// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* Unit tests for badges
* @package core
* @subpackage badges
* @copyright 2013 onwards Totara Learning Solutions Ltd {@link http://www.totaralms.com/}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @author Yuliya Bozhko <yuliya.bozhko@totaralms.com>
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/badgeslib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/badges/lib.php');
use core_badges\helper;
class core_badges_badgeslib_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
protected $badgeid;
protected $course;
protected $user;
protected $module;
protected $coursebadge;
protected $assertion;
/** @var $assertion2 to define json format for Open badge version 2 */
protected $assertion2;
< protected function setUp() {
> protected function setUp(): void {
global $DB, $CFG;
$CFG->enablecompletion = true;
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$fordb = new stdClass();
$fordb->id = null;
$fordb->name = "Test badge with 'apostrophe' and other friends (<>&@#)";
$fordb->description = "Testing badges";
$fordb->timecreated = time();
$fordb->timemodified = time();
$fordb->usercreated = $user->id;
$fordb->usermodified = $user->id;
$fordb->issuername = "Test issuer";
$fordb->issuerurl = "http://issuer-url.domain.co.nz";
$fordb->issuercontact = "issuer@example.com";
$fordb->expiredate = null;
$fordb->expireperiod = null;
$fordb->type = BADGE_TYPE_SITE;
$fordb->version = 1;
$fordb->language = 'en';
$fordb->courseid = null;
$fordb->messagesubject = "Test message subject";
$fordb->message = "Test message body";
$fordb->attachment = 1;
$fordb->notification = 0;
$fordb->imageauthorname = "Image Author 1";
$fordb->imageauthoremail = "author@example.com";
$fordb->imageauthorurl = "http://author-url.example.com";
$fordb->imagecaption = "Test caption image";
$fordb->status = BADGE_STATUS_INACTIVE;
$this->badgeid = $DB->insert_record('badge', $fordb, true);
// Set the default Issuer (because OBv2 needs them).
set_config('badges_defaultissuername', $fordb->issuername);
set_config('badges_defaultissuercontact', $fordb->issuercontact);
// Create a course with activity and auto completion tracking.
$this->course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('enablecompletion' => true));
$this->user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'student'));
// Get manual enrolment plugin and enrol user.
$manplugin = enrol_get_plugin('manual');
$maninstance = $DB->get_record('enrol', array('courseid' => $this->course->id, 'enrol' => 'manual'), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$manplugin->enrol_user($maninstance, $this->user->id, $studentrole->id);
$this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('user_enrolments'));
$completionauto = array('completion' => COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC);
$this->module = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', array('course' => $this->course->id), $completionauto);
// Build badge and criteria.
$fordb->type = BADGE_TYPE_COURSE;
$fordb->courseid = $this->course->id;
$fordb->status = BADGE_STATUS_ACTIVE;
$this->coursebadge = $DB->insert_record('badge', $fordb, true);
// Insert Endorsement.
$endorsement = new stdClass();
$endorsement->badgeid = $this->coursebadge;
$endorsement->issuername = "Issuer 123";
$endorsement->issueremail = "issuer123@email.com";
$endorsement->issuerurl = "https://example.org/issuer-123";
$endorsement->dateissued = 1524567747;
$endorsement->claimid = "https://example.org/robotics-badge.json";
$endorsement->claimcomment = "Test endorser comment";
$DB->insert_record('badge_endorsement', $endorsement, true);
// Insert related badges.
$badge = new badge($this->coursebadge);
$clonedid = $badge->make_clone();
$badgeclone = new badge($clonedid);
$badgeclone->status = BADGE_STATUS_ACTIVE;
$relatebadge = new stdClass();
$relatebadge->badgeid = $this->coursebadge;
$relatebadge->relatedbadgeid = $clonedid;
$relatebadge->relatedid = $DB->insert_record('badge_related', $relatebadge, true);
// Insert a aligment.
$alignment = new stdClass();
$alignment->badgeid = $this->coursebadge;
$alignment->targetname = 'CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.3';
$alignment->targeturl = 'http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/RST/11-12/3';
$alignment->targetdescription = 'Test target description';
$alignment->targetframework = 'CCSS.RST.11-12.3';
$alignment->targetcode = 'CCSS.RST.11-12.3';
$DB->insert_record('badge_alignment', $alignment, true);
$this->assertion = new stdClass();
$this->assertion->badge = '{"uid":"%s","recipient":{"identity":"%s","type":"email","hashed":true,"salt":"%s"},"badge":"%s","verify":{"type":"hosted","url":"%s"},"issuedOn":"%d","evidence":"%s"}';
$this->assertion->class = '{"name":"%s","description":"%s","image":"%s","criteria":"%s","issuer":"%s"}';
$this->assertion->issuer = '{"name":"%s","url":"%s","email":"%s"}';
// Format JSON-LD for Openbadge specification version 2.0.
$this->assertion2 = new stdClass();
$this->assertion2->badge = '{"recipient":{"identity":"%s","type":"email","hashed":true,"salt":"%s"},' .
'"badge":{"name":"%s","description":"%s","image":"%s",' .
'"criteria":{"id":"%s","narrative":"%s"},"issuer":{"name":"%s","url":"%s","email":"%s",' .
'"@context":"https:\/\/w3id.org\/openbadges\/v2","id":"%s","type":"Issuer"},' .
'"@context":"https:\/\/w3id.org\/openbadges\/v2","id":"%s","type":"BadgeClass","version":"%s",' .
'"@language":"en","related":[{"id":"%s","version":"%s","@language":"%s"}],"endorsement":"%s",' .
'"alignments":[{"targetName":"%s","targetUrl":"%s","targetDescription":"%s","targetFramework":"%s",' .
'"targetCode":"%s"}]},"verify":{"type":"hosted","url":"%s"},"issuedOn":"%s","evidence":"%s",' .
$this->assertion2->class = '{"name":"%s","description":"%s","image":"%s",' .
'"criteria":{"id":"%s","narrative":"%s"},"issuer":{"name":"%s","url":"%s","email":"%s",' .
'"@context":"https:\/\/w3id.org\/openbadges\/v2","id":"%s","type":"Issuer"},' .
'"@context":"https:\/\/w3id.org\/openbadges\/v2","id":"%s","type":"BadgeClass","version":"%s",' .
'"@language":"%s","related":[{"id":"%s","version":"%s","@language":"%s"}],"endorsement":"%s",' .
'"alignments":[{"targetName":"%s","targetUrl":"%s","targetDescription":"%s","targetFramework":"%s",' .
