Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 310 and 401] [Versions 310 and 402] [Versions 310 and 403]

   1  <?php
   3  namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation;
   5  use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engine\CyclicReferenceStack;
   6  use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engine\Logger;
   7  use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Token\Stack;
   8  use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Cell;
   9  use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate;
  10  use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\NamedRange;
  11  use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared;
  12  use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
  13  use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet;
  15  class Calculation
  16  {
  17      /** Constants                */
  18      /** Regular Expressions        */
  19      //    Numeric operand
  20      const CALCULATION_REGEXP_NUMBER = '[-+]?\d*\.?\d+(e[-+]?\d+)?';
  21      //    String operand
  22      const CALCULATION_REGEXP_STRING = '"(?:[^"]|"")*"';
  23      //    Opening bracket
  24      const CALCULATION_REGEXP_OPENBRACE = '\(';
  25      //    Function (allow for the old @ symbol that could be used to prefix a function, but we'll ignore it)
  26      const CALCULATION_REGEXP_FUNCTION = '@?(?:_xlfn\.)?([A-Z][A-Z0-9\.]*)[\s]*\(';
  27      //    Cell reference (cell or range of cells, with or without a sheet reference)
  28      const CALCULATION_REGEXP_CELLREF = '((([^\s,!&%^\/\*\+<>=-]*)|(\'[^\']*\')|(\"[^\"]*\"))!)?\$?\b([a-z]{1,3})\$?(\d{1,7})(?![\w.])';
  29      //    Named Range of cells
  30      const CALCULATION_REGEXP_NAMEDRANGE = '((([^\s,!&%^\/\*\+<>=-]*)|(\'[^\']*\')|(\"[^\"]*\"))!)?([_A-Z][_A-Z0-9\.]*)';
  31      //    Error
  32      const CALCULATION_REGEXP_ERROR = '\#[A-Z][A-Z0_\/]*[!\?]?';
  34      /** constants */
  35      const RETURN_ARRAY_AS_ERROR = 'error';
  36      const RETURN_ARRAY_AS_VALUE = 'value';
  37      const RETURN_ARRAY_AS_ARRAY = 'array';
  39      private static $returnArrayAsType = self::RETURN_ARRAY_AS_VALUE;
  41      /**
  42       * Instance of this class.
  43       *
  44       * @var Calculation
  45       */
  46      private static $instance;
  48      /**
  49       * Instance of the spreadsheet this Calculation Engine is using.
  50       *
  51       * @var Spreadsheet
  52       */
  53      private $spreadsheet;
  55      /**
  56       * Calculation cache.
  57       *
  58       * @var array
  59       */
  60      private $calculationCache = [];
  62      /**
  63       * Calculation cache enabled.
  64       *
  65       * @var bool
  66       */
  67      private $calculationCacheEnabled = true;
  69      /**
  70       * Used to generate unique store keys.
  71       *
  72       * @var int
  73       */
  74      private $branchStoreKeyCounter = 0;
  76      private $branchPruningEnabled = true;
  78      /**
  79       * List of operators that can be used within formulae
  80       * The true/false value indicates whether it is a binary operator or a unary operator.
  81       *
  82       * @var array
  83       */
  84      private static $operators = [
  85          '+' => true, '-' => true, '*' => true, '/' => true,
  86          '^' => true, '&' => true, '%' => false, '~' => false,
  87          '>' => true, '<' => true, '=' => true, '>=' => true,
  88          '<=' => true, '<>' => true, '|' => true, ':' => true,
  89      ];
  91      /**
  92       * List of binary operators (those that expect two operands).
  93       *
  94       * @var array
  95       */
  96      private static $binaryOperators = [
  97          '+' => true, '-' => true, '*' => true, '/' => true,
  98          '^' => true, '&' => true, '>' => true, '<' => true,
  99          '=' => true, '>=' => true, '<=' => true, '<>' => true,
 100          '|' => true, ':' => true,
 101      ];
 103      /**
 104       * The debug log generated by the calculation engine.
 105       *
 106       * @var Logger
 107       */
 108      private $debugLog;
 110      /**
 111       * Flag to determine how formula errors should be handled
 112       *        If true, then a user error will be triggered
 113       *        If false, then an exception will be thrown.
 114       *
 115       * @var bool
 116       */
 117      public $suppressFormulaErrors = false;
 119      /**
 120       * Error message for any error that was raised/thrown by the calculation engine.
 121       *
 122       * @var string
 123       */
 124      public $formulaError;
 126      /**
 127       * An array of the nested cell references accessed by the calculation engine, used for the debug log.
 128       *
 129       * @var CyclicReferenceStack
 130       */
 131      private $cyclicReferenceStack;
 133      private $cellStack = [];
 135      /**
 136       * Current iteration counter for cyclic formulae
 137       * If the value is 0 (or less) then cyclic formulae will throw an exception,
 138       * otherwise they will iterate to the limit defined here before returning a result.
 139       *
 140       * @var int
 141       */
 142      private $cyclicFormulaCounter = 1;
 144      private $cyclicFormulaCell = '';
 146      /**
 147       * Number of iterations for cyclic formulae.
 148       *
 149       * @var int
 150       */
 151      public $cyclicFormulaCount = 1;
 153      /**
 154       * Epsilon Precision used for comparisons in calculations.
 155       *
 156       * @var float
 157       */
 158      private $delta = 0.1e-12;
 160      /**
 161       * The current locale setting.
 162       *
 163       * @var string
 164       */
 165      private static $localeLanguage = 'en_us'; //    US English    (default locale)
 167      /**
 168       * List of available locale settings
 169       * Note that this is read for the locale subdirectory only when requested.
 170       *
 171       * @var string[]
 172       */
 173      private static $validLocaleLanguages = [
 174          'en', //    English        (default language)
 175      ];
 177      /**
 178       * Locale-specific argument separator for function arguments.
 179       *
 180       * @var string
 181       */
 182      private static $localeArgumentSeparator = ',';
 184      private static $localeFunctions = [];
 186      /**
 187       * Locale-specific translations for Excel constants (True, False and Null).
 188       *
 189       * @var string[]
 190       */
 191      public static $localeBoolean = [
 192          'TRUE' => 'TRUE',
 193          'FALSE' => 'FALSE',
 194          'NULL' => 'NULL',
 195      ];
 197      /**
 198       * Excel constant string translations to their PHP equivalents
 199       * Constant conversion from text name/value to actual (datatyped) value.
 200       *
 201       * @var string[]
 202       */
 203      private static $excelConstants = [
 204          'TRUE' => true,
 205          'FALSE' => false,
 206          'NULL' => null,
 207      ];
 209      // PhpSpreadsheet functions
 210      private static $phpSpreadsheetFunctions = [
 211          'ABS' => [
 212              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 213              'functionCall' => 'abs',
 214              'argumentCount' => '1',
 215          ],
 216          'ACCRINT' => [
 217              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 218              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'ACCRINT'],
 219              'argumentCount' => '4-7',
 220          ],
 221          'ACCRINTM' => [
 222              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 223              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'ACCRINTM'],
 224              'argumentCount' => '3-5',
 225          ],
 226          'ACOS' => [
 227              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 228              'functionCall' => 'acos',
 229              'argumentCount' => '1',
 230          ],
 231          'ACOSH' => [
 232              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 233              'functionCall' => 'acosh',
 234              'argumentCount' => '1',
 235          ],
 236          'ACOT' => [
 237              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 238              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'ACOT'],
 239              'argumentCount' => '1',
 240          ],
 241          'ACOTH' => [
 242              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 243              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'ACOTH'],
 244              'argumentCount' => '1',
 245          ],
 246          'ADDRESS' => [
 247              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
 248              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'cellAddress'],
 249              'argumentCount' => '2-5',
 250          ],
 251          'AMORDEGRC' => [
 252              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 253              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'AMORDEGRC'],
 254              'argumentCount' => '6,7',
 255          ],
 256          'AMORLINC' => [
 257              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 258              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'AMORLINC'],
 259              'argumentCount' => '6,7',
 260          ],
 261          'AND' => [
 262              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOGICAL,
 263              'functionCall' => [Logical::class, 'logicalAnd'],
 264              'argumentCount' => '1+',
 265          ],
 266          'AREAS' => [
 267              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
 268              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 269              'argumentCount' => '1',
 270          ],
 271          'ASC' => [
 272              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
 273              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 274              'argumentCount' => '1',
 275          ],
 276          'ASIN' => [
 277              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 278              'functionCall' => 'asin',
 279              'argumentCount' => '1',
 280          ],
 281          'ASINH' => [
 282              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 283              'functionCall' => 'asinh',
 284              'argumentCount' => '1',
 285          ],
 286          'ATAN' => [
 287              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 288              'functionCall' => 'atan',
 289              'argumentCount' => '1',
 290          ],
 291          'ATAN2' => [
 292              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 293              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'ATAN2'],
 294              'argumentCount' => '2',
 295          ],
 296          'ATANH' => [
 297              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 298              'functionCall' => 'atanh',
 299              'argumentCount' => '1',
 300          ],
 301          'AVEDEV' => [
 302              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 303              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'AVEDEV'],
 304              'argumentCount' => '1+',
 305          ],
 306          'AVERAGE' => [
 307              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 308              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'AVERAGE'],
 309              'argumentCount' => '1+',
 310          ],
 311          'AVERAGEA' => [
 312              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 313              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'AVERAGEA'],
 314              'argumentCount' => '1+',
 315          ],
 316          'AVERAGEIF' => [
 317              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 318              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'AVERAGEIF'],
 319              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
 320          ],
 321          'AVERAGEIFS' => [
 322              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 323              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 324              'argumentCount' => '3+',
 325          ],
 326          'BAHTTEXT' => [
 327              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
 328              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 329              'argumentCount' => '1',
 330          ],
 331          'BESSELI' => [
 332              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 333              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'BESSELI'],
 334              'argumentCount' => '2',
 335          ],
 336          'BESSELJ' => [
 337              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 338              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'BESSELJ'],
 339              'argumentCount' => '2',
 340          ],
 341          'BESSELK' => [
 342              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 343              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'BESSELK'],
 344              'argumentCount' => '2',
 345          ],
 346          'BESSELY' => [
 347              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 348              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'BESSELY'],
 349              'argumentCount' => '2',
 350          ],
 351          'BETADIST' => [
 352              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 353              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'BETADIST'],
 354              'argumentCount' => '3-5',
 355          ],
 356          'BETAINV' => [
 357              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 358              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'BETAINV'],
 359              'argumentCount' => '3-5',
 360          ],
 361          'BIN2DEC' => [
 362              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 363              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'BINTODEC'],
 364              'argumentCount' => '1',
 365          ],
 366          'BIN2HEX' => [
 367              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 368              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'BINTOHEX'],
 369              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
 370          ],
 371          'BIN2OCT' => [
 372              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 373              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'BINTOOCT'],
 374              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
 375          ],
 376          'BINOMDIST' => [
 377              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 378              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'BINOMDIST'],
 379              'argumentCount' => '4',
 380          ],
 381          'BITAND' => [
 382              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 383              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'BITAND'],
 384              'argumentCount' => '2',
 385          ],
 386          'BITOR' => [
 387              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 388              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'BITOR'],
 389              'argumentCount' => '2',
 390          ],
 391          'BITXOR' => [
 392              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 393              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'BITOR'],
 394              'argumentCount' => '2',
 395          ],
 396          'BITLSHIFT' => [
 397              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 398              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'BITLSHIFT'],
 399              'argumentCount' => '2',
 400          ],
 401          'BITRSHIFT' => [
 402              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 403              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'BITRSHIFT'],
 404              'argumentCount' => '2',
 405          ],
 406          'CEILING' => [
 407              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 408              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'CEILING'],
 409              'argumentCount' => '2',
 410          ],
 411          'CELL' => [
 412              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
 413              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 414              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
 415          ],
 416          'CHAR' => [
 417              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
 418              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'CHARACTER'],
 419              'argumentCount' => '1',
 420          ],
 421          'CHIDIST' => [
 422              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 423              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'CHIDIST'],
 424              'argumentCount' => '2',
 425          ],
 426          'CHIINV' => [
 427              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 428              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'CHIINV'],
 429              'argumentCount' => '2',
 430          ],
 431          'CHITEST' => [
 432              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 433              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 434              'argumentCount' => '2',
 435          ],
 436          'CHOOSE' => [
 437              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
 438              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'CHOOSE'],
 439              'argumentCount' => '2+',
 440          ],
 441          'CLEAN' => [
 442              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
 443              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'TRIMNONPRINTABLE'],
 444              'argumentCount' => '1',
 445          ],
 446          'CODE' => [
 447              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
 448              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'ASCIICODE'],
 449              'argumentCount' => '1',
 450          ],
 451          'COLUMN' => [
 452              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
 453              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'COLUMN'],
 454              'argumentCount' => '-1',
 455              'passByReference' => [true],
 456          ],
 457          'COLUMNS' => [
 458              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
 459              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'COLUMNS'],
 460              'argumentCount' => '1',
 461          ],
 462          'COMBIN' => [
 463              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 464              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'COMBIN'],
 465              'argumentCount' => '2',
 466          ],
 467          'COMPLEX' => [
 468              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 469              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'COMPLEX'],
 470              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
 471          ],
 472          'CONCAT' => [
 473              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
 474              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'CONCATENATE'],
 475              'argumentCount' => '1+',
 476          ],
 477          'CONCATENATE' => [
 478              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
 479              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'CONCATENATE'],
 480              'argumentCount' => '1+',
 481          ],
 482          'CONFIDENCE' => [
 483              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 484              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'CONFIDENCE'],
 485              'argumentCount' => '3',
 486          ],
 487          'CONVERT' => [
 488              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 489              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'CONVERTUOM'],
 490              'argumentCount' => '3',
 491          ],
 492          'CORREL' => [
 493              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 494              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'CORREL'],
 495              'argumentCount' => '2',
 496          ],
 497          'COS' => [
 498              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 499              'functionCall' => 'cos',
 500              'argumentCount' => '1',
 501          ],
 502          'COSH' => [
 503              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 504              'functionCall' => 'cosh',
 505              'argumentCount' => '1',
 506          ],
 507          'COT' => [
 508              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 509              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'COT'],
 510              'argumentCount' => '1',
 511          ],
 512          'COTH' => [
 513              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 514              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'COTH'],
 515              'argumentCount' => '1',
 516          ],
 517          'COUNT' => [
 518              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 519              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'COUNT'],
 520              'argumentCount' => '1+',
 521          ],
 522          'COUNTA' => [
 523              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 524              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'COUNTA'],
 525              'argumentCount' => '1+',
 526          ],
 527          'COUNTBLANK' => [
 528              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 529              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'COUNTBLANK'],
 530              'argumentCount' => '1',
 531          ],
 532          'COUNTIF' => [
 533              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 534              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'COUNTIF'],
 535              'argumentCount' => '2',
 536          ],
 537          'COUNTIFS' => [
 538              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 539              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'COUNTIFS'],
 540              'argumentCount' => '2+',
 541          ],
 542          'COUPDAYBS' => [
 543              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 544              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'COUPDAYBS'],
 545              'argumentCount' => '3,4',
 546          ],
 547          'COUPDAYS' => [
 548              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 549              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'COUPDAYS'],
 550              'argumentCount' => '3,4',
 551          ],
 552          'COUPDAYSNC' => [
 553              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 554              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'COUPDAYSNC'],
 555              'argumentCount' => '3,4',
 556          ],
 557          'COUPNCD' => [
 558              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 559              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'COUPNCD'],
 560              'argumentCount' => '3,4',
 561          ],
 562          'COUPNUM' => [
 563              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 564              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'COUPNUM'],
 565              'argumentCount' => '3,4',
 566          ],
 567          'COUPPCD' => [
 568              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 569              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'COUPPCD'],
 570              'argumentCount' => '3,4',
 571          ],
 572          'COVAR' => [
 573              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 574              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'COVAR'],
 575              'argumentCount' => '2',
 576          ],
 577          'CRITBINOM' => [
 578              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 579              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'CRITBINOM'],
 580              'argumentCount' => '3',
 581          ],
 582          'CSC' => [
 583              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 584              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'CSC'],
 585              'argumentCount' => '1',
 586          ],
 587          'CSCH' => [
 588              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 589              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'CSCH'],
 590              'argumentCount' => '1',
 591          ],
 592          'CUBEKPIMEMBER' => [
 593              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_CUBE,
 594              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 595              'argumentCount' => '?',
 596          ],
 597          'CUBEMEMBER' => [
 598              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_CUBE,
 599              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 600              'argumentCount' => '?',
 601          ],
 602          'CUBEMEMBERPROPERTY' => [
 603              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_CUBE,
 604              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 605              'argumentCount' => '?',
 606          ],
 607          'CUBERANKEDMEMBER' => [
 608              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_CUBE,
 609              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 610              'argumentCount' => '?',
 611          ],
 612          'CUBESET' => [
 613              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_CUBE,
 614              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 615              'argumentCount' => '?',
 616          ],
 617          'CUBESETCOUNT' => [
 618              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_CUBE,
 619              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 620              'argumentCount' => '?',
 621          ],
 622          'CUBEVALUE' => [
 623              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_CUBE,
 624              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 625              'argumentCount' => '?',
 626          ],
 627          'CUMIPMT' => [
 628              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 629              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'CUMIPMT'],
 630              'argumentCount' => '6',
 631          ],
 632          'CUMPRINC' => [
 633              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 634              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'CUMPRINC'],
 635              'argumentCount' => '6',
 636          ],
 637          'DATE' => [
 638              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
 639              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'DATE'],
 640              'argumentCount' => '3',
 641          ],
 642          'DATEDIF' => [
 643              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
 644              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'DATEDIF'],
 645              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
 646          ],
 647          'DATEVALUE' => [
 648              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
 649              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'DATEVALUE'],
 650              'argumentCount' => '1',
 651          ],
 652          'DAVERAGE' => [
 653              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATABASE,
 654              'functionCall' => [Database::class, 'DAVERAGE'],
 655              'argumentCount' => '3',
 656          ],
 657          'DAY' => [
 658              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
 659              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'DAYOFMONTH'],
 660              'argumentCount' => '1',
 661          ],
 662          'DAYS' => [
 663              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
 664              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'DAYS'],
 665              'argumentCount' => '2',
 666          ],
 667          'DAYS360' => [
 668              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
 669              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'DAYS360'],
 670              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
 671          ],
 672          'DB' => [
 673              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 674              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'DB'],
 675              'argumentCount' => '4,5',
 676          ],
 677          'DCOUNT' => [
 678              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATABASE,
 679              'functionCall' => [Database::class, 'DCOUNT'],
 680              'argumentCount' => '3',
 681          ],
 682          'DCOUNTA' => [
 683              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATABASE,
 684              'functionCall' => [Database::class, 'DCOUNTA'],
 685              'argumentCount' => '3',
 686          ],
 687          'DDB' => [
 688              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 689              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'DDB'],
 690              'argumentCount' => '4,5',
 691          ],
 692          'DEC2BIN' => [
 693              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 694              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'DECTOBIN'],
 695              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
 696          ],
 697          'DEC2HEX' => [
 698              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 699              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'DECTOHEX'],
 700              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
 701          ],
 702          'DEC2OCT' => [
 703              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 704              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'DECTOOCT'],
 705              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
 706          ],
 707          'DEGREES' => [
 708              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 709              'functionCall' => 'rad2deg',
 710              'argumentCount' => '1',
 711          ],
 712          'DELTA' => [
 713              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 714              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'DELTA'],
 715              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
 716          ],
 717          'DEVSQ' => [
 718              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 719              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'DEVSQ'],
 720              'argumentCount' => '1+',
 721          ],
 722          'DGET' => [
 723              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATABASE,
 724              'functionCall' => [Database::class, 'DGET'],
 725              'argumentCount' => '3',
 726          ],
 727          'DISC' => [
 728              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 729              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'DISC'],
 730              'argumentCount' => '4,5',
 731          ],
 732          'DMAX' => [
 733              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATABASE,
 734              'functionCall' => [Database::class, 'DMAX'],
 735              'argumentCount' => '3',
 736          ],
 737          'DMIN' => [
 738              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATABASE,
 739              'functionCall' => [Database::class, 'DMIN'],
 740              'argumentCount' => '3',
 741          ],
 742          'DOLLAR' => [
 743              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
 744              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'DOLLAR'],
 745              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
 746          ],
 747          'DOLLARDE' => [
 748              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 749              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'DOLLARDE'],
 750              'argumentCount' => '2',
 751          ],
 752          'DOLLARFR' => [
 753              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 754              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'DOLLARFR'],
 755              'argumentCount' => '2',
 756          ],
 757          'DPRODUCT' => [
 758              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATABASE,
 759              'functionCall' => [Database::class, 'DPRODUCT'],
 760              'argumentCount' => '3',
 761          ],
 762          'DSTDEV' => [
 763              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATABASE,
 764              'functionCall' => [Database::class, 'DSTDEV'],
 765              'argumentCount' => '3',
 766          ],
 767          'DSTDEVP' => [
 768              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATABASE,
 769              'functionCall' => [Database::class, 'DSTDEVP'],
 770              'argumentCount' => '3',
 771          ],
 772          'DSUM' => [
 773              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATABASE,
 774              'functionCall' => [Database::class, 'DSUM'],
 775              'argumentCount' => '3',
 776          ],
 777          'DURATION' => [
 778              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 779              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 780              'argumentCount' => '5,6',
 781          ],
 782          'DVAR' => [
 783              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATABASE,
 784              'functionCall' => [Database::class, 'DVAR'],
 785              'argumentCount' => '3',
 786          ],
 787          'DVARP' => [
 788              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATABASE,
 789              'functionCall' => [Database::class, 'DVARP'],
 790              'argumentCount' => '3',
 791          ],
 792          'EDATE' => [
 793              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
 794              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'EDATE'],
 795              'argumentCount' => '2',
 796          ],
 797          'EFFECT' => [
 798              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 799              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'EFFECT'],
 800              'argumentCount' => '2',
 801          ],
 802          'EOMONTH' => [
 803              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
 804              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'EOMONTH'],
 805              'argumentCount' => '2',
 806          ],
 807          'ERF' => [
 808              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 809              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'ERF'],
 810              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
 811          ],
 812          'ERF.PRECISE' => [
 813              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 814              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'ERFPRECISE'],
