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See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
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< /** < * mod_h5pactivity generator tests < * < * @package mod_h5pactivity < * @category test < * @copyright 2020 Ferran Recio <> < * @license GNU GPL v3 or later < */ <
namespace mod_h5pactivity\xapi; use \core_xapi\local\statement;
< use \core_xapi\local\statement\item;
use \core_xapi\local\statement\item_agent; use \core_xapi\local\statement\item_activity; use \core_xapi\local\statement\item_definition; use \core_xapi\local\statement\item_verb; use \core_xapi\local\statement\item_result; use context_module;
> use core_xapi\test_helper;
use stdClass; /** * Attempt tests class for mod_h5pactivity. * * @package mod_h5pactivity * @category test * @copyright 2020 Ferran Recio <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
> * @covers \mod_h5pactivity\xapi\handler
< class handler_testcase extends \advanced_testcase {
> class handler_test extends \advanced_testcase { > > /** > * Setup to ensure that fixtures are loaded. > */ > public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void { > global $CFG; > require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/lib/xapi/tests/helper.php'); > }
/** * Generate a valid scenario for each tests. * * @return stdClass an object with all scenario data in it */ private function generate_testing_scenario(): stdClass { $this->resetAfterTest(); $this->setAdminUser(); $data = new stdClass(); $data->course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); // Generate 2 users, one enroled into course and one not. $data->student = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($data->course, 'student'); $data->otheruser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); // H5P activity. $data->activity = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('h5pactivity', ['course' => $data->course]); $data->context = context_module::instance($data->activity->cmid); $data->xapihandler = handler::create('mod_h5pactivity'); $this->assertNotEmpty($data->xapihandler); $this->assertInstanceOf('\mod_h5pactivity\xapi\handler', $data->xapihandler); $this->setUser($data->student); return $data; } /** * Test for xapi_handler with valid statements. */ public function test_xapi_handler() { global $DB; $data = $this->generate_testing_scenario(); $xapihandler = $data->xapihandler; $context = $data->context; $student = $data->student; $otheruser = $data->otheruser; // Check we have 0 entries in the attempts tables. $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts'); $this->assertEquals(0, $count); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results'); $this->assertEquals(0, $count); $statements = $this->generate_statements($context, $student); // Insert first statement. $event = $xapihandler->statement_to_event($statements[0]); $this->assertNotNull($event); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts'); $this->assertEquals(1, $count); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results'); $this->assertEquals(1, $count); // Insert second statement. $event = $xapihandler->statement_to_event($statements[1]); $this->assertNotNull($event); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts'); $this->assertEquals(1, $count); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results'); $this->assertEquals(2, $count); // Insert again first statement. $event = $xapihandler->statement_to_event($statements[0]); $this->assertNotNull($event); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts'); $this->assertEquals(2, $count); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results'); $this->assertEquals(3, $count); // Insert again second statement. $event = $xapihandler->statement_to_event($statements[1]); $this->assertNotNull($event); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts'); $this->assertEquals(2, $count); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results'); $this->assertEquals(4, $count); } /** * Testing wrong statements scenarios. * * @dataProvider xapi_handler_errors_data * @param bool $hasverb valid verb * @param bool $hasdefinition generate definition * @param bool $hasresult generate result * @param bool $hascontext valid context * @param bool $hasuser valid user * @param bool $generateattempt if generates an empty attempt */ public function test_xapi_handler_errors(bool $hasverb, bool $hasdefinition, bool $hasresult, bool $hascontext, bool $hasuser, bool $generateattempt) { global $DB, $CFG; $data = $this->generate_testing_scenario(); $xapihandler = $data->xapihandler; $context = $data->context; $student = $data->student; $otheruser = $data->otheruser; // Check we have 0 entries in the attempts tables. $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts'); $this->assertEquals(0, $count); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results'); $this->assertEquals(0, $count); $statement = new statement(); if ($hasverb) { $statement->set_verb(item_verb::create_from_id('')); } else { $statement->set_verb(item_verb::create_from_id('cook')); } $definition = null; if ($hasdefinition) { $definition = item_definition::create_from_data((object)[ 'interactionType' => 