Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 310 and 401] [Versions 310 and 402] [Versions 310 and 403] [Versions 39 and 310]
formslib.php - library of classes for creating forms in Moodle, based on PEAR QuickForms. To use formslib then you will want to create a new file purpose_form.php eg. edit_form.php and you want to name your class something like {modulename}_{purpose}_form. Your class will extend moodleform overriding abstract classes definition and optionally defintion_after_data and validation.
Copyright: | 2006 Jamie Pratt <me@jamiep.org> |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 3397 lines (143 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 30 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
moodleform:: (2 methods):
name:: (92 methods):
MoodleQuickForm:: (2 methods):
name:: (92 methods):
MoodleQuickForm_Renderer:: (2 methods):
name:: (92 methods):
MoodleQuickForm_Rule_Required:: (2 methods):
Class: moodleform - X-Ref
Wrapper that separates quickforms syntax from moodle code__construct($action=null, $customdata=null, $method='post', $target='', $attributes=null, $editable=true,$ajaxformdata=null) X-Ref |
The constructor function calls the abstract function definition() and it will then process and clean and attempt to validate incoming data. It will call your custom validate method to validate data and will also check any rules you have specified in definition using addRule The name of the form (id attribute of the form) is automatically generated depending on the name you gave the class extending moodleform. You should call your class something like param: mixed $action the action attribute for the form. If empty defaults to auto detect the param: mixed $customdata if your form defintion method needs access to data such as $course param: string $method if you set this to anything other than 'post' then _GET and _POST will param: string $target target frame for form submission. You will rarely use this. Don't use param: mixed $attributes you can pass a string of html attributes here or an array. param: bool $editable param: array $ajaxformdata Forms submitted via ajax, must pass their data here, instead of relying on _GET and _POST. |
moodleform($action=null, $customdata=null, $method='post', $target='', $attributes=null, $editable=true) X-Ref |
Old syntax of class constructor. Deprecated in PHP7. |
get_form_identifier() X-Ref |
It should returns unique identifier for the form. Currently it will return class name, but in case two same forms have to be rendered on same page then override function to get unique form identifier. e.g This is used on multiple self enrollments page. return: string form identifier. |
focus($name=NULL) X-Ref |
To autofocus on first form element or first element with error. param: string $name if this is set then the focus is forced to a field with this name return: string javascript to select form element with first error or |
_process_submission($method) X-Ref |
Internal method. Alters submitted data to be suitable for quickforms processing. Must be called when the form is fully set up. param: string $method name of the method which alters submitted data |
_get_post_params() X-Ref |
Internal method - should not be used anywhere. return: array $_POST. |
_validate_files(&$files) X-Ref |
Internal method. Validates all old-style deprecated uploaded files. The new way is to upload files via repository api. param: array $files list of files to be validated return: bool|array Success or an array of errors |
validate_draft_files() X-Ref |
Internal method. Validates filepicker and filemanager files if they are set as required fields. Also, sets the error message if encountered one. return: bool|array with errors |
set_data($default_values) X-Ref |
Load in existing data as form defaults. Usually new entry defaults are stored directly in form definition (new entry form); this function is used to load in data where values already exist and data is being edited (edit entry form). note: $slashed param removed param: stdClass|array $default_values object or array of default values |
is_submitted() X-Ref |
Check that form was submitted. Does not check validity of submitted data. return: bool true if form properly submitted |
no_submit_button_pressed() X-Ref |
Checks if button pressed is not for submitting the form return: bool |
optional_param($name, $default, $type) X-Ref |
Checks if a parameter was passed in the previous form submission param: string $name the name of the page parameter we want param: mixed $default the default value to return if nothing is found param: string $type expected type of parameter return: mixed |
is_validated() X-Ref |
Check that form data is valid. You should almost always use this, rather than {@link validate_defined_fields} return: bool true if form data valid |
validate_defined_fields($validateonnosubmit=false) X-Ref |
Validate the form. You almost always want to call {@link is_validated} instead of this because it calls {@link definition_after_data} first, before validating the form, which is what you want in 99% of cases. This is provided as a separate function for those special cases where you want the form validated before definition_after_data is called for example, to selectively add new elements depending on a no_submit_button press, but only when the form is valid when the no_submit_button is pressed, param: bool $validateonnosubmit optional, defaults to false. The default behaviour return: bool true if form data valid |
is_cancelled() X-Ref |
Return true if a cancel button has been pressed resulting in the form being submitted. return: bool true if a cancel button has been pressed |
get_data() X-Ref |
Return submitted data if properly submitted or returns NULL if validation fails or if there is no submitted data. note: $slashed param removed return: object submitted data; NULL if not valid or not submitted or cancelled |
get_submitted_data() X-Ref |
Return submitted data without validation or NULL if there is no submitted data. note: $slashed param removed return: object submitted data; NULL if not submitted |
save_files($destination) X-Ref |
Save verified uploaded files into directory. Upload process can be customised from definition() param: string $destination path where file should be stored return: bool Always false |
get_new_filename($elname=null) X-Ref |
Returns name of uploaded file. param: string $elname first element if null return: string|bool false in case of failure, string if ok |
save_file($elname, $pathname, $override=false) X-Ref |
Save file to standard filesystem param: string $elname name of element param: string $pathname full path name of file param: bool $override override file if exists return: bool success |
save_temp_file($elname) X-Ref |
Returns a temporary file, do not forget to delete after not needed any more. param: string $elname name of the elmenet return: string|bool either string or false |
get_draft_files($elname) X-Ref |
Get draft files of a form element This is a protected method which will be used only inside moodleforms param: string $elname name of element return: array|bool|null |
save_stored_file($elname, $newcontextid, $newcomponent, $newfilearea, $newitemid, $newfilepath='/',$newfilename=null, $overwrite=false, $newuserid=null) X-Ref |
Save file to local filesystem pool param: string $elname name of element param: int $newcontextid id of context param: string $newcomponent name of the component param: string $newfilearea name of file area param: int $newitemid item id param: string $newfilepath path of file where it get stored param: string $newfilename use specified filename, if not specified name of uploaded file used param: bool $overwrite overwrite file if exists param: int $newuserid new userid if required return: mixed stored_file object or false if error; may throw exception if duplicate found |
get_file_content($elname) X-Ref |
Get content of uploaded file. param: string $elname name of file upload element return: string|bool false in case of failure, string if ok |
display() X-Ref |
Print html form. |
render() X-Ref |
Renders the html form (same as display, but returns the result). Note that you can only output this rendered result once per page, as it contains IDs which must be unique. return: string HTML code for the form |
after_definition() X-Ref |
After definition hook. This is useful for intermediate classes to inject logic after the definition was provided without requiring developers to call the parent {{@link self::definition()}} as it's not obvious by design. The 'intermediate' class is 'MyClass extends IntermediateClass extends moodleform'. Classes overriding this method should always call the parent. We may not add anything specifically in this instance of the method, but intermediate classes are likely to do so, and so it is a good practice to always call the parent. return: void |
definition_after_data() X-Ref |
Dummy stub method - override if you need to setup the form depending on current values. This method is called after definition(), data submission and set_data(). All form setup that is dependent on form values should go in here. |
validation($data, $files) X-Ref |
Dummy stub method - override if you needed to perform some extra validation. If there are errors return array of errors ("fieldname"=>"error message"), otherwise true if ok. Server side rules do not work for uploaded files, implement serverside rules here if needed. param: array $data array of ("fieldname"=>value) of submitted data param: array $files array of uploaded files "element_name"=>tmp_file_path return: array of "element_name"=>"error_description" if there are errors, |
repeat_elements_fix_clone($i, $elementclone, &$namecloned) X-Ref |
Helper used by {@link repeat_elements()}. param: int $i the index of this element. param: HTML_QuickForm_element $elementclone param: array $namecloned array of names |
repeat_elements($elementobjs, $repeats, $options, $repeathiddenname,$addfieldsname, $addfieldsno=5, $addstring=null, $addbuttoninside=false) X-Ref |
Method to add a repeating group of elements to a form. param: array $elementobjs Array of elements or groups of elements that are to be repeated param: int $repeats no of times to repeat elements initially param: array $options a nested array. The first array key is the element name. param: string $repeathiddenname name for hidden element storing no of repeats in this form param: string $addfieldsname name for button to add more fields param: int $addfieldsno how many fields to add at a time param: string $addstring name of button, {no} is replaced by no of blanks that will be added. param: bool $addbuttoninside if true, don't call closeHeaderBefore($addfieldsname). Default false. return: int no of repeats of element in this page |
add_checkbox_controller($groupid, $text = null, $attributes = null, $originalValue = 0) X-Ref |
Adds a link/button that controls the checked state of a group of checkboxes. param: int $groupid The id of the group of advcheckboxes this element controls param: string $text The text of the link. Defaults to selectallornone ("select all/none") param: array $attributes associative array of HTML attributes param: int $originalValue The original general state of the checkboxes before the user first clicks this element |