 815              'argumentCount' => '1',
 816          ],
 817          'ERFC' => [
 818              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 819              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'ERFC'],
 820              'argumentCount' => '1',
 821          ],
 822          'ERFC.PRECISE' => [
 823              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 824              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'ERFC'],
 825              'argumentCount' => '1',
 826          ],
 827          'ERROR.TYPE' => [
 828              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
 829              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'errorType'],
 830              'argumentCount' => '1',
 831          ],
 832          'EVEN' => [
 833              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 834              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'EVEN'],
 835              'argumentCount' => '1',
 836          ],
 837          'EXACT' => [
 838              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
 839              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'EXACT'],
 840              'argumentCount' => '2',
 841          ],
 842          'EXP' => [
 843              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 844              'functionCall' => 'exp',
 845              'argumentCount' => '1',
 846          ],
 847          'EXPONDIST' => [
 848              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 849              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'EXPONDIST'],
 850              'argumentCount' => '3',
 851          ],
 852          'FACT' => [
 853              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 854              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'FACT'],
 855              'argumentCount' => '1',
 856          ],
 857          'FACTDOUBLE' => [
 858              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 859              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'FACTDOUBLE'],
 860              'argumentCount' => '1',
 861          ],
 862          'FALSE' => [
 863              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOGICAL,
 864              'functionCall' => [Logical::class, 'FALSE'],
 865              'argumentCount' => '0',
 866          ],
 867          'FDIST' => [
 868              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 869              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 870              'argumentCount' => '3',
 871          ],
 872          'FIND' => [
 873              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
 874              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'SEARCHSENSITIVE'],
 875              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
 876          ],
 877          'FINDB' => [
 878              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
 879              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'SEARCHSENSITIVE'],
 880              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
 881          ],
 882          'FINV' => [
 883              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 884              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 885              'argumentCount' => '3',
 886          ],
 887          'FISHER' => [
 888              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 889              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'FISHER'],
 890              'argumentCount' => '1',
 891          ],
 892          'FISHERINV' => [
 893              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 894              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'FISHERINV'],
 895              'argumentCount' => '1',
 896          ],
 897          'FIXED' => [
 898              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
 899              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'FIXEDFORMAT'],
 900              'argumentCount' => '1-3',
 901          ],
 902          'FLOOR' => [
 903              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 904              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'FLOOR'],
 905              'argumentCount' => '2',
 906          ],
 907          'FORECAST' => [
 908              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 909              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'FORECAST'],
 910              'argumentCount' => '3',
 911          ],
 912          'FORMULATEXT' => [
 913              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
 914              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'FORMULATEXT'],
 915              'argumentCount' => '1',
 916              'passCellReference' => true,
 917              'passByReference' => [true],
 918          ],
 919          'FREQUENCY' => [
 920              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 921              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 922              'argumentCount' => '2',
 923          ],
 924          'FTEST' => [
 925              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 926              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 927              'argumentCount' => '2',
 928          ],
 929          'FV' => [
 930              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 931              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'FV'],
 932              'argumentCount' => '3-5',
 933          ],
 934          'FVSCHEDULE' => [
 935              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
 936              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'FVSCHEDULE'],
 937              'argumentCount' => '2',
 938          ],
 939          'GAMMADIST' => [
 940              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 941              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'GAMMADIST'],
 942              'argumentCount' => '4',
 943          ],
 944          'GAMMAINV' => [
 945              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 946              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'GAMMAINV'],
 947              'argumentCount' => '3',
 948          ],
 949          'GAMMALN' => [
 950              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 951              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'GAMMALN'],
 952              'argumentCount' => '1',
 953          ],
 954          'GCD' => [
 955              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
 956              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'GCD'],
 957              'argumentCount' => '1+',
 958          ],
 959          'GEOMEAN' => [
 960              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 961              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'GEOMEAN'],
 962              'argumentCount' => '1+',
 963          ],
 964          'GESTEP' => [
 965              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 966              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'GESTEP'],
 967              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
 968          ],
 969          'GETPIVOTDATA' => [
 970              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
 971              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
 972              'argumentCount' => '2+',
 973          ],
 974          'GROWTH' => [
 975              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 976              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'GROWTH'],
 977              'argumentCount' => '1-4',
 978          ],
 979          'HARMEAN' => [
 980              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
 981              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'HARMEAN'],
 982              'argumentCount' => '1+',
 983          ],
 984          'HEX2BIN' => [
 985              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 986              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'HEXTOBIN'],
 987              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
 988          ],
 989          'HEX2DEC' => [
 990              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 991              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'HEXTODEC'],
 992              'argumentCount' => '1',
 993          ],
 994          'HEX2OCT' => [
 995              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
 996              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'HEXTOOCT'],
 997              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
 998          ],
 999          'HLOOKUP' => [
1000              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
1001              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'HLOOKUP'],
1002              'argumentCount' => '3,4',
1003          ],
1004          'HOUR' => [
1005              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
1006              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'HOUROFDAY'],
1007              'argumentCount' => '1',
1008          ],
1009          'HYPERLINK' => [
1010              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
1011              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'HYPERLINK'],
1012              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
1013              'passCellReference' => true,
1014          ],
1015          'HYPGEOMDIST' => [
1016              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1017              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'HYPGEOMDIST'],
1018              'argumentCount' => '4',
1019          ],
1020          'IF' => [
1021              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOGICAL,
1022              'functionCall' => [Logical::class, 'statementIf'],
1023              'argumentCount' => '1-3',
1024          ],
1025          'IFERROR' => [
1026              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOGICAL,
1027              'functionCall' => [Logical::class, 'IFERROR'],
1028              'argumentCount' => '2',
1029          ],
1030          'IFNA' => [
1031              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOGICAL,
1032              'functionCall' => [Logical::class, 'IFNA'],
1033              'argumentCount' => '2',
1034          ],
1035          'IMABS' => [
1036              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1037              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMABS'],
1038              'argumentCount' => '1',
1039          ],
1040          'IMAGINARY' => [
1041              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1042              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMAGINARY'],
1043              'argumentCount' => '1',
1044          ],
1045          'IMARGUMENT' => [
1046              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1047              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMARGUMENT'],
1048              'argumentCount' => '1',
1049          ],
1050          'IMCONJUGATE' => [
1051              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1052              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMCONJUGATE'],
1053              'argumentCount' => '1',
1054          ],
1055          'IMCOS' => [
1056              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1057              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMCOS'],
1058              'argumentCount' => '1',
1059          ],
1060          'IMCOSH' => [
1061              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1062              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMCOSH'],
1063              'argumentCount' => '1',
1064          ],
1065          'IMCOT' => [
1066              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1067              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMCOT'],
1068              'argumentCount' => '1',
1069          ],
1070          'IMCSC' => [
1071              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1072              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMCSC'],
1073              'argumentCount' => '1',
1074          ],
1075          'IMCSCH' => [
1076              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1077              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMCSCH'],
1078              'argumentCount' => '1',
1079          ],
1080          'IMDIV' => [
1081              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1082              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMDIV'],
1083              'argumentCount' => '2',
1084          ],
1085          'IMEXP' => [
1086              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1087              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMEXP'],
1088              'argumentCount' => '1',
1089          ],
1090          'IMLN' => [
1091              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1092              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMLN'],
1093              'argumentCount' => '1',
1094          ],
1095          'IMLOG10' => [
1096              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1097              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMLOG10'],
1098              'argumentCount' => '1',
1099          ],
1100          'IMLOG2' => [
1101              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1102              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMLOG2'],
1103              'argumentCount' => '1',
1104          ],
1105          'IMPOWER' => [
1106              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1107              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMPOWER'],
1108              'argumentCount' => '2',
1109          ],
1110          'IMPRODUCT' => [
1111              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1112              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMPRODUCT'],
1113              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1114          ],
1115          'IMREAL' => [
1116              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1117              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMREAL'],
1118              'argumentCount' => '1',
1119          ],
1120          'IMSEC' => [
1121              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1122              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMSEC'],
1123              'argumentCount' => '1',
1124          ],
1125          'IMSECH' => [
1126              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1127              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMSECH'],
1128              'argumentCount' => '1',
1129          ],
1130          'IMSIN' => [
1131              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1132              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMSIN'],
1133              'argumentCount' => '1',
1134          ],
1135          'IMSINH' => [
1136              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1137              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMSINH'],
1138              'argumentCount' => '1',
1139          ],
1140          'IMSQRT' => [
1141              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1142              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMSQRT'],
1143              'argumentCount' => '1',
1144          ],
1145          'IMSUB' => [
1146              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1147              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMSUB'],
1148              'argumentCount' => '2',
1149          ],
1150          'IMSUM' => [
1151              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1152              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMSUM'],
1153              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1154          ],
1155          'IMTAN' => [
1156              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1157              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'IMTAN'],
1158              'argumentCount' => '1',
1159          ],
1160          'INDEX' => [
1161              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
1162              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'INDEX'],
1163              'argumentCount' => '1-4',
1164          ],
1165          'INDIRECT' => [
1166              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
1167              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'INDIRECT'],
1168              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
1169              'passCellReference' => true,
1170          ],
1171          'INFO' => [
1172              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1173              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
1174              'argumentCount' => '1',
1175          ],
1176          'INT' => [
1177              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1178              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'INT'],
1179              'argumentCount' => '1',
1180          ],
1181          'INTERCEPT' => [
1182              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1183              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'INTERCEPT'],
1184              'argumentCount' => '2',
1185          ],
1186          'INTRATE' => [
1187              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1188              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'INTRATE'],
1189              'argumentCount' => '4,5',
1190          ],
1191          'IPMT' => [
1192              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1193              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'IPMT'],
1194              'argumentCount' => '4-6',
1195          ],
1196          'IRR' => [
1197              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1198              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'IRR'],
1199              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
1200          ],
1201          'ISBLANK' => [
1202              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1203              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'isBlank'],
1204              'argumentCount' => '1',
1205          ],
1206          'ISERR' => [
1207              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1208              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'isErr'],
1209              'argumentCount' => '1',
1210          ],
1211          'ISERROR' => [
1212              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1213              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'isError'],
1214              'argumentCount' => '1',
1215          ],
1216          'ISEVEN' => [
1217              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1218              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'isEven'],
1219              'argumentCount' => '1',
1220          ],
1221          'ISFORMULA' => [
1222              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1223              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'isFormula'],
1224              'argumentCount' => '1',
1225              'passCellReference' => true,
1226              'passByReference' => [true],
1227          ],
1228          'ISLOGICAL' => [
1229              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1230              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'isLogical'],
1231              'argumentCount' => '1',
1232          ],
1233          'ISNA' => [
1234              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1235              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'isNa'],
1236              'argumentCount' => '1',
1237          ],
1238          'ISNONTEXT' => [
1239              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1240              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'isNonText'],
1241              'argumentCount' => '1',
1242          ],
1243          'ISNUMBER' => [
1244              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1245              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'isNumber'],
1246              'argumentCount' => '1',
1247          ],
1248          'ISODD' => [
1249              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1250              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'isOdd'],
1251              'argumentCount' => '1',
1252          ],
1253          'ISOWEEKNUM' => [
1254              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
1255              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'ISOWEEKNUM'],
1256              'argumentCount' => '1',
1257          ],
1258          'ISPMT' => [
1259              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1260              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'ISPMT'],
1261              'argumentCount' => '4',
1262          ],
1263          'ISREF' => [
1264              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1265              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
1266              'argumentCount' => '1',
1267          ],
1268          'ISTEXT' => [
1269              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1270              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'isText'],
1271              'argumentCount' => '1',
1272          ],
1273          'JIS' => [
1274              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1275              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
1276              'argumentCount' => '1',
1277          ],
1278          'KURT' => [
1279              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1280              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'KURT'],
1281              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1282          ],
1283          'LARGE' => [
1284              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1285              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'LARGE'],
1286              'argumentCount' => '2',
1287          ],
1288          'LCM' => [
1289              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1290              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'LCM'],
1291              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1292          ],
1293          'LEFT' => [
1294              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1295              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'LEFT'],
1296              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
1297          ],
1298          'LEFTB' => [
1299              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1300              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'LEFT'],
1301              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
1302          ],
1303          'LEN' => [
1304              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1305              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'STRINGLENGTH'],
1306              'argumentCount' => '1',
1307          ],
1308          'LENB' => [
1309              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1310              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'STRINGLENGTH'],
1311              'argumentCount' => '1',
1312          ],
1313          'LINEST' => [
1314              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1315              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'LINEST'],
1316              'argumentCount' => '1-4',
1317          ],
1318          'LN' => [
1319              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1320              'functionCall' => 'log',
1321              'argumentCount' => '1',
1322          ],
1323          'LOG' => [
1324              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1325              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'logBase'],
1326              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
1327          ],
1328          'LOG10' => [
1329              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1330              'functionCall' => 'log10',
1331              'argumentCount' => '1',
1332          ],
1333          'LOGEST' => [
1334              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1335              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'LOGEST'],
1336              'argumentCount' => '1-4',
1337          ],
1338          'LOGINV' => [
1339              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1340              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'LOGINV'],
1341              'argumentCount' => '3',
1342          ],
1343          'LOGNORMDIST' => [
1344              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1345              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'LOGNORMDIST'],
1346              'argumentCount' => '3',
1347          ],
1348          'LOOKUP' => [
1349              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
1350              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'LOOKUP'],
1351              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
1352          ],
1353          'LOWER' => [
1354              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1355              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'LOWERCASE'],
1356              'argumentCount' => '1',
1357          ],
1358          'MATCH' => [
1359              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
1360              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'MATCH'],
1361              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
1362          ],
1363          'MAX' => [
1364              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1365              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'MAX'],
1366              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1367          ],
1368          'MAXA' => [
1369              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1370              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'MAXA'],
1371              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1372          ],
1373          'MAXIFS' => [
1374              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1375              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'MAXIFS'],
1376              'argumentCount' => '3+',
1377          ],
1378          'MDETERM' => [
1379              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1380              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'MDETERM'],
1381              'argumentCount' => '1',
1382          ],
1383          'MDURATION' => [
1384              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1385              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
1386              'argumentCount' => '5,6',
1387          ],
1388          'MEDIAN' => [
1389              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1390              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'MEDIAN'],
1391              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1392          ],
1393          'MEDIANIF' => [
1394              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1395              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
1396              'argumentCount' => '2+',
1397          ],
1398          'MID' => [
1399              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1400              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'MID'],
1401              'argumentCount' => '3',
1402          ],
1403          'MIDB' => [
1404              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1405              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'MID'],
1406              'argumentCount' => '3',
1407          ],
1408          'MIN' => [
1409              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1410              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'MIN'],
1411              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1412          ],
1413          'MINA' => [
1414              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1415              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'MINA'],
1416              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1417          ],
1418          'MINIFS' => [
1419              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1420              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'MINIFS'],
1421              'argumentCount' => '3+',
1422          ],
1423          'MINUTE' => [
1424              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
1425              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'MINUTE'],
1426              'argumentCount' => '1',
1427          ],
1428          'MINVERSE' => [
1429              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1430              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'MINVERSE'],
1431              'argumentCount' => '1',
1432          ],
1433          'MIRR' => [
1434              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1435              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'MIRR'],
1436              'argumentCount' => '3',
1437          ],
1438          'MMULT' => [
1439              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1440              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'MMULT'],
1441              'argumentCount' => '2',
1442          ],
1443          'MOD' => [
1444              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1445              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'MOD'],
1446              'argumentCount' => '2',
1447          ],
1448          'MODE' => [
1449              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1450              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'MODE'],
1451              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1452          ],
1453          'MODE.SNGL' => [
1454              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1455              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'MODE'],
1456              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1457          ],
1458          'MONTH' => [
1459              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
1460              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'MONTHOFYEAR'],
1461              'argumentCount' => '1',
1462          ],
1463          'MROUND' => [
1464              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1465              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'MROUND'],
1466              'argumentCount' => '2',
1467          ],
1468          'MULTINOMIAL' => [
1469              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1470              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'MULTINOMIAL'],
1471              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1472          ],
1473          'N' => [
1474              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1475              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'n'],
1476              'argumentCount' => '1',
1477          ],
1478          'NA' => [
1479              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
1480              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'NA'],
1481              'argumentCount' => '0',
1482          ],
1483          'NEGBINOMDIST' => [
1484              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1485              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'NEGBINOMDIST'],
1486              'argumentCount' => '3',
1487          ],
1488          'NETWORKDAYS' => [
1489              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
1490              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'NETWORKDAYS'],
1491              'argumentCount' => '2+',
1492          ],
1493          'NOMINAL' => [
1494              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1495              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'NOMINAL'],
1496              'argumentCount' => '2',
1497          ],
1498          'NORMDIST' => [
1499              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1500              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'NORMDIST'],
1501              'argumentCount' => '4',
1502          ],
1503          'NORMINV' => [
1504              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1505              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'NORMINV'],
1506              'argumentCount' => '3',
1507          ],
1508          'NORMSDIST' => [
1509              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1510              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'NORMSDIST'],
1511              'argumentCount' => '1',
1512          ],
1513          'NORMSINV' => [
1514              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1515              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'NORMSINV'],
1516              'argumentCount' => '1',
1517          ],
1518          'NOT' => [
1519              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOGICAL,
1520              'functionCall' => [Logical::class, 'NOT'],
1521              'argumentCount' => '1',
1522          ],
1523          'NOW' => [
1524              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
1525              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'DATETIMENOW'],
1526              'argumentCount' => '0',
1527          ],
1528          'NPER' => [
1529              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1530              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'NPER'],
1531              'argumentCount' => '3-5',
1532          ],
1533          'NPV' => [
1534              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1535              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'NPV'],
1536              'argumentCount' => '2+',
1537          ],
1538          'NUMBERVALUE' => [
1539              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1540              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'NUMBERVALUE'],
1541              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1542          ],
1543          'OCT2BIN' => [
1544              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1545              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'OCTTOBIN'],
1546              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
1547          ],
1548          'OCT2DEC' => [
1549              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1550              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'OCTTODEC'],
1551              'argumentCount' => '1',
1552          ],
1553          'OCT2HEX' => [
1554              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_ENGINEERING,
1555              'functionCall' => [Engineering::class, 'OCTTOHEX'],