$this->assertion2->issuer = '{"name":"%s","url":"%s","email":"%s",' .
public function test_create_badge() {
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$this->assertInstanceOf('badge', $badge);
$this->assertEquals($this->badgeid, $badge->id);
public function test_clone_badge() {
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$newid = $badge->make_clone();
$clonedbadge = new badge($newid);
$this->assertEquals($badge->description, $clonedbadge->description);
$this->assertEquals($badge->issuercontact, $clonedbadge->issuercontact);
$this->assertEquals($badge->issuername, $clonedbadge->issuername);
$this->assertEquals($badge->issuercontact, $clonedbadge->issuercontact);
$this->assertEquals($badge->issuerurl, $clonedbadge->issuerurl);
$this->assertEquals($badge->expiredate, $clonedbadge->expiredate);
$this->assertEquals($badge->expireperiod, $clonedbadge->expireperiod);
$this->assertEquals($badge->type, $clonedbadge->type);
$this->assertEquals($badge->courseid, $clonedbadge->courseid);
$this->assertEquals($badge->message, $clonedbadge->message);
$this->assertEquals($badge->messagesubject, $clonedbadge->messagesubject);
$this->assertEquals($badge->attachment, $clonedbadge->attachment);
$this->assertEquals($badge->notification, $clonedbadge->notification);
$this->assertEquals($badge->version, $clonedbadge->version);
$this->assertEquals($badge->language, $clonedbadge->language);
$this->assertEquals($badge->imagecaption, $clonedbadge->imagecaption);
$this->assertEquals($badge->imageauthorname, $clonedbadge->imageauthorname);
$this->assertEquals($badge->imageauthoremail, $clonedbadge->imageauthoremail);
$this->assertEquals($badge->imageauthorurl, $clonedbadge->imageauthorurl);
public function test_badge_status() {
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$old_status = $badge->status;
< $this->assertAttributeNotEquals($old_status, 'status', $badge);
< $this->assertAttributeEquals(BADGE_STATUS_ACTIVE, 'status', $badge);
> $this->assertNotEquals($old_status, $badge->status);
> $this->assertEquals(BADGE_STATUS_ACTIVE, $badge->status);
public function test_delete_badge() {
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
// We don't actually delete badges. We archive them.
< $this->assertAttributeEquals(BADGE_STATUS_ARCHIVED, 'status', $badge);
> $this->assertEquals(BADGE_STATUS_ARCHIVED, $badge->status);
* Really delete the badge.
public function test_delete_badge_for_real() {
global $DB;
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$newid1 = $badge->make_clone();
$newid2 = $badge->make_clone();
$newid3 = $badge->make_clone();
// Insert related badges to badge 1.
$badge->add_related_badges([$newid1, $newid2, $newid3]);
// Another badge.
$badge2 = new badge($newid2);
// Make badge 1 related for badge 2.
// Confirm that the records about this badge about its relations have been removed as well.
$relatedsql = 'badgeid = :badgeid OR relatedbadgeid = :relatedbadgeid';
$relatedparams = array(
'badgeid' => $this->badgeid,
'relatedbadgeid' => $this->badgeid
// Badge 1 has 4 related records. 3 where it's the badgeid, 1 where it's the relatedbadgeid.
$this->assertEquals(4, $DB->count_records_select('badge_related', $relatedsql, $relatedparams));
// Delete the badge for real.
// Confirm that the badge itself has been removed.
$this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('badge', ['id' => $this->badgeid]));
// Confirm that the records about this badge about its relations have been removed as well.
$this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists_select('badge_related', $relatedsql, $relatedparams));
public function test_create_badge_criteria() {
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$criteria_overall = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$criteria_overall->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ALL));
$this->assertCount(1, $badge->get_criteria());
$criteria_profile = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_PROFILE, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$params = array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ALL, 'field_address' => 'address');
$this->assertCount(2, $badge->get_criteria());
public function test_add_badge_criteria_description() {
$criteriaoverall = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL, 'badgeid' => $this->badgeid));
'description' => 'Overall description',
'descriptionformat' => FORMAT_HTML
$criteriaprofile = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_PROFILE, 'badgeid' => $this->badgeid));
$params = array(
'field_address' => 'address',
'description' => 'Description',
'descriptionformat' => FORMAT_HTML
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$this->assertEquals('Overall description', $badge->criteria[BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL]->description);
$this->assertEquals('Description', $badge->criteria[BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_PROFILE]->description);
public function test_delete_badge_criteria() {
$criteria_overall = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL, 'badgeid' => $this->badgeid));
$criteria_overall->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ALL));
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$this->assertInstanceOf('award_criteria_overall', $badge->criteria[BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL]);
public function test_badge_awards() {
global $DB;
$this->preventResetByRollback(); // Messaging is not compatible with transactions.
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$sink = $this->redirectMessages();
$DB->set_field_select('message_processors', 'enabled', 0, "name <> 'email'");
set_user_preference('message_provider_moodle_badgerecipientnotice_loggedoff', 'email', $user1);
$badge->issue($user1->id, false);
$this->assertDebuggingCalled(); // Expect debugging while baking a badge via phpunit.
$messages = $sink->get_messages();
$this->assertCount(1, $messages);
$message = array_pop($messages);
// Check we have the expected data.
$customdata = json_decode($message->customdata);
$this->assertObjectHasAttribute('notificationiconurl', $customdata);
$this->assertObjectHasAttribute('hash', $customdata);
$user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$badge->issue($user2->id, true);
$this->assertCount(2, $badge->get_awards());
* Test the {@link badges_get_user_badges()} function in lib/badgeslib.php
public function test_badges_get_user_badges() {
global $DB;
// Messaging is not compatible with transactions.
$badges = array();
$user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Record the current time, we need to be precise about a couple of things.
$now = time();
// Create 11 badges with which to test.
for ($i = 1; $i <= 11; $i++) {
// Mock up a badge.
$badge = new stdClass();
$badge->id = null;
$badge->name = "Test badge $i";
$badge->description = "Testing badges $i";
$badge->timecreated = $now - 12;
$badge->timemodified = $now - 12;
$badge->usercreated = $user1->id;
$badge->usermodified = $user1->id;
$badge->issuername = "Test issuer";
$badge->issuerurl = "http://issuer-url.domain.co.nz";
$badge->issuercontact = "issuer@example.com";
$badge->expiredate = null;
$badge->expireperiod = null;
$badge->type = BADGE_TYPE_SITE;
$badge->courseid = null;
$badge->messagesubject = "Test message subject for badge $i";
$badge->message = "Test message body for badge $i";
$badge->attachment = 1;
$badge->notification = 0;
$badge->status = BADGE_STATUS_INACTIVE;
$badge->version = "Version $i";
$badge->language = "en";
$badge->imagecaption = "Image caption $i";
$badge->imageauthorname = "Image author's name $i";
$badge->imageauthoremail = "author$i@example.com";
$badge->imageauthorname = "Image author's name $i";
$badgeid = $DB->insert_record('badge', $badge, true);
$badges[$badgeid] = new badge($badgeid);
$badges[$badgeid]->issue($user2->id, true);
// Check it all actually worked.
