Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * Unit tests for (some of) ../moodlelib.php.
 * @package    core
 * @category   phpunit
 * @copyright  &copy; 2006 The Open University
 * @author
 * @author

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

class core_moodlelib_testcase extends advanced_testcase {

    public static $includecoverage = array('lib/moodlelib.php');

     * Define a local decimal separator.
     * It is not possible to directly change the result of get_string in
     * a unit test. Instead, we create a language pack for language 'xx' in
     * dataroot and make langconfig.php with the string we need to change.
     * The default example separator used here is 'X'; on PHP 5.3 and before this
     * must be a single byte character due to PHP bug/limitation in
     * number_format, so you can't use UTF-8 characters.
     * @param string $decsep Separator character. Defaults to `'X'`.
    protected function define_local_decimal_separator(string $decsep = 'X') {
        global $SESSION, $CFG;

        $SESSION->lang = 'xx';
        $langconfig = "<?php\n\$string['decsep'] = '$decsep';";
        $langfolder = $CFG->dataroot . '/lang/xx';
        file_put_contents($langfolder . '/langconfig.php', $langconfig);

        // Ensure the new value is picked up and not taken from the cache.
        $stringmanager = get_string_manager();

    public function test_cleanremoteaddr() {
        // IPv4.
        $this->assertSame('', cleanremoteaddr(' '));

        // IPv6.
        $this->assertSame('::', cleanremoteaddr('0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0', true));
        $this->assertSame('::1:1', cleanremoteaddr('0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1', true));
        $this->assertSame('abcd:ef::', cleanremoteaddr('abcd:00ef:0:0:0:0:0:0', true));
        $this->assertSame('1::1', cleanremoteaddr('1:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', true));
        $this->assertSame('0:0:0:0:0:0:10:1', cleanremoteaddr('::10:1', false));
        $this->assertSame('1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0', cleanremoteaddr('01:1::', false));
        $this->assertSame('10:0:0:0:0:0:0:10', cleanremoteaddr('10::10', false));
        $this->assertSame('::ffff:c0a8:11', cleanremoteaddr('::ffff:', true));

    public function test_address_in_subnet() {
        // 1: or xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx/nnn (number of bits in net mask).
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('',  ''));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('baba:baba::baba', 'baba:baba::baba/128'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('bab:baba::baba', 'bab:baba::cece/128'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('baba:baba::baba', 'cece:cece::cece/0'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('baba:baba::baba', 'baba:baba::baba/128'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('baba:baba::00ba', 'baba:baba::/120'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('baba:baba::aba', 'baba:baba::/120'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('baba::baba:00ba', 'baba::baba:0/112'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('baba::aba:00ba', 'baba::baba:0/112'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('aba::baba:0000', 'baba::baba:0/112'));

        // Fixed input.
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('   ', ' / 24'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('::ffff:', ' 0:0:0:000:0:ffff:a1:10 / 126'));

        // Incorrect input.
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('123.121.234.x', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', '123.121.234.xx/24'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('::1', '::aa:0/xx0'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('::1', '::aa:0/-5'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('::1', '::aa:0/130'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('x:1', '::aa:0/130'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('::1', '::ax:0/130'));

        // 2: or  xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::xxxx-yyyy (a range of IP addresses in the last group).
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('baba:baba::baba', 'baba:baba::baba-babe'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('baba:baba::babc', 'baba:baba::baba-babe'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('baba:baba::babe', 'baba:baba::baba-babe'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('bab:baba::bab0', 'bab:baba::baba-babe'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('bab:baba::babf', 'bab:baba::baba-babe'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('bab:baba::bfbe', 'bab:baba::baba-babe'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('bfb:baba::babe', 'bab:baba::baba-babe'));

        // Fixed input.
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', ' - 14 '));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('bab:baba::babe', 'bab:baba::baba - babe  '));

        // Incorrect input.
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));

        // 3: or or xxx:xxx:xxxx or xxx:xxx:xxxx. (incomplete address, a bit non-technical ;-).
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', '123.121.234.'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', '123.121.234'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', '123.121'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', '123'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', '12.121.234.'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', '12.121.234'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('baba:baba::bab', 'baba:baba::bab'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('baba:baba::ba', 'baba:baba::bc'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('baba:baba::bab', 'baba:baba'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('baba:baba::bab', 'baba:'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('bab:baba::bab', 'baba:'));

        // Multiple subnets.
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', '::1/64, 124.,'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('', '::1/64, 124.,'));
        $this->assertTrue(address_in_subnet('::2',            '::1/64, 124.,'));
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', '::1/64, 124.,'));

        // Other incorrect input.
        $this->assertFalse(address_in_subnet('', ''));

    public function test_fix_utf8() {
        // Make sure valid data including other types is not changed.
        $this->assertSame(null, fix_utf8(null));
        $this->assertSame(1, fix_utf8(1));
        $this->assertSame(1.1, fix_utf8(1.1));
        $this->assertSame(true, fix_utf8(true));
        $this->assertSame('', fix_utf8(''));
        $this->assertSame('abc', fix_utf8('abc'));
        $array = array('do', 're', 'mi');
        $this->assertSame($array, fix_utf8($array));
        $object = new stdClass();
        $object->a = 'aa';
        $object->b = 'bb';
        $this->assertEquals($object, fix_utf8($object));

        // valid utf8 string
        $this->assertSame("žlutý koníček přeskočil potůček \n\t\r", fix_utf8("žlutý koníček přeskočil potůček \n\t\r\0"));

        // Invalid utf8 string.
        $this->assertSame('aš', fix_utf8('a'.chr(130).'š'), 'This fails with buggy iconv() when mbstring extenstion is not available as fallback.');

    public function test_optional_param() {
        global $CFG;

        $_POST['username'] = 'post_user';
        $_GET['username'] = 'get_user';
        $this->assertSame($_POST['username'], optional_param('username', 'default_user', PARAM_RAW));

        $this->assertSame($_GET['username'], optional_param('username', 'default_user', PARAM_RAW));

        $this->assertSame('default_user', optional_param('username', 'default_user', PARAM_RAW));

        // Make sure exception is triggered when some params are missing, hide error notices here - new in 2.2.
        $_POST['username'] = 'post_user';
        try {
            optional_param('username', 'default_user', null);
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        try {
            @optional_param('username', 'default_user');
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        } catch (Error $error) {
            // PHP 7.1 throws Error even earlier.
            $this->assertRegExp('/Too few arguments to function/', $error->getMessage());
        try {
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        } catch (Error $error) {
            // PHP 7.1 throws Error even earlier.
            $this->assertRegExp('/Too few arguments to function/', $error->getMessage());
        try {
            optional_param('', 'default_user', PARAM_RAW);
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);

        // Make sure warning is displayed if array submitted - TODO: throw exception in Moodle 2.3.
        $_POST['username'] = array('a'=>'a');
        $this->assertSame($_POST['username'], optional_param('username', 'default_user', PARAM_RAW));

    public function test_optional_param_array() {
        global $CFG;

        $_POST['username'] = array('a'=>'post_user');
        $_GET['username'] = array('a'=>'get_user');
        $this->assertSame($_POST['username'], optional_param_array('username', array('a'=>'default_user'), PARAM_RAW));

        $this->assertSame($_GET['username'], optional_param_array('username', array('a'=>'default_user'), PARAM_RAW));

        $this->assertSame(array('a'=>'default_user'), optional_param_array('username', array('a'=>'default_user'), PARAM_RAW));

        // Make sure exception is triggered when some params are missing, hide error notices here - new in 2.2.
        $_POST['username'] = array('a'=>'post_user');
        try {
            optional_param_array('username', array('a'=>'default_user'), null);
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        try {
            @optional_param_array('username', array('a'=>'default_user'));
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        } catch (Error $error) {
            // PHP 7.1 throws Error even earlier.
            $this->assertRegExp('/Too few arguments to function/', $error->getMessage());
        try {
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        } catch (Error $error) {
            // PHP 7.1 throws Error even earlier.
            $this->assertRegExp('/Too few arguments to function/', $error->getMessage());
        try {
            optional_param_array('', array('a'=>'default_user'), PARAM_RAW);
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);

        // Do not allow nested arrays.
        try {
            $_POST['username'] = array('a'=>array('b'=>'post_user'));
            optional_param_array('username', array('a'=>'default_user'), PARAM_RAW);
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (coding_exception $ex) {

        // Do not allow non-arrays.
        $_POST['username'] = 'post_user';
        $this->assertSame(array('a'=>'default_user'), optional_param_array('username', array('a'=>'default_user'), PARAM_RAW));

        // Make sure array keys are sanitised.
        $_POST['username'] = array('abc123_;-/*-+ '=>'arrggh', 'a1_-'=>'post_user');
        $this->assertSame(array('a1_-'=>'post_user'), optional_param_array('username', array(), PARAM_RAW));

    public function test_required_param() {
        $_POST['username'] = 'post_user';
        $_GET['username'] = 'get_user';
        $this->assertSame('post_user', required_param('username', PARAM_RAW));

        $this->assertSame('get_user', required_param('username', PARAM_RAW));

        try {
            $this->assertSame('default_user', required_param('username', PARAM_RAW));
            $this->fail('moodle_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('moodle_exception', $ex);

        // Make sure exception is triggered when some params are missing, hide error notices here - new in 2.2.
        $_POST['username'] = 'post_user';
        try {
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        } catch (Error $error) {
            // PHP 7.1 throws Error even earlier.
            $this->assertRegExp('/Too few arguments to function/', $error->getMessage());
        try {
            required_param('username', '');
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        try {
            required_param('', PARAM_RAW);
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);

        // Make sure warning is displayed if array submitted - TODO: throw exception in Moodle 2.3.
        $_POST['username'] = array('a'=>'a');
        $this->assertSame($_POST['username'], required_param('username', PARAM_RAW));

    public function test_required_param_array() {
        global $CFG;

        $_POST['username'] = array('a'=>'post_user');
        $_GET['username'] = array('a'=>'get_user');
        $this->assertSame($_POST['username'], required_param_array('username', PARAM_RAW));

        $this->assertSame($_GET['username'], required_param_array('username', PARAM_RAW));

        // Make sure exception is triggered when some params are missing, hide error notices here - new in 2.2.
        $_POST['username'] = array('a'=>'post_user');
        try {
            required_param_array('username', null);
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        try {
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        } catch (Error $error) {
            // PHP 7.1 throws Error.
            $this->assertRegExp('/Too few arguments to function/', $error->getMessage());
        try {
            required_param_array('', PARAM_RAW);
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);

        // Do not allow nested arrays.
        try {
            $_POST['username'] = array('a'=>array('b'=>'post_user'));
            required_param_array('username', PARAM_RAW);
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);

        // Do not allow non-arrays.
        try {
            $_POST['username'] = 'post_user';
            required_param_array('username', PARAM_RAW);
            $this->fail('moodle_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('moodle_exception', $ex);

        // Make sure array keys are sanitised.
        $_POST['username'] = array('abc123_;-/*-+ '=>'arrggh', 'a1_-'=>'post_user');
        $this->assertSame(array('a1_-'=>'post_user'), required_param_array('username', PARAM_RAW));

    public function test_clean_param() {
        // Forbid objects and arrays.
        try {
            clean_param(array('x', 'y'), PARAM_RAW);
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        try {
            $param = new stdClass();
            $param->id = 1;
            clean_param($param, PARAM_RAW);
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);

        // Require correct type.
        try {
            clean_param('x', 'xxxxxx');
            $this->fail('moodle_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('moodle_exception', $ex);
        try {
            $this->fail('moodle_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('moodle_exception', $ex);
        } catch (Error $error) {
            // PHP 7.1 throws Error even earlier.
            $this->assertRegExp('/Too few arguments to function/', $error->getMessage());

    public function test_clean_param_array() {
        $this->assertSame(array(), clean_param_array(null, PARAM_RAW));
        $this->assertSame(array('a', 'b'), clean_param_array(array('a', 'b'), PARAM_RAW));
        $this->assertSame(array('a', array('b')), clean_param_array(array('a', array('b')), PARAM_RAW, true));

        // Require correct type.
        try {
            clean_param_array(array('x'), 'xxxxxx');
            $this->fail('moodle_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('moodle_exception', $ex);
        try {
            $this->fail('moodle_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('moodle_exception', $ex);
        } catch (Error $error) {
            // PHP 7.1 throws Error even earlier.
            $this->assertRegExp('/Too few arguments to function/', $error->getMessage());

        try {
            clean_param_array(array('x', array('y')), PARAM_RAW);
            $this->fail('coding_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);

        // Test recursive.

    public function test_clean_param_raw() {
            clean_param('#()*#,9789\'".,<42897></?$(*DSFMO#$*)(SDJ)($*)', PARAM_RAW));

    public function test_clean_param_trim() {
        $this->assertSame('Frog toad', clean_param("   Frog toad   \r\n  ", PARAM_RAW_TRIMMED));

    public function test_clean_param_clean() {
        // PARAM_CLEAN is an ugly hack, do not use in new code (skodak),
        // instead use more specific type, or submit sothing that can be verified properly.
        $this->assertSame('xx', clean_param('xx<script>', PARAM_CLEAN));

    public function test_clean_param_alpha() {
        $this->assertSame('DSFMOSDJ', clean_param('#()*#,9789\'".,<42897></?$(*DSFMO#$*)(SDJ)($*)', PARAM_ALPHA));

    public function test_clean_param_alphanum() {
        $this->assertSame('978942897DSFMOSDJ', clean_param('#()*#,9789\'".,<42897></?$(*DSFMO#$*)(SDJ)($*)', PARAM_ALPHANUM));

    public function test_clean_param_alphaext() {
        $this->assertSame('DSFMOSDJ', clean_param('#()*#,9789\'".,<42897></?$(*DSFMO#$*)(SDJ)($*)', PARAM_ALPHAEXT));

    public function test_clean_param_sequence() {
        $this->assertSame(',9789,42897', clean_param('#()*#,9789\'".,<42897></?$(*DSFMO#$*)(SDJ)($*)', PARAM_SEQUENCE));

    public function test_clean_param_component() {
        // Please note the cleaning of component names is very strict, no guessing here.
        $this->assertSame('mod_forum', clean_param('mod_forum', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('block_online_users', clean_param('block_online_users', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('block_blond_online_users', clean_param('block_blond_online_users', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('mod_something2', clean_param('mod_something2', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('forum', clean_param('forum', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('user', clean_param('user', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('rating', clean_param('rating', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('feedback360', clean_param('feedback360', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('mod_feedback360', clean_param('mod_feedback360', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('mod_2something', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('2mod_something', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('mod_something_xx', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('auth_something__xx', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('mod_Something', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('mod_somethíng', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('mod__something', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('auth_xx-yy', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('_auth_xx', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('a2uth_xx', clean_param('a2uth_xx', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('auth_xx_', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('auth_xx.old', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('_user', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('2rating', PARAM_COMPONENT));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('user_', PARAM_COMPONENT));

    public function test_clean_param_localisedfloat() {

        $this->assertSame(0.5, clean_param('0.5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(false, clean_param('0X5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(0.5, clean_param('.5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(false, clean_param('X5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(10.5, clean_param('10.5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(false, clean_param('10X5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(1000.5, clean_param('1 000.5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(false, clean_param('1 000X5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(false, clean_param('1.000.5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(false, clean_param('1X000X5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(false, clean_param('nan', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(false, clean_param('10.6blah', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));

        // Tests with a localised decimal separator.

        $this->assertSame(0.5, clean_param('0.5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(0.5, clean_param('0X5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(0.5, clean_param('.5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(0.5, clean_param('X5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(10.5, clean_param('10.5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(10.5, clean_param('10X5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(1000.5, clean_param('1 000.5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(1000.5, clean_param('1 000X5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(false, clean_param('1.000.5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(false, clean_param('1X000X5', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(false, clean_param('nan', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));
        $this->assertSame(false, clean_param('10X6blah', PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT));

    public function test_is_valid_plugin_name() {
        $this->assertFalse(is_valid_plugin_name('forum '));

    public function test_clean_param_plugin() {
        // Please note the cleaning of plugin names is very strict, no guessing here.
        $this->assertSame('forum', clean_param('forum', PARAM_PLUGIN));
        $this->assertSame('forum2', clean_param('forum2', PARAM_PLUGIN));
        $this->assertSame('feedback360', clean_param('feedback360', PARAM_PLUGIN));
        $this->assertSame('online_users', clean_param('online_users', PARAM_PLUGIN));
        $this->assertSame('blond_online_users', clean_param('blond_online_users', PARAM_PLUGIN));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('online__users', PARAM_PLUGIN));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('forum ', PARAM_PLUGIN));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('forum.old', PARAM_PLUGIN));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('xx-yy', PARAM_PLUGIN));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('2xx', PARAM_PLUGIN));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('Xx', PARAM_PLUGIN));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('_xx', PARAM_PLUGIN));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('xx_', PARAM_PLUGIN));

    public function test_clean_param_area() {
        // Please note the cleaning of area names is very strict, no guessing here.
        $this->assertSame('something', clean_param('something', PARAM_AREA));
        $this->assertSame('something2', clean_param('something2', PARAM_AREA));
        $this->assertSame('some_thing', clean_param('some_thing', PARAM_AREA));
        $this->assertSame('some_thing_xx', clean_param('some_thing_xx', PARAM_AREA));
        $this->assertSame('feedback360', clean_param('feedback360', PARAM_AREA));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('_something', PARAM_AREA));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('something_', PARAM_AREA));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('2something', PARAM_AREA));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('Something', PARAM_AREA));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('some-thing', PARAM_AREA));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('somethííng', PARAM_AREA));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('something.x', PARAM_AREA));

    public function test_clean_param_text() {
        $this->assertSame(PARAM_TEXT, PARAM_MULTILANG);
        // Standard.
        $this->assertSame('xx<lang lang="en">aa</lang><lang lang="yy">pp</lang>', clean_param('xx<lang lang="en">aa</lang><lang lang="yy">pp</lang>', PARAM_TEXT));
        $this->assertSame('<span lang="en" class="multilang">aa</span><span lang="xy" class="multilang">bb</span>', clean_param('<span lang="en" class="multilang">aa</span><span lang="xy" class="multilang">bb</span>', PARAM_TEXT));
        $this->assertSame('xx<lang lang="en">aa'."\n".'</lang><lang lang="yy">pp</lang>', clean_param('xx<lang lang="en">aa'."\n".'</lang><lang lang="yy">pp</lang>', PARAM_TEXT));
        // Malformed.
        $this->assertSame('<span lang="en" class="multilang">aa</span>', clean_param('<span lang="en" class="multilang">aa</span>', PARAM_TEXT));
        $this->assertSame('aa', clean_param('<span lang="en" class="nothing" class="multilang">aa</span>', PARAM_TEXT));
        $this->assertSame('aa', clean_param('<lang lang="en" class="multilang">aa</lang>', PARAM_TEXT));
        $this->assertSame('aa', clean_param('<lang lang="en!!">aa</lang>', PARAM_TEXT));
        $this->assertSame('aa', clean_param('<span lang="en==" class="multilang">aa</span>', PARAM_TEXT));
        $this->assertSame('abc', clean_param('a<em>b</em>c', PARAM_TEXT));
        $this->assertSame('a>c>', clean_param('a><xx >c>', PARAM_TEXT)); // Standard strip_tags() behaviour.
        $this->assertSame('a', clean_param('a<b', PARAM_TEXT));
        $this->assertSame('a>b', clean_param('a>b', PARAM_TEXT));
        $this->assertSame('<lang lang="en">a>a</lang>', clean_param('<lang lang="en">a>a</lang>', PARAM_TEXT)); // Standard strip_tags() behaviour.
        $this->assertSame('a', clean_param('<lang lang="en">a<a</lang>', PARAM_TEXT));
        $this->assertSame('<lang lang="en">aa</lang>', clean_param('<lang lang="en">a<br>a</lang>', PARAM_TEXT));

    public function test_clean_param_url() {
        // Test PARAM_URL and PARAM_LOCALURL a bit.
        // Valid URLs.
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('http://some.very.long.and.silly.domain/with/a/path/', clean_param('http://some.very.long.and.silly.domain/with/a/path/', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('http://localhost/', clean_param('http://localhost/', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('https://some.very.long.and.silly.domain/with/a/path/', clean_param('https://some.very.long.and.silly.domain/with/a/path/', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('https://localhost/', clean_param('https://localhost/', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('/just/a/path', clean_param('/just/a/path', PARAM_URL));
        // Invalid URLs.
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('funny:thing', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('"f', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('javascript://comment%0Aalert(1)', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('rtmp://', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('rtmp://', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('rtmp://', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('', PARAM_URL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('', PARAM_URL));

    public function test_clean_param_localurl() {
        global $CFG;


