Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

namespace Box\Spout\Writer\Common\Helper;

 * Class CellHelper
 * This class provides helper functions when working with cells
class CellHelper
< /** @var array Cache containing the mapping column index => cell index */ < private static $columnIndexToCellIndexCache = [];
> /** @var array Cache containing the mapping column index => column letters */ > private static $columnIndexToColumnLettersCache = [];
< * Returns the cell index (base 26) associated to the base 10 column index.
> * Returns the column letters (base 26) associated to the base 10 column index.
* Excel uses A to Z letters for column indexing, where A is the 1st column, * Z is the 26th and AA is the 27th. * The mapping is zero based, so that 0 maps to A, B maps to 1, Z to 25 and AA to 26. *
< * @param int $columnIndex The Excel column index (0, 42, ...)
> * @param int $columnIndexZeroBased The Excel column index (0, 42, ...) > *
* @return string The associated cell index ('A', 'BC', ...) */
< public static function getCellIndexFromColumnIndex($columnIndex)
> public static function getColumnLettersFromColumnIndex($columnIndexZeroBased)
< $originalColumnIndex = $columnIndex;
> $originalColumnIndex = $columnIndexZeroBased;
// Using isset here because it is way faster than array_key_exists...
< if (!isset(self::$columnIndexToCellIndexCache[$originalColumnIndex])) { < $cellIndex = ''; < $capitalAAsciiValue = ord('A');
> if (!isset(self::$columnIndexToColumnLettersCache[$originalColumnIndex])) { > $columnLetters = ''; > $capitalAAsciiValue = \ord('A');
do {
< $modulus = $columnIndex % 26; < $cellIndex = chr($capitalAAsciiValue + $modulus) . $cellIndex;
> $modulus = $columnIndexZeroBased % 26; > $columnLetters = \chr($capitalAAsciiValue + $modulus) . $columnLetters;
// substracting 1 because it's zero-based
< $columnIndex = (int) ($columnIndex / 26) - 1; < } while ($columnIndex >= 0);
> $columnIndexZeroBased = (int) ($columnIndexZeroBased / 26) - 1; > } while ($columnIndexZeroBased >= 0);
< self::$columnIndexToCellIndexCache[$originalColumnIndex] = $cellIndex;
> self::$columnIndexToColumnLettersCache[$originalColumnIndex] = $columnLetters;
< return self::$columnIndexToCellIndexCache[$originalColumnIndex];
> return self::$columnIndexToColumnLettersCache[$originalColumnIndex];
} }