$this->assertCount(1, $badges[$badgeid]->get_awards());
// Hack the database to adjust the time each badge was issued.
// The alternative to this is sleep which is a no-no in unit tests.
$DB->set_field('badge_issued', 'dateissued', $now - 11 + $i, array('userid' => $user2->id, 'badgeid' => $badgeid));
// Make sure the first user has no badges.
$result = badges_get_user_badges($user1->id);
< $this->assertInternalType('array', $result);
> $this->assertIsArray($result);
$this->assertCount(0, $result);
// Check that the second user has the expected 11 badges.
$result = badges_get_user_badges($user2->id);
$this->assertCount(11, $result);
// Test pagination.
// Ordering is by time issued desc, so things will come out with the last awarded badge first.
$result = badges_get_user_badges($user2->id, 0, 0, 4);
$this->assertCount(4, $result);
$lastbadgeissued = reset($result);
$this->assertSame('Test badge 11', $lastbadgeissued->name);
// Page 2. Expecting 4 results again.
$result = badges_get_user_badges($user2->id, 0, 1, 4);
$this->assertCount(4, $result);
$lastbadgeissued = reset($result);
$this->assertSame('Test badge 7', $lastbadgeissued->name);
// Page 3. Expecting just three results here.
$result = badges_get_user_badges($user2->id, 0, 2, 4);
$this->assertCount(3, $result);
$lastbadgeissued = reset($result);
$this->assertSame('Test badge 3', $lastbadgeissued->name);
// Page 4.... there is no page 4.
$result = badges_get_user_badges($user2->id, 0, 3, 4);
$this->assertCount(0, $result);
// Test search.
$result = badges_get_user_badges($user2->id, 0, 0, 0, 'badge 1');
$this->assertCount(3, $result);
$lastbadgeissued = reset($result);
$this->assertSame('Test badge 11', $lastbadgeissued->name);
// The term Totara doesn't appear anywhere in the badges.
$result = badges_get_user_badges($user2->id, 0, 0, 0, 'Totara');
$this->assertCount(0, $result);
// Issue a user with a course badge and verify its returned based on if
// coursebadges are enabled or disabled.
$sitebadgeid = key($badges);
$badges[$sitebadgeid]->issue($this->user->id, true);
$badge = new stdClass();
$badge->id = null;
$badge->name = "Test course badge";
$badge->description = "Testing course badge";
$badge->timecreated = $now;
$badge->timemodified = $now;
$badge->usercreated = $user1->id;
$badge->usermodified = $user1->id;
$badge->issuername = "Test issuer";
$badge->issuerurl = "http://issuer-url.domain.co.nz";
$badge->issuercontact = "issuer@example.com";
$badge->expiredate = null;
$badge->expireperiod = null;
$badge->type = BADGE_TYPE_COURSE;
$badge->courseid = $this->course->id;
$badge->messagesubject = "Test message subject for course badge";
$badge->message = "Test message body for course badge";
$badge->attachment = 1;
$badge->notification = 0;
$badge->status = BADGE_STATUS_ACTIVE;
$badge->version = "Version $i";
$badge->language = "en";
$badge->imagecaption = "Image caption";
$badge->imageauthorname = "Image author's name";
$badge->imageauthoremail = "author@example.com";
$badge->imageauthorname = "Image author's name";
$badgeid = $DB->insert_record('badge', $badge, true);
$badges[$badgeid] = new badge($badgeid);
$badges[$badgeid]->issue($this->user->id, true);
// With coursebadges off, we should only get the site badge.
set_config('badges_allowcoursebadges', false);
$result = badges_get_user_badges($this->user->id);
$this->assertCount(1, $result);
// With it on, we should get both.
set_config('badges_allowcoursebadges', true);
$result = badges_get_user_badges($this->user->id);
$this->assertCount(2, $result);
public function data_for_message_from_template() {
return array(
'This is a message with no variables',
array(), // no params
'This is a message with no variables'
'This is a message with %amissing% variables',
array(), // no params
'This is a message with %amissing% variables'
'This is a message with %one% variable',
array('one' => 'a single'),
'This is a message with a single variable'
'This is a message with %one% %two% %three% variables',
array('one' => 'more', 'two' => 'than', 'three' => 'one'),
'This is a message with more than one variables'
'This is a message with %three% %two% %one%',
array('one' => 'variables', 'two' => 'ordered', 'three' => 'randomly'),
'This is a message with randomly ordered variables'
'This is a message with %repeated% %one% %repeated% of variables',
array('one' => 'and', 'repeated' => 'lots'),
'This is a message with lots and lots of variables'
* @dataProvider data_for_message_from_template
public function test_badge_message_from_template($message, $params, $result) {
$this->assertEquals(badge_message_from_template($message, $params), $result);
* Test badges observer when course module completion event id fired.
public function test_badges_observer_course_module_criteria_review() {
$this->preventResetByRollback(); // Messaging is not compatible with transactions.
$badge = new badge($this->coursebadge);
$criteria_overall = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$criteria_overall->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ANY));
$criteria_overall = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_ACTIVITY, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$criteria_overall->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ANY, 'module_'.$this->module->cmid => $this->module->cmid));
// Assert the badge will not be issued to the user as is.
$badge = new badge($this->coursebadge);
// Set completion for forum activity.
$c = new completion_info($this->course);
$activities = $c->get_activities();
$this->assertEquals(1, count($activities));
$this->assertEquals($activities[$this->module->cmid]->name, $this->module->name);
$current = $c->get_data($activities[$this->module->cmid], false, $this->user->id);
$current->completionstate = COMPLETION_COMPLETE;
$current->timemodified = time();
$sink = $this->redirectEmails();
$c->internal_set_data($activities[$this->module->cmid], $current);
$this->assertCount(1, $sink->get_messages());
// Check if badge is awarded.
$this->assertDebuggingCalled('Error baking badge image!');
* Test badges observer when course_completed event is fired.
public function test_badges_observer_course_criteria_review() {
$this->preventResetByRollback(); // Messaging is not compatible with transactions.
$badge = new badge($this->coursebadge);
$criteria_overall = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$criteria_overall->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ANY));
$criteria_overall1 = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COURSE, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$criteria_overall1->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ANY, 'course_'.$this->course->id => $this->course->id));
$ccompletion = new completion_completion(array('course' => $this->course->id, 'userid' => $this->user->id));
// Assert the badge will not be issued to the user as is.
$badge = new badge($this->coursebadge);
// Mark course as complete.
< $sink = $this->redirectEmails();
> $sink = $this->redirectMessages();
< $this->assertCount(1, $sink->get_messages());
> // Two messages are generated: One for the course completed and the other one for the badge awarded.
