Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 402] [Versions 310 and 403] [Versions 39 and 310]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * This file contains the definition for the library class for comment feedback plugin
  19   *
  20   * @package   assignfeedback_comments
  21   * @copyright 2012 NetSpot {@link}
  22   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  23   */
  25  defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  27  // File component for feedback comments.
  28  define('ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_COMPONENT', 'assignfeedback_comments');
  30  // File area for feedback comments.
  31  define('ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_FILEAREA', 'feedback');
  33  /**
  34   * Library class for comment feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class.
  35   *
  36   * @package   assignfeedback_comments
  37   * @copyright 2012 NetSpot {@link}
  38   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  39   */
  40  class assign_feedback_comments extends assign_feedback_plugin {
  42      /**
  43       * Get the name of the online comment feedback plugin.
  44       * @return string
  45       */
  46      public function get_name() {
  47          return get_string('pluginname', 'assignfeedback_comments');
  48      }
  50      /**
  51       * Get the feedback comment from the database.
  52       *
  53       * @param int $gradeid
  54       * @return stdClass|false The feedback comments for the given grade if it exists.
  55       *                        False if it doesn't.
  56       */
  57      public function get_feedback_comments($gradeid) {
  58          global $DB;
  59          return $DB->get_record('assignfeedback_comments', array('grade'=>$gradeid));
  60      }
  62      /**
  63       * Get quickgrading form elements as html.
  64       *
  65       * @param int $userid The user id in the table this quickgrading element relates to
  66       * @param mixed $grade - The grade data - may be null if there are no grades for this user (yet)
  67       * @return mixed - A html string containing the html form elements required for quickgrading
  68       */
  69      public function get_quickgrading_html($userid, $grade) {
  70          $commenttext = '';
  71          if ($grade) {
  72              $feedbackcomments = $this->get_feedback_comments($grade->id);
  73              if ($feedbackcomments) {
  74                  $commenttext = $feedbackcomments->commenttext;
  75              }
  76          }
  78          $pluginname = get_string('pluginname', 'assignfeedback_comments');
  79          $labeloptions = array('for'=>'quickgrade_comments_' . $userid,
  80                                'class'=>'accesshide');
  81          $textareaoptions = array('name'=>'quickgrade_comments_' . $userid,
  82                                   'id'=>'quickgrade_comments_' . $userid,
  83                                   'class'=>'quickgrade');
  84          return html_writer::tag('label', $pluginname, $labeloptions) .
  85                 html_writer::tag('textarea', $commenttext, $textareaoptions);
  86      }
  88      /**
  89       * Has the plugin quickgrading form element been modified in the current form submission?
  90       *
  91       * @param int $userid The user id in the table this quickgrading element relates to
  92       * @param stdClass $grade The grade
  93       * @return boolean - true if the quickgrading form element has been modified
  94       */
  95      public function is_quickgrading_modified($userid, $grade) {
  96          $commenttext = '';
  97          if ($grade) {
  98              $feedbackcomments = $this->get_feedback_comments($grade->id);
  99              if ($feedbackcomments) {
 100                  $commenttext = $feedbackcomments->commenttext;
 101              }
 102          }
 103          // Note that this handles the difference between empty and not in the quickgrading
 104          // form at all (hidden column).
 105          $newvalue = optional_param('quickgrade_comments_' . $userid, false, PARAM_RAW);
 106          return ($newvalue !== false) && ($newvalue != $commenttext);
 107      }
 109      /**
 110       * Has the comment feedback been modified?
 111       *
 112       * @param stdClass $grade The grade object.
 113       * @param stdClass $data Data from the form submission.
 114       * @return boolean True if the comment feedback has been modified, else false.