add_action_buttons($cancel = true, $submitlabel=null) X-Ref |
Use this method to a cancel and submit button to the end of your form. Pass a param of false if you don't want a cancel button in your form. If you have a cancel button make sure you check for it being pressed using is_cancelled() and redirecting if it is true before trying to get data with get_data(). param: bool $cancel whether to show cancel button, default true param: string $submitlabel label for submit button, defaults to get_string('savechanges') |
init_javascript_enhancement($element, $enhancement, array $options=array() X-Ref |
Adds an initialisation call for a standard JavaScript enhancement. This function is designed to add an initialisation call for a JavaScript enhancement that should exist within javascript-static M.form.init_{enhancementname}. Current options: - Selectboxes - smartselect: Turns a nbsp indented select box into a custom drop down control that supports multilevel and category selection. $enhancement = 'smartselect'; $options = array('selectablecategories' => true|false) param: string|element $element form element for which Javascript needs to be initalized param: string $enhancement which init function should be called param: array $options options passed to javascript param: array $strings strings for javascript |
get_js_module() X-Ref |
Returns a JS module definition for the mforms JS return: array |
detectMissingSetType() X-Ref |
Detects elements with missing setType() declerations. Finds elements in the form which should a PARAM_ type set and throws a developer debug warning for any elements without it. This is to reduce the risk of potential security issues by developers mistakenly forgetting to set the type. return: void |
mock_submit($simulatedsubmitteddata, $simulatedsubmittedfiles = array() X-Ref |
Used by tests to simulate submitted form data submission from the user. For form fields where no data is submitted the default for that field as set by set_data or setDefault will be passed to get_data. This method sets $_POST or $_GET and $_FILES with the data supplied. Our unit test code empties all these global arrays after each test. param: array $simulatedsubmitteddata An associative array of form values (same format as $_POST). param: array $simulatedsubmittedfiles An associative array of files uploaded (same format as $_FILES). Can be omitted. param: string $method 'post' or 'get', defaults to 'post'. param: null $formidentifier the default is to use the class name for this class but you may need to provide |
mock_generate_submit_keys($data = []) X-Ref |
Used by tests to generate valid submit keys for moodle forms that are submitted with ajax data. param: array $data Existing form data you wish to add the keys to. return: array |
set_display_vertical() X-Ref |
Set display mode for the form when labels take full width of the form and above the elements even on big screens Useful for forms displayed inside modals or in narrow containers |
set_initial_dirty_state($state = false) X-Ref |
Set the initial 'dirty' state of the form. param: bool $state |
setAdvanced($elementName, $advanced = true) X-Ref |
Use this method to indicate an element in a form is an advanced field. If items in a form are marked as advanced then 'Hide/Show Advanced' buttons will automatically be displayed in the form so the user can decide whether to display advanced form controls. If you set a header element to advanced then all elements it contains will also be set as advanced. param: string $elementName group or element name (not the element name of something inside a group). param: bool $advanced default true sets the element to advanced. False removes advanced mark. |
optional_param($name, $default, $type) X-Ref |
Checks if a parameter was passed in the previous form submission param: string $name the name of the page parameter we want param: mixed $default the default value to return if nothing is found param: string $type expected type of parameter return: mixed |
setExpanded($headername, $expanded = true, $ignoreuserstate = false) X-Ref |
Use this method to indicate that the fieldset should be shown as expanded. The method is applicable to header elements only. param: string $headername header element name param: boolean $expanded default true sets the element to expanded. False makes the element collapsed. param: boolean $ignoreuserstate override the state regardless of the state it was on when return: void |
addAdvancedStatusElement($headerid, $showmore=false) X-Ref |
Use this method to add show more/less status element required for passing over the advanced elements visibility status on the form submission. param: string $headerName header element name. param: boolean $showmore default false sets the advanced elements to be hidden. |
setShowAdvanced($showadvancedNow = null) X-Ref |
This function has been deprecated. Show advanced has been replaced by "Show more.../Show less..." in the shortforms javascript module. param: bool $showadvancedNow if true will show advanced elements. |
getShowAdvanced() X-Ref |
This function has been deprecated. Show advanced has been replaced by "Show more.../Show less..." in the shortforms javascript module. return: bool (Always false) |
setDisableShortforms($disable = true) X-Ref |
Use this method to indicate that the form will not be using shortforms. param: boolean $disable default true, controls if the shortforms are disabled. |
set_initial_dirty_state($state = false) X-Ref |
Set the initial 'dirty' state of the form. param: bool $state |
is_dirty() X-Ref |
Is the form currently set to dirty? return: boolean Initial dirty state. |
disable_form_change_checker() X-Ref |
Call this method if you don't want the formchangechecker JavaScript to be automatically initialised for this form. |
enable_form_change_checker() X-Ref |
If you have called {@link disable_form_change_checker()} then you can use this method to re-enable it. It is enabled by default, so normally you don't need to call this. |
is_form_change_checker_enabled() X-Ref |
return: bool whether this form should automatically initialise |
accept(&$renderer) X-Ref |
Accepts a renderer param: HTML_QuickForm_Renderer $renderer An HTML_QuickForm_Renderer object |
closeHeaderBefore($elementName) X-Ref |
Adds one or more element names that indicate the end of a fieldset param: string $elementName name of the element |
setForceLtr($elementname, $value = true) X-Ref |
Set an element to be forced to flow LTR. The element must exist and support this functionality. Also note that when setting the type of a field (@link self::setType} we try to guess the whether the field should be force to LTR or not. Make sure you're always calling this method last. param: string $elementname The element name. param: bool $value When false, disables force LTR, else enables it. |
setType($elementname, $paramtype) X-Ref |
Should be used for all elements of a form except for select, radio and checkboxes which clean their own data. param: string $elementname param: int $paramtype defines type of data contained in element. Use the constants PARAM_*. |
setTypes($paramtypes) X-Ref |
This can be used to set several types at once. param: array $paramtypes types of parameters. |
getCleanType($elementname, $value, $default = PARAM_RAW) X-Ref |
Return the type(s) to use to clean an element. In the case where the element has an array as a value, we will try to obtain a type defined for that specific key, and recursively until done. This method does not work reverse, you cannot pass a nested element and hoping to fallback on the clean type of a parent. This method intends to be used with the main element, which will generate child types if needed, not the other way around. Example scenario: You have defined a new repeated element containing a text field called 'foo'. By default there will always be 2 occurence of 'foo' in the form. Even though you've set the type on 'foo' to be PARAM_INT, for some obscure reason, you want the first value of 'foo', to be PARAM_FLOAT, which you set using setType: $mform->setType('foo[0]', PARAM_FLOAT). Now if you call this method passing 'foo', along with the submitted values of 'foo': array(0 => '1.23', 1 => '10'), you will get an array telling you that the key 0 is a FLOAT and 1 is an INT. If you had passed 'foo[1]', along with its value '10', you would get the default clean type returned (param $default). param: string $elementname name of the element. param: mixed $value value that should be cleaned. param: int $default default constant value to be returned (PARAM_...) return: string|array constant value or array of constant values (PARAM_...) |
getCleanedValue($value, $type) X-Ref |
Return the cleaned value using the passed type(s). param: mixed $value value that has to be cleaned. param: int|array $type constant value to use to clean (PARAM_...), typically returned by {@link self::getCleanType()}. return: mixed cleaned up value. |
updateSubmission($submission, $files) X-Ref |
Updates submitted values param: array $submission submitted values param: array $files list of files |
getReqHTML() X-Ref |
Returns HTML for required elements return: string |
getAdvancedHTML() X-Ref |
Returns HTML for advanced elements return: string |
setDefault($elementName, $defaultValue) X-Ref |
Initializes a default form value. Used to specify the default for a new entry where no data is loaded in using moodleform::set_data() note: $slashed param removed param: string $elementName element name param: mixed $defaultValue values for that element name |
addHelpButton($elementname, $identifier, $component = 'moodle', $linktext = '', $suppresscheck = false) X-Ref |
Add a help button to element, only one button per element is allowed. This is new, simplified and preferable method of setting a help icon on form elements. It uses the new $OUTPUT->help_icon(). Typically, you will provide the same identifier and the component as you have used for the label of the element. The string identifier with the _help suffix added is then used as the help string. There has to be two strings defined: 1/ get_string($identifier, $component) - the title of the help page 2/ get_string($identifier.'_help', $component) - the actual help page text param: string $elementname name of the element to add the item to param: string $identifier help string identifier without _help suffix param: string $component component name to look the help string in param: string $linktext optional text to display next to the icon param: bool $suppresscheck set to true if the element may not exist |
setConstant($elname, $value) X-Ref |
Set constant value not overridden by _POST or _GET note: this does not work for complex names with [] :-( param: string $elname name of element param: mixed $value |
exportValues($elementList = null) X-Ref |
export submitted values param: string $elementList list of elements in form return: array |
prepare_fixed_value($name, $value) X-Ref |