> $messages = $sink->get_messages();
> $this->assertCount(2, $messages);
> $this->assertEquals('badgerecipientnotice', $messages[0]->eventtype);
> $this->assertEquals('coursecompleted', $messages[1]->eventtype);
// Check if badge is awarded.
$this->assertDebuggingCalled('Error baking badge image!');
* Test badges observer when user_updated event is fired.
public function test_badges_observer_profile_criteria_review() {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Add a custom field of textarea type.
$customprofileid = $DB->insert_record('user_info_field', array(
'shortname' => 'newfield', 'name' => 'Description of new field', 'categoryid' => 1,
'datatype' => 'textarea'));
$this->preventResetByRollback(); // Messaging is not compatible with transactions.
$badge = new badge($this->coursebadge);
$criteria_overall = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$criteria_overall->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ANY));
$criteria_overall1 = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_PROFILE, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$criteria_overall1->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ALL, 'field_address' => 'address', 'field_aim' => 'aim',
'field_' . $customprofileid => $customprofileid));
// Assert the badge will not be issued to the user as is.
$badge = new badge($this->coursebadge);
// Set the required fields and make sure the badge got issued.
$this->user->address = 'Test address';
$this->user->aim = '999999999';
$sink = $this->redirectEmails();
profile_save_data((object)array('id' => $this->user->id, 'profile_field_newfield' => 'X'));
user_update_user($this->user, false);
$this->assertCount(1, $sink->get_messages());
// Check if badge is awarded.
$this->assertDebuggingCalled('Error baking badge image!');
* Test badges observer when cohort_member_added event is fired and user required to belong to any cohort.
* @covers \award_criteria_cohort
public function test_badges_observer_any_cohort_criteria_review() {
global $CFG;
$cohort1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_cohort();
$cohort2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_cohort();
$this->preventResetByRollback(); // Messaging is not compatible with transactions.
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$this->assertSame(0, $badge->review_all_criteria()); // Verify award_criteria_cohort->get_completed_criteria_sql().
// Set up the badge criteria.
$criteriaoverall = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$criteriaoverall->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ANY));
$criteriaoverall1 = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COHORT, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$criteriaoverall1->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ANY,
'cohort_cohorts' => array('0' => $cohort1->id, '1' => $cohort2->id)));
// Reload it to contain criteria.
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$this->assertSame(0, $badge->review_all_criteria()); // Verify award_criteria_cohort->get_completed_criteria_sql().
// Add the user to the cohort.
cohort_add_member($cohort2->id, $this->user->id);
// Verify that the badge was awarded.
// As the badge has been awarded to user because core_badges_observer been called when the member has been added to the
// cohort, there are no other users that can award this badge.
$this->assertSame(0, $badge->review_all_criteria()); // Verify award_criteria_cohort->get_completed_criteria_sql().
* Test badges observer when cohort_member_added event is fired and user required to belong to multiple (all) cohorts.
* @covers \award_criteria_cohort
public function test_badges_observer_all_cohort_criteria_review() {
global $CFG;
$cohort1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_cohort();
$cohort2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_cohort();
$cohort3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_cohort();
// Add user2 to cohort1 and cohort3.
$user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
cohort_add_member($cohort3->id, $user2->id);
cohort_add_member($cohort1->id, $user2->id);
// Add user3 to cohort1, cohort2 and cohort3.
$user3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
cohort_add_member($cohort1->id, $user3->id);
cohort_add_member($cohort2->id, $user3->id);
cohort_add_member($cohort3->id, $user3->id);
$this->preventResetByRollback(); // Messaging is not compatible with transactions.
// Cohort criteria are used in site badges.
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$this->assertSame(0, $badge->review_all_criteria()); // Verify award_criteria_cohort->get_completed_criteria_sql().
// Set up the badge criteria.
$criteriaoverall = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$criteriaoverall->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ANY));
$criteriaoverall1 = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COHORT, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$criteriaoverall1->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ALL,
'cohort_cohorts' => array('0' => $cohort1->id, '1' => $cohort2->id, '2' => $cohort3->id)));
// Reload it to contain criteria.
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
// Verify that the badge was not awarded yet (ALL cohorts are needed and review_all_criteria has to be called).
// Verify that after calling review_all_criteria, users with the criteria (user3) award the badge instantly.
$this->assertSame(1, $badge->review_all_criteria()); // Verify award_criteria_cohort->get_completed_criteria_sql().
// Add the user to the cohort1.
cohort_add_member($cohort1->id, $this->user->id);
// Verify that the badge was not awarded yet (ALL cohorts are needed).
$this->assertSame(0, $badge->review_all_criteria()); // Verify award_criteria_cohort->get_completed_criteria_sql().
// Add the user to the cohort3.
cohort_add_member($cohort3->id, $this->user->id);
// Verify that the badge was not awarded yet (ALL cohorts are needed).
$this->assertSame(0, $badge->review_all_criteria()); // Verify award_criteria_cohort->get_completed_criteria_sql().
// Add user to cohort2.
cohort_add_member($cohort2->id, $this->user->id);
// Verify that the badge was awarded (ALL cohorts).
// As the badge has been awarded to user because core_badges_observer been called when the member has been added to the
// cohort, there are no other users that can award this badge.
$this->assertSame(0, $badge->review_all_criteria()); // Verify award_criteria_cohort->get_completed_criteria_sql().
* Test badges assertion generated when a badge is issued.
public function test_badges_assertion() {
$this->preventResetByRollback(); // Messaging is not compatible with transactions.
$badge = new badge($this->coursebadge);
$criteria_overall = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$criteria_overall->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ANY));
$criteria_overall1 = award_criteria::build(array('criteriatype' => BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_PROFILE, 'badgeid' => $badge->id));
$criteria_overall1->save(array('agg' => BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ALL, 'field_address' => 'address'));
$this->user->address = 'Test address';
$sink = $this->redirectEmails();
user_update_user($this->user, false);
$this->assertCount(1, $sink->get_messages());
// Check if badge is awarded.
$this->assertDebuggingCalled('Error baking badge image!');
$awards = $badge->get_awards();
$this->assertCount(1, $awards);
// Get assertion.
$award = reset($awards);
$assertion = new core_badges_assertion($award->uniquehash, OPEN_BADGES_V1);
$testassertion = $this->assertion;
// Make sure JSON strings have the same structure.
$this->assertStringMatchesFormat($testassertion->badge, json_encode($assertion->get_badge_assertion()));
$this->assertStringMatchesFormat($testassertion->class, json_encode($assertion->get_badge_class()));
$this->assertStringMatchesFormat($testassertion->issuer, json_encode($assertion->get_issuer()));
// Test Openbadge specification version 2.
