< /*
< @version v5.20.16 12-Jan-2020
< @copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim (jlim#natsoft.com). All rights reserved.
< @copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
< Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
< Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
< the BSD license will take precedence.
< Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
< Latest version is available at http://adodb.org/
< Native mssql driver. Requires mssql client. Works on Windows.
< http://www.microsoft.com/sql/technologies/php/default.mspx
< To configure for Unix, see
< http://phpbuilder.com/columns/alberto20000919.php3
< $stream = sqlsrv_get_field($stmt, $index, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_STREAM(SQLSRV_ENC_BINARY));
< stream_filter_append($stream, "convert.iconv.ucs-2/utf-8"); // Voila, UTF-8 can be read directly from $stream
> /**
> * Native MSSQL driver.
> *
> * Requires mssql client. Works on Windows.
> * https://docs.microsoft.com/sql/connect/php
> *
> * This file is part of ADOdb, a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP.
> *
> * @package ADOdb
> * @link https://adodb.org Project's web site and documentation
> * @link https://github.com/ADOdb/ADOdb Source code and issue tracker
> *
> * The ADOdb Library is dual-licensed, released under both the BSD 3-Clause
> * and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) v2.1 or, at your option,
> * any later version. This means you can use it in proprietary products.
> * See the LICENSE.md file distributed with this source code for details.
> * @license BSD-3-Clause
> * @license LGPL-2.1-or-later
> *
> * @copyright 2000-2013 John Lim
> * @copyright 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
// security - hide paths
if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die();
if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_configure')) {
die("mssqlnative extension not installed");
if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_set_error_handling')) {
function sqlsrv_set_error_handling($constant) {
sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", $constant);
if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_log_set_severity')) {
function sqlsrv_log_set_severity($constant) {
sqlsrv_configure("LogSeverity", $constant);
if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_log_set_subsystems')) {
function sqlsrv_log_set_subsystems($constant) {
sqlsrv_configure("LogSubsystems", $constant);
< //----------------------------------------------------------------
< // MSSQL returns dates with the format Oct 13 2002 or 13 Oct 2002
< // and this causes tons of problems because localized versions of
< // MSSQL will return the dates in dmy or mdy order; and also the
< // month strings depends on what language has been configured. The
< // following two variables allow you to control the localization
< // settings - Ugh.
< //
< // ----------------------
< // To configure datetime, look for and modify sqlcommn.loc,
< // typically found in c:\mssql\install
< // Also read :
< // http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q220918
< // Alternatively use:
< // CONVERT(char(12),datecol,120)
< //
< // Also if your month is showing as month-1,
< // e.g. Jan 13, 2002 is showing as 13/0/2002, then see
< // http://phplens.com/lens/lensforum/msgs.php?id=7048&x=1
< // it's a localisation problem.
< //----------------------------------------------------------------
< // has datetime converstion to YYYY-MM-DD format, and also mssql_fetch_assoc
< if (ADODB_PHPVER >= 0x4300) {
< // docs say 4.2.0, but testing shows only since 4.3.0 does it work!
< ini_set('mssql.datetimeconvert',0);
< } else {
< global $ADODB_mssql_mths; // array, months must be upper-case
< $ADODB_mssql_date_order = 'mdy';
< $ADODB_mssql_mths = array(
< 'JAN'=>1,'FEB'=>2,'MAR'=>3,'APR'=>4,'MAY'=>5,'JUN'=>6,
< 'JUL'=>7,'AUG'=>8,'SEP'=>9,'OCT'=>10,'NOV'=>11,'DEC'=>12);
< }
class ADODB_mssqlnative extends ADOConnection {
var $databaseType = "mssqlnative";
var $dataProvider = "mssqlnative";
var $replaceQuote = "''"; // string to use to replace quotes
var $fmtDate = "'Y-m-d'";
var $fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d\TH:i:s'";
> /**
var $hasInsertID = true;
> * Enabling InsertID capability will cause execution of an extra query
var $substr = "substring";
> * {@see $identitySQL} after each INSERT statement. To improve performance
var $length = 'len';
> * when inserting a large number of records, you should switch this off by
var $hasAffectedRows = true;
> * calling {@see enableLastInsertID enableLastInsertID(false)}.
var $poorAffectedRows = false;
> * @var bool $hasInsertID
var $metaDatabasesSQL = "select name from sys.sysdatabases where name <> 'master'";
> */
var $metaTablesSQL="select name,case when type='U' then 'T' else 'V' end from sysobjects where (type='U' or type='V') and (name not in ('sysallocations','syscolumns','syscomments','sysdepends','sysfilegroups','sysfiles','sysfiles1','sysforeignkeys','sysfulltextcatalogs','sysindexes','sysindexkeys','sysmembers','sysobjects','syspermissions','sysprotects','sysreferences','systypes','sysusers','sysalternates','sysconstraints','syssegments','REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS','CHECK_CONSTRAINTS','CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE','CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE','VIEWS','VIEW_TABLE_USAGE','VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE','SCHEMATA','TABLES','TABLE_CONSTRAINTS','TABLE_PRIVILEGES','COLUMNS','COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE','COLUMN_PRIVILEGES','DOMAINS','DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS','KEY_COLUMN_USAGE','dtproperties'))";
var $metaColumnsSQL =
"select c.name,
t.name as type,
c.xprec as precision,
c.xscale as scale,
c.isnullable as nullable,
c.cdefault as default_value,
t.length as type_length,
from syscolumns c
join systypes t on t.xusertype=c.xusertype
join sysobjects o on o.id=c.id
join sys.tables st on st.name=o.name
join sys.columns sc on sc.object_id = st.object_id and sc.name=c.name
where o.name='%s'";
var $hasTop = 'top'; // support mssql SELECT TOP 10 * FROM TABLE
var $hasGenID = true;
var $sysDate = 'convert(datetime,convert(char,GetDate(),102),102)';
var $sysTimeStamp = 'GetDate()';
var $maxParameterLen = 4000;
var $arrayClass = 'ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative';
var $uniqueSort = true;
var $leftOuter = '*=';
var $rightOuter = '=*';
var $ansiOuter = true; // for mssql7 or later
var $identitySQL = 'select SCOPE_IDENTITY()'; // 'select SCOPE_IDENTITY'; # for mssql 2000
var $uniqueOrderBy = true;
var $_bindInputArray = true;
var $_dropSeqSQL = "drop table %s";
< var $connectionInfo = array();
> var $connectionInfo = array('ReturnDatesAsStrings'=>true);
var $cachedSchemaFlush = false;
var $sequences = false;
var $mssql_version = '';
function __construct()
if ($this->debug) {
sqlsrv_set_error_handling( SQLSRV_ERRORS_LOG_ALL );
sqlsrv_log_set_severity( SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_ALL );
sqlsrv_configure('WarningsReturnAsErrors', 0);
} else {
sqlsrv_configure('WarningsReturnAsErrors', 0);
* Initializes the SQL Server version.