This is a bit of a hack, and it duplicates the code in HTML_QuickForm_element::_prepareValue, but I could not think of a way or reliably calling that code. (Think about date selectors, for example.) param: string $name the element name. param: mixed $value the fixed value to set. return: mixed the appropriate array to add to the $unfiltered array. |
addRule($element, $message, $type, $format=null, $validation='server', $reset = false, $force = false) X-Ref |
Adds a validation rule for the given field If the element is in fact a group, it will be considered as a whole. To validate grouped elements as separated entities, use addGroupRule instead of addRule. param: string $element Form element name param: string $message Message to display for invalid data param: string $type Rule type, use getRegisteredRules() to get types param: string $format (optional)Required for extra rule data param: string $validation (optional)Where to perform validation: "server", "client" param: bool $reset Client-side validation: reset the form element to its original value if there is an error? param: bool $force Force the rule to be applied, even if the target form element does not exist |
addGroupRule($group, $arg1, $type='', $format=null, $howmany=0, $validation = 'server', $reset = false) X-Ref |
Adds a validation rule for the given group of elements Only groups with a name can be assigned a validation rule Use addGroupRule when you need to validate elements inside the group. Use addRule if you need to validate the group as a whole. In this case, the same rule will be applied to all elements in the group. Use addRule if you need to validate the group against a function. param: string $group Form group name param: array|string $arg1 Array for multiple elements or error message string for one element param: string $type (optional)Rule type use getRegisteredRules() to get types param: string $format (optional)Required for extra rule data param: int $howmany (optional)How many valid elements should be in the group param: string $validation (optional)Where to perform validation: "server", "client" param: bool $reset Client-side: whether to reset the element's value to its original state if validation failed. |
getValidationScript() X-Ref |
Returns the client side validation script The code here was copied from HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless who copied it from HTML_QuickForm and slightly modified to run rules per-element Needed to override this because of an error with client side validation of grouped elements. return: string Javascript to perform validation, empty string if no 'client' rules were added |
qf_errorHandler(element, _qfMsg, escapedName) X-Ref |
No description |
validate_(if (undefined == element) X-Ref |
No description |
validate_(if (skipClientValidation) X-Ref |
No description |
_setDefaultRuleMessages() X-Ref |
Sets default error message |
getLockOptionObject() X-Ref |
Get list of attributes which have dependencies return: array |
_getElNamesRecursive($element) X-Ref |
Get names of element or elements in a group. param: HTML_QuickForm_group|element $element element group or element object return: array |
disabledIf($elementName, $dependentOn, $condition = 'notchecked', $value='1') X-Ref |
Adds a dependency for $elementName which will be disabled if $condition is met. If $condition = 'notchecked' (default) then the condition is that the $dependentOn element is not checked. If $condition = 'checked' then the condition is that the $dependentOn element is checked. If $condition is something else (like "eq" for equals) then it is checked to see if the value of the $dependentOn element is $condition (such as equal) to $value. When working with multiple selects, the dependentOn has to be the real name of the select, meaning that it will most likely end up with '[]'. Also, the value should be an array of required values, or a string containing the values separated by pipes: array('red', 'blue') or 'red|blue'. param: string $elementName the name of the element which will be disabled param: string $dependentOn the name of the element whose state will be checked for condition param: string $condition the condition to check param: mixed $value used in conjunction with condition. |
hideIf($elementname, $dependenton, $condition = 'notchecked', $value = '1') X-Ref |
Adds a dependency for $elementName which will be hidden if $condition is met. If $condition = 'notchecked' (default) then the condition is that the $dependentOn element is not checked. If $condition = 'checked' then the condition is that the $dependentOn element is checked. If $condition is something else (like "eq" for equals) then it is checked to see if the value of the $dependentOn element is $condition (such as equal) to $value. When working with multiple selects, the dependentOn has to be the real name of the select, meaning that it will most likely end up with '[]'. Also, the value should be an array of required values, or a string containing the values separated by pipes: array('red', 'blue') or 'red|blue'. param: string $elementname the name of the element which will be hidden param: string $dependenton the name of the element whose state will be checked for condition param: string $condition the condition to check param: mixed $value used in conjunction with condition. |
registerNoSubmitButton($buttonname) X-Ref |
Registers button as no submit button param: string $buttonname name of the button |
isNoSubmitButton($buttonname) X-Ref |
Checks if button is a no submit button, i.e it doesn't submit form param: string $buttonname name of the button to check return: bool |
_registerCancelButton($addfieldsname) X-Ref |
Registers a button as cancel button param: string $addfieldsname name of the button |
hardFreeze($elementList=null) X-Ref |
Displays elements without HTML input tags. This method is different to freeze() in that it makes sure no hidden elements are included in the form. Note: If you want to make sure the submitted value is ignored, please use setDefaults(). This function also removes all previously defined rules. param: string|array $elementList array or string of element(s) to be frozen return: object|bool if element list is not empty then return error object, else true |
hardFreezeAllVisibleExcept($elementList) X-Ref |
Hard freeze all elements in a form except those whose names are in $elementList or hidden elements in a form. This function also removes all previously defined rules of elements it freezes. param: array $elementList array or string of element(s) not to be frozen return: bool returns true |
isSubmitted() X-Ref |
Tells whether the form was already submitted This is useful since the _submitFiles and _submitValues arrays may be completely empty after the trackSubmit value is removed. return: bool |
note_new_repeat($name) X-Ref |
Add the element name to the list of newly-created repeat elements (So that elements that interpret 'no data submitted' as a valid state can tell when they should get the default value instead). param: string $name the name of the new element |
is_new_repeat($name) X-Ref |
Check if the element with the given name has just been added by clicking on the 'Add repeating elements' button. param: string $name the name of the element being checked return: bool true if the element is newly added |
setAdvancedElements($elements) X-Ref |
Set element's as adavance element param: array $elements form elements which needs to be grouped as advance elements. |
setCollapsibleElements($elements) X-Ref |
Setting collapsible elements param: array $elements |
startForm(&$form) X-Ref |
What to do when starting the form param: MoodleQuickForm $form reference of the form |
startGroup(&$group, $required, $error) X-Ref |
Create advance group of elements param: MoodleQuickForm_group $group Passed by reference param: bool $required if input is required field param: string $error error message to display |
renderElement(&$element, $required, $error) X-Ref |
Renders element param: HTML_QuickForm_element $element element param: bool $required if input is required field param: string $error error message to display |
finishForm(&$form) X-Ref |
Called when visiting a form, after processing all form elements Adds required note, form attributes, validation javascript and form content. param: moodleform $form Passed by reference |
renderHeader(&$header) X-Ref |
Called when visiting a header element param: HTML_QuickForm_header $header An HTML_QuickForm_header element being visited |
getStopFieldsetElements() X-Ref |
Return Array of element names that indicate the end of a fieldset return: array |
Class: MoodleQuickForm - X-Ref
MoodleQuickForm implementation__construct($formName, $method, $action, $target = '', $attributes = null, $ajaxformdata = null) X-Ref |
Class constructor - same parameters as HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless param: string $formName Form's name. param: string $method Form's method defaults to 'POST' param: string|moodle_url $action Form's action param: string $target (optional)Form's target defaults to none param: mixed $attributes (optional)Extra attributes for <form> tag param: array $ajaxformdata Forms submitted via ajax, must pass their data here, instead of relying on _GET and _POST. |
MoodleQuickForm($formName, $method, $action, $target='', $attributes=null) X-Ref |
Old syntax of class constructor. Deprecated in PHP7. |
get_form_identifier() X-Ref |
It should returns unique identifier for the form. Currently it will return class name, but in case two same forms have to be rendered on same page then override function to get unique form identifier. e.g This is used on multiple self enrollments page. return: string form identifier. |
focus($name=NULL) X-Ref |
To autofocus on first form element or first element with error. param: string $name if this is set then the focus is forced to a field with this name return: string javascript to select form element with first error or |
_process_submission($method) X-Ref |
Internal method. Alters submitted data to be suitable for quickforms processing. Must be called when the form is fully set up. param: string $method name of the method which alters submitted data |
_get_post_params() X-Ref |
Internal method - should not be used anywhere. return: array $_POST. |
_validate_files(&$files) X-Ref |
Internal method. Validates all old-style deprecated uploaded files. The new way is to upload files via repository api. param: array $files list of files to be validated return: bool|array Success or an array of errors |
validate_draft_files() X-Ref |
Internal method. Validates filepicker and filemanager files if they are set as required fields. Also, sets the error message if encountered one. return: bool|array with errors |
set_data($default_values) X-Ref |
Load in existing data as form defaults. Usually new entry defaults are stored directly in form definition (new entry form); this function is used to load in data where values already exist and data is being edited (edit entry form). note: $slashed param removed param: stdClass|array $default_values object or array of default values |
is_submitted() X-Ref |
Check that form was submitted. Does not check validity of submitted data. return: bool true if form properly submitted |
no_submit_button_pressed() X-Ref |
Checks if button pressed is not for submitting the form return: bool |
