Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 310 and 401] [Versions 310 and 402] [Versions 310 and 403]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * Class process
  19   *
  20   * @package     tool_uploaduser
  21   * @copyright   2020 Moodle
  22   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  23   */
  25  namespace tool_uploaduser;
  27  defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  29  use context_system;
  30  use tool_uploaduser\local\field_value_validators;
  32  require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/lib.php');
  33  require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/lib.php');
  34  require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/group/lib.php');
  35  require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/cohort/lib.php');
  36  require_once($CFG->libdir.'/csvlib.class.php');
  37  require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/tool/uploaduser/locallib.php');
  39  /**
  40   * Process CSV file with users data, this will create/update users, enrol them into courses, etc
  41   *
  42   * @package     tool_uploaduser
  43   * @copyright   2020 Moodle
  44   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  45   */
  46  class process {
  48      /** @var \csv_import_reader  */
  49      protected $cir;
  50      /** @var \stdClass  */
  51      protected $formdata;
  52      /** @var \uu_progress_tracker  */
  53      protected $upt;
  54      /** @var array  */
  55      protected $filecolumns = null;
  56      /** @var int  */
  57      protected $today;
  58      /** @var \enrol_plugin|null */
  59      protected $manualenrol = null;
  60      /** @var array */
  61      protected $standardfields = [];
  62      /** @var array */
  63      protected $profilefields = [];
  64      /** @var array */
  65      protected $allprofilefields = [];
  66      /** @var string|\uu_progress_tracker|null  */
  67      protected $progresstrackerclass = null;
  69      /** @var int */
  70      protected $usersnew      = 0;
  71      /** @var int */
  72      protected $usersupdated  = 0;
  73      /** @var int /not printed yet anywhere */
  74      protected $usersuptodate = 0;
  75      /** @var int */
  76      protected $userserrors   = 0;
  77      /** @var int */
  78      protected $deletes       = 0;
  79      /** @var int */
  80      protected $deleteerrors  = 0;
  81      /** @var int */
  82      protected $renames       = 0;
  83      /** @var int */
  84      protected $renameerrors  = 0;
  85      /** @var int */
  86      protected $usersskipped  = 0;
  87      /** @var int */
  88      protected $weakpasswords = 0;
  90      /** @var array course cache - do not fetch all courses here, we  will not probably use them all anyway */
  91      protected $ccache         = [];
  92      /** @var array */
  93      protected $cohorts        = [];
  94      /** @var array  Course roles lookup cache. */
  95      protected $rolecache      = [];
  96      /** @var array System roles lookup cache. */
  97      protected $sysrolecache   = [];
  98      /** @var array cache of used manual enrol plugins in each course */
  99      protected $manualcache    = [];
 100      /** @var array officially supported plugins that are enabled */
 101      protected $supportedauths = [];
 103      /**
 104       * process constructor.
 105       *
 106       * @param \csv_import_reader $cir
 107       * @param string|null $progresstrackerclass
 108       * @throws \coding_exception
 109       */
 110      public function __construct(\csv_import_reader $cir, string $progresstrackerclass = null) {
 111          $this->cir = $cir;
 112          if ($progresstrackerclass) {
 113              if (!class_exists($progresstrackerclass) || !is_subclass_of($progresstrackerclass, \uu_progress_tracker::class)) {
 114                  throw new \coding_exception('Progress tracker class must extend \uu_progress_tracker');
 115              }
 116              $this->progresstrackerclass = $progresstrackerclass;
 117          } else {
 118              $this->progresstrackerclass = \uu_progress_tracker::class;
 119          }
 121          // Keep timestamp consistent.
 122          $today = time();
 123          $today = make_timestamp(date('Y', $today), date('m', $today), date('d', $today), 0, 0, 0);
 124          $this->today = $today;
 126          $this->rolecache      = uu_allowed_roles_cache(); // Course roles lookup cache.
 127          $this->sysrolecache   = uu_allowed_sysroles_cache(); // System roles lookup cache.
 128          $this->supportedauths = uu_supported_auths(); // Officially supported plugins that are enabled.
 130          if (enrol_is_enabled('manual')) {
 131              // We use only manual enrol plugin here, if it is disabled no enrol is done.
 132              $this->manualenrol = enrol_get_plugin('manual');
 133          }
 135          $this->find_profile_fields();
 136          $this->find_standard_fields();
 137      }
 139      /**
 140       * Standard user fields.
 141       */
 142      protected function find_standard_fields(): void {
 143          $this->standardfields = array('id', 'username', 'email', 'emailstop',
 144              'city', 'country', 'lang', 'timezone', 'mailformat',
 145              'maildisplay', 'maildigest', 'htmleditor', 'autosubscribe',
 146              'institution', 'department', 'idnumber', 'skype',
 147              'msn', 'aim', 'yahoo', 'icq', 'phone1', 'phone2', 'address',
 148              'url', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'password',
 149              'auth',        // Watch out when changing auth type or using external auth plugins!
 150              'oldusername', // Use when renaming users - this is the original username.
 151              'suspended',   // 1 means suspend user account, 0 means activate user account, nothing means keep as is.
 152              'theme',       // Define a theme for user when 'allowuserthemes' is enabled.
 153              'deleted',     // 1 means delete user
 154              'mnethostid',  // Can not be used for adding, updating or deleting of users - only for enrolments,
 155                             // groups, cohorts and suspending.
 156              'interests',
 157          );
 158          // Include all name fields.
 159          $this->standardfields = array_merge($this->standardfields, get_all_user_name_fields());
 160      }
 162      /**
 163       * Profile fields
 164       */
 165      protected function find_profile_fields(): void {
 166          global $DB;
 167          $this->allprofilefields = $DB->get_records('user_info_field');
 168          $this->profilefields = [];
 169          if ($proffields = $this->allprofilefields) {
 170              foreach ($proffields as $key => $proffield) {
 171                  $profilefieldname = 'profile_field_'.$proffield->shortname;
 172                  $this->profilefields[] = $profilefieldname;
 173                  // Re-index $proffields with key as shortname. This will be
 174                  // used while checking if profile data is key and needs to be converted (eg. menu profile field).