1556              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
1557          ],
1558          'ODD' => [
1559              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1560              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'ODD'],
1561              'argumentCount' => '1',
1562          ],
1563          'ODDFPRICE' => [
1564              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1565              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
1566              'argumentCount' => '8,9',
1567          ],
1568          'ODDFYIELD' => [
1569              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1570              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
1571              'argumentCount' => '8,9',
1572          ],
1573          'ODDLPRICE' => [
1574              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1575              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
1576              'argumentCount' => '7,8',
1577          ],
1578          'ODDLYIELD' => [
1579              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1580              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
1581              'argumentCount' => '7,8',
1582          ],
1583          'OFFSET' => [
1584              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
1585              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'OFFSET'],
1586              'argumentCount' => '3-5',
1587              'passCellReference' => true,
1588              'passByReference' => [true],
1589          ],
1590          'OR' => [
1591              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOGICAL,
1592              'functionCall' => [Logical::class, 'logicalOr'],
1593              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1594          ],
1595          'PDURATION' => [
1596              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1597              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'PDURATION'],
1598              'argumentCount' => '3',
1599          ],
1600          'PEARSON' => [
1601              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1602              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'CORREL'],
1603              'argumentCount' => '2',
1604          ],
1605          'PERCENTILE' => [
1606              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1607              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'PERCENTILE'],
1608              'argumentCount' => '2',
1609          ],
1610          'PERCENTRANK' => [
1611              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1612              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'PERCENTRANK'],
1613              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
1614          ],
1615          'PERMUT' => [
1616              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1617              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'PERMUT'],
1618              'argumentCount' => '2',
1619          ],
1620          'PHONETIC' => [
1621              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1622              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
1623              'argumentCount' => '1',
1624          ],
1625          'PI' => [
1626              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1627              'functionCall' => 'pi',
1628              'argumentCount' => '0',
1629          ],
1630          'PMT' => [
1631              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1632              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'PMT'],
1633              'argumentCount' => '3-5',
1634          ],
1635          'POISSON' => [
1636              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1637              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'POISSON'],
1638              'argumentCount' => '3',
1639          ],
1640          'POWER' => [
1641              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1642              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'POWER'],
1643              'argumentCount' => '2',
1644          ],
1645          'PPMT' => [
1646              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1647              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'PPMT'],
1648              'argumentCount' => '4-6',
1649          ],
1650          'PRICE' => [
1651              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1652              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'PRICE'],
1653              'argumentCount' => '6,7',
1654          ],
1655          'PRICEDISC' => [
1656              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1657              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'PRICEDISC'],
1658              'argumentCount' => '4,5',
1659          ],
1660          'PRICEMAT' => [
1661              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1662              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'PRICEMAT'],
1663              'argumentCount' => '5,6',
1664          ],
1665          'PROB' => [
1666              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1667              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
1668              'argumentCount' => '3,4',
1669          ],
1670          'PRODUCT' => [
1671              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1672              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'PRODUCT'],
1673              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1674          ],
1675          'PROPER' => [
1676              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1677              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'PROPERCASE'],
1678              'argumentCount' => '1',
1679          ],
1680          'PV' => [
1681              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1682              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'PV'],
1683              'argumentCount' => '3-5',
1684          ],
1685          'QUARTILE' => [
1686              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1687              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'QUARTILE'],
1688              'argumentCount' => '2',
1689          ],
1690          'QUOTIENT' => [
1691              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1692              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'QUOTIENT'],
1693              'argumentCount' => '2',
1694          ],
1695          'RADIANS' => [
1696              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1697              'functionCall' => 'deg2rad',
1698              'argumentCount' => '1',
1699          ],
1700          'RAND' => [
1701              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1702              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'RAND'],
1703              'argumentCount' => '0',
1704          ],
1705          'RANDBETWEEN' => [
1706              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1707              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'RAND'],
1708              'argumentCount' => '2',
1709          ],
1710          'RANK' => [
1711              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1712              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'RANK'],
1713              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
1714          ],
1715          'RATE' => [
1716              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1717              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'RATE'],
1718              'argumentCount' => '3-6',
1719          ],
1720          'RECEIVED' => [
1721              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1722              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'RECEIVED'],
1723              'argumentCount' => '4-5',
1724          ],
1725          'REPLACE' => [
1726              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1727              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'REPLACE'],
1728              'argumentCount' => '4',
1729          ],
1730          'REPLACEB' => [
1731              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1732              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'REPLACE'],
1733              'argumentCount' => '4',
1734          ],
1735          'REPT' => [
1736              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1737              'functionCall' => 'str_repeat',
1738              'argumentCount' => '2',
1739          ],
1740          'RIGHT' => [
1741              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1742              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'RIGHT'],
1743              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
1744          ],
1745          'RIGHTB' => [
1746              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1747              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'RIGHT'],
1748              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
1749          ],
1750          'ROMAN' => [
1751              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1752              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'ROMAN'],
1753              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
1754          ],
1755          'ROUND' => [
1756              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1757              'functionCall' => 'round',
1758              'argumentCount' => '2',
1759          ],
1760          'ROUNDDOWN' => [
1761              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1762              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'ROUNDDOWN'],
1763              'argumentCount' => '2',
1764          ],
1765          'ROUNDUP' => [
1766              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1767              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'ROUNDUP'],
1768              'argumentCount' => '2',
1769          ],
1770          'ROW' => [
1771              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
1772              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'ROW'],
1773              'argumentCount' => '-1',
1774              'passByReference' => [true],
1775          ],
1776          'ROWS' => [
1777              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
1778              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'ROWS'],
1779              'argumentCount' => '1',
1780          ],
1781          'RRI' => [
1782              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1783              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'RRI'],
1784              'argumentCount' => '3',
1785          ],
1786          'RSQ' => [
1787              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1788              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'RSQ'],
1789              'argumentCount' => '2',
1790          ],
1791          'RTD' => [
1792              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
1793              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
1794              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1795          ],
1796          'SEARCH' => [
1797              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1798              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'SEARCHINSENSITIVE'],
1799              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
1800          ],
1801          'SEARCHB' => [
1802              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1803              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'SEARCHINSENSITIVE'],
1804              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
1805          ],
1806          'SEC' => [
1807              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1808              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SEC'],
1809              'argumentCount' => '1',
1810          ],
1811          'SECH' => [
1812              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1813              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SECH'],
1814              'argumentCount' => '1',
1815          ],
1816          'SECOND' => [
1817              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
1818              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'SECOND'],
1819              'argumentCount' => '1',
1820          ],
1821          'SERIESSUM' => [
1822              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1823              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SERIESSUM'],
1824              'argumentCount' => '4',
1825          ],
1826          'SIGN' => [
1827              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1828              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SIGN'],
1829              'argumentCount' => '1',
1830          ],
1831          'SIN' => [
1832              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1833              'functionCall' => 'sin',
1834              'argumentCount' => '1',
1835          ],
1836          'SINH' => [
1837              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1838              'functionCall' => 'sinh',
1839              'argumentCount' => '1',
1840          ],
1841          'SKEW' => [
1842              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1843              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'SKEW'],
1844              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1845          ],
1846          'SLN' => [
1847              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1848              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'SLN'],
1849              'argumentCount' => '3',
1850          ],
1851          'SLOPE' => [
1852              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1853              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'SLOPE'],
1854              'argumentCount' => '2',
1855          ],
1856          'SMALL' => [
1857              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1858              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'SMALL'],
1859              'argumentCount' => '2',
1860          ],
1861          'SQRT' => [
1862              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1863              'functionCall' => 'sqrt',
1864              'argumentCount' => '1',
1865          ],
1866          'SQRTPI' => [
1867              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1868              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SQRTPI'],
1869              'argumentCount' => '1',
1870          ],
1871          'STANDARDIZE' => [
1872              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1873              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'STANDARDIZE'],
1874              'argumentCount' => '3',
1875          ],
1876          'STDEV' => [
1877              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1878              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'STDEV'],
1879              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1880          ],
1881          'STDEV.S' => [
1882              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1883              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'STDEV'],
1884              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1885          ],
1886          'STDEV.P' => [
1887              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1888              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'STDEVP'],
1889              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1890          ],
1891          'STDEVA' => [
1892              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1893              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'STDEVA'],
1894              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1895          ],
1896          'STDEVP' => [
1897              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1898              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'STDEVP'],
1899              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1900          ],
1901          'STDEVPA' => [
1902              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1903              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'STDEVPA'],
1904              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1905          ],
1906          'STEYX' => [
1907              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
1908              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'STEYX'],
1909              'argumentCount' => '2',
1910          ],
1911          'SUBSTITUTE' => [
1912              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1913              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'SUBSTITUTE'],
1914              'argumentCount' => '3,4',
1915          ],
1916          'SUBTOTAL' => [
1917              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1918              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SUBTOTAL'],
1919              'argumentCount' => '2+',
1920              'passCellReference' => true,
1921          ],
1922          'SUM' => [
1923              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1924              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SUM'],
1925              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1926          ],
1927          'SUMIF' => [
1928              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1929              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SUMIF'],
1930              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
1931          ],
1932          'SUMIFS' => [
1933              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1934              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SUMIFS'],
1935              'argumentCount' => '3+',
1936          ],
1937          'SUMPRODUCT' => [
1938              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1939              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SUMPRODUCT'],
1940              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1941          ],
1942          'SUMSQ' => [
1943              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1944              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SUMSQ'],
1945              'argumentCount' => '1+',
1946          ],
1947          'SUMX2MY2' => [
1948              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1949              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SUMX2MY2'],
1950              'argumentCount' => '2',
1951          ],
1952          'SUMX2PY2' => [
1953              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1954              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SUMX2PY2'],
1955              'argumentCount' => '2',
1956          ],
1957          'SUMXMY2' => [
1958              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1959              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'SUMXMY2'],
1960              'argumentCount' => '2',
1961          ],
1962          'SWITCH' => [
1963              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOGICAL,
1964              'functionCall' => [Logical::class, 'statementSwitch'],
1965              'argumentCount' => '3+',
1966          ],
1967          'SYD' => [
1968              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1969              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'SYD'],
1970              'argumentCount' => '4',
1971          ],
1972          'T' => [
1973              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
1974              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'RETURNSTRING'],
1975              'argumentCount' => '1',
1976          ],
1977          'TAN' => [
1978              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1979              'functionCall' => 'tan',
1980              'argumentCount' => '1',
1981          ],
1982          'TANH' => [
1983              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
1984              'functionCall' => 'tanh',
1985              'argumentCount' => '1',
1986          ],
1987          'TBILLEQ' => [
1988              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1989              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'TBILLEQ'],
1990              'argumentCount' => '3',
1991          ],
1992          'TBILLPRICE' => [
1993              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1994              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'TBILLPRICE'],
1995              'argumentCount' => '3',
1996          ],
1997          'TBILLYIELD' => [
1998              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
1999              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'TBILLYIELD'],
2000              'argumentCount' => '3',
2001          ],
2002          'TDIST' => [
2003              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
2004              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'TDIST'],
2005              'argumentCount' => '3',
2006          ],
2007          'TEXT' => [
2008              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
2009              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'TEXTFORMAT'],
2010              'argumentCount' => '2',
2011          ],
2012          'TEXTJOIN' => [
2013              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
2014              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'TEXTJOIN'],
2015              'argumentCount' => '3+',
2016          ],
2017          'TIME' => [
2018              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
2019              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'TIME'],
2020              'argumentCount' => '3',
2021          ],
2022          'TIMEVALUE' => [
2023              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
2024              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'TIMEVALUE'],
2025              'argumentCount' => '1',
2026          ],
2027          'TINV' => [
2028              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
2029              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'TINV'],
2030              'argumentCount' => '2',
2031          ],
2032          'TODAY' => [
2033              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
2034              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'DATENOW'],
2035              'argumentCount' => '0',
2036          ],
2037          'TRANSPOSE' => [
2038              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
2039              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'TRANSPOSE'],
2040              'argumentCount' => '1',
2041          ],
2042          'TREND' => [
2043              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
2044              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'TREND'],
2045              'argumentCount' => '1-4',
2046          ],
2047          'TRIM' => [
2048              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
2049              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'TRIMSPACES'],
2050              'argumentCount' => '1',
2051          ],
2052          'TRIMMEAN' => [
2053              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
2054              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'TRIMMEAN'],
2055              'argumentCount' => '2',
2056          ],
2057          'TRUE' => [
2058              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOGICAL,
2059              'functionCall' => [Logical::class, 'TRUE'],
2060              'argumentCount' => '0',
2061          ],
2062          'TRUNC' => [
2063              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG,
2064              'functionCall' => [MathTrig::class, 'TRUNC'],
2065              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
2066          ],
2067          'TTEST' => [
2068              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
2069              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
2070              'argumentCount' => '4',
2071          ],
2072          'TYPE' => [
2073              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_INFORMATION,
2074              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'TYPE'],
2075              'argumentCount' => '1',
2076          ],
2077          'UNICHAR' => [
2078              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
2079              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'CHARACTER'],
2080              'argumentCount' => '1',
2081          ],
2082          'UNICODE' => [
2083              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
2084              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'ASCIICODE'],
2085              'argumentCount' => '1',
2086          ],
2087          'UPPER' => [
2088              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
2089              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'UPPERCASE'],
2090              'argumentCount' => '1',
2091          ],
2092          'USDOLLAR' => [
2093              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
2094              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
2095              'argumentCount' => '2',
2096          ],
2097          'VALUE' => [
2098              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA,
2099              'functionCall' => [TextData::class, 'VALUE'],
2100              'argumentCount' => '1',
2101          ],
2102          'VAR' => [
2103              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
2104              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'VARFunc'],
2105              'argumentCount' => '1+',
2106          ],
2107          'VAR.P' => [
2108              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
2109              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'VARP'],
2110              'argumentCount' => '1+',
2111          ],
2112          'VAR.S' => [
2113              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
2114              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'VARFunc'],
2115              'argumentCount' => '1+',
2116          ],
2117          'VARA' => [
2118              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
2119              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'VARA'],
2120              'argumentCount' => '1+',
2121          ],
2122          'VARP' => [
2123              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
2124              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'VARP'],
2125              'argumentCount' => '1+',
2126          ],
2127          'VARPA' => [
2128              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
2129              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'VARPA'],
2130              'argumentCount' => '1+',
2131          ],
2132          'VDB' => [
2133              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
2134              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
2135              'argumentCount' => '5-7',
2136          ],
2137          'VLOOKUP' => [
2138              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE,
2139              'functionCall' => [LookupRef::class, 'VLOOKUP'],
2140              'argumentCount' => '3,4',
2141          ],
2142          'WEEKDAY' => [
2143              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
2144              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'WEEKDAY'],
2145              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
2146          ],
2147          'WEEKNUM' => [
2148              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
2149              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'WEEKNUM'],
2150              'argumentCount' => '1,2',
2151          ],
2152          'WEIBULL' => [
2153              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
2154              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'WEIBULL'],
2155              'argumentCount' => '4',
2156          ],
2157          'WORKDAY' => [
2158              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
2159              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'WORKDAY'],
2160              'argumentCount' => '2+',
2161          ],
2162          'XIRR' => [
2163              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
2164              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'XIRR'],
2165              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
2166          ],
2167          'XNPV' => [
2168              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
2169              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'XNPV'],
2170              'argumentCount' => '3',
2171          ],
2172          'XOR' => [
2173              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_LOGICAL,
2174              'functionCall' => [Logical::class, 'logicalXor'],
2175              'argumentCount' => '1+',
2176          ],
2177          'YEAR' => [
2178              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
2179              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'YEAR'],
2180              'argumentCount' => '1',
2181          ],
2182          'YEARFRAC' => [
2183              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME,
2184              'functionCall' => [DateTime::class, 'YEARFRAC'],
2185              'argumentCount' => '2,3',
2186          ],
2187          'YIELD' => [
2188              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
2189              'functionCall' => [Functions::class, 'DUMMY'],
2190              'argumentCount' => '6,7',
2191          ],
2192          'YIELDDISC' => [
2193              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
2194              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'YIELDDISC'],
2195              'argumentCount' => '4,5',
2196          ],
2197          'YIELDMAT' => [
2198              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_FINANCIAL,
2199              'functionCall' => [Financial::class, 'YIELDMAT'],
2200              'argumentCount' => '5,6',
2201          ],
2202          'ZTEST' => [
2203              'category' => Category::CATEGORY_STATISTICAL,
2204              'functionCall' => [Statistical::class, 'ZTEST'],
2205              'argumentCount' => '2-3',
2206          ],
2207      ];
2209      //    Internal functions used for special control purposes
2210      private static $controlFunctions = [
2211          'MKMATRIX' => [
2212              'argumentCount' => '*',
2213              'functionCall' => 'self::mkMatrix',
2214          ],
2215      ];
2217      public function __construct(Spreadsheet $spreadsheet = null)
2218      {
2219          $this->delta = 1 * pow(10, 0 - ini_get('precision'));
2221          $this->spreadsheet = $spreadsheet;
2222          $this->cyclicReferenceStack = new CyclicReferenceStack();
2223          $this->debugLog = new Logger($this->cyclicReferenceStack);
2224      }
2226      private static function loadLocales()
2227      {
2228          $localeFileDirectory = __DIR__ . '/locale/';
2229          foreach (glob($localeFileDirectory . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $filename) {
2230              $filename = substr($filename, strlen($localeFileDirectory));
2231              if ($filename != 'en') {
2232                  self::$validLocaleLanguages[] = $filename;
2233              }
2234          }
2235      }
2237      /**
2238       * Get an instance of this class.
2239       *
2240       * @param Spreadsheet $spreadsheet Injected spreadsheet for working with a PhpSpreadsheet Spreadsheet object,
2241       *                                    or NULL to create a standalone claculation engine
2242       *
2243       * @return Calculation
2244       */
2245      public static function getInstance(Spreadsheet $spreadsheet = null)
2246      {
2247          if ($spreadsheet !== null) {
2248              $instance = $spreadsheet->getCalculationEngine();
2249              if (isset($instance)) {
2250                  return $instance;
2251              }
2252          }
2254          if (!isset(self::$instance) || (self::$instance === null)) {
2255              self::$instance = new self();
2256          }
2258          return self::$instance;
2259      }
2261      /**
2262       * Flush the calculation cache for any existing instance of this class
2263       *        but only if a Calculation instance exists.
2264       */
2265      public function flushInstance()
2266      {
2267          $this->clearCalculationCache();
2268          $this->clearBranchStore();
2269      }
2271      /**
2272       * Get the Logger for this calculation engine instance.
2273       *
2274       * @return Logger
2275       */
2276      public function getDebugLog()
2277      {
2278          return $this->debugLog;
2279      }
2281      /**
2282       * __clone implementation. Cloning should not be allowed in a Singleton!
2283       *
2284       * @throws Exception
2285       */
2286      final public function __clone()
2287      {
2288          throw new Exception('Cloning the calculation engine is not allowed!');
2289      }
2291      /**
2292       * Return the locale-specific translation of TRUE.
2293       *
2294       * @return string locale-specific translation of TRUE
2295       */
2296      public static function getTRUE()
2297      {
2298          return self::$localeBoolean['TRUE'];
2299      }
2301      /**
2302       * Return the locale-specific translation of FALSE.
2303       *
2304       * @return string locale-specific translation of FALSE
2305       */
2306      public static function getFALSE()
2307      {
2308          return self::$localeBoolean['FALSE'];
2309      }
2311      /**
2312       * Set the Array Return Type (Array or Value of first element in the array).
2313       *
2314       * @param string $returnType Array return type
2315       *
2316       * @return bool Success or failure
2317       */
2318      public static function setArrayReturnType($returnType)
2319      {
2320          if (($returnType == self::RETURN_ARRAY_AS_VALUE) ||
2321              ($returnType == self::RETURN_ARRAY_AS_ERROR) ||
2322              ($returnType == self::RETURN_ARRAY_AS_ARRAY)) {
2323              self::$returnArrayAsType = $returnType;
2325              return true;
2326          }
2328          return false;
2329      }
2331      /**
2332       * Return the Array Return Type (Array or Value of first element in the array).
2333       *
2334       * @return string $returnType Array return type
2335       */
2336      public static function getArrayReturnType()
2337      {
2338          return self::$returnArrayAsType;
2339      }
2341      /**
2342       * Is calculation caching enabled?
2343       *
2344       * @return bool
2345       */
2346      public function getCalculationCacheEnabled()
2347      {
2348          return $this->calculationCacheEnabled;
2349      }
2351      /**
2352       * Enable/disable calculation cache.