        // External, invalid.
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('funny:thing', PARAM_LOCALURL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('', PARAM_LOCALURL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('', PARAM_LOCALURL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('http://some.very.long.and.silly.domain/with/a/path/', PARAM_LOCALURL));

        // Local absolute.
        $this->assertSame(clean_param($CFG->wwwroot, PARAM_LOCALURL), $CFG->wwwroot);
        $this->assertSame($CFG->wwwroot . '/with/something?else=true',
            clean_param($CFG->wwwroot . '/with/something?else=true', PARAM_LOCALURL));

        // Local relative.
        $this->assertSame('/just/a/path', clean_param('/just/a/path', PARAM_LOCALURL));
        $this->assertSame('course/view.php?id=3', clean_param('course/view.php?id=3', PARAM_LOCALURL));

        // Local absolute HTTPS in a non HTTPS site.
        $CFG->wwwroot = str_replace('https:', 'http:', $CFG->wwwroot); // Need to simulate non-https site.
        $httpsroot = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $CFG->wwwroot);
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param($httpsroot, PARAM_LOCALURL));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param($httpsroot . '/with/something?else=true', PARAM_LOCALURL));

        // Local absolute HTTPS in a HTTPS site.
        $CFG->wwwroot = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $CFG->wwwroot);
        $httpsroot = $CFG->wwwroot;
        $this->assertSame($httpsroot, clean_param($httpsroot, PARAM_LOCALURL));
        $this->assertSame($httpsroot . '/with/something?else=true',
            clean_param($httpsroot . '/with/something?else=true', PARAM_LOCALURL));

        // Test open redirects are not possible.
        $CFG->wwwroot = '';
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('', PARAM_LOCALURL));
        $CFG->wwwroot = '';
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('', PARAM_LOCALURL));

    public function test_clean_param_file() {
        $this->assertSame('correctfile.txt', clean_param('correctfile.txt', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('badfile.txt', clean_param('b\'a<d`\\/fi:l>e.t"x|t', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('..parentdirfile.txt', clean_param('../parentdirfile.txt', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('....grandparentdirfile.txt', clean_param('../../grandparentdirfile.txt', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('..winparentdirfile.txt', clean_param('..\winparentdirfile.txt', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('....wingrandparentdir.txt', clean_param('..\..\wingrandparentdir.txt', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('myfile.a.b.txt', clean_param('myfile.a.b.txt', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('myfile..a..b.txt', clean_param('myfile..a..b.txt', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('myfile.a..b...txt', clean_param('myfile.a..b...txt', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('myfile.a.txt', clean_param('myfile.a.txt', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('myfile...txt', clean_param('myfile...txt', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('...jpg', clean_param('...jpg', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('.a.b.', clean_param('.a.b.', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('.', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('..', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('...', clean_param('...', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('. . . .', clean_param('. . . .', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame(' .. .. . ', clean_param(' .. .. . ', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame(' .', clean_param(' .', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('here is a tab.txt', clean_param("here is a tab\t.txt", PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('here is a linebreak.txt', clean_param("here is a line\r\nbreak.txt", PARAM_FILE));

        // The following behaviours have been maintained although they seem a little odd.
        $this->assertSame('funnything', clean_param('funny:thing', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('.currentdirfile.txt', clean_param('./currentdirfile.txt', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('ctempwindowsfile.txt', clean_param('c:\temp\windowsfile.txt', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('homeuserlinuxfile.txt', clean_param('/home/user/linuxfile.txt', PARAM_FILE));
        $this->assertSame('~myfile.txt', clean_param('~/myfile.txt', PARAM_FILE));

    public function test_clean_param_path() {
        $this->assertSame('correctfile.txt', clean_param('correctfile.txt', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('bad/file.txt', clean_param('b\'a<d`\\/fi:l>e.t"x|t', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('/parentdirfile.txt', clean_param('../parentdirfile.txt', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('/grandparentdirfile.txt', clean_param('../../grandparentdirfile.txt', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('/winparentdirfile.txt', clean_param('..\winparentdirfile.txt', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('/wingrandparentdir.txt', clean_param('..\..\wingrandparentdir.txt', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('funnything', clean_param('funny:thing', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('./here', clean_param('./././here', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('./currentdirfile.txt', clean_param('./currentdirfile.txt', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('c/temp/windowsfile.txt', clean_param('c:\temp\windowsfile.txt', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('/home/user/linuxfile.txt', clean_param('/home/user/linuxfile.txt', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('/home../user ./.linuxfile.txt', clean_param('/home../user ./.linuxfile.txt', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('~/myfile.txt', clean_param('~/myfile.txt', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('~/myfile.txt', clean_param('~/../myfile.txt', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('/..b../.../myfile.txt', clean_param('/..b../.../myfile.txt', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('..b../.../myfile.txt', clean_param('..b../.../myfile.txt', PARAM_PATH));
        $this->assertSame('/super/slashes/', clean_param('/super//slashes///', PARAM_PATH));

    public function test_clean_param_username() {
        global $CFG;
        $currentstatus =  $CFG->extendedusernamechars;

        // Run tests with extended character == false;.
        $CFG->extendedusernamechars = false;
        $this->assertSame('johndoe123', clean_param('johndoe123', PARAM_USERNAME) );
        $this->assertSame('john.doe', clean_param('john.doe', PARAM_USERNAME));
        $this->assertSame('john-doe', clean_param('john-doe', PARAM_USERNAME));
        $this->assertSame('john-doe', clean_param('john- doe', PARAM_USERNAME));
        $this->assertSame('john_doe', clean_param('john_doe', PARAM_USERNAME));
        $this->assertSame('john@doe', clean_param('john@doe', PARAM_USERNAME));
        $this->assertSame('johndoe', clean_param('john~doe', PARAM_USERNAME));
        $this->assertSame('johndoe', clean_param('john´doe', PARAM_USERNAME));
        $this->assertSame(clean_param('john# $%&()+_^', PARAM_USERNAME), 'john_');
        $this->assertSame(clean_param(' john# $%&()+_^ ', PARAM_USERNAME), 'john_');
        $this->assertSame(clean_param('john#$%&() ', PARAM_USERNAME), 'john');
        $this->assertSame('johnd', clean_param('JOHNdóé ', PARAM_USERNAME));
        $this->assertSame(clean_param('john.,:;-_/|\ñÑ[]A_X-,D {} ~!@#$%^&*()_+ ?><[] ščřžžý ?ýáž?žý??šdoe ', PARAM_USERNAME), 'john.-_a_x-d@_doe');

        // Test success condition, if extendedusernamechars == ENABLE;.
        $CFG->extendedusernamechars = true;
        $this->assertSame('john_doe', clean_param('john_doe', PARAM_USERNAME));
        $this->assertSame('john@doe', clean_param('john@doe', PARAM_USERNAME));
        $this->assertSame(clean_param('john# $%&()+_^', PARAM_USERNAME), 'john# $%&()+_^');
        $this->assertSame(clean_param(' john# $%&()+_^ ', PARAM_USERNAME), 'john# $%&()+_^');
        $this->assertSame('john~doe', clean_param('john~doe', PARAM_USERNAME));
        $this->assertSame('john´doe', clean_param('joHN´doe', PARAM_USERNAME));
        $this->assertSame('johndoe', clean_param('johnDOE', PARAM_USERNAME));
        $this->assertSame('johndóé', clean_param('johndóé ', PARAM_USERNAME));

        $CFG->extendedusernamechars = $currentstatus;

    public function test_clean_param_stringid() {
        // Test string identifiers validation.
        // Valid strings.
        $this->assertSame('validstring', clean_param('validstring', PARAM_STRINGID));
        $this->assertSame('mod/foobar:valid_capability', clean_param('mod/foobar:valid_capability', PARAM_STRINGID));
        $this->assertSame('CZ', clean_param('CZ', PARAM_STRINGID));
        $this->assertSame('application/', clean_param('application/', PARAM_STRINGID));
        $this->assertSame('grade2', clean_param('grade2', PARAM_STRINGID));
        // Invalid strings.
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('trailing ', PARAM_STRINGID));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('space bar', PARAM_STRINGID));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('0numeric', PARAM_STRINGID));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param('*', PARAM_STRINGID));
        $this->assertSame('', clean_param(' ', PARAM_STRINGID));

    public function test_clean_param_timezone() {
        // Test timezone validation.
        $testvalues = array (
            'America/Jamaica'                => 'America/Jamaica',
            'America/Argentina/Cordoba'      => 'America/Argentina/Cordoba',
            'America/Port-au-Prince'         => 'America/Port-au-Prince',
            'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' => 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires',
            'PST8PDT'                        => 'PST8PDT',
            'Wrong.Value'                    => '',
            'Wrong/.Value'                   => '',
            'Wrong(Value)'                   => '',
            '0'                              => '0',
            '0.0'                            => '0.0',
            '0.5'                            => '0.5',
            '9.0'                            => '9.0',
            '-9.0'                           => '-9.0',
            '+9.0'                           => '+9.0',
            '9.5'                            => '9.5',
            '-9.5'                           => '-9.5',
            '+9.5'                           => '+9.5',
            '12.0'                           => '12.0',
            '-12.0'                          => '-12.0',
            '+12.0'                          => '+12.0',
            '12.5'                           => '12.5',
            '-12.5'                          => '-12.5',
            '+12.5'                          => '+12.5',
            '13.0'                           => '13.0',
            '-13.0'                          => '-13.0',
            '+13.0'                          => '+13.0',
            '13.5'                           => '',
            '+13.5'                          => '',
            '-13.5'                          => '',
            '0.2'                            => '');

        foreach ($testvalues as $testvalue => $expectedvalue) {
            $actualvalue = clean_param($testvalue, PARAM_TIMEZONE);
            $this->assertEquals($expectedvalue, $actualvalue);

    public function test_validate_param() {
        try {
            $param = validate_param('11a', PARAM_INT);
            $this->fail('invalid_parameter_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('invalid_parameter_exception', $ex);

        $param = validate_param('11', PARAM_INT);
        $this->assertSame(11, $param);

        try {
            $param = validate_param(null, PARAM_INT, false);
            $this->fail('invalid_parameter_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('invalid_parameter_exception', $ex);

        $param = validate_param(null, PARAM_INT, true);
        $this->assertSame(null, $param);

        try {
            $param = validate_param(array(), PARAM_INT);
            $this->fail('invalid_parameter_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('invalid_parameter_exception', $ex);
        try {
            $param = validate_param(new stdClass, PARAM_INT);
            $this->fail('invalid_parameter_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('invalid_parameter_exception', $ex);

        $param = validate_param('1.0', PARAM_FLOAT);
        $this->assertSame(1.0, $param);

        // Make sure valid floats do not cause exception.
        validate_param(1.0, PARAM_FLOAT);
        validate_param(10, PARAM_FLOAT);
        validate_param('0', PARAM_FLOAT);
        validate_param('119813454.545464564564546564545646556564465465456465465465645645465645645645', PARAM_FLOAT);
        validate_param('011.1', PARAM_FLOAT);
        validate_param('11', PARAM_FLOAT);
        validate_param('+.1', PARAM_FLOAT);
        validate_param('-.1', PARAM_FLOAT);
        validate_param('1e10', PARAM_FLOAT);
        validate_param('.1e+10', PARAM_FLOAT);
        validate_param('1E-1', PARAM_FLOAT);

        try {
            $param = validate_param('1,2', PARAM_FLOAT);
            $this->fail('invalid_parameter_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('invalid_parameter_exception', $ex);
        try {
            $param = validate_param('', PARAM_FLOAT);
            $this->fail('invalid_parameter_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('invalid_parameter_exception', $ex);
        try {
            $param = validate_param('.', PARAM_FLOAT);
            $this->fail('invalid_parameter_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('invalid_parameter_exception', $ex);
        try {
            $param = validate_param('e10', PARAM_FLOAT);
            $this->fail('invalid_parameter_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('invalid_parameter_exception', $ex);
        try {
            $param = validate_param('abc', PARAM_FLOAT);
            $this->fail('invalid_parameter_exception expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('invalid_parameter_exception', $ex);

    public function test_shorten_text_no_tags_already_short_enough() {
        // ......12345678901234567890123456.
        $text = "short text already no tags";
        $this->assertSame($text, shorten_text($text));

    public function test_shorten_text_with_tags_already_short_enough() {
        // .........123456...7890....12345678.......901234567.
        $text = "<p>short <b>text</b> already</p><p>with tags</p>";
        $this->assertSame($text, shorten_text($text));

    public function test_shorten_text_no_tags_needs_shortening() {
        // Default truncation is after 30 chars, but allowing 3 for the final '...'.
        // ......12345678901234567890123456789023456789012345678901234.
        $text = "long text without any tags blah de blah blah blah what";
        $this->assertSame('long text without any tags ...', shorten_text($text));

    public function test_shorten_text_with_tags_needs_shortening() {
        // .......................................123456789012345678901234567890...
        $text = "<div class='frog'><p><blockquote>Long text with tags that will ".
            "be chopped off but <b>should be added back again</b></blockquote></p></div>";
        $this->assertEquals("<div class='frog'><p><blockquote>Long text with " .
            "tags that ...</blockquote></p></div>", shorten_text($text));

    public function test_shorten_text_with_tags_and_html_comment() {
        $text = "<div class='frog'><p><blockquote><!--[if !IE]><!-->Long text with ".
            "tags that will<!--<![endif]--> ".
            "be chopped off but <b>should be added back again</b></blockquote></p></div>";
        $this->assertEquals("<div class='frog'><p><blockquote><!--[if !IE]><!-->Long text with " .
            "tags that ...<!--<![endif]--></blockquote></p></div>", shorten_text($text));

    public function test_shorten_text_with_entities() {
        // Remember to allow 3 chars for the final '...'.
        // ......123456789012345678901234567_____890...
        $text = "some text which shouldn't &nbsp; break there";
        $this->assertSame("some text which shouldn't &nbsp; ...", shorten_text($text, 31));
        $this->assertSame("some text which shouldn't &nbsp;...", shorten_text($text, 30));
        $this->assertSame("some text which shouldn't ...", shorten_text($text, 29));

    public function test_shorten_text_known_tricky_case() {
        // This case caused a bug up to 1.9.5
        // ..........123456789012345678901234567890123456789.....0_____1___2___...
        $text = "<h3>standard 'break-out' sub groups in TGs?</h3>&nbsp;&lt;&lt;There are several";
        $this->assertSame("<h3>standard 'break-out' sub groups in ...</h3>",
            shorten_text($text, 41));
        $this->assertSame("<h3>standard 'break-out' sub groups in TGs?...</h3>",
            shorten_text($text, 42));
        $this->assertSame("<h3>standard 'break-out' sub groups in TGs?</h3>&nbsp;...",
            shorten_text($text, 43));

    public function test_shorten_text_no_spaces() {
        // ..........123456789.
        $text = "<h1>123456789</h1>"; // A string with no convenient breaks.
        $this->assertSame("<h1>12345...</h1>", shorten_text($text, 8));

    public function test_shorten_text_utf8_european() {
        // Text without tags.
        // ......123456789012345678901234567.
        $text = "Žluťoučký koníček přeskočil";
        $this->assertSame($text, shorten_text($text)); // 30 chars by default.
        $this->assertSame("Žluťoučký koníče...", shorten_text($text, 19, true));
        $this->assertSame("Žluťoučký ...", shorten_text($text, 19, false));
        // And try it with 2-less (that are, in bytes, the middle of a sequence).
        $this->assertSame("Žluťoučký koní...", shorten_text($text, 17, true));
        $this->assertSame("Žluťoučký ...", shorten_text($text, 17, false));

        // .........123456789012345678...901234567....89012345.
        $text = "<p>Žluťoučký koníček <b>přeskočil</b> potůček</p>";
        $this->assertSame($text, shorten_text($text, 60));
        $this->assertSame("<p>Žluťoučký koníček ...</p>", shorten_text($text, 21));
        $this->assertSame("<p>Žluťoučký koníče...</p>", shorten_text($text, 19, true));
        $this->assertSame("<p>Žluťoučký ...</p>", shorten_text($text, 19, false));
        // And try it with 2 fewer (that are, in bytes, the middle of a sequence).
        $this->assertSame("<p>Žluťoučký koní...</p>", shorten_text($text, 17, true));
        $this->assertSame("<p>Žluťoučký ...</p>", shorten_text($text, 17, false));
        // And try over one tag (start/end), it does proper text len.
        $this->assertSame("<p>Žluťoučký koníček <b>př...</b></p>", shorten_text($text, 23, true));
        $this->assertSame("<p>Žluťoučký koníček <b>přeskočil</b> pot...</p>", shorten_text($text, 34, true));
        // And in the middle of one tag.
        $this->assertSame("<p>Žluťoučký koníček <b>přeskočil...</b></p>", shorten_text($text, 30, true));

    public function test_shorten_text_utf8_oriental() {
        // Japanese
        // text without tags
        // ......123456789012345678901234.
        $text = '言語設定言語設定abcdefghijkl';
        $this->assertSame($text, shorten_text($text)); // 30 chars by default.
        $this->assertSame("言語設定言語...", shorten_text($text, 9, true));
        $this->assertSame("言語設定言語...", shorten_text($text, 9, false));
        $this->assertSame("言語設定言語設定ab...", shorten_text($text, 13, true));
        $this->assertSame("言語設定言語設定...", shorten_text($text, 13, false));

        // Chinese
        // text without tags
        // ......123456789012345678901234.
        $text = '简体中文简体中文abcdefghijkl';
        $this->assertSame($text, shorten_text($text)); // 30 chars by default.
        $this->assertSame("简体中文简体...", shorten_text($text, 9, true));
        $this->assertSame("简体中文简体...", shorten_text($text, 9, false));
        $this->assertSame("简体中文简体中文ab...", shorten_text($text, 13, true));
        $this->assertSame("简体中文简体中文...", shorten_text($text, 13, false));

    public function test_shorten_text_multilang() {
        // This is not necessaryily specific to multilang. The issue is really
        // tags with attributes, where before we were generating invalid HTML
        // output like shorten_text('<span id="x" class="y">A</span> B', 1)
        // returning '<span id="x" ...</span>'. It is just that multilang
        // requires the sort of HTML that is quite likely to trigger this.
        // ........................................1...
        $text = '<span lang="en" class="multilang">A</span>' .
                '<span lang="fr" class="multilang">B</span>';
        $this->assertSame('<span lang="en" class="multilang">...</span>',
                shorten_text($text, 1));

     * Provider for long filenames and its expected result, with and without hash.
     * @return array of ($filename, $length, $expected, $includehash)
    public function shorten_filename_provider() {
        $filename = 'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium totam rem';
        $shortfilename = 'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque';

        return [
            'More than 100 characters' => [
                'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium tot',
            'More than 100 characters with hash' => [
                'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque l - 3bec1da8b8',
            'More than 100 characters with extension' => [
                'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium',
            'More than 100 characters with extension and hash' => [
                'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque l -',
            'Limit filename to 50 chars' => [
                'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error si',
            'Limit filename to 50 chars with hash' => [
                'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste n - 3bec1da8b8',
            'Limit filename to 50 chars with extension' => [
                'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error',
            'Limit filename to 50 chars with extension and hash' => [
                'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste n -',
            'Test filename that contains less than 100 characters' => [
            'Test filename that contains less than 100 characters and hash' => [
            'Test filename that contains less than 100 characters with extension' => [
            'Test filename that contains less than 100 characters with extension and hash' => [

