Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Collection;

> use Generator;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Cell; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception as PhpSpreadsheetException; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet; use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface; class Cells { /** * @var \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface */ private $cache; /** * Parent worksheet. * * @var Worksheet */ private $parent; /** * The currently active Cell. * * @var Cell */ private $currentCell; /** * Coordinate of the currently active Cell. * * @var string */ private $currentCoordinate; /** * Flag indicating whether the currently active Cell requires saving. * * @var bool */ private $currentCellIsDirty = false; /** * An index of existing cells. Booleans indexed by their coordinate. * * @var bool[] */ private $index = []; /** * Prefix used to uniquely identify cache data for this worksheet. * * @var string */ private $cachePrefix; /** * Initialise this new cell collection. * * @param Worksheet $parent The worksheet for this cell collection
< * @param CacheInterface $cache
*/ public function __construct(Worksheet $parent, CacheInterface $cache) { // Set our parent worksheet. // This is maintained here to facilitate re-attaching it to Cell objects when // they are woken from a serialized state $this->parent = $parent; $this->cache = $cache; $this->cachePrefix = $this->getUniqueID(); } /** * Return the parent worksheet for this cell collection. * * @return Worksheet */ public function getParent() { return $this->parent; } /** * Whether the collection holds a cell for the given coordinate. * * @param string $pCoord Coordinate of the cell to check * * @return bool */ public function has($pCoord) { if ($pCoord === $this->currentCoordinate) { return true; } // Check if the requested entry exists in the index return isset($this->index[$pCoord]); } /** * Add or update a cell in the collection. * * @param Cell $cell Cell to update *
< * @throws PhpSpreadsheetException < *
* @return Cell */ public function update(Cell $cell) { return $this->add($cell->getCoordinate(), $cell); } /** * Delete a cell in cache identified by coordinate. * * @param string $pCoord Coordinate of the cell to delete */
< public function delete($pCoord)
> public function delete($pCoord): void
{ if ($pCoord === $this->currentCoordinate && $this->currentCell !== null) { $this->currentCell->detach(); $this->currentCoordinate = null; $this->currentCell = null; $this->currentCellIsDirty = false; } unset($this->index[$pCoord]); // Delete the entry from cache $this->cache->delete($this->cachePrefix . $pCoord); } /** * Get a list of all cell coordinates currently held in the collection. * * @return string[] */ public function getCoordinates() { return array_keys($this->index); } /** * Get a sorted list of all cell coordinates currently held in the collection by row and column. * * @return string[] */ public function getSortedCoordinates() { $sortKeys = []; foreach ($this->getCoordinates() as $coord) { $column = ''; $row = 0; sscanf($coord, '%[A-Z]%d', $column, $row); $sortKeys[sprintf('%09d%3s', $row, $column)] = $coord; } ksort($sortKeys); return array_values($sortKeys); } /** * Get highest worksheet column and highest row that have cell records. * * @return array Highest column name and highest row number */ public function getHighestRowAndColumn() { // Lookup highest column and highest row $col = ['A' => '1A']; $row = [1]; foreach ($this->getCoordinates() as $coord) { $c = ''; $r = 0; sscanf($coord, '%[A-Z]%d', $c, $r); $row[$r] = $r; $col[$c] = strlen($c) . $c; } // Determine highest column and row $highestRow = max($row); $highestColumn = substr(max($col), 1); return [ 'row' => $highestRow, 'column' => $highestColumn, ]; } /** * Return the cell coordinate of the currently active cell object. * * @return string */ public function getCurrentCoordinate() { return $this->currentCoordinate; } /** * Return the column coordinate of the currently active cell object. * * @return string */ public function getCurrentColumn() { $column = ''; $row = 0; sscanf($this->currentCoordinate, '%[A-Z]%d', $column, $row); return $column; } /** * Return the row coordinate of the currently active cell object. * * @return int */ public function getCurrentRow() { $column = ''; $row = 0; sscanf($this->currentCoordinate, '%[A-Z]%d', $column, $row); return (int) $row; } /** * Get highest worksheet column. * * @param string $row Return the highest column for the specified row, * or the highest column of any row if no row number is passed * * @return string Highest column name */ public function getHighestColumn($row = null) { if ($row === null) { $colRow = $this->getHighestRowAndColumn(); return $colRow['column']; } $columnList = [1]; foreach ($this->getCoordinates() as $coord) { $c = ''; $r = 0; sscanf($coord, '%[A-Z]%d', $c, $r); if ($r != $row) { continue; } $columnList[] = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($c); } return Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex(max($columnList)); } /** * Get highest worksheet row. * * @param string $column Return the highest row for the specified column, * or the highest row of any column if no column letter is passed * * @return int Highest row number */ public function getHighestRow($column = null) { if ($column === null) { $colRow = $this->getHighestRowAndColumn(); return $colRow['row']; } $rowList = [0]; foreach ($this->getCoordinates() as $coord) { $c = ''; $r = 0; sscanf($coord, '%[A-Z]%d', $c, $r); if ($c != $column) { continue; } $rowList[] = $r; } return max($rowList); } /** * Generate a unique ID for cache referencing. * * @return string Unique Reference */ private function getUniqueID() { return uniqid('phpspreadsheet.', true) . '.'; } /** * Clone the cell collection. * * @param Worksheet $parent The new worksheet that we're copying to * * @return self */ public function cloneCellCollection(Worksheet $parent) { $this->storeCurrentCell(); $newCollection = clone $this; $newCollection->parent = $parent; if (($newCollection->currentCell !