 175                  $proffields[$profilefieldname] = $proffield;
 176                  unset($proffields[$key]);
 177              }
 178              $this->allprofilefields = $proffields;
 179          }
 180      }
 182      /**
 183       * Returns the list of columns in the file
 184       *
 185       * @return array
 186       */
 187      public function get_file_columns(): array {
 188          if ($this->filecolumns === null) {
 189              $returnurl = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/uploaduser/index.php');
 190              $this->filecolumns = uu_validate_user_upload_columns($this->cir,
 191                  $this->standardfields, $this->profilefields, $returnurl);
 192          }
 193          return $this->filecolumns;
 194      }
 196      /**
 197       * Set data from the form (or from CLI options)
 198       *
 199       * @param \stdClass $formdata
 200       */
 201      public function set_form_data(\stdClass $formdata): void {
 202          global $SESSION;
 203          $this->formdata = $formdata;
 205          // Clear bulk selection.
 206          if ($this->get_bulk()) {
 207              $SESSION->bulk_users = array();
 208          }
 209      }
 211      /**
 212       * Operation type
 213       * @return int
 214       */
 215      protected function get_operation_type(): int {
 216          return (int)$this->formdata->uutype;
 217      }
 219      /**
 220       * Setting to allow deletes
 221       * @return bool
 222       */
 223      protected function get_allow_deletes(): bool {
 224          $optype = $this->get_operation_type();
 225          return (!empty($this->formdata->uuallowdeletes) and $optype != UU_USER_ADDNEW and $optype != UU_USER_ADDINC);
 226      }
 228      /**
 229       * Setting to allow deletes
 230       * @return bool
 231       */
 232      protected function get_allow_renames(): bool {
 233          $optype = $this->get_operation_type();
 234          return (!empty($this->formdata->uuallowrenames) and $optype != UU_USER_ADDNEW and $optype != UU_USER_ADDINC);
 235      }
 237      /**
 238       * Setting to select for bulk actions (not available in CLI)
 239       * @return bool
 240       */
 241      public function get_bulk(): bool {
 242          return $this->formdata->uubulk ?? false;
 243      }
 245      /**
 246       * Setting for update type
 247       * @return int
 248       */
 249      protected function get_update_type(): int {
 250          return isset($this->formdata->uuupdatetype) ? $this->formdata->uuupdatetype : 0;
 251      }
 253      /**
 254       * Setting to allow update passwords
 255       * @return bool
 256       */
 257      protected function get_update_passwords(): bool {
 258          return !empty($this->formdata->uupasswordold)
 259              and $this->get_operation_type() != UU_USER_ADDNEW
 260              and $this->get_operation_type() != UU_USER_ADDINC
 261              and ($this->get_update_type() == UU_UPDATE_FILEOVERRIDE or $this->get_update_type() == UU_UPDATE_ALLOVERRIDE);
 262      }
 264      /**
 265       * Setting to allow email duplicates
 266       * @return bool
 267       */
 268      protected function get_allow_email_duplicates(): bool {
 269          global $CFG;
 270          return !(empty($CFG->allowaccountssameemail) ? 1 : $this->formdata->uunoemailduplicates);
 271      }
 273      /**
 274       * Setting for reset password
 276       */
 277      protected function get_reset_passwords(): int {
 278          return isset($this->formdata->uuforcepasswordchange) ? $this->formdata->uuforcepasswordchange : UU_PWRESET_NONE;
 279      }
 281      /**
 282       * Setting to allow create passwords
 283       * @return bool
 284       */
 285      protected function get_create_paswords(): bool {
 286          return (!empty($this->formdata->uupasswordnew) and $this->get_operation_type() != UU_USER_UPDATE);
 287      }
 289      /**
 290       * Setting to allow suspends
 291       * @return bool
 292       */
 293      protected function get_allow_suspends(): bool {
 294          return !empty($this->formdata->uuallowsuspends);
 295      }
 297      /**
 298       * Setting to normalise user names
 299       * @return bool
 300       */
 301      protected function get_normalise_user_names(): bool {
 302          return !empty($this->formdata->uustandardusernames);
 303      }
 305      /**
 306       * Helper method to return Yes/No string
 307       *
 308       * @param bool $value
 309       * @return string
 310       */
 311      protected function get_string_yes_no($value): string {
 312          return $value ? get_string('yes') : get_string('no');
 313      }
 315      /**
 316       * Process the CSV file
 317       */
 318      public function process() {
 319          // Init csv import helper.
 320          $this->cir->init();
 322          $classname = $this->progresstrackerclass;
 323          $this->upt = new $classname();
 324          $this->upt->start(); // Start table.
 326          $linenum = 1; // Column header is first line.
 327          while ($line = $this->cir->next()) {
 328              $this->upt->flush();
 329              $linenum++;
 331              $this->upt->track('line', $linenum);
 332              $this->process_line($line);
 333          }
 335          $this->upt->close(); // Close table.
 336          $this->cir->close();
 337          $this->cir->cleanup(true);
 338      }
 340      /**
 341       * Prepare one line from CSV file as a user record
 342       *
 343       * @param array $line
 344       * @return \stdClass|null
 345       */
 346      protected function prepare_user_record(array $line): ?\stdClass {
 347          global $CFG, $USER;
 349          $user = new \stdClass();
 351          // Add fields to user object.
 352          foreach ($line as $keynum => $value) {
 353              if (!isset($this->get_file_columns()[$keynum])) {
 354                  // This should not happen.
 355                  continue;
 356              }
 357              $key = $this->get_file_columns()[$keynum];
 358              if (strpos($key, 'profile_field_') === 0) {
 359                  // NOTE: bloody mega hack alert!!
 360                  if (isset($USER->$key) and is_array($USER->$key)) {
 361                      // This must be some hacky field that is abusing arrays to store content and format.
 362                      $user->$key = array();
 363                      $user->{$key['text']}   = $value;
 364                      $user->{$key['format']} = FORMAT_MOODLE;
 365                  } else {
 366                      $user->$key = trim($value);
 367                  }
 368              } else {
 369                  $user->$key = trim($value);
 370              }
 372              if (in_array($key, $this->upt->columns)) {
 373                  // Default value in progress tracking table, can be changed later.
 374                  $this->upt->track($key, s($value), 'normal');
 375              }
 376          }
 377          if (!isset($user->username)) {
 378              // Prevent warnings below.
 379              $user->username = '';
 380          }
 382          if ($this->get_operation_type() == UU_USER_ADDNEW or $this->get_operation_type() == UU_USER_ADDINC) {
 383              // User creation is a special case - the username may be constructed from templates using firstname and lastname
 384              // better never try this in mixed update types.