// Get assertion version 2.
$award = reset($awards);
$assertion2 = new core_badges_assertion($award->uniquehash, OPEN_BADGES_V2);
$testassertion2 = $this->assertion2;
// Make sure JSON strings have the same structure.
$this->assertStringMatchesFormat($testassertion2->badge, json_encode($assertion2->get_badge_assertion()));
$this->assertStringMatchesFormat($testassertion2->class, json_encode($assertion2->get_badge_class()));
$this->assertStringMatchesFormat($testassertion2->issuer, json_encode($assertion2->get_issuer()));
// Test Openbadge specification version 2.1. It has the same format as OBv2.0.
// Get assertion version 2.1.
$award = reset($awards);
$assertion2 = new core_badges_assertion($award->uniquehash, OPEN_BADGES_V2P1);
// Make sure JSON strings have the same structure.
$this->assertStringMatchesFormat($testassertion2->badge, json_encode($assertion2->get_badge_assertion()));
$this->assertStringMatchesFormat($testassertion2->class, json_encode($assertion2->get_badge_class()));
$this->assertStringMatchesFormat($testassertion2->issuer, json_encode($assertion2->get_issuer()));
* Tests the core_badges_myprofile_navigation() function.
public function test_core_badges_myprofile_navigation() {
// Set up the test.
$tree = new \core_user\output\myprofile\tree();
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$badge->issue($this->user->id, true);
$iscurrentuser = true;
$course = null;
// Enable badges.
set_config('enablebadges', true);
// Check the node tree is correct.
core_badges_myprofile_navigation($tree, $this->user, $iscurrentuser, $course);
$reflector = new ReflectionObject($tree);
$nodes = $reflector->getProperty('nodes');
$this->assertArrayHasKey('localbadges', $nodes->getValue($tree));
* Tests the core_badges_myprofile_navigation() function with badges disabled..
public function test_core_badges_myprofile_navigation_badges_disabled() {
// Set up the test.
$tree = new \core_user\output\myprofile\tree();
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$badge->issue($this->user->id, true);
$iscurrentuser = false;
$course = null;
// Disable badges.
set_config('enablebadges', false);
// Check the node tree is correct.
core_badges_myprofile_navigation($tree, $this->user, $iscurrentuser, $course);
$reflector = new ReflectionObject($tree);
$nodes = $reflector->getProperty('nodes');
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('localbadges', $nodes->getValue($tree));
* Tests the core_badges_myprofile_navigation() function with a course badge.
public function test_core_badges_myprofile_navigation_with_course_badge() {
// Set up the test.
$tree = new \core_user\output\myprofile\tree();
$badge = new badge($this->coursebadge);
$badge->issue($this->user->id, true);
$iscurrentuser = false;
// Check the node tree is correct.
core_badges_myprofile_navigation($tree, $this->user, $iscurrentuser, $this->course);
$reflector = new ReflectionObject($tree);
$nodes = $reflector->getProperty('nodes');
$this->assertArrayHasKey('localbadges', $nodes->getValue($tree));
* Test insert and update endorsement with a site badge.
public function test_badge_endorsement() {
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
// Insert Endorsement.
$endorsement = new stdClass();
$endorsement->badgeid = $this->badgeid;
$endorsement->issuername = "Issuer 123";
$endorsement->issueremail = "issuer123@email.com";
$endorsement->issuerurl = "https://example.org/issuer-123";
$endorsement->dateissued = 1524567747;
$endorsement->claimid = "https://example.org/robotics-badge.json";
$endorsement->claimcomment = "Test endorser comment";
$endorsement1 = $badge->get_endorsement();
$this->assertEquals($endorsement->badgeid, $endorsement1->badgeid);
$this->assertEquals($endorsement->issuername, $endorsement1->issuername);
$this->assertEquals($endorsement->issueremail, $endorsement1->issueremail);
$this->assertEquals($endorsement->issuerurl, $endorsement1->issuerurl);
$this->assertEquals($endorsement->dateissued, $endorsement1->dateissued);
$this->assertEquals($endorsement->claimid, $endorsement1->claimid);
$this->assertEquals($endorsement->claimcomment, $endorsement1->claimcomment);
// Update Endorsement.
$endorsement1->issuername = "Issuer update";
$endorsement2 = $badge->get_endorsement();
$this->assertEquals($endorsement1->id, $endorsement2->id);
$this->assertEquals($endorsement1->issuername, $endorsement2->issuername);
* Test insert and delete related badge with a site badge.
public function test_badge_related() {
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
$newid1 = $badge->make_clone();
$newid2 = $badge->make_clone();
$newid3 = $badge->make_clone();
// Insert an related badge.
$badge->add_related_badges([$newid1, $newid2, $newid3]);
$this->assertCount(3, $badge->get_related_badges());
// Only get related is active.
$clonedbage1 = new badge($newid1);
$clonedbage1->status = BADGE_STATUS_ACTIVE;
$this->assertCount(1, $badge->get_related_badges(true));
// Delete an related badge.
$this->assertCount(2, $badge->get_related_badges());
* Test insert, update, delete alignment with a site badge.
public function test_alignments() {
$badge = new badge($this->badgeid);
// Insert a alignment.
$alignment1 = new stdClass();
$alignment1->badgeid = $this->badgeid;
$alignment1->targetname = 'CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.3';
$alignment1->targeturl = 'http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/RST/11-12/3';
$alignment1->targetdescription = 'Test target description';
$alignment1->targetframework = 'CCSS.RST.11-12.3';
$alignment1->targetcode = 'CCSS.RST.11-12.3';
$alignment2 = clone $alignment1;
$newid1 = $badge->save_alignment($alignment1);
$newid2 = $badge->save_alignment($alignment2);
$alignments1 = $badge->get_alignments();
$this->assertCount(2, $alignments1);
$this->assertEquals($alignment1->badgeid, $alignments1[$newid1]->badgeid);
$this->assertEquals($alignment1->targetname, $alignments1[$newid1]->targetname);
$this->assertEquals($alignment1->targeturl, $alignments1[$newid1]->targeturl);
$this->assertEquals($alignment1->targetdescription, $alignments1[$newid1]->targetdescription);
$this->assertEquals($alignment1->targetframework, $alignments1[$newid1]->targetframework);
$this->assertEquals($alignment1->targetcode, $alignments1[$newid1]->targetcode);
// Update aligment.
$alignments1[$newid1]->targetname = 'CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.3 update';
$badge->save_alignment($alignments1[$newid1], $alignments1[$newid1]->id);
$alignments2 = $badge->get_alignments();
$this->assertEquals($alignments1[$newid1]->id, $alignments2[$newid1]->id);
$this->assertEquals($alignments1[$newid1]->targetname, $alignments2[$newid1]->targetname);
// Delete alignment.