     * Test the {@link shorten_filename()} method.
     * @dataProvider shorten_filename_provider
     * @param string $filename
     * @param int $length
     * @param string $expected
     * @param boolean $includehash
    public function test_shorten_filename($filename, $length, $expected, $includehash) {
        if (null === $length) {
            $length = MAX_FILENAME_SIZE;

        $this->assertSame($expected, shorten_filename($filename, $length, $includehash));

     * Provider for long filenames and its expected result, with and without hash.
     * @return array of ($filename, $length, $expected, $includehash)
    public function shorten_filenames_provider() {
        $shortfilename = 'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque';
        $longfilename = 'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium totam rem';
        $extfilename = $longfilename.'.zip';
        $expected = 'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium tot';
        $expectedwithhash = 'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque l - 3bec1da8b8';
        $expectedext = 'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium';
        $expectedextwithhash = 'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque l -';
        $expected50 = 'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error si';
        $expected50withhash = 'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste n - 3bec1da8b8';
        $expected50ext = 'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error';
        $expected50extwithhash = 'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste n -';
        $expected50short = 'sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste n - 5fb6543490';

        return [
            'Empty array without hash' => [
            'Empty array with hash' => [
            'Array with less than 100 characters' => [
                [$shortfilename, $shortfilename, $shortfilename],
                [$shortfilename, $shortfilename, $shortfilename],
            'Array with more than 100 characters without hash' => [
                [$longfilename, $longfilename, $longfilename],
                [$expected, $expected, $expected],
            'Array with more than 100 characters with hash' => [
                [$longfilename, $longfilename, $longfilename],
                [$expectedwithhash, $expectedwithhash, $expectedwithhash],
            'Array with more than 100 characters with extension' => [
                [$extfilename, $extfilename, $extfilename],
                [$expectedext, $expectedext, $expectedext],
            'Array with more than 100 characters with extension and hash' => [
                [$extfilename, $extfilename, $extfilename],
                [$expectedextwithhash, $expectedextwithhash, $expectedextwithhash],
            'Array with more than 100 characters mix (short, long, with extension) without hash' => [
                [$shortfilename, $longfilename, $extfilename],
                [$shortfilename, $expected, $expectedext],
            'Array with more than 100 characters mix (short, long, with extension) with hash' => [
                [$shortfilename, $longfilename, $extfilename],
                [$shortfilename, $expectedwithhash, $expectedextwithhash],
            'Array with less than 50 characters without hash' => [
                [$longfilename, $longfilename, $longfilename],
                [$expected50, $expected50, $expected50],
            'Array with less than 50 characters with hash' => [
                [$longfilename, $longfilename, $longfilename],
                [$expected50withhash, $expected50withhash, $expected50withhash],
            'Array with less than 50 characters with extension' => [
                [$extfilename, $extfilename, $extfilename],
                [$expected50ext, $expected50ext, $expected50ext],
            'Array with less than 50 characters with extension and hash' => [
                [$extfilename, $extfilename, $extfilename],
                [$expected50extwithhash, $expected50extwithhash, $expected50extwithhash],
            'Array with less than 50 characters mix (short, long, with extension) without hash' => [
                [$shortfilename, $longfilename, $extfilename],
                [$expected50, $expected50, $expected50ext],
            'Array with less than 50 characters mix (short, long, with extension) with hash' => [
                [$shortfilename, $longfilename, $extfilename],
                [$expected50short, $expected50withhash, $expected50extwithhash],

     * Test the {@link shorten_filenames()} method.
     * @dataProvider shorten_filenames_provider
     * @param string $filenames
     * @param int $length
     * @param string $expected
     * @param boolean $includehash
    public function test_shorten_filenames($filenames, $length, $expected, $includehash) {
        if (null === $length) {
            $length = MAX_FILENAME_SIZE;

        $this->assertSame($expected, shorten_filenames($filenames, $length, $includehash));

    public function test_usergetdate() {
        global $USER, $CFG, $DB;


        $USER->timezone = 2;// Set the timezone to a known state.

        $ts = 1261540267; // The time this function was created.

        $arr = usergetdate($ts, 1); // Specify the timezone as an argument.
        $arr = array_values($arr);

        list($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $mday, $wday, $mon, $year, $yday, $weekday, $month) = $arr;
        $this->assertSame(7, $seconds);
        $this->assertSame(51, $minutes);
        $this->assertSame(4, $hours);
        $this->assertSame(23, $mday);
        $this->assertSame(3, $wday);
        $this->assertSame(12, $mon);
        $this->assertSame(2009, $year);
        $this->assertSame(356, $yday);
        $this->assertSame('Wednesday', $weekday);
        $this->assertSame('December', $month);
        $arr = usergetdate($ts); // Gets the timezone from the $USER object.
        $arr = array_values($arr);

        list($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $mday, $wday, $mon, $year, $yday, $weekday, $month) = $arr;
        $this->assertSame(7, $seconds);
        $this->assertSame(51, $minutes);
        $this->assertSame(5, $hours);
        $this->assertSame(23, $mday);
        $this->assertSame(3, $wday);
        $this->assertSame(12, $mon);
        $this->assertSame(2009, $year);
        $this->assertSame(356, $yday);
        $this->assertSame('Wednesday', $weekday);
        $this->assertSame('December', $month);

    public function test_mark_user_preferences_changed() {
        $otheruser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
        $otheruserid = $otheruser->id;

        set_cache_flag('userpreferenceschanged', $otheruserid, null);

        $this->assertEquals(get_cache_flag('userpreferenceschanged', $otheruserid, time()-10), 1);
        set_cache_flag('userpreferenceschanged', $otheruserid, null);

    public function test_check_user_preferences_loaded() {
        global $DB;

        $otheruser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
        $otheruserid = $otheruser->id;

        $DB->delete_records('user_preferences', array('userid'=>$otheruserid));
        set_cache_flag('userpreferenceschanged', $otheruserid, null);

        $user = new stdClass();
        $user->id = $otheruserid;

        // Load.
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('_lastloaded', $user->preference);
        $this->assertCount(1, $user->preference);

        // Add preference via direct call.
        $DB->insert_record('user_preferences', array('name'=>'xxx', 'value'=>'yyy', 'userid'=>$user->id));

        // No cache reload yet.
        $this->assertCount(1, $user->preference);

        // Forced reloading of cache.
        $this->assertCount(2, $user->preference);
        $this->assertSame('yyy', $user->preference['xxx']);

        // Add preference via direct call.
        $DB->insert_record('user_preferences', array('name'=>'aaa', 'value'=>'bbb', 'userid'=>$user->id));

        // Test timeouts and modifications from different session.
        set_cache_flag('userpreferenceschanged', $user->id, 1, time() + 1000);
        $user->preference['_lastloaded'] = $user->preference['_lastloaded'] - 20;
        $this->assertCount(2, $user->preference);
        check_user_preferences_loaded($user, 10);
        $this->assertCount(3, $user->preference);
        $this->assertSame('bbb', $user->preference['aaa']);
        set_cache_flag('userpreferenceschanged', $user->id, null);

    public function test_set_user_preference() {
        global $DB, $USER;


        $otheruser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
        $otheruserid = $otheruser->id;

        $DB->delete_records('user_preferences', array('userid'=>$otheruserid));
        set_cache_flag('userpreferenceschanged', $otheruserid, null);

        $user = new stdClass();
        $user->id = $otheruserid;

        set_user_preference('aaa', 'bbb', $otheruserid);
        $this->assertSame('bbb', $DB->get_field('user_preferences', 'value', array('userid'=>$otheruserid, 'name'=>'aaa')));
        $this->assertSame('bbb', get_user_preferences('aaa', null, $otheruserid));

        set_user_preference('xxx', 'yyy', $user);
        $this->assertSame('yyy', $DB->get_field('user_preferences', 'value', array('userid'=>$otheruserid, 'name'=>'xxx')));
        $this->assertSame('yyy', get_user_preferences('xxx', null, $otheruserid));
        $this->assertSame('bbb', $user->preference['aaa']);
        $this->assertSame('yyy', $user->preference['xxx']);

        set_user_preference('xxx', null, $user);
        $this->assertFalse($DB->get_field('user_preferences', 'value', array('userid'=>$otheruserid, 'name'=>'xxx')));
        $this->assertNull(get_user_preferences('xxx', null, $otheruserid));

        set_user_preference('ooo', true, $user);
        $prefs = get_user_preferences(null, null, $otheruserid);
        $this->assertSame($user->preference['aaa'], $prefs['aaa']);
        $this->assertSame($user->preference['ooo'], $prefs['ooo']);
        $this->assertSame('1', $prefs['ooo']);

        set_user_preference('null', 0, $user);
        $this->assertSame('0', get_user_preferences('null', null, $otheruserid));

        $this->assertSame('lala', get_user_preferences('undefined', 'lala', $otheruserid));

        $DB->delete_records('user_preferences', array('userid'=>$otheruserid));
        set_cache_flag('userpreferenceschanged', $otheruserid, null);

        // Test $USER default.
        set_user_preference('_test_user_preferences_pref', 'ok');
        $this->assertSame('ok', $USER->preference['_test_user_preferences_pref']);

        // Test 1333 char values (no need for unicode, there are already tests for that in DB tests).
        $longvalue = str_repeat('a', 1333);
        set_user_preference('_test_long_user_preference', $longvalue);
        $this->assertEquals($longvalue, get_user_preferences('_test_long_user_preference'));
            $DB->get_field('user_preferences', 'value', array('userid' => $USER->id, 'name' => '_test_long_user_preference')));

        // Test > 1333 char values, coding_exception expected.
        $longvalue = str_repeat('a', 1334);
        try {
            set_user_preference('_test_long_user_preference', $longvalue);
            $this->fail('Exception expected - longer than 1333 chars not allowed as preference value');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);

        // Test invalid params.
        try {
            set_user_preference('_test_user_preferences_pref', array());
            $this->fail('Exception expected - array not valid preference value');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        try {
            set_user_preference('_test_user_preferences_pref', new stdClass);
            $this->fail('Exception expected - class not valid preference value');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        try {
            set_user_preference('_test_user_preferences_pref', 1, array('xx' => 1));
            $this->fail('Exception expected - user instance expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        try {
            set_user_preference('_test_user_preferences_pref', 1, 'abc');
            $this->fail('Exception expected - user instance expected');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        try {
            set_user_preference('', 1);
            $this->fail('Exception expected - invalid name accepted');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);
        try {
            set_user_preference('1', 1);
            $this->fail('Exception expected - invalid name accepted');
        } catch (moodle_exception $ex) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex);

    public function test_set_user_preference_for_current_user() {
        global $USER;

        set_user_preference('test_pref', 2);
        set_user_preference('test_pref', 1, $USER->id);
        $this->assertEquals(1, get_user_preferences('test_pref'));

    public function test_unset_user_preference_for_current_user() {
        global $USER;

        set_user_preference('test_pref', 1);
        unset_user_preference('test_pref', $USER->id);

     * Test essential features implementation of {@link get_extra_user_fields()} as the admin user with all capabilities.
    public function test_get_extra_user_fields_essentials() {
        global $CFG, $USER, $DB;

        $context = context_system::instance();

        // No fields.
        $CFG->showuseridentity = '';
        $this->assertEquals(array(), get_extra_user_fields($context));

        // One field.
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog';
        $this->assertEquals(array('frog'), get_extra_user_fields($context));

        // Two fields.
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
        $this->assertEquals(array('frog', 'zombie'), get_extra_user_fields($context));

        // No fields, except.
        $CFG->showuseridentity = '';
        $this->assertEquals(array(), get_extra_user_fields($context, array('frog')));

        // One field.
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog';
        $this->assertEquals(array(), get_extra_user_fields($context, array('frog')));

        // Two fields.
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
        $this->assertEquals(array('zombie'), get_extra_user_fields($context, array('frog')));

     * Prepare environment for couple of tests related to permission checks in {@link get_extra_user_fields()}.
     * @return stdClass
    protected function environment_for_get_extra_user_fields_tests() {
        global $CFG, $DB;

        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'idnumber,country,city';
        $CFG->hiddenuserfields = 'country,city';

        $env = new stdClass();

        $env->course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
        $env->coursecontext = context_course::instance($env->course->id);

        $env->teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'teacher'));
        $env->studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'student'));
        $env->managerrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'manager'));

        $env->student = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
        $env->teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
        $env->manager = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();

        role_assign($env->studentrole->id, $env->student->id, $env->coursecontext->id);
        role_assign($env->teacherrole->id, $env->teacher->id, $env->coursecontext->id);
        role_assign($env->managerrole->id, $env->manager->id, SYSCONTEXTID);

        return $env;

     * No identity fields shown to student user (no permission to view identity fields).
    public function test_get_extra_user_fields_no_access() {

        $env = $this->environment_for_get_extra_user_fields_tests();

        $this->assertEquals(array(), get_extra_user_fields($env->coursecontext));
        $this->assertEquals(array(), get_extra_user_fields(context_system::instance()));

     * Teacher can see students' identity fields only within the course.
    public function test_get_extra_user_fields_course_only_access() {

        $env = $this->environment_for_get_extra_user_fields_tests();

        $this->assertEquals(array('idnumber', 'country', 'city'), get_extra_user_fields($env->coursecontext));
        $this->assertEquals(array(), get_extra_user_fields(context_system::instance()));

     * Teacher can be prevented from seeing students' identity fields even within the course.
    public function test_get_extra_user_fields_course_prevented_access() {

        $env = $this->environment_for_get_extra_user_fields_tests();

        assign_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenuserfields', CAP_PREVENT, $env->teacherrole->id, $env->coursecontext->id);
        $this->assertEquals(array('idnumber'), get_extra_user_fields($env->coursecontext));

     * Manager can see students' identity fields anywhere.
    public function test_get_extra_user_fields_anywhere_access() {

        $env = $this->environment_for_get_extra_user_fields_tests();

        $this->assertEquals(array('idnumber', 'country', 'city'), get_extra_user_fields($env->coursecontext));
        $this->assertEquals(array('idnumber', 'country', 'city'), get_extra_user_fields(context_system::instance()));

     * Manager can be prevented from seeing hidden fields outside the course.
    public function test_get_extra_user_fields_schismatic_access() {

        $env = $this->environment_for_get_extra_user_fields_tests();

        assign_capability('moodle/user:viewhiddendetails', CAP_PREVENT, $env->managerrole->id, SYSCONTEXTID, true);
        $this->assertEquals(array('idnumber'), get_extra_user_fields(context_system::instance()));
        // Note that inside the course, the manager can still see the hidden identifiers as this is currently
        // controlled by a separate capability for legacy reasons.
        $this->assertEquals(array('idnumber', 'country', 'city'), get_extra_user_fields($env->coursecontext));

     * Two capabilities must be currently set to prevent manager from seeing hidden fields.
    public function test_get_extra_user_fields_hard_to_prevent_access() {

        $env = $this->environment_for_get_extra_user_fields_tests();

        assign_capability('moodle/user:viewhiddendetails', CAP_PREVENT, $env->managerrole->id, SYSCONTEXTID, true);
        assign_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenuserfields', CAP_PREVENT, $env->managerrole->id, SYSCONTEXTID, true);

        $this->assertEquals(array('idnumber'), get_extra_user_fields(context_system::instance()));
        $this->assertEquals(array('idnumber'), get_extra_user_fields($env->coursecontext));

    public function test_get_extra_user_fields_sql() {
        global $CFG, $USER, $DB;


        $context = context_system::instance();

        // No fields.
        $CFG->showuseridentity = '';
        $this->assertSame('', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context));

        // One field.
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog';
        $this->assertSame(', frog', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context));

        // Two fields with table prefix.
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
        $this->assertSame(', u1.frog, u1.zombie', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, 'u1'));

        // Two fields with field prefix.
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
        $this->assertSame(', frog AS u_frog, zombie AS u_zombie',
            get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, '', 'u_'));

        // One field excluded.
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog';
        $this->assertSame('', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, '', '', array('frog')));

        // Two fields, one excluded, table+field prefix.
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
        $this->assertEquals(', u1.zombie AS u_zombie',
            get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, 'u1', 'u_', array('frog')));

     * Test some critical TZ/DST.
     * This method tests some special TZ/DST combinations that were fixed
     * by MDL-38999. The tests are done by comparing the results of the
     * output using Moodle TZ/DST support and PHP native one.
     * Note: If you don't trust PHP TZ/DST support, can verify the
     * harcoded expectations below with:
    public function test_some_moodle_special_dst() {
        $stamp = 1365386400; // 2013/04/08 02:00:00 GMT/UTC.

        // In Europe/Tallinn it was 2013/04/08 05:00:00.
        $expectation = '2013/04/08 05:00:00';
        $phpdt = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $stamp, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        $phpdt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Tallinn'));
        $phpres = $phpdt->format('Y/m/d H:i:s'); // PHP result.
        $moodleres = userdate($stamp, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', 'Europe/Tallinn', false); // Moodle result.
        $this->assertSame($expectation, $phpres);
        $this->assertSame($expectation, $moodleres);

        // In St. Johns it was 2013/04/07 23:30:00.
        $expectation = '2013/04/07 23:30:00';
        $phpdt = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $stamp, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        $phpdt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('America/St_Johns'));
        $phpres = $phpdt->format('Y/m/d H:i:s'); // PHP result.
        $moodleres = userdate($stamp, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', 'America/St_Johns', false); // Moodle result.
        $this->assertSame($expectation, $phpres);
        $this->assertSame($expectation, $moodleres);

        $stamp = 1383876000; // 2013/11/08 02:00:00 GMT/UTC.

