Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
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Fileaction_event_test.php                 [source] [204 lines]   Action event tests.
Fileaction_factory_test.php               [source] [51 lines]    Action factory test.
Fileaction_test.php                       [source] [82 lines]    Action tests.
Filecalendar_event_exporter_test.php      [source] [311 lines]   Calendar event exporter tests tests.
Filecalendar_information_test.php         [source] [1069 lines]  Unit tests for calendar_information.
Filecalendartype_test.php                 [source] [329 lines]   This file contains the class that handles testing the calendar type system.
Filecalendartype_test_example.php         [source] [317 lines]   
Filecm_info_proxy_test.php                [source] [59 lines]    cm_info_proxy tests.
Filecontainer_test.php                    [source] [585 lines]   Event container tests.
Filecoursecat_proxy_test.php              [source] [64 lines]    coursecat_proxy tests.
Fileevent_description_test.php            [source] [71 lines]    Event description tests.
Fileevent_factory_test.php                [source] [485 lines]   Event factory test.
Fileevent_mapper_test.php                 [source] [469 lines]   Event mapper test.
Fileevent_test.php                        [source] [149 lines]   Event tests.
Fileevent_times_test.php                  [source] [83 lines]    Event times tests.
Fileevent_vault_test.php                  [source] [1218 lines]  This file contains the class that handles testing of the calendar event vault.
Fileevents_related_objects_cache_test.php [source] [140 lines]   Tests for the events_related_objects_cache.
Fileevents_test.php                       [source] [822 lines]   This file contains the class that handles testing of the calendar events.
Fileexternallib_test.php                  [source] [3091 lines]  External calendar functions unit tests
Filehelpers.php                           [source] [256 lines]   This file contains helper classes and functions for testing.
Filelib_test.php                          [source] [1044 lines]  Contains the class containing unit tests for the calendar lib.
Filelocal_api_test.php                    [source] [1300 lines]  Contains the class containing unit tests for the calendar local API.
Fileprivacy_test.php                      [source] [832 lines]   Privacy tests for core_calendar.
Fileraw_event_retrieval_strategy_test.php [source] [459 lines]   Raw event retrieval strategy tests.
Filerepeat_event_collection_test.php      [source] [213 lines]   Repeat event collection tests.
Filerrule_manager_test.php                [source] [2898 lines]  Defines test class to test manage rrule during ical imports.
Filestd_proxy_test.php                    [source] [169 lines]   std_proxy tests.