$this->assertCount(1, $badge->get_alignments());
* Test badges_delete_site_backpack().
public function test_badges_delete_site_backpack(): void {
global $DB;
// Create one backpack.
$total = $DB->count_records('badge_external_backpack');
$this->assertEquals(1, $total);
$data = new \stdClass();
$data->apiversion = OPEN_BADGES_V2P1;
$data->backpackapiurl = 'https://dc.imsglobal.org/obchost/ims/ob/v2p1';
$data->backpackweburl = 'https://dc.imsglobal.org';
$backpack = $DB->get_record('badge_external_backpack', ['backpackweburl' => $data->backpackweburl]);
$user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// User1 is connected to the backpack to be removed and has 2 collections.
$backpackuser1 = helper::create_fake_backpack(['userid' => $user1->id, 'externalbackpackid' => $backpack->id]);
helper::create_fake_backpack_collection(['backpackid' => $backpackuser1->id]);
helper::create_fake_backpack_collection(['backpackid' => $backpackuser1->id]);
// User2 is connected to a different backpack and has 1 collection.
$backpackuser2 = helper::create_fake_backpack(['userid' => $user2->id]);
helper::create_fake_backpack_collection(['backpackid' => $backpackuser2->id]);
$total = $DB->count_records('badge_external_backpack');
$this->assertEquals(2, $total);
$total = $DB->count_records('badge_backpack');
$this->assertEquals(2, $total);
$total = $DB->count_records('badge_external');
$this->assertEquals(3, $total);
// Remove the backpack created previously.
$result = badges_delete_site_backpack($backpack->id);
$total = $DB->count_records('badge_external_backpack');
$this->assertEquals(1, $total);
$total = $DB->count_records('badge_backpack');
$this->assertEquals(1, $total);
$total = $DB->count_records('badge_external');
$this->assertEquals(1, $total);
// Try to remove an non-existent backpack.
$result = badges_delete_site_backpack($backpack->id);
> }
> /**
> * Test to validate badges_save_backpack_credentials.
> *
> * @dataProvider save_backpack_credentials_provider
> * @param bool $addbackpack True if backpack data has to be created; false otherwise (empty data will be used then).
> * @param string|null $mail Backpack mail address.
> * @param string|null $password Backpack password.
> */
> public function test_save_backpack_credentials(bool $addbackpack = true, ?string $mail = null, ?string $password = null) {
> global $DB;
> $this->resetAfterTest();
> $this->setAdminUser();
> $data = [];
> if ($addbackpack) {
> $data = new \stdClass();
> $data->apiversion = OPEN_BADGES_V2P1;
> $data->backpackapiurl = 'https://dc.imsglobal.org/obchost/ims/ob/v2p1';
> $data->backpackweburl = 'https://dc.imsglobal.org';
> badges_create_site_backpack($data);
> $backpack = $DB->get_record('badge_external_backpack', ['backpackweburl' => $data->backpackweburl]);
> $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
> $data = [
> 'externalbackpackid' => $backpack->id,
> 'userid' => $user->id,
> ];
> if (!empty($mail)) {
> $data['backpackemail'] = $mail;
> }
> if (!empty($password)) {
> $data['password'] = $password;
> }
> }
> $return = badges_save_backpack_credentials((object) $data);
> if (array_key_exists('userid', $data)) {
> $record = $DB->get_record('badge_backpack', ['userid' => $user->id]);
> } else {
> $record = $DB->get_records('badge_backpack');
> }
> if (!empty($mail) && !empty($password)) {
> // The backpack credentials are created if the given information is right.
> $this->assertNotEmpty($record);
> $this->assertEquals($data['externalbackpackid'], $return);
> } else if ($addbackpack) {
> // If no email and password are given, no backpack is created/modified.
> $this->assertEmpty($record);
> $this->assertEquals($data['externalbackpackid'], $return);
> } else {
> // There weren't fields to add to the backpack so no DB change is expected.
> $this->assertEmpty($record);
> $this->assertEquals(0, $return);
> }
> // Confirm the existing backpack credential can be updated (if it has been created).
> if (!empty($record)) {
> $data['backpackemail'] = 'modified_' . $mail;
> $data['id'] = $record->id;
> $return = badges_save_backpack_credentials((object) $data);
> $record = $DB->get_record('badge_backpack', ['userid' => $user->id]);
> $this->assertNotEmpty($record);
> $this->assertEquals($data['backpackemail'], $record->email);
> $this->assertEquals($data['externalbackpackid'], $return);
> }
> }
> /**
> * Data provider for test_create_backpack_credentials().
> *
> * @return array
> */
> public function save_backpack_credentials_provider(): array {
> return [
> 'Empty fields' => [
> false,
> ],
> 'No backpack mail or password are defined' => [
> true,
> ],
> 'Both backpack mail and password are defined' => [
> true, 'test@test.com', '1234',
> ],
> 'Only backpack mail is defined (no password is given)' => [
> true, 'test@test.com', null,
> ],
> 'Only backpack password is defined (no mail is given)' => [
> true, null, '1234'
> ],
> ];
> }
> /**
> * Test badges_save_external_backpack.
> *
> * @dataProvider badges_save_external_backpack_provider
> * @param array $data Backpack data to save.
> * @param bool $adduser True if a real user has to be used for creating the backpack; false otherwise.
> * @param bool $duplicates True if duplicates has to be tested too; false otherwise.
> */
> public function test_badges_save_external_backpack(array $data, bool $adduser, bool $duplicates) {
> global $DB;
> $this->resetAfterTest();
> $userid = 0;
> if ($adduser) {
> $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
> $userid = $user->id;
> $data['userid'] = $user->id;
> }
> $result = badges_save_external_backpack((object) $data);
> $this->assertNotEquals(0, $result);
> $record = $DB->get_record('badge_external_backpack', ['id' => $result]);
> $this->assertEquals($record->backpackweburl, $data['backpackweburl']);
> $this->assertEquals($record->backpackapiurl, $data['backpackapiurl']);
> $record = $DB->get_record('badge_backpack', ['externalbackpackid' => $result]);
> if (!array_key_exists('backpackemail', $data) && !array_key_exists('password', $data)) {
> $this->assertEmpty($record);
> $total = $DB->count_records('badge_backpack');
> $this->assertEquals(0, $total);
> } else {
> $this->assertNotEmpty($record);
> $this->assertEquals($record->userid, $userid);
> }
> if ($duplicates) {
> // We shouldn't be able to insert multiple external_backpacks with the same values.