        // In Europe/Tallinn it was 2013/11/08 04:00:00.
        $expectation = '2013/11/08 04:00:00';
        $phpdt = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $stamp, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        $phpdt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Tallinn'));
        $phpres = $phpdt->format('Y/m/d H:i:s'); // PHP result.
        $moodleres = userdate($stamp, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', 'Europe/Tallinn', false); // Moodle result.
        $this->assertSame($expectation, $phpres);
        $this->assertSame($expectation, $moodleres);

        // In St. Johns it was 2013/11/07 22:30:00.
        $expectation = '2013/11/07 22:30:00';
        $phpdt = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $stamp, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        $phpdt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('America/St_Johns'));
        $phpres = $phpdt->format('Y/m/d H:i:s'); // PHP result.
        $moodleres = userdate($stamp, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', 'America/St_Johns', false); // Moodle result.
        $this->assertSame($expectation, $phpres);
        $this->assertSame($expectation, $moodleres);

    public function test_userdate() {
        global $USER, $CFG, $DB;


        $testvalues = array(
                'time' => '1309514400',
                'usertimezone' => 'America/Moncton',
                'timezone' => '0.0', // No dst offset.
                'expectedoutput' => 'Friday, 1 July 2011, 10:00 AM',
                'expectedoutputhtml' => '<time datetime="2011-07-01T07:00:00-03:00">Friday, 1 July 2011, 10:00 AM</time>'
                'time' => '1309514400',
                'usertimezone' => 'America/Moncton',
                'timezone' => '99', // Dst offset and timezone offset.
                'expectedoutput' => 'Friday, 1 July 2011, 7:00 AM',
                'expectedoutputhtml' => '<time datetime="2011-07-01T07:00:00-03:00">Friday, 1 July 2011, 7:00 AM</time>'
                'time' => '1309514400',
                'usertimezone' => 'America/Moncton',
                'timezone' => 'America/Moncton', // Dst offset and timezone offset.
                'expectedoutput' => 'Friday, 1 July 2011, 7:00 AM',
                'expectedoutputhtml' => '<time datetime="2011-07-01t07:00:00-03:00">Friday, 1 July 2011, 7:00 AM</time>'
                'time' => '1293876000 ',
                'usertimezone' => 'America/Moncton',
                'timezone' => '0.0', // No dst offset.
                'expectedoutput' => 'Saturday, 1 January 2011, 10:00 AM',
                'expectedoutputhtml' => '<time datetime="2011-01-01T06:00:00-04:00">Saturday, 1 January 2011, 10:00 AM</time>'
                'time' => '1293876000 ',
                'usertimezone' => 'America/Moncton',
                'timezone' => '99', // No dst offset in jan, so just timezone offset.
                'expectedoutput' => 'Saturday, 1 January 2011, 6:00 AM',
                'expectedoutputhtml' => '<time datetime="2011-01-01T06:00:00-04:00">Saturday, 1 January 2011, 6:00 AM</time>'
                'time' => '1293876000 ',
                'usertimezone' => 'America/Moncton',
                'timezone' => 'America/Moncton', // No dst offset in jan.
                'expectedoutput' => 'Saturday, 1 January 2011, 6:00 AM',
                'expectedoutputhtml' => '<time datetime="2011-01-01T06:00:00-04:00">Saturday, 1 January 2011, 6:00 AM</time>'
                'time' => '1293876000 ',
                'usertimezone' => '2',
                'timezone' => '99', // Take user timezone.
                'expectedoutput' => 'Saturday, 1 January 2011, 12:00 PM',
                'expectedoutputhtml' => '<time datetime="2011-01-01T12:00:00+02:00">Saturday, 1 January 2011, 12:00 PM</time>'
                'time' => '1293876000 ',
                'usertimezone' => '-2',
                'timezone' => '99', // Take user timezone.
                'expectedoutput' => 'Saturday, 1 January 2011, 8:00 AM',
                'expectedoutputhtml' => '<time datetime="2011-01-01T08:00:00-02:00">Saturday, 1 January 2011, 8:00 AM</time>'
                'time' => '1293876000 ',
                'usertimezone' => '-10',
                'timezone' => '2', // Take this timezone.
                'expectedoutput' => 'Saturday, 1 January 2011, 12:00 PM',
                'expectedoutputhtml' => '<time datetime="2011-01-01T00:00:00-10:00">Saturday, 1 January 2011, 12:00 PM</time>'
                'time' => '1293876000 ',
                'usertimezone' => '-10',
                'timezone' => '-2', // Take this timezone.
                'expectedoutput' => 'Saturday, 1 January 2011, 8:00 AM',
                'expectedoutputhtml' => '<time datetime="2011-01-01T00:00:00-10:00">Saturday, 1 January 2011, 8:00 AM</time>'
                'time' => '1293876000 ',
                'usertimezone' => '-10',
                'timezone' => 'random/time', // This should show server time.
                'expectedoutput' => 'Saturday, 1 January 2011, 6:00 PM',
                'expectedoutputhtml' => '<time datetime="2011-01-01T00:00:00-10:00">Saturday, 1 January 2011, 6:00 PM</time>'
                'time' => '1293876000 ',
                'usertimezone' => '20', // Fallback to server time zone.
                'timezone' => '99',     // This should show user time.
                'expectedoutput' => 'Saturday, 1 January 2011, 6:00 PM',
                'expectedoutputhtml' => '<time datetime="2011-01-01T18:00:00+08:00">Saturday, 1 January 2011, 6:00 PM</time>'

        // Set default timezone to Australia/Perth, else time calculated
        // will not match expected values.
        $this->setTimezone(99, 'Australia/Perth');

        foreach ($testvalues as $vals) {
            $USER->timezone = $vals['usertimezone'];
            $actualoutput = userdate($vals['time'], '%A, %d %B %Y, %I:%M %p', $vals['timezone']);
            $actualoutputhtml = userdate_htmltime($vals['time'], '%A, %d %B %Y, %I:%M %p', $vals['timezone']);

            // On different systems case of AM PM changes so compare case insensitive.
            $vals['expectedoutput'] = core_text::strtolower($vals['expectedoutput']);
            $vals['expectedoutputhtml'] = core_text::strtolower($vals['expectedoutputhtml']);
            $actualoutput = core_text::strtolower($actualoutput);
            $actualoutputhtml = core_text::strtolower($actualoutputhtml);

            $this->assertSame($vals['expectedoutput'], $actualoutput,
                "Expected: {$vals['expectedoutput']} => Actual: {$actualoutput} \ndata: " . var_export($vals, true));
            $this->assertSame($vals['expectedoutputhtml'], $actualoutputhtml,
                "Expected: {$vals['expectedoutputhtml']} => Actual: {$actualoutputhtml} \ndata: " . var_export($vals, true));

     * Make sure the DST changes happen at the right time in Moodle.
    public function test_dst_changes() {
        // DST switching in Prague.
        // From 2AM to 3AM in 1989.
        $date = new DateTime('1989-03-26T01:59:00+01:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 26 March 1989, 01:59', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Europe/Prague'));
        $date = new DateTime('1989-03-26T02:01:00+01:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 26 March 1989, 03:01', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Europe/Prague'));
        // From 3AM to 2AM in 1989 - not the same as the west Europe.
        $date = new DateTime('1989-09-24T01:59:00+01:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 24 September 1989, 02:59', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Europe/Prague'));
        $date = new DateTime('1989-09-24T02:01:00+01:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 24 September 1989, 02:01', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Europe/Prague'));
        // From 2AM to 3AM in 2014.
        $date = new DateTime('2014-03-30T01:59:00+01:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 30 March 2014, 01:59', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Europe/Prague'));
        $date = new DateTime('2014-03-30T02:01:00+01:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 30 March 2014, 03:01', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Europe/Prague'));
        // From 3AM to 2AM in 2014.
        $date = new DateTime('2014-10-26T01:59:00+01:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 26 October 2014, 02:59', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Europe/Prague'));
        $date = new DateTime('2014-10-26T02:01:00+01:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 26 October 2014, 02:01', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Europe/Prague'));
        // From 2AM to 3AM in 2020.
        $date = new DateTime('2020-03-29T01:59:00+01:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 29 March 2020, 01:59', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Europe/Prague'));
        $date = new DateTime('2020-03-29T02:01:00+01:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 29 March 2020, 03:01', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Europe/Prague'));
        // From 3AM to 2AM in 2020.
        $date = new DateTime('2020-10-25T01:59:00+01:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 25 October 2020, 02:59', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Europe/Prague'));
        $date = new DateTime('2020-10-25T02:01:00+01:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 25 October 2020, 02:01', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Europe/Prague'));

        // DST switching in NZ.
        // From 3AM to 2AM in 2015.
        $date = new DateTime('2015-04-05T02:59:00+13:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 5 April 2015, 02:59', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Pacific/Auckland'));
        $date = new DateTime('2015-04-05T03:01:00+13:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 5 April 2015, 02:01', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Pacific/Auckland'));
        // From 2AM to 3AM in 2009.
        $date = new DateTime('2015-09-27T01:59:00+12:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 27 September 2015, 01:59', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Pacific/Auckland'));
        $date = new DateTime('2015-09-27T02:01:00+12:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 27 September 2015, 03:01', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Pacific/Auckland'));

        // DST switching in Perth.
        // From 3AM to 2AM in 2009.
        $date = new DateTime('2008-03-30T01:59:00+08:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 30 March 2008, 02:59', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Australia/Perth'));
        $date = new DateTime('2008-03-30T02:01:00+08:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 30 March 2008, 02:01', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Australia/Perth'));
        // From 2AM to 3AM in 2009.
        $date = new DateTime('2008-10-26T01:59:00+08:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 26 October 2008, 01:59', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Australia/Perth'));
        $date = new DateTime('2008-10-26T02:01:00+08:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 26 October 2008, 03:01', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'Australia/Perth'));

        // DST switching in US.
        // From 2AM to 3AM in 2014.
        $date = new DateTime('2014-03-09T01:59:00-05:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 9 March 2014, 01:59', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'America/New_York'));
        $date = new DateTime('2014-03-09T02:01:00-05:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 9 March 2014, 03:01', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'America/New_York'));
        // From 3AM to 2AM in 2014.
        $date = new DateTime('2014-11-02T01:59:00-04:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 2 November 2014, 01:59', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'America/New_York'));
        $date = new DateTime('2014-11-02T02:01:00-04:00');
        $this->assertSame('Sunday, 2 November 2014, 01:01', userdate($date->getTimestamp(), '%A, %d %B %Y, %H:%M', 'America/New_York'));

    public function test_make_timestamp() {
        global $USER, $CFG, $DB;


        $testvalues = array(
                'usertimezone' => 'America/Moncton',
                'year' => '2011',
                'month' => '7',
                'day' => '1',
                'hour' => '10',
                'minutes' => '00',
                'seconds' => '00',
                'timezone' => '0.0',
                'applydst' => false, // No dst offset.
                'expectedoutput' => '1309514400' // 6pm at UTC+0.
                'usertimezone' => 'America/Moncton',
                'year' => '2011',
                'month' => '7',
                'day' => '1',
                'hour' => '10',
                'minutes' => '00',
                'seconds' => '00',
                'timezone' => '99',  // User default timezone.
                'applydst' => false, // Don't apply dst.
                'expectedoutput' => '1309528800'
                'usertimezone' => 'America/Moncton',
                'year' => '2011',
                'month' => '7',
                'day' => '1',
                'hour' => '10',
                'minutes' => '00',
                'seconds' => '00',
                'timezone' => '99', // User default timezone.
                'applydst' => true, // Apply dst.
                'expectedoutput' => '1309525200'
                'usertimezone' => 'America/Moncton',
                'year' => '2011',
                'month' => '7',
                'day' => '1',
                'hour' => '10',
                'minutes' => '00',
                'seconds' => '00',
                'timezone' => 'America/Moncton', // String timezone.
                'applydst' => true, // Apply dst.
                'expectedoutput' => '1309525200'
                'usertimezone' => '2', // No dst applyed.
                'year' => '2011',
                'month' => '7',
                'day' => '1',
                'hour' => '10',
                'minutes' => '00',
                'seconds' => '00',
                'timezone' => '99', // Take user timezone.
                'applydst' => true, // Apply dst.
                'expectedoutput' => '1309507200'
                'usertimezone' => '-2', // No dst applyed.
                'year' => '2011',
                'month' => '7',
                'day' => '1',
                'hour' => '10',
                'minutes' => '00',
                'seconds' => '00',
                'timezone' => '99', // Take usertimezone.
                'applydst' => true, // Apply dst.
                'expectedoutput' => '1309521600'
                'usertimezone' => '-10', // No dst applyed.
                'year' => '2011',
                'month' => '7',
                'day' => '1',
                'hour' => '10',
                'minutes' => '00',
                'seconds' => '00',
                'timezone' => '2',  // Take this timezone.
                'applydst' => true, // Apply dst.
                'expectedoutput' => '1309507200'
                'usertimezone' => '-10', // No dst applyed.
                'year' => '2011',
                'month' => '7',
                'day' => '1',
                'hour' => '10',
                'minutes' => '00',
                'seconds' => '00',
                'timezone' => '-2', // Take this timezone.
                'applydst' => true, // Apply dst.
                'expectedoutput' => '1309521600'
                'usertimezone' => '-10', // No dst applyed.
                'year' => '2011',
                'month' => '7',
                'day' => '1',
                'hour' => '10',
                'minutes' => '00',
                'seconds' => '00',
                'timezone' => 'random/time', // This should show server time.
                'applydst' => true,          // Apply dst.
                'expectedoutput' => '1309485600'
                'usertimezone' => '-14', // Server time.
                'year' => '2011',
                'month' => '7',
                'day' => '1',
                'hour' => '10',
                'minutes' => '00',
                'seconds' => '00',
                'timezone' => '99', // Get user time.
                'applydst' => true, // Apply dst.
                'expectedoutput' => '1309485600'

        // Set default timezone to Australia/Perth, else time calculated
        // will not match expected values.
        $this->setTimezone(99, 'Australia/Perth');

        // Test make_timestamp with all testvals and assert if anything wrong.
        foreach ($testvalues as $vals) {
            $USER->timezone = $vals['usertimezone'];
            $actualoutput = make_timestamp(

            // On different systems case of AM PM changes so compare case insensitive.
            $vals['expectedoutput'] = core_text::strtolower($vals['expectedoutput']);
            $actualoutput = core_text::strtolower($actualoutput);

            $this->assertSame($vals['expectedoutput'], $actualoutput,
                "Expected: {$vals['expectedoutput']} => Actual: {$actualoutput},
                Please check if timezones are updated (Site adminstration -> location -> update timezone)");

     * Test get_string and most importantly the implementation of the lang_string
     * object.
    public function test_get_string() {
        global $COURSE;

        // Make sure we are using English.
        $originallang = $COURSE->lang;
        $COURSE->lang = 'en';

