Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

namespace Moodle;

use stdClass;

class H5peditor {

  private static $hasWYSIWYGEditor = array(

  public static $styles = array(
  public static $scripts = array(
  private $h5p, $storage;
< public $ajax, $ajaxInterface;
> public $ajax, $ajaxInterface, $content;
/** * Constructor for the core editor library. * * @param H5PCore $h5p Instance of core * @param H5peditorStorage $storage Instance of h5peditor storage interface * @param H5PEditorAjaxInterface $ajaxInterface Instance of h5peditor ajax * interface */ function __construct($h5p, $storage, $ajaxInterface) { $this->h5p = $h5p; $this->storage = $storage; $this->ajaxInterface = $ajaxInterface; $this->ajax = new H5PEditorAjax($h5p, $this, $storage); } /** * Get list of libraries. * * @return array */ public function getLibraries() { if (isset($_POST['libraries'])) { // Get details for the specified libraries. $libraries = array(); foreach ($_POST['libraries'] as $libraryName) { $matches = array(); preg_match_all('/(.+)\s(\d+)\.(\d+)$/', $libraryName, $matches); if ($matches && $matches[1] && $matches[2] && $matches[3]) { $libraries[] = (object) array( 'uberName' => $libraryName, 'name' => $matches[1][0], 'majorVersion' => $matches[2][0], 'minorVersion' => $matches[3][0] ); } } } $libraries = $this->storage->getLibraries(!isset($libraries) ? NULL : $libraries); if ($this->h5p->development_mode & H5PDevelopment::MODE_LIBRARY) { $devLibs = $this->h5p->h5pD->getLibraries(); } for ($i = 0, $s = count($libraries); $i < $s; $i++) { if (!empty($devLibs)) { $lid = $libraries[$i]->name . ' ' . $libraries[$i]->majorVersion . '.' . $libraries[$i]->minorVersion; if (isset($devLibs[$lid])) { // Replace library with devlib $isOld = !empty($libraries[$i]->isOld) && $libraries[$i]->isOld === TRUE; $libraries[$i] = (object) array( 'uberName' => $lid, 'name' => $devLibs[$lid]['machineName'], 'title' => $devLibs[$lid]['title'], 'majorVersion' => $devLibs[$lid]['majorVersion'], 'minorVersion' => $devLibs[$lid]['minorVersion'], 'runnable' => $devLibs[$lid]['runnable'], 'restricted' => $libraries[$i]->restricted, 'tutorialUrl' => $libraries[$i]->tutorialUrl, 'metadataSettings' => $devLibs[$lid]['metadataSettings'], ); if ($isOld) { $libraries[$i]->isOld = TRUE; } } } // Some libraries rely on an LRS to work and must be enabled manually if (in_array($libraries[$i]->name, array('H5P.Questionnaire', 'H5P.FreeTextQuestion')) && !$this->h5p->h5pF->getOption('enable_lrs_content_types')) { $libraries[$i]->restricted = TRUE; } } return $libraries; } /** * Get translations for a language for a list of libraries * * @param array $libraries An array of libraries, in the form "<machineName> <majorVersion>.<minorVersion> * @param string $language_code * @return array */ public function getTranslations($libraries, $language_code) { return $this->ajaxInterface->getTranslations($libraries, $language_code); } /** * Move uploaded files, remove old files and update library usage. * * @param stdClass $content * @param array $newLibrary * @param array $newParameters * @param array $oldLibrary * @param array $oldParameters */ public function processParameters($content, $newLibrary, $newParameters, $oldLibrary = NULL, $oldParameters = NULL) { $newFiles = array(); $oldFiles = array(); // Keep track of current content ID (used when processing files) $this->content = $content; // Find new libraries/content dependencies and files. // Start by creating a fake library field to process. This way we get all the dependencies of the main library as well. $field = (object) array( 'type' => 'library' ); $libraryParams = (object) array( 'library' => H5PCore::libraryToString($newLibrary), 'params' => $newParameters ); $this->processField($field, $libraryParams, $newFiles); if ($oldLibrary !