Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * Upgrade helper functions
 * This file is used for special upgrade functions - for example groups and gradebook.
 * These functions must use SQL and database related functions only- no other Moodle API,
 * because it might depend on db structures that are not yet present during upgrade.
 * (Do not use functions from accesslib.php, grades classes or group functions at all!)
 * @package   core_install
 * @category  upgrade
 * @copyright 2007 Petr Skoda (
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * Returns all non-view and non-temp tables with sane names.
 * Prints list of non-supported tables using $OUTPUT->notification()
 * @return array
function upgrade_mysql_get_supported_tables() {
    global $OUTPUT, $DB;

    $tables = array();
    $patprefix = str_replace('_', '\\_', $DB->get_prefix());
    $pregprefix = preg_quote($DB->get_prefix(), '/');

    $sql = "SHOW FULL TABLES LIKE '$patprefix%'";
    $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql);
    foreach ($rs as $record) {
        $record = array_change_key_case((array)$record, CASE_LOWER);
        $type = $record['table_type'];
        $fullname = array_shift($record);

        if ($pregprefix === '') {
            $name = $fullname;
        } else {
            $count = null;
            $name = preg_replace("/^$pregprefix/", '', $fullname, -1, $count);
            if ($count !== 1) {

        if (!preg_match("/^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$/", $name)) {
            echo $OUTPUT->notification("Database table with invalid name '$fullname' detected, skipping.", 'notifyproblem');
        if ($type === 'VIEW') {
            echo $OUTPUT->notification("Unsupported database table view '$fullname' detected, skipping.", 'notifyproblem');
        $tables[$name] = $name;

    return $tables;

 * Using data for a single course-module that has groupmembersonly enabled,
 * returns the new availability value that incorporates the correct
 * groupmembersonly option.
 * Included as a function so that it can be shared between upgrade and restore,
 * and unit-tested.
 * @param int $groupingid Grouping id for the course-module (0 if none)
 * @param string $availability Availability JSON data for the module (null if none)
 * @return string New value for availability for the module
function upgrade_group_members_only($groupingid, $availability) {
    // Work out the new JSON object representing this option.
    if ($groupingid) {
        // Require specific grouping.
        $condition = (object)array('type' => 'grouping', 'id' => (int)$groupingid);
    } else {
        // No grouping specified, so require membership of any group.
        $condition = (object)array('type' => 'group');

    if (is_null($availability)) {
        // If there are no conditions using the new API then just set it.
        $tree = (object)array('op' => '&', 'c' => array($condition), 'showc' => array(false));
    } else {
        // There are existing conditions.
        $tree = json_decode($availability);
        switch ($tree->op) {
            case '&' :
                // For & conditions we can just add this one.
                $tree->c[] = $condition;
                $tree->showc[] = false;
            case '!|' :
                // For 'not or' conditions we can add this one
                // but negated.
                $tree->c[] = (object)array('op' => '!&', 'c' => array($condition));
                $tree->showc[] = false;
                // For the other two (OR and NOT AND) we have to add
                // an extra level to the tree.
                $tree = (object)array('op' => '&', 'c' => array($tree, $condition),
                        'showc' => array($tree->show, false));
                // Inner trees do not have a show option, so remove it.

    return json_encode($tree);

 * Marks all courses with changes in extra credit weight calculation
 * Used during upgrade and in course restore process
 * This upgrade script is needed because we changed the algorithm for calculating the automatic weights of extra
 * credit items and want to prevent changes in the existing student grades.
 * @param int $onlycourseid
function upgrade_extra_credit_weightoverride($onlycourseid = 0) {
    global $DB;

    // Find all courses that have categories in Natural aggregation method where there is at least one extra credit
    // item and at least one item with overridden weight.
    $courses = $DB->get_fieldset_sql(
        "SELECT DISTINCT gc.courseid
          FROM {grade_categories} gc
          INNER JOIN {grade_items} gi ON = gi.categoryid AND gi.weightoverride = :weightoverriden
          INNER JOIN {grade_items} gie ON = gie.categoryid AND gie.aggregationcoef = :extracredit
          WHERE gc.aggregation = :naturalaggmethod" . ($onlycourseid ? " AND gc.courseid = :onlycourseid" : ''),
        array('naturalaggmethod' => 13,
            'weightoverriden' => 1,
            'extracredit' => 1,
            'onlycourseid' => $onlycourseid,
    foreach ($courses as $courseid) {
        $gradebookfreeze = get_config('core', 'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courseid);
        if (!$gradebookfreeze) {
            set_config('gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courseid, 20150619);

 * Marks all courses that require calculated grade items be updated.
 * Used during upgrade and in course restore process.
 * This upgrade script is needed because the calculated grade items were stuck with a maximum of 100 and could be changed.
 * This flags the courses that are affected and the grade book is frozen to retain grade integrity.
 * @param int $courseid Specify a course ID to run this script on just one course.
function upgrade_calculated_grade_items($courseid = null) {
    global $DB, $CFG;

    $affectedcourses = array();
    $possiblecourseids = array();
    $params = array();
    $singlecoursesql = '';
    if (isset($courseid)) {
        $singlecoursesql = "AND = :courseid";
        $params['courseid'] = $courseid;
    $siteminmaxtouse = 1;
    if (isset($CFG->grade_minmaxtouse)) {
        $siteminmaxtouse = $CFG->grade_minmaxtouse;
    $courseidsql = "SELECT
                      FROM (
                        SELECT, coalesce(" . $DB->sql_compare_text('gs.value') . ", :siteminmax) AS gradevalue
                          FROM {course} c
                          LEFT JOIN {grade_settings} gs
                            ON = gs.courseid
                           AND (( = 'minmaxtouse' AND " . $DB->sql_compare_text('gs.value') . " = '2'))
                        ) ns
                    WHERE " . $DB->sql_compare_text('ns.gradevalue') . " = '2' $singlecoursesql";
    $params['siteminmax'] = $siteminmaxtouse;
    $courses = $DB->get_records_sql($courseidsql, $params);
    foreach ($courses as $course) {
        $possiblecourseids[$course->id] = $course->id;

    if (!empty($possiblecourseids)) {
        list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($possiblecourseids);
        // A calculated grade item grade min != 0 and grade max != 100 and the course setting is set to
        // "Initial min and max grades".
        $coursesql = "SELECT DISTINCT courseid
                        FROM {grade_items}
                       WHERE calculation IS NOT NULL
                         AND itemtype = 'manual'
                         AND (grademax <> 100 OR grademin <> 0)
                         AND courseid $sql";
        $affectedcourses = $DB->get_records_sql($coursesql, $params);

    // Check for second type of affected courses.
    // If we already have the courseid parameter set in the affectedcourses then there is no need to run through this section.
    if (!isset($courseid) || !in_array($courseid, $affectedcourses)) {
        $singlecoursesql = '';
        $params = array();
        if (isset($courseid)) {
            $singlecoursesql = "AND courseid = :courseid";
            $params['courseid'] = $courseid;
        $nestedsql = "SELECT id
                        FROM {grade_items}
                       WHERE itemtype = 'category'
                         AND calculation IS NOT NULL $singlecoursesql";
        $calculatedgradecategories = $DB->get_records_sql($nestedsql, $params);
        $categoryids = array();
        foreach ($calculatedgradecategories as $key => $gradecategory) {
            $categoryids[$key] = $gradecategory->id;

        if (!empty($categoryids)) {
            list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($categoryids);
            // A category with a calculation where the raw grade min and the raw grade max don't match the grade min and grade max
            // for the category.
            $coursesql = "SELECT DISTINCT gi.courseid
                            FROM {grade_grades} gg, {grade_items} gi
                           WHERE = gg.itemid
                             AND (gg.rawgrademax <> gi.grademax OR gg.rawgrademin <> gi.grademin)
                             AND $sql";
            $additionalcourses = $DB->get_records_sql($coursesql, $params);
            foreach ($additionalcourses as $key => $additionalcourse) {
                if (!array_key_exists($key, $affectedcourses)) {
                    $affectedcourses[$key] = $additionalcourse;

    foreach ($affectedcourses as $affectedcourseid) {
        if (isset($CFG->upgrade_calculatedgradeitemsonlyregrade) && !($courseid)) {
            $DB->set_field('grade_items', 'needsupdate', 1, array('courseid' => $affectedcourseid->courseid));
        } else {
            // Check to see if the gradebook freeze is already in affect.
            $gradebookfreeze = get_config('core', 'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $affectedcourseid->courseid);
            if (!$gradebookfreeze) {
                set_config('gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $affectedcourseid->courseid, 20150627);

