]+)/', $cert['Public Key Algorithm'], $matches); $signaturealgorithm = $matches['algorithm'] ?? ''; } else { $signaturealgorithm = $cert['Signature Algorithm']; } // Check if the signature algorithm is weak (Android won't work with SHA-1). if ($signaturealgorithm == 'sha1WithRSAEncryption' || $signaturealgorithm == 'sha1WithRSA') { $warnings[] = ['insecurealgorithmwarning', 'tool_mobile']; } // Check certificate start date. if (strtotime($cert['Start date']) > $timenow) { $warnings[] = ['invalidcertificatestartdatewarning', 'tool_mobile']; } // Check certificate end date. if (strtotime($cert['Expire date']) < $timenow) { $warnings[] = ['invalidcertificateexpiredatewarning', 'tool_mobile']; } // Check the chain. if ($expectedissuer !== null) { if ($expectedissuer !== $cert['Subject'] || $cert['Subject'] === $cert['Issuer']) { $warnings[] = ['invalidcertificatechainwarning', 'tool_mobile']; } } $expectedissuer = $cert['Issuer']; } } } // Now check typical configuration problems. if ((int) $CFG->userquota === PHP_INT_MAX) { // In old Moodle version was a text so was possible to have numeric values > PHP_INT_MAX. $warnings[] = ['invaliduserquotawarning', 'tool_mobile']; } // Check ADOdb debug enabled. if (get_config('auth_db', 'debugauthdb') || get_config('enrol_database', 'debugdb')) { $warnings[] = ['adodbdebugwarning', 'tool_mobile']; } // Check display errors on. if (!empty($CFG->debugdisplay)) { $warnings[] = ['displayerrorswarning', 'tool_mobile']; } // Check mobile notifications. $processors = get_message_processors(); $enabled = false; foreach ($processors as $processor => $status) { if ($processor == 'airnotifier' && $status->enabled) { $enabled = true; } } if (!$enabled) { $warnings[] = ['mobilenotificationsdisabledwarning', 'tool_mobile']; } return $warnings; } /** * Generates a QR code with the site URL or for automatic login from the mobile app. * * @param stdClass $mobilesettings tool_mobile settings * @return string base64 data image contents, null if qr disabled */ public static function generate_login_qrcode(stdClass $mobilesettings) { global $CFG, $USER; if ($mobilesettings->qrcodetype == static::QR_CODE_DISABLED) { return null; } $urlscheme = !empty($mobilesettings->forcedurlscheme) ? $mobilesettings->forcedurlscheme : 'moodlemobile'; $data = $urlscheme . '://' . $CFG->wwwroot; if ($mobilesettings->qrcodetype == static::QR_CODE_LOGIN) { $qrloginkey = static::get_qrlogin_key(); $data .= '?qrlogin=' . $qrloginkey . '&userid=' . $USER->id; } $qrcode = new core_qrcode($data); $imagedata = 'data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode($qrcode->getBarcodePngData(5, 5)); return $imagedata; } /** * Gets Moodle app plan subscription information for the current site as it is returned by the Apps Portal. * * @return array Subscription information */ public static function get_subscription_information() : ?array { global $CFG; // Use session cache to prevent multiple requests. $cache = \cache::make('tool_mobile', 'subscriptiondata'); $subscriptiondata = $cache->get(0); if ($subscriptiondata !== false) { return $subscriptiondata; } $mobilesettings = get_config('tool_mobile'); // To validate that the requests come from this site we need to send some private information that only is known by the // Moodle Apps portal or the Sites registration database. $credentials = []; if (!empty($CFG->airnotifieraccesskey)) { $credentials[] = ['type' => 'airnotifieraccesskey', 'value' => $CFG->airnotifieraccesskey]; } if (\core\hub\registration::is_registered()) { $credentials[] = ['type' => 'siteid', 'value' => $CFG->siteidentifier]; } // Generate a hash key for validating that the request is coming from this site via WS. $key = complex_random_string(32); $sitesubscriptionkey = json_encode(['validuntil' => time() + 10 * MINSECS, 'key' => $key]); set_config('sitesubscriptionkey', $sitesubscriptionkey, 'tool_mobile'); $credentials[] = ['type' => 'sitesubscriptionkey', 'value' => $key]; // Parameters for the WebService returning site information. $androidappid = empty($mobilesettings->androidappid) ? static::DEFAULT_ANDROID_APP_ID : $mobilesettings->androidappid; $iosappid = empty($mobilesettings->iosappid) ? static::DEFAULT_IOS_APP_ID : $mobilesettings->iosappid; $fnparams = (object) [ 'siteurl' => $CFG->wwwroot, 'appids' => [$androidappid, $iosappid], 'credentials' => $credentials, ]; // Prepare the arguments for a request to the AJAX nologin endpoint. $args = [ (object) [ 'index' => 0, 'methodname' => 'local_apps_get_site_info', 'args' => $fnparams, ] ]; // Ask the Moodle Apps Portal for the subscription information. $curl = new curl(); $curl->setopt(array('CURLOPT_TIMEOUT' => 10, 'CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT' => 10)); $serverurl = static::MOODLE_APPS_PORTAL_URL . "/lib/ajax/service-nologin.php"; $query = 'args=' . urlencode(json_encode($args)); $wsresponse = @json_decode($curl->post($serverurl, $query), true); $info = $curl->get_info(); if ($curlerrno = $curl->get_errno()) { // CURL connection error. debugging("Unexpected response from the Moodle Apps Portal server, CURL error number: $curlerrno"); return null; } else if ($info['http_code'] != 200) { // Unexpected error from server. debugging('Unexpected response from the Moodle Apps Portal server, HTTP code:' . $info['httpcode']); return null; } else if (!empty($wsresponse[0]['error'])) { // Unexpected error from Moodle Apps Portal. debugging('Unexpected response from the Moodle Apps Portal server:' . json_encode($wsresponse[0])); return null; } else if (empty($wsresponse[0]['data'])) { debugging('Unexpected response from the Moodle Apps Portal server:' . json_encode($wsresponse)); return null; } $cache->set(0, $wsresponse[0]['data']); return $wsresponse[0]['data']; } }