> $this->expectException('dml_write_exception');
> $result = badges_save_external_backpack((object)$data);
> }
> }
> /**
> * Provider for test_badges_save_external_backpack
> *
> * @return array
> */
> public function badges_save_external_backpack_provider() {
> $data = [
> 'apiversion' => 2,
> 'backpackapiurl' => 'https://api.ca.badgr.io/v2',
> 'backpackweburl' => 'https://ca.badgr.io',
> ];
> return [
> 'Test without user and auth details. Check duplicates too' => [
> 'data' => $data,
> 'adduser' => false,
> 'duplicates' => true,
> ],
> 'Test without user and auth details. No duplicates' => [
> 'data' => $data,
> 'adduser' => false,
> 'duplicates' => false,
> ],
> 'Test with user and without auth details' => [
> 'data' => $data,
> 'adduser' => true,
> 'duplicates' => false,
> ],
> 'Test with user and without auth details. Check duplicates too' => [
> 'data' => $data,
> 'adduser' => true,
> 'duplicates' => true,
> ],
> 'Test with empty backpackemail, password and id' => [
> 'data' => array_merge($data, [
> 'backpackemail' => '',
> 'password' => '',
> 'id' => 0,
> ]),
> 'adduser' => false,
> 'duplicates' => false,
> ],
> 'Test with empty backpackemail, password and id but with user' => [
> 'data' => array_merge($data, [
> 'backpackemail' => '',
> 'password' => '',
> 'id' => 0,
> ]),
> 'adduser' => true,
> 'duplicates' => false,
> ],
> 'Test with auth details but without user' => [
> 'data' => array_merge($data, [
> 'backpackemail' => 'test@test.com',
> 'password' => 'test',
> ]),
> 'adduser' => false,
> 'duplicates' => false,
> ],
> 'Test with auth details and user' => [
> 'data' => array_merge($data, [
> 'backpackemail' => 'test@test.com',
> 'password' => 'test',
> ]),
> 'adduser' => true,
> 'duplicates' => false,
> ],
> ];
> }
> /**
> * Test backpack creation/update with auth details provided
> *
> * @param boolean $isadmin
> * @param boolean $updatetest
> * @dataProvider badges_create_site_backpack_provider
> */
> public function test_badges_create_site_backpack($isadmin, $updatetest) {
> global $DB;
> $this->resetAfterTest();
> $data = [
> 'apiversion' => 2,
> 'backpackapiurl' => 'https://api.ca.badgr.io/v2',
> 'backpackweburl' => 'https://ca.badgr.io',
> ];
> $data['backpackemail'] = 'test@test.com';
> $data['password'] = 'test';
> if ($isadmin || $updatetest) {
> $this->setAdminUser();
> $lastmax = $DB->get_field_sql('SELECT MAX(sortorder) FROM {badge_external_backpack}');
> $backpack = badges_create_site_backpack((object) $data);
> }
> if ($isadmin) {
> if ($updatetest) {
> $record = $DB->get_record('badge_backpack', ['userid' => 0]);
> $data['badgebackpack'] = $record->id;
> $data['backpackapiurl'] = 'https://api.ca.badgr.io/v3';
> badges_update_site_backpack($backpack, (object)$data);
> }
> $record = $DB->get_record('badge_external_backpack', ['id' => $backpack]);
> $this->assertEquals($data['backpackweburl'], $record->backpackweburl);
> $this->assertEquals($data['backpackapiurl'], $record->backpackapiurl);
> $this->assertEquals($lastmax + 1, $record->sortorder);
> $record = $DB->get_record('badge_backpack', ['userid' => 0]);
> $this->assertNotEmpty($record);
> } else {
> $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
> $this->setUser($user);
> $this->expectException('required_capability_exception');
> if ($updatetest) {
> $result = badges_update_site_backpack($backpack, (object) $data);
> } else {
> $result = badges_create_site_backpack((object)$data);
> }
> }
> }
> /**
> * Provider for test_badges_(create/update)_site_backpack
> */
> public function badges_create_site_backpack_provider() {
> return [
> "Test as admin user - creation test" => [true, true],
> "Test as admin user - update test" => [true, false],
> "Test as normal user - creation test" => [false, true],
> "Test as normal user - update test" => [false, false],
> ];
> }
> /**
> * Test the badges_open_badges_backpack_api with different backpacks
> */
> public function test_badges_open_badges_backpack_api() {
> $this->resetAfterTest();
> $data = [
> 'apiversion' => 2,
> 'backpackapiurl' => 'https://api.ca.badgr.io/v2',
> 'backpackweburl' => 'https://ca.badgr.io',
> ];
> // Given a complete set of unique data, a new backpack and auth records should exist in the tables.
> $data['backpackemail'] = 'test@test.com';
> $data['password'] = 'test';
> $backpack1 = badges_save_external_backpack((object) $data);
> $data['backpackweburl'] = 'https://eu.badgr.io';
> $data['backpackapiurl'] = 'https://api.eu.badgr.io/v2';
> $data['apiversion'] = 2.1;
> $backpack2 = badges_save_external_backpack((object) $data);
> set_config('badges_site_backpack', $backpack2);
> // The default response should check the default site backpack api version.
> $this->assertEquals(2.1, badges_open_badges_backpack_api());
> // Check the api version for the other backpack created.
> $this->assertEquals(2, badges_open_badges_backpack_api($backpack1));
> $this->assertEquals(2.1, badges_open_badges_backpack_api($backpack2));
> }
> /**
> * Test the badges_get_site_backpack function
> */
> public function test_badges_get_site_backpack() {
> $this->resetAfterTest();
> $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
> $data = [
> 'apiversion' => '2',
> 'backpackapiurl' => 'https://api.ca.badgr.io/v2',
> 'backpackweburl' => 'https://ca.badgr.io',
> ];
> $backpack1 = badges_save_external_backpack((object) $data);
> $data2 = array_merge($data, [
> 'backpackapiurl' => 'https://api.eu.badgr.io/v2',
> 'backpackweburl' => 'https://eu.badgr.io',
> 'backpackemail' => 'test@test.com',
> 'password' => 'test',
> ]);
> $backpack2 = badges_save_external_backpack((object) $data2);
> $data3 = array_merge($data2, [
> 'userid' => $user->id,
> 'externalbackpackid' => $backpack2,
> 'backpackemail' => 'test2@test.com'
> ]);
> // In the following case, the id returned below equals backpack2. So we aren't storing it.
> badges_save_backpack_credentials((object) $data3);
> unset($data3['userid']);
> // Get a site back based on the id returned from creation and no user id provided.
> $this->assertEquals($data, array_intersect($data, (array) badges_get_site_backpack($backpack1)));
> $this->assertEquals($data2, array_intersect($data2, (array) badges_get_site_backpack($backpack2)));
> $this->assertEquals($data2, array_intersect($data2, (array) badges_get_site_backpack($backpack2, 0)));
> $this->assertEquals($data3, array_intersect($data3, (array) badges_get_site_backpack($backpack2, $user->id)));
> // Non-existent user backpack should return only configuration details and not auth details.