== NULL) { // Find old files and libraries. $this->processSemantics($oldFiles, $this->h5p->loadLibrarySemantics($oldLibrary['name'], $oldLibrary['majorVersion'], $oldLibrary['minorVersion']), $oldParameters); // Remove old files. for ($i = 0, $s = count($oldFiles); $i < $s; $i++) { if (!in_array($oldFiles[$i], $newFiles) && preg_match('/^(\w+:\/\/|\.\.\/)/i', $oldFiles[$i]) === 0) { $this->h5p->fs->removeContentFile($oldFiles[$i], $content); // (optionally we could just have marked them as tmp files) } } } } /** * Recursive function that moves the new files in to the h5p content folder and generates a list over the old files. * Also locates all the librares. * * @param array $files * @param array $libraries * @param array $semantics * @param array $params */ private function processSemantics(&$files, $semantics, &$params) { for ($i = 0, $s = count($semantics); $i < $s; $i++) { $field = $semantics[$i]; if (!isset($params->{$field->name})) { continue; } $this->processField($field, $params->{$field->name}, $files); } } /** * Process a single field. * * @staticvar string $h5peditor_path * @param object $field * @param mixed $params * @param array $files */ private function processField(&$field, &$params, &$files) { switch ($field->type) { case 'file': case 'image': if (isset($params->path)) { $this->processFile($params, $files); // Process original image if (isset($params->originalImage) && isset($params->originalImage->path)) { $this->processFile($params->originalImage, $files); } } break; case 'video': case 'audio': if (is_array($params)) { for ($i = 0, $s = count($params); $i < $s; $i++) { $this->processFile($params[$i], $files); } } break; case 'library': if (isset($params->library) && isset($params->params)) { $library = H5PCore::libraryFromString($params->library); $semantics = $this->h5p->loadLibrarySemantics($library['machineName'], $library['majorVersion'], $library['minorVersion']); // Process parameters for the library. $this->processSemantics($files, $semantics, $params->params); } break; case 'group': if (isset($params)) { $isSubContent = isset($field->isSubContent) && $field->isSubContent == TRUE; if (count($field->fields) == 1 && !$isSubContent) { $params = (object) array($field->fields[0]->name => $params); } $this->processSemantics($files, $field->fields, $params); } break; case 'list': if (is_array($params)) { for ($j = 0, $t = count($params); $j < $t; $j++) { $this->processField($field->field, $params[$j], $files); } } break; } } /** * @param mixed $params * @param array $files */ private function processFile(&$params, &$files) { if (preg_match('/^https?:\/\//', $params->path)) { return; // Skip external files } // Remove temporary files suffix if (substr($params->path, -4, 4) === '#tmp') { $params->path = substr($params->path, 0, strlen($params->path) - 4); } // File could be copied from another content folder. $matches = array(); if (preg_match($this->h5p->relativePathRegExp, $params->path, $matches)) { // Create a copy of the file $this->h5p->fs->cloneContentFile($matches[5], $matches[4], $this->content); // Update Params with correct filename $params->path = $matches[5]; } else { // Check if file exists in content folder $fileId = $this->h5p->fs->getContentFile($params->path, $this->content); if ($fileId) { // Mark the file as a keeper $this->storage->keepFile($fileId); } else { // File is not in content folder, try to copy it from the editor tmp dir // to content folder. $this->h5p->fs->cloneContentFile($params->path, 'editor', $this->content); // (not removed in case someone has copied it) // (will automatically be removed after 24 hours) } } $files[] = $params->path; } /** * TODO: Consider moving to core. */ public function getLibraryLanguage($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion, $languageCode) { if ($this->h5p->development_mode & H5PDevelopment::MODE_LIBRARY) { // Try to get language development library first. $language = $this->h5p->h5pD->getLanguage($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion, $languageCode); } if (isset($language) === FALSE) { $language = $this->storage->getLanguage($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion, $languageCode); } return ($language === FALSE ? NULL : $language); } /** * Return all libraries used by the given editor library. * * @param string $machineName Library identfier part 1 * @param int $majorVersion Library identfier part 2 * @param int $minorVersion Library identfier part 3 */ public function findEditorLibraries($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion) { $library = $this->h5p->loadLibrary($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion); $dependencies = array(); $this->h5p->findLibraryDependencies($dependencies, $library); // Load addons for wysiwyg editors if (in_array($machineName, self::$hasWYSIWYGEditor)) { $addons = $this->h5p->h5pF->loadAddons(); foreach ($addons as $addon) { $key = 'editor-' . $addon['machineName']; $dependencies[$key]['weight'] = sizeof($dependencies)+1; $dependencies[$key]['type'] = 'editor'; $dependencies[$key]['library'] = $addon; } } // Order dependencies by weight $orderedDependencies = array(); for ($i = 1, $s = count($dependencies); $i <= $s; $i++) { foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) { if ($dependency['weight'] === $i && $dependency['type'] === 'editor') { // Only load editor libraries. $dependency['library']['id'] = $dependency['library']['libraryId']; $orderedDependencies[$dependency['library']['libraryId']] = $dependency['library']; break; } } } return $orderedDependencies; } /** * Get all scripts, css and semantics data for a library * * @param string $machineName Library name * @param int $majorVersion * @param int $minorVersion * @param string $prefix Optional part to add between URL and asset path * @param string $fileDir Optional file dir to read files from * * @return array Libraries that was requested */
< public function getLibraryData($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion, $languageCode, $prefix = '', $fileDir = '', $defaultLanguage) {
> public function getLibraryData($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion, $languageCode, $prefix = '', $fileDir = '', $defaultLanguage = '') {
$libraryData = new stdClass(); $library = $this->h5p->loadLibrary($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion); // Include name and version in data object for convenience
< $libraryData->name = $machineName; < $libraryData->version = (object) array('major' => $majorVersion, 'minor' => $minorVersion);
> $libraryData->name = $library['machineName']; > $libraryData->version = (object) array('major' => $library['majorVersion'], 'minor' => $library['minorVersion']);
$libraryData->title = $library['title'];
< $libraryData->upgradesScript = $this->h5p->fs->getUpgradeScript($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion);
> $libraryData->upgradesScript = $this->h5p->fs->getUpgradeScript($library['machineName'], $library['majorVersion'], $library['minorVersion']);
if ($libraryData->upgradesScript !== NULL) { // If valid add URL prefix $libraryData->upgradesScript = $this->h5p->url . $prefix . $libraryData->upgradesScript; }
< $libraries = $this->findEditorLibraries($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion); < $libraryData->semantics = $this->h5p->loadLibrarySemantics($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion); < $libraryData->language = $this->getLibraryLanguage($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion, $languageCode); < $libraryData->defaultLanguage = empty($defaultLanguage) ? NULL : $this->getLibraryLanguage($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion, $defaultLanguage); < $libraryData->languages = $this->storage->getAvailableLanguages($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion);