2353       *
2354       * @param bool $pValue
2355       */
2356      public function setCalculationCacheEnabled($pValue)
2357      {
2358          $this->calculationCacheEnabled = $pValue;
2359          $this->clearCalculationCache();
2360      }
2362      /**
2363       * Enable calculation cache.
2364       */
2365      public function enableCalculationCache()
2366      {
2367          $this->setCalculationCacheEnabled(true);
2368      }
2370      /**
2371       * Disable calculation cache.
2372       */
2373      public function disableCalculationCache()
2374      {
2375          $this->setCalculationCacheEnabled(false);
2376      }
2378      /**
2379       * Clear calculation cache.
2380       */
2381      public function clearCalculationCache()
2382      {
2383          $this->calculationCache = [];
2384      }
2386      /**
2387       * Clear calculation cache for a specified worksheet.
2388       *
2389       * @param string $worksheetName
2390       */
2391      public function clearCalculationCacheForWorksheet($worksheetName)
2392      {
2393          if (isset($this->calculationCache[$worksheetName])) {
2394              unset($this->calculationCache[$worksheetName]);
2395          }
2396      }
2398      /**
2399       * Rename calculation cache for a specified worksheet.
2400       *
2401       * @param string $fromWorksheetName
2402       * @param string $toWorksheetName
2403       */
2404      public function renameCalculationCacheForWorksheet($fromWorksheetName, $toWorksheetName)
2405      {
2406          if (isset($this->calculationCache[$fromWorksheetName])) {
2407              $this->calculationCache[$toWorksheetName] = &$this->calculationCache[$fromWorksheetName];
2408              unset($this->calculationCache[$fromWorksheetName]);
2409          }
2410      }
2412      /**
2413       * Enable/disable calculation cache.
2414       *
2415       * @param bool $pValue
2416       * @param mixed $enabled
2417       */
2418      public function setBranchPruningEnabled($enabled)
2419      {
2420          $this->branchPruningEnabled = $enabled;
2421      }
2423      public function enableBranchPruning()
2424      {
2425          $this->setBranchPruningEnabled(true);
2426      }
2428      public function disableBranchPruning()
2429      {
2430          $this->setBranchPruningEnabled(false);
2431      }
2433      public function clearBranchStore()
2434      {
2435          $this->branchStoreKeyCounter = 0;
2436      }
2438      /**
2439       * Get the currently defined locale code.
2440       *
2441       * @return string
2442       */
2443      public function getLocale()
2444      {
2445          return self::$localeLanguage;
2446      }
2448      /**
2449       * Set the locale code.
2450       *
2451       * @param string $locale The locale to use for formula translation, eg: 'en_us'
2452       *
2453       * @return bool
2454       */
2455      public function setLocale($locale)
2456      {
2457          //    Identify our locale and language
2458          $language = $locale = strtolower($locale);
2459          if (strpos($locale, '_') !== false) {
2460              [$language] = explode('_', $locale);
2461          }
2462          if (count(self::$validLocaleLanguages) == 1) {
2463              self::loadLocales();
2464          }
2465          //    Test whether we have any language data for this language (any locale)
2466          if (in_array($language, self::$validLocaleLanguages)) {
2467              //    initialise language/locale settings
2468              self::$localeFunctions = [];
2469              self::$localeArgumentSeparator = ',';
2470              self::$localeBoolean = ['TRUE' => 'TRUE', 'FALSE' => 'FALSE', 'NULL' => 'NULL'];
2471              //    Default is English, if user isn't requesting english, then read the necessary data from the locale files
2472              if ($locale != 'en_us') {
2473                  //    Search for a file with a list of function names for locale
2474                  $functionNamesFile = __DIR__ . '/locale/' . str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $locale) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions';
2475                  if (!file_exists($functionNamesFile)) {
2476                      //    If there isn't a locale specific function file, look for a language specific function file
2477                      $functionNamesFile = __DIR__ . '/locale/' . $language . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions';
2478                      if (!file_exists($functionNamesFile)) {
2479                          return false;
2480                      }
2481                  }
2482                  //    Retrieve the list of locale or language specific function names
2483                  $localeFunctions = file($functionNamesFile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
2484                  foreach ($localeFunctions as $localeFunction) {
2485                      [$localeFunction] = explode('##', $localeFunction); //    Strip out comments
2486                      if (strpos($localeFunction, '=') !== false) {
2487                          [$fName, $lfName] = explode('=', $localeFunction);
2488                          $fName = trim($fName);
2489                          $lfName = trim($lfName);
2490                          if ((isset(self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$fName])) && ($lfName != '') && ($fName != $lfName)) {
2491                              self::$localeFunctions[$fName] = $lfName;
2492                          }
2493                      }
2494                  }
2495                  //    Default the TRUE and FALSE constants to the locale names of the TRUE() and FALSE() functions
2496                  if (isset(self::$localeFunctions['TRUE'])) {
2497                      self::$localeBoolean['TRUE'] = self::$localeFunctions['TRUE'];
2498                  }
2499                  if (isset(self::$localeFunctions['FALSE'])) {
2500                      self::$localeBoolean['FALSE'] = self::$localeFunctions['FALSE'];
2501                  }
2503                  $configFile = __DIR__ . '/locale/' . str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $locale) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config';
2504                  if (!file_exists($configFile)) {
2505                      $configFile = __DIR__ . '/locale/' . $language . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config';
2506                  }
2507                  if (file_exists($configFile)) {
2508                      $localeSettings = file($configFile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
2509                      foreach ($localeSettings as $localeSetting) {
2510                          [$localeSetting] = explode('##', $localeSetting); //    Strip out comments
2511                          if (strpos($localeSetting, '=') !== false) {
2512                              [$settingName, $settingValue] = explode('=', $localeSetting);
2513                              $settingName = strtoupper(trim($settingName));
2514                              switch ($settingName) {
2515                                  case 'ARGUMENTSEPARATOR':
2516                                      self::$localeArgumentSeparator = trim($settingValue);
2518                                      break;
2519                              }
2520                          }
2521                      }
2522                  }
2523              }
2525              self::$functionReplaceFromExcel = self::$functionReplaceToExcel =
2526              self::$functionReplaceFromLocale = self::$functionReplaceToLocale = null;
2527              self::$localeLanguage = $locale;
2529              return true;
2530          }
2532          return false;
2533      }
2535      /**
2536       * @param string $fromSeparator
2537       * @param string $toSeparator
2538       * @param string $formula
2539       * @param bool $inBraces
2540       *
2541       * @return string
2542       */
2543      public static function translateSeparator($fromSeparator, $toSeparator, $formula, &$inBraces)
2544      {
2545          $strlen = mb_strlen($formula);
2546          for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; ++$i) {
2547              $chr = mb_substr($formula, $i, 1);
2548              switch ($chr) {
2549                  case '{':
2550                      $inBraces = true;
2552                      break;
2553                  case '}':
2554                      $inBraces = false;
2556                      break;
2557                  case $fromSeparator:
2558                      if (!$inBraces) {
2559                          $formula = mb_substr($formula, 0, $i) . $toSeparator . mb_substr($formula, $i + 1);
2560                      }
2561              }
2562          }
2564          return $formula;
2565      }
2567      /**
2568       * @param string[] $from
2569       * @param string[] $to
2570       * @param string $formula
2571       * @param string $fromSeparator
2572       * @param string $toSeparator
2573       *
2574       * @return string
2575       */
2576      private static function translateFormula(array $from, array $to, $formula, $fromSeparator, $toSeparator)
2577      {
2578          //    Convert any Excel function names to the required language
2579          if (self::$localeLanguage !== 'en_us') {
2580              $inBraces = false;
2581              //    If there is the possibility of braces within a quoted string, then we don't treat those as matrix indicators
2582              if (strpos($formula, '"') !== false) {
2583                  //    So instead we skip replacing in any quoted strings by only replacing in every other array element after we've exploded
2584                  //        the formula
2585                  $temp = explode('"', $formula);
2586                  $i = false;
2587                  foreach ($temp as &$value) {
2588                      //    Only count/replace in alternating array entries
2589                      if ($i = !$i) {
2590                          $value = preg_replace($from, $to, $value);
2591                          $value = self::translateSeparator($fromSeparator, $toSeparator, $value, $inBraces);
2592                      }
2593                  }
2594                  unset($value);
2595                  //    Then rebuild the formula string
2596                  $formula = implode('"', $temp);
2597              } else {
2598                  //    If there's no quoted strings, then we do a simple count/replace
2599                  $formula = preg_replace($from, $to, $formula);
2600                  $formula = self::translateSeparator($fromSeparator, $toSeparator, $formula, $inBraces);
2601              }
2602          }
2604          return $formula;
2605      }
2607      private static $functionReplaceFromExcel = null;
2609      private static $functionReplaceToLocale = null;
2611      public function _translateFormulaToLocale($formula)
2612      {
2613          if (self::$functionReplaceFromExcel === null) {
2614              self::$functionReplaceFromExcel = [];
2615              foreach (array_keys(self::$localeFunctions) as $excelFunctionName) {
2616                  self::$functionReplaceFromExcel[] = '/(@?[^\w\.])' . preg_quote($excelFunctionName, '/') . '([\s]*\()/Ui';
2617              }
2618              foreach (array_keys(self::$localeBoolean) as $excelBoolean) {
2619                  self::$functionReplaceFromExcel[] = '/(@?[^\w\.])' . preg_quote($excelBoolean, '/') . '([^\w\.])/Ui';
2620              }
2621          }
2623          if (self::$functionReplaceToLocale === null) {
2624              self::$functionReplaceToLocale = [];
2625              foreach (self::$localeFunctions as $localeFunctionName) {
2626                  self::$functionReplaceToLocale[] = '$1' . trim($localeFunctionName) . '$2';
2627              }
2628              foreach (self::$localeBoolean as $localeBoolean) {
2629                  self::$functionReplaceToLocale[] = '$1' . trim($localeBoolean) . '$2';
2630              }
2631          }
2633          return self::translateFormula(self::$functionReplaceFromExcel, self::$functionReplaceToLocale, $formula, ',', self::$localeArgumentSeparator);
2634      }
2636      private static $functionReplaceFromLocale = null;
2638      private static $functionReplaceToExcel = null;
2640      public function _translateFormulaToEnglish($formula)
2641      {
2642          if (self::$functionReplaceFromLocale === null) {
2643              self::$functionReplaceFromLocale = [];
2644              foreach (self::$localeFunctions as $localeFunctionName) {
2645                  self::$functionReplaceFromLocale[] = '/(@?[^\w\.])' . preg_quote($localeFunctionName, '/') . '([\s]*\()/Ui';
2646              }
2647              foreach (self::$localeBoolean as $excelBoolean) {
2648                  self::$functionReplaceFromLocale[] = '/(@?[^\w\.])' . preg_quote($excelBoolean, '/') . '([^\w\.])/Ui';
2649              }
2650          }
2652          if (self::$functionReplaceToExcel === null) {
2653              self::$functionReplaceToExcel = [];
2654              foreach (array_keys(self::$localeFunctions) as $excelFunctionName) {
2655                  self::$functionReplaceToExcel[] = '$1' . trim($excelFunctionName) . '$2';
2656              }
2657              foreach (array_keys(self::$localeBoolean) as $excelBoolean) {
2658                  self::$functionReplaceToExcel[] = '$1' . trim($excelBoolean) . '$2';
2659              }
2660          }
2662          return self::translateFormula(self::$functionReplaceFromLocale, self::$functionReplaceToExcel, $formula, self::$localeArgumentSeparator, ',');
2663      }
2665      public static function localeFunc($function)
2666      {
2667          if (self::$localeLanguage !== 'en_us') {
2668              $functionName = trim($function, '(');
2669              if (isset(self::$localeFunctions[$functionName])) {
2670                  $brace = ($functionName != $function);
2671                  $function = self::$localeFunctions[$functionName];
2672                  if ($brace) {
2673                      $function .= '(';
2674                  }
2675              }
2676          }
2678          return $function;
2679      }
2681      /**
2682       * Wrap string values in quotes.
2683       *
2684       * @param mixed $value
2685       *
2686       * @return mixed
2687       */
2688      public static function wrapResult($value)
2689      {
2690          if (is_string($value)) {
2691              //    Error values cannot be "wrapped"
2692              if (preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_ERROR . '$/i', $value, $match)) {
2693                  //    Return Excel errors "as is"
2694                  return $value;
2695              }
2696              //    Return strings wrapped in quotes
2697              return '"' . $value . '"';
2698          //    Convert numeric errors to NaN error
2699          } elseif ((is_float($value)) && ((is_nan($value)) || (is_infinite($value)))) {
2700              return Functions::NAN();
2701          }
2703          return $value;
2704      }
2706      /**
2707       * Remove quotes used as a wrapper to identify string values.
2708       *
2709       * @param mixed $value
2710       *
2711       * @return mixed
2712       */
2713      public static function unwrapResult($value)
2714      {
2715          if (is_string($value)) {
2716              if ((isset($value[0])) && ($value[0] == '"') && (substr($value, -1) == '"')) {
2717                  return substr($value, 1, -1);
2718              }
2719              //    Convert numeric errors to NAN error
2720          } elseif ((is_float($value)) && ((is_nan($value)) || (is_infinite($value)))) {
2721              return Functions::NAN();
2722          }
2724          return $value;
2725      }
2727      /**
2728       * Calculate cell value (using formula from a cell ID)
2729       * Retained for backward compatibility.
2730       *
2731       * @param Cell $pCell Cell to calculate
2732       *
2733       * @throws Exception
2734       *
2735       * @return mixed
2736       */
2737      public function calculate(Cell $pCell = null)
2738      {
2739          try {
2740              return $this->calculateCellValue($pCell);
2741          } catch (\Exception $e) {
2742              throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
2743          }
2744      }
2746      /**
2747       * Calculate the value of a cell formula.
2748       *
2749       * @param Cell $pCell Cell to calculate
2750       * @param bool $resetLog Flag indicating whether the debug log should be reset or not
2751       *
2752       * @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception
2753       *
2754       * @return mixed
2755       */
2756      public function calculateCellValue(Cell $pCell = null, $resetLog = true)
2757      {
2758          if ($pCell === null) {
2759              return null;
2760          }
2762          $returnArrayAsType = self::$returnArrayAsType;
2763          if ($resetLog) {
2764              //    Initialise the logging settings if requested
2765              $this->formulaError = null;
2766              $this->debugLog->clearLog();
2767              $this->cyclicReferenceStack->clear();
2768              $this->cyclicFormulaCounter = 1;
2770              self::$returnArrayAsType = self::RETURN_ARRAY_AS_ARRAY;
2771          }
2773          //    Execute the calculation for the cell formula
2774          $this->cellStack[] = [
2775              'sheet' => $pCell->getWorksheet()->getTitle(),
2776              'cell' => $pCell->getCoordinate(),
2777          ];
2779          try {
2780              $result = self::unwrapResult($this->_calculateFormulaValue($pCell->getValue(), $pCell->getCoordinate(), $pCell));
2781              $cellAddress = array_pop($this->cellStack);
2782              $this->spreadsheet->getSheetByName($cellAddress['sheet'])->getCell($cellAddress['cell']);
2783          } catch (\Exception $e) {
2784              $cellAddress = array_pop($this->cellStack);
2785              $this->spreadsheet->getSheetByName($cellAddress['sheet'])->getCell($cellAddress['cell']);
2787              throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
2788          }
2790          if ((is_array($result)) && (self::$returnArrayAsType != self::RETURN_ARRAY_AS_ARRAY)) {
2791              self::$returnArrayAsType = $returnArrayAsType;
2792              $testResult = Functions::flattenArray($result);
2793              if (self::$returnArrayAsType == self::RETURN_ARRAY_AS_ERROR) {
2794                  return Functions::VALUE();
2795              }
2796              //    If there's only a single cell in the array, then we allow it
2797              if (count($testResult) != 1) {
2798                  //    If keys are numeric, then it's a matrix result rather than a cell range result, so we permit it
2799                  $r = array_keys($result);
2800                  $r = array_shift($r);
2801                  if (!is_numeric($r)) {
2802                      return Functions::VALUE();
2803                  }
2804                  if (is_array($result[$r])) {
2805                      $c = array_keys($result[$r]);
2806                      $c = array_shift($c);
2807                      if (!is_numeric($c)) {
2808                          return Functions::VALUE();
2809                      }
2810                  }
2811              }
2812              $result = array_shift($testResult);
2813          }
2814          self::$returnArrayAsType = $returnArrayAsType;
2816          if ($result === null && $pCell->getWorksheet()->getSheetView()->getShowZeros()) {
2817              return 0;
2818          } elseif ((is_float($result)) && ((is_nan($result)) || (is_infinite($result)))) {
2819              return Functions::NAN();
2820          }
2822          return $result;
2823      }
2825      /**
2826       * Validate and parse a formula string.
2827       *
2828       * @param string $formula Formula to parse
2829       *
2830       * @return array|bool
2831       */
2832      public function parseFormula($formula)
2833      {
2834          //    Basic validation that this is indeed a formula
2835          //    We return an empty array if not
2836          $formula = trim($formula);
2837          if ((!isset($formula[0])) || ($formula[0] != '=')) {
2838              return [];
2839          }
2840          $formula = ltrim(substr($formula, 1));
2841          if (!isset($formula[0])) {
2842              return [];
2843          }
2845          //    Parse the formula and return the token stack
2846          return $this->_parseFormula($formula);
2847      }
2849      /**
2850       * Calculate the value of a formula.
2851       *
2852       * @param string $formula Formula to parse
2853       * @param string $cellID Address of the cell to calculate
2854       * @param Cell $pCell Cell to calculate
2855       *
2856       * @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception
2857       *
2858       * @return mixed
2859       */
2860      public function calculateFormula($formula, $cellID = null, Cell $pCell = null)
2861      {
2862          //    Initialise the logging settings
2863          $this->formulaError = null;
2864          $this->debugLog->clearLog();
2865          $this->cyclicReferenceStack->clear();
2867          if ($this->spreadsheet !== null && $cellID === null && $pCell === null) {
2868              $cellID = 'A1';
2869              $pCell = $this->spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getCell($cellID);
2870          } else {
2871              //    Disable calculation cacheing because it only applies to cell calculations, not straight formulae
2872              //    But don't actually flush any cache
2873              $resetCache = $this->getCalculationCacheEnabled();
2874              $this->calculationCacheEnabled = false;
2875          }
2877          //    Execute the calculation
2878          try {
2879              $result = self::unwrapResult($this->_calculateFormulaValue($formula, $cellID, $pCell));
2880          } catch (\Exception $e) {
2881              throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
2882          }
2884          if ($this->spreadsheet === null) {
2885              //    Reset calculation cacheing to its previous state
2886              $this->calculationCacheEnabled = $resetCache;
2887          }
2889          return $result;
2890      }
2892      /**
2893       * @param string $cellReference
2894       * @param mixed $cellValue
2895       *
2896       * @return bool
2897       */
2898      public function getValueFromCache($cellReference, &$cellValue)
2899      {
2900          // Is calculation cacheing enabled?
2901          // Is the value present in calculation cache?
2902          $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Testing cache value for cell ', $cellReference);
2903          if (($this->calculationCacheEnabled) && (isset($this->calculationCache[$cellReference]))) {
2904              $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Retrieving value for cell ', $cellReference, ' from cache');
2905              // Return the cached result
2907              $cellValue = $this->calculationCache[$cellReference];
2909              return true;
2910          }
2912          return false;
2913      }
2915      /**
2916       * @param string $cellReference
2917       * @param mixed $cellValue
2918       */
2919      public function saveValueToCache($cellReference, $cellValue)
2920      {
2921          if ($this->calculationCacheEnabled) {
2922              $this->calculationCache[$cellReference] = $cellValue;
2923          }
2924      }
2926      /**
2927       * Parse a cell formula and calculate its value.