* Dies if connected to a non-supported version (2000 and older)
function ServerVersion() {
$data = $this->ServerInfo();
preg_match('/^\d{2}/', $data['version'], $matches);
$version = (int)reset($matches);
// We only support SQL Server 2005 and up
if($version < 9) {
die("SQL SERVER VERSION {$data['version']} NOT SUPPORTED IN mssqlnative DRIVER");
$this->mssql_version = $version;
function ServerInfo() {
static $arr = false;
if (is_array($arr))
return $arr;
if ($this->fetchMode === false) {
} elseif ($this->fetchMode >=0 && $this->fetchMode <=2) {
$savem = $this->fetchMode;
} else
$savem = $this->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
$arrServerInfo = sqlsrv_server_info($this->_connectionID);
$arr['description'] = $arrServerInfo['SQLServerName'].' connected to '.$arrServerInfo['CurrentDatabase'];
> $arr = array();
$arr['version'] = $arrServerInfo['SQLServerVersion'];//ADOConnection::_findvers($arr['description']);
return $arr;
function IfNull( $field, $ifNull )
return " ISNULL($field, $ifNull) "; // if MS SQL Server
< function _insertid()
> public function enableLastInsertID($enable = true) {
> $this->hasInsertID = $enable;
> $this->lastInsID = false;
> }
> /**
> * Get the last value inserted into an IDENTITY column.
> *
> * The value will actually be set in {@see _query()} when executing an
> * INSERT statement, but only if the connection's $hasInsertId property
> * is true; this can be set with {@see enableLastInsertId()}.
> *
> * @inheritDoc
> */
> protected function _insertID($table = '', $column = '')
< // Returns the last IDENTITY value inserted into an IDENTITY column in
< // the same scope. A scope is a module -- a stored procedure, trigger,
< // function, or batch. Thus, two statements are in the same scope if
< // they are in the same stored procedure, function, or batch.
< return $this->lastInsertID;
> return $this->lastInsID;
function _affectedrows()
if ($this->_queryID)
return sqlsrv_rows_affected($this->_queryID);
function GenID($seq='adodbseq',$start=1) {
< if (!$this->mssql_version)
< $this->ServerVersion();
case 9:
case 10:
return $this->GenID2008($seq, $start);
return $this->GenID2012($seq, $start);
function CreateSequence($seq='adodbseq',$start=1)
< if (!$this->mssql_version)
< $this->ServerVersion();
case 9:
case 10:
return $this->CreateSequence2008($seq, $start);
return $this->CreateSequence2012($seq, $start);
* For Server 2005,2008, duplicate a sequence with an identity table
function CreateSequence2008($seq='adodbseq',$start=1)
if($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("<hr>CreateSequence($seq,$start)");
$start -= 1;
$this->Execute("create table $seq (id int)");//was float(53)
$ok = $this->Execute("insert into $seq with (tablock,holdlock) values($start)");
if (!$ok) {
if($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("<hr>Error: ROLLBACK");
return false;
return true;
* Proper Sequences Only available to Server 2012 and up
function CreateSequence2012($seq='adodbseq',$start=1){
if (!$this->sequences){
$sql = "SELECT name FROM sys.sequences";
$this->sequences = $this->GetCol($sql);
$ok = $this->Execute("CREATE SEQUENCE $seq START WITH $start INCREMENT BY 1");
if (!$ok)
die("CANNOT CREATE SEQUENCE" . print_r(sqlsrv_errors(),true));
$this->sequences[] = $seq;
* For Server 2005,2008, duplicate a sequence with an identity table
function GenID2008($seq='adodbseq',$start=1)
if($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("<hr>CreateSequence($seq,$start)");
$ok = $this->Execute("update $seq with (tablock,holdlock) set id = id + 1");
if (!$ok) {
$start -= 1;
$this->Execute("create table $seq (id int)");//was float(53)
$ok = $this->Execute("insert into $seq with (tablock,holdlock) values($start)");
if (!$ok) {
if($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("<hr>Error: ROLLBACK");
return false;
$num = $this->GetOne("select id from $seq");
return $num;
* Only available to Server 2012 and up
* Cannot do this the normal adodb way by trapping an error if the
* sequence does not exist because sql server will auto create a
* sequence with the starting number of -9223372036854775808
function GenID2012($seq='adodbseq',$start=1)
* First time in create an array of sequence names that we
* can use in later requests to see if the sequence exists
* the overhead is creating a list of sequences every time
* we need access to at least 1. If we really care about
* performance, we could maybe flag a 'nocheck' class variable
if (!$this->sequences){
$sql = "SELECT name FROM sys.sequences";
$this->sequences = $this->GetCol($sql);
if (!is_array($this->sequences)
|| is_array($this->sequences) && !in_array($seq,$this->sequences)){
$this->CreateSequence2012($seq, $start);
$num = $this->GetOne("SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR $seq");
return $num;
// Format date column in sql string given an input format that understands Y M D
function SQLDate($fmt, $col=false)
< if (!$col) $col = $this->sysTimeStamp;
> if (!$col) {
> $col = $this->sysTimeStamp;
> }
$s = '';
> $ConvertableFmt=array(
$len = strlen($fmt);
> "m/d/Y"=>101, "m/d/y"=>101 // US
for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++) {
> ,"Y.m.d"=>102, "y.m.d"=>102 // ANSI
if ($s) $s .= '+';
> ,"d/m/Y"=>103, "d/m/y"=>103 // French /english
$ch = $fmt[$i];
> ,"d.m.Y"=>104, "d.m.y"=>104 // German
switch($ch) {
> ,"d-m-Y"=>105, "d-m-y"=>105 // Italian
case 'Y':
> ,"m-d-Y"=>110, "m-d-y"=>110 // US Dash
case 'y':
> ,"Y/m/d"=>111, "y/m/d"=>111 // Japan
$s .= "datename(yyyy,$col)";
> ,"Ymd"=>112, "ymd"=>112 // ISO
> ,"H:i:s"=>108 // Time
case 'M':
> );
$s .= "convert(char(3),$col,0)";
> if (key_exists($fmt,$ConvertableFmt)) {
> return "convert (varchar ,$col," . $ConvertableFmt[$fmt] . ")";
case 'm':
> }
$s .= "replace(str(month($col),2),' ','0')";
case 'Q':
case 'q':
$s .= "datename(quarter,$col)";
case 'D':
case 'd':
$s .= "replace(str(day($col),2),' ','0')";
case 'h':
$s .= "substring(convert(char(14),$col,0),13,2)";
case 'H':
$s .= "replace(str(datepart(hh,$col),2),' ','0')";
case 'i':
$s .= "replace(str(datepart(mi,$col),2),' ','0')";
case 's':
$s .= "replace(str(datepart(ss,$col),2),' ','0')";
case 'a':
case 'A':
$s .= "substring(convert(char(19),$col,0),18,2)";
