Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 310 and 401] [Versions 310 and 402] [Versions 310 and 403]
(no description)
File Size: | 283 lines (9 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
LogisticRegression:: (9 methods):
Class: LogisticRegression - X-Ref
__construct(int $maxIterations = 500,bool $normalizeInputs = true,int $trainingType = self::CONJUGATE_GRAD_TRAINING,string $cost = 'log',string $penalty = 'L2') X-Ref |
Initalize a Logistic Regression classifier with maximum number of iterations and learning rule to be applied <br> Maximum number of iterations can be an integer value greater than 0 <br> If normalizeInputs is set to true, then every input given to the algorithm will be standardized by use of standard deviation and mean calculation <br> Cost function can be 'log' for log-likelihood and 'sse' for sum of squared errors <br> Penalty (Regularization term) can be 'L2' or empty string to cancel penalty term |
setLearningRate(float $learningRate) X-Ref |
Sets the learning rate if gradient descent algorithm is selected for training |
setLambda(float $lambda) X-Ref |
Lambda (λ) parameter of regularization term. If 0 is given, then the regularization term is cancelled |
runTraining(array $samples, array $targets) X-Ref |
Adapts the weights with respect to given samples and targets by use of selected solver |
runConjugateGradient(array $samples, array $targets, Closure $gradientFunc) X-Ref |
Executes Conjugate Gradient method to optimize the weights of the LogReg model |
getCostFunction() X-Ref |
Returns the appropriate callback function for the selected cost function |
output(array $sample) X-Ref |
Returns the output of the network, a float value between 0.0 and 1.0 |
outputClass(array $sample) X-Ref |
Returns the class value (either -1 or 1) for the given input |
predictProbability(array $sample, $label) X-Ref |
Returns the probability of the sample of belonging to the given label. The probability is simply taken as the distance of the sample to the decision plane. param: mixed $label |