Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 310 and 401] [Versions 310 and 402] [Versions 310 and 403] [Versions 39 and 310]
1 <?php 2 // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ 3 // 4 // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 7 // (at your option) any later version. 8 // 9 // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 11 // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 12 // GNU General Public License for more details. 13 // 14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 15 // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 16 17 /** 18 * Strings for component 'tool_uploadcourse'. 19 * 20 * @package tool_uploadcourse 21 * @copyright 2011 Piers Harding 22 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later 23 */ 24 25 $string['allowdeletes'] = 'Allow deletes'; 26 $string['allowdeletes_help'] = 'Whether the delete field is accepted or not.'; 27 $string['allowrenames'] = 'Allow renames'; 28 $string['allowrenames_help'] = 'Whether the rename field is accepted or not.'; 29 $string['allowresets'] = 'Allow resets'; 30 $string['allowresets_help'] = 'Whether the reset field is accepted or not.'; 31 $string['cachedef_helper'] = 'Helper caching'; 32 $string['cannotdeletecoursenotexist'] = 'Cannot delete a course that does not exist'; 33 $string['cannotforcelang'] = 'No permission to force language for this course'; 34 $string['cannotgenerateshortnameupdatemode'] = 'Cannot generate a shortname when updates are allowed'; 35 $string['cannotreadbackupfile'] = 'Cannot read the backup file'; 36 $string['cannotrenamecoursenotexist'] = 'Cannot rename a course that does not exist'; 37 $string['cannotrenameidnumberconflict'] = 'Cannot rename the course, the ID number conflicts with an existing course'; 38 $string['cannotrenameshortnamealreadyinuse'] = 'Cannot rename the course, the shortname is already used'; 39 $string['cannotupdatefrontpage'] = 'It is forbidden to modify the front page'; 40 $string['canonlyrenameinupdatemode'] = 'Can only rename a course when update is allowed'; 41 $string['canonlyresetcourseinupdatemode'] = 'Can only reset a course in update mode'; 42 $string['couldnotresolvecatgorybyid'] = 'Could not resolve category by ID'; 43 $string['couldnotresolvecatgorybyidnumber'] = 'Could not resolve category by ID number'; 44 $string['couldnotresolvecatgorybypath'] = 'Could not resolve category by path'; 45 $string['coursecreated'] = 'Course created'; 46 $string['coursedeleted'] = 'Course deleted'; 47 $string['coursedeletionnotallowed'] = 'Course deletion is not allowed'; 48 $string['coursedoesnotexistandcreatenotallowed'] = 'The course does not exist and creating course is not allowed'; 49 $string['courseexistsanduploadnotallowed'] = 'The course exists and update is not allowed'; 50 $string['coursefile'] = 'File'; 51 $string['coursefile_help'] = 'This file must be a CSV file.'; 52 $string['courseidnumberincremented'] = 'Course ID number incremented {$a->from} -> {$a->to}'; 53 $string['courseprocess'] = 'Course process'; 54 $string['courserenamed'] = 'Course renamed'; 55 $string['courserenamingnotallowed'] = 'Course renaming is not allowed'; 56 $string['coursereset'] = 'Course reset'; 57 $string['courseresetnotallowed'] = 'Course reset now allowed'; 58 $string['courserestored'] = 'Course restored'; 59 $string['coursestotal'] = 'Courses total: {$a}'; 60 $string['coursescreated'] = 'Courses created: {$a}'; 61 $string['coursesupdated'] = 'Courses updated: {$a}'; 62 $string['coursesdeleted'] = 'Courses deleted: {$a}'; 63 $string['courseserrors'] = 'Courses errors: {$a}'; 64 $string['courseshortnameincremented'] = 'Course shortname incremented {$a->from} -> {$a->to}'; 65 $string['courseshortnamegenerated'] = 'Course shortname generated: {$a}'; 66 $string['coursetemplatename'] = 'Restore from this course after upload'; 67 $string['coursetemplatename_help'] = 'Enter an existing course shortname to use as a template for the creation of all courses.'; 68 $string['coursetorestorefromdoesnotexist'] = 'The course to restore from does not exist'; 69 $string['courseupdated'] = 'Course updated'; 70 $string['createall'] = 'Create all, increment shortname if needed'; 71 $string['createnew'] = 'Create new courses only, skip existing ones'; 72 $string['createorupdate'] = 'Create new courses, or update existing ones'; 73 $string['csvdelimiter'] = 'CSV delimiter'; 74 $string['csvdelimiter_help'] = 'CSV delimiter of the CSV file.'; 75 $string['csvfileerror'] = 'There is something wrong with the format of the CSV file. Please check the number of headings