Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
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 * mod_lesson data generator.
 * @package    mod_lesson
 * @category   test
 * @copyright  2013 Marina Glancy
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

> require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/lesson/locallib.php'); /** >
* mod_lesson data generator class. * * @package mod_lesson * @category test * @copyright 2013 Marina Glancy * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class mod_lesson_generator extends testing_module_generator { /** * @var int keep track of how many pages have been created. */ protected $pagecount = 0; /**
> * @var array list of candidate pages to be created when all answers have been added. * To be called from data reset code only, > */ * do not use in tests. > protected $candidatepages = []; * @return void > */ > /** public function reset() { > * @var array map of readable jumpto to integer value. $this->pagecount = 0; > */ parent::reset(); > protected $jumptomap = [ } > 'This page' => LESSON_THISPAGE, > 'Next page' => LESSON_NEXTPAGE, public function create_instance($record = null, array $options = null) { > 'Previous page' => LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE, global $CFG; > 'End of lesson' => LESSON_EOL, > 'Unseen question within a content page' => LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE, // Add default values for lesson. > 'Random question within a content page' => LESSON_RANDOMPAGE, $lessonconfig = get_config('mod_lesson'); > 'Random content page' => LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH, $record = (array)$record + array( > 'Unseen question within a cluster' => LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP, 'progressbar' => $lessonconfig->progressbar, > ]; 'ongoing' => $lessonconfig->ongoing, > 'displayleft' => $lessonconfig->displayleftmenu, > /**
'displayleftif' => $lessonconfig->displayleftif,
> $this->candidatepages = [];
'slideshow' => $lessonconfig->slideshow,
> /** 'maxanswers' => $lessonconfig->maxanswers, > * Creates a lesson instance for testing purposes. 'feedback' => $lessonconfig->defaultfeedback, > * 'activitylink' => 0, > * @param null|array|stdClass $record data for module being generated. 'available' => 0, > * @param null|array $options general options for course module. 'deadline' => 0, > * @return stdClass record from module-defined table with additional field cmid (corresponding id in course_modules table) 'usepassword' => 0, > */
'password' => '', 'dependency' => 0, 'timespent' => 0, 'completed' => 0, 'gradebetterthan' => 0, 'modattempts' => $lessonconfig->modattempts, 'review' => $lessonconfig->displayreview, 'maxattempts' => $lessonconfig->maximumnumberofattempts, 'nextpagedefault' => $lessonconfig->defaultnextpage, 'maxpages' => $lessonconfig->numberofpagestoshow, 'practice' => $lessonconfig->practice, 'custom' => $lessonconfig->customscoring, 'retake' => $lessonconfig->retakesallowed, 'usemaxgrade' => $lessonconfig->handlingofretakes, 'minquestions' => $lessonconfig->minimumnumberofquestions, 'grade' => 100, ); if (!isset($record['mediafile'])) { require_once($CFG->libdir.'/filelib.php'); $record['mediafile'] = file_get_unused_draft_itemid(); } return parent::create_instance($record, (array)$options); }
> /** public function create_content($lesson, $record = array()) { > * Creates a page for testing purposes. The page will be created when answers are added. global $DB, $CFG; > * require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/lesson/locallib.php'); > * @param null|array|stdClass $record data for page being generated. $now = time(); > * @param null|array $options general options. $this->pagecount++; > */ $record = (array)$record + array( > public function create_page($record = null, array $options = null) { 'lessonid' => $lesson->id, > $record = (array) $record; 'title' => 'Lesson page '.$this->pagecount, > 'timecreated' => $now, > // Pages require answers to work. Add it as a candidate page to be created once answers have been added. 'qtype' => 20, // LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE > $record['answer_editor'] = []; 'pageid' => 0, // By default insert in the beginning. > $record['response_editor'] = []; ); > $record['jumpto'] = []; if (!isset($record['contents_editor'])) { > $record['score'] = []; $record['contents_editor'] = array( > 'text' => 'Contents of lesson page '.