> $userbackpack = badges_get_site_backpack($backpack1, $user->id);
> $this->assertNull($userbackpack->badgebackpack);
> $this->assertNull($userbackpack->password);
> $this->assertNull($userbackpack->backpackemail);
> }
> /**
> * Test the badges_get_user_backpack function
> */
> public function test_badges_get_user_backpack() {
> $this->resetAfterTest();
> $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
> $data = [
> 'apiversion' => '2',
> 'backpackapiurl' => 'https://api.ca.badgr.io/v2',
> 'backpackweburl' => 'https://ca.badgr.io',
> ];
> $backpack1 = badges_save_external_backpack((object) $data);
> $data2 = array_merge($data, [
> 'backpackapiurl' => 'https://api.eu.badgr.io/v2',
> 'backpackweburl' => 'https://eu.badgr.io',
> 'backpackemail' => 'test@test.com',
> 'password' => 'test',
> ]);
> $backpack2 = badges_save_external_backpack((object) $data2);
> $data3 = array_merge($data2, [
> 'userid' => $user->id,
> 'externalbackpackid' => $backpack2,
> 'backpackemail' => 'test2@test.com'
> ]);
> // In the following case, the id returned below equals backpack2. So we aren't storing it.
> badges_save_backpack_credentials((object) $data3);
> unset($data3['userid']);
> // Currently logged in as admin.
> $this->assertEquals($data2, array_intersect($data2, (array) badges_get_user_backpack()));
> $this->assertEquals($data2, array_intersect($data2, (array) badges_get_user_backpack(0)));
> $this->assertEquals($data3, array_intersect($data3, (array) badges_get_user_backpack($user->id)));
> // Non-existent user backpack should return nothing.
> $this->assertFalse(badges_get_user_backpack($backpack1, $user->id));
> // Login as user.
> $this->setUser($user);
> $this->assertEquals($data3, array_intersect($data3, (array) badges_get_user_backpack()));
> }
> /**
> * Test the badges_get_site_primary_backpack function
> *
> * @param boolean $withauth Testing with authentication or not.
> * @dataProvider badges_get_site_primary_backpack_provider
> */
> public function test_badges_get_site_primary_backpack($withauth) {
> $data = [
> 'apiversion' => '2',
> 'backpackapiurl' => 'https://api.ca.badgr.io/v2',
> 'backpackweburl' => 'https://ca.badgr.io',
> ];
> if ($withauth) {
> $data = array_merge($data, [
> 'backpackemail' => 'test@test.com',
> 'password' => 'test',
> ]);
> }
> $backpack = badges_save_external_backpack((object) $data);
> set_config('badges_site_backpack', $backpack);
> $sitebackpack = badges_get_site_primary_backpack();
> $this->assertEquals($backpack, $sitebackpack->id);
> if ($withauth) {
> $this->assertEquals($data, array_intersect($data, (array) $sitebackpack));
> $this->assertEquals($data['password'], $sitebackpack->password);
> $this->assertEquals($data['backpackemail'], $sitebackpack->backpackemail);
> } else {
> $this->assertNull($sitebackpack->badgebackpack);
> $this->assertNull($sitebackpack->password);
> $this->assertNull($sitebackpack->backpackemail);
> }
> }
> /**
> * Test the test_badges_get_site_primary_backpack function.
> *
> * @return array
> */
> public function badges_get_site_primary_backpack_provider() {
> return [
> "Test with auth details" => [true],
> "Test without auth details" => [false],
> ];
> }
> /**
> * Test the Badgr URL generator function
> *
> * @param mixed $type Type corresponding to the badge entites
> * @param string $expected Expected string result
> * @dataProvider badgr_open_url_generator
> */
> public function test_badges_generate_badgr_open_url($type, $expected) {
> $data = [
> 'apiversion' => '2',
> 'backpackapiurl' => 'https://api.ca.badgr.io/v2',
> 'backpackweburl' => 'https://ca.badgr.io',
> 'backpackemail' => 'test@test.com',
> 'password' => 'test',
> ];
> $backpack2 = badges_save_external_backpack((object) $data);
> $backpack = badges_get_site_backpack($backpack2);
> $this->assertEquals($expected, badges_generate_badgr_open_url($backpack, $type, 123455));
> }
> /**
> * Data provider for test_badges_generate_badgr_open_url
> * @return array
> */
> public function badgr_open_url_generator() {
> return [
> 'Badgr Assertion URL test' => [
> OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_ASSERTION, "https://api.ca.badgr.io/public/assertions/123455"
> ],
> 'Badgr Issuer URL test' => [
> OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_ISSUER, "https://api.ca.badgr.io/public/issuers/123455"
> ],
> 'Badgr Badge URL test' => [
> OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_BADGE, "https://api.ca.badgr.io/public/badges/123455"
> ]
> ];
> }
> /**
> * Test badges_external_get_mapping function
> *
> * @param int $internalid The internal id of the mapping
> * @param int $externalid The external / remote ref to the mapping
> * @param mixed $expected The expected result from the function
> * @param string|null $field The field we are passing to the function. Null if we don't want to pass anything.ss
> *
> * @dataProvider badges_external_get_mapping_provider
> */
> public function test_badges_external_get_mapping($internalid, $externalid, $expected, $field = null) {
> $data = [
> 'apiversion' => '2',
> 'backpackapiurl' => 'https://api.ca.badgr.io/v2',
> 'backpackweburl' => 'https://ca.badgr.io',
> 'backpackemail' => 'test@test.com',
> 'password' => 'test',
> ];
> $backpack2 = badges_save_external_backpack((object) $data);
> badges_external_create_mapping($backpack2, OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_BADGE, $internalid, $externalid);
> $expected = $expected == "id" ? $backpack2 : $expected;
> if ($field) {
> $this->assertEquals($expected, badges_external_get_mapping($backpack2, OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_BADGE, $internalid, $field));
> } else {
> $this->assertEquals($expected, badges_external_get_mapping($backpack2, OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_BADGE, $internalid));
> }
> }
> /**
> * Data provider for badges_external_get_mapping_provider
> *
> * @return array
> */
> public function badges_external_get_mapping_provider() {
> return [
> "Get the site backpack value" => [
> 1234, 4321, 'id', 'sitebackpackid'
> ],
> "Get the type of the mapping" => [
> 1234, 4321, OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_BADGE, 'type'
> ],
> "Get the externalid of the mapping" => [
> 1234, 4321, 4321, 'externalid'
> ],
> "Get the externalid of the mapping without providing a param" => [
> 1234, 4321, 4321, null
> ],
> "Get the internalid of the mapping" => [
> 1234, 4321, 1234, 'internalid'
> ]
> ];