 * This function creates a default separated/connected scale
 * so there's something in the database.  The locations of
 * strings and files is a bit odd, but this is because we
 * need to maintain backward compatibility with many different
 * existing language translations and older sites.
 * @global object
 * @return void
function make_default_scale() {
    global $DB;

    $defaultscale = new stdClass();
    $defaultscale->courseid = 0;
    $defaultscale->userid = 0;
    $defaultscale->name  = get_string('separateandconnected');
    $defaultscale->description = get_string('separateandconnectedinfo');
    $defaultscale->scale = get_string('postrating1', 'forum').','.
                           get_string('postrating2', 'forum').','.
                           get_string('postrating3', 'forum');
    $defaultscale->timemodified = time();

    $defaultscale->id = $DB->insert_record('scale', $defaultscale);
    return $defaultscale;

 * Create another default scale.
 * @param int $oldversion
 * @return bool always true
function make_competence_scale() {
    global $DB;

    $defaultscale = new stdClass();
    $defaultscale->courseid = 0;
    $defaultscale->userid = 0;
    $defaultscale->name  = get_string('defaultcompetencescale');
    $defaultscale->description = get_string('defaultcompetencescaledesc');
    $defaultscale->scale = get_string('defaultcompetencescalenotproficient').','.
    $defaultscale->timemodified = time();

    $defaultscale->id = $DB->insert_record('scale', $defaultscale);
    return $defaultscale;

 * Marks all courses that require rounded grade items be updated.
 * Used during upgrade and in course restore process.
 * This upgrade script is needed because it has been decided that if a grade is rounded up, and it will changed a letter
 * grade or satisfy a course completion grade criteria, then it should be set as so, and the letter will be awarded and or
 * the course completion grade will be awarded.
 * @param int $courseid Specify a course ID to run this script on just one course.
function upgrade_course_letter_boundary($courseid = null) {
    global $DB, $CFG;

    $coursesql = '';
    $params = array('contextlevel' => CONTEXT_COURSE);
    if (!empty($courseid)) {
        $coursesql = 'AND = :courseid';
        $params['courseid'] = $courseid;

    // Check to see if the system letter boundaries are borked.
    $systemcontext = context_system::instance();
    $systemneedsfreeze = upgrade_letter_boundary_needs_freeze($systemcontext);

    // Check the setting for showing the letter grade in a column (default is false).
    $usergradelettercolumnsetting = 0;
    if (isset($CFG->grade_report_user_showlettergrade)) {
        $usergradelettercolumnsetting = (int)$CFG->grade_report_user_showlettergrade;
    $lettercolumnsql = '';
    if ($usergradelettercolumnsetting) {
        // The system default is to show a column with letters (and the course uses the defaults).
        $lettercolumnsql = '(gss.value is NULL OR ' . $DB->sql_compare_text('gss.value') .  ' <> \'0\')';
    } else {
        // The course displays a column with letters.
        $lettercolumnsql = $DB->sql_compare_text('gss.value') .  ' = \'1\'';

    // 3, 13, 23, 31, and 32 are the grade display types that incorporate showing letters. See lib/grade/constants/php.
    $systemusesletters = (int) (isset($CFG->grade_displaytype) && in_array($CFG->grade_displaytype, array(3, 13, 23, 31, 32)));
    $systemletters = $systemusesletters || $usergradelettercolumnsetting;

    $contextselect = context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('ctx');

    if ($systemletters && $systemneedsfreeze) {
        // Select courses with no grade setting for display and a grade item that is using the default display,
        // but have not altered the course letter boundary configuration. These courses are definitely affected.

        $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT AS courseid
                  FROM {course} c
                  JOIN {grade_items} gi ON = gi.courseid
                  JOIN {context} ctx ON ctx.instanceid = AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextlevel
             LEFT JOIN {grade_settings} gs ON gs.courseid = AND = 'displaytype'
             LEFT JOIN {grade_settings} gss ON gss.courseid = AND = 'report_user_showlettergrade'
             LEFT JOIN {grade_letters} gl ON gl.contextid =
                 WHERE gi.display = 0
                 AND ((gs.value is NULL)
                      AND ($lettercolumnsql))
                 AND is NULL $coursesql";
        $affectedcourseids = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
        foreach ($affectedcourseids as $courseid) {
            set_config('gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courseid->courseid, 20160518);

    // If the system letter boundary is okay proceed to check grade item and course grade display settings.
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT AS courseid, $contextselect
              FROM {course} c
              JOIN {context} ctx ON ctx.instanceid = AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextlevel
              JOIN {grade_items} gi ON = gi.courseid
         LEFT JOIN {grade_settings} gs ON = gs.courseid AND = 'displaytype'
         LEFT JOIN {grade_settings} gss ON gss.courseid = AND = 'report_user_showlettergrade'
                    -- A grade item is using letters
                    (gi.display IN (3, 13, 23, 31, 32))
                    -- OR the course is using letters
                    OR (" . $DB->sql_compare_text('gs.value') . " IN ('3', '13', '23', '31', '32')
                        -- OR the course using the system default which is letters
                        OR (gs.value IS NULL AND $systemusesletters = 1)
                    OR ($lettercolumnsql)
                -- AND the course matches

    $potentialcourses = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);

    foreach ($potentialcourses as $value) {
        $gradebookfreeze = 'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $value->courseid;

        // Check also if this course id has already been frozen.
        // If we already have this course ID then move on to the next record.
        if (!property_exists($CFG, $gradebookfreeze)) {
            // Check for 57 letter grade issue.
            $coursecontext = context_course::instance($value->courseid);
            if (upgrade_letter_boundary_needs_freeze($coursecontext)) {
                // We have a course with a possible score standardisation problem. Flag for freeze.
                // Flag this course as being frozen.
                set_config('gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $value->courseid, 20160518);

 * Checks the letter boundary of the provided context to see if it needs freezing.
 * Each letter boundary is tested to see if receiving that boundary number will
 * result in achieving the cosponsoring letter.
 * @param object $context Context object
 * @return bool if the letter boundary for this context should be frozen.
function upgrade_letter_boundary_needs_freeze($context) {
    global $DB;

    $contexts = $context->get_parent_context_ids();
    array_unshift($contexts, $context->id);

    foreach ($contexts as $ctxid) {

        $letters = $DB->get_records_menu('grade_letters', array('contextid' => $ctxid), 'lowerboundary DESC',
                'lowerboundary, letter');

        if (!empty($letters)) {
            foreach ($letters as $boundary => $notused) {
                $standardisedboundary = upgrade_standardise_score($boundary, 0, 100, 0, 100);
                if ($standardisedboundary < $boundary) {
                    return true;
            // We found letters but we have no boundary problem.
            return false;
    return false;

 * Given a float value situated between a source minimum and a source maximum, converts it to the
 * corresponding value situated between a target minimum and a target maximum. Thanks to Darlene
 * for the formula :-)
 * @param float $rawgrade
 * @param float $sourcemin
 * @param float $sourcemax
 * @param float $targetmin
 * @param float $targetmax
 * @return float Converted value
function upgrade_standardise_score($rawgrade, $sourcemin, $sourcemax, $targetmin, $targetmax) {
    if (is_null($rawgrade)) {
        return null;

    if ($sourcemax == $sourcemin or $targetmin == $targetmax) {
        // Prevent division by 0.
        return $targetmax;