> $libraries = $this->findEditorLibraries($library['machineName'], $library['majorVersion'], $library['minorVersion']); > $libraryData->semantics = $this->h5p->loadLibrarySemantics($library['machineName'], $library['majorVersion'], $library['minorVersion']); > $libraryData->language = $this->getLibraryLanguage($library['machineName'], $library['majorVersion'], $library['minorVersion'], $languageCode); > $libraryData->defaultLanguage = empty($defaultLanguage) ? NULL : $this->getLibraryLanguage($library['machineName'], $library['majorVersion'], $library['minorVersion'], $defaultLanguage); > $libraryData->languages = $this->storage->getAvailableLanguages($library['machineName'], $library['majorVersion'], $library['minorVersion']);
// Temporarily disable asset aggregation $aggregateAssets = $this->h5p->aggregateAssets; $this->h5p->aggregateAssets = FALSE; // This is done to prevent files being loaded multiple times due to how // the editor works. // Get list of JS and CSS files that belongs to the dependencies $files = $this->h5p->getDependenciesFiles($libraries, $prefix);
< $libraryName = H5PCore::libraryToString(compact('machineName', 'majorVersion', 'minorVersion'), true);
> $libraryName = H5PCore::libraryToFolderName($library);
if ($this->hasPresave($libraryName) === true) { $this->addPresaveFile($files, $library, $prefix); } $this->storage->alterLibraryFiles($files, $libraries); // Restore asset aggregation setting $this->h5p->aggregateAssets = $aggregateAssets; // Create base URL $url = $this->h5p->url; // Javascripts if (!empty($files['scripts'])) { foreach ($files['scripts'] as $script) { if (preg_match('/:\/\//', $script->path) === 1) { // External file $libraryData->javascript[] = $script->path . $script->version; } else { // Local file $path = $url . $script->path; if (!isset($this->h5p->h5pD)) { $path .= $script->version; } $libraryData->javascript[] = $path; } } } // Stylesheets if (!empty($files['styles'])) { foreach ($files['styles'] as $css) { if (preg_match('/:\/\//', $css->path) === 1) { // External file $libraryData->css[] = $css->path . $css->version; } else { // Local file $path = $url . $css->path; if (!isset($this->h5p->h5pD)) { $path .= $css->version; } $libraryData->css[] = $path; } } } $translations = array(); // Add translations for libraries. foreach ($libraries as $library) { if (empty($library['semantics'])) { $translation = $this->getLibraryLanguage($library['machineName'], $library['majorVersion'], $library['minorVersion'], $languageCode); // If translation was not found, and this is not the English one, try to load // the English translation if ($translation === NULL && $languageCode !== 'en') { $translation = $this->getLibraryLanguage($library['machineName'], $library['majorVersion'], $library['minorVersion'], 'en'); } if ($translation !== NULL) { $translations[$library['machineName']] = json_decode($translation); } } } $libraryData->translations = $translations; return $libraryData; } /** * This function will prefix all paths within a CSS file. * Copied from Drupal 6. * * @staticvar type $_base * @param type $matches * @param type $base * @return type */ public static function buildCssPath($matches, $base = NULL) { static $_base; // Store base path for preg_replace_callback. if (isset($base)) { $_base = $base; } // Prefix with base and remove '../' segments where possible. $path = $_base . $matches[1]; $last = ''; while ($path != $last) { $last = $path; $path = preg_replace('`(^|/)(?!\.\./)([^/]+)/\.\./`', '$1', $path); } return 'url('. $path .')'; } /** * Gets content type cache, applies user specific properties and formats * as camelCase. * * @return array $libraries Cached libraries from the H5P Hub with user specific * permission properties */ public function getUserSpecificContentTypeCache() { $cached_libraries = $this->ajaxInterface->getContentTypeCache(); // Check if user has access to install libraries $libraries = array(); foreach ($cached_libraries as &$result) { // Check if user can install content type $result->restricted = !