2928       *
2929       * @param string $formula The formula to parse and calculate
2930       * @param string $cellID The ID (e.g. A3) of the cell that we are calculating
2931       * @param Cell $pCell Cell to calculate
2932       *
2933       * @throws Exception
2934       *
2935       * @return mixed
2936       */
2937      public function _calculateFormulaValue($formula, $cellID = null, Cell $pCell = null)
2938      {
2939          $cellValue = null;
2941          //  Quote-Prefixed cell values cannot be formulae, but are treated as strings
2942          if ($pCell !== null && $pCell->getStyle()->getQuotePrefix() === true) {
2943              return self::wrapResult((string) $formula);
2944          }
2946          if (preg_match('/^=\s*cmd\s*\|/miu', $formula) !== 0) {
2947              return self::wrapResult($formula);
2948          }
2950          //    Basic validation that this is indeed a formula
2951          //    We simply return the cell value if not
2952          $formula = trim($formula);
2953          if ($formula[0] != '=') {
2954              return self::wrapResult($formula);
2955          }
2956          $formula = ltrim(substr($formula, 1));
2957          if (!isset($formula[0])) {
2958              return self::wrapResult($formula);
2959          }
2961          $pCellParent = ($pCell !== null) ? $pCell->getWorksheet() : null;
2962          $wsTitle = ($pCellParent !== null) ? $pCellParent->getTitle() : "\x00Wrk";
2963          $wsCellReference = $wsTitle . '!' . $cellID;
2965          if (($cellID !== null) && ($this->getValueFromCache($wsCellReference, $cellValue))) {
2966              return $cellValue;
2967          }
2969          if (($wsTitle[0] !== "\x00") && ($this->cyclicReferenceStack->onStack($wsCellReference))) {
2970              if ($this->cyclicFormulaCount <= 0) {
2971                  $this->cyclicFormulaCell = '';
2973                  return $this->raiseFormulaError('Cyclic Reference in Formula');
2974              } elseif ($this->cyclicFormulaCell === $wsCellReference) {
2975                  ++$this->cyclicFormulaCounter;
2976                  if ($this->cyclicFormulaCounter >= $this->cyclicFormulaCount) {
2977                      $this->cyclicFormulaCell = '';
2979                      return $cellValue;
2980                  }
2981              } elseif ($this->cyclicFormulaCell == '') {
2982                  if ($this->cyclicFormulaCounter >= $this->cyclicFormulaCount) {
2983                      return $cellValue;
2984                  }
2985                  $this->cyclicFormulaCell = $wsCellReference;
2986              }
2987          }
2989          //    Parse the formula onto the token stack and calculate the value
2990          $this->cyclicReferenceStack->push($wsCellReference);
2991          $cellValue = $this->processTokenStack($this->_parseFormula($formula, $pCell), $cellID, $pCell);
2992          $this->cyclicReferenceStack->pop();
2994          // Save to calculation cache
2995          if ($cellID !== null) {
2996              $this->saveValueToCache($wsCellReference, $cellValue);
2997          }
2999          //    Return the calculated value
3000          return $cellValue;
3001      }
3003      /**
3004       * Ensure that paired matrix operands are both matrices and of the same size.
3005       *
3006       * @param mixed &$operand1 First matrix operand
3007       * @param mixed &$operand2 Second matrix operand
3008       * @param int $resize Flag indicating whether the matrices should be resized to match
3009       *                                        and (if so), whether the smaller dimension should grow or the
3010       *                                        larger should shrink.
3011       *                                            0 = no resize
3012       *                                            1 = shrink to fit
3013       *                                            2 = extend to fit
3014       *
3015       * @return array
3016       */
3017      private static function checkMatrixOperands(&$operand1, &$operand2, $resize = 1)
3018      {
3019          //    Examine each of the two operands, and turn them into an array if they aren't one already
3020          //    Note that this function should only be called if one or both of the operand is already an array
3021          if (!is_array($operand1)) {
3022              [$matrixRows, $matrixColumns] = self::getMatrixDimensions($operand2);
3023              $operand1 = array_fill(0, $matrixRows, array_fill(0, $matrixColumns, $operand1));
3024              $resize = 0;
3025          } elseif (!is_array($operand2)) {
3026              [$matrixRows, $matrixColumns] = self::getMatrixDimensions($operand1);
3027              $operand2 = array_fill(0, $matrixRows, array_fill(0, $matrixColumns, $operand2));
3028              $resize = 0;
3029          }
3031          [$matrix1Rows, $matrix1Columns] = self::getMatrixDimensions($operand1);
3032          [$matrix2Rows, $matrix2Columns] = self::getMatrixDimensions($operand2);
3033          if (($matrix1Rows == $matrix2Columns) && ($matrix2Rows == $matrix1Columns)) {
3034              $resize = 1;
3035          }
3037          if ($resize == 2) {
3038              //    Given two matrices of (potentially) unequal size, convert the smaller in each dimension to match the larger
3039              self::resizeMatricesExtend($operand1, $operand2, $matrix1Rows, $matrix1Columns, $matrix2Rows, $matrix2Columns);
3040          } elseif ($resize == 1) {
3041              //    Given two matrices of (potentially) unequal size, convert the larger in each dimension to match the smaller
3042              self::resizeMatricesShrink($operand1, $operand2, $matrix1Rows, $matrix1Columns, $matrix2Rows, $matrix2Columns);
3043          }
3045          return [$matrix1Rows, $matrix1Columns, $matrix2Rows, $matrix2Columns];
3046      }
3048      /**
3049       * Read the dimensions of a matrix, and re-index it with straight numeric keys starting from row 0, column 0.
3050       *
3051       * @param array &$matrix matrix operand
3052       *
3053       * @return int[] An array comprising the number of rows, and number of columns
3054       */
3055      public static function getMatrixDimensions(array &$matrix)
3056      {
3057          $matrixRows = count($matrix);
3058          $matrixColumns = 0;
3059          foreach ($matrix as $rowKey => $rowValue) {
3060              if (!is_array($rowValue)) {
3061                  $matrix[$rowKey] = [$rowValue];
3062                  $matrixColumns = max(1, $matrixColumns);
3063              } else {
3064                  $matrix[$rowKey] = array_values($rowValue);
3065                  $matrixColumns = max(count($rowValue), $matrixColumns);
3066              }
3067          }
3068          $matrix = array_values($matrix);
3070          return [$matrixRows, $matrixColumns];
3071      }
3073      /**
3074       * Ensure that paired matrix operands are both matrices of the same size.
3075       *
3076       * @param mixed &$matrix1 First matrix operand
3077       * @param mixed &$matrix2 Second matrix operand
3078       * @param int $matrix1Rows Row size of first matrix operand
3079       * @param int $matrix1Columns Column size of first matrix operand
3080       * @param int $matrix2Rows Row size of second matrix operand
3081       * @param int $matrix2Columns Column size of second matrix operand
3082       */
3083      private static function resizeMatricesShrink(&$matrix1, &$matrix2, $matrix1Rows, $matrix1Columns, $matrix2Rows, $matrix2Columns)
3084      {
3085          if (($matrix2Columns < $matrix1Columns) || ($matrix2Rows < $matrix1Rows)) {
3086              if ($matrix2Rows < $matrix1Rows) {
3087                  for ($i = $matrix2Rows; $i < $matrix1Rows; ++$i) {
3088                      unset($matrix1[$i]);
3089                  }
3090              }
3091              if ($matrix2Columns < $matrix1Columns) {
3092                  for ($i = 0; $i < $matrix1Rows; ++$i) {
3093                      for ($j = $matrix2Columns; $j < $matrix1Columns; ++$j) {
3094                          unset($matrix1[$i][$j]);
3095                      }
3096                  }
3097              }
3098          }
3100          if (($matrix1Columns < $matrix2Columns) || ($matrix1Rows < $matrix2Rows)) {
3101              if ($matrix1Rows < $matrix2Rows) {
3102                  for ($i = $matrix1Rows; $i < $matrix2Rows; ++$i) {
3103                      unset($matrix2[$i]);
3104                  }
3105              }
3106              if ($matrix1Columns < $matrix2Columns) {
3107                  for ($i = 0; $i < $matrix2Rows; ++$i) {
3108                      for ($j = $matrix1Columns; $j < $matrix2Columns; ++$j) {
3109                          unset($matrix2[$i][$j]);
3110                      }
3111                  }
3112              }
3113          }
3114      }
3116      /**
3117       * Ensure that paired matrix operands are both matrices of the same size.
3118       *
3119       * @param mixed &$matrix1 First matrix operand
3120       * @param mixed &$matrix2 Second matrix operand
3121       * @param int $matrix1Rows Row size of first matrix operand
3122       * @param int $matrix1Columns Column size of first matrix operand
3123       * @param int $matrix2Rows Row size of second matrix operand
3124       * @param int $matrix2Columns Column size of second matrix operand
3125       */
3126      private static function resizeMatricesExtend(&$matrix1, &$matrix2, $matrix1Rows, $matrix1Columns, $matrix2Rows, $matrix2Columns)
3127      {
3128          if (($matrix2Columns < $matrix1Columns) || ($matrix2Rows < $matrix1Rows)) {
3129              if ($matrix2Columns < $matrix1Columns) {
3130                  for ($i = 0; $i < $matrix2Rows; ++$i) {
3131                      $x = $matrix2[$i][$matrix2Columns - 1];
3132                      for ($j = $matrix2Columns; $j < $matrix1Columns; ++$j) {
3133                          $matrix2[$i][$j] = $x;
3134                      }
3135                  }
3136              }
3137              if ($matrix2Rows < $matrix1Rows) {
3138                  $x = $matrix2[$matrix2Rows - 1];
3139                  for ($i = 0; $i < $matrix1Rows; ++$i) {
3140                      $matrix2[$i] = $x;
3141                  }
3142              }
3143          }
3145          if (($matrix1Columns < $matrix2Columns) || ($matrix1Rows < $matrix2Rows)) {
3146              if ($matrix1Columns < $matrix2Columns) {
3147                  for ($i = 0; $i < $matrix1Rows; ++$i) {
3148                      $x = $matrix1[$i][$matrix1Columns - 1];
3149                      for ($j = $matrix1Columns; $j < $matrix2Columns; ++$j) {
3150                          $matrix1[$i][$j] = $x;
3151                      }
3152                  }
3153              }
3154              if ($matrix1Rows < $matrix2Rows) {
3155                  $x = $matrix1[$matrix1Rows - 1];
3156                  for ($i = 0; $i < $matrix2Rows; ++$i) {
3157                      $matrix1[$i] = $x;
3158                  }
3159              }
3160          }
3161      }
3163      /**
3164       * Format details of an operand for display in the log (based on operand type).
3165       *
3166       * @param mixed $value First matrix operand
3167       *
3168       * @return mixed
3169       */
3170      private function showValue($value)
3171      {
3172          if ($this->debugLog->getWriteDebugLog()) {
3173              $testArray = Functions::flattenArray($value);
3174              if (count($testArray) == 1) {
3175                  $value = array_pop($testArray);
3176              }
3178              if (is_array($value)) {
3179                  $returnMatrix = [];
3180                  $pad = $rpad = ', ';
3181                  foreach ($value as $row) {
3182                      if (is_array($row)) {
3183                          $returnMatrix[] = implode($pad, array_map([$this, 'showValue'], $row));
3184                          $rpad = '; ';
3185                      } else {
3186                          $returnMatrix[] = $this->showValue($row);
3187                      }
3188                  }
3190                  return '{ ' . implode($rpad, $returnMatrix) . ' }';
3191              } elseif (is_string($value) && (trim($value, '"') == $value)) {
3192                  return '"' . $value . '"';
3193              } elseif (is_bool($value)) {
3194                  return ($value) ? self::$localeBoolean['TRUE'] : self::$localeBoolean['FALSE'];
3195              }
3196          }
3198          return Functions::flattenSingleValue($value);
3199      }
3201      /**
3202       * Format type and details of an operand for display in the log (based on operand type).
3203       *
3204       * @param mixed $value First matrix operand
3205       *
3206       * @return null|string
3207       */
3208      private function showTypeDetails($value)
3209      {
3210          if ($this->debugLog->getWriteDebugLog()) {
3211              $testArray = Functions::flattenArray($value);
3212              if (count($testArray) == 1) {
3213                  $value = array_pop($testArray);
3214              }
3216              if ($value === null) {
3217                  return 'a NULL value';
3218              } elseif (is_float($value)) {
3219                  $typeString = 'a floating point number';
3220              } elseif (is_int($value)) {
3221                  $typeString = 'an integer number';
3222              } elseif (is_bool($value)) {
3223                  $typeString = 'a boolean';
3224              } elseif (is_array($value)) {
3225                  $typeString = 'a matrix';
3226              } else {
3227                  if ($value == '') {
3228                      return 'an empty string';
3229                  } elseif ($value[0] == '#') {
3230                      return 'a ' . $value . ' error';
3231                  }
3232                  $typeString = 'a string';
3233              }
3235              return $typeString . ' with a value of ' . $this->showValue($value);
3236          }
3237      }
3239      /**
3240       * @param string $formula
3241       *
3242       * @return string
3243       */
3244      private function convertMatrixReferences($formula)
3245      {
3246          static $matrixReplaceFrom = ['{', ';', '}'];
3247          static $matrixReplaceTo = ['MKMATRIX(MKMATRIX(', '),MKMATRIX(', '))'];
3249          //    Convert any Excel matrix references to the MKMATRIX() function
3250          if (strpos($formula, '{') !== false) {
3251              //    If there is the possibility of braces within a quoted string, then we don't treat those as matrix indicators
3252              if (strpos($formula, '"') !== false) {
3253                  //    So instead we skip replacing in any quoted strings by only replacing in every other array element after we've exploded
3254                  //        the formula
3255                  $temp = explode('"', $formula);
3256                  //    Open and Closed counts used for trapping mismatched braces in the formula
3257                  $openCount = $closeCount = 0;
3258                  $i = false;
3259                  foreach ($temp as &$value) {
3260                      //    Only count/replace in alternating array entries
3261                      if ($i = !$i) {
3262                          $openCount += substr_count($value, '{');
3263                          $closeCount += substr_count($value, '}');
3264                          $value = str_replace($matrixReplaceFrom, $matrixReplaceTo, $value);
3265                      }
3266                  }
3267                  unset($value);
3268                  //    Then rebuild the formula string
3269                  $formula = implode('"', $temp);
3270              } else {
3271                  //    If there's no quoted strings, then we do a simple count/replace
3272                  $openCount = substr_count($formula, '{');
3273                  $closeCount = substr_count($formula, '}');
3274                  $formula = str_replace($matrixReplaceFrom, $matrixReplaceTo, $formula);
3275              }
3276              //    Trap for mismatched braces and trigger an appropriate error
3277              if ($openCount < $closeCount) {
3278                  if ($openCount > 0) {
3279                      return $this->raiseFormulaError("Formula Error: Mismatched matrix braces '}'");
3280                  }
3282                  return $this->raiseFormulaError("Formula Error: Unexpected '}' encountered");
3283              } elseif ($openCount > $closeCount) {
3284                  if ($closeCount > 0) {
3285                      return $this->raiseFormulaError("Formula Error: Mismatched matrix braces '{'");
3286                  }
3288                  return $this->raiseFormulaError("Formula Error: Unexpected '{' encountered");
3289              }
3290          }
3292          return $formula;
3293      }
3295      private static function mkMatrix(...$args)
3296      {
3297          return $args;
3298      }
3300      //    Binary Operators
3301      //    These operators always work on two values
3302      //    Array key is the operator, the value indicates whether this is a left or right associative operator
3303      private static $operatorAssociativity = [
3304          '^' => 0, //    Exponentiation
3305          '*' => 0, '/' => 0, //    Multiplication and Division
3306          '+' => 0, '-' => 0, //    Addition and Subtraction
3307          '&' => 0, //    Concatenation
3308          '|' => 0, ':' => 0, //    Intersect and Range
3309          '>' => 0, '<' => 0, '=' => 0, '>=' => 0, '<=' => 0, '<>' => 0, //    Comparison
3310      ];
3312      //    Comparison (Boolean) Operators
3313      //    These operators work on two values, but always return a boolean result
3314      private static $comparisonOperators = ['>' => true, '<' => true, '=' => true, '>=' => true, '<=' => true, '<>' => true];
3316      //    Operator Precedence
3317      //    This list includes all valid operators, whether binary (including boolean) or unary (such as %)
3318      //    Array key is the operator, the value is its precedence
3319      private static $operatorPrecedence = [
3320          ':' => 8, //    Range
3321          '|' => 7, //    Intersect
3322          '~' => 6, //    Negation
3323          '%' => 5, //    Percentage
3324          '^' => 4, //    Exponentiation
3325          '*' => 3, '/' => 3, //    Multiplication and Division
3326          '+' => 2, '-' => 2, //    Addition and Subtraction
3327          '&' => 1, //    Concatenation
3328          '>' => 0, '<' => 0, '=' => 0, '>=' => 0, '<=' => 0, '<>' => 0, //    Comparison
3329      ];
3331      // Convert infix to postfix notation
3333      /**
3334       * @param string $formula
3335       * @param null|\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Cell $pCell
3336       *
3337       * @return bool
3338       */
3339      private function _parseFormula($formula, Cell $pCell = null)
3340      {
3341          if (($formula = $this->convertMatrixReferences(trim($formula))) === false) {
3342              return false;
3343          }
3345          //    If we're using cell caching, then $pCell may well be flushed back to the cache (which detaches the parent worksheet),
3346          //        so we store the parent worksheet so that we can re-attach it when necessary
3347          $pCellParent = ($pCell !== null) ? $pCell->getWorksheet() : null;
3349          $regexpMatchString = '/^(' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_FUNCTION .
3350                                  '|' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_CELLREF .
3351                                  '|' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_NUMBER .
3352                                  '|' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_STRING .
3353                                  '|' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_OPENBRACE .
3354                                  '|' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_NAMEDRANGE .
3355                                  '|' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_ERROR .
3356                                  ')/si';
3358          //    Start with initialisation
3359          $index = 0;
3360          $stack = new Stack();
3361          $output = [];
3362          $expectingOperator = false; //    We use this test in syntax-checking the expression to determine when a
3363                                                      //        - is a negation or + is a positive operator rather than an operation
3364          $expectingOperand = false; //    We use this test in syntax-checking the expression to determine whether an operand
3365                                                      //        should be null in a function call
3367          // IF branch pruning
3368          // currently pending storeKey (last item of the storeKeysStack
3369          $pendingStoreKey = null;
3370          // stores a list of storeKeys (string[])
3371          $pendingStoreKeysStack = [];
3372          $expectingConditionMap = []; // ['storeKey' => true, ...]
3373          $expectingThenMap = []; // ['storeKey' => true, ...]
3374          $expectingElseMap = []; // ['storeKey' => true, ...]
3375          $parenthesisDepthMap = []; // ['storeKey' => 4, ...]
3377          //    The guts of the lexical parser
3378          //    Loop through the formula extracting each operator and operand in turn
3379          while (true) {
3380              // Branch pruning: we adapt the output item to the context (it will
3381              // be used to limit its computation)
3382              $currentCondition = null;
3383              $currentOnlyIf = null;
3384              $currentOnlyIfNot = null;
3385              $previousStoreKey = null;
3386              $pendingStoreKey = end($pendingStoreKeysStack);
3388              if ($this->branchPruningEnabled) {
3389                  // this is a condition ?
3390                  if (isset($expectingConditionMap[$pendingStoreKey]) && $expectingConditionMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
3391                      $currentCondition = $pendingStoreKey;
3392                      $stackDepth = count($pendingStoreKeysStack);
3393                      if ($stackDepth > 1) { // nested if
3394                          $previousStoreKey = $pendingStoreKeysStack[$stackDepth - 2];
3395                      }
3396                  }
3397                  if (isset($expectingThenMap[$pendingStoreKey]) && $expectingThenMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
3398                      $currentOnlyIf = $pendingStoreKey;
3399                  } elseif (isset($previousStoreKey)) {
3400                      if (isset($expectingThenMap[$previousStoreKey]) && $expectingThenMap[$previousStoreKey]) {
3401                          $currentOnlyIf = $previousStoreKey;
3402                      }
3403                  }
3404                  if (isset($expectingElseMap[$pendingStoreKey]) && $expectingElseMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
3405                      $currentOnlyIfNot = $pendingStoreKey;
3406                  } elseif (isset($previousStoreKey)) {
3407                      if (isset($expectingElseMap[$previousStoreKey]) && $expectingElseMap[$previousStoreKey]) {
3408                          $currentOnlyIfNot = $previousStoreKey;
3409                      }
3410                  }
3411              }
3413              $opCharacter = $formula[$index]; //    Get the first character of the value at the current index position
3414              if ((isset(self::$comparisonOperators[$opCharacter])) && (strlen($formula) > $index) && (isset(self::$comparisonOperators[$formula[$index + 1]]))) {
3415                  $opCharacter .= $formula[++$index];
3416              }
3418              //    Find out if we're currently at the beginning of a number, variable, cell reference, function, parenthesis or operand
3419              $isOperandOrFunction = preg_match($regexpMatchString, substr($formula, $index), $match);
3421              if ($opCharacter == '-' && !$expectingOperator) {                //    Is it a negation instead of a minus?