'compound', 'correctResponsesPattern' => '1', ]); } if ($hascontext) { $statement->set_object(item_activity::create_from_id($context->id, $definition)); } else { $statement->set_object(item_activity::create_from_id('paella', $definition)); } if ($hasresult) { $statement->set_result(item_result::create_from_data((object)[ 'completion' => true, 'success' => true, 'score' => (object) ['min' => 0, 'max' => 2, 'raw' => 2, 'scaled' => 1], ])); } if ($hasuser) { $statement->set_actor(item_agent::create_from_user($student)); } else { $statement->set_actor(item_agent::create_from_user($otheruser)); } $event = $xapihandler->statement_to_event($statement); $this->assertNull($event); // No enties should be generated. $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts'); $attempts = ($generateattempt) ? 1 : 0; $this->assertEquals($attempts, $count); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results'); $this->assertEquals(0, $count); } /** * Data provider for data request creation tests. * * @return array */ public function xapi_handler_errors_data(): array { return [ // Invalid Definitions and results possibilities. 'Invalid definition and result' => [ true, false, false, true, true, false ], 'Invalid result' => [ true, true, false, true, true, false ], 'Invalid definition (generate empty attempt)' => [ true, false, true, true, true, true ], // Invalid verb possibilities. 'Invalid verb, definition and result' => [ false, false, false, true, true, false ], 'Invalid verb and result' => [ false, true, false, true, true, false ], 'Invalid verb and result' => [ false, false, true, true, true, false ], // Invalid context possibilities. 'Invalid definition, result and context' => [ true, false, false, false, true, false ], 'Invalid result' => [ true, true, false, false, true, false ], 'Invalid result and context' => [ true, false, true, false, true, false ], 'Invalid verb, definition result and context' => [ false, false, false, false, true, false ], 'Invalid verb, result and context' => [ false, true, false, false, true, false ], 'Invalid verb, result and context' => [ false, false, true, false, true, false ], // Invalid user possibilities. 'Invalid definition, result and user' => [ true, false, false, true, false, false ], 'Invalid result and user' => [ true, true, false, true, false, false ], 'Invalid definition and user' => [ true, false, true, true, false, false ], 'Invalid verb, definition, result and user' => [ false, false, false, true, false, false ], 'Invalid verb, result and user' => [ false, true, false, true, false, false ], 'Invalid verb, result and user' => [ false, false, true, true, false, false ], 'Invalid definition, result, context and user' => [ true, false, false, false, false, false ], 'Invalid result, context and user' => [ true, true, false, false, false, false ], 'Invalid definition, context and user' => [ true, false, true, false, false, false ], 'Invalid verb, definition, result, context and user' => [ false, false, false, false, false, false ], 'Invalid verb, result, context and user' => [ false, true, false, false, false, false ], 'Invalid verb, result, context and user' => [ false, false, true, false, false, false ], ]; } /** * Test xapi_handler stored statements. */ public function test_stored_statements() { global $DB; $data = $this->generate_testing_scenario(); $xapihandler = $data->xapihandler; $context = $data->context; $student = $data->student; $otheruser = $data->otheruser; $activity = $data->activity; // Check we have 0 entries in the attempts tables. $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts'); $this->assertEquals(0, $count); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results'); $this->assertEquals(0, $count); $statements = $this->generate_statements($context, $student); // Insert statements. $stored = $xapihandler->process_statements($statements); $this->assertCount(2, $stored); $this->assertEquals(true, $stored[0]); $this->assertEquals(true, $stored[1]); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts'); $this->assertEquals(1, $count); $count = $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results'); $this->assertEquals(2, $count); // Validate stored data. $attempts = $DB->get_records('h5pactivity_attempts'); $attempt = array_shift($attempts); $statement = $statements[0]; $data = $statement->get_result()->get_data(); $this->assertEquals(1, $attempt->attempt); $this->assertEquals($student->id, $attempt->userid); $this->assertEquals($activity->id, $attempt->h5pactivityid); $this->assertEquals($data->score->raw, $attempt->rawscore); $this->assertEquals($data->score->max, $attempt->maxscore); $this->assertEquals($statement->get_result()->get_duration(), $attempt->duration); $this->assertEquals($data->completion, $attempt->completion); $this->assertEquals($data->success, $attempt->success); $results = $DB->get_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results'); foreach ($results as $result) { $statement = (empty($result->subcontent)) ? $statements[0] : $statements[1]; $xapiresult = $statement->get_result()->get_data(); $xapiobject = $statement->get_object()->get_data(); $this->assertEquals($attempt->id, $result->attemptid); $this->assertEquals($xapiobject->definition->interactionType, $result->interactiontype); $this->assertEquals($xapiresult->score->raw, $result->rawscore); $this->assertEquals($xapiresult->score->max, $result->maxscore); $this->assertEquals($statement->get_result()->get_duration(), $result->duration); $this->assertEquals($xapiresult->completion, $result->completion); $this->assertEquals($xapiresult->success, $result->success); } } /** * Returns a basic xAPI statements simulating a H5P content. * * @param context_module $context activity context * @param stdClass $user user record * @return statement[] array of xAPI statements */ private function generate_statements(context_module $context, stdClass $user): array { $statements = []; $statement = new statement(); $statement->set_actor(item_agent::create_from_user($user)); $statement->set_verb(item_verb::create_from_id('')); $definition = item_definition::create_from_data((object)[ 'interactionType' => 'compound', 'correctResponsesPattern' => '1', ]); $statement->set_object(item_activity::create_from_id($context->id, $definition)); $statement->set_result(item_result::create_from_data((object)[ 'completion' => true, 'success' => true, 'score' => (object) ['min' => 0, 'max' => 2, 'raw' => 2, 'scaled' => 1], 'duration' => 'PT25S', ])); $statements[] = $statement; $statement = new statement(); $statement->set_actor(item_agent::create_from_user($user)); $statement->set_verb(item_verb::create_from_id('')); $definition = item_definition::create_from_data((object)[ 'interactionType' => 'matching', 'correctResponsesPattern' => '1', ]); $statement->set_object(item_activity::create_from_id($context->id.'?subContentId=111-222-333', $definition)); $statement->set_result(item_result::create_from_data((object)[ 'completion' => true, 'success' => true, 'score' => (object) ['min' => 0, 'max' => 1, 'raw' => 0, 'scaled' => 0], 'duration' => 'PT20S', ])); $statements[] = $statement; return $statements;
> } } > } > /** > * Test validate_state method. > */ > public function test_validate_state(): void { > global $DB; > > $this->resetAfterTest(); > > /** @var \core_h5p_generator $generator */ > $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_h5p'); > > // Create a valid H5P activity with a valid xAPI state. > $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); > $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($course, 'student'); > $this->setUser($user); > $activity = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('h5pactivity', ['course' => $course]); > $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course->id); > $activitycontext = \context_module::instance($activity->cmid); > $component = 'mod_h5pactivity'; > $filerecord = [ > 'contextid' => $activitycontext->id, > 'component' => $component, > 'filearea' => 'package', > 'itemid' => 0, > 'filepath' => '/', > 'filename' => 'dummy.h5p', > 'addxapistate' => true, > ]; > $generator->generate_h5p_data(false, $filerecord); > > $handler = handler::create($component); > // Change the method visibility for validate_state in order to test it. > $method = new \ReflectionMethod(handler::class, 'validate_state'); > $method->setAccessible(true); > > // The activity id should be numeric. > $state = test_helper::create_state(['activity' => item_activity::create_from_id('AA')]); > $result = $method->invoke($handler, $state); > $this->assertFalse($result); > > // The activity id should exist. > $state = test_helper::create_state(); > $result = $method->invoke($handler, $state); > $this->assertFalse($result); > > // The given activity should be H5P activity. > $forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', ['course' => $course]); > $state = test_helper::create_state([ > 'activity' => item_activity::create_from_id($forum->cmid), > ]); > $result = $method->invoke($handler, $state); > $this->assertFalse($result); > > // Tracking should be enabled for the H5P activity. > $state = test_helper::create_state([ > 'activity' => item_activity::create_from_id($activitycontext->id), > 'component' => $component, > ]); > $result = $method->invoke($handler, $state); > $this->assertTrue($result); > > // So, when tracking is disabled, the state won't be considered valid. > $activity2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('h5pactivity', ['course' => $course, 'enabletracking' => 0]); > $activitycontext2 = \context_module::instance($activity2->cmid); > $state = test_helper::create_state([ > 'activity' => item_activity::create_from_id($activitycontext2->id), > 'component' => $component, > ]); > $result = $method->invoke($handler, $state); > $this->assertFalse($result); > > // The user should have permission to submit. > $studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'student')); > assign_capability('mod/h5pactivity:submit', CAP_PROHIBIT, $studentrole->id, $coursecontext->id); > // Empty all the caches that may be affected by this change. > accesslib_clear_all_caches_for_unit_testing(); > \course_modinfo::clear_instance_cache(); > $state = test_helper::create_state([ > 'activity' => item_activity::create_from_id($activitycontext->id), > 'component' => $component, > ]); > $result = $method->invoke($handler, $state); > $this->assertFalse($result);