    $factor = ($rawgrade - $sourcemin) / ($sourcemax - $sourcemin);
    $diff = $targetmax - $targetmin;
    $standardisedvalue = $factor * $diff + $targetmin;
    return $standardisedvalue;

 * Provides a way to check and update a serialized string that uses the deprecated object class.
 * @param  string $serializeddata Serialized string which may contain the now deprecated object.
 * @return array Returns an array where the first variable is a bool with a status of whether the initial data was changed
 * or not. The second variable is the said data.
function upgrade_fix_serialized_objects($serializeddata) {
    $updated = false;
    if (strpos($serializeddata, ":6:\"object") !== false) {
        $serializeddata = str_replace(":6:\"object", ":8:\"stdClass", $serializeddata);
        $updated = true;
    return [$updated, $serializeddata];

 * Deletes file records which have their repository deleted.
function upgrade_delete_orphaned_file_records() {
    global $DB;

    $sql = "SELECT, f.contextid, f.component, f.filearea, f.itemid, AS referencefileid
              FROM {files} f
              JOIN {files_reference} fr ON f.referencefileid =
         LEFT JOIN {repository_instances} ri ON fr.repositoryid =
             WHERE IS NULL";

    $deletedfiles = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql);

    $deletedfileids = array();

    $fs = get_file_storage();
    foreach ($deletedfiles as $deletedfile) {
        $fs->delete_area_files($deletedfile->contextid, $deletedfile->component, $deletedfile->filearea, $deletedfile->itemid);
        $deletedfileids[] = $deletedfile->referencefileid;

    $DB->delete_records_list('files_reference', 'id', $deletedfileids);