$this->canInstallContentType($result); // Formats json $libraries[] = $this->getCachedLibsMap($result); } return $libraries; } public function canInstallContentType($contentType) { $canInstallAll = $this->h5p->h5pF->hasPermission(H5PPermission::UPDATE_LIBRARIES); $canInstallRecommended = $this->h5p->h5pF->hasPermission(H5PPermission::INSTALL_RECOMMENDED); return $canInstallAll || $contentType->is_recommended && $canInstallRecommended; } /** * Gets local and external libraries data with metadata to display * all libraries that are currently available for the user. * * @return array $libraries Latest local and external libraries data with * user specific permissions */ public function getLatestGlobalLibrariesData() { $latest_local_libraries = $this->ajaxInterface->getLatestLibraryVersions(); $cached_libraries = $this->getUserSpecificContentTypeCache(); $this->mergeLocalLibsIntoCachedLibs($latest_local_libraries, $cached_libraries); return $cached_libraries; } /** * Extract library properties from cached library so they are ready to be * returned as JSON * * @param object $cached_library A single library from the content type cache * * @return array A map containing the necessary properties for a cached * library to send to the front-end */ public function getCachedLibsMap($cached_library) { $restricted = isset($cached_library->restricted) ? $cached_library->restricted : FALSE; // Add mandatory fields $lib = array( 'id' => intval($cached_library->id), 'machineName' => $cached_library->machine_name, 'majorVersion' => intval( $cached_library->major_version), 'minorVersion' => intval($cached_library->minor_version), 'patchVersion' => intval($cached_library->patch_version), 'h5pMajorVersion' => intval($cached_library->h5p_major_version), 'h5pMinorVersion' => intval($cached_library->h5p_minor_version), 'title' => $cached_library->title, 'summary' => $cached_library->summary, 'description' => $cached_library->description, 'icon' => $cached_library->icon, 'createdAt' => intval($cached_library->created_at), 'updatedAt' => intval($cached_library->updated_at), 'isRecommended' => $cached_library->is_recommended != 0, 'popularity' => intval($cached_library->popularity), 'screenshots' => json_decode($cached_library->screenshots), 'license' => json_decode($cached_library->license), 'owner' => $cached_library->owner, 'installed' => FALSE, 'isUpToDate' => FALSE, 'restricted' => $restricted, 'canInstall' => !$restricted ); // Add optional fields if (!empty($cached_library->categories)) { $lib['categories'] = json_decode($cached_library->categories); } if (!empty($cached_library->keywords)) { $lib['keywords'] = json_decode($cached_library->keywords); } if (!empty($cached_library->tutorial)) { $lib['tutorial'] = $cached_library->tutorial; } if (!empty($cached_library->example)) { $lib['example'] = $cached_library->example; }
> if (!empty($cached_library->icons)) { > $lib['icons'] = json_decode($cached_library->icons); return $lib; > }
} /** * Merge local libraries into cached libraries so that local libraries will * get supplemented with the additional info from externally cached libraries. * * Also sets whether a given cached library is installed and up to date with * the locally installed libraries * * @param array $local_libraries Locally installed libraries * @param array $cached_libraries Cached libraries from the H5P hub */ public function mergeLocalLibsIntoCachedLibs($local_libraries, &$cached_libraries) { $can_create_restricted = $this->h5p->h5pF->hasPermission(H5PPermission::CREATE_RESTRICTED); // Add local libraries to supplement content type cache foreach ($local_libraries as $local_lib) { $is_local_only = TRUE; $icon_path = NULL; // Check if icon is available locally: if ($local_lib->has_icon) { // Create path to icon:
< $library_folder = H5PCore::libraryToString(array(
> $library_folder = H5PCore::libraryToFolderName([
'machineName' => $local_lib->machine_name, 'majorVersion' => $local_lib->major_version,
< 'minorVersion' => $local_lib->minor_version < ), TRUE);
> 'minorVersion' => $local_lib->minor_version, > 'patchVersion' => $local_lib->patch_version, > 'patchVersionInFolderName' => $local_lib->patch_version_in_folder_name > ]);