 115       */
 116      public function is_feedback_modified(stdClass $grade, stdClass $data) {
 117          $commenttext = '';
 118          if ($grade) {
 119              $feedbackcomments = $this->get_feedback_comments($grade->id);
 120              if ($feedbackcomments) {
 121                  $commenttext = $feedbackcomments->commenttext;
 122              }
 123          }
 125          $formtext = $data->assignfeedbackcomments_editor['text'];
 127          // Need to convert the form text to use @@PLUGINFILE@@ and format it so we can compare it with what is stored in the DB.
 128          if (isset($data->assignfeedbackcomments_editor['itemid'])) {
 129              $formtext = file_rewrite_urls_to_pluginfile($formtext, $data->assignfeedbackcomments_editor['itemid']);
 130              $formtext = format_text($formtext, FORMAT_HTML);
 131          }
 133          if ($commenttext == $formtext) {
 134              return false;
 135          } else {
 136              return true;
 137          }
 138      }
 141      /**
 142       * Override to indicate a plugin supports quickgrading.
 143       *
 144       * @return boolean - True if the plugin supports quickgrading
 145       */
 146      public function supports_quickgrading() {
 147          return true;
 148      }
 150      /**
 151       * Return a list of the text fields that can be imported/exported by this plugin.
 152       *
 153       * @return array An array of field names and descriptions. (name=>description, ...)
 154       */
 155      public function get_editor_fields() {
 156          return array('comments' => get_string('pluginname', 'assignfeedback_comments'));
 157      }
 159      /**
 160       * Get the saved text content from the editor.
 161       *
 162       * @param string $name
 163       * @param int $gradeid
 164       * @return string
 165       */
 166      public function get_editor_text($name, $gradeid) {
 167          if ($name == 'comments') {
 168              $feedbackcomments = $this->get_feedback_comments($gradeid);
 169              if ($feedbackcomments) {
 170                  return $feedbackcomments->commenttext;
 171              }
 172          }
 174          return '';
 175      }
 177      /**
 178       * Get the saved text content from the editor.
 179       *
 180       * @param string $name
 181       * @param string $value
 182       * @param int $gradeid
 183       * @return string
 184       */
 185      public function set_editor_text($name, $value, $gradeid) {
 186          global $DB;
 188          if ($name == 'comments') {
 189              $feedbackcomment = $this->get_feedback_comments($gradeid);
 190              if ($feedbackcomment) {
 191                  $feedbackcomment->commenttext = $value;
 192                  return $DB->update_record('assignfeedback_comments', $feedbackcomment);
 193              } else {
 194                  $feedbackcomment = new stdClass();
 195                  $feedbackcomment->commenttext = $value;
 196                  $feedbackcomment->commentformat = FORMAT_HTML;
 197                  $feedbackcomment->grade = $gradeid;
 198                  $feedbackcomment->assignment = $this->assignment->get_instance()->id;
 199                  return $DB->insert_record('assignfeedback_comments', $feedbackcomment) > 0;
 200              }
 201          }
 203          return false;
 204      }
 206      /**
 207       * Save quickgrading changes.
 208       *
 209       * @param int $userid The user id in the table this quickgrading element relates to
 210       * @param stdClass $grade The grade
 211       * @return boolean - true if the grade changes were saved correctly
 212       */
 213      public function save_quickgrading_changes($userid, $grade) {
 214          global $DB;
 215          $feedbackcomment = $this->get_feedback_comments($grade->id);
 216          $quickgradecomments = optional_param('quickgrade_comments_' . $userid, null, PARAM_RAW);
 217          if (!$quickgradecomments && $quickgradecomments !== '') {
 218              return true;
 219          }
 220          if ($feedbackcomment) {
 221              $feedbackcomment->commenttext = $quickgradecomments;
 222              return $DB->update_record('assignfeedback_comments', $feedbackcomment);
 223          } else {
 224              $feedbackcomment = new stdClass();
 225              $feedbackcomment->commenttext = $quickgradecomments;
 226              $feedbackcomment->commentformat = FORMAT_HTML;
 227              $feedbackcomment->grade = $grade->id;
 228              $feedbackcomment->assignment = $this->assignment->get_instance()->id;
 229              return $DB->insert_record('assignfeedback_comments', $feedbackcomment) > 0;
 230          }
 231      }
 233      /**
 234       * Save the settings for feedback comments plugin
 235       *
 236       * @param stdClass $data
 237       * @return bool
 238       */
 239      public function save_settings(stdClass $data) {
 240          $this->set_config('commentinline', !empty($data->assignfeedback_comments_commentinline));
 241          return true;
 242      }
 244      /**
 245       * Get the default setting for feedback comments plugin
 246       *
 247       * @param MoodleQuickForm $mform The form to add elements to
 248       * @return void
 249       */
 250      public function get_settings(MoodleQuickForm $mform) {
 251          $default = $this->get_config('commentinline');
 252          if ($default === false) {
 253              // Apply the admin default if we don't have a value yet.