< * Updates the existing prediction actions in the database according to the new suggested actions. < * @return null
> * Upgrade core licenses shipped with Moodle.
< function upgrade_rename_prediction_actions_useful_incorrectly_flagged() { < global $DB; < < // The update depends on the analyser class used by each model so we need to iterate through the models in the system. < $modelids = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT, < FROM {analytics_models} am < JOIN {analytics_predictions} ap ON ap.modelid = < JOIN {analytics_prediction_actions} apa ON = apa.predictionid"); < foreach ($modelids as $model) { < $targetname = $model->target; < if (!class_exists($targetname)) { < // The plugin may not be available. < continue; < } < $target = new $targetname(); < < $analyserclass = $target->get_analyser_class(); < if (!class_exists($analyserclass)) { < // The plugin may not be available. < continue; < } < < if ($analyserclass::one_sample_per_analysable()) { < // From 'fixed' to 'useful'. < $params = ['oldaction' => 'fixed', 'newaction' => 'useful']; < } else { < // From 'notuseful' to 'incorrectlyflagged'. < $params = ['oldaction' => 'notuseful', 'newaction' => 'incorrectlyflagged']; < }
> function upgrade_core_licenses() { > global $CFG, $DB;
< $subsql = "SELECT id FROM {analytics_predictions} WHERE modelid = :modelid"; < $updatesql = "UPDATE {analytics_prediction_actions} < SET actionname = :newaction < WHERE predictionid IN ($subsql) AND actionname = :oldaction";
> $expectedlicenses = json_decode(file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/licenses.json'))->licenses; > if (!is_array($expectedlicenses)) { > $expectedlicenses = []; > } > $corelicenses = $DB->get_records('license', ['custom' => 0]); > > // Disable core licenses which are no longer current. > $todisable = array_diff( > array_map(fn ($license) => $license->shortname, $corelicenses), > array_map(fn ($license) => $license->shortname, $expectedlicenses), > );
< $DB->execute($updatesql, $params + ['modelid' => $model->id]); < }
> // Disable any old *core* license that does not exist in the licenses.json file. > if (count($todisable)) { > [$where, $params] = $DB->get_in_or_equal($todisable, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); > $DB->set_field_select( > 'license', > 'enabled', > 0, > "shortname {$where}", > $params > );
< /** < * Convert the site settings for the 'hub' component in the config_plugins table. < * < * @param stdClass $hubconfig Settings loaded for the 'hub' component. < * @param string $huburl The URL of the hub to use as the valid one in case of conflict. < * @return stdClass List of new settings to be applied (including null values to be unset). < */ < function upgrade_convert_hub_config_site_param_names(stdClass $hubconfig, string $huburl): stdClass { < < $cleanhuburl = clean_param($huburl, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); < $converted = []; < < foreach ($hubconfig as $oldname => $value) { < if (preg_match('/^site_([a-z]+)([A-Za-z0-9_-]*)/', $oldname, $matches)) { < $newname = 'site_'.$matches[1]; < < if ($oldname === $newname) { < // There is an existing value with the new naming convention already. < $converted[$newname] = $value; < < } else if (!array_key_exists($newname, $converted)) { < // Add the value under a new name and mark the original to be unset. < $converted[$newname] = $value; < $converted[$oldname] = null; < < } else if ($matches[2] === '_'.$cleanhuburl) { < // The new name already exists, overwrite only if coming from the valid hub. < $converted[$newname] = $value; < $converted[$oldname] = null; < < } else { < // Just unset the old value. < $converted[$oldname] = null;
> // Add any new licenses. > foreach ($expectedlicenses as $expectedlicense) { > if (!$expectedlicense->enabled) { > // Skip any license which is no longer enabled. > continue;
< < } else { < // Not a hub-specific site setting, just keep it. < $converted[$oldname] = $value;
> if (!$DB->record_exists('license', ['shortname' => $expectedlicense->shortname])) { > // If the license replaces an older one, check whether this old license was enabled or not. > $isreplacement = false; > foreach (array_reverse($expectedlicense->replaces ?? []) as $item) { > foreach ($corelicenses as $corelicense) { > if ($corelicense->shortname === $item) { > $expectedlicense->enabled = $corelicense->enabled; > // Also, keep the old sort order. > $expectedlicense->sortorder = $corelicense->sortorder * 100; > $isreplacement = true; > break 2;
} }
< < return (object) $converted;
< < /** < * Fix the incorrect default values inserted into analytics contextids field. < */ < function upgrade_analytics_fix_contextids_defaults() { < global $DB; < < $select = $DB->sql_compare_text('contextids') . ' = :zero OR ' . $DB->sql_compare_text('contextids') . ' = :null'; < $params = ['zero' => '0', 'null' => 'null']; < $DB->execute("UPDATE {analytics_models} set contextids = null WHERE " . $select, $params);
> if (!isset($CFG->upgraderunning) || during_initial_install() || $isreplacement) { > // Only install missing core licenses if not upgrading or during initial installation. > $DB->insert_record('license', $expectedlicense);
< < /** < * Upgrade core licenses shipped with Moodle. < */ < function upgrade_core_licenses() { < global $CFG, $DB; < < $corelicenses = []; < < $license = new stdClass(); < $license->shortname = 'unknown'; < $license->fullname = 'Licence not specified'; < $license->source = ''; < $license->enabled = 1; < $license->version = '2010033100'; < $license->custom = 0; < $corelicenses[] = $license; < < $license = new stdClass(); < $license->shortname = 'allrightsreserved'; < $license->fullname = 'All rights reserved'; < $license->source = ''; < $license->enabled = 1; < $license->version = '2010033100'; < $license->custom = 0; < $corelicenses[] = $license; < < $license = new stdClass(); < $license->shortname = 'public'; < $license->fullname = 'Public domain'; < $license->source = ''; < $license->enabled = 1; < $license->version = '2010033100'; < $license->custom = 0; < $corelicenses[] = $license; < < $license = new stdClass(); < $license->shortname = 'cc'; < $license->fullname = 'Creative Commons'; < $license->source = ''; < $license->enabled = 1; < $license->version = '2010033100'; < $license->custom = 0; < $corelicenses[] = $license; < < $license = new stdClass(); < $license->shortname = 'cc-nd'; < $license->fullname = 'Creative Commons - NoDerivs'; < $license->source = ''; < $license->enabled = 1; < $license->version = '2010033100'; < $license->custom = 0; < $corelicenses[] = $license; < < $license = new stdClass(); < $license->shortname = 'cc-nc-nd'; < $license->fullname = 'Creative Commons - No Commercial NoDerivs'; < $license->source = ''; < $license->enabled = 1; < $license->version = '2010033100'; < $license->custom = 0; < $corelicenses[] = $license; < < $license = new stdClass(); < $license->shortname = 'cc-nc'; < $license->fullname = 'Creative Commons - No Commercial'; < $license->source = ''; < $license->enabled = 1; < $license->version = '2010033100'; < $license->custom = 0; < $corelicenses[] = $license; < < $license = new stdClass(); < $license->shortname = 'cc-nc-sa'; < $license->fullname = 'Creative Commons - No Commercial ShareAlike'; < $license->source = ''; < $license->enabled = 1; < $license->version = '2010033100'; < $license->custom = 0; < $corelicenses[] = $license; < < $license = new stdClass(); < $license->shortname = 'cc-sa'; < $license->fullname = 'Creative Commons - ShareAlike'; < $license->source = ''; < $license->enabled = 1; < $license->version = '2010033100'; < $license->custom = 0; < $corelicenses[] = $license; < < foreach ($corelicenses as $corelicense) { < // Check for current license to maintain idempotence. < $currentlicense = $DB->get_record('license', ['shortname' => $corelicense->shortname]); < if (!empty($currentlicense)) { < $corelicense->id = $currentlicense->id; < // Remember if the license was enabled before upgrade. < $corelicense->enabled = $currentlicense->enabled; < $DB->update_record('license', $corelicense); < } else if (!isset($CFG->upgraderunning) || during_initial_install()) { < // Only install missing core licenses if not upgrading or during initial install. < $DB->insert_record('license', $corelicense);
} }
< // Add sortorder to all licenses. < $licenses = $DB->get_records('license');
> // Add/renumber sortorder to all licenses. > $licenses = $DB->get_records('license', null, 'sortorder');
$sortorder = 1; foreach ($licenses as $license) { $license->sortorder = $sortorder++; $DB->update_record('license', $license); } // Set the license config values, used by file repository for rendering licenses at front end. $activelicenses = $DB->get_records_menu('license', ['enabled' => 1], 'id', 'id, shortname'); set_config('licenses', implode(',', $activelicenses)); $sitedefaultlicense = get_config('', 'sitedefaultlicense'); if (empty($sitedefaultlicense) || !in_array($sitedefaultlicense, $activelicenses)) { set_config('sitedefaultlicense', reset($activelicenses)); } } /** * Detects if the site may need to get the calendar events fixed or no. With optional output. * * @param bool $output true if the function must output information, false if not. * @return bool true if the site needs to run the fixes, false if not. */ function upgrade_calendar_site_status(bool $output = true): bool { global $DB; // List of upgrade steps where the bug happened. $badsteps = [ '3.9.5' => '2020061504.08', '3.10.2' => '2020110901.09', '3.11dev' => '2021022600.02', '4.0dev' => '2021052500.65', ]; // List of upgrade steps that ran the fixer. $fixsteps = [ '3.9.6+' => '2020061506.05', '3.10.3+' => '2020110903.05', '3.11dev' => '2021042100.02', '4.0dev' => '2021052500.85', ]; $targetsteps = array_merge(array_values($badsteps), array_values( $fixsteps)); list($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($targetsteps); $foundsteps = $DB->get_fieldset_sql(" SELECT DISTINCT version FROM {upgrade_log} WHERE plugin = 'core' AND version " . $insql . " ORDER BY version", $inparams); // Analyse the found steps, to decide if the site needs upgrading or no. $badfound = false; $fixfound = false; foreach ($foundsteps as $foundstep) { $badfound = $badfound ?: array_search($foundstep, $badsteps, true); $fixfound = $fixfound ?: array_search($foundstep, $fixsteps, true); } $needsfix = $badfound && !