Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

< @version v5.20.16 12-Jan-2020
> @version v5.21.0 2021-02-27
@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved. @copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, the BSD license will take precedence. Set tabs to 4 for best viewing. */ // security - hide paths if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die(); class ADODB2_sybase extends ADODB_DataDict { var $databaseType = 'sybase'; var $dropIndex = 'DROP INDEX %2$s.%1$s'; function MetaType($t,$len=-1,$fieldobj=false) { if (is_object($t)) { $fieldobj = $t; $t = $fieldobj->type; $len = $fieldobj->max_length; } $len = -1; // mysql max_length is not accurate switch (strtoupper($t)) { case 'INT': case 'INTEGER': return 'I'; case 'BIT': case 'TINYINT': return 'I1'; case 'SMALLINT': return 'I2'; case 'BIGINT': return 'I8'; case 'REAL': case 'FLOAT': return 'F'; default: return parent::MetaType($t,$len,$fieldobj); } } function ActualType($meta) { switch(strtoupper($meta)) { case 'C': return 'VARCHAR'; case 'XL': case 'X': return 'TEXT'; case 'C2': return 'NVARCHAR'; case 'X2': return 'NTEXT'; case 'B': return 'IMAGE'; case 'D': return 'DATETIME'; case 'TS': case 'T': return 'DATETIME'; case 'L': return 'BIT'; case 'I': return 'INT'; case 'I1': return 'TINYINT'; case 'I2': return 'SMALLINT'; case 'I4': return 'INT'; case 'I8': return 'BIGINT'; case 'F': return 'REAL'; case 'N': return 'NUMERIC'; default: return $meta; } } function AddColumnSQL($tabname, $flds) { $tabname = $this->TableName ($tabname); $f = array(); list($lines,$pkey) = $this->_GenFields($flds); $s = "ALTER TABLE $tabname $this->addCol"; foreach($lines as $v) { $f[] = "\n $v"; } $s .= implode(', ',$f); $sql[] = $s; return $sql; } function AlterColumnSQL($tabname, $flds, $tableflds='', $tableoptions='') { $tabname = $this->TableName ($tabname); $sql = array(); list($lines,$pkey) = $this->_GenFields($flds); foreach($lines as $v) { $sql[] = "ALTER TABLE $tabname $this->alterCol $v"; } return $sql; } function DropColumnSQL($tabname, $flds, $tableflds='', $tableoptions='') { $tabname = $this->TableName($tabname); if (!is_array($flds)) $flds = explode(',',$flds); $f = array(); $s = "ALTER TABLE $tabname"; foreach($flds as $v) { $f[] = "\n$this->dropCol ".$this->NameQuote($v); } $s .= implode(', ',$f); $sql[] = $s; return $sql; } // return string must begin with space function _CreateSuffix($fname,&$ftype,$fnotnull,$fdefault,$fautoinc,$fconstraint,$funsigned) { $suffix = ''; if (strlen($fdefault)) $suffix .= " DEFAULT $fdefault"; if ($fautoinc) $suffix .= ' DEFAULT AUTOINCREMENT'; if ($fnotnull) $suffix .= ' NOT NULL'; else if ($suffix == '') $suffix .= ' NULL'; if ($fconstraint) $suffix .= ' '.$fconstraint; return $suffix; } /* CREATE TABLE [ database_name.[ owner ] . | owner. ] table_name ( { < column_definition > | column_name AS computed_column_expression | < table_constraint > ::= [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] } | [ { PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE } [ ,...n ] ) [ ON { filegroup | DEFAULT } ] [ TEXTIMAGE_ON { filegroup | DEFAULT } ] < column_definition > ::= { column_name data_type } [ COLLATE < collation_name > ] [ [ DEFAULT constant_expression ] | [ IDENTITY [ ( seed , increment ) [ NOT FOR REPLICATION ] ] ] ] [ ROWGUIDCOL] [ < column_constraint > ] [ ...n ] < column_constraint > ::= [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { [ NULL | NOT NULL ] | [ { PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE } [ CLUSTERED | NONCLUSTERED ] [ WITH FILLFACTOR = fillfactor ] [ON {filegroup | DEFAULT} ] ] ] | [ [ FOREIGN KEY ] REFERENCES ref_table [ ( ref_column ) ] [ ON DELETE { CASCADE | NO ACTION } ] [ ON UPDATE { CASCADE | NO ACTION } ] [ NOT FOR REPLICATION ] ] | CHECK [ NOT FOR REPLICATION ] ( logical_expression ) } < table_constraint > ::= [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] { [ { PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE } [ CLUSTERED | NONCLUSTERED ] { ( column [ ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ] ) } [ WITH FILLFACTOR = fillfactor ] [ ON { filegroup | DEFAULT } ] ] | FOREIGN KEY [ ( column [ ,...n ] ) ] REFERENCES ref_table [ ( ref_column [ ,...n ] ) ] [ ON DELETE { CASCADE | NO ACTION } ] [ ON UPDATE { CASCADE | NO ACTION } ] [ NOT FOR REPLICATION ] | CHECK [ NOT FOR REPLICATION ] ( search_conditions ) } */ /* CREATE [ UNIQUE ] [ CLUSTERED | NONCLUSTERED ] INDEX index_name ON { table | view } ( column [ ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ] ) [ WITH < index_option > [ ,...n] ] [ ON filegroup ] < index_option > :: = { PAD_INDEX | FILLFACTOR = fillfactor | IGNORE_DUP_KEY | DROP_EXISTING | STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE | SORT_IN_TEMPDB } */ function _IndexSQL($idxname, $tabname, $flds, $idxoptions) { $sql = array(); if ( isset($idxoptions['REPLACE']) || isset($idxoptions['DROP']) ) { $sql[] = sprintf ($this->dropIndex, $idxname, $tabname); if ( isset($idxoptions['DROP']) ) return $sql; } if ( empty ($flds) ) { return $sql; } $unique = isset($idxoptions['UNIQUE']) ? ' UNIQUE' : ''; $clustered = isset($idxoptions['CLUSTERED']) ? ' CLUSTERED' : ''; if ( is_array($flds) ) $flds = implode(', ',$flds); $s = 'CREATE' . $unique . $clustered . ' INDEX ' . $idxname . ' ON ' . $tabname . ' (' . $flds . ')'; if ( isset($idxoptions[$this->upperName]) ) $s .= $idxoptions[$this->upperName]; $sql[] = $s; return $sql; } }