 385              $error = false;
 386              if (!isset($user->firstname) or $user->firstname === '') {
 387                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('missingfield', 'error', 'firstname'), 'error');
 388                  $this->upt->track('firstname', get_string('error'), 'error');
 389                  $error = true;
 390              }
 391              if (!isset($user->lastname) or $user->lastname === '') {
 392                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('missingfield', 'error', 'lastname'), 'error');
 393                  $this->upt->track('lastname', get_string('error'), 'error');
 394                  $error = true;
 395              }
 396              if ($error) {
 397                  $this->userserrors++;
 398                  return null;
 399              }
 400              // We require username too - we might use template for it though.
 401              if (empty($user->username) and !empty($this->formdata->username)) {
 402                  $user->username = uu_process_template($this->formdata->username, $user);
 403                  $this->upt->track('username', s($user->username));
 404              }
 405          }
 407          // Normalize username.
 408          $user->originalusername = $user->username;
 409          if ($this->get_normalise_user_names()) {
 410              $user->username = \core_user::clean_field($user->username, 'username');
 411          }
 413          // Make sure we really have username.
 414          if (empty($user->username)) {
 415              $this->upt->track('status', get_string('missingfield', 'error', 'username'), 'error');
 416              $this->upt->track('username', get_string('error'), 'error');
 417              $this->userserrors++;
 418              return null;
 419          } else if ($user->username === 'guest') {
 420              $this->upt->track('status', get_string('guestnoeditprofileother', 'error'), 'error');
 421              $this->userserrors++;
 422              return null;
 423          }
 425          if ($user->username !== \core_user::clean_field($user->username, 'username')) {
 426              $this->upt->track('status', get_string('invalidusername', 'error', 'username'), 'error');
 427              $this->upt->track('username', get_string('error'), 'error');
 428              $this->userserrors++;
 429          }
 431          if (empty($user->mnethostid)) {
 432              $user->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id;
 433          }
 435          return $user;
 436      }
 438      /**
 439       * Process one line from CSV file
 440       *
 441       * @param array $line
 442       * @throws \coding_exception
 443       * @throws \dml_exception
 444       * @throws \moodle_exception
 445       */
 446      public function process_line(array $line) {
 447          global $DB, $CFG, $SESSION;
 449          if (!$user = $this->prepare_user_record($line)) {
 450              return;
 451          }
 453          if ($existinguser = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => $user->username, 'mnethostid' => $user->mnethostid])) {
 454              $this->upt->track('id', $existinguser->id, 'normal', false);
 455          }
 457          if ($user->mnethostid == $CFG->mnet_localhost_id) {
 458              $remoteuser = false;
 460              // Find out if username incrementing required.
 461              if ($existinguser and $this->get_operation_type() == UU_USER_ADDINC) {
 462                  $user->username = uu_increment_username($user->username);
 463                  $existinguser = false;
 464              }
 466          } else {
 467              if (!$existinguser or $this->get_operation_type() == UU_USER_ADDINC) {
 468                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('errormnetadd', 'tool_uploaduser'), 'error');
 469                  $this->userserrors++;
 470                  return;
 471              }
 473              $remoteuser = true;
 475              // Make sure there are no changes of existing fields except the suspended status.
 476              foreach ((array)$existinguser as $k => $v) {
 477                  if ($k === 'suspended') {
 478                      continue;
 479                  }
 480                  if (property_exists($user, $k)) {
 481                      $user->$k = $v;
 482                  }
 483                  if (in_array($k, $this->upt->columns)) {
 484                      if ($k === 'password' or $k === 'oldusername' or $k === 'deleted') {
 485                          $this->upt->track($k, '', 'normal', false);
 486                      } else {
 487                          $this->upt->track($k, s($v), 'normal', false);
 488                      }
 489                  }
 490              }
 491              unset($user->oldusername);
 492              unset($user->password);
 493              $user->auth = $existinguser->auth;
 494          }
 496          // Notify about nay username changes.
 497          if ($user->originalusername !== $user->username) {
 498              $this->upt->track('username', '', 'normal', false); // Clear previous.
 499              $this->upt->track('username', s($user->originalusername).'-->'.s($user->username), 'info');
 500          } else {
 501              $this->upt->track('username', s($user->username), 'normal', false);
 502          }
 503          unset($user->originalusername);
 505          // Verify if the theme is valid and allowed to be set.
 506          if (isset($user->theme)) {
 507              list($status, $message) = field_value_validators::validate_theme($user->theme);
 508              if ($status !== 'normal' && !empty($message)) {
 509                  $this->upt->track('status', $message, $status);
 510                  // Unset the theme when validation fails.
 511                  unset($user->theme);
 512              }
 513          }
 515          // Add default values for remaining fields.
 516          $formdefaults = array();
 517          if (!$existinguser ||
 518                  ($this->get_update_type() != UU_UPDATE_FILEOVERRIDE && $this->get_update_type() != UU_UPDATE_NOCHANGES)) {
 519              foreach ($this->standardfields as $field) {
 520                  if (isset($user->$field)) {
 521                      continue;
 522                  }
 523                  // All validation moved to form2.
 524                  if (isset($this->formdata->$field)) {
 525                      // Process templates.
 526                      $user->$field = uu_process_template($this->formdata->$field, $user);
 527                      $formdefaults[$field] = true;
 528                      if (in_array($field, $this->upt->columns)) {
 529                          $this->upt->track($field, s($user->$field), 'normal');
 530                      }
 531                  }
 532              }
 533              $proffields = $this->allprofilefields;
 534              foreach ($this->profilefields as $field) {
 535                  if (isset($user->$field)) {
 536                      continue;
 537                  }
 538                  if (isset($this->formdata->$field)) {
 539                      // Process templates.
 540                      $user->$field = uu_process_template($this->formdata->$field, $user);
 542                      // Form contains key and later code expects value.
 543                      // Convert key to value for required profile fields.
 544                      require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/field/'.$proffields[$field]->datatype.'/field.class.php');
 545                      $profilefieldclass = 'profile_field_'.$proffields[$field]->datatype;
 546                      $profilefield = new $profilefieldclass($proffields[$field]->id);
 547                      if (method_exists($profilefield, 'convert_external_data')) {
 548                          $user->$field = $profilefield->edit_save_data_preprocess($user->$field, null);
 549                      }
 551                      $formdefaults[$field] = true;
 552                  }
 553              }
 554          }
 556          // Delete user.