> case 'l':
> $s .= "datename(dw,$col)";
> break;
if ($ch == '\\') {
$ch = substr($fmt,$i,1);
$s .= $this->qstr($ch);
return $s;
function BeginTrans()
if ($this->transOff) return true;
$this->transCnt += 1;
if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp('<hr>begin transaction');
return true;
function CommitTrans($ok=true)
if ($this->transOff) return true;
if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp('<hr>commit transaction');
if (!$ok) return $this->RollbackTrans();
if ($this->transCnt) $this->transCnt -= 1;
return true;
function RollbackTrans()
if ($this->transOff) return true;
if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp('<hr>rollback transaction');
if ($this->transCnt) $this->transCnt -= 1;
return true;
function SetTransactionMode( $transaction_mode )
$this->_transmode = $transaction_mode;
if (empty($transaction_mode)) {
if (!stristr($transaction_mode,'isolation')) $transaction_mode = 'ISOLATION LEVEL '.$transaction_mode;
$this->Execute("SET TRANSACTION ".$transaction_mode);
$this->RowLock('table1,table2','table1.id=33 and table2.id=table1.id'); # lock row 33 for both tables
# some operation on both tables table1 and table2
See http://www.swynk.com/friends/achigrik/SQL70Locks.asp
function RowLock($tables,$where,$col='1 as adodbignore')
if ($col == '1 as adodbignore') $col = 'top 1 null as ignore';
if (!$this->transCnt) $this->BeginTrans();
return $this->GetOne("select $col from $tables with (ROWLOCK,HOLDLOCK) where $where");
function SelectDB($dbName)
$this->database = $dbName;
$this->databaseName = $dbName; # obsolete, retained for compat with older adodb versions
if ($this->_connectionID) {
$rs = $this->Execute('USE '.$dbName);
if($rs) {
return true;
} else return false;
else return false;
function ErrorMsg()
$retErrors = sqlsrv_errors(SQLSRV_ERR_ALL);
if($retErrors != null) {
foreach($retErrors as $arrError) {
$this->_errorMsg .= "SQLState: ".$arrError[ 'SQLSTATE']."\n";
$this->_errorMsg .= "Error Code: ".$arrError[ 'code']."\n";
$this->_errorMsg .= "Message: ".$arrError[ 'message']."\n";
return $this->_errorMsg;
function ErrorNo()
$err = sqlsrv_errors(SQLSRV_ERR_ALL);
< if($err[0]) return $err[0]['code'];
< else return 0;
> if ($err && $err[0])
> return $err[0]['code'];
> else
> return 0;
// returns true or false
function _connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)
< if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_connect')) return null;
> if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_connect'))
> {
> if ($this->debug)
> ADOConnection::outp('Microsoft SQL Server native driver (mssqlnative) not installed');
> return null;
> }
> if (!empty($this->port))
> /*
> * Port uses a comma
> */
> $argHostname .= ",".$this->port;
$connectionInfo = $this->connectionInfo;
> if ((string)$argUsername != '' || (string)$argPassword != '')
> {
> /*
> * If they pass either a userid or password, we assume
foreach ($this->connectionParameters as $parameter=>$value)
> * SQL Server authentication
$connectionInfo[$parameter] = $value;
> */
< foreach ($this->connectionParameters as $parameter=>$value)
> if ($this->debug)
> ADOConnection::outp('userid or password supplied, attempting connection with SQL Server Authentication');
> }
> else
> {
> /*
> * If they don't pass either value, we won't add them to the
> * connection parameters. This will then force an attempt
> * to use windows authentication
> */
> if ($this->debug)
> ADOConnection::outp('No userid or password supplied, attempting connection with Windows Authentication');
> }
> /*
> * Now merge in the passed connection parameters setting
> */
> foreach ($this->connectionParameters as $options)
> {
> foreach($options as $parameter=>$value)
if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("<hr>connecting... hostname: $argHostname params: ".var_export($connectionInfo,true));
> }
< if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("<hr>connecting... hostname: $argHostname params: ".var_export($connectionInfo,true));
< //if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("<hr>_connectionID before: ".serialize($this->_connectionID));
< if(!($this->_connectionID = sqlsrv_connect($argHostname,$connectionInfo))) {
< if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp( "<hr><b>errors</b>: ".print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
> if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("connecting to host: $argHostname params: ".var_export($connectionInfo,true));
> if(!($this->_connectionID = @sqlsrv_connect($argHostname,$connectionInfo)))
> {
> if ($this->debug)
> ADOConnection::outp( 'Connection Failed: '.print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
< //if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp(" _connectionID after: ".serialize($this->_connectionID));
< //if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("<hr>defined functions: <pre>".var_export(get_defined_functions(),true)."</pre>");
> $this->ServerVersion();
return true;
// returns true or false
function _pconnect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)
//return null;//not implemented. NOTE: Persistent connections have no effect if PHP is used as a CGI program. (FastCGI!)
return $this->_connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename);
function Prepare($sql)
return $sql; // prepare does not work properly with bind parameters as bind parameters are managed by sqlsrv_prepare!
< $stmt = sqlsrv_prepare( $this->_connectionID, $sql);
< if (!$stmt) return $sql;
< return array($sql,$stmt);
// returns concatenated string
// MSSQL requires integers to be cast as strings
// automatically cast every datatype to VARCHAR(255)
// @author David Rogers (introspectshun)
function Concat()
$s = "";
$arr = func_get_args();
// Split single record on commas, if possible
if (sizeof($arr) == 1) {
foreach ($arr as $arg) {
$args = explode(',', $arg);
$arr = $args;
function(&$value, $key) {
$value = "CAST(" . $value . " AS VARCHAR(255))";
$s = implode('+',$arr);
if (sizeof($arr) > 0) return "$s";
return '';
Unfortunately, it appears that mssql cannot handle varbinary > 255 chars
So all your blobs must be of type "image".