and columns match, and that the delimiter and file encoding are correct: {$a}'; 76 $string['csvline'] = 'Line'; 77 $string['defaultvalues'] = 'Default course values'; 78 $string['defaultvaluescustomfieldcategory'] = 'Default values for \'{$a}\''; 79 $string['encoding'] = 'Encoding'; 80 $string['encoding_help'] = 'Encoding of the CSV file.'; 81 $string['errorcannotcreateorupdateenrolment'] = 'Cannot create or update enrolment method \'{$a}\''; 82 $string['errorcannotdeleteenrolment'] = 'Cannot delete enrolment method \'{$a}\''; 83 $string['errorcannotdisableenrolment'] = 'Cannot disable enrolment method \'{$a}\''; 84 $string['errorwhilerestoringcourse'] = 'Error while restoring the course'; 85 $string['errorwhiledeletingcourse'] = 'Error while deleting the course'; 86 $string['generatedshortnameinvalid'] = 'The generated shortname is invalid'; 87 $string['generatedshortnamealreadyinuse'] = 'The generated shortname is already in use'; 88 $string['id'] = 'ID'; 89 $string['importoptions'] = 'Import options'; 90 $string['idnumberalreadyinuse'] = 'ID number already used by a course'; 91 $string['invalidbackupfile'] = 'Invalid backup file'; 92 $string['invalidcourseformat'] = 'Invalid course format'; 93 $string['invalidcsvfile'] = 'Invalid input CSV file'; 94 $string['invalidencoding'] = 'Invalid encoding'; 95 $string['invalidmode'] = 'Invalid mode selected'; 96 $string['invalideupdatemode'] = 'Invalid update mode selected'; 97 $string['invalidvisibilitymode'] = 'Invalid visible mode'; 98 $string['invalidroles'] = 'Invalid role names: {$a}'; 99 $string['invalidshortname'] = 'Invalid shortname'; 100 $string['invalidfullnametoolong'] = 'The fullname field is limited to {$a} characters'; 101 $string['invalidshortnametoolong'] = 'The shortname field is limited to {$a} characters'; 102 $string['missingmandatoryfields'] = 'Missing value for mandatory fields: {$a}'; 103 $string['missingshortnamenotemplate'] = 'Missing shortname and shortname template not set'; 104 $string['mode'] = 'Upload mode'; 105 $string['mode_help'] = 'This allows you to specify if courses can be created and/or updated.'; 106 $string['nochanges'] = 'No changes'; 107 $string['pluginname'] = 'Course upload'; 108 $string['preview'] = 'Preview'; 109 $string['customfieldinvalid'] = 'Custom field \'{$a}\' is empty or contains invalid data'; 110 $string['reset'] = 'Reset course after upload'; 111 $string['reset_help'] = 'Whether to reset the course after creating/updating it.'; 112 $string['result'] = 'Result'; 113 $string['restoreafterimport'] = 'Restore after import'; 114 $string['rowpreviewnum'] = 'Preview rows'; 115 $string['rowpreviewnum_help'] = 'Number of rows from the CSV file that will be previewed on the following page. This option is for limiting the size of the following page.'; 116 $string['shortnametemplate'] = 'Template to generate a shortname'; 117 $string['shortnametemplate_help'] = 'The short name of the course is displayed in the navigation. You may use template syntax here (%f = fullname, %i = idnumber), or enter an initial value that is incremented.'; 118 $string['templatefile'] = 'Restore from this file after upload'; 119 $string['templatefile_help'] = 'Select a file to use as a template for the creation of all courses.'; 120 $string['unknownimportmode'] = 'Unknown import mode'; 121 $string['updatemissing'] = 'Fill in missing items from CSV data and defaults'; 122 $string['updatemode'] = 'Update mode'; 123 $string['updatemode_help'] = 'If you allow courses to be updated, you also have to tell the tool what to update the courses with.'; 124 $string['updatemodedoessettonothing'] = 'Update mode does not allow anything to be updated'; 125 $string['updateonly'] = 'Only update existing courses'; 126 $string['updatewithdataordefaults'] = 'Update with CSV data and defaults'; 127 $string['updatewithdataonly'] = 'Update with CSV data only'; 128 $string['uploadcourses'] = 'Upload courses'; 129 $string['uploadcourses_help'] = 'Courses may be uploaded via text file. The format of the file should be as follows: 130 131 * Each line of the file contains one record 132 * Each record is a series of data separated by commas (or other delimiters) 133 * The first record contains a list of fieldnames defining the format of the rest of the file 134 * Required fieldnames are shortname, fullname, and category'; 135 $string['uploadcoursespreview'] = 'Upload courses preview'; 136 $string['uploadcoursesresult'] = 'Upload courses results'; 137 $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Course upload plugin does not store any personal data.';