 557          if (!empty($user->deleted)) {
 558              if (!$this->get_allow_deletes() or $remoteuser or
 559                      !has_capability('moodle/user:delete', context_system::instance())) {
 560                  $this->usersskipped++;
 561                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotdeletedoff', 'error'), 'warning');
 562                  return;
 563              }
 564              if ($existinguser) {
 565                  if (is_siteadmin($existinguser->id)) {
 566                      $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotdeletedadmin', 'error'), 'error');
 567                      $this->deleteerrors++;
 568                      return;
 569                  }
 570                  if (delete_user($existinguser)) {
 571                      $this->upt->track('status', get_string('userdeleted', 'tool_uploaduser'));
 572                      $this->deletes++;
 573                  } else {
 574                      $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotdeletederror', 'error'), 'error');
 575                      $this->deleteerrors++;
 576                  }
 577              } else {
 578                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotdeletedmissing', 'error'), 'error');
 579                  $this->deleteerrors++;
 580              }
 581              return;
 582          }
 583          // We do not need the deleted flag anymore.
 584          unset($user->deleted);
 586          // Renaming requested?
 587          if (!empty($user->oldusername) ) {
 588              if (!$this->get_allow_renames()) {
 589                  $this->usersskipped++;
 590                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotrenamedoff', 'error'), 'warning');
 591                  return;
 592              }
 594              if ($existinguser) {
 595                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotrenamedexists', 'error'), 'error');
 596                  $this->renameerrors++;
 597                  return;
 598              }
 600              if ($user->username === 'guest') {
 601                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('guestnoeditprofileother', 'error'), 'error');
 602                  $this->renameerrors++;
 603                  return;
 604              }
 606              if ($this->get_normalise_user_names()) {
 607                  $oldusername = \core_user::clean_field($user->oldusername, 'username');
 608              } else {
 609                  $oldusername = $user->oldusername;
 610              }
 612              // No guessing when looking for old username, it must be exact match.
 613              if ($olduser = $DB->get_record('user',
 614                      ['username' => $oldusername, 'mnethostid' => $CFG->mnet_localhost_id])) {
 615                  $this->upt->track('id', $olduser->id, 'normal', false);
 616                  if (is_siteadmin($olduser->id)) {
 617                      $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotrenamedadmin', 'error'), 'error');
 618                      $this->renameerrors++;
 619                      return;
 620                  }
 621                  $DB->set_field('user', 'username', $user->username, ['id' => $olduser->id]);
 622                  $this->upt->track('username', '', 'normal', false); // Clear previous.
 623                  $this->upt->track('username', s($oldusername).'-->'.s($user->username), 'info');
 624                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('userrenamed', 'tool_uploaduser'));
 625                  $this->renames++;
 626              } else {
 627                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotrenamedmissing', 'error'), 'error');
 628                  $this->renameerrors++;
 629                  return;
 630              }
 631              $existinguser = $olduser;
 632              $existinguser->username = $user->username;
 633          }
 635          // Can we process with update or insert?
 636          $skip = false;
 637          switch ($this->get_operation_type()) {
 638              case UU_USER_ADDNEW:
 639                  if ($existinguser) {
 640                      $this->usersskipped++;
 641                      $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotaddedregistered', 'error'), 'warning');
 642                      $skip = true;
 643                  }
 644                  break;
 646              case UU_USER_ADDINC:
 647                  if ($existinguser) {
 648                      // This should not happen!
 649                      $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotaddederror', 'error'), 'error');
 650                      $this->userserrors++;
 651                      $skip = true;
 652                  }
 653                  break;
 655              case UU_USER_ADD_UPDATE:
 656                  break;
 658              case UU_USER_UPDATE:
 659                  if (!$existinguser) {
 660                      $this->usersskipped++;
 661                      $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotupdatednotexists', 'error'), 'warning');
 662                      $skip = true;
 663                  }
 664                  break;
 666              default:
 667                  // Unknown type.
 668                  $skip = true;
 669          }
 671          if ($skip) {
 672              return;
 673          }
 675          if ($existinguser) {
 676              $user->id = $existinguser->id;
 678              $this->upt->track('username', \html_writer::link(
 679                  new \moodle_url('/user/profile.php', ['id' => $existinguser->id]), s($existinguser->username)), 'normal', false);
 680              $this->upt->track('suspended', $this->get_string_yes_no($existinguser->suspended) , 'normal', false);
 681              $this->upt->track('auth', $existinguser->auth, 'normal', false);
 683              if (is_siteadmin($user->id)) {
 684                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotupdatedadmin', 'error'), 'error');
 685                  $this->userserrors++;
 686                  return;
 687              }
 689              $existinguser->timemodified = time();
 690              // Do NOT mess with timecreated or firstaccess here!
 692              // Load existing profile data.
 693              profile_load_data($existinguser);
 695              $doupdate = false;
 696              $dologout = false;
 698              if ($this->get_update_type() != UU_UPDATE_NOCHANGES and !$remoteuser) {
 699                  if (!empty($user->auth) and $user->auth !== $existinguser->auth) {
 700                      $this->upt->track('auth', s($existinguser->auth).'-->'.s($user->auth), 'info', false);
 701                      $existinguser->auth = $user->auth;
 702                      if (!isset($this->supportedauths[$user->auth])) {
 703                          $this->upt->track('auth', get_string('userauthunsupported', 'error'), 'warning');
 704                      }
 705                      $doupdate = true;
 706                      if ($existinguser->auth === 'nologin') {
 707                          $dologout = true;
 708                      }
 709                  }
 710                  $allcolumns = array_merge($this->standardfields, $this->profilefields);
 711                  foreach ($allcolumns as $column) {
 712                      if ($column === 'username' or $column === 'password' or $column === 'auth' or $column === 'suspended') {
 713                          // These can not be changed here.
 714                          continue;
 715                      }
 716                      if (!property_exists($user, $column) or !property_exists($existinguser, $column)) {
 717                          continue;
 718                      }
 719                      if ($this->get_update_type() == UU_UPDATE_MISSING) {
 720                          if (!is_null($existinguser->$column) and $existinguser->$column !== '') {
 721                              continue;
 722                          }
 723                      } else if ($this->get_update_type() == UU_UPDATE_ALLOVERRIDE) {
 724                          // We override everything.