        $yes = get_string('yes');
        $yesexpected = 'Yes';
< $this->assertInternalType('string', $yes);
> $this->assertIsString($yes);
$this->assertSame($yesexpected, $yes); $yes = get_string('yes', 'moodle');
< $this->assertInternalType('string', $yes);
> $this->assertIsString($yes);
$this->assertSame($yesexpected, $yes); $yes = get_string('yes', 'core');
< $this->assertInternalType('string', $yes);
> $this->assertIsString($yes);
$this->assertSame($yesexpected, $yes); $yes = get_string('yes', '');
< $this->assertInternalType('string', $yes);
> $this->assertIsString($yes);
$this->assertSame($yesexpected, $yes); $yes = get_string('yes', null);
< $this->assertInternalType('string', $yes);
> $this->assertIsString($yes);
$this->assertSame($yesexpected, $yes); $yes = get_string('yes', null, 1);
< $this->assertInternalType('string', $yes);
> $this->assertIsString($yes);
$this->assertSame($yesexpected, $yes); $days = 1; $numdays = get_string('numdays', 'core', '1'); $numdaysexpected = $days.' days';
< $this->assertInternalType('string', $numdays);
> $this->assertIsString($numdays);
$this->assertSame($numdaysexpected, $numdays); $yes = get_string('yes', null, null, true); $this->assertInstanceOf('lang_string', $yes); $this->assertSame($yesexpected, (string)$yes); // Test lazy loading (returning lang_string) correctly interpolates 0 being used as args. $numdays = get_string('numdays', 'moodle', 0, true); $this->assertInstanceOf(lang_string::class, $numdays); $this->assertSame('0 days', (string) $numdays); // Test using a lang_string object as the $a argument for a normal // get_string call (returning string). $test = new lang_string('yes', null, null, true); $testexpected = get_string('numdays', 'core', get_string('yes')); $testresult = get_string('numdays', null, $test);
< $this->assertInternalType('string', $testresult);
> $this->assertIsString($testresult);
$this->assertSame($testexpected, $testresult); // Test using a lang_string object as the $a argument for an object // get_string call (returning lang_string). $test = new lang_string('yes', null, null, true); $testexpected = get_string('numdays', 'core', get_string('yes')); $testresult = get_string('numdays', null, $test, true); $this->assertInstanceOf('lang_string', $testresult); $this->assertSame($testexpected, "$testresult"); // Make sure that object properties that can't be converted don't cause // errors. // Level one: This is as deep as current language processing goes. $test = new stdClass; $test->one = 'here'; $string = get_string('yes', null, $test, true); $this->assertEquals($yesexpected, $string); // Make sure that object properties that can't be converted don't cause // errors. // Level two: Language processing doesn't currently reach this deep. // only immediate scalar properties are worked with. $test = new stdClass; $test->one = new stdClass; $test->one->two = 'here'; $string = get_string('yes', null, $test, true); $this->assertEquals($yesexpected, $string); // Make sure that object properties that can't be converted don't cause // errors. // Level three: It should never ever go this deep, but we're making sure // it doesn't cause any probs anyway. $test = new stdClass; $test->one = new stdClass; $test->one->two = new stdClass; $test->one->two->three = 'here'; $string = get_string('yes', null, $test, true); $this->assertEquals($yesexpected, $string); // Make sure that object properties that can't be converted don't cause // errors and check lang_string properties. // Level one: This is as deep as current language processing goes. $test = new stdClass; $test->one = new lang_string('yes'); $string = get_string('yes', null, $test, true); $this->assertEquals($yesexpected, $string); // Make sure that object properties that can't be converted don't cause // errors and check lang_string properties. // Level two: Language processing doesn't currently reach this deep. // only immediate scalar properties are worked with. $test = new stdClass; $test->one = new stdClass; $test->one->two = new lang_string('yes'); $string = get_string('yes', null, $test, true); $this->assertEquals($yesexpected, $string); // Make sure that object properties that can't be converted don't cause // errors and check lang_string properties. // Level three: It should never ever go this deep, but we're making sure // it doesn't cause any probs anyway. $test = new stdClass; $test->one = new stdClass; $test->one->two = new stdClass; $test->one->two->three = new lang_string('yes'); $string = get_string('yes', null, $test, true); $this->assertEquals($yesexpected, $string); // Make sure that array properties that can't be converted don't cause // errors. $test = array(); $test['one'] = new stdClass; $test['one']->two = 'here'; $string = get_string('yes', null, $test, true); $this->assertEquals($yesexpected, $string); // Same thing but as above except using an object... this is allowed :P. $string = get_string('yes', null, null, true); $object = new stdClass; $object->$string = 'Yes'; $this->assertEquals($yesexpected, $string); $this->assertEquals($yesexpected, $object->$string); // Reset the language. $COURSE->lang = $originallang; }
< /** < * @expectedException PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Warning < */
public function test_get_string_limitation() { // This is one of the limitations to the lang_string class. It can't be // used as a key.
> $this->expectException(\PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Warning::class);
$array = array(get_string('yes', null, null, true) => 'yes'); } /** * Test localised float formatting. */ public function test_format_float() { // Special case for null. $this->assertEquals('', format_float(null)); // Default 1 decimal place. $this->assertEquals('5.4', format_float(5.43)); $this->assertEquals('5.0', format_float(5.001)); // Custom number of decimal places. $this->assertEquals('5.43000', format_float(5.43, 5)); // Auto detect the number of decimal places. $this->assertEquals('5.43', format_float(5.43, -1)); $this->assertEquals('5.43', format_float(5.43000, -1)); $this->assertEquals('5', format_float(5, -1)); $this->assertEquals('5', format_float(5.0, -1)); $this->assertEquals('0.543', format_float('5.43e-1', -1)); $this->assertEquals('0.543', format_float('5.43000e-1', -1)); // Option to strip ending zeros after rounding. $this->assertEquals('5.43', format_float(5.43, 5, true, true)); $this->assertEquals('5', format_float(5.0001, 3, true, true)); // Tests with a localised decimal separator. $this->define_local_decimal_separator(); // Localisation on (default). $this->assertEquals('5X43000', format_float(5.43, 5)); $this->assertEquals('5X43', format_float(5.43, 5, true, true)); // Localisation off. $this->assertEquals('5.43000', format_float(5.43, 5, false)); $this->assertEquals('5.43', format_float(5.43, 5, false, true)); // Tests with tilde as localised decimal separator. $this->define_local_decimal_separator('~'); // Must also work for '~' as decimal separator. $this->assertEquals('5', format_float(5.0001, 3, true, true)); $this->assertEquals('5~43000', format_float(5.43, 5)); $this->assertEquals('5~43', format_float(5.43, 5, true, true)); } /** * Test localised float unformatting. */ public function test_unformat_float() { // Tests without the localised decimal separator. // Special case for null, empty or white spaces only strings. $this->assertEquals(null, unformat_float(null)); $this->assertEquals(null, unformat_float('')); $this->assertEquals(null, unformat_float(' ')); // Regular use. $this->assertEquals(5.4, unformat_float('5.4')); $this->assertEquals(5.4, unformat_float('5.4', true)); // No decimal. $this->assertEquals(5.0, unformat_float('5')); // Custom number of decimal. $this->assertEquals(5.43267, unformat_float('5.43267')); // Empty decimal. $this->assertEquals(100.0, unformat_float('100.00')); // With the thousand separator. $this->assertEquals(1000.0, unformat_float('1 000')); $this->assertEquals(1000.32, unformat_float('1 000.32')); // Negative number. $this->assertEquals(-100.0, unformat_float('-100')); // Wrong value. $this->assertEquals(0.0, unformat_float('Wrong value')); // Wrong value in strict mode. $this->assertFalse(unformat_float('Wrong value', true)); // Combining options. $this->assertEquals(-1023.862567, unformat_float(' -1 023.862567 ')); // Bad decimal separator (should crop the decimal). $this->assertEquals(50.0, unformat_float('50,57')); // Bad decimal separator in strict mode (should return false). $this->assertFalse(unformat_float('50,57', true)); // Tests with a localised decimal separator. $this->define_local_decimal_separator(); // We repeat the tests above but with the current decimal separator. // Regular use without and with the localised separator. $this->assertEquals (5.4, unformat_float('5.4')); $this->assertEquals (5.4, unformat_float('5X4')); // Custom number of decimal. $this->assertEquals (5.43267, unformat_float('5X43267')); // Empty decimal. $this->assertEquals (100.0, unformat_float('100X00')); // With the thousand separator. $this->assertEquals (1000.32, unformat_float('1 000X32')); // Bad different separator (should crop the decimal). $this->assertEquals (50.0, unformat_float('50Y57')); // Bad different separator in strict mode (should return false). $this->assertFalse (unformat_float('50Y57', true)); // Combining options. $this->assertEquals (-1023.862567, unformat_float(' -1 023X862567 ')); // Combining options in strict mode. $this->assertEquals (-1023.862567, unformat_float(' -1 023X862567 ', true)); } /** * Test deleting of users. */ public function test_delete_user() { global $DB, $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(); $guest = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$CFG->siteguest), '*', MUST_EXIST); $admin = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$CFG->siteadmins), '*', MUST_EXIST); $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('user', array('deleted'=>1))); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('idnumber'=>'abc')); $user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('idnumber'=>'xyz')); $usersharedemail1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('email' => 'sharedemail@example.invalid')); $usersharedemail2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('email' => 'sharedemail@example.invalid')); $useremptyemail1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('email' => '')); $useremptyemail2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('email' => '')); // Delete user and capture event. $sink = $this->redirectEvents(); $result = delete_user($user); $events = $sink->get_events(); $sink->close(); $event = array_pop($events); // Test user is deleted in DB. $this->assertTrue($result); $deluser = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$user->id), '*', MUST_EXIST); $this->assertEquals(1, $deluser->deleted); $this->assertEquals(0, $deluser->picture); $this->assertSame('', $deluser->idnumber); $this->assertSame(md5($user->username), $deluser->email); $this->assertRegExp('/^'.preg_quote($user->email, '/').'\.\d*$/', $deluser->username); $this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('user', array('deleted'=>1))); // Test Event. $this->assertInstanceOf('\core\event\user_deleted', $event); $this->assertSame($user->id, $event->objectid); $this->assertSame('user_deleted', $event->get_legacy_eventname()); $this->assertEventLegacyData($user, $event); $expectedlogdata = array(SITEID, 'user', 'delete', "view.php?id=$user->id", $user->firstname.' '.$user->lastname); $this->assertEventLegacyLogData($expectedlogdata, $event); $eventdata = $event->get_data(); $this->assertSame($eventdata['other']['username'], $user->username); $this->assertSame($eventdata['other']['email'], $user->email); $this->assertSame($eventdata['other']['idnumber'], $user->idnumber); $this->assertSame($eventdata['other']['picture'], $user->picture); $this->assertSame($eventdata['other']['mnethostid'], $user->mnethostid); $this->assertEquals($user, $event->get_record_snapshot('user', $event->objectid)); $this->assertEventContextNotUsed($event); // Try invalid params. $record = new stdClass(); $record->grrr = 1; try { delete_user($record); $this->fail('Expecting exception for invalid delete_user() $user parameter'); } catch (moodle_exception $ex) { $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex); } $record->id = 1; try { delete_user($record); $this->fail('Expecting exception for invalid delete_user() $user parameter'); } catch (moodle_exception $ex) { $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $ex); } $record = new stdClass(); $record->id = 666; $record->username = 'xx'; $this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('user', array('id'=>666))); // Any non-existent id is ok. $result = delete_user($record); $this->assertFalse($result); $result = delete_user($guest); $this->assertFalse($result); $result = delete_user($admin); $this->assertFalse($result); // Simultaneously deleting users with identical email addresses. $result1 = delete_user($usersharedemail1); $result2 = delete_user($usersharedemail2); $usersharedemail1after = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $usersharedemail1->id)); $usersharedemail2after = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $usersharedemail2->id)); $this->assertTrue($result1); $this->assertTrue($result2); $this->assertStringStartsWith($usersharedemail1->email . '.', $usersharedemail1after->username); $this->assertStringStartsWith($usersharedemail2->email . '.', $usersharedemail2after->username); // Simultaneously deleting users without email addresses. $result1 = delete_user($useremptyemail1); $result2 = delete_user($useremptyemail2); $useremptyemail1after = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $useremptyemail1->id)); $useremptyemail2after = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $useremptyemail2->id)); $this->assertTrue($result1); $this->assertTrue($result2); $this->assertStringStartsWith($useremptyemail1->username . '.' . $useremptyemail1->id . '@unknownemail.invalid.', $useremptyemail1after->username); $this->assertStringStartsWith($useremptyemail2->username . '.' . $useremptyemail2->id . '@unknownemail.invalid.', $useremptyemail2after->username); $this->resetDebugging(); } /** * Test deletion of user with long username */ public function test_delete_user_long_username() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); // For users without an e-mail, one will be created during deletion using {$username}.{$id}@unknownemail.invalid format. $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([ 'username' => str_repeat('a', 75), 'email' => '', ]); delete_user($user); // The username for the deleted user shouldn't exceed 100 characters. $usernamedeleted = $DB->get_field('user', 'username', ['id' => $user->id]); $this->assertEquals(100, core_text::strlen($usernamedeleted)); $timestrlength = core_text::strlen((string) time()); // It should start with the user name, and end with the current time. $this->assertStringStartsWith("{$user->username}.{$user->id}@", $usernamedeleted); $this->assertRegExp('/\.\d{' . $timestrlength . '}$/', $usernamedeleted); } /** * Test deletion of user with long email address */ public function test_delete_user_long_email() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); // Create user with 90 character email address. $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([ 'email' => str_repeat('a', 78) . '', ]); delete_user($user); // The username for the deleted user shouldn't exceed 100 characters. $usernamedeleted = $DB->get_field('user', 'username', ['id' => $user->id]); $this->assertEquals(100, core_text::strlen($usernamedeleted)); $timestrlength = core_text::strlen((string) time()); // Max username length is 100 chars. Select up to limit - (length of current time + 1 [period character]) from users email. $expectedemail = core_text::substr($user->email, 0, 100 - ($timestrlength + 1)); $this->assertRegExp('/^' . preg_quote($expectedemail) . '\.\d{' . $timestrlength . '}$/', $usernamedeleted); } /** * Test function convert_to_array() */ public function test_convert_to_array() { // Check that normal classes are converted to arrays the same way as (array) would do. $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->prop1 = 'hello'; $obj->prop2 = array('first', 'second', 13); $obj->prop3 = 15; $this->assertEquals(convert_to_array($obj), (array)$obj); // Check that context object (with iterator) is converted to array properly. $obj = context_system::instance(); $ar = array( 'id' => $obj->id, 'contextlevel' => $obj->contextlevel, 'instanceid' => $obj->instanceid, 'path' => $obj->path, 'depth' => $obj->depth, 'locked' => $obj->locked, ); $this->assertEquals(convert_to_array($obj), $ar); } /** * Test the function date_format_string(). */ public function test_date_format_string() { global $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(); $this->setTimezone(99, 'Australia/Perth'); $tests = array( array( 'tz' => 99, 'str' => '%A, %d %B %Y, %I:%M %p', 'expected' => 'Saturday, 01 January 2011, 06:00 PM' ), array( 'tz' => 0, 'str' => '%A, %d %B %Y, %I:%M %p', 'expected' => 'Saturday, 01 January 2011, 10:00 AM' ), array( // Note: this function expected the timestamp in weird format before, // since 2.9 it uses UTC. 'tz' => 'Pacific/Auckland', 'str' => '%A, %d %B %Y, %I:%M %p', 'expected' => 'Saturday, 01 January 2011, 11:00 PM' ), // Following tests pass on Windows only because en lang pack does // not contain localewincharset, in real life lang pack maintainers // may use only characters that are present in localewincharset // in format strings! array( 'tz' => 99, 'str' => 'Žluťoučký koníček %A', 'expected' => 'Žluťoučký koníček Saturday' ), array( 'tz' => 99, 'str' => '言語設定言語 %A', 'expected' => '言語設定言語 Saturday' ), array( 'tz' => 99, 'str' => '简体中文简体 %A', 'expected' => '简体中文简体 Saturday' ), ); // Note: date_format_string() uses the timezone only to differenciate // the server time from the UTC time. It does not modify the timestamp. // Hence similar results for timezones <= 13. // On different systems case of AM PM changes so compare case insensitive. foreach ($tests as $test) { $str = date_format_string(1293876000, $test['str'], $test['tz']); $this->assertSame(core_text::strtolower($test['expected']), core_text::strtolower($str)); } } public function test_get_config() { global $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(); // Preparation. set_config('phpunit_test_get_config_1', 'test 1'); set_config('phpunit_test_get_config_2', 'test 2', 'mod_forum'); if (!is_array($CFG->config_php_settings)) { $CFG->config_php_settings = array(); } $CFG->config_php_settings['phpunit_test_get_config_3'] = 'test 3'; if (!is_array($CFG->forced_plugin_settings)) { $CFG->forced_plugin_settings = array(); } if (!array_key_exists('mod_forum', $CFG->forced_plugin_settings)) { $CFG->forced_plugin_settings['mod_forum'] = array(); } $CFG->forced_plugin_settings['mod_forum']['phpunit_test_get_config_4'] = 'test 4'; $CFG->phpunit_test_get_config_5 = 'test 5'; // Testing. $this->assertSame('test 1', get_config('core', 'phpunit_test_get_config_1')); $this->assertSame('test 2', get_config('mod_forum', 'phpunit_test_get_config_2')); $this->assertSame('test 3', get_config('core', 'phpunit_test_get_config_3')); $this->assertSame('test 4', get_config('mod_forum', 'phpunit_test_get_config_4')); $this->assertFalse(get_config('core', 'phpunit_test_get_config_5')); $this->assertFalse(get_config('core', 'phpunit_test_get_config_x')); $this->assertFalse(get_config('mod_forum', 'phpunit_test_get_config_x')); // Test config we know to exist. $this->assertSame($CFG->dataroot, get_config('core', 'dataroot')); $this->assertSame($CFG->phpunit_dataroot, get_config('core', 'phpunit_dataroot')); $this->assertSame($CFG->dataroot, get_config('core', 'phpunit_dataroot')); $this->assertSame(get_config('core', 'dataroot'), get_config('core', 'phpunit_dataroot')); // Test setting a config var that already exists. set_config('phpunit_test_get_config_1', 'test a'); $this->assertSame('test a', $CFG->phpunit_test_get_config_1); $this->assertSame('test a', get_config('core', 'phpunit_test_get_config_1')); // Test cache invalidation. $cache = cache::make('core', 'config');
< $this->assertInternalType('array', $cache->get('core')); < $this->assertInternalType('array', $cache->get('mod_forum'));
> $this->assertIsArray($cache->get('core')); > $this->assertIsArray($cache->get('mod_forum'));