$fixfound; // Let's output some textual information if required to. if ($output) { mtrace(""); if ($badfound) { mtrace("This site has executed the problematic upgrade step {$badsteps[$badfound]} present in {$badfound}."); } else { mtrace("Problematic upgrade steps were NOT found, site should be safe."); } if ($fixfound) { mtrace("This site has executed the fix upgrade step {$fixsteps[$fixfound]} present in {$fixfound}."); } else { mtrace("Fix upgrade steps were NOT found."); } mtrace(""); if ($needsfix) { mtrace("This site NEEDS to run the calendar events fix!"); mtrace(''); mtrace("You can use this CLI tool or upgrade to a version of Moodle that includes"); mtrace("the fix and will be executed as part of the normal upgrade procedure."); mtrace("The following versions or up are known candidates to upgrade to:"); foreach ($fixsteps as $key => $value) { mtrace(" - {$key}: {$value}"); } mtrace(""); } } return $needsfix; } /** * Detects the calendar events needing to be fixed. With optional output. * * @param bool $output true if the function must output information, false if not. * @return stdClass[] an array of event types (as keys) with total and bad counters, plus sql to retrieve them. */ function upgrade_calendar_events_status(bool $output = true): array { global $DB; // Calculate the list of standard (core) activity plugins. $plugins = core_plugin_manager::standard_plugins_list('mod'); $coremodules = "modulename IN ('" . implode("', '", $plugins) . "')"; // Some query parts go here. $brokenevents = "(userid = 0 AND (eventtype <> 'user' OR priority <> 0))"; // From the original bad upgrade step. $standardevents = "(eventtype IN ('site', 'category', 'course', 'group', 'user') AND subscriptionid IS NULL)"; $subscriptionevents = "(subscriptionid IS NOT NULL)"; $overrideevents = "({$coremodules} AND priority IS NOT NULL)"; $actionevents = "({$coremodules} AND instance > 0 and priority IS NULL)"; $otherevents = "(NOT ({$standardevents} OR {$subscriptionevents} OR {$overrideevents} OR {$actionevents}))"; // Detailed query template. $detailstemplate = " SELECT ##group## AS groupname, COUNT(1) AS count FROM {event} WHERE ##groupconditions## GROUP BY ##group##"; // Count total and potentially broken events. $total = $DB->count_records_select('event', ''); $totalbadsql = $brokenevents; $totalbad = $DB->count_records_select('event', $totalbadsql); // Standard events. $standard = $DB->count_records_select('event', $standardevents); $standardbadsql = "{$brokenevents} AND {$standardevents}"; $standardbad = $DB->count_records_select('event', $standardbadsql); $standarddetails = $DB->get_records_sql( str_replace( ['##group##', '##groupconditions##'], ['eventtype', $standardbadsql], $detailstemplate ) ); array_walk($standarddetails, function (&$rec) { $rec = $rec->groupname . ': ' . $rec->count; }); $standarddetails = $standarddetails ? '(' . implode(', ', $standarddetails) . ')' : '- all good!'; // Subscription events. $subscription = $DB->count_records_select('event', $subscriptionevents); $subscriptionbadsql = "{$brokenevents} AND {$subscriptionevents}"; $subscriptionbad = $DB->count_records_select('event', $subscriptionbadsql); $subscriptiondetails = $DB->get_records_sql( str_replace( ['##group##', '##groupconditions##'], ['eventtype', $subscriptionbadsql], $detailstemplate ) ); array_walk($subscriptiondetails, function (&$rec) { $rec = $rec->groupname . ': ' . $rec->count; }); $subscriptiondetails = $subscriptiondetails ? '(' . implode(', ', $subscriptiondetails) . ')' : '- all good!'; // Override events. $override = $DB->count_records_select('event', $overrideevents); $overridebadsql = "{$brokenevents} AND {$overrideevents}"; $overridebad = $DB->count_records_select('event', $overridebadsql); $overridedetails = $DB->get_records_sql( str_replace( ['##group##', '##groupconditions##'], ['modulename', $overridebadsql], $detailstemplate ) ); array_walk($overridedetails, function (&$rec) { $rec = $rec->groupname . ': ' . $rec->count; }); $overridedetails = $overridedetails ? '(' . implode(', ', $overridedetails) . ')' : '- all good!'; // Action events. $action = $DB->count_records_select('event', $actionevents); $actionbadsql = "{$brokenevents} AND {$actionevents}"; $actionbad = $DB->count_records_select('event', $actionbadsql); $actiondetails = $DB->get_records_sql( str_replace( ['##group##', '##groupconditions##'], ['modulename', $actionbadsql], $detailstemplate ) ); array_walk($actiondetails, function (&$rec) { $rec = $rec->groupname . ': ' . $rec->count; }); $actiondetails = $actiondetails ? '(' . implode(', ', $actiondetails) . ')' : '- all good!'; // Other events. $other = $DB->count_records_select('event', $otherevents); $otherbadsql = "{$brokenevents} AND {$otherevents}"; $otherbad = $DB->count_records_select('event', $otherbadsql); $otherdetails = $DB->get_records_sql( str_replace( ['##group##', '##groupconditions##'], ['COALESCE(component, modulename)', $otherbadsql], $detailstemplate ) ); array_walk($otherdetails, function (&$rec) { $rec = ($rec->groupname ?: 'unknown') . ': ' . $rec->count; }); $otherdetails = $otherdetails ? '(' . implode(', ', $otherdetails) . ')' : '- all good!'; // Let's output some textual information if required to. if ($output) { mtrace(""); mtrace("Totals: {$total} / {$totalbad} (total / wrong)"); mtrace(" - standards events: {$standard} / {$standardbad} {$standarddetails}"); mtrace(" - subscription events: {$subscription} / {$subscriptionbad} {$subscriptiondetails}"); mtrace(" - override events: {$override} / {$overridebad} {$overridedetails}"); mtrace(" - action events: {$action} / {$actionbad} {$actiondetails}"); mtrace(" - other events: {$other} / {$otherbad} {$otherdetails}"); mtrace(""); } return [ 'total' => (object)['count' => $total, 'bad' => $totalbad, 'sql' => $totalbadsql], 'standard' => (object)['count' => $standard, 'bad' => $standardbad, 'sql' => $standardbadsql], 'subscription' => (object)['count' => $subscription, 'bad' => $subscriptionbad, 'sql' => $subscriptionbadsql], 'override' => (object)['count' => $override, 'bad' => $overridebad, 'sql' => $overridebadsql], 'action' => (object)['count' => $action, 'bad' => $actionbad, 'sql' => $actionbadsql], 'other' => (object)['count' => $other, 'bad' => $otherbad, 'sql' => $otherbadsql], ]; } /** * Detects the calendar events needing to be fixed. With optional output. * * @param stdClass[] an array of event types (as keys) with total and bad counters, plus sql to retrieve them. * @param bool $output true if the function must output information, false if not. * @param int $maxseconds Number of seconds the function will run as max, with zero meaning no limit. * @return bool true if the function has not finished fixing everything, false if it has finished. */ function upgrade_calendar_events_fix_remaining(array $info, bool $output = true, int $maxseconds = 0): bool { global $DB; upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace('', $output); // Initial preparations. $starttime = time(); $endtime = $maxseconds ? ($starttime + $maxseconds) : 0; // No bad events, or all bad events are "other" events, finished. if ($info['total']->bad == 0 || $info['total']->bad == $info['other']->bad) { return false; } // Let's fix overriden events first (they are the ones performing worse with the missing userid). if ($info['override']->bad != 0) { if (upgrade_calendar_override_events_fix($info['override'], $output, $endtime)) { return true; // Not finished yet. } } // Let's fix the subscription events (like standard ones, but with the event_subscriptions table). if ($info['subscription']->bad != 0) { if (upgrade_calendar_subscription_events_fix($info['subscription'], $output, $endtime)) { return true; // Not finished yet. } } // Let's fix the standard events (site, category, course, group). if ($info['standard']->bad != 0) { if (upgrade_calendar_standard_events_fix($info['standard'], $output, $endtime)) { return true; // Not finished yet. } } // Let's fix the action events (all them are "general" ones, not user-specific in core). if ($info['action']->bad != 0) { if (upgrade_calendar_action_events_fix($info['action'], $output, $endtime)) { return true; // Not finished yet. } } // Have arrived here, finished! return false; } /** * Wrapper over mtrace() to allow a few more things to be specified. * * @param string $string string to output. * @param bool $output true to perform the output, false to avoid it. */ function upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace(string $string, bool $output): void { static $cols = 0; // No output, do nothing. if (!$output) { return; } // Printing dots... let's output them slightly nicer. if ($string === '.') { $cols++; // Up to 60 cols. if ($cols < 60) { mtrace($string, ''); } else { mtrace($string); $cols = 0; } return; } // Reset cols, have ended printing dots. if ($cols) { $cols = 0; mtrace(''); } // Normal output. mtrace($string); } /** * Get a valid editing teacher for a given courseid * * @param int $courseid The course to look for editing teachers. * @return int A user id of an editing teacher or, if missing, the admin userid. */ function upgrade_calendar_events_get_teacherid(int $courseid): int { if ($context = context_course::instance($courseid, IGNORE_MISSING)) { if ($havemanage = get_users_by_capability($context, 'moodle/course:manageactivities', '')) { return array_keys($havemanage)[0]; } } return get_admin()->id; // Could not find a teacher, default to admin. } /** * Detects the calendar standard events needing to be fixed. With optional output. * * @param stdClass $info an object with total and bad counters, plus sql to retrieve them. * @param bool $output true if the function must output information, false if not. * @param int $endtime cutoff time when the process must stop (0 means no cutoff). * @return bool true if the function has not finished fixing everything, false if it has finished. */ function upgrade_calendar_standard_events_fix(stdClass $info, bool $output = true, int $endtime = 0): bool { global $DB; $return = false; // Let's assume the function is going to finish by default. $status = "Finished!"; // To decide the message to be presented on return. upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace('Processing standard events', $output); $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql(" SELECT DISTINCT eventtype, courseid FROM {event} WHERE {$info->sql}"); foreach ($rs as $record) { switch ($record->eventtype) { case 'site': case 'category': // These are created by