 725                          null;
 726                      } else if ($this->get_update_type() == UU_UPDATE_FILEOVERRIDE) {
 727                          if (!empty($formdefaults[$column])) {
 728                              // Do not override with form defaults.
 729                              continue;
 730                          }
 731                      }
 732                      if ($existinguser->$column !== $user->$column) {
 733                          if ($column === 'email') {
 734                              $select = $DB->sql_like('email', ':email', false, true, false, '|');
 735                              $params = array('email' => $DB->sql_like_escape($user->email, '|'));
 736                              if ($DB->record_exists_select('user', $select , $params)) {
 738                                  $changeincase = \core_text::strtolower($existinguser->$column) === \core_text::strtolower(
 739                                          $user->$column);
 741                                  if ($changeincase) {
 742                                      // If only case is different then switch to lower case and carry on.
 743                                      $user->$column = \core_text::strtolower($user->$column);
 744                                      continue;
 745                                  } else if (!$this->get_allow_email_duplicates()) {
 746                                      $this->upt->track('email', get_string('useremailduplicate', 'error'), 'error');
 747                                      $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotupdatederror', 'error'), 'error');
 748                                      $this->userserrors++;
 749                                      return;
 750                                  } else {
 751                                      $this->upt->track('email', get_string('useremailduplicate', 'error'), 'warning');
 752                                  }
 753                              }
 754                              if (!validate_email($user->email)) {
 755                                  $this->upt->track('email', get_string('invalidemail'), 'warning');
 756                              }
 757                          }
 759                          if ($column === 'lang') {
 760                              if (empty($user->lang)) {
 761                                  // Do not change to not-set value.
 762                                  continue;
 763                              } else if (\core_user::clean_field($user->lang, 'lang') === '') {
 764                                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('cannotfindlang', 'error', $user->lang), 'warning');
 765                                  continue;
 766                              }
 767                          }
 769                          if (in_array($column, $this->upt->columns)) {
 770                              $this->upt->track($column, s($existinguser->$column).'-->'.s($user->$column), 'info', false);
 771                          }
 772                          $existinguser->$column = $user->$column;
 773                          $doupdate = true;
 774                      }
 775                  }
 776              }
 778              try {
 779                  $auth = get_auth_plugin($existinguser->auth);
 780              } catch (\Exception $e) {
 781                  $this->upt->track('auth', get_string('userautherror', 'error', s($existinguser->auth)), 'error');
 782                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotupdatederror', 'error'), 'error');
 783                  $this->userserrors++;
 784                  return;
 785              }
 786              $isinternalauth = $auth->is_internal();
 788              // Deal with suspending and activating of accounts.
 789              if ($this->get_allow_suspends() and isset($user->suspended) and $user->suspended !== '') {
 790                  $user->suspended = $user->suspended ? 1 : 0;
 791                  if ($existinguser->suspended != $user->suspended) {
 792                      $this->upt->track('suspended', '', 'normal', false);
 793                      $this->upt->track('suspended',
 794                          $this->get_string_yes_no($existinguser->suspended).'-->'.$this->get_string_yes_no($user->suspended),
 795                          'info', false);
 796                      $existinguser->suspended = $user->suspended;
 797                      $doupdate = true;
 798                      if ($existinguser->suspended) {
 799                          $dologout = true;
 800                      }
 801                  }
 802              }
 804              // Changing of passwords is a special case
 805              // do not force password changes for external auth plugins!
 806              $oldpw = $existinguser->password;
 808              if ($remoteuser) {
 809                  // Do not mess with passwords of remote users.
 810                  null;
 811              } else if (!$isinternalauth) {
 812                  $existinguser->password = AUTH_PASSWORD_NOT_CACHED;
 813                  $this->upt->track('password', '-', 'normal', false);
 814                  // Clean up prefs.
 815                  unset_user_preference('create_password', $existinguser);
 816                  unset_user_preference('auth_forcepasswordchange', $existinguser);
 818              } else if (!empty($user->password)) {
 819                  if ($this->get_update_passwords()) {
 820                      // Check for passwords that we want to force users to reset next
 821                      // time they log in.
 822                      $errmsg = null;
 823                      $weak = !check_password_policy($user->password, $errmsg, $user);
 824                      if ($this->get_reset_passwords() == UU_PWRESET_ALL or
 825                              ($this->get_reset_passwords() == UU_PWRESET_WEAK and $weak)) {
 826                          if ($weak) {
 827                              $this->weakpasswords++;
 828                              $this->upt->track('password', get_string('invalidpasswordpolicy', 'error'), 'warning');
 829                          }
 830                          set_user_preference('auth_forcepasswordchange', 1, $existinguser);
 831                      } else {
 832                          unset_user_preference('auth_forcepasswordchange', $existinguser);
 833                      }
 834                      unset_user_preference('create_password', $existinguser); // No need to create password any more.
 836                      // Use a low cost factor when generating bcrypt hash otherwise
 837                      // hashing would be slow when uploading lots of users. Hashes
 838                      // will be automatically updated to a higher cost factor the first
 839                      // time the user logs in.
 840                      $existinguser->password = hash_internal_user_password($user->password, true);
 841                      $this->upt->track('password', $user->password, 'normal', false);
 842                  } else {
 843                      // Do not print password when not changed.
 844                      $this->upt->track('password', '', 'normal', false);
 845                  }
 846              }
 848              if ($doupdate or $existinguser->password !== $oldpw) {
 849                  // We want only users that were really updated.
 850                  user_update_user($existinguser, false, false);
 852                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('useraccountupdated', 'tool_uploaduser'));
 853                  $this->usersupdated++;
 855                  if (!$remoteuser) {
 856                      // Pre-process custom profile menu fields data from csv file.
 857                      $existinguser = uu_pre_process_custom_profile_data($existinguser);
 858                      // Save custom profile fields data from csv file.
 859                      profile_save_data($existinguser);
 860                  }
 862                  if ($this->get_bulk() == UU_BULK_UPDATED or $this->get_bulk() == UU_BULK_ALL) {
 863                      if (!in_array($user->id, $SESSION->bulk_users)) {
 864                          $SESSION->bulk_users[] = $user->id;
 865                      }
 866                  }
 868                  // Trigger event.
 869                  \core\event\user_updated::create_from_userid($existinguser->id)->trigger();
 871              } else {
 872                  // No user information changed.