 254              $default = get_config('assignfeedback_comments', 'inline');
 255          }
 256          $mform->addElement('selectyesno',
 257                             'assignfeedback_comments_commentinline',
 258                             get_string('commentinline', 'assignfeedback_comments'));
 259          $mform->addHelpButton('assignfeedback_comments_commentinline', 'commentinline', 'assignfeedback_comments');
 260          $mform->setDefault('assignfeedback_comments_commentinline', $default);
 261          // Disable comment online if comment feedback plugin is disabled.
 262          $mform->hideIf('assignfeedback_comments_commentinline', 'assignfeedback_comments_enabled', 'notchecked');
 263     }
 265      /**
 266       * Convert the text from any submission plugin that has an editor field to
 267       * a format suitable for inserting in the feedback text field.
 268       *
 269       * @param stdClass $submission
 270       * @param stdClass $data - Form data to be filled with the converted submission text and format.
 271       * @param stdClass|null $grade
 272       * @return boolean - True if feedback text was set.
 273       */
 274      protected function convert_submission_text_to_feedback($submission, $data, $grade) {
 275          global $DB;
 277          $format = false;
 278          $text = '';
 280          foreach ($this->assignment->get_submission_plugins() as $plugin) {
 281              $fields = $plugin->get_editor_fields();
 282              if ($plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->is_visible() && !$plugin->is_empty($submission) && !empty($fields)) {
 283                  $user = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $submission->userid]);
 284                  // Copy the files to the feedback area.
 285                  if ($files = $plugin->get_files($submission, $user)) {
 286                      $fs = get_file_storage();
 287                      $component = 'assignfeedback_comments';
 288                      $filearea = ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_FILEAREA;
 289                      $itemid = $grade->id;
 290                      $fieldupdates = [
 291                          'component' => $component,
 292                          'filearea' => $filearea,
 293                          'itemid' => $itemid
 294                      ];
 295                      foreach ($files as $file) {
 296                          if ($file instanceof stored_file) {
 297                              // Before we create it, check that it doesn't already exist.
 298                              if (!$fs->file_exists(
 299                                      $file->get_contextid(),
 300                                      $component,
 301                                      $filearea,
 302                                      $itemid,
 303                                      $file->get_filepath(),
 304                                      $file->get_filename())) {
 305                                  $fs->create_file_from_storedfile($fieldupdates, $file);
 306                              }
 307                          }
 308                      }
 309                  }
 310                  foreach ($fields as $key => $description) {
 311                      $rawtext = clean_text($plugin->get_editor_text($key, $submission->id));
 312                      $newformat = $plugin->get_editor_format($key, $submission->id);
 314                      if ($format !== false && $newformat != $format) {
 315                          // There are 2 or more editor fields using different formats, set to plain as a fallback.