Remember to set in php.ini the following...
; Valid range 0 - 2147483647. Default = 4096.
mssql.textlimit = 0 ; zero to pass through
; Valid range 0 - 2147483647. Default = 4096.
mssql.textsize = 0 ; zero to pass through
function UpdateBlob($table,$column,$val,$where,$blobtype='BLOB')
if (strtoupper($blobtype) == 'CLOB') {
$sql = "UPDATE $table SET $column='" . $val . "' WHERE $where";
return $this->Execute($sql) != false;
$sql = "UPDATE $table SET $column=0x".bin2hex($val)." WHERE $where";
return $this->Execute($sql) != false;
< // returns query ID if successful, otherwise false
> /**
> * Execute a query.
> *
> * If executing an INSERT statement and $hasInsertId is true, will set
> * $lastInsId.
> *
> * @param string $sql
> * @param array $inputarr
> * @return resource|false Query Id if successful, otherwise false
> */
function _query($sql,$inputarr=false)
$this->_errorMsg = false;
< if (is_array($sql)) $sql = $sql[1];
> if (is_array($sql)) {
> $sql = $sql[1];
> }
< $insert = false;
< // handle native driver flaw for retrieving the last insert ID
< if(preg_match('/^\W*insert[\s\w()[\]",.]+values\s*\((?:[^;\']|\'\'|(?:(?:\'\')*\'[^\']+\'(?:\'\')*))*;?$/i', $sql)) {
< $insert = true;
< $sql .= '; '.$this->identitySQL; // select scope_identity()
> // Handle native driver flaw for retrieving the last insert ID
> if ($this->hasInsertID) {
> // Check if it's an INSERT statement
> $retrieveLastInsertID = preg_match(
> '/^\W*insert[\s\w()[\]",.]+values\s*\((?:[^;\']|\'\'|(?:(?:\'\')*\'[^\']+\'(?:\'\')*))*;?$/i',
> $sql
> );
> if ($retrieveLastInsertID) {
> // Append the identity SQL, so it is executed in the same
> // scope as the insert query.
> $sql .= '; ' . $this->identitySQL;
> }
> } else {
> $retrieveLastInsertID = false;
if($inputarr) {
> // Ensure that the input array is indexed numerically, as required
$rez = sqlsrv_query($this->_connectionID, $sql, $inputarr);
> // by sqlsrv_query(). If param() was used to create portable binds
} else {
> // then the array might be associative.
$rez = sqlsrv_query($this->_connectionID,$sql);
> $inputarr = array_values($inputarr);
< if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("<hr>running query: ".var_export($sql,true)."<hr>input array: ".var_export($inputarr,true)."<hr>result: ".var_export($rez,true));
> if ($this->debug) {
> ADOConnection::outp("<hr>running query: " . var_export($sql, true)
> . "<hr>input array: " . var_export($inputarr, true)
> . "<hr>result: " . var_export($rez, true)
> );
> }
> $this->lastInsID = false;
if(!$rez) {
$rez = false;
< } else if ($insert) {
< // retrieve the last insert ID (where applicable)
> } elseif ($retrieveLastInsertID) {
> // Get the inserted id from the last result
> // Note: loop is required as server may return more than one row,
> // e.g. if triggers are involved (see #41)
while ( sqlsrv_next_result($rez) ) {
< $this->lastInsertID = sqlsrv_get_field($rez, 0);
> $this->lastInsID = sqlsrv_get_field($rez, 0, SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_INT);
return $rez;
// returns true or false
function _close()
< if ($this->transCnt) $this->RollbackTrans();
< $rez = @sqlsrv_close($this->_connectionID);
> if ($this->transCnt) {
> $this->RollbackTrans();
> }
> if($this->_connectionID) {
> $rez = sqlsrv_close($this->_connectionID);
> }
$this->_connectionID = false;
return $rez;
< // mssql uses a default date like Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
< static function UnixDate($v)
< {
< return ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative::UnixDate($v);
< }
< static function UnixTimeStamp($v)
< {
< return ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative::UnixTimeStamp($v);
< }
function MetaIndexes($table,$primary=false, $owner = false)
$table = $this->qstr($table);
$sql = "SELECT i.name AS ind_name, C.name AS col_name, USER_NAME(O.uid) AS Owner, c.colid, k.Keyno,
CASE WHEN I.indid BETWEEN 1 AND 254 AND (I.status & 2048 = 2048 OR I.Status = 16402 AND O.XType = 'V') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsPK,
CASE WHEN I.status & 2 = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsUnique
FROM dbo.sysobjects o INNER JOIN dbo.sysindexes I ON o.id = i.id
INNER JOIN dbo.sysindexkeys K ON I.id = K.id AND I.Indid = K.Indid
INNER JOIN dbo.syscolumns c ON K.id = C.id AND K.colid = C.Colid
WHERE LEFT(i.name, 8) <> '_WA_Sys_' AND o.status >= 0 AND O.Name LIKE $table
ORDER BY O.name, I.Name, K.keyno";
if ($this->fetchMode !== FALSE) {
$savem = $this->SetFetchMode(FALSE);
$rs = $this->Execute($sql);
if (isset($savem)) {
if (!is_object($rs)) {
return FALSE;
$indexes = array();
while ($row = $rs->FetchRow()) {
if (!$primary && $row[5]) continue;
$indexes[$row[0]]['unique'] = $row[6];
$indexes[$row[0]]['columns'][] = $row[1];
return $indexes;
< function MetaForeignKeys($table, $owner=false, $upper=false)
> public function metaForeignKeys($table, $owner = '', $upper = false, $associative = false)
$table = $this->qstr(strtoupper($table));
$sql =
"select object_name(constid) as constraint_name,
col_name(fkeyid, fkey) as column_name,
object_name(rkeyid) as referenced_table_name,
col_name(rkeyid, rkey) as referenced_column_name
from sysforeignkeys
where upper(object_name(fkeyid)) = $table
order by constraint_name, referenced_table_name, keyno";
< $constraints =& $this->GetArray($sql);
> $constraints = $this->GetArray($sql);
$arr = false;
foreach($constraints as $constr) {
$arr[$constr[0]][$constr[2]][] = $constr[1].'='.$constr[3];
if (!$arr) return false;
$arr2 = false;
foreach($arr as $k => $v) {
foreach($v as $a => $b) {
if ($upper) $a = strtoupper($a);
> if (is_array($arr2[$a])) { // a previous foreign key was define for this reference table, we merge the new one
$arr2[$a] = $b;
> $arr2[$a] = array_merge($arr2[$a], $b);
> } else {
> }
return $arr2;
//From: Fernando Moreira <FMoreira@imediata.pt>
function MetaDatabases()
< $rs =& $this->Execute($this->metaDatabasesSQL);