 873                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('useraccountuptodate', 'tool_uploaduser'));
 874                  $this->usersuptodate++;
 876                  if ($this->get_bulk() == UU_BULK_ALL) {
 877                      if (!in_array($user->id, $SESSION->bulk_users)) {
 878                          $SESSION->bulk_users[] = $user->id;
 879                      }
 880                  }
 881              }
 883              if ($dologout) {
 884                  \core\session\manager::kill_user_sessions($existinguser->id);
 885              }
 887          } else {
 888              // Save the new user to the database.
 889              $user->confirmed    = 1;
 890              $user->timemodified = time();
 891              $user->timecreated  = time();
 892              $user->mnethostid   = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; // We support ONLY local accounts here, sorry.
 894              if (!isset($user->suspended) or $user->suspended === '') {
 895                  $user->suspended = 0;
 896              } else {
 897                  $user->suspended = $user->suspended ? 1 : 0;
 898              }
 899              $this->upt->track('suspended', $this->get_string_yes_no($user->suspended), 'normal', false);
 901              if (empty($user->auth)) {
 902                  $user->auth = 'manual';
 903              }
 904              $this->upt->track('auth', $user->auth, 'normal', false);
 906              // Do not insert record if new auth plugin does not exist!
 907              try {
 908                  $auth = get_auth_plugin($user->auth);
 909              } catch (\Exception $e) {
 910                  $this->upt->track('auth', get_string('userautherror', 'error', s($user->auth)), 'error');
 911                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotaddederror', 'error'), 'error');
 912                  $this->userserrors++;
 913                  return;
 914              }
 915              if (!isset($this->supportedauths[$user->auth])) {
 916                  $this->upt->track('auth', get_string('userauthunsupported', 'error'), 'warning');
 917              }
 919              $isinternalauth = $auth->is_internal();
 921              if (empty($user->email)) {
 922                  $this->upt->track('email', get_string('invalidemail'), 'error');
 923                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotaddederror', 'error'), 'error');
 924                  $this->userserrors++;
 925                  return;
 927              } else if ($DB->record_exists('user', ['email' => $user->email])) {
 928                  if (!$this->get_allow_email_duplicates()) {
 929                      $this->upt->track('email', get_string('useremailduplicate', 'error'), 'error');
 930                      $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotaddederror', 'error'), 'error');
 931                      $this->userserrors++;
 932                      return;
 933                  } else {
 934                      $this->upt->track('email', get_string('useremailduplicate', 'error'), 'warning');
 935                  }
 936              }
 937              if (!validate_email($user->email)) {
 938                  $this->upt->track('email', get_string('invalidemail'), 'warning');
 939              }
 941              if (empty($user->lang)) {
 942                  $user->lang = '';
 943              } else if (\core_user::clean_field($user->lang, 'lang') === '') {
 944                  $this->upt->track('status', get_string('cannotfindlang', 'error', $user->lang), 'warning');
 945                  $user->lang = '';
 946              }
 948              $forcechangepassword = false;
 950              if ($isinternalauth) {
 951                  if (empty($user->password)) {
 952                      if ($this->get_create_paswords()) {
 953                          $user->password = 'to be generated';
 954                          $this->upt->track('password', '', 'normal', false);
 955                          $this->upt->track('password', get_string('uupasswordcron', 'tool_uploaduser'), 'warning', false);
 956                      } else {
 957                          $this->upt->track('password', '', 'normal', false);
 958                          $this->upt->track('password', get_string('missingfield', 'error', 'password'), 'error');
 959                          $this->upt->track('status', get_string('usernotaddederror', 'error'), 'error');
 960                          $this->userserrors++;
 961                          return;
 962                      }
 963                  } else {
 964                      $errmsg = null;
 965                      $weak = !check_password_policy($user->password, $errmsg, $user);
 966                      if ($this->get_reset_passwords() == UU_PWRESET_ALL or
 967                              ($this->get_reset_passwords() == UU_PWRESET_WEAK and $weak)) {
 968                          if ($weak) {
 969                              $this->weakpasswords++;
 970                              $this->upt->track('password', get_string('invalidpasswordpolicy', 'error'), 'warning');
 971                          }
 972                          $forcechangepassword = true;
 973                      }
 974                      // Use a low cost factor when generating bcrypt hash otherwise
 975                      // hashing would be slow when uploading lots of users. Hashes
 976                      // will be automatically updated to a higher cost factor the first
 977                      // time the user logs in.
 978                      $user->password = hash_internal_user_password($user->password, true);
 979                  }
 980              } else {
 981                  $user->password = AUTH_PASSWORD_NOT_CACHED;
 982                  $this->upt->track('password', '-', 'normal', false);
 983              }
 985              $user->id = user_create_user($user, false, false);
 986              $this->upt->track('username', \html_writer::link(
 987                  new \moodle_url('/user/profile.php', ['id' => $user->id]), s($user->username)), 'normal', false);
 989              // Pre-process custom profile menu fields data from csv file.
 990              $user = uu_pre_process_custom_profile_data($user);
 991              // Save custom profile fields data.
 992              profile_save_data($user);
 994              if ($forcechangepassword) {
 995                  set_user_preference('auth_forcepasswordchange', 1, $user);
 996              }
 997              if ($user->password === 'to be generated') {
 998                  set_user_preference('create_password', 1, $user);
 999              }
1001              // Trigger event.
1002              \core\event\user_created::create_from_userid($user->id)->trigger();
1004              $this->upt->track('status', get_string('newuser'));
1005              $this->upt->track('id', $user->id, 'normal', false);
1006              $this->usersnew++;
1008              // Make sure user context exists.
1009              \context_user::instance($user->id);
1011              if ($this->get_bulk() == UU_BULK_NEW or $this->get_bulk() == UU_BULK_ALL) {
1012                  if (!in_array($user->id, $SESSION->bulk_users)) {
1013                      $SESSION->bulk_users[] = $user->id;
1014                  }
1015              }
1016          }
1018          // Update user interests.
1019          if (isset($user->interests) && strval($user->interests) !== '') {
1020              useredit_update_interests($user, preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $user->interests, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
1021          }
1023          // Add to cohort first, it might trigger enrolments indirectly - do NOT create cohorts here!
1024          foreach ($this->get_file_columns() as $column) {
1025              if (!preg_match('/^cohort\d+$/', $column)) {
1026                  continue;
1027              }
1029              if (!empty($user->$column)) {
1030                  $addcohort = $user->$column;
1031                  if (!isset($this->cohorts[$addcohort])) {
1032                      if (is_number($addcohort)) {
1033                          // Only non-numeric idnumbers!