optional_param($name, $default, $type) X-Ref |
Checks if a parameter was passed in the previous form submission param: string $name the name of the page parameter we want param: mixed $default the default value to return if nothing is found param: string $type expected type of parameter return: mixed |
is_validated() X-Ref |
Check that form data is valid. You should almost always use this, rather than {@link validate_defined_fields} return: bool true if form data valid |
validate_defined_fields($validateonnosubmit=false) X-Ref |
Validate the form. You almost always want to call {@link is_validated} instead of this because it calls {@link definition_after_data} first, before validating the form, which is what you want in 99% of cases. This is provided as a separate function for those special cases where you want the form validated before definition_after_data is called for example, to selectively add new elements depending on a no_submit_button press, but only when the form is valid when the no_submit_button is pressed, param: bool $validateonnosubmit optional, defaults to false. The default behaviour return: bool true if form data valid |
is_cancelled() X-Ref |
Return true if a cancel button has been pressed resulting in the form being submitted. return: bool true if a cancel button has been pressed |
get_data() X-Ref |
Return submitted data if properly submitted or returns NULL if validation fails or if there is no submitted data. note: $slashed param removed return: object submitted data; NULL if not valid or not submitted or cancelled |
get_submitted_data() X-Ref |
Return submitted data without validation or NULL if there is no submitted data. note: $slashed param removed return: object submitted data; NULL if not submitted |
save_files($destination) X-Ref |
Save verified uploaded files into directory. Upload process can be customised from definition() param: string $destination path where file should be stored return: bool Always false |
get_new_filename($elname=null) X-Ref |
Returns name of uploaded file. param: string $elname first element if null return: string|bool false in case of failure, string if ok |
save_file($elname, $pathname, $override=false) X-Ref |
Save file to standard filesystem param: string $elname name of element param: string $pathname full path name of file param: bool $override override file if exists return: bool success |
save_temp_file($elname) X-Ref |
Returns a temporary file, do not forget to delete after not needed any more. param: string $elname name of the elmenet return: string|bool either string or false |
get_draft_files($elname) X-Ref |
Get draft files of a form element This is a protected method which will be used only inside moodleforms param: string $elname name of element return: array|bool|null |
save_stored_file($elname, $newcontextid, $newcomponent, $newfilearea, $newitemid, $newfilepath='/',$newfilename=null, $overwrite=false, $newuserid=null) X-Ref |
Save file to local filesystem pool param: string $elname name of element param: int $newcontextid id of context param: string $newcomponent name of the component param: string $newfilearea name of file area param: int $newitemid item id param: string $newfilepath path of file where it get stored param: string $newfilename use specified filename, if not specified name of uploaded file used param: bool $overwrite overwrite file if exists param: int $newuserid new userid if required return: mixed stored_file object or false if error; may throw exception if duplicate found |
get_file_content($elname) X-Ref |
Get content of uploaded file. param: string $elname name of file upload element return: string|bool false in case of failure, string if ok |
display() X-Ref |
Print html form. |
render() X-Ref |
Renders the html form (same as display, but returns the result). Note that you can only output this rendered result once per page, as it contains IDs which must be unique. return: string HTML code for the form |
after_definition() X-Ref |
After definition hook. This is useful for intermediate classes to inject logic after the definition was provided without requiring developers to call the parent {{@link self::definition()}} as it's not obvious by design. The 'intermediate' class is 'MyClass extends IntermediateClass extends moodleform'. Classes overriding this method should always call the parent. We may not add anything specifically in this instance of the method, but intermediate classes are likely to do so, and so it is a good practice to always call the parent. return: void |
definition_after_data() X-Ref |
Dummy stub method - override if you need to setup the form depending on current values. This method is called after definition(), data submission and set_data(). All form setup that is dependent on form values should go in here. |
validation($data, $files) X-Ref |
Dummy stub method - override if you needed to perform some extra validation. If there are errors return array of errors ("fieldname"=>"error message"), otherwise true if ok. Server side rules do not work for uploaded files, implement serverside rules here if needed. param: array $data array of ("fieldname"=>value) of submitted data param: array $files array of uploaded files "element_name"=>tmp_file_path return: array of "element_name"=>"error_description" if there are errors, |
repeat_elements_fix_clone($i, $elementclone, &$namecloned) X-Ref |
Helper used by {@link repeat_elements()}. param: int $i the index of this element. param: HTML_QuickForm_element $elementclone param: array $namecloned array of names |
repeat_elements($elementobjs, $repeats, $options, $repeathiddenname,$addfieldsname, $addfieldsno=5, $addstring=null, $addbuttoninside=false) X-Ref |
Method to add a repeating group of elements to a form. param: array $elementobjs Array of elements or groups of elements that are to be repeated param: int $repeats no of times to repeat elements initially param: array $options a nested array. The first array key is the element name. param: string $repeathiddenname name for hidden element storing no of repeats in this form param: string $addfieldsname name for button to add more fields param: int $addfieldsno how many fields to add at a time param: string $addstring name of button, {no} is replaced by no of blanks that will be added. param: bool $addbuttoninside if true, don't call closeHeaderBefore($addfieldsname). Default false. return: int no of repeats of element in this page |
add_checkbox_controller($groupid, $text = null, $attributes = null, $originalValue = 0) X-Ref |
Adds a link/button that controls the checked state of a group of checkboxes. param: int $groupid The id of the group of advcheckboxes this element controls param: string $text The text of the link. Defaults to selectallornone ("select all/none") param: array $attributes associative array of HTML attributes param: int $originalValue The original general state of the checkboxes before the user first clicks this element |
add_action_buttons($cancel = true, $submitlabel=null) X-Ref |
Use this method to a cancel and submit button to the end of your form. Pass a param of false if you don't want a cancel button in your form. If you have a cancel button make sure you check for it being pressed using is_cancelled() and redirecting if it is true before trying to get data with get_data(). param: bool $cancel whether to show cancel button, default true param: string $submitlabel label for submit button, defaults to get_string('savechanges') |
init_javascript_enhancement($element, $enhancement, array $options=array() X-Ref |
Adds an initialisation call for a standard JavaScript enhancement. This function is designed to add an initialisation call for a JavaScript enhancement that should exist within javascript-static M.form.init_{enhancementname}. Current options: - Selectboxes - smartselect: Turns a nbsp indented select box into a custom drop down control that supports multilevel and category selection. $enhancement = 'smartselect'; $options = array('selectablecategories' => true|false) param: string|element $element form element for which Javascript needs to be initalized param: string $enhancement which init function should be called param: array $options options passed to javascript param: array $strings strings for javascript |
get_js_module() X-Ref |
Returns a JS module definition for the mforms JS return: array |
detectMissingSetType() X-Ref |
Detects elements with missing setType() declerations. Finds elements in the form which should a PARAM_ type set and throws a developer debug warning for any elements without it. This is to reduce the risk of potential security issues by developers mistakenly forgetting to set the type. return: void |
mock_submit($simulatedsubmitteddata, $simulatedsubmittedfiles = array() X-Ref |
Used by tests to simulate submitted form data submission from the user. For form fields where no data is submitted the default for that field as set by set_data or setDefault will be passed to get_data. This method sets $_POST or $_GET and $_FILES with the data supplied. Our unit test code empties all these global arrays after each test. param: array $simulatedsubmitteddata An associative array of form values (same format as $_POST). param: array $simulatedsubmittedfiles An associative array of files uploaded (same format as $_FILES). Can be omitted. param: string $method 'post' or 'get', defaults to 'post'. param: null $formidentifier the default is to use the class name for this class but you may need to provide |
mock_generate_submit_keys($data = []) X-Ref |
Used by tests to generate valid submit keys for moodle forms that are submitted with ajax data. param: array $data Existing form data you wish to add the keys to. return: array |
set_display_vertical() X-Ref |
Set display mode for the form when labels take full width of the form and above the elements even on big screens Useful for forms displayed inside modals or in narrow containers |
set_initial_dirty_state($state = false) X-Ref |
Set the initial 'dirty' state of the form. param: bool $state |
setAdvanced($elementName, $advanced = true) X-Ref |
Use this method to indicate an element in a form is an advanced field. If items in a form are marked as advanced then 'Hide/Show Advanced' buttons will automatically be displayed in the form so the user can decide whether to display advanced form controls. If you set a header element to advanced then all elements it contains will also be set as advanced. param: string $elementName group or element name (not the element name of something inside a group). param: bool $advanced default true sets the element to advanced. False removes advanced mark. |
optional_param($name, $default, $type) X-Ref |
Checks if a parameter was passed in the previous form submission param: string $name the name of the page parameter we want param: mixed $default the default value to return if nothing is found param: string $type expected type of parameter return: mixed |
setExpanded($headername, $expanded = true, $ignoreuserstate = false) X-Ref |