set_config('phpunit_test_get_config_1', 'test b'); $this->assertFalse($cache->get('core')); set_config('phpunit_test_get_config_4', 'test c', 'mod_forum'); $this->assertFalse($cache->get('mod_forum')); } public function test_get_max_upload_sizes() { // Test with very low limits so we are not affected by php upload limits. // Test activity limit smallest. $sitebytes = 102400; $coursebytes = 51200; $modulebytes = 10240; $result = get_max_upload_sizes($sitebytes, $coursebytes, $modulebytes); $this->assertSame('Activity upload limit (10KB)', $result['0']); $this->assertCount(2, $result); // Test course limit smallest. $sitebytes = 102400; $coursebytes = 10240; $modulebytes = 51200; $result = get_max_upload_sizes($sitebytes, $coursebytes, $modulebytes); $this->assertSame('Course upload limit (10KB)', $result['0']); $this->assertCount(2, $result); // Test site limit smallest. $sitebytes = 10240; $coursebytes = 102400; $modulebytes = 51200; $result = get_max_upload_sizes($sitebytes, $coursebytes, $modulebytes); $this->assertSame('Site upload limit (10KB)', $result['0']); $this->assertCount(2, $result); // Test site limit not set. $sitebytes = 0; $coursebytes = 102400; $modulebytes = 51200; $result = get_max_upload_sizes($sitebytes, $coursebytes, $modulebytes); $this->assertSame('Activity upload limit (50KB)', $result['0']); $this->assertCount(3, $result); $sitebytes = 0; $coursebytes = 51200; $modulebytes = 102400; $result = get_max_upload_sizes($sitebytes, $coursebytes, $modulebytes); $this->assertSame('Course upload limit (50KB)', $result['0']); $this->assertCount(3, $result); // Test custom bytes in range. $sitebytes = 102400; $coursebytes = 51200; $modulebytes = 51200; $custombytes = 10240; $result = get_max_upload_sizes($sitebytes, $coursebytes, $modulebytes, $custombytes); $this->assertCount(3, $result); // Test custom bytes in range but non-standard. $sitebytes = 102400; $coursebytes = 51200; $modulebytes = 51200; $custombytes = 25600; $result = get_max_upload_sizes($sitebytes, $coursebytes, $modulebytes, $custombytes); $this->assertCount(4, $result); // Test custom bytes out of range. $sitebytes = 102400; $coursebytes = 51200; $modulebytes = 51200; $custombytes = 102400; $result = get_max_upload_sizes($sitebytes, $coursebytes, $modulebytes, $custombytes); $this->assertCount(3, $result); // Test custom bytes out of range and non-standard. $sitebytes = 102400; $coursebytes = 51200; $modulebytes = 51200; $custombytes = 256000; $result = get_max_upload_sizes($sitebytes, $coursebytes, $modulebytes, $custombytes); $this->assertCount(3, $result); // Test site limit only. $sitebytes = 51200; $result = get_max_upload_sizes($sitebytes); $this->assertSame('Site upload limit (50KB)', $result['0']); $this->assertSame('50KB', $result['51200']); $this->assertSame('10KB', $result['10240']); $this->assertCount(3, $result); // Test no limit. $result = get_max_upload_sizes(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('0', $result); $this->assertArrayHasKey(get_max_upload_file_size(), $result); } /** * Test function password_is_legacy_hash(). */ public function test_password_is_legacy_hash() { // Well formed md5s should be matched. foreach (array('some', 'strings', 'to_check!') as $string) { $md5 = md5($string); $this->assertTrue(password_is_legacy_hash($md5)); } // Strings that are not md5s should not be matched. foreach (array('', AUTH_PASSWORD_NOT_CACHED, 'IPW8WTcsWNgAWcUS1FBVHegzJnw5M2jOmYkmfc8z.xdBOyC4Caeum') as $notmd5) { $this->assertFalse(password_is_legacy_hash($notmd5)); } } /** * Test function validate_internal_user_password(). */ public function test_validate_internal_user_password() { // Test bcrypt hashes. $validhashes = array( 'pw' => '$2y$10$LOSDi5eaQJhutSRun.OVJ.ZSxQZabCMay7TO1KmzMkDMPvU40zGXK', 'abc' => '$2y$10$VWTOhVdsBbWwtdWNDRHSpewjd3aXBQlBQf5rBY/hVhw8hciarFhXa', 'C0mP1eX_&}<?@*&%` |\"' => '$2y$10$3PJf.q.9ywNJlsInPbqc8.IFeSsvXrGvQLKRFBIhVu1h1I3vpIry6', 'ĩńťėŕňăţĩōŋāĹ' => '$2y$10$3A2Y8WpfRAnP3czJiSv6N.6Xp0T8hW3QZz2hUCYhzyWr1kGP1yUve' ); foreach ($validhashes as $password => $hash) { $user = new stdClass(); $user->auth = 'manual'; $user->password = $hash; // The correct password should be validated. $this->assertTrue(validate_internal_user_password($user, $password)); // An incorrect password should not be validated. $this->assertFalse(validate_internal_user_password($user, 'badpw')); } } /** * Test function hash_internal_user_password(). */ public function test_hash_internal_user_password() { $passwords = array('pw', 'abc123', 'C0mP1eX_&}<?@*&%` |\"', 'ĩńťėŕňăţĩōŋāĹ'); // Check that some passwords that we convert to hashes can // be validated. foreach ($passwords as $password) { $hash = hash_internal_user_password($password); $fasthash = hash_internal_user_password($password, true); $user = new stdClass(); $user->auth = 'manual'; $user->password = $hash; $this->assertTrue(validate_internal_user_password($user, $password)); // They should not be in md5 format. $this->assertFalse(password_is_legacy_hash($hash)); // Check that cost factor in hash is correctly set. $this->assertRegExp('/\$10\$/', $hash); $this->assertRegExp('/\$04\$/', $fasthash); } } /** * Test function update_internal_user_password(). */ public function test_update_internal_user_password() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); $passwords = array('password', '1234', 'changeme', '****'); foreach ($passwords as $password) { $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('auth'=>'manual')); update_internal_user_password($user, $password); // The user object should have been updated. $this->assertTrue(validate_internal_user_password($user, $password)); // The database field for the user should also have been updated to the // same value. $this->assertSame($user->password, $DB->get_field('user', 'password', array('id' => $user->id))); } $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('auth'=>'manual')); // Manually set the user's password to the md5 of the string 'password'. $DB->set_field('user', 'password', '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', array('id' => $user->id)); $sink = $this->redirectEvents(); // Update the password. update_internal_user_password($user, 'password'); $events = $sink->get_events(); $sink->close(); $event = array_pop($events); // Password should have been updated to a bcrypt hash. $this->assertFalse(password_is_legacy_hash($user->password)); // Verify event information. $this->assertInstanceOf('\core\event\user_password_updated', $event); $this->assertSame($user->id, $event->relateduserid); $this->assertEquals(context_user::instance($user->id), $event->get_context()); $this->assertEventContextNotUsed($event); // Verify recovery of property 'auth'. unset($user->auth); update_internal_user_password($user, 'newpassword'); $this->assertDebuggingCalled('User record in update_internal_user_password() must include field auth', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); $this->assertEquals('manual', $user->auth); } /** * Testing that if the password is not cached, that it does not update * the user table and fire event. */ public function test_update_internal_user_password_no_cache() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('auth' => 'cas')); $DB->update_record('user', ['id' => $user->id, 'password' => AUTH_PASSWORD_NOT_CACHED]); $user->password = AUTH_PASSWORD_NOT_CACHED; $sink = $this->redirectEvents(); update_internal_user_password($user, 'wonkawonka'); $this->assertEquals(0, $sink->count(), 'User updated event should not fire'); } /** * Test if the user has a password hash, but now their auth method * says not to cache it. Then it should update. */ public function test_update_internal_user_password_update_no_cache() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('password' => 'test')); $this->assertNotEquals(AUTH_PASSWORD_NOT_CACHED, $user->password); $user->auth = 'cas'; // Change to a auth that does not store passwords. $sink = $this->redirectEvents(); update_internal_user_password($user, 'wonkawonka'); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(1, $sink->count(), 'User updated event should fire'); $this->assertEquals(AUTH_PASSWORD_NOT_CACHED, $user->password); } public function test_fullname() { global $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(); // Create a user to test the name display on. $record = array(); $record['firstname'] = 'Scott'; $record['lastname'] = 'Fletcher'; $record['firstnamephonetic'] = 'スコット'; $record['lastnamephonetic'] = 'フレチャー'; $record['alternatename'] = 'No friends'; $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user($record); // Back up config settings for restore later. $originalcfg = new stdClass(); $originalcfg->fullnamedisplay = $CFG->fullnamedisplay; $originalcfg->alternativefullnameformat = $CFG->alternativefullnameformat; // Testing existing fullnamedisplay settings. $CFG->fullnamedisplay = 'firstname'; $testname = fullname($user); $this->assertSame($user->firstname, $testname); $CFG->fullnamedisplay = 'firstname lastname'; $expectedname = "$user->firstname $user->lastname"; $testname = fullname($user); $this->assertSame($expectedname, $testname); $CFG->fullnamedisplay = 'lastname firstname'; $expectedname = "$user->lastname $user->firstname"; $testname = fullname($user); $this->assertSame($expectedname, $testname); $expectedname = get_string('fullnamedisplay', null, $user); $CFG->fullnamedisplay = 'language'; $testname = fullname($user); $this->assertSame($expectedname, $testname); // Test override parameter. $CFG->fullnamedisplay = 'firstname'; $expectedname = "$user->firstname $user->lastname"; $testname = fullname($user, true); $this->assertSame($expectedname, $testname); // Test alternativefullnameformat setting. // Test alternativefullnameformat that has been set to nothing. $CFG->alternativefullnameformat = ''; $expectedname = "$user->firstname $user->lastname"; $testname = fullname($user, true); $this->assertSame($expectedname, $testname); // Test alternativefullnameformat that has been set to 'language'. $CFG->alternativefullnameformat = 'language'; $expectedname = "$user->firstname $user->lastname"; $testname = fullname($user, true); $this->assertSame($expectedname, $testname); // Test customising the alternativefullnameformat setting with all additional name fields. $CFG->alternativefullnameformat = 'firstname lastname firstnamephonetic lastnamephonetic middlename alternatename'; $expectedname = "$user->firstname $user->lastname $user->firstnamephonetic $user->lastnamephonetic $user->middlename $user->alternatename"; $testname = fullname($user, true); $this->assertSame($expectedname, $testname); // Test additional name fields. $CFG->fullnamedisplay = 'lastname lastnamephonetic firstname firstnamephonetic'; $expectedname = "$user->lastname $user->lastnamephonetic $user->firstname $user->firstnamephonetic"; $testname = fullname($user); $this->assertSame($expectedname, $testname); // Test for handling missing data. $user->middlename = null; // Parenthesis with no data. $CFG->fullnamedisplay = 'firstname (middlename) lastname'; $expectedname = "$user->firstname $user->lastname"; $testname = fullname($user); $this->assertSame($expectedname, $testname); // Extra spaces due to no data. $CFG->fullnamedisplay = 'firstname middlename lastname'; $expectedname = "$user->firstname $user->lastname"; $testname = fullname($user); $this->assertSame($expectedname, $testname); // Regular expression testing. // Remove some data from the user fields. $user->firstnamephonetic = ''; $user->lastnamephonetic = ''; // Removing empty brackets and excess whitespace. // All of these configurations should resolve to just firstname lastname. $configarray = array(); $configarray[] = 'firstname lastname [firstnamephonetic lastnamephonetic]'; $configarray[] = 'firstname lastname \'middlename\''; $configarray[] = 'firstname "firstnamephonetic" lastname'; $configarray[] = 'firstname 「firstnamephonetic」 lastname 「lastnamephonetic」'; foreach ($configarray as $config) { $CFG->fullnamedisplay = $config; $expectedname = "$user->firstname $user->lastname"; $testname = fullname($user); $this->assertSame($expectedname, $testname); } // Check to make sure that other characters are left in place. $configarray = array(); $configarray['0'] = new stdClass(); $configarray['0']->config = 'lastname firstname, middlename'; $configarray['0']->expectedname = "$user->lastname $user->firstname,"; $configarray['1'] = new stdClass(); $configarray['1']->config = 'lastname firstname + alternatename'; $configarray['1']->expectedname = "$user->lastname $user->firstname + $user->alternatename"; $configarray['2'] = new stdClass(); $configarray['2']->config = 'firstname aka: alternatename'; $configarray['2']->expectedname = "$user->firstname aka: $user->alternatename"; $configarray['3'] = new stdClass(); $configarray['3']->config = 'firstname (alternatename)'; $configarray['3']->expectedname = "$user->firstname ($user->alternatename)"; $configarray['4'] = new stdClass(); $configarray['4']->config = 'firstname [alternatename]'; $configarray['4']->expectedname = "$user->firstname [$user->alternatename]"; $configarray['5'] = new stdClass(); $configarray['5']->config = 'firstname "lastname"'; $configarray['5']->expectedname = "$user->firstname \"$user->lastname\""; foreach ($configarray as $config) { $CFG->fullnamedisplay = $config->config; $expectedname = $config->expectedname; $testname = fullname($user); $this->assertSame($expectedname, $testname); } // Test debugging message displays when // fullnamedisplay setting is "normal". $CFG->fullnamedisplay = 'firstname lastname'; unset($user); $user = new stdClass(); $user->firstname = 'Stan'; $user->lastname = 'Lee'; $namedisplay = fullname($user); $this->assertDebuggingCalled(); // Tidy up after we finish testing. $CFG->fullnamedisplay = $originalcfg->fullnamedisplay; $CFG->alternativefullnameformat = $originalcfg->alternativefullnameformat; } public function test_get_all_user_name_fields() { $this->resetAfterTest(); // Additional names in an array. $testarray = array('firstnamephonetic' => 'firstnamephonetic', 'lastnamephonetic' => 'lastnamephonetic', 'middlename' => 'middlename', 'alternatename' => 'alternatename', 'firstname' => 'firstname', 'lastname' => 'lastname'); $this->assertEquals($testarray, get_all_user_name_fields()); // Additional names as a string. $teststring = 'firstnamephonetic,lastnamephonetic,middlename,alternatename,firstname,lastname'; $this->assertEquals($teststring, get_all_user_name_fields(true)); // Additional names as a string with an alias. $teststring = 't.firstnamephonetic,t.lastnamephonetic,t.middlename,t.alternatename,t.firstname,t.lastname'; $this->assertEquals($teststring, get_all_user_name_fields(true, 't')); // Additional name fields with a prefix - object. $testarray = array('firstnamephonetic' => 'authorfirstnamephonetic', 'lastnamephonetic' => 'authorlastnamephonetic', 'middlename' => 'authormiddlename', 'alternatename' => 'authoralternatename', 'firstname' => 'authorfirstname', 'lastname' => 'authorlastname'); $this->assertEquals($testarray, get_all_user_name_fields(false, null, 'author')); // Additional name fields with an alias and a title - string. $teststring = 'u.firstnamephonetic AS authorfirstnamephonetic,u.lastnamephonetic AS authorlastnamephonetic,u.middlename AS authormiddlename,u.alternatename AS authoralternatename,u.firstname AS authorfirstname,u.lastname AS authorlastname'; $this->assertEquals($teststring, get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'u', null, 'author')); // Test the order parameter of the function. // Returning an array. $testarray = array('firstname' => 'firstname', 'lastname' => 'lastname', 'firstnamephonetic' => 'firstnamephonetic', 'lastnamephonetic' => 'lastnamephonetic', 'middlename' => 'middlename', 'alternatename' => 'alternatename' ); $this->assertEquals($testarray, get_all_user_name_fields(false, null, null, null, true)); // Returning a string. $teststring = 'firstname,lastname,firstnamephonetic,lastnamephonetic,middlename,alternatename'; $this->assertEquals($teststring, get_all_user_name_fields(true, null, null, null, true)); } public function test_order_in_string() { $this->resetAfterTest(); // Return an array in an order as they are encountered in a string. $valuearray = array('second', 'firsthalf', 'first'); $formatstring = 'first firsthalf some other text (second)'; $expectedarray = array('0' => 'first', '6' => 'firsthalf', '33' => 'second'); $this->assertEquals($expectedarray, order_in_string($valuearray, $formatstring)); // Try again with a different order for the format. $valuearray = array('second', 'firsthalf', 'first'); $formatstring = 'firsthalf first second'; $expectedarray = array('0' => 'firsthalf', '10' => 'first', '16' => 'second'); $this->assertEquals($expectedarray, order_in_string($valuearray, $formatstring)); // Try again with yet another different order for the format. $valuearray = array('second', 'firsthalf', 'first'); $formatstring = 'start seconds away second firstquater first firsthalf'; $expectedarray = array('19' => 'second', '38' => 'first', '44' => 'firsthalf'); $this->assertEquals($expectedarray, order_in_string($valuearray, $formatstring)); } public function test_complete_user_login() { global $USER, $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $this->setUser(0); $sink = $this->redirectEvents(); $loginuser = clone($user); $this->setCurrentTimeStart(); @complete_user_login($loginuser); // Hide session header errors. $this->assertSame($loginuser, $USER); $this->assertEquals($user->id, $USER->id); $events = $sink->get_events(); $sink->close(); $this->assertCount(1, $events); $event = reset($events); $this->assertInstanceOf('\core\event\user_loggedin', $event); $this->assertEquals('user', $event->objecttable); $this->assertEquals($user->id, $event->objectid); $this->assertEquals(context_system::instance()->id, $event->contextid); $this->assertEventContextNotUsed($event); $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$user->id)); $this->assertTimeCurrent($user->firstaccess); $this->assertTimeCurrent($user->lastaccess); $this->assertTimeCurrent($USER->firstaccess); $this->assertTimeCurrent($USER->lastaccess); $this->assertTimeCurrent($USER->currentlogin); $this->assertSame(sesskey(), $USER->sesskey); $this->assertTimeCurrent($USER->preference['_lastloaded']); $this->assertObjectNotHasAttribute('password', $USER); $this->assertObjectNotHasAttribute('description', $USER); } /** * Test require_logout. */ public function test_require_logout() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $this->setUser($user); $this->assertTrue(isloggedin()); // Logout user and capture event. $sink = $this->redirectEvents(); require_logout(); $events = $sink->get_events(); $sink->close(); $event = array_pop($events); // Check if user is logged out. $this->assertFalse(isloggedin()); // Test Event. $this->assertInstanceOf('\core\event\user_loggedout', $event); $this->assertSame($user->id, $event->objectid); $this->assertSame('user_logout', $event->get_legacy_eventname()); $this->assertEventLegacyData($user, $event); $expectedlogdata = array(SITEID, 'user', 'logout', 'view.php?id='.$event->objectid.'&course='.SITEID, $event->objectid, 0, $event->objectid); $this->assertEventLegacyLogData($expectedlogdata, $event); $this->assertEventContextNotUsed($event); } /** * A data provider for testing email messageid */ public function generate_email_messageid_provider() { return array( 'nopath' => array( 'wwwroot' => '', 'ids' => array( 'a-custom-id' => '<>', 'an-id-with-/-a-slash' => '<>', ), ), 'path' => array( 'wwwroot' => '', 'ids' => array( 'a-custom-id' => '<a-custom-id/path/>', 'an-id-with-/-a-slash' => '<an-id-with-%2F-a-slash/path/>', ), ), ); } /** * Test email message id generation * * @dataProvider generate_email_messageid_provider * * @param string $wwwroot The wwwroot * @param array $msgids An array of msgid local parts and the final result */ public function test_generate_email_messageid($wwwroot, $msgids) { global $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(); $CFG->wwwroot = $wwwroot; foreach ($msgids as $local => $final) { $this->assertEquals($final, generate_email_messageid($local)); } } /**
> * Test email with custom headers * A data provider for testing email diversion > */ */ > public function test_send_email_with_custom_header() { public function diverted_emails_provider() { > global $DB, $CFG; return array( > $this->preventResetByRollback(); 'nodiverts' => array( > $this->resetAfterTest(); 'divertallemailsto' => null, > 'divertallemailsexcept' => null, > $touser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); array( > $fromuser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); '', > $fromuser->customheaders = 'X-Custom-Header: foo'; '', > '', > set_config('allowedemaildomains', ''); '', > set_config('emailheaders', 'X-Fixed-Header: bar'); '', > '', > $sink = $this->redirectEmails(); ), > email_to_user($touser, $fromuser, 'subject', 'message'); false, > ), > $emails = $sink->get_messages(); 'alldiverts' => array( > $this->assertCount(1, $emails); 'divertallemailsto' => '', > $email = reset($emails); 'divertallemailsexcept' => null, > $this->assertStringContainsString('X-Custom-Header: foo', $email->header); array( > $this->assertStringContainsString("X-Fixed-Header: bar", $email->header); '', > $sink->clear(); '', > } '', > '', > /**
'', '', ), true, ), 'alsodiverts' => array( 'divertallemailsto' => '', 'divertallemailsexcept' => ', fred(\+.*)?', array( '', '', '', ), true, ), 'divertsexceptions' => array( 'divertallemailsto' => '', 'divertallemailsexcept' => ', fred(\+.*)?', array( '', '', '', ), false, ),
> 'divertsexceptionsnewline' => array( ); > 'divertallemailsto' => '', } > 'divertallemailsexcept' => "\nfred(\+.*)?", > array( /** > '', * Test email diversion > '', * > '', * @dataProvider diverted_emails_provider > ), * > false, * @param string $divertallemailsto An optional email address > ), * @param string $divertallemailsexcept An optional exclusion list > 'alsodivertsnewline' => array( * @param array $addresses An array of test addresses > 'divertallemailsto' => '', * @param boolean $expected Expected result > 'divertallemailsexcept' => "\nfred(\+.*)?", */ > array( public function test_email_should_be_diverted($divertallemailsto, $divertallemailsexcept, $addresses, $expected) { > '', global $CFG; > '', > '', $this->resetAfterTest(); > ), $CFG->divertallemailsto = $divertallemailsto; > true, $CFG->divertallemailsexcept = $divertallemailsexcept; > ),
foreach ($addresses as $address) { $this->assertEquals($expected, email_should_be_diverted($address)); } } public function test_email_to_user() { global $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(); $user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('maildisplay' => 1, 'mailformat' => 0)); $user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('maildisplay' => 1, 'mailformat' => 1)); $user3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('maildisplay' => 0)); set_config('allowedemaildomains', "\r\"); $subject = 'subject'; $messagetext = 'message text'; $subject2 = 'subject 2'; $messagetext2 = '<b>message text 2</b>'; // Close the default email sink. $sink = $this->redirectEmails(); $sink->close(); $CFG->noemailever = true; $this->assertNotEmpty($CFG->noemailever); email_to_user($user1, $user2, $subject, $messagetext); $this->assertDebuggingCalled('Not sending email due to $CFG->noemailever config setting'); unset_config('noemailever'); email_to_user($user1, $user2, $subject, $messagetext); $this->assertDebuggingCalled('Unit tests must not send real emails! Use $this->redirectEmails()'); $sink = $this->redirectEmails(); email_to_user($user1, $user2, $subject, $messagetext); email_to_user($user2, $user1, $subject2, $messagetext2); $this->assertSame(2, $sink->count()); $result = $sink->get_messages(); $this->assertCount(2, $result); $sink->close(); $this->assertSame($subject, $result[0]->subject); $this->assertSame($messagetext, trim($result[0]->body)); $this->assertSame($user1->email, $result[0]->to); $this->assertSame($user2->email, $result[0]->from);
< $this->assertContains('Content-Type: text/plain', $result[0]->header);
> $this->assertStringContainsString('Content-Type: text/plain', $result[0]->header);
$this->assertSame($subject2, $result[1]->subject);
< $this->assertContains($messagetext2, quoted_printable_decode($result[1]->body));
> $this->assertStringContainsString($messagetext2, quoted_printable_decode($result[1]->body));
$this->assertSame($user2->email, $result[1]->to); $this->assertSame($user1->email, $result[1]->from);
< $this->assertNotContains('Content-Type: text/plain', $result[1]->header);
> $this->assertStringNotContainsString('Content-Type: text/plain', $result[1]->header);
email_to_user($user1, $user2, $subject, $messagetext); $this->assertDebuggingCalled('Unit tests must not send real emails! Use $this->redirectEmails()'); // Test that an empty noreplyaddress will default to a no-reply address. $sink = $this->redirectEmails(); email_to_user($user1, $user3, $subject, $messagetext); $result = $sink->get_messages(); $this->assertEquals($CFG->noreplyaddress, $result[0]->from); $sink->close(); set_config('noreplyaddress', ''); $sink = $this->redirectEmails(); email_to_user($user1, $user3, $subject, $messagetext); $result = $sink->get_messages(); $this->assertEquals('', $result[0]->from); $sink->close(); // Test $CFG->allowedemaildomains. set_config('noreplyaddress', ''); $this->assertNotEmpty($CFG->allowedemaildomains); $sink = $this->redirectEmails(); email_to_user($user1, $user2, $subject, $messagetext); unset_config('allowedemaildomains'); email_to_user($user1, $user2, $subject, $messagetext); $result = $sink->get_messages(); $this->assertNotEquals($CFG->noreplyaddress, $result[0]->from); $this->assertEquals($CFG->noreplyaddress, $result[1]->from); $sink->close(); // Try to send an unsafe attachment, we should see an error message in the eventual mail body. $attachment = '../test.txt'; $attachname = 'txt'; $sink = $this->redirectEmails(); email_to_user($user1, $user2, $subject, $messagetext, '', $attachment, $attachname); $this->assertSame(1, $sink->count()); $result = $sink->get_messages(); $this->assertCount(1, $result);