1034                          $cohort = $DB->get_record('cohort', ['id' => $addcohort]);
1035                      } else {
1036                          $cohort = $DB->get_record('cohort', ['idnumber' => $addcohort]);
1037                          if (empty($cohort) && has_capability('moodle/cohort:manage', \context_system::instance())) {
1038                              // Cohort was not found. Create a new one.
1039                              $cohortid = cohort_add_cohort((object)array(
1040                                  'idnumber' => $addcohort,
1041                                  'name' => $addcohort,
1042                                  'contextid' => \context_system::instance()->id
1043                              ));
1044                              $cohort = $DB->get_record('cohort', ['id' => $cohortid]);
1045                          }
1046                      }
1048                      if (empty($cohort)) {
1049                          $this->cohorts[$addcohort] = get_string('unknowncohort', 'core_cohort', s($addcohort));
1050                      } else if (!empty($cohort->component)) {
1051                          // Cohorts synchronised with external sources must not be modified!
1052                          $this->cohorts[$addcohort] = get_string('external', 'core_cohort');
1053                      } else {
1054                          $this->cohorts[$addcohort] = $cohort;
1055                      }
1056                  }
1058                  if (is_object($this->cohorts[$addcohort])) {
1059                      $cohort = $this->cohorts[$addcohort];
1060                      if (!$DB->record_exists('cohort_members', ['cohortid' => $cohort->id, 'userid' => $user->id])) {
1061                          cohort_add_member($cohort->id, $user->id);
1062                          // We might add special column later, for now let's abuse enrolments.
1063                          $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('useradded', 'core_cohort', s($cohort->name)), 'info');
1064                      }
1065                  } else {
1066                      // Error message.
1067                      $this->upt->track('enrolments', $this->cohorts[$addcohort], 'error');
1068                  }
1069              }
1070          }
1072          // Find course enrolments, groups, roles/types and enrol periods
1073          // this is again a special case, we always do this for any updated or created users.
1074          foreach ($this->get_file_columns() as $column) {
1075              if (preg_match('/^sysrole\d+$/', $column)) {
1077                  if (!empty($user->$column)) {
1078                      $sysrolename = $user->$column;
1079                      if ($sysrolename[0] == '-') {
1080                          $removing = true;
1081                          $sysrolename = substr($sysrolename, 1);
1082                      } else {
1083                          $removing = false;
1084                      }
1086                      if (array_key_exists($sysrolename, $this->sysrolecache)) {
1087                          $sysroleid = $this->sysrolecache[$sysrolename]->id;
1088                      } else {
1089                          $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('unknownrole', 'error', s($sysrolename)), 'error');
1090                          continue;
1091                      }
1093                      if ($removing) {
1094                          if (user_has_role_assignment($user->id, $sysroleid, SYSCONTEXTID)) {
1095                              role_unassign($sysroleid, $user->id, SYSCONTEXTID);
1096                              $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('unassignedsysrole',
1097                                  'tool_uploaduser', $this->sysrolecache[$sysroleid]->name), 'info');
1098                          }
1099                      } else {
1100                          if (!user_has_role_assignment($user->id, $sysroleid, SYSCONTEXTID)) {
1101                              role_assign($sysroleid, $user->id, SYSCONTEXTID);
1102                              $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('assignedsysrole',
1103                                  'tool_uploaduser', $this->sysrolecache[$sysroleid]->name), 'info');
1104                          }
1105                      }
1106                  }
1108                  continue;
1109              }
1110              if (!preg_match('/^course\d+$/', $column)) {
1111                  continue;
1112              }
1113              $i = substr($column, 6);
1115              if (empty($user->{'course'.$i})) {
1116                  continue;
1117              }
1118              $shortname = $user->{'course'.$i};
1119              if (!array_key_exists($shortname, $this->ccache)) {
1120                  if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', ['shortname' => $shortname], 'id, shortname')) {
1121                      $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('unknowncourse', 'error', s($shortname)), 'error');
1122                      continue;
1123                  }
1124                  $this->ccache[$shortname] = $course;
1125                  $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups = null;
1126              }
1127              $courseid      = $this->ccache[$shortname]->id;
1128              $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($courseid);
1129              if (!isset($this->manualcache[$courseid])) {
1130                  $this->manualcache[$courseid] = false;
1131                  if ($this->manualenrol) {
1132                      if ($instances = enrol_get_instances($courseid, false)) {
1133                          foreach ($instances as $instance) {
1134                              if ($instance->enrol === 'manual') {
1135                                  $this->manualcache[$courseid] = $instance;
1136                                  break;
1137                              }
1138                          }
1139                      }
1140                  }
1141              }
1143              if ($courseid == SITEID) {
1144                  // Technically frontpage does not have enrolments, but only role assignments,
1145                  // let's not invent new lang strings here for this rarely used feature.
1147                  if (!empty($user->{'role'.$i})) {
1148                      $rolename = $user->{'role'.$i};
1149                      if (array_key_exists($rolename, $this->rolecache)) {
1150                          $roleid = $this->rolecache[$rolename]->id;
1151                      } else {
1152                          $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('unknownrole', 'error', s($rolename)), 'error');
1153                          continue;
1154                      }
1156                      role_assign($roleid, $user->id, \context_course::instance($courseid));
1158                      $a = new \stdClass();
1159                      $a->course = $shortname;
1160                      $a->role   = $this->rolecache[$roleid]->name;
1161                      $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('enrolledincourserole', 'enrol_manual', $a), 'info');
1162                  }
1164              } else if ($this->manualenrol and $this->manualcache[$courseid]) {
1166                  // Find role.
1167                  $roleid = false;
1168                  if (!empty($user->{'role'.$i})) {
1169                      $rolename = $user->{'role'.$i};
1170                      if (array_key_exists($rolename, $this->rolecache)) {
1171                          $roleid = $this->rolecache[$rolename]->id;
1172                      } else {
1173                          $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('unknownrole', 'error', s($rolename)), 'error');
1174                          continue;
1175                      }
1177                  } else if (!empty($user->{'type'.$i})) {
1178                      // If no role, then find "old" enrolment type.