 316                          $format = FORMAT_PLAIN;
 317                      } else {
 318                          $format = $newformat;
 319                      }
 320                      $text .= $rawtext;
 321                  }
 322              }
 323          }
 325          if ($format === false) {
 326              $format = FORMAT_HTML;
 327          }
 328          $data->assignfeedbackcomments = $text;
 329          $data->assignfeedbackcommentsformat = $format;
 331          return true;
 332      }
 334      /**
 335       * Get form elements for the grading page
 336       *
 337       * @param stdClass|null $grade
 338       * @param MoodleQuickForm $mform
 339       * @param stdClass $data
 340       * @return bool true if elements were added to the form
 341       */
 342      public function get_form_elements_for_user($grade, MoodleQuickForm $mform, stdClass $data, $userid) {
 343          $commentinlinenabled = $this->get_config('commentinline');
 344          $submission = $this->assignment->get_user_submission($userid, false);
 345          $feedbackcomments = false;
 347          if ($grade) {
 348              $feedbackcomments = $this->get_feedback_comments($grade->id);
 349          }
 351          // Check first for data from last form submission in case grading validation failed.
 352          if (!empty($data->assignfeedbackcomments_editor['text'])) {
 353              $data->assignfeedbackcomments = $data->assignfeedbackcomments_editor['text'];
 354              $data->assignfeedbackcommentsformat = $data->assignfeedbackcomments_editor['format'];
 355          } else if ($feedbackcomments && !empty($feedbackcomments->commenttext)) {
 356              $data->assignfeedbackcomments = $feedbackcomments->commenttext;
 357              $data->assignfeedbackcommentsformat = $feedbackcomments->commentformat;
 358          } else {
 359              // No feedback given yet - maybe we need to copy the text from the submission?
 360              if (!empty($commentinlinenabled) && $submission) {
 361                  $this->convert_submission_text_to_feedback($submission, $data, $grade);
 362              } else { // Set it to empty.
 363                  $data->assignfeedbackcomments = '';
 364                  $data->assignfeedbackcommentsformat = FORMAT_HTML;
 365              }
 366          }
 368          file_prepare_standard_editor(
 369              $data,
 370              'assignfeedbackcomments',
 371              $this->get_editor_options(),
 372              $this->assignment->get_context(),
 375              $grade->id
 376          );
 378          $mform->addElement('editor', 'assignfeedbackcomments_editor', $this->get_name(), null, $this->get_editor_options());
 380          return true;
 381      }
 383      /**
 384       * Saving the comment content into database.
 385       *
 386       * @param stdClass $grade
 387       * @param stdClass $data
 388       * @return bool
 389       */
 390      public function save(stdClass $grade, stdClass $data) {
 391          global $DB;
 393          // Save the files.
 394          $data = file_postupdate_standard_editor(
 395              $data,
 396              'assignfeedbackcomments',
 397              $this->get_editor_options(),
 398              $this->assignment->get_context(),
 401              $grade->id
 402          );
 404          $feedbackcomment = $this->get_feedback_comments($grade->id);
 405          if ($feedbackcomment) {
 406              $feedbackcomment->commenttext = $data->assignfeedbackcomments;
 407              $feedbackcomment->commentformat = $data->assignfeedbackcommentsformat;
 408              return $DB->update_record('assignfeedback_comments', $feedbackcomment);
 409          } else {
 410              $feedbackcomment = new stdClass();
 411              $feedbackcomment->commenttext = $data->assignfeedbackcomments;
 412              $feedbackcomment->commentformat = $data->assignfeedbackcommentsformat;
 413              $feedbackcomment->grade = $grade->id;
 414              $feedbackcomment->assignment = $this->assignment->get_instance()->id;
 415              return $DB->insert_record('assignfeedback_comments', $feedbackcomment) > 0;
 416          }
 417      }
 419      /**
 420       * Display the comment in the feedback table.
 421       *
 422       * @param stdClass $grade
 423       * @param bool $showviewlink Set to true to show a link to view the full feedback
 424       * @return string
 425       */
 426      public function view_summary(stdClass $grade, & $showviewlink) {
 427          $feedbackcomments = $this->get_feedback_comments($grade->id);
 428          if ($feedbackcomments) {
 429              $text = $this->rewrite_feedback_comments_urls($feedbackcomments->commenttext, $grade->id);
 430              $text = format_text(
 431                  $text,
 432                  $feedbackcomments->commentformat,
 433                  [
 434                      'context' => $this->assignment->get_context()
 435                  ]
 436              );
 438              // Show the view all link if the text has been shortened.