> $rs = $this->Execute($this->metaDatabasesSQL);
$rows = $rs->GetRows();
$ret = array();
for($i=0;$i<count($rows);$i++) {
$ret[] = $rows[$i][0];
return $ret;
return false;
// "Stein-Aksel Basma" <basma@accelero.no>
// tested with MSSQL 2000
function MetaPrimaryKeys($table, $owner=false)
$schema = '';
if (!$schema) $schema = $this->database;
if ($schema) $schema = "and k.table_catalog like '$schema%'";
$sql = "select distinct k.column_name,ordinal_position from information_schema.key_column_usage k,
information_schema.table_constraints tc
where tc.constraint_name = k.constraint_name and tc.constraint_type =
'PRIMARY KEY' and k.table_name = '$table' $schema order by ordinal_position ";
$a = $this->GetCol($sql);
if ($a && sizeof($a)>0) return $a;
$false = false;
return $false;
function MetaTables($ttype=false,$showSchema=false,$mask=false)
if ($mask) {
$save = $this->metaTablesSQL;
$mask = $this->qstr(($mask));
$this->metaTablesSQL .= " AND name like $mask";
$ret = ADOConnection::MetaTables($ttype,$showSchema);
if ($mask) {
$this->metaTablesSQL = $save;
return $ret;
function MetaColumns($table, $upper=true, $schema=false){
< # start adg
> /*
> * A simple caching mechanism, to be replaced in ADOdb V6
> */
static $cached_columns = array();
if ($this->cachedSchemaFlush)
$cached_columns = array();
if (array_key_exists($table,$cached_columns)){
return $cached_columns[$table];
< # end adg
< if (!$this->mssql_version)
< $this->ServerVersion();
if ($schema) {
$dbName = $this->database;
if ($this->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->SetFetchMode(false);
$rs = $this->Execute(sprintf($this->metaColumnsSQL,$table));
if ($schema) {
if (isset($savem)) $this->SetFetchMode($savem);
if (!is_object($rs)) {
$false = false;
return $false;
$retarr = array();
while (!$rs->EOF){
$fld = new ADOFieldObject();
if (array_key_exists(0,$rs->fields)) {
$fld->name = $rs->fields[0];
$fld->type = $rs->fields[1];
$fld->max_length = $rs->fields[2];
$fld->precision = $rs->fields[3];
$fld->scale = $rs->fields[4];
$fld->not_null =!$rs->fields[5];
$fld->has_default = $rs->fields[6];
$fld->xtype = $rs->fields[7];
$fld->type_length = $rs->fields[8];
$fld->auto_increment= $rs->fields[9];
} else {
$fld->name = $rs->fields['name'];
$fld->type = $rs->fields['type'];
$fld->max_length = $rs->fields['length'];
$fld->precision = $rs->fields['precision'];
$fld->scale = $rs->fields['scale'];
$fld->not_null =!$rs->fields['nullable'];
$fld->has_default = $rs->fields['default_value'];
$fld->xtype = $rs->fields['xtype'];
$fld->type_length = $rs->fields['type_length'];
$fld->auto_increment= $rs->fields['is_identity'];
if ($save == ADODB_FETCH_NUM)
$retarr[] = $fld;
$retarr[strtoupper($fld->name)] = $fld;
< # start adg
$cached_columns[$table] = $retarr;
< # end adg
return $retarr;
> /**
> * Returns a substring of a varchar type field
> *
> * The SQL server version varies because the length is mandatory, so
Class Name: Recordset
> * we append a reasonable string length
> *
> * @param string $fld The field to sub-string
class ADORecordset_mssqlnative extends ADORecordSet {
> * @param int $start The start point
> * @param int $length An optional length
var $databaseType = "mssqlnative";
> *
var $canSeek = false;
> * @return The SQL text
var $fieldOffset = 0;
> */
// _mths works only in non-localised system
> function substr($fld,$start,$length=0)
> {
function __construct($id,$mode=false)
> if ($length == 0)
> /*
if ($mode === false) {
> * The length available to varchar is 2GB, but that makes no
> * sense in a substring, so I'm going to arbitrarily limit
> * the length to 1K, but you could change it if you want
> */
> $length = 1024;
$this->fetchMode = $mode;
return parent::__construct($id,$mode);
> $text = "SUBSTRING($fld,$start,$length)";
> return $text;
> }
function _initrs()
> /**
> * Returns the maximum size of a MetaType C field. Because of the
> * database design, SQL Server places no limits on the size of data inserted
# KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("(before) ADODB_COUNTRECS: {$ADODB_COUNTRECS} _numOfRows: {$this->_numOfRows} _numOfFields: {$this->_numOfFields}");
> * Although the actual limit is 2^31-1 bytes.
/*$retRowsAff = sqlsrv_rows_affected($this->_queryID);//"If you need to determine the number of rows a query will return before retrieving the actual results, appending a SELECT COUNT ... query would let you get that information, and then a call to next_result would move you to the "real" results."
> *
ADOConnection::outp("rowsaff: ".serialize($retRowsAff));
> * @return int
$this->_numOfRows = ($ADODB_COUNTRECS)? $retRowsAff:-1;*/
> */
$this->_numOfRows = -1;//not supported
> function charMax()
$fieldmeta = sqlsrv_field_metadata($this->_queryID);
> {
$this->_numOfFields = ($fieldmeta)? count($fieldmeta):-1;
# KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("(after) _numOfRows: {$this->_numOfRows} _numOfFields: {$this->_numOfFields}");
> }
* Copy the oracle method and cache the metadata at init time
> /**
> * Returns the maximum size of a MetaType X field. Because of the
if ($this->_numOfFields>0) {
> * database design, SQL Server places no limits on the size of data inserted
$this->_fieldobjs = array();
> * Although the actual limit is 2^31-1 bytes.
$max = $this->_numOfFields;
> *
for ($i=0;$i<$max; $i++) $this->_fieldobjs[] = $this->_FetchField($i);
> * @return int
> */
> function textMax()
> {
> }
//Contributed by "Sven Axelsson" <sven.axelsson@bokochwebb.se>
> /**
// get next resultset - requires PHP 4.0.5 or later
> * Lists procedures, functions and methods in an array.
function NextRecordSet()
> *
> * @param string $procedureNamePattern (optional)
if (!sqlsrv_next_result($this->_queryID)) return false;
> * @param string $catalog (optional)
$this->_inited = false;
> * @param string $schemaPattern (optional)
$this->bind = false;
$this->_currentRow = -1;
> * @return array of stored objects in current database.