Use this method to indicate that the fieldset should be shown as expanded. The method is applicable to header elements only. param: string $headername header element name param: boolean $expanded default true sets the element to expanded. False makes the element collapsed. param: boolean $ignoreuserstate override the state regardless of the state it was on when return: void |
addAdvancedStatusElement($headerid, $showmore=false) X-Ref |
Use this method to add show more/less status element required for passing over the advanced elements visibility status on the form submission. param: string $headerName header element name. param: boolean $showmore default false sets the advanced elements to be hidden. |
setShowAdvanced($showadvancedNow = null) X-Ref |
This function has been deprecated. Show advanced has been replaced by "Show more.../Show less..." in the shortforms javascript module. param: bool $showadvancedNow if true will show advanced elements. |
getShowAdvanced() X-Ref |
This function has been deprecated. Show advanced has been replaced by "Show more.../Show less..." in the shortforms javascript module. return: bool (Always false) |
setDisableShortforms($disable = true) X-Ref |
Use this method to indicate that the form will not be using shortforms. param: boolean $disable default true, controls if the shortforms are disabled. |
set_initial_dirty_state($state = false) X-Ref |
Set the initial 'dirty' state of the form. param: bool $state |
is_dirty() X-Ref |
Is the form currently set to dirty? return: boolean Initial dirty state. |
disable_form_change_checker() X-Ref |
Call this method if you don't want the formchangechecker JavaScript to be automatically initialised for this form. |
enable_form_change_checker() X-Ref |
If you have called {@link disable_form_change_checker()} then you can use this method to re-enable it. It is enabled by default, so normally you don't need to call this. |
is_form_change_checker_enabled() X-Ref |
return: bool whether this form should automatically initialise |
accept(&$renderer) X-Ref |
Accepts a renderer param: HTML_QuickForm_Renderer $renderer An HTML_QuickForm_Renderer object |
closeHeaderBefore($elementName) X-Ref |
Adds one or more element names that indicate the end of a fieldset param: string $elementName name of the element |
setForceLtr($elementname, $value = true) X-Ref |
Set an element to be forced to flow LTR. The element must exist and support this functionality. Also note that when setting the type of a field (@link self::setType} we try to guess the whether the field should be force to LTR or not. Make sure you're always calling this method last. param: string $elementname The element name. param: bool $value When false, disables force LTR, else enables it. |
setType($elementname, $paramtype) X-Ref |
Should be used for all elements of a form except for select, radio and checkboxes which clean their own data. param: string $elementname param: int $paramtype defines type of data contained in element. Use the constants PARAM_*. |
setTypes($paramtypes) X-Ref |
This can be used to set several types at once. param: array $paramtypes types of parameters. |
getCleanType($elementname, $value, $default = PARAM_RAW) X-Ref |
Return the type(s) to use to clean an element. In the case where the element has an array as a value, we will try to obtain a type defined for that specific key, and recursively until done. This method does not work reverse, you cannot pass a nested element and hoping to fallback on the clean type of a parent. This method intends to be used with the main element, which will generate child types if needed, not the other way around. Example scenario: You have defined a new repeated element containing a text field called 'foo'. By default there will always be 2 occurence of 'foo' in the form. Even though you've set the type on 'foo' to be PARAM_INT, for some obscure reason, you want the first value of 'foo', to be PARAM_FLOAT, which you set using setType: $mform->setType('foo[0]', PARAM_FLOAT). Now if you call this method passing 'foo', along with the submitted values of 'foo': array(0 => '1.23', 1 => '10'), you will get an array telling you that the key 0 is a FLOAT and 1 is an INT. If you had passed 'foo[1]', along with its value '10', you would get the default clean type returned (param $default). param: string $elementname name of the element. param: mixed $value value that should be cleaned. param: int $default default constant value to be returned (PARAM_...) return: string|array constant value or array of constant values (PARAM_...) |
getCleanedValue($value, $type) X-Ref |
Return the cleaned value using the passed type(s). param: mixed $value value that has to be cleaned. param: int|array $type constant value to use to clean (PARAM_...), typically returned by {@link self::getCleanType()}. return: mixed cleaned up value. |
updateSubmission($submission, $files) X-Ref |
Updates submitted values param: array $submission submitted values param: array $files list of files |
getReqHTML() X-Ref |
Returns HTML for required elements return: string |
getAdvancedHTML() X-Ref |
Returns HTML for advanced elements return: string |
setDefault($elementName, $defaultValue) X-Ref |
Initializes a default form value. Used to specify the default for a new entry where no data is loaded in using moodleform::set_data() note: $slashed param removed param: string $elementName element name param: mixed $defaultValue values for that element name |
addHelpButton($elementname, $identifier, $component = 'moodle', $linktext = '', $suppresscheck = false) X-Ref |
Add a help button to element, only one button per element is allowed. This is new, simplified and preferable method of setting a help icon on form elements. It uses the new $OUTPUT->help_icon(). Typically, you will provide the same identifier and the component as you have used for the label of the element. The string identifier with the _help suffix added is then used as the help string. There has to be two strings defined: 1/ get_string($identifier, $component) - the title of the help page 2/ get_string($identifier.'_help', $component) - the actual help page text param: string $elementname name of the element to add the item to param: string $identifier help string identifier without _help suffix param: string $component component name to look the help string in param: string $linktext optional text to display next to the icon param: bool $suppresscheck set to true if the element may not exist |
setConstant($elname, $value) X-Ref |
Set constant value not overridden by _POST or _GET note: this does not work for complex names with [] :-( param: string $elname name of element param: mixed $value |
exportValues($elementList = null) X-Ref |
export submitted values param: string $elementList list of elements in form return: array |
prepare_fixed_value($name, $value) X-Ref |
This is a bit of a hack, and it duplicates the code in HTML_QuickForm_element::_prepareValue, but I could not think of a way or reliably calling that code. (Think about date selectors, for example.) param: string $name the element name. param: mixed $value the fixed value to set. return: mixed the appropriate array to add to the $unfiltered array. |
addRule($element, $message, $type, $format=null, $validation='server', $reset = false, $force = false) X-Ref |
Adds a validation rule for the given field If the element is in fact a group, it will be considered as a whole. To validate grouped elements as separated entities, use addGroupRule instead of addRule. param: string $element Form element name param: string $message Message to display for invalid data param: string $type Rule type, use getRegisteredRules() to get types param: string $format (optional)Required for extra rule data param: string $validation (optional)Where to perform validation: "server", "client" param: bool $reset Client-side validation: reset the form element to its original value if there is an error? param: bool $force Force the rule to be applied, even if the target form element does not exist |
addGroupRule($group, $arg1, $type='', $format=null, $howmany=0, $validation = 'server', $reset = false) X-Ref |
Adds a validation rule for the given group of elements Only groups with a name can be assigned a validation rule Use addGroupRule when you need to validate elements inside the group. Use addRule if you need to validate the group as a whole. In this case, the same rule will be applied to all elements in the group. Use addRule if you need to validate the group against a function. param: string $group Form group name param: array|string $arg1 Array for multiple elements or error message string for one element param: string $type (optional)Rule type use getRegisteredRules() to get types param: string $format (optional)Required for extra rule data param: int $howmany (optional)How many valid elements should be in the group param: string $validation (optional)Where to perform validation: "server", "client" param: bool $reset Client-side: whether to reset the element's value to its original state if validation failed. |
getValidationScript() X-Ref |
Returns the client side validation script The code here was copied from HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless who copied it from HTML_QuickForm and slightly modified to run rules per-element Needed to override this because of an error with client side validation of grouped elements. return: string Javascript to perform validation, empty string if no 'client' rules were added |
qf_errorHandler(element, _qfMsg, escapedName) X-Ref |
No description |
validate_(if (undefined == element) X-Ref |
No description |
validate_(if (skipClientValidation) X-Ref |
No description |
_setDefaultRuleMessages() X-Ref |
Sets default error message |
getLockOptionObject() X-Ref |
Get list of attributes which have dependencies return: array |
_getElNamesRecursive($element) X-Ref |
Get names of element or elements in a group. param: HTML_QuickForm_group|element $element element group or element object return: array |
disabledIf($elementName, $dependentOn, $condition = 'notchecked', $value='1') X-Ref |
Adds a dependency for $elementName which will be disabled if $condition is met. If $condition = 'notchecked' (default) then the condition is that the $dependentOn element is not checked. If $condition = 'checked' then the condition is that the $dependentOn element is checked. If $condition is something else (like "eq" for equals) then it is checked to see if the value of the $dependentOn element is $condition (such as equal) to $value. When working with multiple selects, the dependentOn has to be the real name of the select, meaning that it will most likely end up with '[]'. Also, the value should be an array of required values, or a string containing the values separated by pipes: array('red', 'blue') or 'red|blue'. param: string $elementName the name of the element which will be disabled param: string $dependentOn the name of the element whose state will be checked for condition param: string $condition the condition to check param: mixed $value used in conjunction with condition. |
hideIf($elementname, $dependenton, $condition = 'notchecked', $value = '1') X-Ref |