 439              $short = shorten_text($text, 140);
 440              $showviewlink = $short != $text;
 441              return $short;
 442          }
 443          return '';
 444      }
 446      /**
 447       * Display the comment in the feedback table.
 448       *
 449       * @param stdClass $grade
 450       * @return string
 451       */
 452      public function view(stdClass $grade) {
 453          $feedbackcomments = $this->get_feedback_comments($grade->id);
 454          if ($feedbackcomments) {
 455              $text = $this->rewrite_feedback_comments_urls($feedbackcomments->commenttext, $grade->id);
 456              $text = format_text(
 457                  $text,
 458                  $feedbackcomments->commentformat,
 459                  [
 460                      'context' => $this->assignment->get_context()
 461                  ]
 462              );
 464              return $text;
 465          }
 466          return '';
 467      }
 469      /**
 470       * Return true if this plugin can upgrade an old Moodle 2.2 assignment of this type
 471       * and version.
 472       *
 473       * @param string $type old assignment subtype
 474       * @param int $version old assignment version
 475       * @return bool True if upgrade is possible
 476       */
 477      public function can_upgrade($type, $version) {
 479          if (($type == 'upload' || $type == 'uploadsingle' ||
 480               $type == 'online' || $type == 'offline') && $version >= 2011112900) {
 481              return true;
 482          }
 483          return false;
 484      }
 486      /**
 487       * Upgrade the settings from the old assignment to the new plugin based one
 488       *
 489       * @param context $oldcontext - the context for the old assignment
 490       * @param stdClass $oldassignment - the data for the old assignment
 491       * @param string $log - can be appended to by the upgrade
 492       * @return bool was it a success? (false will trigger a rollback)
 493       */
 494      public function upgrade_settings(context $oldcontext, stdClass $oldassignment, & $log) {
 495          if ($oldassignment->assignmenttype == 'online') {
 496              $this->set_config('commentinline', $oldassignment->var1);
 497              return true;
 498          }
 499          return true;
 500      }
 502      /**
 503       * Upgrade the feedback from the old assignment to the new one
 504       *
 505       * @param context $oldcontext - the database for the old assignment context
 506       * @param stdClass $oldassignment The data record for the old assignment
 507       * @param stdClass $oldsubmission The data record for the old submission
 508       * @param stdClass $grade The data record for the new grade
 509       * @param string $log Record upgrade messages in the log
 510       * @return bool true or false - false will trigger a rollback
 511       */
 512      public function upgrade(context $oldcontext,
 513                              stdClass $oldassignment,
 514                              stdClass $oldsubmission,
 515                              stdClass $grade,
 516                              & $log) {
 517          global $DB;
 519          $feedbackcomments = new stdClass();
 520          $feedbackcomments->commenttext = $oldsubmission->submissioncomment;
 521          $feedbackcomments->commentformat = FORMAT_HTML;
 523          $feedbackcomments->grade = $grade->id;
 524          $feedbackcomments->assignment = $this->assignment->get_instance()->id;
 525          if (!$DB->insert_record('assignfeedback_comments', $feedbackcomments) > 0) {
 526              $log .= get_string('couldnotconvertgrade', 'mod_assign', $grade->userid);
 527              return false;
 528          }
 530          return true;
 531      }
 533      /**
 534       * If this plugin adds to the gradebook comments field, it must specify the format of the text
 535       * of the comment
 536       *
 537       * Only one feedback plugin can push comments to the gradebook and that is chosen by the assignment
 538       * settings page.