== null) && (is_object($newCollection->currentCell))) { $newCollection->currentCell->attach($this); } // Get old values $oldKeys = $newCollection->getAllCacheKeys(); $oldValues = $newCollection->cache->getMultiple($oldKeys); $newValues = []; $oldCachePrefix = $newCollection->cachePrefix; // Change prefix $newCollection->cachePrefix = $newCollection->getUniqueID(); foreach ($oldValues as $oldKey => $value) { $newValues[str_replace($oldCachePrefix, $newCollection->cachePrefix, $oldKey)] = clone $value; } // Store new values $stored = $newCollection->cache->setMultiple($newValues); if (!$stored) { $newCollection->__destruct(); throw new PhpSpreadsheetException('Failed to copy cells in cache'); } return $newCollection; } /** * Remove a row, deleting all cells in that row. * * @param string $row Row number to remove */
< public function removeRow($row)
> public function removeRow($row): void
{ foreach ($this->getCoordinates() as $coord) { $c = ''; $r = 0; sscanf($coord, '%[A-Z]%d', $c, $r); if ($r == $row) { $this->delete($coord); } } } /** * Remove a column, deleting all cells in that column. * * @param string $column Column ID to remove */
< public function removeColumn($column)
> public function removeColumn($column): void
{ foreach ($this->getCoordinates() as $coord) { $c = ''; $r = 0; sscanf($coord, '%[A-Z]%d', $c, $r); if ($c == $column) { $this->delete($coord); } } } /** * Store cell data in cache for the current cell object if it's "dirty", * and the 'nullify' the current cell object.
< * < * @throws PhpSpreadsheetException
< private function storeCurrentCell()
> private function storeCurrentCell(): void
{ if ($this->currentCellIsDirty && !empty($this->currentCoordinate)) { $this->currentCell->detach(); $stored = $this->cache->set($this->cachePrefix . $this->currentCoordinate, $this->currentCell); if (!$stored) { $this->__destruct(); throw new PhpSpreadsheetException("Failed to store cell {$this->currentCoordinate} in cache"); } $this->currentCellIsDirty = false; } $this->currentCoordinate = null; $this->currentCell = null; } /** * Add or update a cell identified by its coordinate into the collection. * * @param string $pCoord Coordinate of the cell to update * @param Cell $cell Cell to update *
< * @throws PhpSpreadsheetException < *
* @return \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Cell */ public function add($pCoord, Cell $cell) { if ($pCoord !== $this->currentCoordinate) { $this->storeCurrentCell(); } $this->index[$pCoord] = true; $this->currentCoordinate = $pCoord; $this->currentCell = $cell; $this->currentCellIsDirty = true; return $cell; } /** * Get cell at a specific coordinate. * * @param string $pCoord Coordinate of the cell *
< * @throws PhpSpreadsheetException < * < * @return \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Cell Cell that was found, or null if not found
> * @return null|\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Cell Cell that was found, or null if not found
*/ public function get($pCoord) { if ($pCoord === $this->currentCoordinate) { return $this->currentCell; } $this->storeCurrentCell(); // Return null if requested entry doesn't exist in collection if (!$this->has($pCoord)) { return null; } // Check if the entry that has been requested actually exists $cell = $this->cache->get($this->cachePrefix . $pCoord); if ($cell === null) { throw new PhpSpreadsheetException("Cell entry {$pCoord} no longer exists in cache. This probably means that the cache was cleared by someone else."); } // Set current entry to the requested entry $this->currentCoordinate = $pCoord; $this->currentCell = $cell; // Re-attach this as the cell's parent $this->currentCell->attach($this); // Return requested entry return $this->currentCell; } /** * Clear the cell collection and disconnect from our parent. */
< public function unsetWorksheetCells()
> public function unsetWorksheetCells(): void
{ if ($this->currentCell !== null) { $this->currentCell->detach(); $this->currentCell = null; $this->currentCoordinate = null; } // Flush the cache $this->__destruct(); $this->index = []; // detach ourself from the worksheet, so that it can then delete this object successfully $this->parent = null; } /** * Destroy this cell collection. */ public function __destruct() { $this->cache->deleteMultiple($this->getAllCacheKeys()); } /** * Returns all known cache keys. *
< * @return \Generator|string[]
> * @return Generator|string[]
*/ private function getAllCacheKeys() { foreach ($this->getCoordinates() as $coordinate) { yield $this->cachePrefix . $coordinate; } } }