admin. $DB->set_field('event', 'userid', get_admin()->id, ['eventtype' => $record->eventtype]); break; case 'course': case 'group': // These are created by course teacher. $DB->set_field('event', 'userid', upgrade_calendar_events_get_teacherid($record->courseid), ['eventtype' => $record->eventtype, 'courseid' => $record->courseid]); break; } // Cutoff time, let's exit. if ($endtime && $endtime <= time()) { $status = 'Remaining standard events pending'; $return = true; // Not finished yet. break; } upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace('.', $output); } $rs->close(); upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace($status, $output); upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace('', $output); return $return; } /** * Detects the calendar subscription events needing to be fixed. With optional output. * * @param stdClass $info an object with total and bad counters, plus sql to retrieve them. * @param bool $output true if the function must output information, false if not. * @param int $endtime cutoff time when the process must stop (0 means no cutoff). * @return bool true if the function has not finished fixing everything, false if it has finished. */ function upgrade_calendar_subscription_events_fix(stdClass $info, bool $output = true, int $endtime = 0): bool { global $DB; $return = false; // Let's assume the function is going to finish by default. $status = "Finished!"; // To decide the message to be presented on return. upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace('Processing subscription events', $output); $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql(" SELECT DISTINCT subscriptionid AS id FROM {event} WHERE {$info->sql}"); foreach ($rs as $subscription) { // Subscriptions can be site or category level, let's put the admin as userid. // (note that "user" subscription weren't deleted so there is nothing to recover with them. $DB->set_field('event_subscriptions', 'userid', get_admin()->id, ['id' => $subscription->id]); $DB->set_field('event', 'userid', get_admin()->id, ['subscriptionid' => $subscription->id]); // Cutoff time, let's exit. if ($endtime && $endtime <= time()) { $status = 'Remaining subscription events pending'; $return = true; // Not finished yet. break; } upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace('.', $output); } $rs->close(); upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace($status, $output); upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace('', $output); return $return; } /** * Detects the calendar action events needing to be fixed. With optional output. * * @param stdClass $info an object with total and bad counters, plus sql to retrieve them. * @param bool $output true if the function must output information, false if not. * @param int $endtime cutoff time when the process must stop (0 means no cutoff). * @return bool true if the function has not finished fixing everything, false if it has finished. */ function upgrade_calendar_action_events_fix(stdClass $info, bool $output = true, int $endtime = 0): bool { global $DB; $return = false; // Let's assume the function is going to finish by default. $status = "Finished!"; // To decide the message to be presented on return. upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace('Processing action events', $output); $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql(" SELECT DISTINCT modulename, instance, courseid FROM {event} WHERE {$info->sql}"); foreach ($rs as $record) { // These are created by course teacher. $DB->set_field('event', 'userid', upgrade_calendar_events_get_teacherid($record->courseid), ['modulename' => $record->modulename, 'instance' => $record->instance, 'courseid' => $record->courseid]); // Cutoff time, let's exit. if ($endtime && $endtime <= time()) { $status = 'Remaining action events pending'; $return = true; // Not finished yet. break; } upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace('.', $output); } $rs->close(); upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace($status, $output); upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace('', $output); return $return; } /** * Detects the calendar override events needing to be fixed. With optional output. * * @param stdClass $info an object with total and bad counters, plus sql to retrieve them. * @param bool $output true if the function must output information, false if not. * @param int $endtime cutoff time when the process must stop (0 means no cutoff). * @return bool true if the function has not finished fixing everything, false if it has finished. */ function upgrade_calendar_override_events_fix(stdClass $info, bool $output = true, int $endtime = 0): bool { global $CFG, $DB; include_once($CFG->dirroot. '/course/lib.php'); include_once($CFG->dirroot. '/mod/assign/lib.php'); include_once($CFG->dirroot. '/mod/assign/locallib.php'); include_once($CFG->dirroot. '/mod/lesson/lib.php'); include_once($CFG->dirroot. '/mod/lesson/locallib.php'); include_once($CFG->dirroot. '/mod/quiz/lib.php'); include_once($CFG->dirroot. '/mod/quiz/locallib.php'); $return = false; // Let's assume the function is going to finish by default. $status = "Finished!"; // To decide the message to be presented on return. upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace('Processing override events', $output); $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql(" SELECT DISTINCT modulename, instance FROM {event} WHERE {$info->sql}"); foreach ($rs as $module) { // Remove all the records from the events table for the module. $DB->delete_records('event', ['modulename' => $module->modulename, 'instance' => $module->instance]); // Get the activity record. if (!$activityrecord = $DB->get_record($module->modulename, ['id' => $module->instance])) { // Orphaned calendar event (activity doesn't exists), skip. continue; } // Let's rebuild it by calling to each module API. switch ($module->modulename) { case 'assign'; if (function_exists('assign_prepare_update_events')) { assign_prepare_update_events($activityrecord); } break; case 'lesson': if (function_exists('lesson_update_events')) { lesson_update_events($activityrecord); } break; case 'quiz': if (function_exists('quiz_update_events')) { quiz_update_events($activityrecord); } break; } // Sometimes, some (group) overrides are created without userid, when that happens, they deserve // some user (teacher or admin). This doesn't affect to groups calendar events behaviour, // but allows counters to detect already processed group overrides and makes things // consistent. $DB->set_field_select('event', 'userid', upgrade_calendar_events_get_teacherid($activityrecord->course), 'modulename = ? AND instance = ? and priority != 0 and userid = 0', ['modulename' => $module->modulename, 'instance' => $module->instance]); // Cutoff time, let's exit. if ($endtime && $endtime <= time()) { $status = 'Remaining override events pending'; $return = true; // Not finished yet. break; } upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace('.', $output); } $rs->close(); upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace($status, $output); upgrade_calendar_events_mtrace('', $output); return $return;
> } } > > /** > * Add a new item at the end of the usermenu. > * > * @param string $menuitem > */ > function upgrade_add_item_to_usermenu(string $menuitem): void { > global $CFG; > > // Get current configuration data. > $currentcustomusermenuitems = str_replace(["\r\n", "\r"], "\n", $CFG->customusermenuitems); > $lines = preg_split('/\n/', $currentcustomusermenuitems, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); > $lines = array_map('trim', $lines); > > if (!in_array($menuitem, $lines)) { > // Add the item to the menu. > $lines[] = $menuitem; > set_config('customusermenuitems', implode("\n", $lines)); > } > } > > /** > * Update all instances of a block shown on a pagetype to a new default region, adding missing block instances where > * none is found. > * > * Note: This is intended as a helper to add blocks to all instances of the standard my-page. It will only work where > * the subpagepattern is a string representation of an integer. If there are any string values this will not work. > * > * @param string $blockname The block name, without the block_ frankenstyle component > * @param string $pagename The type of my-page to match > * @param string $pagetypepattern The page type pattern to match for the block > * @param string $newdefaultregion The new region to set > */ > function upgrade_block_set_defaultregion( > string $blockname, > string $pagename, > string $pagetypepattern, > string $newdefaultregion > ): void { > global $DB; > > // The subpagepattern is a string. > // In all core blocks it contains a string represnetation of an integer, but it is theoretically possible for a > // community block to do something different. > // This function is not suited to those cases. > $subpagepattern = $DB->sql_cast_char2int('bi.subpagepattern'); > $subpageempty = $DB->sql_isnotempty('block_instances', 'bi.subpagepattern', true, false); > > // If a subquery returns any NULL then the NOT IN returns no results at all. > // By adding a join in the inner select on my_pages we remove any possible nulls and prevent any need for > // additional casting to filter out the nulls. > $sql = <<<EOF > INSERT INTO {block_instances} ( > blockname, > parentcontextid, > showinsubcontexts, > pagetypepattern, > subpagepattern, > defaultregion, > defaultweight, > timecreated, > timemodified > ) SELECT > :selectblockname AS blockname, > AS parentcontextid, > 0 AS showinsubcontexts, > :selectpagetypepattern AS pagetypepattern, > AS subpagepattern, > :selectdefaultregion AS defaultregion, > 0 AS defaultweight, > :selecttimecreated AS timecreated, > :selecttimemodified AS timemodified > FROM {my_pages} mp > JOIN {context} c ON c.instanceid = mp.userid AND c.contextlevel = :contextuser > WHERE NOT IN ( > SELECT FROM {my_pages} mpi > JOIN {block_instances} bi > ON bi.blockname = :blockname > AND bi.subpagepattern IS NOT NULL AND {$subpageempty} > AND bi.pagetypepattern = :pagetypepattern > AND {$subpagepattern} = > ) > AND mp.private = 1 > AND = :pagename > EOF; > > $DB->execute($sql, [ > 'selectblockname' => $blockname, > 'contextuser' => CONTEXT_USER, > 'selectpagetypepattern' => $pagetypepattern, > 'selectdefaultregion' => $newdefaultregion, > 'selecttimecreated' => time(), > 'selecttimemodified' => time(), > 