 539       *
 540       * @param stdClass $grade The grade
 541       * @return int
 542       */
 543      public function format_for_gradebook(stdClass $grade) {
 544          $feedbackcomments = $this->get_feedback_comments($grade->id);
 545          if ($feedbackcomments) {
 546              return $feedbackcomments->commentformat;
 547          }
 548          return FORMAT_MOODLE;
 549      }
 551      /**
 552       * If this plugin adds to the gradebook comments field, it must format the text
 553       * of the comment
 554       *
 555       * Only one feedback plugin can push comments to the gradebook and that is chosen by the assignment
 556       * settings page.
 557       *
 558       * @param stdClass $grade The grade
 559       * @return string
 560       */
 561      public function text_for_gradebook(stdClass $grade) {
 562          $feedbackcomments = $this->get_feedback_comments($grade->id);
 563          if ($feedbackcomments) {
 564              return $feedbackcomments->commenttext;
 565          }
 566          return '';
 567      }
 569      /**
 570       * Return any files this plugin wishes to save to the gradebook.
 571       *
 572       * @param stdClass $grade The assign_grades object from the db
 573       * @return array
 574       */
 575      public function files_for_gradebook(stdClass $grade) : array {
 576          return [
 577              'contextid' => $this->assignment->get_context()->id,
 578              'component' => ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_COMPONENT,
 579              'filearea' => ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_FILEAREA,
 580              'itemid' => $grade->id
 581          ];
 582      }
 584      /**
 585       * The assignment has been deleted - cleanup
 586       *
 587       * @return bool
 588       */
 589      public function delete_instance() {
 590          global $DB;
 591          // Will throw exception on failure.
 592          $DB->delete_records('assignfeedback_comments',
 593                              array('assignment'=>$this->assignment->get_instance()->id));
 594          return true;
 595      }
 597      /**
 598       * Returns true if there are no feedback comments for the given grade.
 599       *
 600       * @param stdClass $grade
 601       * @return bool
 602       */
 603      public function is_empty(stdClass $grade) {
 604          return $this->view($grade) == '';
 605      }
 607      /**
 608       * Get file areas returns a list of areas this plugin stores files
 609       * @return array - An array of fileareas (keys) and descriptions (values)
 610       */
 611      public function get_file_areas() {
 612          return array(ASSIGNFEEDBACK_COMMENTS_FILEAREA => $this->get_name());
 613      }
 615      /**
 616       * Return a description of external params suitable for uploading an feedback comment from a webservice.
 617       *
 618       * @return external_description|null
 619       */
 620      public function get_external_parameters() {
 621          $editorparams = array('text' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The text for this feedback.'),
 622                                'format' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The format for this feedback'));
 623          $editorstructure = new external_single_structure($editorparams, 'Editor structure', VALUE_OPTIONAL);
 624          return array('assignfeedbackcomments_editor' => $editorstructure);
 625      }
 627      /**
 628       * Return the plugin configs for external functions.
 629       *
 630       * @return array the list of settings
 631       * @since Moodle 3.2
 632       */
 633      public function get_config_for_external() {
 634          return (array) $this->get_config();
 635      }
 637      /**
 638       * Convert encoded URLs in $text from the @@PLUGINFILE@@/... form to an actual URL.
 639       *
 640       * @param string $text the Text to check
 641       * @param int $gradeid The grade ID which refers to the id in the gradebook
 642       */
 643      private function rewrite_feedback_comments_urls(string $text, int $gradeid) {
 644          return file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls(
 645              $text,
 646              'pluginfile.php',
 647              $this->assignment->get_context()->id,
 650              $gradeid
 651          );
 652      }
 654      /**
 655       * File format options.
 656       *
 657       * @return array
 658       */
 659      private function get_editor_options() {
 660          global $COURSE;
 662          return [
 663              'subdirs' => 1,
 664              'maxbytes' => $COURSE->maxbytes,
 665              'accepted_types' => '*',
 666              'context' => $this->assignment->get_context(),
 667              'maxfiles' => EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES
 668          ];
 669      }
 670  }