Adds a dependency for $elementName which will be hidden if $condition is met. If $condition = 'notchecked' (default) then the condition is that the $dependentOn element is not checked. If $condition = 'checked' then the condition is that the $dependentOn element is checked. If $condition is something else (like "eq" for equals) then it is checked to see if the value of the $dependentOn element is $condition (such as equal) to $value. When working with multiple selects, the dependentOn has to be the real name of the select, meaning that it will most likely end up with '[]'. Also, the value should be an array of required values, or a string containing the values separated by pipes: array('red', 'blue') or 'red|blue'. param: string $elementname the name of the element which will be hidden param: string $dependenton the name of the element whose state will be checked for condition param: string $condition the condition to check param: mixed $value used in conjunction with condition. |
registerNoSubmitButton($buttonname) X-Ref |
Registers button as no submit button param: string $buttonname name of the button |
isNoSubmitButton($buttonname) X-Ref |
Checks if button is a no submit button, i.e it doesn't submit form param: string $buttonname name of the button to check return: bool |
_registerCancelButton($addfieldsname) X-Ref |
Registers a button as cancel button param: string $addfieldsname name of the button |
hardFreeze($elementList=null) X-Ref |
Displays elements without HTML input tags. This method is different to freeze() in that it makes sure no hidden elements are included in the form. Note: If you want to make sure the submitted value is ignored, please use setDefaults(). This function also removes all previously defined rules. param: string|array $elementList array or string of element(s) to be frozen return: object|bool if element list is not empty then return error object, else true |
hardFreezeAllVisibleExcept($elementList) X-Ref |
Hard freeze all elements in a form except those whose names are in $elementList or hidden elements in a form. This function also removes all previously defined rules of elements it freezes. param: array $elementList array or string of element(s) not to be frozen return: bool returns true |
isSubmitted() X-Ref |
Tells whether the form was already submitted This is useful since the _submitFiles and _submitValues arrays may be completely empty after the trackSubmit value is removed. return: bool |
note_new_repeat($name) X-Ref |
Add the element name to the list of newly-created repeat elements (So that elements that interpret 'no data submitted' as a valid state can tell when they should get the default value instead). param: string $name the name of the new element |
is_new_repeat($name) X-Ref |
Check if the element with the given name has just been added by clicking on the 'Add repeating elements' button. param: string $name the name of the element being checked return: bool true if the element is newly added |
setAdvancedElements($elements) X-Ref |
Set element's as adavance element param: array $elements form elements which needs to be grouped as advance elements. |
setCollapsibleElements($elements) X-Ref |
Setting collapsible elements param: array $elements |
startForm(&$form) X-Ref |
What to do when starting the form param: MoodleQuickForm $form reference of the form |
startGroup(&$group, $required, $error) X-Ref |
Create advance group of elements param: MoodleQuickForm_group $group Passed by reference param: bool $required if input is required field param: string $error error message to display |
renderElement(&$element, $required, $error) X-Ref |
Renders element param: HTML_QuickForm_element $element element param: bool $required if input is required field param: string $error error message to display |
finishForm(&$form) X-Ref |
Called when visiting a form, after processing all form elements Adds required note, form attributes, validation javascript and form content. param: moodleform $form Passed by reference |
renderHeader(&$header) X-Ref |
Called when visiting a header element param: HTML_QuickForm_header $header An HTML_QuickForm_header element being visited |
getStopFieldsetElements() X-Ref |
Return Array of element names that indicate the end of a fieldset return: array |
Class: MoodleQuickForm_Renderer - X-Ref
MoodleQuickForm renderer__construct() X-Ref |
Constructor |
MoodleQuickForm_Renderer() X-Ref |
Old syntax of class constructor. Deprecated in PHP7. |
get_form_identifier() X-Ref |
It should returns unique identifier for the form. Currently it will return class name, but in case two same forms have to be rendered on same page then override function to get unique form identifier. e.g This is used on multiple self enrollments page. return: string form identifier. |
focus($name=NULL) X-Ref |
To autofocus on first form element or first element with error. param: string $name if this is set then the focus is forced to a field with this name return: string javascript to select form element with first error or |
_process_submission($method) X-Ref |
Internal method. Alters submitted data to be suitable for quickforms processing. Must be called when the form is fully set up. param: string $method name of the method which alters submitted data |
_get_post_params() X-Ref |
Internal method - should not be used anywhere. return: array $_POST. |
_validate_files(&$files) X-Ref |
Internal method. Validates all old-style deprecated uploaded files. The new way is to upload files via repository api. param: array $files list of files to be validated return: bool|array Success or an array of errors |
validate_draft_files() X-Ref |
Internal method. Validates filepicker and filemanager files if they are set as required fields. Also, sets the error message if encountered one. return: bool|array with errors |
set_data($default_values) X-Ref |
Load in existing data as form defaults. Usually new entry defaults are stored directly in form definition (new entry form); this function is used to load in data where values already exist and data is being edited (edit entry form). note: $slashed param removed param: stdClass|array $default_values object or array of default values |
is_submitted() X-Ref |
Check that form was submitted. Does not check validity of submitted data. return: bool true if form properly submitted |
no_submit_button_pressed() X-Ref |
Checks if button pressed is not for submitting the form return: bool |
optional_param($name, $default, $type) X-Ref |
Checks if a parameter was passed in the previous form submission param: string $name the name of the page parameter we want param: mixed $default the default value to return if nothing is found param: string $type expected type of parameter return: mixed |
is_validated() X-Ref |
Check that form data is valid. You should almost always use this, rather than {@link validate_defined_fields} return: bool true if form data valid |
validate_defined_fields($validateonnosubmit=false) X-Ref |
Validate the form. You almost always want to call {@link is_validated} instead of this because it calls {@link definition_after_data} first, before validating the form, which is what you want in 99% of cases. This is provided as a separate function for those special cases where you want the form validated before definition_after_data is called for example, to selectively add new elements depending on a no_submit_button press, but only when the form is valid when the no_submit_button is pressed, param: bool $validateonnosubmit optional, defaults to false. The default behaviour return: bool true if form data valid |
is_cancelled() X-Ref |
Return true if a cancel button has been pressed resulting in the form being submitted. return: bool true if a cancel button has been pressed |
get_data() X-Ref |
Return submitted data if properly submitted or returns NULL if validation fails or if there is no submitted data. note: $slashed param removed return: object submitted data; NULL if not valid or not submitted or cancelled |
get_submitted_data() X-Ref |
Return submitted data without validation or NULL if there is no submitted data. note: $slashed param removed return: object submitted data; NULL if not submitted |
save_files($destination) X-Ref |
Save verified uploaded files into directory. Upload process can be customised from definition() param: string $destination path where file should be stored return: bool Always false |
get_new_filename($elname=null) X-Ref |
Returns name of uploaded file. param: string $elname first element if null return: string|bool false in case of failure, string if ok |
save_file($elname, $pathname, $override=false) X-Ref |
Save file to standard filesystem param: string $elname name of element param: string $pathname full path name of file param: bool $override override file if exists return: bool success |
save_temp_file($elname) X-Ref |
Returns a temporary file, do not forget to delete after not needed any more. param: string $elname name of the elmenet return: string|bool either string or false |
get_draft_files($elname) X-Ref |
Get draft files of a form element This is a protected method which will be used only inside moodleforms param: string $elname name of element return: array|bool|null |
save_stored_file($elname, $newcontextid, $newcomponent, $newfilearea, $newitemid, $newfilepath='/',$newfilename=null, $overwrite=false, $newuserid=null) X-Ref |
Save file to local filesystem pool param: string $elname name of element param: int $newcontextid id of context param: string $newcomponent name of the component param: string $newfilearea name of file area param: int $newitemid item id param: string $newfilepath path of file where it get stored param: string $newfilename use specified filename, if not specified name of uploaded file used param: bool $overwrite overwrite file if exists param: int $newuserid new userid if required return: mixed stored_file object or false if error; may throw exception if duplicate found |
get_file_content($elname) X-Ref |
Get content of uploaded file. param: string $elname name of file upload element return: string|bool false in case of failure, string if ok |
display() X-Ref |
Print html form. |
render() X-Ref |
Renders the html form (same as display, but returns the result). Note that you can only output this rendered result once per page, as it contains IDs which must be unique. return: string HTML code for the form |
after_definition() X-Ref |
After definition hook. This is useful for intermediate classes to inject logic after the definition was provided without requiring developers to call the parent {{@link self::definition()}} as it's not obvious by design. The 'intermediate' class is 'MyClass extends IntermediateClass extends moodleform'. Classes overriding this method should always call the parent. We may not add anything specifically in this instance of the method, but intermediate classes are likely to do so, and so it is a good practice to always call the parent. return: void |
definition_after_data() X-Ref |
Dummy stub method - override if you need to setup the form depending on current values. This method is called after definition(), data submission and set_data(). All form setup that is dependent on form values should go in here. |
validation($data, $files) X-Ref |