$this->pagecount, > if (!isset($record['previouspage']) || $record['previouspage'] === '') { 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE, > // Previous page not set, set it to the last candidate page (if any). 'itemid' => 0, > $record['previouspage'] = empty($this->candidatepages) ? '0' : end($this->candidatepages)['title']; ); > } } > $context = context_module::instance($lesson->cmid); > $this->candidatepages[] = $record; $page = lesson_page::create((object)$record, new lesson($lesson), $context, $CFG->maxbytes); > } return $DB->get_record('lesson_pages', array('id' => $page->id), '*', MUST_EXIST); > } > /** > * Creates a page and its answers for testing purposes. /** > * * Create True/false question pages. > * @param array $record data for page being generated. * @param object $lesson > * @return stdClass created page, null if couldn't be created because it has a jump to a page that doesn't exist. * @param array $record > * @throws coding_exception * @return int > */ */ > private function perform_create_page(array $record): ?stdClass { public function create_question_truefalse($lesson, $record = array()) { > global $DB; global $DB, $CFG; > require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/lesson/locallib.php'); > $lesson = $DB->get_record('lesson', ['id' => $record['lessonid']], '*', MUST_EXIST); $now = time(); > $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('lesson', $lesson->id); $this->pagecount++; > $lesson->cmid = $cm->id; $record = (array)$record + array( > $qtype = $record['qtype']; 'lessonid' => $lesson->id, > 'title' => 'Lesson TF question '.$this->pagecount, > unset($record['qtype']); 'timecreated' => $now, > unset($record['lessonid']); 'qtype' => 2, // LESSON_PAGE_TRUEFALSE. > 'pageid' => 0, // By default insert in the beginning. > if (isset($record['content'])) { ); > $record['contents_editor'] = [ if (!isset($record['contents_editor'])) { > 'text' => $record['content'], $record['contents_editor'] = array( > 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE, 'text' => 'The answer is TRUE '.$this->pagecount, > 'itemid' => 0, 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, > ]; 'itemid' => 0 > unset($record['content']); ); > } } > > $record['pageid'] = $this->get_previouspage_id($lesson->id, $record['previouspage']); // First Answer (TRUE). > unset($record['previouspage']); if (!isset($record['answer_editor'][0])) { > $record['answer_editor'][0] = array( > try { 'text' => 'TRUE answer for '.$this->pagecount, > $record['jumpto'] = $this->convert_page_jumpto($lesson->id, $record['jumpto']); 'format' => FORMAT_HTML > } catch (coding_exception $e) { ); > // This page has a jump to a page that hasn't been created yet. } > return null; if (!isset($record['jumpto'][0])) { > } $record['jumpto'][0] = LESSON_NEXTPAGE; > } > switch ($qtype) { > case 'content': // Second Answer (FALSE). > case 'cluster': if (!isset($record['answer_editor'][1])) { > case 'endofcluster': $record['answer_editor'][1] = array( > case 'endofbranch': 'text' => 'FALSE answer for '.$this->pagecount, > $funcname = "create_{$qtype}"; 'format' => FORMAT_HTML > break; ); > default: } > $funcname = "create_question_{$qtype}"; if (!isset($record['jumpto'][1])) { > } $record['jumpto'][1] = LESSON_THISPAGE; > } > if (!method_exists($this, $funcname)) { > throw new coding_exception('The page '.$record['title']." has an invalid qtype: $qtype"); $context = context_module::instance($lesson->cmid); > } $page = lesson_page::create((object)$record, new lesson($lesson), $context, $CFG->maxbytes); > return $DB->get_record('lesson_pages', array('id' => $page->id), '*', MUST_EXIST); > return $this->{$funcname}($lesson, $record); } > } > /** > /** * Create multichoice question pages. > * Creates a content page for testing purposes. * @param object $lesson > * * @param array $record > * @param stdClass $lesson instance where to create the page. * @return int > * @param array|stdClass $record data for page being generated. */ > * @return stdClass page record. public function create_question_multichoice($lesson, $record = array()) { > */
< require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/lesson/locallib.php');
< * @return int
> * @return stdClass page record.
< require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/lesson/locallib.php');
< * @return int
> * @return stdClass page record.