3422                  //    Put a negation on the stack
3423                  $stack->push('Unary Operator', '~', null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
3424                  ++$index; //        and drop the negation symbol
3425              } elseif ($opCharacter == '%' && $expectingOperator) {
3426                  //    Put a percentage on the stack
3427                  $stack->push('Unary Operator', '%', null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
3428                  ++$index;
3429              } elseif ($opCharacter == '+' && !$expectingOperator) {            //    Positive (unary plus rather than binary operator plus) can be discarded?
3430                  ++$index; //    Drop the redundant plus symbol
3431              } elseif ((($opCharacter == '~') || ($opCharacter == '|')) && (!$isOperandOrFunction)) {    //    We have to explicitly deny a tilde or pipe, because they are legal
3432                  return $this->raiseFormulaError("Formula Error: Illegal character '~'"); //        on the stack but not in the input expression
3433              } elseif ((isset(self::$operators[$opCharacter]) or $isOperandOrFunction) && $expectingOperator) {    //    Are we putting an operator on the stack?
3434                  while ($stack->count() > 0 &&
3435                      ($o2 = $stack->last()) &&
3436                      isset(self::$operators[$o2['value']]) &&
3437                      @(self::$operatorAssociativity[$opCharacter] ? self::$operatorPrecedence[$opCharacter] < self::$operatorPrecedence[$o2['value']] : self::$operatorPrecedence[$opCharacter] <= self::$operatorPrecedence[$o2['value']])) {
3438                      $output[] = $stack->pop(); //    Swap operands and higher precedence operators from the stack to the output
3439                  }
3441                  //    Finally put our current operator onto the stack
3442                  $stack->push('Binary Operator', $opCharacter, null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
3444                  ++$index;
3445                  $expectingOperator = false;
3446              } elseif ($opCharacter == ')' && $expectingOperator) {            //    Are we expecting to close a parenthesis?
3447                  $expectingOperand = false;
3448                  while (($o2 = $stack->pop()) && $o2['value'] != '(') {        //    Pop off the stack back to the last (
3449                      if ($o2 === null) {
3450                          return $this->raiseFormulaError('Formula Error: Unexpected closing brace ")"');
3451                      }
3452                      $output[] = $o2;
3453                  }
3454                  $d = $stack->last(2);
3456                  // Branch pruning we decrease the depth whether is it a function
3457                  // call or a parenthesis
3458                  if (!empty($pendingStoreKey)) {
3459                      $parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] -= 1;
3460                  }
3462                  if (is_array($d) && preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_FUNCTION . '$/i', $d['value'], $matches)) {    //    Did this parenthesis just close a function?
3463                      if (!empty($pendingStoreKey) && $parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] == -1) {
3464                          // we are closing an IF(
3465                          if ($d['value'] != 'IF(') {
3466                              return $this->raiseFormulaError('Parser bug we should be in an "IF("');
3467                          }
3468                          if ($expectingConditionMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
3469                              return $this->raiseFormulaError('We should not be expecting a condition');
3470                          }
3471                          $expectingThenMap[$pendingStoreKey] = false;
3472                          $expectingElseMap[$pendingStoreKey] = false;
3473                          $parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] -= 1;
3474                          array_pop($pendingStoreKeysStack);
3475                          unset($pendingStoreKey);
3476                      }
3478                      $functionName = $matches[1]; //    Get the function name
3479                      $d = $stack->pop();
3480                      $argumentCount = $d['value']; //    See how many arguments there were (argument count is the next value stored on the stack)
3481                      $output[] = $d; //    Dump the argument count on the output
3482                      $output[] = $stack->pop(); //    Pop the function and push onto the output
3483                      if (isset(self::$controlFunctions[$functionName])) {
3484                          $expectedArgumentCount = self::$controlFunctions[$functionName]['argumentCount'];
3485                          $functionCall = self::$controlFunctions[$functionName]['functionCall'];
3486                      } elseif (isset(self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$functionName])) {
3487                          $expectedArgumentCount = self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$functionName]['argumentCount'];
3488                          $functionCall = self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$functionName]['functionCall'];
3489                      } else {    // did we somehow push a non-function on the stack? this should never happen
3490                          return $this->raiseFormulaError('Formula Error: Internal error, non-function on stack');
3491                      }
3492                      //    Check the argument count
3493                      $argumentCountError = false;
3494                      if (is_numeric($expectedArgumentCount)) {
3495                          if ($expectedArgumentCount < 0) {
3496                              if ($argumentCount > abs($expectedArgumentCount)) {
3497                                  $argumentCountError = true;
3498                                  $expectedArgumentCountString = 'no more than ' . abs($expectedArgumentCount);
3499                              }
3500                          } else {
3501                              if ($argumentCount != $expectedArgumentCount) {
3502                                  $argumentCountError = true;
3503                                  $expectedArgumentCountString = $expectedArgumentCount;
3504                              }
3505                          }
3506                      } elseif ($expectedArgumentCount != '*') {
3507                          $isOperandOrFunction = preg_match('/(\d*)([-+,])(\d*)/', $expectedArgumentCount, $argMatch);
3508                          switch ($argMatch[2]) {
3509                              case '+':
3510                                  if ($argumentCount < $argMatch[1]) {
3511                                      $argumentCountError = true;
3512                                      $expectedArgumentCountString = $argMatch[1] . ' or more ';
3513                                  }
3515                                  break;
3516                              case '-':
3517                                  if (($argumentCount < $argMatch[1]) || ($argumentCount > $argMatch[3])) {
3518                                      $argumentCountError = true;
3519                                      $expectedArgumentCountString = 'between ' . $argMatch[1] . ' and ' . $argMatch[3];
3520                                  }
3522                                  break;
3523                              case ',':
3524                                  if (($argumentCount != $argMatch[1]) && ($argumentCount != $argMatch[3])) {
3525                                      $argumentCountError = true;
3526                                      $expectedArgumentCountString = 'either ' . $argMatch[1] . ' or ' . $argMatch[3];
3527                                  }
3529                                  break;
3530                          }
3531                      }
3532                      if ($argumentCountError) {
3533                          return $this->raiseFormulaError("Formula Error: Wrong number of arguments for $functionName() function: $argumentCount given, " . $expectedArgumentCountString . ' expected');
3534                      }
3535                  }
3536                  ++$index;
3537              } elseif ($opCharacter == ',') {            //    Is this the separator for function arguments?
3538                  if (!empty($pendingStoreKey) &&
3539                      $parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] == 0
3540                  ) {
3541                      // We must go to the IF next argument
3542                      if ($expectingConditionMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
3543                          $expectingConditionMap[$pendingStoreKey] = false;
3544                          $expectingThenMap[$pendingStoreKey] = true;
3545                      } elseif ($expectingThenMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
3546                          $expectingThenMap[$pendingStoreKey] = false;
3547                          $expectingElseMap[$pendingStoreKey] = true;
3548                      } elseif ($expectingElseMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
3549                          return $this->raiseFormulaError('Reaching fourth argument of an IF');
3550                      }
3551                  }
3552                  while (($o2 = $stack->pop()) && $o2['value'] != '(') {        //    Pop off the stack back to the last (
3553                      if ($o2 === null) {
3554                          return $this->raiseFormulaError('Formula Error: Unexpected ,');
3555                      }
3556                      $output[] = $o2; // pop the argument expression stuff and push onto the output
3557                  }
3558                  //    If we've a comma when we're expecting an operand, then what we actually have is a null operand;
3559                  //        so push a null onto the stack
3560                  if (($expectingOperand) || (!$expectingOperator)) {
3561                      $output[] = ['type' => 'NULL Value', 'value' => self::$excelConstants['NULL'], 'reference' => null];
3562                  }
3563                  // make sure there was a function
3564                  $d = $stack->last(2);
3565                  if (!preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_FUNCTION . '$/i', $d['value'], $matches)) {
3566                      return $this->raiseFormulaError('Formula Error: Unexpected ,');
3567                  }
3568                  $d = $stack->pop();
3569                  $itemStoreKey = $d['storeKey'] ?? null;
3570                  $itemOnlyIf = $d['onlyIf'] ?? null;
3571                  $itemOnlyIfNot = $d['onlyIfNot'] ?? null;
3572                  $stack->push($d['type'], ++$d['value'], $d['reference'], $itemStoreKey, $itemOnlyIf, $itemOnlyIfNot); // increment the argument count
3573                  $stack->push('Brace', '(', null, $itemStoreKey, $itemOnlyIf, $itemOnlyIfNot); // put the ( back on, we'll need to pop back to it again
3574                  $expectingOperator = false;
3575                  $expectingOperand = true;
3576                  ++$index;
3577              } elseif ($opCharacter == '(' && !$expectingOperator) {
3578                  if (!empty($pendingStoreKey)) { // Branch pruning: we go deeper
3579                      $parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] += 1;
3580                  }
3581                  $stack->push('Brace', '(', null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIf);
3582                  ++$index;
3583              } elseif ($isOperandOrFunction && !$expectingOperator) {    // do we now have a function/variable/number?
3584                  $expectingOperator = true;
3585                  $expectingOperand = false;
3586                  $val = $match[1];
3587                  $length = strlen($val);
3589                  if (preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_FUNCTION . '$/i', $val, $matches)) {
3590                      $val = preg_replace('/\s/u', '', $val);
3591                      if (isset(self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[strtoupper($matches[1])]) || isset(self::$controlFunctions[strtoupper($matches[1])])) {    // it's a function
3592                          $valToUpper = strtoupper($val);
3593                          // here $matches[1] will contain values like "IF"
3594                          // and $val "IF("
3595                          if ($this->branchPruningEnabled && ($valToUpper == 'IF(')) { // we handle a new if
3596                              $pendingStoreKey = $this->getUnusedBranchStoreKey();
3597                              $pendingStoreKeysStack[] = $pendingStoreKey;
3598                              $expectingConditionMap[$pendingStoreKey] = true;
3599                              $parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] = 0;
3600                          } else { // this is not a if but we good deeper
3601                              if (!empty($pendingStoreKey) && array_key_exists($pendingStoreKey, $parenthesisDepthMap)) {
3602                                  $parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] += 1;
3603                              }
3604                          }
3606                          $stack->push('Function', $valToUpper, null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
3607                          // tests if the function is closed right after opening
3608                          $ax = preg_match('/^\s*(\s*\))/ui', substr($formula, $index + $length), $amatch);
3609                          if ($ax) {
3610                              $stack->push('Operand Count for Function ' . $valToUpper . ')', 0, null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
3611                              $expectingOperator = true;
3612                          } else {
3613                              $stack->push('Operand Count for Function ' . $valToUpper . ')', 1, null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
3614                              $expectingOperator = false;
3615                          }
3616                          $stack->push('Brace', '(');
3617                      } else {    // it's a var w/ implicit multiplication
3618                          $output[] = ['type' => 'Value', 'value' => $matches[1], 'reference' => null];
3619                      }
3620                  } elseif (preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_CELLREF . '$/i', $val, $matches)) {
3621                      //    Watch for this case-change when modifying to allow cell references in different worksheets...
3622                      //    Should only be applied to the actual cell column, not the worksheet name
3624                      //    If the last entry on the stack was a : operator, then we have a cell range reference
3625                      $testPrevOp = $stack->last(1);
3626                      if ($testPrevOp !== null && $testPrevOp['value'] == ':') {
3627                          //    If we have a worksheet reference, then we're playing with a 3D reference
3628                          if ($matches[2] == '') {
3629                              //    Otherwise, we 'inherit' the worksheet reference from the start cell reference
3630                              //    The start of the cell range reference should be the last entry in $output
3631                              $startCellRef = $output[count($output) - 1]['value'];
3632                              preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_CELLREF . '$/i', $startCellRef, $startMatches);
3633                              if ($startMatches[2] > '') {
3634                                  $val = $startMatches[2] . '!' . $val;
3635                              }
3636                          } else {
3637                              return $this->raiseFormulaError('3D Range references are not yet supported');
3638                          }
3639                      }
3641                      $outputItem = $stack->getStackItem('Cell Reference', $val, $val, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
3643                      $output[] = $outputItem;
3644                  } else {    // it's a variable, constant, string, number or boolean
3645                      //    If the last entry on the stack was a : operator, then we may have a row or column range reference
3646                      $testPrevOp = $stack->last(1);
3647                      if ($testPrevOp !== null && $testPrevOp['value'] === ':') {
3648                          $startRowColRef = $output[count($output) - 1]['value'];
3649                          [$rangeWS1, $startRowColRef] = Worksheet::extractSheetTitle($startRowColRef, true);
3650                          $rangeSheetRef = $rangeWS1;
3651                          if ($rangeWS1 != '') {
3652                              $rangeWS1 .= '!';
3653                          }
3654                          [$rangeWS2, $val] = Worksheet::extractSheetTitle($val, true);
3655                          if ($rangeWS2 != '') {
3656                              $rangeWS2 .= '!';
3657                          } else {
3658                              $rangeWS2 = $rangeWS1;
3659                          }
3660                          $refSheet = $pCellParent;
3661                          if ($pCellParent !== null && $rangeSheetRef !== $pCellParent->getTitle()) {
3662                              $refSheet = $pCellParent->getParent()->getSheetByName($rangeSheetRef);
3663                          }
3664                          if ((is_int($startRowColRef)) && (ctype_digit($val)) &&
3665                              ($startRowColRef <= 1048576) && ($val <= 1048576)) {
3666                              //    Row range
3667                              $endRowColRef = ($refSheet !== null) ? $refSheet->getHighestColumn() : 'XFD'; //    Max 16,384 columns for Excel2007
3668                              $output[count($output) - 1]['value'] = $rangeWS1 . 'A' . $startRowColRef;
3669                              $val = $rangeWS2 . $endRowColRef . $val;
3670                          } elseif ((ctype_alpha($startRowColRef)) && (ctype_alpha($val)) &&
3671                              (strlen($startRowColRef) <= 3) && (strlen($val) <= 3)) {
3672                              //    Column range
3673                              $endRowColRef = ($refSheet !== null) ? $refSheet->getHighestRow() : 1048576; //    Max 1,048,576 rows for Excel2007
3674                              $output[count($output) - 1]['value'] = $rangeWS1 . strtoupper($startRowColRef) . '1';
3675                              $val = $rangeWS2 . $val . $endRowColRef;
3676                          }
3677                      }
3679                      $localeConstant = false;
3680                      if ($opCharacter == '"') {
3681                          //    UnEscape any quotes within the string
3682                          $val = self::wrapResult(str_replace('""', '"', self::unwrapResult($val)));
3683                      } elseif (is_numeric($val)) {
3684                          if ((strpos($val, '.') !== false) || (stripos($val, 'e') !== false) || ($val > PHP_INT_MAX) || ($val < -PHP_INT_MAX)) {
3685                              $val = (float) $val;
3686                          } else {
3687                              $val = (int) $val;
3688                          }
3689                      } elseif (isset(self::$excelConstants[trim(strtoupper($val))])) {
3690                          $excelConstant = trim(strtoupper($val));
3691                          $val = self::$excelConstants[$excelConstant];
3692                      } elseif (($localeConstant = array_search(trim(strtoupper($val)), self::$localeBoolean)) !== false) {
3693                          $val = self::$excelConstants[$localeConstant];
3694                      }
3695                      $details = $stack->getStackItem('Value', $val, null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
3696                      if ($localeConstant) {
3697                          $details['localeValue'] = $localeConstant;
3698                      }
3699                      $output[] = $details;
3700                  }
3701                  $index += $length;
3702              } elseif ($opCharacter == '$') {    // absolute row or column range
3703                  ++$index;
3704              } elseif ($opCharacter == ')') {    // miscellaneous error checking
3705                  if ($expectingOperand) {
3706                      $output[] = ['type' => 'NULL Value', 'value' => self::$excelConstants['NULL'], 'reference' => null];
3707                      $expectingOperand = false;
3708                      $expectingOperator = true;
3709                  } else {
3710                      return $this->raiseFormulaError("Formula Error: Unexpected ')'");
3711                  }
3712              } elseif (isset(self::$operators[$opCharacter]) && !$expectingOperator) {
3713                  return $this->raiseFormulaError("Formula Error: Unexpected operator '$opCharacter'");
3714              } else {    // I don't even want to know what you did to get here
3715                  return $this->raiseFormulaError('Formula Error: An unexpected error occured');
3716              }
3717              //    Test for end of formula string
3718              if ($index == strlen($formula)) {
3719                  //    Did we end with an operator?.
3720                  //    Only valid for the % unary operator
3721                  if ((isset(self::$operators[$opCharacter])) && ($opCharacter != '%')) {
3722                      return $this->raiseFormulaError("Formula Error: Operator '$opCharacter' has no operands");
3723                  }
3725                  break;
3726              }
3727              //    Ignore white space
3728              while (($formula[$index] == "\n") || ($formula[$index] == "\r")) {
3729                  ++$index;
3730              }
3731              if ($formula[$index] == ' ') {
3732                  while ($formula[$index] == ' ') {
3733                      ++$index;
3734                  }
3735                  //    If we're expecting an operator, but only have a space between the previous and next operands (and both are
3736                  //        Cell References) then we have an INTERSECTION operator
3737                  if (($expectingOperator) && (preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_CELLREF . '.*/Ui', substr($formula, $index), $match)) &&
3738                      ($output[count($output) - 1]['type'] == 'Cell Reference')) {
3739                      while ($stack->count() > 0 &&
3740                          ($o2 = $stack->last()) &&
3741                          isset(self::$operators[$o2['value']]) &&
3742                          @(self::$operatorAssociativity[$opCharacter] ? self::$operatorPrecedence[$opCharacter] < self::$operatorPrecedence[$o2['value']] : self::$operatorPrecedence[$opCharacter] <= self::$operatorPrecedence[$o2['value']])) {
3743                          $output[] = $stack->pop(); //    Swap operands and higher precedence operators from the stack to the output
3744                      }
3745                      $stack->push('Binary Operator', '|'); //    Put an Intersect Operator on the stack
3746                      $expectingOperator = false;
3747                  }
3748              }
3749          }
3751          while (($op = $stack->pop()) !== null) {    // pop everything off the stack and push onto output
3752              if ((is_array($op) && $op['value'] == '(') || ($op === '(')) {
3753                  return $this->raiseFormulaError("Formula Error: Expecting ')'"); // if there are any opening braces on the stack, then braces were unbalanced
3754              }
3755              $output[] = $op;
3756          }
3758          return $output;
3759      }
3761      private static function dataTestReference(&$operandData)
3762      {
3763          $operand = $operandData['value'];
3764          if (($operandData['reference'] === null) && (is_array($operand))) {
3765              $rKeys = array_keys($operand);
3766              $rowKey = array_shift($rKeys);
3767              $cKeys = array_keys(array_keys($operand[$rowKey]));
3768              $colKey = array_shift($cKeys);
3769              if (ctype_upper($colKey)) {
3770                  $operandData['reference'] = $colKey . $rowKey;
3771              }
3772          }
3774          return $operand;
3775      }
3777      // evaluate postfix notation
3779      /**
3780       * @param mixed $tokens
3781       * @param null|string $cellID
3782       * @param null|Cell $pCell
3783       *
3784       * @return bool
3785       */
3786      private function processTokenStack($tokens, $cellID = null, Cell $pCell = null)
3787      {
3788          if ($tokens == false) {
3789              return false;
3790          }
3792          //    If we're using cell caching, then $pCell may well be flushed back to the cache (which detaches the parent cell collection),
3793          //        so we store the parent cell collection so that we can re-attach it when necessary
3794          $pCellWorksheet = ($pCell !== null) ? $pCell->getWorksheet() : null;
3795          $pCellParent = ($pCell !== null) ? $pCell->getParent() : null;
3796          $stack = new Stack();
3798          // Stores branches that have been pruned
3799          $fakedForBranchPruning = [];
3800          // help us to know when pruning ['branchTestId' => true/false]
3801          $branchStore = [];
3803          //    Loop through each token in turn
3804          foreach ($tokens as $tokenData) {
3805              $token = $tokenData['value'];
3807              // Branch pruning: skip useless resolutions
3808              $storeKey = $tokenData['storeKey'] ?? null;
3809              if ($this->branchPruningEnabled && isset($tokenData['onlyIf'])) {
3810                  $onlyIfStoreKey = $tokenData['onlyIf'];
3811                  $storeValue = $branchStore[$onlyIfStoreKey] ?? null;
3812                  $storeValueAsBool = ($storeValue === null) ?
