Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 310 and 401] [Versions 310 and 402] [Versions 310 and 403] [Versions 39 and 310]
Tests for myprofilelib apis.
Copyright: | 2015 onwards Ankit agarwal <ankit.agrr@gmail.com> |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later. |
File Size: | 275 lines (11 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
core_myprofilelib_testcase:: (11 methods):
Class: core_myprofilelib_testcase - X-Ref
Tests for myprofilelib apis.setUp() X-Ref |
test_core_myprofile_navigation_as_admin() X-Ref |
Tests the core_myprofile_navigation() function as an admin viewing a user's course profile. |
test_core_myprofile_navigation_course_without_permission() X-Ref |
Tests the core_myprofile_navigation() function as a user without permission to view the full profile of another another user. |
test_core_myprofile_navigation_profile_link_as_current_user() X-Ref |
Tests the core_myprofile_navigation() function as the currently logged in user. |
test_core_myprofile_navigation_profile_link_as_admin() X-Ref |
Tests the core_myprofile_navigation() function as the admin viewing another user. |
test_core_myprofile_navigation_preference_as_admin() X-Ref |
Tests the core_myprofile_navigation() function when viewing the preference page as an admin. |
test_core_myprofile_navigation_preference_without_permission() X-Ref |
Tests the core_myprofile_navigation() function when viewing the preference page as another user without the ability to use the 'loginas' functionality. |
test_core_myprofile_navigation_contact_fields_as_admin() X-Ref |
Tests the core_myprofile_navigation() function as an admin viewing another user's contact details. |
test_core_myprofile_navigation_contact_field_without_permission() X-Ref |
Tests the core_myprofile_navigation() function as a user viewing another user's profile ensuring that the contact details are not shown. |
test_core_myprofile_navigation_login_activity() X-Ref |
Tests the core_myprofile_navigation() function as an admin viewing another user's profile ensuring the login activity links are shown. |
test_core_myprofile_navigationn_login_activity_without_permission() X-Ref |
Tests the core_myprofile_navigation() function as a user viewing another user's profile ensuring the login activity links are not shown. |