< require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/lesson/locallib.php');
'lessonid' => $lesson->id, 'title' => 'Lesson multichoice question '.$this->pagecount, 'timecreated' => $now, 'qtype' => 3, // LESSON_PAGE_MULTICHOICE. 'pageid' => 0, // By default insert in the beginning. ); if (!isset($record['contents_editor'])) { $record['contents_editor'] = array( 'text' => 'Pick the correct answer '.$this->pagecount, 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, 'itemid' => 0 ); } // First Answer (correct). if (!isset($record['answer_editor'][0])) { $record['answer_editor'][0] = array( 'text' => 'correct answer for '.$this->pagecount, 'format' => FORMAT_HTML ); } if (!isset($record['jumpto'][0])) { $record['jumpto'][0] = LESSON_NEXTPAGE; } // Second Answer (incorrect). if (!isset($record['answer_editor'][1])) { $record['answer_editor'][1] = array( 'text' => 'correct answer for '.$this->pagecount, 'format' => FORMAT_HTML ); } if (!isset($record['jumpto'][1])) { $record['jumpto'][1] = LESSON_THISPAGE; } $context = context_module::instance($lesson->cmid); $page = lesson_page::create((object)$record, new lesson($lesson), $context, $CFG->maxbytes); return $DB->get_record('lesson_pages', array('id' => $page->id), '*', MUST_EXIST); } /** * Create essay question pages. * @param object $lesson * @param array $record
< * @return int
> * @return stdClass page record.
*/ public function create_question_essay($lesson, $record = array()) { global $DB, $CFG;
< require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/lesson/locallib.php');
$now = time(); $this->pagecount++; $record = (array)$record + array( 'lessonid' => $lesson->id, 'title' => 'Lesson Essay question '.$this->pagecount, 'timecreated' => $now, 'qtype' => 10, // LESSON_PAGE_ESSAY. 'pageid' => 0, // By default insert in the beginning. ); if (!isset($record['contents_editor'])) { $record['contents_editor'] = array( 'text' => 'Write an Essay '.$this->pagecount, 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, 'itemid' => 0 ); } // Essays have an answer of NULL. if (!isset($record['answer_editor'][0])) { $record['answer_editor'][0] = array( 'text' => null, 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE ); } if (!isset($record['jumpto'][0])) { $record['jumpto'][0] = LESSON_NEXTPAGE; } $context = context_module::instance($lesson->cmid); $page = lesson_page::create((object)$record, new lesson($lesson), $context, $CFG->maxbytes); return $DB->get_record('lesson_pages', array('id' => $page->id), '*', MUST_EXIST); } /** * Create matching question pages. * @param object $lesson * @param array $record
< * @return int
> * @return stdClass page record.
*/ public function create_question_matching($lesson, $record = array()) { global $DB, $CFG;
< require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/lesson/locallib.php');
$now = time(); $this->pagecount++; $record = (array)$record + array( 'lessonid' => $lesson->id, 'title' => 'Lesson Matching question '.$this->pagecount, 'timecreated' => $now, 'qtype' => 5, // LESSON_PAGE_MATCHING. 'pageid' => 0, // By default insert in the beginning. ); if (!isset($record['contents_editor'])) { $record['contents_editor'] = array( 'text' => 'Match the values '.$this->pagecount, 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, 'itemid' => 0 ); } // Feedback for correct result. if (!isset($record['answer_editor'][0])) { $record['answer_editor'][0] = array( 'text' => '', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML ); } // Feedback for wrong result. if (!isset($record['answer_editor'][1])) { $record['answer_editor'][1] = array( 'text' => '', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML ); } // First answer value. if (!isset($record['answer_editor'][2])) { $record['answer_editor'][2] = array( 'text' => 'Match value 1', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML ); } // First response value. if (!isset($record['response_editor'][2])) { $record['response_editor'][2] = 'Match answer 1'; } // Second Matching value. if (!isset($record['answer_editor'][3])) { $record['answer_editor'][3] = array( 'text' => 'Match value 2', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML ); } // Second Matching answer. if (!isset($record['response_editor'][3])) { $record['response_editor'][3] = 'Match answer 2'; } // Jump Values. if (!isset($record['jumpto'][0])) { $record['jumpto'][0] = LESSON_NEXTPAGE; } if (!isset($record['jumpto'][1])) { $record['jumpto'][1] = LESSON_THISPAGE; } // Mark the correct values. if (!isset($record['score'][0])) { $record['score'][0] = 1; } $context = context_module::instance($lesson->cmid); $page = lesson_page::create((object)$record, new lesson($lesson), $context, $CFG->maxbytes); return $DB->get_record('lesson_pages', array('id' => $page->id), '*', MUST_EXIST); } /** * Create shortanswer question pages. * @param object $lesson * @param array $record
< * @return int
> * @return stdClass page record.
