Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
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< /** < * Defines {@link \mod_h5pactivity\privacy\provider} class. < * < * @package mod_h5pactivity < * @category privacy < * @copyright 2020 Ferran Recio <> < * @license GNU GPL v3 or later < */ <
namespace mod_h5pactivity\privacy; use core_privacy\local\metadata\collection; use core_privacy\local\request\approved_contextlist; use core_privacy\local\request\approved_userlist; use core_privacy\local\request\contextlist; use core_privacy\local\request\helper; use core_privacy\local\request\transform; use core_privacy\local\request\userlist; use core_privacy\local\request\writer; use stdClass; /** * Privacy API implementation for the H5P activity plugin. *
> * @package mod_h5pactivity * @copyright 2020 Ferran Recio <> > * @category privacy
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class provider implements \core_privacy\local\metadata\provider, \core_privacy\local\request\core_userlist_provider, \core_privacy\local\request\plugin\provider { /**
< * Get the language string identifier with the component's language < * file to explain why this plugin stores no data. < * < * @return string < */ < public static function get_reason() : string { < return 'privacy:metadata'; < } < < /**
* Return the fields which contain personal data. * * @param collection $collection The initialised collection to add items to. * @return collection A listing of user data stored through this system. */ public static function get_metadata(collection $collection) : collection { $collection->add_database_table('h5pactivity_attempts', [ 'userid' => 'privacy:metadata:userid', 'attempt' => 'privacy:metadata:attempt', 'timecreated' => 'privacy:metadata:timecreated', 'timemodified' => 'privacy:metadata:timemodified', 'rawscore' => 'privacy:metadata:rawscore', ], 'privacy:metadata:xapi_track'); $collection->add_database_table('h5pactivity_attempts_results', [ 'attempt' => 'privacy:metadata:attempt', 'timecreated' => 'privacy:metadata:timecreated', 'rawscore' => 'privacy:metadata:rawscore', ], 'privacy:metadata:xapi_track_results');
> $collection->add_subsystem_link('core_xapi', [], 'privacy:metadata:xapisummary'); return $collection; >
} /** * Get the list of contexts that contain user information for the specified user. * * @param int $userid The user to search. * @return contextlist $contextlist The contextlist containing the list of contexts used in this plugin. */ public static function get_contexts_for_userid(int $userid) : contextlist { $sql = "SELECT FROM {h5pactivity_attempts} ss JOIN {modules} m ON = :activityname JOIN {course_modules} cm ON cm.instance = ss.h5pactivityid AND cm.module = JOIN {context} ctx ON ctx.instanceid = AND ctx.contextlevel = :modlevel WHERE ss.userid = :userid"; $params = ['activityname' => 'h5pactivity', 'modlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE, 'userid' => $userid]; $contextlist = new contextlist(); $contextlist->add_from_sql($sql, $params);
> \core_xapi\privacy\provider::add_contexts_for_userid($contextlist, $userid, 'mod_h5pactivity'); return $contextlist; >
} /** * Get the list of users who have data within a context. * * @param userlist $userlist The userlist containing the list of users who have data in this context/plugin combination. */ public static function get_users_in_context(userlist $userlist) { $context = $userlist->get_context(); if (!is_a($context, \context_module::class)) { return; } $sql = "SELECT ss.userid FROM {h5pactivity_attempts} ss JOIN {modules} m ON = 'h5pactivity' JOIN {course_modules} cm ON cm.instance = ss.h5pactivityid AND cm.module = JOIN {context} ctx ON ctx.instanceid = AND ctx.contextlevel = :modlevel WHERE = :contextid"; $params = ['modlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE, 'contextid' => $context->id]; $userlist->add_from_sql('userid', $sql, $params);
> } > \core_xapi\privacy\provider::add_userids_for_context($userlist);
/** * Export all user data for the specified user, in the specified contexts. * * @param approved_contextlist $contextlist The approved contexts to export information for. */ public static function export_user_data(approved_contextlist $contextlist) { global $DB; // Remove contexts different from CONTEXT_MODULE. $contexts = array_reduce($contextlist->get_contexts(), function($carry, $context) { if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) { $carry[] = $context->id; } return $carry; }, []); if (empty($contexts)) { return; } $user = $contextlist->get_user(); $userid = $user->id; // Get H5P attempts data. foreach ($contexts as $contextid) { $context = \context::instance_by_id($contextid); $data = helper::get_context_data($context, $user); writer::with_context($context)->export_data([], $data); helper::export_context_files($context, $user);