Dummy stub method - override if you needed to perform some extra validation. If there are errors return array of errors ("fieldname"=>"error message"), otherwise true if ok. Server side rules do not work for uploaded files, implement serverside rules here if needed. param: array $data array of ("fieldname"=>value) of submitted data param: array $files array of uploaded files "element_name"=>tmp_file_path return: array of "element_name"=>"error_description" if there are errors, |
repeat_elements_fix_clone($i, $elementclone, &$namecloned) X-Ref |
Helper used by {@link repeat_elements()}. param: int $i the index of this element. param: HTML_QuickForm_element $elementclone param: array $namecloned array of names |
repeat_elements($elementobjs, $repeats, $options, $repeathiddenname,$addfieldsname, $addfieldsno=5, $addstring=null, $addbuttoninside=false) X-Ref |
Method to add a repeating group of elements to a form. param: array $elementobjs Array of elements or groups of elements that are to be repeated param: int $repeats no of times to repeat elements initially param: array $options a nested array. The first array key is the element name. param: string $repeathiddenname name for hidden element storing no of repeats in this form param: string $addfieldsname name for button to add more fields param: int $addfieldsno how many fields to add at a time param: string $addstring name of button, {no} is replaced by no of blanks that will be added. param: bool $addbuttoninside if true, don't call closeHeaderBefore($addfieldsname). Default false. return: int no of repeats of element in this page |
add_checkbox_controller($groupid, $text = null, $attributes = null, $originalValue = 0) X-Ref |
Adds a link/button that controls the checked state of a group of checkboxes. param: int $groupid The id of the group of advcheckboxes this element controls param: string $text The text of the link. Defaults to selectallornone ("select all/none") param: array $attributes associative array of HTML attributes param: int $originalValue The original general state of the checkboxes before the user first clicks this element |
add_action_buttons($cancel = true, $submitlabel=null) X-Ref |
Use this method to a cancel and submit button to the end of your form. Pass a param of false if you don't want a cancel button in your form. If you have a cancel button make sure you check for it being pressed using is_cancelled() and redirecting if it is true before trying to get data with get_data(). param: bool $cancel whether to show cancel button, default true param: string $submitlabel label for submit button, defaults to get_string('savechanges') |
init_javascript_enhancement($element, $enhancement, array $options=array() X-Ref |
Adds an initialisation call for a standard JavaScript enhancement. This function is designed to add an initialisation call for a JavaScript enhancement that should exist within javascript-static M.form.init_{enhancementname}. Current options: - Selectboxes - smartselect: Turns a nbsp indented select box into a custom drop down control that supports multilevel and category selection. $enhancement = 'smartselect'; $options = array('selectablecategories' => true|false) param: string|element $element form element for which Javascript needs to be initalized param: string $enhancement which init function should be called param: array $options options passed to javascript param: array $strings strings for javascript |
get_js_module() X-Ref |
Returns a JS module definition for the mforms JS return: array |
detectMissingSetType() X-Ref |
Detects elements with missing setType() declerations. Finds elements in the form which should a PARAM_ type set and throws a developer debug warning for any elements without it. This is to reduce the risk of potential security issues by developers mistakenly forgetting to set the type. return: void |
mock_submit($simulatedsubmitteddata, $simulatedsubmittedfiles = array() X-Ref |
Used by tests to simulate submitted form data submission from the user. For form fields where no data is submitted the default for that field as set by set_data or setDefault will be passed to get_data. This method sets $_POST or $_GET and $_FILES with the data supplied. Our unit test code empties all these global arrays after each test. param: array $simulatedsubmitteddata An associative array of form values (same format as $_POST). param: array $simulatedsubmittedfiles An associative array of files uploaded (same format as $_FILES). Can be omitted. param: string $method 'post' or 'get', defaults to 'post'. param: null $formidentifier the default is to use the class name for this class but you may need to provide |
mock_generate_submit_keys($data = []) X-Ref |
Used by tests to generate valid submit keys for moodle forms that are submitted with ajax data. param: array $data Existing form data you wish to add the keys to. return: array |
set_display_vertical() X-Ref |
Set display mode for the form when labels take full width of the form and above the elements even on big screens Useful for forms displayed inside modals or in narrow containers |
set_initial_dirty_state($state = false) X-Ref |
Set the initial 'dirty' state of the form. param: bool $state |
setAdvanced($elementName, $advanced = true) X-Ref |
Use this method to indicate an element in a form is an advanced field. If items in a form are marked as advanced then 'Hide/Show Advanced' buttons will automatically be displayed in the form so the user can decide whether to display advanced form controls. If you set a header element to advanced then all elements it contains will also be set as advanced. param: string $elementName group or element name (not the element name of something inside a group). param: bool $advanced default true sets the element to advanced. False removes advanced mark. |
optional_param($name, $default, $type) X-Ref |
Checks if a parameter was passed in the previous form submission param: string $name the name of the page parameter we want param: mixed $default the default value to return if nothing is found param: string $type expected type of parameter return: mixed |
setExpanded($headername, $expanded = true, $ignoreuserstate = false) X-Ref |
Use this method to indicate that the fieldset should be shown as expanded. The method is applicable to header elements only. param: string $headername header element name param: boolean $expanded default true sets the element to expanded. False makes the element collapsed. param: boolean $ignoreuserstate override the state regardless of the state it was on when return: void |
addAdvancedStatusElement($headerid, $showmore=false) X-Ref |
Use this method to add show more/less status element required for passing over the advanced elements visibility status on the form submission. param: string $headerName header element name. param: boolean $showmore default false sets the advanced elements to be hidden. |
setShowAdvanced($showadvancedNow = null) X-Ref |
This function has been deprecated. Show advanced has been replaced by "Show more.../Show less..." in the shortforms javascript module. param: bool $showadvancedNow if true will show advanced elements. |
getShowAdvanced() X-Ref |
This function has been deprecated. Show advanced has been replaced by "Show more.../Show less..." in the shortforms javascript module. return: bool (Always false) |
setDisableShortforms($disable = true) X-Ref |
Use this method to indicate that the form will not be using shortforms. param: boolean $disable default true, controls if the shortforms are disabled. |
set_initial_dirty_state($state = false) X-Ref |
Set the initial 'dirty' state of the form. param: bool $state |
is_dirty() X-Ref |
Is the form currently set to dirty? return: boolean Initial dirty state. |
disable_form_change_checker() X-Ref |
Call this method if you don't want the formchangechecker JavaScript to be automatically initialised for this form. |
enable_form_change_checker() X-Ref |
If you have called {@link disable_form_change_checker()} then you can use this method to re-enable it. It is enabled by default, so normally you don't need to call this. |
is_form_change_checker_enabled() X-Ref |
return: bool whether this form should automatically initialise |
accept(&$renderer) X-Ref |
Accepts a renderer param: HTML_QuickForm_Renderer $renderer An HTML_QuickForm_Renderer object |
closeHeaderBefore($elementName) X-Ref |
Adds one or more element names that indicate the end of a fieldset param: string $elementName name of the element |
setForceLtr($elementname, $value = true) X-Ref |
Set an element to be forced to flow LTR. The element must exist and support this functionality. Also note that when setting the type of a field (@link self::setType} we try to guess the whether the field should be force to LTR or not. Make sure you're always calling this method last. param: string $elementname The element name. param: bool $value When false, disables force LTR, else enables it. |
setType($elementname, $paramtype) X-Ref |
Should be used for all elements of a form except for select, radio and checkboxes which clean their own data. param: string $elementname param: int $paramtype defines type of data contained in element. Use the constants PARAM_*. |
setTypes($paramtypes) X-Ref |
This can be used to set several types at once. param: array $paramtypes types of parameters. |
getCleanType($elementname, $value, $default = PARAM_RAW) X-Ref |
Return the type(s) to use to clean an element. In the case where the element has an array as a value, we will try to obtain a type defined for that specific key, and recursively until done. This method does not work reverse, you cannot pass a nested element and hoping to fallback on the clean type of a parent. This method intends to be used with the main element, which will generate child types if needed, not the other way around. Example scenario: You have defined a new repeated element containing a text field called 'foo'. By default there will always be 2 occurence of 'foo' in the form. Even though you've set the type on 'foo' to be PARAM_INT, for some obscure reason, you want the first value of 'foo', to be PARAM_FLOAT, which you set using setType: $mform->setType('foo[0]', PARAM_FLOAT). Now if you call this method passing 'foo', along with the submitted values of 'foo': array(0 => '1.23', 1 => '10'), you will get an array telling you that the key 0 is a FLOAT and 1 is an INT. If you had passed 'foo[1]', along with its value '10', you would get the default clean type returned (param $default). param: string $elementname name of the element. param: mixed $value value that should be cleaned. param: int $default default constant value to be returned (PARAM_...) return: string|array constant value or array of constant values (PARAM_...) |
getCleanedValue($value, $type) X-Ref |
Return the cleaned value using the passed type(s). param: mixed $value value that has to be cleaned. param: int|array $type constant value to use to clean (PARAM_...), typically returned by {@link self::getCleanType()}. return: mixed cleaned up value. |
updateSubmission($submission, $files) X-Ref |
Updates submitted values param: array $submission submitted values param: array $files list of files |
getReqHTML() X-Ref |
Returns HTML for required elements return: string |