*/ public function create_question_shortanswer($lesson, $record = array()) { global $DB, $CFG;
< require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/lesson/locallib.php');
$now = time(); $this->pagecount++; $record = (array)$record + array( 'lessonid' => $lesson->id, 'title' => 'Lesson Shortanswer question '.$this->pagecount, 'timecreated' => $now, 'qtype' => 1, // LESSON_PAGE_SHORTANSWER. 'pageid' => 0, // By default insert in the beginning. ); if (!isset($record['contents_editor'])) { $record['contents_editor'] = array( 'text' => 'Fill in the blank '.$this->pagecount, 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, 'itemid' => 0 ); } // First Answer (correct). if (!isset($record['answer_editor'][0])) { $record['answer_editor'][0] = array( 'text' => 'answer'.$this->pagecount, 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE ); } if (!isset($record['jumpto'][0])) { $record['jumpto'][0] = LESSON_NEXTPAGE; } $context = context_module::instance($lesson->cmid); $page = lesson_page::create((object)$record, new lesson($lesson), $context, $CFG->maxbytes); return $DB->get_record('lesson_pages', array('id' => $page->id), '*', MUST_EXIST); } /** * Create shortanswer question pages. * @param object $lesson * @param array $record
< * @return int
> * @return stdClass page record.
*/ public function create_question_numeric($lesson, $record = array()) { global $DB, $CFG;
< require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/lesson/locallib.php');
$now = time(); $this->pagecount++; $record = (array)$record + array( 'lessonid' => $lesson->id, 'title' => 'Lesson numerical question '.$this->pagecount, 'timecreated' => $now, 'qtype' => 8, // LESSON_PAGE_NUMERICAL. 'pageid' => 0, // By default insert in the beginning. ); if (!isset($record['contents_editor'])) { $record['contents_editor'] = array( 'text' => 'Numerical question '.$this->pagecount, 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, 'itemid' => 0 ); } // First Answer (correct). if (!isset($record['answer_editor'][0])) { $record['answer_editor'][0] = array( 'text' => $this->pagecount, 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE ); } if (!isset($record['jumpto'][0])) { $record['jumpto'][0] = LESSON_NEXTPAGE; } $context = context_module::instance($lesson->cmid); $page = lesson_page::create((object)$record, new lesson($lesson), $context, $CFG->maxbytes); return $DB->get_record('lesson_pages', array('id' => $page->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
> } } > } > /** > * Creates a cluster page for testing purposes. > * > * @param stdClass $lesson instance where to create the page. > * @param array $record data for page being generated. > * @return stdClass page record. > */ > public function create_cluster(stdClass $lesson, array $record = []): stdClass { > global $DB, $CFG; > $now = time(); > $this->pagecount++; > $record = $record + [ > 'lessonid' => $lesson->id, > 'title' => 'Cluster '.$this->pagecount, > 'timecreated' => $now, > 'qtype' => 30, // LESSON_PAGE_CLUSTER. > 'pageid' => 0, // By default insert in the beginning. > ]; > if (!isset($record['contents_editor'])) { > $record['contents_editor'] = [ > 'text' => 'Cluster '.$this->pagecount, > 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE, > 'itemid' => 0, > ]; > } > $context = context_module::instance($lesson->cmid); > $page = lesson_page::create((object)$record, new lesson($lesson), $context, $CFG->maxbytes); > return $DB->get_record('lesson_pages', ['id' => $page->id], '*', MUST_EXIST); > } > > /** > * Creates a end of cluster page for testing purposes. > * > * @param stdClass $lesson instance where to create the page. > * @param array $record data for page being generated. > * @return stdClass page record. > */ > public function create_endofcluster(stdClass $lesson, array $record = []): stdClass { > global $DB, $CFG; > $now = time(); > $this->pagecount++; > $record = $record + [ > 'lessonid' => $lesson->id, > 'title' => 'End of cluster '.$this->pagecount, > 'timecreated' => $now, > 'qtype' => 31, // LESSON_PAGE_ENDOFCLUSTER. > 'pageid' => 0, // By default insert in the beginning. > ]; > if (!isset($record['contents_editor'])) { > $record['contents_editor'] = [ > 'text' => 'End of cluster '.