> } > // Get user's xAPI state data for the particular context. > $state = \core_xapi\privacy\provider::get_xapi_states_for_user($contextlist->get_user()->id, // Get attempts track data. > 'mod_h5pactivity', $context->instanceid); list($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($contexts, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); > if ($state) { $sql = "SELECT, > // If the activity has xAPI state data by the user, include it in the export. ha.attempt, > writer::with_context($context)->export_data( har.description, > [get_string('privacy:xapistate', 'core_xapi')], (object) $state); har.interactiontype, > } har.response, >
har.additionals, har.rawscore, har.maxscore, har.duration, har.timecreated, as contextid FROM {h5pactivity_attempts_results} har JOIN {h5pactivity_attempts} ha ON har.attemptid = JOIN {course_modules} cm ON cm.instance = ha.h5pactivityid JOIN {context} ctx ON ctx.instanceid = WHERE $insql AND ha.userid = :userid"; $params = array_merge($inparams, ['userid' => $userid]); $alldata = []; $attemptsdata = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($attemptsdata as $track) { $alldata[$track->contextid][$track->attempt][] = (object)[ 'description' => $track->description, 'response' => $track->response, 'interactiontype' => $track->interactiontype, 'additionals' => $track->additionals, 'rawscore' => $track->rawscore, 'maxscore' => $track->maxscore, 'duration' => $track->duration, 'timecreated' => transform::datetime($track->timecreated), ]; } $attemptsdata->close(); // The result data is organised in: // {Course name}/{H5P activity name}/{My attempts}/{Attempt X}/data.json // where X is the attempt number. array_walk($alldata, function($attemptsdata, $contextid) { $context = \context::instance_by_id($contextid); array_walk($attemptsdata, function($data, $attempt) use ($context) { $subcontext = [ get_string('myattempts', 'mod_h5pactivity'), get_string('attempt', 'mod_h5pactivity'). " $attempt" ]; writer::with_context($context)->export_data( $subcontext, (object)['results' => $data] ); }); }); } /** * Delete all user data which matches the specified context. *
< * @param context $context A user context.
> * @param \context $context A user context.
*/ public static function delete_data_for_all_users_in_context(\context $context) { // This should not happen, but just in case. if ($context->contextlevel != CONTEXT_MODULE) { return; } $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('h5pactivity', $context->instanceid); if (!$cm) { // Only h5pactivity module will be handled. return; } self::delete_all_attempts($cm);
> } > // Delete xAPI state data. > \core_xapi\privacy\provider::delete_states_for_all_users($context, 'mod_h5pactivity'); /** >
* Delete all user data for the specified user, in the specified contexts. * * @param approved_contextlist $contextlist The approved contexts and user information to delete information for. */ public static function delete_data_for_user(approved_contextlist $contextlist) { foreach ($contextlist as $context) { if ($context->contextlevel != CONTEXT_MODULE) { continue; } $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('h5pactivity', $context->instanceid); if (!$cm) { // Only h5pactivity module will be handled. continue; } $user = $contextlist->get_user(); self::delete_all_attempts($cm, $user);
> } > // Delete xAPI state data. } > \core_xapi\privacy\provider::delete_states_for_user($contextlist, 'mod_h5pactivity');
/** * Delete multiple users within a single context. * * @param approved_userlist $userlist The approved context and user information to delete information for. */ public static function delete_data_for_users(approved_userlist $userlist) { $context = $userlist->get_context(); if (!is_a($context, \context_module::class)) { return; } $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('h5pactivity', $context->instanceid); if (!$cm) { // Only h5pactivity module will be handled. return; } $userids = $userlist->get_userids(); foreach ($userids as $userid) { self::delete_all_attempts ($cm, (object)['id' => $userid]); }
> } > // Delete xAPI states data. > \core_xapi\privacy\provider::delete_states_for_userlist($userlist); /** >
* Wipe all attempt data for specific course_module and an optional user. * * @param stdClass $cm a course_module record * @param stdClass $user a user record */ private static function delete_all_attempts(stdClass $cm, stdClass $user = null): void { global $DB; $where = 'a.h5pactivityid = :h5pactivityid'; $conditions = ['h5pactivityid' => $cm->instance]; if (!empty($user)) { $where .= ' AND a.userid = :userid'; $conditions['userid'] = $user->id; } $DB->delete_records_select('h5pactivity_attempts_results', "attemptid IN ( SELECT FROM {h5pactivity_attempts} a WHERE $where)", $conditions); $DB->delete_records('h5pactivity_attempts', $conditions); } }