> *
return true;
> */
> public function metaProcedures($procedureNamePattern = null, $catalog = null, $schemaPattern = null)
> {
/* Use associative array to get fields array */
> $metaProcedures = array();
function Fields($colname)
> $procedureSQL = '';
> $catalogSQL = '';
if ($this->fetchMode != ADODB_FETCH_NUM) return $this->fields[$colname];
> $schemaSQL = '';
if (!$this->bind) {
$this->bind = array();
> if ($procedureNamePattern)
for ($i=0; $i < $this->_numOfFields; $i++) {
> $procedureSQL = "AND ROUTINE_NAME LIKE " . strtoupper($this->qstr($procedureNamePattern));
$o = $this->FetchField($i);
$this->bind[strtoupper($o->name)] = $i;
> if ($catalog)
> $catalogSQL = "AND SPECIFIC_SCHEMA=" . strtoupper($this->qstr($catalog));
> if ($schemaPattern)
return $this->fields[$this->bind[strtoupper($colname)]];
> $schemaSQL = "AND ROUTINE_SCHEMA LIKE {$this->qstr($schemaPattern)}";
/* Returns: an object containing field information.
Get column information in the Recordset object. fetchField() can be used in order to obtain information about
> $SQL = "SELECT $fields
fields in a certain query result. If the field offset isn't specified, the next field that wasn't yet retrieved by
> FROM {$this->database}.information_schema.routines
fetchField() is retrieved.
> WHERE 1=1
Designed By jcortinap#jc.com.mx
> $procedureSQL
> $catalogSQL
function _FetchField($fieldOffset = -1)
> $schemaSQL
$_typeConversion = array(
> ";
-155 => 'datetimeoffset',
-154 => 'char',
> $result = $this->execute($SQL);
-152 => 'xml',
-151 => 'udt',
> if (!$result)
-11 => 'uniqueidentifier',
> return false;
-10 => 'ntext',
> while ($r = $result->fetchRow()){
-9 => 'nvarchar',
> if (!isset($r[0]))
-8 => 'nchar',
> /*
-7 => 'bit',
> * Convert to numeric
-6 => 'tinyint',
> */
-5 => 'bigint',
> $r = array_values($r);
-4 => 'image',
-3 => 'varbinary',
> $procedureName = $r[0];
-2 => 'timestamp',
> $schemaName = $r[2];
-1 => 'text',
> $routineCatalog= $r[3];
1 => 'char',
> $metaProcedures[$procedureName] = array('type'=> $r[1],
2 => 'numeric',
> 'catalog' => $routineCatalog,
3 => 'decimal',
> 'schema' => $schemaName,
4 => 'int',
> 'remarks' => '',
5 => 'smallint',
> );
6 => 'float',
> }
7 => 'real',
12 => 'varchar',
> return $metaProcedures;
91 => 'date',
> }
93 => 'datetime'
> /**
> * An SQL Statement that adds a specific number of
$fa = @sqlsrv_field_metadata($this->_queryID);
> * days or part to local datetime
if ($fieldOffset != -1) {
> *
$fa = $fa[$fieldOffset];
> * @param float $dayFraction
> * @param string $date
$false = false;
> *
if (empty($fa)) {
> * @return string
$f = false;//PHP Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference
> */
> public function offsetDate($dayFraction, $date = false)
> {
> if (!$date)
// Convert to an object
> /*
$fa = array_change_key_case($fa, CASE_LOWER);
> * Use GETDATE() via systTimestamp;
$fb = array();
> */
if ($fieldOffset != -1)
> $date = $this->sysTimeStamp;
$fb = array(
> /*
'name' => $fa['name'],
> * seconds, number of seconds, date base
'max_length' => $fa['size'],
> */
'column_source' => $fa['name'],
> $dateFormat = "DATEADD(s, %s, %s)";
'type' => $_typeConversion[$fa['type']]
> /*
> * Adjust the offset back to seconds
> */
> $fraction = $dayFraction * 24 * 3600;
foreach ($fa as $key => $value)
> return sprintf($dateFormat,$fraction,$date);
$fb[] = array(
'name' => $value['name'],
> }
'max_length' => $value['size'],
'column_source' => $value['name'],
> /**
'type' => $_typeConversion[$value['type']]
> * @var bool True if we have retrieved the fields metadata
> */
> private $fieldObjectsRetrieved = false;
$f = (object) $fb;
> /*
> * Cross-reference the objects by name for easy access
return $f;
> */
> private $fieldObjectsIndex = array();
> /*
* Fetchfield copies the oracle method, it loads the field information
> * Cross references the dateTime objects for faster decoding
* into the _fieldobjs array once, to save multiple calls to the
> */
* sqlsrv_field_metadata function
> private $dateTimeObjects = array();
* @author KM Newnham
> /*
* @date 02/20/2013
> * flags that we have dateTimeObjects to handle
> */
function FetchField($fieldOffset = -1)
> private $hasDateTimeObjects = false;
return $this->_fieldobjs[$fieldOffset];
> /*
> * This is cross reference between how the types are stored
> * in SQL Server and their english-language description
function _seek($row)
> * -154 is a time field, see #432
> */
return false;//There is no support for cursors in the driver at this time. All data is returned via forward-only streams.
> private $_typeConversion = array(
> -155 => 'datetimeoffset',
> -154 => 'char',
// speedup
> -152 => 'xml',
function MoveNext()
> -151 => 'udt',
> -11 => 'uniqueidentifier',
//# KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("movenext()");
> -10 => 'ntext',
//# KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("eof (beginning): ".$this->EOF);
> -9 => 'nvarchar',
if ($this->EOF) return false;
> -8 => 'nchar',
> -7 => 'bit',
> -6 => 'tinyint',
// # KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("_currentRow: ".$this->_currentRow);
> -5 => 'bigint',
> -4 => 'image',
if ($this->_fetch()) return true;
> -3 => 'varbinary',
$this->EOF = true;
> -2 => 'timestamp',
//# KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("eof (end): ".$this->EOF);
> -1 => 'text',
> 1 => 'char',
return false;
> 2 => 'numeric',
> 3 => 'decimal',
> 4 => 'int',
> 5 => 'smallint',
// INSERT UPDATE DELETE returns false even if no error occurs in 4.0.4
> 6 => 'float',
// also the date format has been changed from YYYY-mm-dd to dd MMM YYYY in 4.0.4. Idiot!