'pagetypepattern' => $pagetypepattern, > 'blockname' => $blockname, > 'pagename' => $pagename, > ]); > > // Update the existing instances. > $sql = <<<EOF > UPDATE {block_instances} > SET defaultregion = :newdefaultregion > WHERE id IN ( > SELECT * FROM ( > SELECT > FROM {my_pages} mp > JOIN {block_instances} bi > ON bi.blockname = :blockname > AND bi.subpagepattern IS NOT NULL AND {$subpageempty} > AND bi.pagetypepattern = :pagetypepattern > AND {$subpagepattern} = > WHERE mp.private = 1 > AND = :pagename > AND bi.defaultregion <> :existingnewdefaultregion > ) bid > ) > EOF; > > $DB->execute($sql, [ > 'newdefaultregion' => $newdefaultregion, > 'pagetypepattern' => $pagetypepattern, > 'blockname' => $blockname, > 'existingnewdefaultregion' => $newdefaultregion, > 'pagename' => $pagename, > ]); > > // Note: This can be time consuming! > \context_helper::create_instances(CONTEXT_BLOCK); > } > > /** > * Remove all instances of a block on pages of the specified pagetypepattern. > * > * Note: This is intended as a helper to add blocks to all instances of the standard my-page. It will only work where > * the subpagepattern is a string representation of an integer. If there are any string values this will not work. > * > * @param string $blockname The block name, without the block_ frankenstyle component > * @param string $pagename The type of my-page to match > * @param string $pagetypepattern This is typically used on the 'my-index' > */ > function upgrade_block_delete_instances( > string $blockname, > string $pagename, > string $pagetypepattern > ): void { > global $DB; > > $deleteblockinstances = function (string $instanceselect, array $instanceparams) use ($DB) { > $deletesql = <<<EOF > SELECT AS cid > FROM {context} c > JOIN {block_instances} bi ON = c.instanceid AND c.contextlevel = :contextlevel > WHERE {$instanceselect} > EOF; > $DB->delete_records_subquery('context', 'id', 'cid', $deletesql, array_merge($instanceparams, [ > 'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_BLOCK, > ])); > > $deletesql = <<<EOF > SELECT AS bpid > FROM {block_positions} bp > JOIN {block_instances} bi ON = bp.blockinstanceid > WHERE {$instanceselect} > EOF; > $DB->delete_records_subquery('block_positions', 'id', 'bpid', $deletesql, $instanceparams); > > $blockhidden = $DB->sql_concat("'block'", '', "'hidden'"); > $blockdocked = $DB->sql_concat("'docked_block_instance_'", ''); > $deletesql = <<<EOF > SELECT AS pid > FROM {user_preferences} p > JOIN {block_instances} bi ON IN ({$blockhidden}, {$blockdocked}) > WHERE {$instanceselect} > EOF; > $DB->delete_records_subquery('user_preferences', 'id', 'pid', $deletesql, $instanceparams); > > $deletesql = <<<EOF > SELECT AS bid > FROM {block_instances} bi > WHERE {$instanceselect} > EOF; > $DB->delete_records_subquery('block_instances', 'id', 'bid', $deletesql, $instanceparams); > }; > > // Delete the default indexsys version of the block. > $subpagepattern = $DB->get_record('my_pages', [ > 'userid' => null, > 'name' => $pagename, > 'private' => MY_PAGE_PRIVATE, > ], 'id', IGNORE_MULTIPLE)->id; > > $instanceselect = <<<EOF > blockname = :blockname > AND pagetypepattern = :pagetypepattern > AND subpagepattern = :subpagepattern > EOF; > > $params = [ > 'blockname' => $blockname, > 'pagetypepattern' => $pagetypepattern, > 'subpagepattern' => $subpagepattern, > ]; > $deleteblockinstances($instanceselect, $params); > > // The subpagepattern is a string. > // In all core blocks it contains a string represnetation of an integer, but it is theoretically possible for a > // community block to do something different. > // This function is not suited to those cases. > $subpagepattern = $DB->sql_cast_char2int('bi.subpagepattern'); > > // Look for any and all instances of the block in customised /my pages. > $subpageempty = $DB->sql_isnotempty('block_instances', 'bi.subpagepattern', true, false); > $instanceselect = <<<EOF > IN ( > SELECT * FROM ( > SELECT > FROM {my_pages} mp > JOIN {block_instances} bi > ON bi.blockname = :blockname > AND bi.subpagepattern IS NOT NULL AND {$subpageempty} > AND bi.pagetypepattern = :pagetypepattern > AND {$subpagepattern} = > WHERE mp.private = :private > AND = :pagename > ) bid > ) > EOF; > > $params = [ > 'blockname' => $blockname, > 'pagetypepattern' => $pagetypepattern, > 'pagename' => $pagename, > 'private' => MY_PAGE_PRIVATE, > ]; > > $deleteblockinstances($instanceselect, $params); > } > > /** > * Update the block instance parentcontext to point to the correct user context id for the specified block on a my page. > * > * @param string $blockname > * @param string $pagename > * @param string $pagetypepattern > */ > function upgrade_block_set_my_user_parent_context( > string $blockname, > string $pagename, > string $pagetypepattern > ): void { > global $DB; > > $subpagepattern = $DB->sql_cast_char2int('bi.subpagepattern'); > // Look for any and all instances of the block in customised /my pages. > $subpageempty = $DB->sql_isnotempty('block_instances', 'bi.subpagepattern', true, false); > > $dbman = $DB->get_manager(); > $temptablename = 'block_instance_context'; > $xmldbtable = new \xmldb_table($temptablename); > $xmldbtable->add_field('instanceid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, 10, null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null); > $xmldbtable->add_field('contextid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, 10, null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null); > $xmldbtable->add_key('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, ['instanceid']); > $dbman->create_temp_table($xmldbtable); > > $sql = <<<EOF > INSERT INTO {block_instance_context} ( > instanceid, > contextid > ) SELECT > as instanceid, > as contextid > FROM {my_pages} mp > JOIN {context} c ON c.instanceid = mp.userid AND c.contextlevel = :contextuser > JOIN {block_instances} bi > ON bi.blockname = :blockname > AND bi.subpagepattern IS NOT NULL AND {$subpageempty} > AND bi.pagetypepattern = :pagetypepattern > AND {$subpagepattern} = > WHERE = :pagename AND bi.parentcontextid <> > EOF; > > $DB->execute($sql, [ > 'blockname' => $blockname, > 'pagetypepattern' => $pagetypepattern, > 'contextuser' => CONTEXT_USER, > 'pagename' => $pagename, > ]); > > $dbfamily = $DB->get_dbfamily(); > if ($dbfamily === 'mysql') { > // MariaDB and MySQL. > $sql = <<<EOF > UPDATE {block_instances} bi, {block_instance_context} bic > SET bi.parentcontextid = bic.contextid > WHERE = bic.instanceid > EOF; > } else if ($dbfamily === 'oracle') { > $sql = <<<EOF > UPDATE {block_instances} bi > SET (bi.parentcontextid) = ( > SELECT bic.contextid > FROM {block_instance_context} bic > WHERE bic.instanceid = > ) WHERE EXISTS ( > SELECT 'x' > FROM {block_instance_context} bic > WHERE bic.instanceid = > ) > EOF; > } else { > // Postgres and sqlsrv. > $sql = <<<EOF > UPDATE {block_instances} > SET parentcontextid = bic.contextid > FROM {block_instance_context} bic > WHERE {block_instances}.id = bic.instanceid > EOF; > } > > $DB->execute($sql); > > $dbman->drop_table($xmldbtable); > } > > /** > * Fix the timestamps for files where their timestamps are older > * than the directory listing that they are contained in. > */ > function upgrade_fix_file_timestamps() { > global $DB; > > // Due to incompatability in SQL syntax for updates with joins, > // These will be updated in a select + separate update. > $sql = "SELECT, f2.timecreated > FROM {files} f > JOIN {files} f2 > ON f2.contextid = f.contextid > AND f2.filepath = f.filepath > AND f2.component = f.component > AND f2.filearea = f.filearea > AND f2.itemid = f.itemid > AND f2.filename = '.' > WHERE f2.timecreated > f.timecreated"; > > $recordset = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql); > > if (!$recordset->valid()) { > $recordset->close(); > return; > } > > foreach ($recordset as $record) { > $record->timemodified = $record->timecreated; > $DB->update_record('files', $record); > } > > $recordset->close(); > } > > /** > * Upgrade helper to add foreign keys and indexes for MDL-49795 > */ > function upgrade_add_foreign_key_and_indexes() { > global $DB; > > $dbman = $DB->get_manager(); > // Define key originalcourseid (foreign) to be added to course. > $table = new xmldb_table('course'); > $key = new xmldb_key('originalcourseid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['originalcourseid'], 'course', ['id']); > // Launch add key originalcourseid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key roleid (foreign) to be added to enrol. > $table = new xmldb_table('enrol'); > $key = new xmldb_key('roleid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['roleid'], 'role', ['id']); > // Launch add key roleid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key userid (foreign) to be added to scale. > $table = new xmldb_table('scale'); > $key = new xmldb_key('userid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['userid'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key userid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key userid (foreign) to be added to scale_history. > $table = new xmldb_table('scale_history'); > $key = new xmldb_key('userid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['userid'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key userid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key courseid (foreign) to be added to post. > $table = new xmldb_table('post'); > $key = new xmldb_key('courseid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['courseid'], 'course', ['id']); > // Launch add key courseid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key coursemoduleid (foreign) to be added to post. > $table = new xmldb_table('post'); > $key = new xmldb_key('coursemoduleid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['coursemoduleid'], 'course_modules', ['id']); > // Launch add key coursemoduleid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key questionid (foreign) to be added to question_statistics. > $table = new xmldb_table('question_statistics'); > $key = new xmldb_key('questionid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['questionid'], 'question', ['id']); > // Launch add key questionid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key questionid (foreign) to be added to question_response_analysis. > $table = new xmldb_table('question_response_analysis'); > $key = new xmldb_key('questionid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['questionid'], 