< $this->assertContains('error.txt', $result[0]->body); < $this->assertContains('Error in attachment. User attempted to attach a filename with a unsafe name.', $result[0]->body);
> $this->assertStringContainsString('error.txt', $result[0]->body); > $this->assertStringContainsString('Error in attachment. User attempted to attach a filename with a unsafe name.', $result[0]->body);
$sink->close(); } /** * Data provider for {@see test_email_to_user_attachment} * * @return array */ public function email_to_user_attachment_provider(): array { global $CFG; // Return all paths that can be used to send attachments from. return [ 'cachedir' => [$CFG->cachedir], 'dataroot' => [$CFG->dataroot], 'dirroot' => [$CFG->dirroot], 'localcachedir' => [$CFG->localcachedir], 'tempdir' => [$CFG->tempdir],
> // Paths within $CFG->localrequestdir. // Pass null to indicate we want to test a path relative to $CFG->dataroot. > 'localrequestdir_request_directory' => [make_request_directory()], 'relative' => [null] > 'localrequestdir_request_storage_directory' => [get_request_storage_directory()],
]; } /** * Test sending attachments with email_to_user * * @param string|null $filedir * * @dataProvider email_to_user_attachment_provider */ public function test_email_to_user_attachment(?string $filedir): void { global $CFG; // If $filedir is null, then write our test file to $CFG->dataroot. $filepath = ($filedir ?: $CFG->dataroot) . '/hello.txt'; file_put_contents($filepath, 'Hello'); $user = core_user::get_support_user(); $message = 'Test attachment path'; // Create sink to catch all sent e-mails. $sink = $this->redirectEmails(); // Attachment path will be that of the test file if $filedir was passed, otherwise the relative path from $CFG->dataroot. $filename = basename($filepath); $attachmentpath = $filedir ? $filepath : $filename; email_to_user($user, $user, $message, $message, $message, $attachmentpath, $filename); $messages = $sink->get_messages(); $sink->close(); $this->assertCount(1, $messages); // Verify attachment in message body (attachment is in MIME format, but we can detect some Content fields). $messagebody = reset($messages)->body; $this->assertStringContainsString('Content-Type: text/plain; name=' . $filename, $messagebody);
< $this->assertContains('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filename, $messagebody);
> $this->assertStringContainsString('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filename, $messagebody);
// Cleanup. unlink($filepath); } /** * Test sending an attachment that doesn't exist to email_to_user */ public function test_email_to_user_attachment_missing(): void { $user = core_user::get_support_user(); $message = 'Test attachment path'; // Create sink to catch all sent e-mails. $sink = $this->redirectEmails(); $attachmentpath = '/hola/hello.txt'; $filename = basename($attachmentpath); email_to_user($user, $user, $message, $message, $message, $attachmentpath, $filename); $messages = $sink->get_messages(); $sink->close(); $this->assertCount(1, $messages); // Verify attachment not in message body (attachment is in MIME format, but we can detect some Content fields). $messagebody = reset($messages)->body;
< $this->assertNotContains('Content-Type: text/plain; name="' . $filename . '"', $messagebody); < $this->assertNotContains('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filename, $messagebody);
> $this->assertStringNotContainsString('Content-Type: text/plain; name="' . $filename . '"', $messagebody); > $this->assertStringNotContainsString('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filename, $messagebody);
} /** * Test setnew_password_and_mail. */ public function test_setnew_password_and_mail() { global $DB, $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); // Update user password. $sink = $this->redirectEvents(); $sink2 = $this->redirectEmails(); // Make sure we are redirecting emails. setnew_password_and_mail($user); $events = $sink->get_events(); $sink->close(); $sink2->close(); $event = array_pop($events); // Test updated value. $dbuser = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $user->id)); $this->assertSame($user->firstname, $dbuser->firstname); $this->assertNotEmpty($dbuser->password); // Test event. $this->assertInstanceOf('\core\event\user_password_updated', $event); $this->assertSame($user->id, $event->relateduserid); $this->assertEquals(context_user::instance($user->id), $event->get_context()); $this->assertEventContextNotUsed($event); } /** * Data provider for test_generate_confirmation_link * @return Array of confirmation urls and expected resultant confirmation links */ public function generate_confirmation_link_provider() { global $CFG; return [ "Simple name" => [ "username" => "simplename", "confirmationurl" => null, "expected" => $CFG->wwwroot . "/login/confirm.php?data=/simplename" ], "Period in between words in username" => [ "username" => "period.inbetween", "confirmationurl" => null, "expected" => $CFG->wwwroot . "/login/confirm.php?data=/period%2Einbetween" ], "Trailing periods in username" => [ "username" => "trailingperiods...", "confirmationurl" => null, "expected" => $CFG->wwwroot . "/login/confirm.php?data=/trailingperiods%2E%2E%2E" ], "At symbol in username" => [ "username" => "at@symbol", "confirmationurl" => null, "expected" => $CFG->wwwroot . "/login/confirm.php?data=/at%40symbol" ], "Dash symbol in username" => [ "username" => "has-dash", "confirmationurl" => null, "expected" => $CFG->wwwroot . "/login/confirm.php?data=/has-dash" ], "Underscore in username" => [ "username" => "under_score", "confirmationurl" => null, "expected" => $CFG->wwwroot . "/login/confirm.php?data=/under_score" ], "Many different characters in username" => [ "username" => "many_-.@characters@_@-..-..", "confirmationurl" => null, "expected" => $CFG->wwwroot . "/login/confirm.php?data=/many_-%2E%40characters%40_%40-%2E%2E-%2E%2E" ], "Custom relative confirmation url" => [ "username" => "many_-.@characters@_@-..-..", "confirmationurl" => "/custom/local/url.php", "expected" => $CFG->wwwroot . "/custom/local/url.php?data=/many_-%2E%40characters%40_%40-%2E%2E-%2E%2E" ], "Custom relative confirmation url with parameters" => [ "username" => "many_-.@characters@_@-..-..", "confirmationurl" => "/custom/local/url.php?with=param", "expected" => $CFG->wwwroot . "/custom/local/url.php?with=param&data=/many_-%2E%40characters%40_%40-%2E%2E-%2E%2E" ], "Custom local confirmation url" => [ "username" => "many_-.@characters@_@-..-..", "confirmationurl" => $CFG->wwwroot . "/custom/local/url.php", "expected" => $CFG->wwwroot . "/custom/local/url.php?data=/many_-%2E%40characters%40_%40-%2E%2E-%2E%2E" ], "Custom local confirmation url with parameters" => [ "username" => "many_-.@characters@_@-..-..", "confirmationurl" => $CFG->wwwroot . "/custom/local/url.php?with=param", "expected" => $CFG->wwwroot . "/custom/local/url.php?with=param&data=/many_-%2E%40characters%40_%40-%2E%2E-%2E%2E" ], "Custom external confirmation url" => [ "username" => "many_-.@characters@_@-..-..", "confirmationurl" => "", "expected" => "" ], "Custom external confirmation url with parameters" => [ "username" => "many_-.@characters@_@-..-..", "confirmationurl" => "", "expected" => "" ], "Custom external confirmation url with parameters" => [ "username" => "many_-.@characters@_@-..-..", "confirmationurl" => "", "expected" => "" ], ]; } /** * Test generate_confirmation_link * @dataProvider generate_confirmation_link_provider * @param string $username The name of the user * @param string $confirmationurl The url the user should go to to confirm * @param string $expected The expected url of the confirmation link */ public function test_generate_confirmation_link($username, $confirmationurl, $expected) { $this->resetAfterTest(); $sink = $this->redirectEmails(); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user( [ "username" => $username, "confirmed" => 0, "email" => '', ] ); send_confirmation_email($user, $confirmationurl); $sink->close(); $messages = $sink->get_messages(); $message = array_shift($messages); $messagebody = quoted_printable_decode($message->body);
< $this->assertContains($expected, $messagebody);
> $this->assertStringContainsString($expected, $messagebody);
} /** * Test generate_confirmation_link with custom admin link */ public function test_generate_confirmation_link_with_custom_admin() { global $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(); $sink = $this->redirectEmails(); $admin = $CFG->admin; $CFG->admin = 'custom/admin/path'; $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user( [ "username" => "many_-.@characters@_@-..-..", "confirmed" => 0, "email" => '', ] ); $confirmationurl = "/admin/test.php?with=params"; $expected = $CFG->wwwroot . "/" . $CFG->admin . "/test.php?with=params&data=/many_-%2E%40characters%40_%40-%2E%2E-%2E%2E"; send_confirmation_email($user, $confirmationurl); $sink->close(); $messages = $sink->get_messages(); $message = array_shift($messages); $messagebody = quoted_printable_decode($message->body); $sink->close();
< $this->assertContains($expected, $messagebody);
> $this->assertStringContainsString($expected, $messagebody);
$CFG->admin = $admin; } /** * Test remove_course_content deletes course contents * TODO Add asserts to verify other data related to course is deleted as well. */ public function test_remove_course_contents() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $gen = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_notes'); $note = $gen->create_instance(array('courseid' => $course->id, 'userid' => $user->id)); $this->assertNotEquals(false, note_load($note->id)); remove_course_contents($course->id, false); $this->assertFalse(note_load($note->id)); } /** * Test function username_load_fields_from_object(). */ public function test_username_load_fields_from_object() { $this->resetAfterTest(); // This object represents the information returned from an sql query. $userinfo = new stdClass(); $userinfo->userid = 1; $userinfo->username = 'loosebruce'; $userinfo->firstname = 'Bruce'; $userinfo->lastname = 'Campbell'; $userinfo->firstnamephonetic = 'ブルース'; $userinfo->lastnamephonetic = 'カンベッル'; $userinfo->middlename = ''; $userinfo->alternatename = ''; $userinfo->email = ''; $userinfo->picture = 23; $userinfo->imagealt = 'Michael Jordan draining another basket.'; $userinfo->idnumber = 3982; // Just user name fields. $user = new stdClass(); $user = username_load_fields_from_object($user, $userinfo); $expectedarray = new stdClass(); $expectedarray->firstname = 'Bruce'; $expectedarray->lastname = 'Campbell'; $expectedarray->firstnamephonetic = 'ブルース'; $expectedarray->lastnamephonetic = 'カンベッル'; $expectedarray->middlename = ''; $expectedarray->alternatename = ''; $this->assertEquals($user, $expectedarray); // User information for showing a picture. $user = new stdClass(); $additionalfields = explode(',', user_picture::fields()); $user = username_load_fields_from_object($user, $userinfo, null, $additionalfields); $user->id = $userinfo->userid; $expectedarray = new stdClass(); $expectedarray->id = 1; $expectedarray->firstname = 'Bruce'; $expectedarray->lastname = 'Campbell'; $expectedarray->firstnamephonetic = 'ブルース'; $expectedarray->lastnamephonetic = 'カンベッル'; $expectedarray->middlename = ''; $expectedarray->alternatename = ''; $expectedarray->email = ''; $expectedarray->picture = 23; $expectedarray->imagealt = 'Michael Jordan draining another basket.'; $this->assertEquals($user, $expectedarray); // Alter the userinfo object to have a prefix. $userinfo->authorfirstname = 'Bruce'; $userinfo->authorlastname = 'Campbell'; $userinfo->authorfirstnamephonetic = 'ブルース'; $userinfo->authorlastnamephonetic = 'カンベッル'; $userinfo->authormiddlename = ''; $userinfo->authorpicture = 23; $userinfo->authorimagealt = 'Michael Jordan draining another basket.'; $userinfo->authoremail = ''; // Return an object with user picture information. $user = new stdClass(); $additionalfields = explode(',', user_picture::fields()); $user = username_load_fields_from_object($user, $userinfo, 'author', $additionalfields); $user->id = $userinfo->userid; $expectedarray = new stdClass(); $expectedarray->id = 1; $expectedarray->firstname = 'Bruce'; $expectedarray->lastname = 'Campbell'; $expectedarray->firstnamephonetic = 'ブルース'; $expectedarray->lastnamephonetic = 'カンベッル'; $expectedarray->middlename = ''; $expectedarray->alternatename = ''; $expectedarray->email = ''; $expectedarray->picture = 23; $expectedarray->imagealt = 'Michael Jordan draining another basket.'; $this->assertEquals($user, $expectedarray); } /** * Test function {@see count_words()}. * * @dataProvider count_words_testcases * @param int $expectedcount number of words in $string. * @param string $string the test string to count the words of. */ public function test_count_words(int $expectedcount, string $string): void { $this->assertEquals($expectedcount, count_words($string)); } /** * Data provider for {@see test_count_words}. * * @return array of test cases. */ public function count_words_testcases(): array { // The counts here should match MS Word and Libre Office. return [ [0, ''], [4, 'one two three four'], [1, "a'b"], [1, '1+1=2'], [1, ' one-sided '], [2, 'one&nbsp;two'], [1, ''], [2, 'first\part second/part'], [4, '<p>one two<br></br>three four</p>'], [4, '<p>one two<br>three four</p>'], [4, '<p>one two<br />three four</p>'], // XHTML style. [3, ' one ... three '], [1, ''], [3, ' one & three '], [1, 'just&one'], [2, 'em—dash'], [2, 'en–dash'], [4, '1³ £2 €3.45 $6,789'], [2, 'ブルース カンベッル'], // MS word counts this as 11, but we don't handle that yet. [4, '<p>one two</p><p>three four</p>'], [4, '<p>one two</p><p><br/></p><p>three four</p>'], [4, '<p>one</p><ul><li>two</li><li>three</li></ul><p>four.</p>'], [1, '<p>em<b>phas</b>is.</p>'], [1, '<p>em<i>phas</i>is.</p>'], [1, '<p>em<strong>phas</strong>is.</p>'], [1, '<p>em<em>phas</em>is.</p>'], [2, "one\ntwo"], [2, "one\rtwo"], [2, "one\ttwo"], [2, "one\vtwo"], [2, "one\ftwo"], [1, "SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>"], [6, '4+4=8 i.e. O(1) a,b,c,d I’m black&blue_really'], ]; } /** * Test function {@see count_letters()}. * * @dataProvider count_letters_testcases * @param int $expectedcount number of characters in $string. * @param string $string the test string to count the letters of. */ public function test_count_letters(int $expectedcount, string $string): void { $this->assertEquals($expectedcount, count_letters($string)); } /** * Data provider for {@see count_letters_testcases}. * * @return array of test cases. */ public function count_letters_testcases(): array { return [ [0, ''], [1, 'x'], [1, '&amp;'], [4, '<p>frog</p>'], ]; } /** * Tests the getremoteaddr() function. */ public function test_getremoteaddr() { global $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(); $CFG->getremoteaddrconf = null; // Use default value, GETREMOTEADDR_SKIP_DEFAULT. $noip = getremoteaddr(''); $this->assertEquals('', $noip); $remoteaddr = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : null; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''; $singleip = getremoteaddr(); $this->assertEquals('', $singleip); $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $remoteaddr; // Restore server value. $CFG->getremoteaddrconf = 0; // Don't skip any source. $noip = getremoteaddr(''); $this->assertEquals('', $noip); // Populate all $_SERVER values to review order. $ipsources = [ 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP' => '', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' => '', 'REMOTE_ADDR' => '', ]; $originalvalues = []; foreach ($ipsources as $source => $ip) { $originalvalues[$source] = isset($_SERVER[$source]) ? $_SERVER[$source] : null; // Saving data to restore later. $_SERVER[$source] = $ip; } foreach ($ipsources as $source => $expectedip) { $ip = getremoteaddr(); $this->assertEquals($expectedip, $ip); unset($_SERVER[$source]); // Removing the value so next time we get the following ip. } // Restore server values. foreach ($originalvalues as $source => $ip) { $_SERVER[$source] = $ip; } // All $_SERVER values have been removed, we should get the default again. $noip = getremoteaddr(''); $this->assertEquals('', $noip); $CFG->getremoteaddrconf = GETREMOTEADDR_SKIP_HTTP_CLIENT_IP; $xforwardedfor = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : null; $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ''; $noip = getremoteaddr(''); $this->assertEquals('', $noip); $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ''; $noip = getremoteaddr(); $this->assertEquals('', $noip); $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ''; $singleip = getremoteaddr(); $this->assertEquals('', $singleip); $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ','; $twoip = getremoteaddr(); $this->assertEquals('', $twoip); $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ',,'; $threeip = getremoteaddr(); $this->assertEquals('', $threeip); $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ','; $portip = getremoteaddr(); $this->assertEquals('', $portip); $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ',0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2'; $portip = getremoteaddr(); $this->assertEquals('0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2', $portip); $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ',0::2'; $portip = getremoteaddr(); $this->assertEquals('0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2', $portip); $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ',[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2]:65535'; $portip = getremoteaddr(); $this->assertEquals('0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2', $portip); $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = $xforwardedfor; } /* * Test emulation of random_bytes() function. */ public function test_random_bytes_emulate() { $result = random_bytes_emulate(10); $this->assertSame(10, strlen($result)); $this->assertnotSame($result, random_bytes_emulate(10)); $result = random_bytes_emulate(21); $this->assertSame(21, strlen($result)); $this->assertnotSame($result, random_bytes_emulate(21)); $result = random_bytes_emulate(666); $this->assertSame(666, strlen($result)); $result = random_bytes_emulate(40); $this->assertSame(40, strlen($result)); $this->assertDebuggingNotCalled(); $result = random_bytes_emulate(0); $this->assertSame('', $result); $this->assertDebuggingCalled(); $result = random_bytes_emulate(-1); $this->assertSame('', $result); $this->assertDebuggingCalled(); } /** * Test function for creation of random strings. */ public function test_random_string() { $pool = 'a-zA-Z0-9'; $result = random_string(10); $this->assertSame(10, strlen($result)); $this->assertRegExp('/^[' . $pool . ']+$/', $result); $this->assertNotSame($result, random_string(10)); $result = random_string(21); $this->assertSame(21, strlen($result)); $this->assertRegExp('/^[' . $pool . ']+$/', $result); $this->assertNotSame($result, random_string(21)); $result = random_string(666); $this->assertSame(666, strlen($result)); $this->assertRegExp('/^[' . $pool . ']+$/', $result); $result = random_string(); $this->assertSame(15, strlen($result)); $this->assertRegExp('/^[' . $pool . ']+$/', $result); $this->assertDebuggingNotCalled(); $result = random_string(0); $this->assertSame('', $result); $this->assertDebuggingCalled(); $result = random_string(-1); $this->assertSame('', $result); $this->assertDebuggingCalled(); } /** * Test function for creation of complex random strings. */ public function test_complex_random_string() { $pool = preg_quote('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789`~!@#%^&*()_+-=[];,./<>?:{} ', '/'); $result = complex_random_string(10); $this->assertSame(10, strlen($result)); $this->assertRegExp('/^[' . $pool . ']+$/', $result); $this->assertNotSame($result, complex_random_string(10)); $result = complex_random_string(21); $this->assertSame(21, strlen($result)); $this->assertRegExp('/^[' . $pool . ']+$/', $result); $this->assertNotSame($result, complex_random_string(21)); $result = complex_random_string(666); $this->assertSame(666, strlen($result)); $this->assertRegExp('/^[' . $pool . ']+$/', $result); $result = complex_random_string();
< $this->assertEquals(28, strlen($result), '', 4); // Expected length is 24 - 32.
> $this->assertEqualsWithDelta(28, strlen($result), 4); // Expected length is 24 - 32.