> 7 => 'real',
function _fetch($ignore_fields=false)
> 12 => 'varchar',
> 91 => 'date',
# KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("_fetch()");
> 93 => 'datetime'
if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC) {
> );
if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_NUM) {
//# KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("fetch mode: both");
$this->fields = @sqlsrv_fetch_array($this->_queryID,SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH);
} else {
< return parent::__construct($id,$mode);
> parent::__construct($id);
< # KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("(before) ADODB_COUNTRECS: {$ADODB_COUNTRECS} _numOfRows: {$this->_numOfRows} _numOfFields: {$this->_numOfFields}");
< /*$retRowsAff = sqlsrv_rows_affected($this->_queryID);//"If you need to determine the number of rows a query will return before retrieving the actual results, appending a SELECT COUNT ... query would let you get that information, and then a call to next_result would move you to the "real" results."
< ADOConnection::outp("rowsaff: ".serialize($retRowsAff));
< $this->_numOfRows = ($ADODB_COUNTRECS)? $retRowsAff:-1;*/
< $fieldmeta = sqlsrv_field_metadata($this->_queryID);
< $this->_numOfFields = ($fieldmeta)? count($fieldmeta):-1;
< # KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("(after) _numOfRows: {$this->_numOfRows} _numOfFields: {$this->_numOfFields}");
< /*
< * Copy the oracle method and cache the metadata at init time
< */
< if ($this->_numOfFields>0) {
< $this->_fieldobjs = array();
< $max = $this->_numOfFields;
< for ($i=0;$i<$max; $i++) $this->_fieldobjs[] = $this->_FetchField($i);
< }
> // Cache the metadata right now
> $this->_fetchField();
< if ($this->fetchMode != ADODB_FETCH_NUM) return $this->fields[$colname];
> if (!is_array($this->fields))
> /*
> * Too early
> */
> return;
> if ($this->fetchMode != ADODB_FETCH_NUM)
> return $this->fields[$colname];
< /* Returns: an object containing field information.
< Get column information in the Recordset object. fetchField() can be used in order to obtain information about
< fields in a certain query result. If the field offset isn't specified, the next field that wasn't yet retrieved by
< fetchField() is retrieved.
< Designed By jcortinap#jc.com.mx
> /**
> * Returns: an object containing field information.
> *
> * Get column information in the Recordset object. fetchField()
> * can be used in order to obtain information about fields in a
> * certain query result. If the field offset isn't specified,
> * the next field that wasn't yet retrieved by fetchField()
> * is retrieved.
> *
> * @param int $fieldOffset (optional default=-1 for all
> * @return mixed an ADOFieldObject, or array of objects
< function _FetchField($fieldOffset = -1)
> private function _fetchField($fieldOffset = -1)
< $_typeConversion = array(
< -155 => 'datetimeoffset',
< -154 => 'char',
< -152 => 'xml',
< -151 => 'udt',
< -11 => 'uniqueidentifier',
< -10 => 'ntext',
< -9 => 'nvarchar',
< -8 => 'nchar',
< -7 => 'bit',
< -6 => 'tinyint',
< -5 => 'bigint',
< -4 => 'image',
< -3 => 'varbinary',
< -2 => 'timestamp',
< -1 => 'text',
< 1 => 'char',
< 2 => 'numeric',
< 3 => 'decimal',
< 4 => 'int',
< 5 => 'smallint',
< 6 => 'float',
< 7 => 'real',
< 12 => 'varchar',
< 91 => 'date',
< 93 => 'datetime'
< );
< $fa = @sqlsrv_field_metadata($this->_queryID);
< if ($fieldOffset != -1) {
< $fa = $fa[$fieldOffset];
> if ($this->fieldObjectsRetrieved) {
> if ($this->fieldObjectsCache) {
> // Already got the information
> if ($fieldOffset == -1) {
> return $this->fieldObjectsCache;
> } else {
> return $this->fieldObjectsCache[$fieldOffset];
< $false = false;
< if (empty($fa)) {
< $f = false;//PHP Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference
> } else {
> // No metadata available
> return false;
< else
< {
< // Convert to an object
< $fa = array_change_key_case($fa, CASE_LOWER);
< $fb = array();
< if ($fieldOffset != -1)
< {
< $fb = array(
< 'name' => $fa['name'],
< 'max_length' => $fa['size'],
< 'column_source' => $fa['name'],
< 'type' => $_typeConversion[$fa['type']]
< );
< else
< {
< foreach ($fa as $key => $value)
< {
< $fb[] = array(
< 'name' => $value['name'],
< 'max_length' => $value['size'],
< 'column_source' => $value['name'],
< 'type' => $_typeConversion[$value['type']]
< );
> $this->fieldObjectsRetrieved = true;
> /*
> * Retrieve all metadata in one go. This is always returned as a
> * numeric array.
> */
> $fieldMetaData = sqlsrv_field_metadata($this->_queryID);
> if (!$fieldMetaData) {
> // Not a statement that gives us metaData
> return false;
//Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
> $this->_numOfFields = count($fieldMetaData);
if ($ADODB_mssql_date_order == 'dmy') {
> foreach ($fieldMetaData as $key=>$value) {
if (!preg_match( "|^([0-9]{1,2})[-/\. ]+([A-Za-z]{3})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{4})|" ,$v, $rr)) {
> $fld = new ADOFieldObject;
return parent::UnixDate($v);
> // Caution - keys are case-sensitive, must respect casing of values
> $fld->name = $value['Name'];
if ($rr[3] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR) return 0;
> $fld->max_length = $value['Size'];
> $fld->column_source = $value['Name'];
$theday = $rr[1];
> $fld->type = $this->_typeConversion[$value['Type']];
$themth = substr(strtoupper($rr[2]),0,3);
} else {
> $this->fieldObjectsCache[$key] = $fld;
if (!preg_match( "|^([A-Za-z]{3})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{1,2})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{4})|" ,$v, $rr)) {
> $this->fieldObjectsIndex[$fld->name] = $key;
< $f = (object) $fb;
> if ($fieldOffset == -1) {
> return $this->fieldObjectsCache;
< return $f;
> return $this->fieldObjectsCache[$fieldOffset];
if ($rr[3] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR) return 0;
> * @param int $fieldOffset (optional)
> *
$theday = $rr[2];
> * @return adoFieldObject
$themth = substr(strtoupper($rr[1]),0,3);
> *
< function FetchField($fieldOffset = -1)
> function fetchField($fieldOffset = -1)
< return $this->_fieldobjs[$fieldOffset];
> return $this->fieldObjectsCache[$fieldOffset];
< //# KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("movenext()");
< //# KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("eof (beginning): ".$this->EOF);
< if ($this->EOF) return false;
> if ($this->EOF)
> return false;
< // # KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("_currentRow: ".$this->_currentRow);
< if ($this->_fetch()) return true;
> if ($this->_fetch())
> return true;
< //# KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("eof (end): ".$this->EOF);
< // INSERT UPDATE DELETE returns false even if no error occurs in 4.0.4
< // also the date format has been changed from YYYY-mm-dd to dd MMM YYYY in 4.0.4. Idiot!
< # KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("_fetch()");
< if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_NUM) {
< //# KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("fetch mode: both");
> if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_NUM)
< } else {
< //# KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("fetch mode: assoc");
> else
< }
< if (is_array($this->fields)) {
< if (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 0) {
< foreach($this->fields as $k=>$v) {
< $this->fields[strtolower($k)] = $v;
< }
< } else if (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 1) {
< foreach($this->fields as $k=>$v) {
< $this->fields[strtoupper($k)] = $v;
< }
> if (is_array($this->fields))
> {
> $this->fields = array_change_key_case($this->fields,CASE_LOWER);
> $this->fields = array_change_key_case($this->fields,CASE_UPPER);
< } else {
< //# KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("fetch mode: num");
> else
< }
< if(is_array($this->fields) && array_key_exists(1,$this->fields) && !array_key_exists(0,$this->fields)) {//fix fetch numeric keys since they're not 0 based
< $arrFixed = array();
< foreach($this->fields as $key=>$value) {
< if(is_numeric($key)) {
< $arrFixed[$key-1] = $value;
< } else {
< $arrFixed[$key] = $value;
< }
< }
< //if($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("<hr>fixing non 0 based return array, old: ".print_r($this->fields,true)." new: ".print_r($arrFixed,true));
< $this->fields = $arrFixed;
< }
< if(is_array($this->fields)) {
< foreach($this->fields as $key=>$value) {
< if (is_object($value) && method_exists($value, 'format')) {//is DateTime object
< $this->fields[$key] = $value->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z");
< }
< }
< }
< if($this->fields === null) $this->fields = false;
< # KMN # if ($this->connection->debug) ADOConnection::outp("<hr>after _fetch, fields: <pre>".print_r($this->fields,true)." backtrace: ".adodb_backtrace(false));
> if (!$this->fields)
> return false;
< /* close() only needs to be called if you are worried about using too much memory while your script
< is running. All associated result memory for the specified result identifier will automatically be freed. */
> /**
> * close() only needs to be called if you are worried about using too much
> * memory while your script is running. All associated result memory for
> * the specified result identifier will automatically be freed.
> *
> * @return bool tru if we succeeded in closing down
> */
select object_name(constid) as constraint_name,
> /*
object_name(fkeyid) as table_name,
> * If we are closing down a failed query, collect any
col_name(fkeyid, fkey) as column_name,
> * error messages. This is a hack fix to the "close too early"
object_name(rkeyid) as referenced_table_name,
> * problem so this might go away later
col_name(rkeyid, rkey) as referenced_column_name
> */
from sysforeignkeys
> $this->connection->errorMsg();
< return true;
< }
< // mssql uses a default date like Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
< static function UnixDate($v)
< {
< return ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative::UnixDate($v);
< }
< static function UnixTimeStamp($v)
< {
< return ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative::UnixTimeStamp($v);
< }
< }
< class ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative extends ADORecordSet_array {
< function __construct($id=-1,$mode=false)
< {
< parent::__construct($id,$mode);
< }
< // mssql uses a default date like Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
< static function UnixDate($v)
< {
< if (is_numeric(substr($v,0,1)) && ADODB_PHPVER >= 0x4200) return parent::UnixDate($v);
< global $ADODB_mssql_mths,$ADODB_mssql_date_order;
< //Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
< if ($ADODB_mssql_date_order == 'dmy') {
< if (!preg_match( "|^([0-9]{1,2})[-/\. ]+([A-Za-z]{3})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{4})|" ,$v, $rr)) {
< return parent::UnixDate($v);
< }
< if ($rr[3] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR) return 0;
< $theday = $rr[1];
< $themth = substr(strtoupper($rr[2]),0,3);
< } else {
< if (!preg_match( "|^([A-Za-z]{3})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{1,2})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{4})|" ,$v, $rr)) {
< return parent::UnixDate($v);
> return true;
< if ($rr[3] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR) return 0;
< $theday = $rr[2];
< $themth = substr(strtoupper($rr[1]),0,3);
< }
< $themth = $ADODB_mssql_mths[$themth];
< if ($themth <= 0) return false;
< // h-m-s-MM-DD-YY
< return adodb_mktime(0,0,0,$themth,$theday,$rr[3]);
< static function UnixTimeStamp($v)
< {
< if (is_numeric(substr($v,0,1)) && ADODB_PHPVER >= 0x4200) return parent::UnixTimeStamp($v);
< global $ADODB_mssql_mths,$ADODB_mssql_date_order;
< //Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
< if ($ADODB_mssql_date_order == 'dmy') {
< if (!preg_match( "|^([0-9]{1,2})[-/\. ]+([A-Za-z]{3})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{4}) +([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}) *([apAP]{0,1})|"
< ,$v, $rr)) return parent::UnixTimeStamp($v);
< if ($rr[3] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR) return 0;
< $theday = $rr[1];
< $themth = substr(strtoupper($rr[2]),0,3);
< } else {
< if (!preg_match( "|^([A-Za-z]{3})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{1,2})[-/\. ]+([0-9]{4}) +([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}) *([apAP]{0,1})|"
< ,$v, $rr)) return parent::UnixTimeStamp($v);
< if ($rr[3] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR) return 0;
< $theday = $rr[2];
< $themth = substr(strtoupper($rr[1]),0,3);
< }
< $themth = $ADODB_mssql_mths[$themth];
< if ($themth <= 0) return false;
< switch (strtoupper($rr[6])) {
< case 'P':
< if ($rr[4]<12) $rr[4] += 12;
< break;
< case 'A':
< if ($rr[4]==12) $rr[4] = 0;
< break;
< default:
< break;
< }
< // h-m-s-MM-DD-YY
< return adodb_mktime($rr[4],$rr[5],0,$themth,$theday,$rr[3]);
< }
< }
> class ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative extends ADORecordSet_array {}