getAdvancedHTML() X-Ref |
Returns HTML for advanced elements return: string |
setDefault($elementName, $defaultValue) X-Ref |
Initializes a default form value. Used to specify the default for a new entry where no data is loaded in using moodleform::set_data() note: $slashed param removed param: string $elementName element name param: mixed $defaultValue values for that element name |
addHelpButton($elementname, $identifier, $component = 'moodle', $linktext = '', $suppresscheck = false) X-Ref |
Add a help button to element, only one button per element is allowed. This is new, simplified and preferable method of setting a help icon on form elements. It uses the new $OUTPUT->help_icon(). Typically, you will provide the same identifier and the component as you have used for the label of the element. The string identifier with the _help suffix added is then used as the help string. There has to be two strings defined: 1/ get_string($identifier, $component) - the title of the help page 2/ get_string($identifier.'_help', $component) - the actual help page text param: string $elementname name of the element to add the item to param: string $identifier help string identifier without _help suffix param: string $component component name to look the help string in param: string $linktext optional text to display next to the icon param: bool $suppresscheck set to true if the element may not exist |
setConstant($elname, $value) X-Ref |
Set constant value not overridden by _POST or _GET note: this does not work for complex names with [] :-( param: string $elname name of element param: mixed $value |
exportValues($elementList = null) X-Ref |
export submitted values param: string $elementList list of elements in form return: array |
prepare_fixed_value($name, $value) X-Ref |
This is a bit of a hack, and it duplicates the code in HTML_QuickForm_element::_prepareValue, but I could not think of a way or reliably calling that code. (Think about date selectors, for example.) param: string $name the element name. param: mixed $value the fixed value to set. return: mixed the appropriate array to add to the $unfiltered array. |
addRule($element, $message, $type, $format=null, $validation='server', $reset = false, $force = false) X-Ref |
Adds a validation rule for the given field If the element is in fact a group, it will be considered as a whole. To validate grouped elements as separated entities, use addGroupRule instead of addRule. param: string $element Form element name param: string $message Message to display for invalid data param: string $type Rule type, use getRegisteredRules() to get types param: string $format (optional)Required for extra rule data param: string $validation (optional)Where to perform validation: "server", "client" param: bool $reset Client-side validation: reset the form element to its original value if there is an error? param: bool $force Force the rule to be applied, even if the target form element does not exist |
addGroupRule($group, $arg1, $type='', $format=null, $howmany=0, $validation = 'server', $reset = false) X-Ref |
Adds a validation rule for the given group of elements Only groups with a name can be assigned a validation rule Use addGroupRule when you need to validate elements inside the group. Use addRule if you need to validate the group as a whole. In this case, the same rule will be applied to all elements in the group. Use addRule if you need to validate the group against a function. param: string $group Form group name param: array|string $arg1 Array for multiple elements or error message string for one element param: string $type (optional)Rule type use getRegisteredRules() to get types param: string $format (optional)Required for extra rule data param: int $howmany (optional)How many valid elements should be in the group param: string $validation (optional)Where to perform validation: "server", "client" param: bool $reset Client-side: whether to reset the element's value to its original state if validation failed. |
getValidationScript() X-Ref |
Returns the client side validation script The code here was copied from HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless who copied it from HTML_QuickForm and slightly modified to run rules per-element Needed to override this because of an error with client side validation of grouped elements. return: string Javascript to perform validation, empty string if no 'client' rules were added |
qf_errorHandler(element, _qfMsg, escapedName) X-Ref |
No description |
validate_(if (undefined == element) X-Ref |
No description |
validate_(if (skipClientValidation) X-Ref |
No description |
_setDefaultRuleMessages() X-Ref |
Sets default error message |
getLockOptionObject() X-Ref |
Get list of attributes which have dependencies return: array |
_getElNamesRecursive($element) X-Ref |
Get names of element or elements in a group. param: HTML_QuickForm_group|element $element element group or element object return: array |
disabledIf($elementName, $dependentOn, $condition = 'notchecked', $value='1') X-Ref |
Adds a dependency for $elementName which will be disabled if $condition is met. If $condition = 'notchecked' (default) then the condition is that the $dependentOn element is not checked. If $condition = 'checked' then the condition is that the $dependentOn element is checked. If $condition is something else (like "eq" for equals) then it is checked to see if the value of the $dependentOn element is $condition (such as equal) to $value. When working with multiple selects, the dependentOn has to be the real name of the select, meaning that it will most likely end up with '[]'. Also, the value should be an array of required values, or a string containing the values separated by pipes: array('red', 'blue') or 'red|blue'. param: string $elementName the name of the element which will be disabled param: string $dependentOn the name of the element whose state will be checked for condition param: string $condition the condition to check param: mixed $value used in conjunction with condition. |
hideIf($elementname, $dependenton, $condition = 'notchecked', $value = '1') X-Ref |
Adds a dependency for $elementName which will be hidden if $condition is met. If $condition = 'notchecked' (default) then the condition is that the $dependentOn element is not checked. If $condition = 'checked' then the condition is that the $dependentOn element is checked. If $condition is something else (like "eq" for equals) then it is checked to see if the value of the $dependentOn element is $condition (such as equal) to $value. When working with multiple selects, the dependentOn has to be the real name of the select, meaning that it will most likely end up with '[]'. Also, the value should be an array of required values, or a string containing the values separated by pipes: array('red', 'blue') or 'red|blue'. param: string $elementname the name of the element which will be hidden param: string $dependenton the name of the element whose state will be checked for condition param: string $condition the condition to check param: mixed $value used in conjunction with condition. |
registerNoSubmitButton($buttonname) X-Ref |
Registers button as no submit button param: string $buttonname name of the button |
isNoSubmitButton($buttonname) X-Ref |
Checks if button is a no submit button, i.e it doesn't submit form param: string $buttonname name of the button to check return: bool |
_registerCancelButton($addfieldsname) X-Ref |
Registers a button as cancel button param: string $addfieldsname name of the button |
hardFreeze($elementList=null) X-Ref |
Displays elements without HTML input tags. This method is different to freeze() in that it makes sure no hidden elements are included in the form. Note: If you want to make sure the submitted value is ignored, please use setDefaults(). This function also removes all previously defined rules. param: string|array $elementList array or string of element(s) to be frozen return: object|bool if element list is not empty then return error object, else true |
hardFreezeAllVisibleExcept($elementList) X-Ref |
Hard freeze all elements in a form except those whose names are in $elementList or hidden elements in a form. This function also removes all previously defined rules of elements it freezes. param: array $elementList array or string of element(s) not to be frozen return: bool returns true |
isSubmitted() X-Ref |
Tells whether the form was already submitted This is useful since the _submitFiles and _submitValues arrays may be completely empty after the trackSubmit value is removed. return: bool |
note_new_repeat($name) X-Ref |
Add the element name to the list of newly-created repeat elements (So that elements that interpret 'no data submitted' as a valid state can tell when they should get the default value instead). param: string $name the name of the new element |
is_new_repeat($name) X-Ref |
Check if the element with the given name has just been added by clicking on the 'Add repeating elements' button. param: string $name the name of the element being checked return: bool true if the element is newly added |
setAdvancedElements($elements) X-Ref |
Set element's as adavance element param: array $elements form elements which needs to be grouped as advance elements. |
setCollapsibleElements($elements) X-Ref |
Setting collapsible elements param: array $elements |
startForm(&$form) X-Ref |
What to do when starting the form param: MoodleQuickForm $form reference of the form |
startGroup(&$group, $required, $error) X-Ref |
Create advance group of elements param: MoodleQuickForm_group $group Passed by reference param: bool $required if input is required field param: string $error error message to display |
renderElement(&$element, $required, $error) X-Ref |
Renders element param: HTML_QuickForm_element $element element param: bool $required if input is required field param: string $error error message to display |
finishForm(&$form) X-Ref |
Called when visiting a form, after processing all form elements Adds required note, form attributes, validation javascript and form content. param: moodleform $form Passed by reference |
renderHeader(&$header) X-Ref |
Called when visiting a header element param: HTML_QuickForm_header $header An HTML_QuickForm_header element being visited |
getStopFieldsetElements() X-Ref |
Return Array of element names that indicate the end of a fieldset return: array |
Class: MoodleQuickForm_Rule_Required - X-Ref
Required elements validationvalidate($value, $options = null) X-Ref |
Checks if an element is not empty. This is a server-side validation, it works for both text fields and editor fields param: string $value Value to check param: int|string|array $options Not used yet return: bool true if value is not empty |
getValidationScript($format = null) X-Ref |
This function returns Javascript code used to build client-side validation. It checks if an element is not empty. param: int $format format of data which needs to be validated. return: array |
pear_handle_error($error) X-Ref |
Callback called when PEAR throws an error param: PEAR_Error $error |
form_init_date_js() X-Ref |
Initalize javascript for date type form element |