3813                      true : (bool) Functions::flattenSingleValue($storeValue);
3814                  if (is_array($storeValue)) {
3815                      $wrappedItem = end($storeValue);
3816                      $storeValue = end($wrappedItem);
3817                  }
3819                  if (isset($storeValue)
3820                      && (
3821                          !$storeValueAsBool
3822                          || Functions::isError($storeValue)
3823                          || ($storeValue === 'Pruned branch')
3824                      )
3825                  ) {
3826                      // If branching value is not true, we don't need to compute
3827                      if (!isset($fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIf-' . $onlyIfStoreKey])) {
3828                          $stack->push('Value', 'Pruned branch (only if ' . $onlyIfStoreKey . ') ' . $token);
3829                          $fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIf-' . $onlyIfStoreKey] = true;
3830                      }
3832                      if (isset($storeKey)) {
3833                          // We are processing an if condition
3834                          // We cascade the pruning to the depending branches
3835                          $branchStore[$storeKey] = 'Pruned branch';
3836                          $fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIfNot-' . $storeKey] = true;
3837                          $fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIf-' . $storeKey] = true;
3838                      }
3840                      continue;
3841                  }
3842              }
3844              if ($this->branchPruningEnabled && isset($tokenData['onlyIfNot'])) {
3845                  $onlyIfNotStoreKey = $tokenData['onlyIfNot'];
3846                  $storeValue = $branchStore[$onlyIfNotStoreKey] ?? null;
3847                  $storeValueAsBool = ($storeValue === null) ?
3848                      true : (bool) Functions::flattenSingleValue($storeValue);
3849                  if (is_array($storeValue)) {
3850                      $wrappedItem = end($storeValue);
3851                      $storeValue = end($wrappedItem);
3852                  }
3853                  if (isset($storeValue)
3854                      && (
3855                          $storeValueAsBool
3856                          || Functions::isError($storeValue)
3857                          || ($storeValue === 'Pruned branch'))
3858                  ) {
3859                      // If branching value is true, we don't need to compute
3860                      if (!isset($fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIfNot-' . $onlyIfNotStoreKey])) {
3861                          $stack->push('Value', 'Pruned branch (only if not ' . $onlyIfNotStoreKey . ') ' . $token);
3862                          $fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIfNot-' . $onlyIfNotStoreKey] = true;
3863                      }
3865                      if (isset($storeKey)) {
3866                          // We are processing an if condition
3867                          // We cascade the pruning to the depending branches
3868                          $branchStore[$storeKey] = 'Pruned branch';
3869                          $fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIfNot-' . $storeKey] = true;
3870                          $fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIf-' . $storeKey] = true;
3871                      }
3873                      continue;
3874                  }
3875              }
3877              // if the token is a binary operator, pop the top two values off the stack, do the operation, and push the result back on the stack
3878              if (isset(self::$binaryOperators[$token])) {
3879                  //    We must have two operands, error if we don't
3880                  if (($operand2Data = $stack->pop()) === null) {
3881                      return $this->raiseFormulaError('Internal error - Operand value missing from stack');
3882                  }
3883                  if (($operand1Data = $stack->pop()) === null) {
3884                      return $this->raiseFormulaError('Internal error - Operand value missing from stack');
3885                  }
3887                  $operand1 = self::dataTestReference($operand1Data);
3888                  $operand2 = self::dataTestReference($operand2Data);
3890                  //    Log what we're doing
3891                  if ($token == ':') {
3892                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Range ', $this->showValue($operand1Data['reference']), ' ', $token, ' ', $this->showValue($operand2Data['reference']));
3893                  } else {
3894                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating ', $this->showValue($operand1), ' ', $token, ' ', $this->showValue($operand2));
3895                  }
3897                  //    Process the operation in the appropriate manner
3898                  switch ($token) {
3899                      //    Comparison (Boolean) Operators
3900                      case '>':            //    Greater than
3901                      case '<':            //    Less than
3902                      case '>=':            //    Greater than or Equal to
3903                      case '<=':            //    Less than or Equal to
3904                      case '=':            //    Equality
3905                      case '<>':            //    Inequality
3906                          $result = $this->executeBinaryComparisonOperation($cellID, $operand1, $operand2, $token, $stack);
3907                          if (isset($storeKey)) {
3908                              $branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
3909                          }
3911                          break;
3912                      //    Binary Operators
3913                      case ':':            //    Range
3914                          if (strpos($operand1Data['reference'], '!') !== false) {
3915                              [$sheet1, $operand1Data['reference']] = Worksheet::extractSheetTitle($operand1Data['reference'], true);
3916                          } else {
3917                              $sheet1 = ($pCellParent !== null) ? $pCellWorksheet->getTitle() : '';
3918                          }
3920                          [$sheet2, $operand2Data['reference']] = Worksheet::extractSheetTitle($operand2Data['reference'], true);
3921                          if (empty($sheet2)) {
3922                              $sheet2 = $sheet1;
3923                          }
3925                          if ($sheet1 == $sheet2) {
3926                              if ($operand1Data['reference'] === null) {
3927                                  if ((trim($operand1Data['value']) != '') && (is_numeric($operand1Data['value']))) {
3928                                      $operand1Data['reference'] = $pCell->getColumn() . $operand1Data['value'];
3929                                  } elseif (trim($operand1Data['reference']) == '') {
3930                                      $operand1Data['reference'] = $pCell->getCoordinate();
3931                                  } else {
3932                                      $operand1Data['reference'] = $operand1Data['value'] . $pCell->getRow();
3933                                  }
3934                              }
3935                              if ($operand2Data['reference'] === null) {
3936                                  if ((trim($operand2Data['value']) != '') && (is_numeric($operand2Data['value']))) {
3937                                      $operand2Data['reference'] = $pCell->getColumn() . $operand2Data['value'];
3938                                  } elseif (trim($operand2Data['reference']) == '') {
3939                                      $operand2Data['reference'] = $pCell->getCoordinate();
3940                                  } else {
3941                                      $operand2Data['reference'] = $operand2Data['value'] . $pCell->getRow();
3942                                  }
3943                              }
3945                              $oData = array_merge(explode(':', $operand1Data['reference']), explode(':', $operand2Data['reference']));
3946                              $oCol = $oRow = [];
3947                              foreach ($oData as $oDatum) {
3948                                  $oCR = Coordinate::coordinateFromString($oDatum);
3949                                  $oCol[] = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($oCR[0]) - 1;
3950                                  $oRow[] = $oCR[1];
3951                              }
3952                              $cellRef = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex(min($oCol) + 1) . min($oRow) . ':' . Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex(max($oCol) + 1) . max($oRow);
3953                              if ($pCellParent !== null) {
3954                                  $cellValue = $this->extractCellRange($cellRef, $this->spreadsheet->getSheetByName($sheet1), false);
3955                              } else {
3956                                  return $this->raiseFormulaError('Unable to access Cell Reference');
3957                              }
3958                              $stack->push('Cell Reference', $cellValue, $cellRef);
3959                          } else {
3960                              $stack->push('Error', Functions::REF(), null);
3961                          }
3963                          break;
3964                      case '+':            //    Addition
3965                          $result = $this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'plusEquals', $stack);
3966                          if (isset($storeKey)) {
3967                              $branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
3968                          }
3970                          break;
3971                      case '-':            //    Subtraction
3972                          $result = $this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'minusEquals', $stack);
3973                          if (isset($storeKey)) {
3974                              $branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
3975                          }
3977                          break;
3978                      case '*':            //    Multiplication
3979                          $result = $this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'arrayTimesEquals', $stack);
3980                          if (isset($storeKey)) {
3981                              $branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
3982                          }
3984                          break;
3985                      case '/':            //    Division
3986                          $result = $this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'arrayRightDivide', $stack);
3987                          if (isset($storeKey)) {
3988                              $branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
3989                          }
3991                          break;
3992                      case '^':            //    Exponential
3993                          $result = $this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'power', $stack);
3994                          if (isset($storeKey)) {
3995                              $branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
3996                          }
3998                          break;
3999                      case '&':            //    Concatenation
4000                          //    If either of the operands is a matrix, we need to treat them both as matrices
4001                          //        (converting the other operand to a matrix if need be); then perform the required
4002                          //        matrix operation
4003                          if (is_bool($operand1)) {
4004                              $operand1 = ($operand1) ? self::$localeBoolean['TRUE'] : self::$localeBoolean['FALSE'];
4005                          }
4006                          if (is_bool($operand2)) {
4007                              $operand2 = ($operand2) ? self::$localeBoolean['TRUE'] : self::$localeBoolean['FALSE'];
4008                          }
4009                          if ((is_array($operand1)) || (is_array($operand2))) {
4010                              //    Ensure that both operands are arrays/matrices
4011                              self::checkMatrixOperands($operand1, $operand2, 2);
4013                              try {
4014                                  //    Convert operand 1 from a PHP array to a matrix
4015                                  $matrix = new Shared\JAMA\Matrix($operand1);
4016                                  //    Perform the required operation against the operand 1 matrix, passing in operand 2
4017                                  $matrixResult = $matrix->concat($operand2);
4018                                  $result = $matrixResult->getArray();
4019                              } catch (\Exception $ex) {
4020                                  $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('JAMA Matrix Exception: ', $ex->getMessage());
4021                                  $result = '#VALUE!';
4022                              }
4023                          } else {
4024                              $result = '"' . str_replace('""', '"', self::unwrapResult($operand1) . self::unwrapResult($operand2)) . '"';
4025                          }
4026                          $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result is ', $this->showTypeDetails($result));
4027                          $stack->push('Value', $result);
4029                          if (isset($storeKey)) {
4030                              $branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
4031                          }
4033                          break;
4034                      case '|':            //    Intersect
4035                          $rowIntersect = array_intersect_key($operand1, $operand2);
4036                          $cellIntersect = $oCol = $oRow = [];
4037                          foreach (array_keys($rowIntersect) as $row) {
4038                              $oRow[] = $row;
4039                              foreach ($rowIntersect[$row] as $col => $data) {
4040                                  $oCol[] = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($col) - 1;
4041                                  $cellIntersect[$row] = array_intersect_key($operand1[$row], $operand2[$row]);
4042                              }
4043                          }
4044                          $cellRef = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex(min($oCol) + 1) . min($oRow) . ':' . Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex(max($oCol) + 1) . max($oRow);
4045                          $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result is ', $this->showTypeDetails($cellIntersect));
4046                          $stack->push('Value', $cellIntersect, $cellRef);
4048                          break;
4049                  }
4051                  // if the token is a unary operator, pop one value off the stack, do the operation, and push it back on
4052              } elseif (($token === '~') || ($token === '%')) {
4053                  if (($arg = $stack->pop()) === null) {
4054                      return $this->raiseFormulaError('Internal error - Operand value missing from stack');
4055                  }
4056                  $arg = $arg['value'];
4057                  if ($token === '~') {
4058                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Negation of ', $this->showValue($arg));
4059                      $multiplier = -1;
4060                  } else {
4061                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Percentile of ', $this->showValue($arg));
4062                      $multiplier = 0.01;
4063                  }
4064                  if (is_array($arg)) {
4065                      self::checkMatrixOperands($arg, $multiplier, 2);
4067                      try {
4068                          $matrix1 = new Shared\JAMA\Matrix($arg);
4069                          $matrixResult = $matrix1->arrayTimesEquals($multiplier);
4070                          $result = $matrixResult->getArray();
4071                      } catch (\Exception $ex) {
4072                          $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('JAMA Matrix Exception: ', $ex->getMessage());
4073                          $result = '#VALUE!';
4074                      }
4075                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result is ', $this->showTypeDetails($result));
4076                      $stack->push('Value', $result);
4077                      if (isset($storeKey)) {
4078                          $branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
4079                      }
4080                  } else {
4081                      $this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($multiplier, $arg, '*', 'arrayTimesEquals', $stack);
4082                  }
4083              } elseif (preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_CELLREF . '$/i', $token, $matches)) {
4084                  $cellRef = null;
4085                  if (isset($matches[8])) {
4086                      if ($pCell === null) {
4087                          //                        We can't access the range, so return a REF error
4088                          $cellValue = Functions::REF();
4089                      } else {
4090                          $cellRef = $matches[6] . $matches[7] . ':' . $matches[9] . $matches[10];
4091                          if ($matches[2] > '') {
4092                              $matches[2] = trim($matches[2], "\"'");
4093                              if ((strpos($matches[2], '[') !== false) || (strpos($matches[2], ']') !== false)) {
4094                                  //    It's a Reference to an external spreadsheet (not currently supported)
4095                                  return $this->raiseFormulaError('Unable to access External Workbook');
4096                              }
4097                              $matches[2] = trim($matches[2], "\"'");
4098                              $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Cell Range ', $cellRef, ' in worksheet ', $matches[2]);
4099                              if ($pCellParent !== null) {
4100                                  $cellValue = $this->extractCellRange($cellRef, $this->spreadsheet->getSheetByName($matches[2]), false);
4101                              } else {
4102                                  return $this->raiseFormulaError('Unable to access Cell Reference');
4103                              }
4104                              $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result for cells ', $cellRef, ' in worksheet ', $matches[2], ' is ', $this->showTypeDetails($cellValue));
4105                          } else {
4106                              $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Cell Range ', $cellRef, ' in current worksheet');
4107                              if ($pCellParent !== null) {
4108                                  $cellValue = $this->extractCellRange($cellRef, $pCellWorksheet, false);
4109                              } else {
4110                                  return $this->raiseFormulaError('Unable to access Cell Reference');
4111                              }
4112                              $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result for cells ', $cellRef, ' is ', $this->showTypeDetails($cellValue));
4113                          }
4114                      }
4115                  } else {
4116                      if ($pCell === null) {
4117                          //                        We can't access the cell, so return a REF error
4118                          $cellValue = Functions::REF();
4119                      } else {
4120                          $cellRef = $matches[6] . $matches[7];
4121                          if ($matches[2] > '') {
4122                              $matches[2] = trim($matches[2], "\"'");
4123                              if ((strpos($matches[2], '[') !== false) || (strpos($matches[2], ']') !== false)) {
4124                                  //    It's a Reference to an external spreadsheet (not currently supported)
4125                                  return $this->raiseFormulaError('Unable to access External Workbook');
4126                              }
4127                              $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Cell ', $cellRef, ' in worksheet ', $matches[2]);
4128                              if ($pCellParent !== null) {
4129                                  $cellSheet = $this->spreadsheet->getSheetByName($matches[2]);
4130                                  if ($cellSheet && $cellSheet->cellExists($cellRef)) {
4131                                      $cellValue = $this->extractCellRange($cellRef, $this->spreadsheet->getSheetByName($matches[2]), false);
4132                                      $pCell->attach($pCellParent);
4133                                  } else {
4134                                      $cellValue = null;
4135                                  }
4136                              } else {
4137                                  return $this->raiseFormulaError('Unable to access Cell Reference');
4138                              }
4139                              $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result for cell ', $cellRef, ' in worksheet ', $matches[2], ' is ', $this->showTypeDetails($cellValue));
4140                          } else {
4141                              $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Cell ', $cellRef, ' in current worksheet');
4142                              if ($pCellParent->has($cellRef)) {
4143                                  $cellValue = $this->extractCellRange($cellRef, $pCellWorksheet, false);
4144                                  $pCell->attach($pCellParent);
4145                              } else {
4146                                  $cellValue = null;
4147                              }
4148                              $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result for cell ', $cellRef, ' is ', $this->showTypeDetails($cellValue));
4149                          }
4150                      }
4151                  }
4152                  $stack->push('Value', $cellValue, $cellRef);
4153                  if (isset($storeKey)) {
4154                      $branchStore[$storeKey] = $cellValue;
4155                  }
4157                  // if the token is a function, pop arguments off the stack, hand them to the function, and push the result back on
4158              } elseif (preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_FUNCTION . '$/i', $token, $matches)) {
4159                  if ($pCellParent) {
4160                      $pCell->attach($pCellParent);
4161                  }
4162                  if (($cellID == 'AC99') || (isset($pCell) && $pCell->getCoordinate() == 'AC99')) {
4163                      if (defined('RESOLVING')) {
4164                          define('RESOLVING2', true);
4165                      } else {
4166                          define('RESOLVING', true);
4167                      }
4168                  }
4170                  $functionName = $matches[1];
4171                  $argCount = $stack->pop();
4172                  $argCount = $argCount['value'];
4173                  if ($functionName != 'MKMATRIX') {
4174                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Function ', self::localeFunc($functionName), '() with ', (($argCount == 0) ? 'no' : $argCount), ' argument', (($argCount == 1) ? '' : 's'));
4175                  }
4176                  if ((isset(self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$functionName])) || (isset(self::$controlFunctions[$functionName]))) {    // function
4177                      if (isset(self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$functionName])) {
4178                          $functionCall = self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$functionName]['functionCall'];
4179                          $passByReference = isset(self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$functionName]['passByReference']);
4180                          $passCellReference = isset(self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$functionName]['passCellReference']);
4181                      } elseif (isset(self::$controlFunctions[$functionName])) {
4182                          $functionCall = self::$controlFunctions[$functionName]['functionCall'];
4183                          $passByReference = isset(self::$controlFunctions[$functionName]['passByReference']);
4184                          $passCellReference = isset(self::$controlFunctions[$functionName]['passCellReference']);
4185                      }
4186                      // get the arguments for this function
4187                      $args = $argArrayVals = [];
4188                      for ($i = 0; $i < $argCount; ++$i) {
4189                          $arg = $stack->pop();
4190                          $a = $argCount - $i - 1;
4191                          if (($passByReference) &&
4192                              (isset(self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$functionName]['passByReference'][$a])) &&
4193                              (self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$functionName]['passByReference'][$a])) {
4194                              if ($arg['reference'] === null) {
4195                                  $args[] = $cellID;
4196                                  if ($functionName != 'MKMATRIX') {
4197                                      $argArrayVals[] = $this->showValue($cellID);
4198                                  }
4199                              } else {
4200                                  $args[] = $arg['reference'];
4201                                  if ($functionName != 'MKMATRIX') {
4202                                      $argArrayVals[] = $this->showValue($arg['reference']);
4203                                  }
4204                              }
4205                          } else {
4206                              $args[] = self::unwrapResult($arg['value']);
4207                              if ($functionName != 'MKMATRIX') {
4208                                  $argArrayVals[] = $this->showValue($arg['value']);
4209                              }
4210                          }
4211                      }
4213                      //    Reverse the order of the arguments
4214                      krsort($args);
4216                      if (($passByReference) && ($argCount == 0)) {
4217                          $args[] = $cellID;
4218                          $argArrayVals[] = $this->showValue($cellID);
4219                      }
4221                      if ($functionName != 'MKMATRIX') {