$this->assertRegExp('/^[' . $pool . ']+$/', $result); $this->assertDebuggingNotCalled(); $result = complex_random_string(0); $this->assertSame('', $result); $this->assertDebuggingCalled(); $result = complex_random_string(-1); $this->assertSame('', $result); $this->assertDebuggingCalled(); } /** * Data provider for private ips. */ public function data_private_ips() { return array( array(''), array(''), array(''), array('fdfe:dcba:9876:ffff:fdc6:c46b:bb8f:7d4c'), array('fdc6:c46b:bb8f:7d4c:fdc6:c46b:bb8f:7d4c'), array('fdc6:c46b:bb8f:7d4c:0000:8a2e:0370:7334'), array(''), // This has been buggy in past: ); } /** * Checks ip_is_public returns false for private ips. * * @param string $ip the ipaddress to test * @dataProvider data_private_ips */ public function test_ip_is_public_private_ips($ip) { $this->assertFalse(ip_is_public($ip)); } /** * Data provider for public ips. */ public function data_public_ips() { return array( array('2400:cb00:2048:1::8d65:71b3'), array('2400:6180:0:d0::1b:2001'), array(''), array(''), ); } /** * Checks ip_is_public returns true for public ips. * * @param string $ip the ipaddress to test * @dataProvider data_public_ips */ public function test_ip_is_public_public_ips($ip) { $this->assertTrue(ip_is_public($ip)); } /** * Test the function can_send_from_real_email_address * * @param string $email Email address for the from user. * @param int $display The user's email display preference. * @param bool $samecourse Are the users in the same course? * @param string $config The CFG->allowedemaildomains config values * @param bool $result The expected result. * @dataProvider data_can_send_from_real_email_address */ public function test_can_send_from_real_email_address($email, $display, $samecourse, $config, $result) { $this->resetAfterTest(); $fromuser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $touser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); set_config('allowedemaildomains', $config); $fromuser->email = $email; $fromuser->maildisplay = $display; if ($samecourse) { $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($fromuser->id, $course->id, 'student'); $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($touser->id, $course->id, 'student'); } else { $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($fromuser->id, $course->id, 'student'); } $this->assertEquals($result, can_send_from_real_email_address($fromuser, $touser)); } /** * Data provider for test_can_send_from_real_email_address. * * @return array Returns an array of test data for the above function. */ public function data_can_send_from_real_email_address() { return [ // Test from email is in allowed domain. // Test that from display is set to show no one. [ 'email' => '', 'display' => core_user::MAILDISPLAY_HIDE, 'samecourse' => false, 'config' => "\r\", 'result' => false ], // Test that from display is set to course members only (course member). [ 'email' => '', 'display' => core_user::MAILDISPLAY_COURSE_MEMBERS_ONLY, 'samecourse' => true, 'config' => "\r\", 'result' => true ], // Test that from display is set to course members only (Non course member). [ 'email' => '', 'display' => core_user::MAILDISPLAY_COURSE_MEMBERS_ONLY, 'samecourse' => false, 'config' => "\r\", 'result' => false ], // Test that from display is set to show everyone. [ 'email' => '', 'display' => core_user::MAILDISPLAY_EVERYONE, 'samecourse' => false, 'config' => "\r\", 'result' => true ], // Test a few different config value formats for parsing correctness. [ 'email' => '', 'display' => core_user::MAILDISPLAY_EVERYONE, 'samecourse' => false, 'config' => "\n\ \n", 'result' => true ], [ 'email' => '', 'display' => core_user::MAILDISPLAY_EVERYONE, 'samecourse' => false, 'config' => "\r\n \r\n \r\n", 'result' => true ], // Test from email is not in allowed domain. // Test that from display is set to show no one. [ 'email' => '', 'display' => core_user::MAILDISPLAY_HIDE, 'samecourse' => false, 'config' => "\r\", 'result' => false ], // Test that from display is set to course members only (course member). [ 'email' => '', 'display' => core_user::MAILDISPLAY_COURSE_MEMBERS_ONLY, 'samecourse' => true, 'config' => "\r\", 'result' => false ], // Test that from display is set to course members only (Non course member. [ 'email' => '', 'display' => core_user::MAILDISPLAY_COURSE_MEMBERS_ONLY, 'samecourse' => false, 'config' => "\r\", 'result' => false ], // Test that from display is set to show everyone. [ 'email' => '', 'display' => core_user::MAILDISPLAY_EVERYONE, 'samecourse' => false, 'config' => "\r\", 'result' => false ], // Test a few erroneous config value and confirm failure. [ 'email' => '', 'display' => core_user::MAILDISPLAY_EVERYONE, 'samecourse' => false, 'config' => "\r\n \r\n", 'result' => false ], [ 'email' => '', 'display' => core_user::MAILDISPLAY_EVERYONE, 'samecourse' => false, 'config' => " \n \n \n ", 'result' => false ], ]; } /** * Test that generate_email_processing_address() returns valid email address. */ public function test_generate_email_processing_address() { global $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(); $data = (object)[ 'id' => 42, 'email' => '', ]; $modargs = 'B'.base64_encode(pack('V', $data->id)).substr(md5($data->email), 0, 16); $CFG->maildomain = ''; $CFG->mailprefix = 'mdl+'; $this->assertTrue(validate_email(generate_email_processing_address(0, $modargs))); $CFG->maildomain = ''; $CFG->mailprefix = 'mdl-'; $this->assertTrue(validate_email(generate_email_processing_address(23, $modargs))); } /** * Test allowemailaddresses setting. * * @param string $email Email address for the from user. * @param string $config The CFG->allowemailaddresses config values * @param false/string $result The expected result. * * @dataProvider data_email_is_not_allowed_for_allowemailaddresses */ public function test_email_is_not_allowed_for_allowemailaddresses($email, $config, $result) { $this->resetAfterTest(); set_config('allowemailaddresses', $config); $this->assertEquals($result, email_is_not_allowed($email)); } /** * Data provider for data_email_is_not_allowed_for_allowemailaddresses. * * @return array Returns an array of test data for the above function. */ public function data_email_is_not_allowed_for_allowemailaddresses() { return [ // Test allowed domain empty list. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => false ], // Test from email is in allowed domain. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => false ], // Test from email is in allowed domain but uppercase config. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => false ], // Test from email is in allowed domain but uppercase email. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => false ], // Test from email is in allowed subdomain. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => false ], // Test from email is in allowed subdomain but uppercase config. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => false ], // Test from email is in allowed subdomain but uppercase email. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => false ], // Test from email is not in allowed domain. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => get_string('emailonlyallowed', '', '') ], // Test from email is not in allowed subdomain. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => get_string('emailonlyallowed', '', '') ], ]; } /** * Test denyemailaddresses setting. * * @param string $email Email address for the from user. * @param string $config The CFG->denyemailaddresses config values * @param false/string $result The expected result. * * @dataProvider data_email_is_not_allowed_for_denyemailaddresses */ public function test_email_is_not_allowed_for_denyemailaddresses($email, $config, $result) { $this->resetAfterTest(); set_config('denyemailaddresses', $config); $this->assertEquals($result, email_is_not_allowed($email)); } /** * Data provider for test_email_is_not_allowed_for_denyemailaddresses. * * @return array Returns an array of test data for the above function. */ public function data_email_is_not_allowed_for_denyemailaddresses() { return [ // Test denied domain empty list. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => false ], // Test from email is in denied domain. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => get_string('emailnotallowed', '', '') ], // Test from email is in denied domain but uppercase config. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => get_string('emailnotallowed', '', '') ], // Test from email is in denied domain but uppercase email. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => get_string('emailnotallowed', '', '') ], // Test from email is in denied subdomain. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => get_string('emailnotallowed', '', '') ], // Test from email is in denied subdomain but uppercase config. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => get_string('emailnotallowed', '', '') ], // Test from email is in denied subdomain but uppercase email. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => get_string('emailnotallowed', '', '') ], // Test from email is not in denied domain. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => false ], // Test from email is not in denied subdomain. [ 'email' => '', 'config' => '', 'result' => false ], ]; } /** * Test safe method unserialize_array(). */ public function test_unserialize_array() { $a = [1, 2, 3]; $this->assertEquals($a, unserialize_array(serialize($a)));
> $this->assertEquals($a, unserialize_array(serialize($a)));
$a = ['a' => 1, 2 => 2, 'b' => 'cde']; $this->assertEquals($a, unserialize_array(serialize($a)));
> $this->assertEquals($a, unserialize_array(serialize($a)));
$a = ['a' => 1, 2 => 2, 'b' => 'c"d"e']; $this->assertEquals($a, unserialize_array(serialize($a))); $a = ['a' => 1, 2 => ['c' => 'd', 'e' => 'f'], 'b' => 'cde']; $this->assertEquals($a, unserialize_array(serialize($a)));
< $a = ['a' => 1, 2 => ['c' => 'd', 'e' => ['f' => 'g']], 'b' => 'cde']; < $this->assertEquals($a, unserialize_array(serialize($a)));
> > // Can not unserialize if any string contains semicolons.
$a = ['a' => 1, 2 => 2, 'b' => 'c"d";e'];
< $this->assertEquals($a, unserialize_array(serialize($a)));
> $this->assertEquals(false, unserialize_array(serialize($a)));
// Can not unserialize if there are any objects. $a = (object)['a' => 1, 2 => 2, 'b' => 'cde'];
< $this->assertFalse(unserialize_array(serialize($a)));
> $this->assertEquals(false, unserialize_array(serialize($a)));
$a = ['a' => 1, 2 => 2, 'b' => (object)['a' => 'cde']];
< $this->assertFalse(unserialize_array(serialize($a))); < $a = ['a' => 1, 2 => 2, 'b' => ['c' => (object)['a' => 'cde']]]; < $this->assertFalse(unserialize_array(serialize($a))); < $a = ['a' => 1, 2 => 2, 'b' => ['c' => new lang_string('no')]]; < $this->assertFalse(unserialize_array(serialize($a)));
> $this->assertEquals(false, unserialize_array(serialize($a)));
// Array used in the grader report. $a = array('aggregatesonly' => [51, 34], 'gradesonly' => [21, 45, 78]); $this->assertEquals($a, unserialize_array(serialize($a))); } /** * Test that the component_class_callback returns the correct default value when the class was not found. * * @dataProvider component_class_callback_default_provider * @param $default */ public function test_component_class_callback_not_found($default) { $this->assertSame($default, component_class_callback('thisIsNotTheClassYouWereLookingFor', 'anymethod', [], $default)); } /** * Test method for safely unserializing a serialized object of type stdClass */ public function test_unserialize_object(): void { $object = (object) [ 'foo' => 42, 'bar' => 'Hamster', 'innerobject' => (object) [ 'baz' => 'happy', ], ]; // We should get back the same object we serialized. $serializedobject = serialize($object); $this->assertEquals($object, unserialize_object($serializedobject)); // Try serializing a different class, not allowed. $langstr = new lang_string('no'); $serializedlangstr = serialize($langstr); $unserializedlangstr = unserialize_object($serializedlangstr); $this->assertInstanceOf(stdClass::class, $unserializedlangstr); } /** * Test that the component_class_callback returns the correct default value when the class was not found. * * @dataProvider component_class_callback_default_provider * @param $default */ public function test_component_class_callback_method_not_found($default) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/component_class_callback_example.php'); $this->assertSame($default, component_class_callback(test_component_class_callback_example::class, 'this_is_not_the_method_you_were_looking_for', ['abc'], $default)); } /** * Test that the component_class_callback returns the default when the method returned null. * * @dataProvider component_class_callback_default_provider * @param $default */ public function test_component_class_callback_found_returns_null($default) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/component_class_callback_example.php'); $this->assertSame($default, component_class_callback(test_component_class_callback_example::class, 'method_returns_value', [null], $default)); $this->assertSame($default, component_class_callback(test_component_class_callback_child_example::class, 'method_returns_value', [null], $default)); } /** * Test that the component_class_callback returns the expected value and not the default when there was a value. * * @dataProvider component_class_callback_data_provider * @param $default */ public function test_component_class_callback_found_returns_value($value) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/component_class_callback_example.php'); $this->assertSame($value, component_class_callback(test_component_class_callback_example::class, 'method_returns_value', [$value], 'This is not the value you were looking for')); $this->assertSame($value, component_class_callback(test_component_class_callback_child_example::class, 'method_returns_value', [$value], 'This is not the value you were looking for')); } /** * Test that the component_class_callback handles multiple params correctly. * * @dataProvider component_class_callback_multiple_params_provider * @param $default */ public function test_component_class_callback_found_accepts_multiple($params, $count) { require_once(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/component_class_callback_example.php'); $this->assertSame($count, component_class_callback(test_component_class_callback_example::class, 'method_returns_all_params', $params, 'This is not the value you were looking for')); $this->assertSame($count, component_class_callback(test_component_class_callback_child_example::class, 'method_returns_all_params', $params, 'This is not the value you were looking for')); } /** * Data provider with list of default values for user in component_class_callback tests. * * @return array */ public function component_class_callback_default_provider() { return [ 'null' => [null], 'empty string' => [''], 'string' => ['This is a string'], 'int' => [12345], 'stdClass' => [(object) ['this is my content']], 'array' => [['a' => 'b',]], ]; } /** * Data provider with list of default values for user in component_class_callback tests. * * @return array */ public function component_class_callback_data_provider() { return [ 'empty string' => [''], 'string' => ['This is a string'], 'int' => [12345], 'stdClass' => [(object) ['this is my content']], 'array' => [['a' => 'b',]], ]; } /** * Data provider with list of default values for user in component_class_callback tests. * * @return array */ public function component_class_callback_multiple_params_provider() { return [ 'empty array' => [ [], 0, ], 'string value' => [ ['one'], 1, ], 'string values' => [ ['one', 'two'], 2, ], 'arrays' => [ [[], []], 2, ], 'nulls' => [ [null, null, null, null], 4, ], 'mixed' => [ ['a', 1, null, (object) [], []], 5, ], ]; } /** * Test that {@link get_callable_name()} describes the callable as expected. * * @dataProvider callable_names_provider * @param callable $callable * @param string $expectedname */ public function test_get_callable_name($callable, $expectedname) { $this->assertSame($expectedname, get_callable_name($callable)); } /** * Provides a set of callables and their human readable names. * * @return array of (string)case => [(mixed)callable, (string|bool)expected description] */ public function callable_names_provider() { return [ 'integer' => [ 386, false, ], 'boolean' => [ true, false, ], 'static_method_as_literal' => [ 'my_foobar_class::my_foobar_method', 'my_foobar_class::my_foobar_method', ], 'static_method_of_literal_class' => [ ['my_foobar_class', 'my_foobar_method'], 'my_foobar_class::my_foobar_method', ], 'static_method_of_object' => [ [$this, 'my_foobar_method'], 'core_moodlelib_testcase::my_foobar_method', ], 'method_of_object' => [ [new lang_string('parentlanguage', 'core_langconfig'), 'my_foobar_method'], 'lang_string::my_foobar_method', ], 'function_as_literal' => [ 'my_foobar_callback', 'my_foobar_callback', ], 'function_as_closure' => [ function($a) { return $a; }, 'Closure::__invoke', ], ]; } /** * Data provider for \core_moodlelib_testcase::test_get_complete_user_data(). * * @return array */ public function user_data_provider() { return [ 'Fetch data using a valid username' => [ 'username', 's1', true ], 'Fetch data using a valid username, different case' => [ 'username', 'S1', true ], 'Fetch data using a valid username, different case for fieldname and value' => [ 'USERNAME', 'S1', true ], 'Fetch data using an invalid username' => [ 'username', 's2', false ], 'Fetch by email' => [ 'email', '', true ], 'Fetch data using a non-existent email' => [ 'email', '', false ], 'Fetch data using a non-existent email, throw exception' => [ 'email', '', false, dml_missing_record_exception::class ], 'Multiple accounts with the same email' => [ 'email', '', false, 1 ], 'Multiple accounts with the same email, throw exception' => [ 'email', '', false, 1, dml_multiple_records_exception::class ], 'Fetch data using a valid user ID' => [ 'id', true, true ], 'Fetch data using a non-existent user ID' => [ 'id', false, false ], ]; } /** * Test for get_complete_user_data(). * * @dataProvider user_data_provider * @param string $field The field to use for the query. * @param string|boolean $value The field value. When fetching by ID, set true to fetch valid user ID, false otherwise. * @param boolean $success Whether we expect for the fetch to succeed or return false. * @param int $allowaccountssameemail Value for $CFG->allowaccountssameemail. * @param string $expectedexception The exception to be expected. */ public function test_get_complete_user_data($field, $value, $success, $allowaccountssameemail = 0, $expectedexception = '') { $this->resetAfterTest(); // Set config settings we need for our environment. set_config('allowaccountssameemail', $allowaccountssameemail); // Generate the user data. $generator = $this->getDataGenerator(); $userdata = [ 'username' => 's1', 'email' => '', ]; $user = $generator->create_user($userdata); if ($allowaccountssameemail) { // Create another user with the same email address. $generator->create_user(['email' => '']); } // Since the data provider can't know what user ID to use, do a special handling for ID field tests. if ($field === 'id') { if ($value) { // Test for fetching data using a valid user ID. Use the generated user's ID. $value = $user->id; } else { // Test for fetching data using a non-existent user ID. $value = $user->id + 1; } } // When an exception is expected. $throwexception = false; if ($expectedexception) { $this->expectException($expectedexception); $throwexception = true; } $fetcheduser = get_complete_user_data($field, $value, null, $throwexception); if ($success) { $this->assertEquals($user->id, $fetcheduser->id); $this->assertEquals($user->username, $fetcheduser->username); $this->assertEquals($user->email, $fetcheduser->email); } else { $this->assertFalse($fetcheduser); } } /** * Test for send_password_change_(). */ public function test_send_password_change_info() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $sink = $this->redirectEmails(); // Make sure we are redirecting emails. send_password_change_info($user); $result = $sink->get_messages(); $sink->close();
< $this->assertContains('passwords cannot be reset on this site', quoted_printable_decode($result[0]->body));
> $this->assertStringContainsString('passwords cannot be reset on this site', quoted_printable_decode($result[0]->body));
} /** * Test the get_time_interval_string for a range of inputs. * * @dataProvider get_time_interval_string_provider * @param int $time1 the time1 param. * @param int $time2 the time2 param. * @param string|null $format the format param. * @param string $expected the expected string. */ public function test_get_time_interval_string(int $time1, int $time2, ?string $format, string $expected) { if (is_null($format)) { $this->assertEquals($expected, get_time_interval_string($time1, $time2)); } else { $this->assertEquals($expected, get_time_interval_string($time1, $time2, $format)); } } /** * Data provider for the test_get_time_interval_string() method. */ public function get_time_interval_string_provider() { return [ 'Time is after the reference time by 1 minute, omitted format' => [ 'time1' => 12345660, 'time2' => 12345600, 'format' => null, 'expected' => '0d 0h 1m' ], 'Time is before the reference time by 1 minute, omitted format' => [ 'time1' => 12345540, 'time2' => 12345600, 'format' => null, 'expected' => '0d 0h 1m' ], 'Time is equal to the reference time, omitted format' => [ 'time1' => 12345600, 'time2' => 12345600, 'format' => null, 'expected' => '0d 0h 0m' ], 'Time is after the reference time by 1 minute, empty string format' => [ 'time1' => 12345660, 'time2' => 12345600, 'format' => '', 'expected' => '0d 0h 1m' ], 'Time is before the reference time by 1 minute, empty string format' => [ 'time1' => 12345540, 'time2' => 12345600, 'format' => '', 'expected' => '0d 0h 1m' ], 'Time is equal to the reference time, empty string format' => [ 'time1' => 12345600, 'time2' => 12345600, 'format' => '', 'expected' => '0d 0h 0m' ], 'Time is after the reference time by 1 minute, custom format' => [ 'time1' => 12345660, 'time2' => 12345600, 'format' => '%R%adays %hhours %imins', 'expected' => '+0days 0hours 1mins' ], 'Time is before the reference time by 1 minute, custom format' => [ 'time1' => 12345540, 'time2' => 12345600, 'format' => '%R%adays %hhours %imins', 'expected' => '-0days 0hours 1mins' ], 'Time is equal to the reference time, custom format' => [ 'time1' => 12345600, 'time2' => 12345600, 'format' => '%R%adays %hhours %imins', 'expected' => '+0days 0hours 0mins' ], ]; } /**
< * Provider for is_proxybypass < * < * @return array of test cases.
> * Tests the rename_to_unused_name function with a file.
< public function is_proxybypass_provider(): array {
> public function test_rename_to_unused_name_file() { > global $CFG;
< return [ < 'Proxybypass contains the same IP as the beginning of the URL' => [ < '', < ',', < false < ], < 'Proxybypass contains the last part of the URL' => [ < '', < '', < false < ], < 'Proxybypass contains the last part of the URL 2' => [ < '', < '', < false < ], < 'Proxybypass contains part of the url' => [ < '', < '', < false < ], < 'Different IPs used in proxybypass' => [ < '', < '', < false < ], < 'Proxybypass and URL matchs' => [ < '', < '', < true < ], < 'IP used in proxybypass' => [ < '', < '', < true < ], < ];
> // Create a new file in dataroot. > $file = $CFG->dataroot . '/argh.txt'; > file_put_contents($file, 'Frogs'); > > // Rename it. > $newname = rename_to_unused_name($file); > > // Check new name has expected format. > $this->assertRegExp('~/_temp_[a-f0-9]+$~', $newname); > > // Check it's still in the same folder. > $this->assertEquals($CFG->dataroot, dirname($newname)); > > // Check file can be loaded. > $this->assertEquals('Frogs', file_get_contents($newname)); > > // OK, delete the file. > unlink($newname);
} /**
< * Check if $url matches anything in proxybypass list < * < * Test function {@see is_proxybypass()}. < * @dataProvider is_proxybypass_provider < * @param string $url url to check < * @param string $proxybypass < * @param bool $expected Expected value.
> * Tests the rename_to_unused_name function with a directory.
< public function test_is_proxybypass(string $url, string $proxybypass, bool $expected): void { < $this->resetAfterTest();
> public function test_rename_to_unused_name_dir() { > global $CFG; > > // Create a new directory in dataroot. > $file = $CFG->dataroot . '/arghdir'; > mkdir($file); > > // Rename it. > $newname = rename_to_unused_name($file); > > // Check new name has expected format. > $this->assertRegExp('~/_temp_[a-f0-9]+$~', $newname); > > // Check it's still in the same folder. > $this->assertEquals($CFG->dataroot, dirname($newname));
> // Check it's still a directory global $CFG; > $this->assertTrue(is_dir($newname)); $CFG->proxyhost = ''; // Test with a fake proxy. > $CFG->proxybypass = $proxybypass; > // OK, delete the directory. > rmdir($newname); $this->assertEquals($expected, is_proxybypass($url)); > } } > } > /** > * Tests the rename_to_unused_name function with error cases. > */ > public function test_rename_to_unused_name_failure() {
< $CFG->proxyhost = ''; // Test with a fake proxy. < $CFG->proxybypass = $proxybypass;
< $this->assertEquals($expected, is_proxybypass($url));
> // Rename a file that doesn't exist. > $file = $CFG->dataroot . '/argh.txt'; > $this->assertFalse(rename_to_unused_name($file)); > } > > /** > * Provider for display_size > * > * @return array of ($size, $expected) > */ > public function display_size_provider() { > > return [ > [0, '0 bytes' ], > [1, '1 bytes' ], > [1023, '1023 bytes' ], > [1024, '1KB' ], > [2222, '2.2KB' ], > [33333, '32.6KB' ], > [444444, '434KB' ], > [5555555, '5.3MB' ], > [66666666, '63.6MB' ], > [777777777, '741.7MB'], > [8888888888, '8.3GB' ], > [99999999999, '93.1GB' ], > [111111111111, '103.5GB'], > [2222222222222, '2TB' ], > [33333333333333, '30.3TB' ], > [444444444444444, '404.2TB'], > [5555555555555555, '4.9PB' ], > [66666666666666666, '59.2PB' ], > [777777777777777777, '690.8PB'], > ]; > } > > /** > * Test display_size > * @dataProvider display_size_provider > * @param int $size the size in bytes > * @param string $expected the expected string. > */ > public function test_display_size($size, $expected) { > $result = display_size($size); > $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);