'question', ['id']); > // Launch add key questionid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define index last_log_id (not unique) to be added to mnet_host. > $table = new xmldb_table('mnet_host'); > $index = new xmldb_index('last_log_id', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, ['last_log_id']); > // Conditionally launch add index last_log_id. > if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) { > $dbman->add_index($table, $index); > } > > // Define key userid (foreign) to be added to mnet_session. > $table = new xmldb_table('mnet_session'); > $key = new xmldb_key('userid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['userid'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key userid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key mnethostid (foreign) to be added to mnet_session. > $table = new xmldb_table('mnet_session'); > $key = new xmldb_key('mnethostid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['mnethostid'], 'mnet_host', ['id']); > // Launch add key mnethostid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key userid (foreign) to be added to grade_import_values. > $table = new xmldb_table('grade_import_values'); > $key = new xmldb_key('userid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['userid'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key userid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key tempdataid (foreign) to be added to portfolio_log. > $table = new xmldb_table('portfolio_log'); > $key = new xmldb_key('tempdataid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['tempdataid'], 'portfolio_tempdata', ['id']); > // Launch add key tempdataid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to file_conversion. > $table = new xmldb_table('file_conversion'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key userid (foreign) to be added to repository_instances. > $table = new xmldb_table('repository_instances'); > $key = new xmldb_key('userid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['userid'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key userid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key contextid (foreign) to be added to repository_instances. > $table = new xmldb_table('repository_instances'); > $key = new xmldb_key('contextid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['contextid'], 'context', ['id']); > // Launch add key contextid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key scaleid (foreign) to be added to rating. > $table = new xmldb_table('rating'); > $key = new xmldb_key('scaleid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['scaleid'], 'scale', ['id']); > // Launch add key scaleid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key courseid (foreign) to be added to course_published. > $table = new xmldb_table('course_published'); > $key = new xmldb_key('courseid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['courseid'], 'course', ['id']); > // Launch add key courseid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define index hubcourseid (not unique) to be added to course_published. > $table = new xmldb_table('course_published'); > $index = new xmldb_index('hubcourseid', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, ['hubcourseid']); > // Conditionally launch add index hubcourseid. > if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) { > $dbman->add_index($table, $index); > } > > // Define key courseid (foreign) to be added to event_subscriptions. > $table = new xmldb_table('event_subscriptions'); > $key = new xmldb_key('courseid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['courseid'], 'course', ['id']); > // Launch add key courseid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key userid (foreign) to be added to event_subscriptions. > $table = new xmldb_table('event_subscriptions'); > $key = new xmldb_key('userid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['userid'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key userid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key userid (foreign) to be added to task_log. > $table = new xmldb_table('task_log'); > $key = new xmldb_key('userid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['userid'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key userid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key scaleid (foreign) to be added to competency. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency'); > $key = new xmldb_key('scaleid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['scaleid'], 'scale', ['id']); > // Launch add key scaleid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_coursecompsetting. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_coursecompsetting'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key contextid (foreign) to be added to competency_framework. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_framework'); > $key = new xmldb_key('contextid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['contextid'], 'context', ['id']); > // Launch add key contextid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key scaleid (foreign) to be added to competency_framework. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_framework'); > $key = new xmldb_key('scaleid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['scaleid'], 'scale', ['id']); > // Launch add key scaleid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_framework. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_framework'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_coursecomp. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_coursecomp'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key actionuserid (foreign) to be added to competency_evidence. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_evidence'); > $key = new xmldb_key('actionuserid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['actionuserid'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key actionuserid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key contextid (foreign) to be added to competency_evidence. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_evidence'); > $key = new xmldb_key('contextid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['contextid'], 'context', ['id']); > // Launch add key contextid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_evidence. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_evidence'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_userevidence. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_userevidence'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_plan. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_plan'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_template. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_template'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key contextid (foreign) to be added to competency_template. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_template'); > $key = new xmldb_key('contextid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['contextid'], 'context', ['id']); > // Launch add key contextid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_templatecomp. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_templatecomp'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_templatecohort. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_templatecohort'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key competencyid (foreign) to be added to competency_relatedcomp. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_relatedcomp'); > $key = new xmldb_key('competencyid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['competencyid'], 'competency', ['id']); > // Launch add key competencyid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key relatedcompetencyid (foreign) to be added to competency_relatedcomp. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_relatedcomp'); > $key = new xmldb_key('relatedcompetencyid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['relatedcompetencyid'], 'competency', ['id']); > // Launch add key relatedcompetencyid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_relatedcomp. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_relatedcomp'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_usercomp. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_usercomp'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_usercompcourse. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_usercompcourse'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_usercompplan. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_usercompplan'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_plancomp. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_plancomp'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_userevidencecomp. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_userevidencecomp'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to competency_modulecomp. > $table = new xmldb_table('competency_modulecomp'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to oauth2_endpoint. > $table = new xmldb_table('oauth2_endpoint'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to oauth2_system_account. > $table = new xmldb_table('oauth2_system_account'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to oauth2_user_field_mapping. > $table = new xmldb_table('oauth2_user_field_mapping'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to analytics_models. > $table = new xmldb_table('analytics_models'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to analytics_models_log. > $table = new xmldb_table('analytics_models_log'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key usermodified (foreign) to be added to oauth2_access_token. > $table = new xmldb_table('oauth2_access_token'); > $key = new xmldb_key('usermodified', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['usermodified'], 'user', ['id']); > // Launch add key usermodified. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key); > > // Define key contextid (foreign) to be added to payment_accounts. > $table = new xmldb_table('payment_accounts'); > $key = new xmldb_key('contextid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['contextid'], 'context', ['id']); > // Launch add key contextid. > $dbman->add_key($table, $key);