4222                          if ($this->debugLog->getWriteDebugLog()) {
4223                              krsort($argArrayVals);
4224                              $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating ', self::localeFunc($functionName), '( ', implode(self::$localeArgumentSeparator . ' ', Functions::flattenArray($argArrayVals)), ' )');
4225                          }
4226                      }
4228                      //    Process the argument with the appropriate function call
4229                      $args = $this->addCellReference($args, $passCellReference, $functionCall, $pCell);
4231                      if (!is_array($functionCall)) {
4232                          foreach ($args as &$arg) {
4233                              $arg = Functions::flattenSingleValue($arg);
4234                          }
4235                          unset($arg);
4236                      }
4238                      $result = call_user_func_array($functionCall, $args);
4240                      if ($functionName != 'MKMATRIX') {
4241                          $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result for ', self::localeFunc($functionName), '() function call is ', $this->showTypeDetails($result));
4242                      }
4243                      $stack->push('Value', self::wrapResult($result));
4244                      if (isset($storeKey)) {
4245                          $branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
4246                      }
4247                  }
4248              } else {
4249                  // if the token is a number, boolean, string or an Excel error, push it onto the stack
4250                  if (isset(self::$excelConstants[strtoupper($token)])) {
4251                      $excelConstant = strtoupper($token);
4252                      $stack->push('Constant Value', self::$excelConstants[$excelConstant]);
4253                      if (isset($storeKey)) {
4254                          $branchStore[$storeKey] = self::$excelConstants[$excelConstant];
4255                      }
4256                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Constant ', $excelConstant, ' as ', $this->showTypeDetails(self::$excelConstants[$excelConstant]));
4257                  } elseif ((is_numeric($token)) || ($token === null) || (is_bool($token)) || ($token == '') || ($token[0] == '"') || ($token[0] == '#')) {
4258                      $stack->push('Value', $token);
4259                      if (isset($storeKey)) {
4260                          $branchStore[$storeKey] = $token;
4261                      }
4262                      // if the token is a named range, push the named range name onto the stack
4263                  } elseif (preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_NAMEDRANGE . '$/i', $token, $matches)) {
4264                      $namedRange = $matches[6];
4265                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Named Range ', $namedRange);
4267                      $cellValue = $this->extractNamedRange($namedRange, ((null !== $pCell) ? $pCellWorksheet : null), false);
4268                      $pCell->attach($pCellParent);
4269                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result for named range ', $namedRange, ' is ', $this->showTypeDetails($cellValue));
4270                      $stack->push('Named Range', $cellValue, $namedRange);
4271                      if (isset($storeKey)) {
4272                          $branchStore[$storeKey] = $cellValue;
4273                      }
4274                  } else {
4275                      return $this->raiseFormulaError("undefined variable '$token'");
4276                  }
4277              }
4278          }
4279          // when we're out of tokens, the stack should have a single element, the final result
4280          if ($stack->count() != 1) {
4281              return $this->raiseFormulaError('internal error');
4282          }
4283          $output = $stack->pop();
4284          $output = $output['value'];
4286          return $output;
4287      }
4289      private function validateBinaryOperand(&$operand, &$stack)
4290      {
4291          if (is_array($operand)) {
4292              if ((count($operand, COUNT_RECURSIVE) - count($operand)) == 1) {
4293                  do {
4294                      $operand = array_pop($operand);
4295                  } while (is_array($operand));
4296              }
4297          }
4298          //    Numbers, matrices and booleans can pass straight through, as they're already valid
4299          if (is_string($operand)) {
4300              //    We only need special validations for the operand if it is a string
4301              //    Start by stripping off the quotation marks we use to identify true excel string values internally
4302              if ($operand > '' && $operand[0] == '"') {
4303                  $operand = self::unwrapResult($operand);
4304              }
4305              //    If the string is a numeric value, we treat it as a numeric, so no further testing
4306              if (!is_numeric($operand)) {
4307                  //    If not a numeric, test to see if the value is an Excel error, and so can't be used in normal binary operations
4308                  if ($operand > '' && $operand[0] == '#') {
4309                      $stack->push('Value', $operand);
4310                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result is ', $this->showTypeDetails($operand));
4312                      return false;
4313                  } elseif (!Shared\StringHelper::convertToNumberIfFraction($operand)) {
4314                      //    If not a numeric or a fraction, then it's a text string, and so can't be used in mathematical binary operations
4315                      $stack->push('Value', '#VALUE!');
4316                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result is a ', $this->showTypeDetails('#VALUE!'));
4318                      return false;
4319                  }
4320              }
4321          }
4323          //    return a true if the value of the operand is one that we can use in normal binary operations
4324          return true;
4325      }
4327      /**
4328       * @param null|string $cellID
4329       * @param mixed $operand1
4330       * @param mixed $operand2
4331       * @param string $operation
4332       * @param Stack $stack
4333       * @param bool $recursingArrays
4334       *
4335       * @return mixed
4336       */
4337      private function executeBinaryComparisonOperation($cellID, $operand1, $operand2, $operation, Stack &$stack, $recursingArrays = false)
4338      {
4339          //    If we're dealing with matrix operations, we want a matrix result
4340          if ((is_array($operand1)) || (is_array($operand2))) {
4341              $result = [];
4342              if ((is_array($operand1)) && (!is_array($operand2))) {
4343                  foreach ($operand1 as $x => $operandData) {
4344                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Comparison ', $this->showValue($operandData), ' ', $operation, ' ', $this->showValue($operand2));
4345                      $this->executeBinaryComparisonOperation($cellID, $operandData, $operand2, $operation, $stack);
4346                      $r = $stack->pop();
4347                      $result[$x] = $r['value'];
4348                  }
4349              } elseif ((!is_array($operand1)) && (is_array($operand2))) {
4350                  foreach ($operand2 as $x => $operandData) {
4351                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Comparison ', $this->showValue($operand1), ' ', $operation, ' ', $this->showValue($operandData));
4352                      $this->executeBinaryComparisonOperation($cellID, $operand1, $operandData, $operation, $stack);
4353                      $r = $stack->pop();
4354                      $result[$x] = $r['value'];
4355                  }
4356              } else {
4357                  if (!$recursingArrays) {
4358                      self::checkMatrixOperands($operand1, $operand2, 2);
4359                  }
4360                  foreach ($operand1 as $x => $operandData) {
4361                      $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Comparison ', $this->showValue($operandData), ' ', $operation, ' ', $this->showValue($operand2[$x]));
4362                      $this->executeBinaryComparisonOperation($cellID, $operandData, $operand2[$x], $operation, $stack, true);
4363                      $r = $stack->pop();
4364                      $result[$x] = $r['value'];
4365                  }
4366              }
4367              //    Log the result details
4368              $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Comparison Evaluation Result is ', $this->showTypeDetails($result));
4369              //    And push the result onto the stack
4370              $stack->push('Array', $result);
4372              return $result;
4373          }
4375          //    Simple validate the two operands if they are string values
4376          if (is_string($operand1) && $operand1 > '' && $operand1[0] == '"') {
4377              $operand1 = self::unwrapResult($operand1);
4378          }
4379          if (is_string($operand2) && $operand2 > '' && $operand2[0] == '"') {
4380              $operand2 = self::unwrapResult($operand2);
4381          }
4383          // Use case insensitive comparaison if not OpenOffice mode
4384          if (Functions::getCompatibilityMode() != Functions::COMPATIBILITY_OPENOFFICE) {
4385              if (is_string($operand1)) {
4386                  $operand1 = strtoupper($operand1);
4387              }
4388              if (is_string($operand2)) {
4389                  $operand2 = strtoupper($operand2);
4390              }
4391          }
4393          $useLowercaseFirstComparison = is_string($operand1) && is_string($operand2) && Functions::getCompatibilityMode() == Functions::COMPATIBILITY_OPENOFFICE;
4395          //    execute the necessary operation
4396          switch ($operation) {
4397              //    Greater than
4398              case '>':
4399                  if ($useLowercaseFirstComparison) {
4400                      $result = $this->strcmpLowercaseFirst($operand1, $operand2) > 0;
4401                  } else {
4402                      $result = ($operand1 > $operand2);
4403                  }
4405                  break;
4406              //    Less than
4407              case '<':
4408                  if ($useLowercaseFirstComparison) {
4409                      $result = $this->strcmpLowercaseFirst($operand1, $operand2) < 0;
4410                  } else {
4411                      $result = ($operand1 < $operand2);
4412                  }
4414                  break;
4415              //    Equality
4416              case '=':
4417                  if (is_numeric($operand1) && is_numeric($operand2)) {
4418                      $result = (abs($operand1 - $operand2) < $this->delta);
4419                  } else {
4420                      $result = strcmp($operand1, $operand2) == 0;
4421                  }
4423                  break;
4424              //    Greater than or equal
4425              case '>=':
4426                  if (is_numeric($operand1) && is_numeric($operand2)) {
4427                      $result = ((abs($operand1 - $operand2) < $this->delta) || ($operand1 > $operand2));
4428                  } elseif ($useLowercaseFirstComparison) {
4429                      $result = $this->strcmpLowercaseFirst($operand1, $operand2) >= 0;
4430                  } else {
4431                      $result = strcmp($operand1, $operand2) >= 0;
4432                  }
4434                  break;
4435              //    Less than or equal
4436              case '<=':
4437                  if (is_numeric($operand1) && is_numeric($operand2)) {
4438                      $result = ((abs($operand1 - $operand2) < $this->delta) || ($operand1 < $operand2));
4439                  } elseif ($useLowercaseFirstComparison) {
4440                      $result = $this->strcmpLowercaseFirst($operand1, $operand2) <= 0;
4441                  } else {
4442                      $result = strcmp($operand1, $operand2) <= 0;
4443                  }
4445                  break;
4446              //    Inequality
4447              case '<>':
4448                  if (is_numeric($operand1) && is_numeric($operand2)) {
4449                      $result = (abs($operand1 - $operand2) > 1E-14);
4450                  } else {
4451                      $result = strcmp($operand1, $operand2) != 0;
4452                  }
4454                  break;
4455          }
4457          //    Log the result details
4458          $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result is ', $this->showTypeDetails($result));
4459          //    And push the result onto the stack
4460          $stack->push('Value', $result);
4462          return $result;
4463      }
4465      /**
4466       * Compare two strings in the same way as strcmp() except that lowercase come before uppercase letters.
4467       *
4468       * @param string $str1 First string value for the comparison
4469       * @param string $str2 Second string value for the comparison
4470       *
4471       * @return int
4472       */
4473      private function strcmpLowercaseFirst($str1, $str2)
4474      {
4475          $inversedStr1 = Shared\StringHelper::strCaseReverse($str1);
4476          $inversedStr2 = Shared\StringHelper::strCaseReverse($str2);
4478          return strcmp($inversedStr1, $inversedStr2);
4479      }
4481      /**
4482       * @param mixed $operand1
4483       * @param mixed $operand2
4484       * @param mixed $operation
4485       * @param string $matrixFunction
4486       * @param mixed $stack
4487       *
4488       * @return bool|mixed
4489       */
4490      private function executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $operation, $matrixFunction, &$stack)
4491      {
4492          //    Validate the two operands
4493          if (!$this->validateBinaryOperand($operand1, $stack)) {
4494              return false;
4495          }
4496          if (!$this->validateBinaryOperand($operand2, $stack)) {
4497              return false;
4498          }
4500          //    If either of the operands is a matrix, we need to treat them both as matrices
4501          //        (converting the other operand to a matrix if need be); then perform the required
4502          //        matrix operation
4503          if ((is_array($operand1)) || (is_array($operand2))) {
4504              //    Ensure that both operands are arrays/matrices of the same size
4505              self::checkMatrixOperands($operand1, $operand2, 2);
4507              try {
4508                  //    Convert operand 1 from a PHP array to a matrix
4509                  $matrix = new Shared\JAMA\Matrix($operand1);
4510                  //    Perform the required operation against the operand 1 matrix, passing in operand 2
4511                  $matrixResult = $matrix->$matrixFunction($operand2);
4512                  $result = $matrixResult->getArray();
4513              } catch (\Exception $ex) {
4514                  $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('JAMA Matrix Exception: ', $ex->getMessage());
4515                  $result = '#VALUE!';
4516              }
4517          } else {
4518              if ((Functions::getCompatibilityMode() != Functions::COMPATIBILITY_OPENOFFICE) &&
4519                  ((is_string($operand1) && !is_numeric($operand1) && strlen($operand1) > 0) ||
4520                   (is_string($operand2) && !is_numeric($operand2) && strlen($operand2) > 0))) {
4521                  $result = Functions::VALUE();
4522              } else {
4523                  //    If we're dealing with non-matrix operations, execute the necessary operation
4524                  switch ($operation) {
4525                      //    Addition
4526                      case '+':
4527                          $result = $operand1 + $operand2;
4529                          break;
4530                      //    Subtraction
4531                      case '-':
4532                          $result = $operand1 - $operand2;
4534                          break;
4535                      //    Multiplication
4536                      case '*':
4537                          $result = $operand1 * $operand2;
4539                          break;
4540                      //    Division
4541                      case '/':
4542                          if ($operand2 == 0) {
4543                              //    Trap for Divide by Zero error
4544                              $stack->push('Value', '#DIV/0!');
4545                              $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result is ', $this->showTypeDetails('#DIV/0!'));
4547                              return false;
4548                          }
4549                              $result = $operand1 / $operand2;
4551                          break;
4552                      //    Power
4553                      case '^':
4554                          $result = pow($operand1, $operand2);
4556                          break;
4557                  }
4558              }
4559          }
4561          //    Log the result details
4562          $this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result is ', $this->showTypeDetails($result));
4563          //    And push the result onto the stack
4564          $stack->push('Value', $result);
4566          return $result;
4567      }
4569      // trigger an error, but nicely, if need be
4570      protected function raiseFormulaError($errorMessage)
4571      {
4572          $this->formulaError = $errorMessage;
4573          $this->cyclicReferenceStack->clear();
4574          if (!$this->suppressFormulaErrors) {
4575              throw new Exception($errorMessage);
4576          }
4577          trigger_error($errorMessage, E_USER_ERROR);
4579          return false;
4580      }
4582      /**
4583       * Extract range values.
4584       *
4585       * @param string &$pRange String based range representation
4586       * @param Worksheet $pSheet Worksheet
4587       * @param bool $resetLog Flag indicating whether calculation log should be reset or not
4588       *
4589       * @return mixed Array of values in range if range contains more than one element. Otherwise, a single value is returned.
4590       */
4591      public function extractCellRange(&$pRange = 'A1', Worksheet $pSheet = null, $resetLog = true)
4592      {
4593          // Return value
4594          $returnValue = [];
4596          if ($pSheet !== null) {
4597              $pSheetName = $pSheet->getTitle();
4598              if (strpos($pRange, '!') !== false) {
4599                  [$pSheetName, $pRange] = Worksheet::extractSheetTitle($pRange, true);
4600                  $pSheet = $this->spreadsheet->getSheetByName($pSheetName);
4601              }
4603              // Extract range
4604              $aReferences = Coordinate::extractAllCellReferencesInRange($pRange);
4605              $pRange = $pSheetName . '!' . $pRange;
4606              if (!isset($aReferences[1])) {
4607                  $currentCol = '';
4608                  $currentRow = 0;
4609                  //    Single cell in range
4610                  sscanf($aReferences[0], '%[A-Z]%d', $currentCol, $currentRow);
4611                  if ($pSheet->cellExists($aReferences[0])) {
4612                      $returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = $pSheet->getCell($aReferences[0])->getCalculatedValue($resetLog);
4613                  } else {
4614                      $returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = null;
4615                  }
4616              } else {
4617                  // Extract cell data for all cells in the range
4618                  foreach ($aReferences as $reference) {
4619                      $currentCol = '';
4620                      $currentRow = 0;
4621                      // Extract range
4622                      sscanf($reference, '%[A-Z]%d', $currentCol, $currentRow);
4623                      if ($pSheet->cellExists($reference)) {
4624                          $returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = $pSheet->getCell($reference)->getCalculatedValue($resetLog);
4625                      } else {
4626                          $returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = null;
4627                      }
4628                  }
4629              }
4630          }
4632          return $returnValue;
4633      }
4635      /**
4636       * Extract range values.
4637       *
4638       * @param string &$pRange String based range representation
4639       * @param Worksheet $pSheet Worksheet
4640       * @param bool $resetLog Flag indicating whether calculation log should be reset or not
4641       *
4642       * @return mixed Array of values in range if range contains more than one element. Otherwise, a single value is returned.
4643       */
4644      public function extractNamedRange(&$pRange = 'A1', Worksheet $pSheet = null, $resetLog = true)
4645      {
4646          // Return value
4647          $returnValue = [];
4649          if ($pSheet !== null) {
4650              $pSheetName = $pSheet->getTitle();
4651              if (strpos($pRange, '!') !== false) {
4652                  [$pSheetName, $pRange] = Worksheet::extractSheetTitle($pRange, true);
4653                  $pSheet = $this->spreadsheet->getSheetByName($pSheetName);
4654              }
4656              // Named range?
4657              $namedRange = NamedRange::resolveRange($pRange, $pSheet);
4658              if ($namedRange !== null) {
4659                  $pSheet = $namedRange->getWorksheet();
4660                  $pRange = $namedRange->getRange();
4661                  $splitRange = Coordinate::splitRange($pRange);
4662                  //    Convert row and column references
4663                  if (ctype_alpha($splitRange[0][0])) {
4664                      $pRange = $splitRange[0][0] . '1:' . $splitRange[0][1] . $namedRange->getWorksheet()->getHighestRow();
4665                  } elseif (ctype_digit($splitRange[0][0])) {
4666                      $pRange = 'A' . $splitRange[0][0] . ':' . $namedRange->getWorksheet()->getHighestColumn() . $splitRange[0][1];
4667                  }
4668              } else {
4669                  return Functions::REF();
4670              }
4672              // Extract range
4673              $aReferences = Coordinate::extractAllCellReferencesInRange($pRange);
4674              if (!isset($aReferences[1])) {
4675                  //    Single cell (or single column or row) in range
4676                  [$currentCol, $currentRow] = Coordinate::coordinateFromString($aReferences[0]);
4677                  if ($pSheet->cellExists($aReferences[0])) {
4678                      $returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = $pSheet->getCell($aReferences[0])->getCalculatedValue($resetLog);
4679                  } else {
4680                      $returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = null;
4681                  }
4682              } else {
4683                  // Extract cell data for all cells in the range
4684                  foreach ($aReferences as $reference) {
4685                      // Extract range
4686                      [$currentCol, $currentRow] = Coordinate::coordinateFromString($reference);
4687                      if ($pSheet->cellExists($reference)) {
4688                          $returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = $pSheet->getCell($reference)->getCalculatedValue($resetLog);
4689                      } else {
4690                          $returnValue[$currentRow][$currentCol] = null;
4691                      }
4692                  }
4693              }
4694          }
4696          return $returnValue;
4697      }
4699      /**
4700       * Is a specific function implemented?
4701       *
4702       * @param string $pFunction Function Name
4703       *
4704       * @return bool
4705       */
4706      public function isImplemented($pFunction)
4707      {
4708          $pFunction = strtoupper($pFunction);
4709          $notImplemented = !isset(self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$pFunction]) || (is_array(self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$pFunction]['functionCall']) && self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[$pFunction]['functionCall'][1] === 'DUMMY');
4711          return !$notImplemented;
4712      }
4714      /**
4715       * Get a list of all implemented functions as an array of function objects.
4716       *
4717       * @return array of Category
4718       */
4719      public function getFunctions()
4720      {
4721          return self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions;
4722      }
4724      /**
4725       * Get a list of implemented Excel function names.
4726       *
4727       * @return array
4728       */
4729      public function getImplementedFunctionNames()
4730      {
4731          $returnValue = [];
4732          foreach (self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions as $functionName => $function) {
4733              if ($this->isImplemented($functionName)) {
4734                  $returnValue[] = $functionName;
4735              }
4736          }
4738          return $returnValue;
4739      }
4741      /**
4742       * Add cell reference if needed while making sure that it is the last argument.
4743       *
4744       * @param array $args
4745       * @param bool $passCellReference
4746       * @param array|string $functionCall
4747       * @param null|Cell $pCell
4748       *
4749       * @return array
4750       */
4751      private function addCellReference(array $args, $passCellReference, $functionCall, Cell $pCell = null)
4752      {
4753          if ($passCellReference) {
4754              if (is_array($functionCall)) {
4755                  $className = $functionCall[0];
4756                  $methodName = $functionCall[1];
4758                  $reflectionMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($className, $methodName);
4759                  $argumentCount = count($reflectionMethod->getParameters());
4760                  while (count($args) < $argumentCount - 1) {
4761                      $args[] = null;
4762                  }
4763              }
4765              $args[] = $pCell;
4766          }
4768          return $args;
4769      }
4771      private function getUnusedBranchStoreKey()
4772      {
4773          $storeKeyValue = 'storeKey-' . $this->branchStoreKeyCounter;
4774          ++$this->branchStoreKeyCounter;
4776          return $storeKeyValue;
4777      }
4779      private function getTokensAsString($tokens)
4780      {
4781          $tokensStr = array_map(function ($token) {
4782              $value = $token['value'] ?? 'no value';
4783              while (is_array($value)) {
4784                  $value = array_pop($value);
4785              }
4787              return $value;
4788          }, $tokens);
4790          return '[ ' . implode(' | ', $tokensStr) . ' ]';
4791      }
4792  }