1179                      $addtype = $user->{'type'.$i};
1180                      if ($addtype < 1 or $addtype > 3) {
1181                          $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('error').': typeN = 1|2|3', 'error');
1182                          continue;
1183                      } else if (empty($this->formdata->{'uulegacy'.$addtype})) {
1184                          continue;
1185                      } else {
1186                          $roleid = $this->formdata->{'uulegacy'.$addtype};
1187                      }
1188                  } else {
1189                      // No role specified, use the default from manual enrol plugin.
1190                      $roleid = $this->manualcache[$courseid]->roleid;
1191                  }
1193                  if ($roleid) {
1194                      // Find duration and/or enrol status.
1195                      $timeend = 0;
1196                      $timestart = $this->today;
1197                      $status = null;
1199                      if (isset($user->{'enrolstatus'.$i})) {
1200                          $enrolstatus = $user->{'enrolstatus'.$i};
1201                          if ($enrolstatus == '') {
1202                              $status = null;
1203                          } else if ($enrolstatus === (string)ENROL_USER_ACTIVE) {
1204                              $status = ENROL_USER_ACTIVE;
1205                          } else if ($enrolstatus === (string)ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED) {
1206                              $status = ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED;
1207                          } else {
1208                              debugging('Unknown enrolment status.');
1209                          }
1210                      }
1212                      if (!empty($user->{'enroltimestart'.$i})) {
1213                          $parsedtimestart = strtotime($user->{'enroltimestart'.$i});
1214                          if ($parsedtimestart !== false) {
1215                              $timestart = $parsedtimestart;
1216                          }
1217                      }
1219                      if (!empty($user->{'enrolperiod'.$i})) {
1220                          $duration = (int)$user->{'enrolperiod'.$i} * 60 * 60 * 24; // Convert days to seconds.
1221                          if ($duration > 0) { // Sanity check.
1222                              $timeend = $timestart + $duration;
1223                          }
1224                      } else if ($this->manualcache[$courseid]->enrolperiod > 0) {
1225                          $timeend = $timestart + $this->manualcache[$courseid]->enrolperiod;
1226                      }
1228                      $this->manualenrol->enrol_user($this->manualcache[$courseid], $user->id, $roleid,
1229                          $timestart, $timeend, $status);
1231                      $a = new \stdClass();
1232                      $a->course = $shortname;
1233                      $a->role   = $this->rolecache[$roleid]->name;
1234                      $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('enrolledincourserole', 'enrol_manual', $a), 'info');
1235                  }
1236              }
1238              // Find group to add to.
1239              if (!empty($user->{'group'.$i})) {
1240                  // Make sure user is enrolled into course before adding into groups.
1241                  if (!is_enrolled($coursecontext, $user->id)) {
1242                      $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('addedtogroupnotenrolled', '', $user->{'group'.$i}), 'error');
1243                      continue;
1244                  }
1245                  // Build group cache.
1246                  if (is_null($this->ccache[$shortname]->groups)) {
1247                      $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups = array();
1248                      if ($groups = groups_get_all_groups($courseid)) {
1249                          foreach ($groups as $gid => $group) {
1250                              $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups[$gid] = new \stdClass();
1251                              $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups[$gid]->id   = $gid;
1252                              $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups[$gid]->name = $group->name;
1253                              if (!is_numeric($group->name)) { // Only non-numeric names are supported!!!
1254                                  $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups[$group->name] = new \stdClass();
1255                                  $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups[$group->name]->id   = $gid;
1256                                  $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups[$group->name]->name = $group->name;
1257                              }
1258                          }
1259                      }
1260                  }
1261                  // Group exists?
1262                  $addgroup = $user->{'group'.$i};
1263                  if (!array_key_exists($addgroup, $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups)) {
1264                      // If group doesn't exist,  create it.
1265                      $newgroupdata = new \stdClass();
1266                      $newgroupdata->name = $addgroup;
1267                      $newgroupdata->courseid = $this->ccache[$shortname]->id;
1268                      $newgroupdata->description = '';
1269                      $gid = groups_create_group($newgroupdata);
1270                      if ($gid) {
1271                          $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups[$addgroup] = new \stdClass();
1272                          $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups[$addgroup]->id   = $gid;
1273                          $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups[$addgroup]->name = $newgroupdata->name;
1274                      } else {
1275                          $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('unknowngroup', 'error', s($addgroup)), 'error');
1276                          continue;
1277                      }
1278                  }
1279                  $gid   = $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups[$addgroup]->id;
1280                  $gname = $this->ccache[$shortname]->groups[$addgroup]->name;
1282                  try {
1283                      if (groups_add_member($gid, $user->id)) {
1284                          $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('addedtogroup', '', s($gname)), 'info');
1285                      } else {
1286                          $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('addedtogroupnot', '', s($gname)), 'error');
1287                      }
1288                  } catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
1289                      $this->upt->track('enrolments', get_string('addedtogroupnot', '', s($gname)), 'error');
1290                      continue;
1291                  }
1292              }
1293          }
1294          if (($invalid = \core_user::validate($user)) !== true) {
1295              $this->upt->track('status', get_string('invaliduserdata', 'tool_uploaduser', s($user->username)), 'warning');
1296          }
1297      }
1299      /**
1300       * Summary about the whole process (how many users created, skipped, updated, etc)
1301       *
1302       * @return array
1303       */
1304      public function get_stats() {
1305          $lines = [];
1307          if ($this->get_operation_type() != UU_USER_UPDATE) {
1308              $lines[] = get_string('userscreated', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$this->usersnew;
1309          }
1310          if ($this->get_operation_type() == UU_USER_UPDATE or $this->get_operation_type() == UU_USER_ADD_UPDATE) {
1311              $lines[] = get_string('usersupdated', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$this->usersupdated;
1312          }
1313          if ($this->get_allow_deletes()) {
1314              $lines[] = get_string('usersdeleted', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$this->deletes;
1315              $lines[] = get_string('deleteerrors', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$this->deleteerrors;
1316          }
1317          if ($this->get_allow_renames()) {
1318              $lines[] = get_string('usersrenamed', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$this->renames;
1319              $lines[] = get_string('renameerrors', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$this->renameerrors;
1320          }
1321          if ($usersskipped = $this->usersskipped) {
1322              $lines[] = get_string('usersskipped', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$usersskipped;
1323          }
1324          $lines[] = get_string('usersweakpassword', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$this->weakpasswords;
1325          $lines[] = get_string('errors', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$this->userserrors;
1327          return $lines;
1328      }
1329  }