$icon_path = $this->h5p->h5pF->getLibraryFileUrl($library_folder, 'icon.svg'); } foreach ($cached_libraries as &$cached_lib) { // Determine if library is local $is_matching_library = $cached_lib['machineName'] === $local_lib->machine_name; if ($is_matching_library) { $is_local_only = FALSE; // Set icon if it exists locally if (isset($icon_path)) { $cached_lib['icon'] = $icon_path; } // Set local properties $cached_lib['installed'] = TRUE; $cached_lib['restricted'] = $can_create_restricted ? FALSE : ($local_lib->restricted ? TRUE : FALSE); // Set local version $cached_lib['localMajorVersion'] = (int) $local_lib->major_version; $cached_lib['localMinorVersion'] = (int) $local_lib->minor_version; $cached_lib['localPatchVersion'] = (int) $local_lib->patch_version; // Determine if library is newer or same as cache $major_is_updated = $cached_lib['majorVersion'] < $cached_lib['localMajorVersion']; $minor_is_updated = $cached_lib['majorVersion'] === $cached_lib['localMajorVersion'] && $cached_lib['minorVersion'] < $cached_lib['localMinorVersion']; $patch_is_updated = $cached_lib['majorVersion'] === $cached_lib['localMajorVersion'] && $cached_lib['minorVersion'] === $cached_lib['localMinorVersion'] && $cached_lib['patchVersion'] <= $cached_lib['localPatchVersion']; $is_updated_library = $major_is_updated || $minor_is_updated || $patch_is_updated; if ($is_updated_library) { $cached_lib['isUpToDate'] = TRUE; } } } // Add minimal data to display local only libraries if ($is_local_only) { $local_only_lib = array( 'id' => (int) $local_lib->id, 'machineName' => $local_lib->machine_name, 'title' => $local_lib->title, 'description' => '', 'majorVersion' => (int) $local_lib->major_version, 'minorVersion' => (int) $local_lib->minor_version, 'patchVersion' => (int) $local_lib->patch_version, 'localMajorVersion' => (int) $local_lib->major_version, 'localMinorVersion' => (int) $local_lib->minor_version, 'localPatchVersion' => (int) $local_lib->patch_version, 'canInstall' => FALSE, 'installed' => TRUE, 'isUpToDate' => TRUE, 'owner' => '', 'restricted' => $can_create_restricted ? FALSE : ($local_lib->restricted ? TRUE : FALSE) ); if (isset($icon_path)) { $local_only_lib['icon'] = $icon_path; } $cached_libraries[] = $local_only_lib; } } // Restrict LRS dependent content if (!$this->h5p->h5pF->getOption('enable_lrs_content_types')) { foreach ($cached_libraries as &$lib) { if (in_array($lib['machineName'], array('H5P.Questionnaire', 'H5P.FreeTextQuestion'))) { $lib['restricted'] = TRUE; } } } } /** * Determine if a library has a presave.js file in the root folder * * @param string $libraryName * @return bool */ public function hasPresave($libraryName){ if( isset($this->h5p->h5pD) ){ $parsedLibrary = H5PCore::libraryFromString($libraryName); if($parsedLibrary !== false){ $machineName = $parsedLibrary['machineName']; $majorVersion = $parsedLibrary['majorVersion']; $minorVersion = $parsedLibrary['minorVersion']; $library = $this->h5p->h5pD->getLibrary($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion); if( !is_null($library)){ return $this->h5p->fs->hasPresave($libraryName, $library['path']); } } } return $this->h5p->fs->hasPresave($libraryName); } /** * Adds the path to the presave.js file to the list of dependency assets for the library * * @param array $assets * @param array $library * @param string $prefix */ public function addPresaveFile(&$assets, $library, $prefix = ''){
< $path = 'libraries' . '/' . H5PCore::libraryToString($library, true);
> $path = 'libraries' . '/' . H5PCore::libraryToFolderName($library);
if( array_key_exists('path', $library)){ $path = $library['path']; } $version = "?ver={$library['majorVersion']}.{$library['minorVersion']}.{$library['patchVersion']}"; if( array_key_exists('version', $library) ){ $version = $library['version']; } $assets['scripts'][] = (object) array( 'path' => $prefix . '/' . $path . '/' . 'presave.js', 'version' => $version, ); } }