$this->pagecount, > 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE, > 'itemid' => 0, > ]; > } > $context = context_module::instance($lesson->cmid); > $page = lesson_page::create((object)$record, new lesson($lesson), $context, $CFG->maxbytes); > return $DB->get_record('lesson_pages', ['id' => $page->id], '*', MUST_EXIST); > } > > /** > * Creates a end of branch page for testing purposes. > * > * @param stdClass $lesson instance where to create the page. > * @param array $record data for page being generated. > * @return stdClass page record. > */ > public function create_endofbranch(stdClass $lesson, array $record = []): stdClass { > global $DB, $CFG; > $now = time(); > $this->pagecount++; > $record = $record + [ > 'lessonid' => $lesson->id, > 'title' => 'End of branch '.$this->pagecount, > 'timecreated' => $now, > 'qtype' => 21, // LESSON_PAGE_ENDOFBRANCH. > 'pageid' => 0, // By default insert in the beginning. > ]; > if (!isset($record['contents_editor'])) { > $record['contents_editor'] = [ > 'text' => 'End of branch '.$this->pagecount, > 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE, > 'itemid' => 0, > ]; > } > $context = context_module::instance($lesson->cmid); > $page = lesson_page::create((object)$record, new lesson($lesson), $context, $CFG->maxbytes); > return $DB->get_record('lesson_pages', ['id' => $page->id], '*', MUST_EXIST); > } > > /** > * Create a lesson override (either user or group). > * > * @param array $data must specify lessonid, and one of userid or groupid. > * @throws coding_exception > */ > public function create_override(array $data): void { > global $DB; > > if (!isset($data['lessonid'])) { > throw new coding_exception('Must specify lessonid when creating a lesson override.'); > } > > if (!isset($data['userid']) && !isset($data['groupid'])) { > throw new coding_exception('Must specify one of userid or groupid when creating a lesson override.'); > } > > if (isset($data['userid']) && isset($data['groupid'])) { > throw new coding_exception('Cannot specify both userid and groupid when creating a lesson override.'); > } > > $DB->insert_record('lesson_overrides', (object) $data); > } > > /** > * Creates an answer in a page for testing purposes. > * > * @param null|array|stdClass $record data for module being generated. > * @param null|array $options general options. > * @throws coding_exception > */ > public function create_answer($record = null, array $options = null) { > $record = (array) $record; > > $candidatepage = null; > $pagetitle = $record['page']; > $found = false; > foreach ($this->candidatepages as &$candidatepage) { > if ($candidatepage['title'] === $pagetitle) { > $found = true; > break; > } > } > > if (!$found) { > throw new coding_exception("Page '$pagetitle' not found in candidate pages. Please make sure the page exists " > . 'and all answers are in the same table.'); > } > > if (isset($record['answer'])) { > $candidatepage['answer_editor'][] = [ > 'text' => $record['answer'], > 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, > ]; > } else { > $candidatepage['answer_editor'][] = null; > } > > if (isset($record['response'])) { > $candidatepage['response_editor'][] = [ > 'text' => $record['response'], > 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, > ]; > } else { > $candidatepage['response_editor'][] = null; > } > > $candidatepage['jumpto'][] = $record['jumpto'] ?? LESSON_THISPAGE; > $candidatepage['score'][] = $record['score'] ?? 0; > } > > /** > * All answers in a table have been generated, create the pages. > */ > public function finish_generate_answer() { > $this->create_candidate_pages(); > } > > /** > * Create candidate pages. > * > * @throws coding_exception > */ > protected function create_candidate_pages(): void { > // For performance reasons it would be better to use a topological sort algorithm. But since test cases shouldn't have > // a lot of paged and complex jumps it was implemented using a simpler approach. > $consecutiveblocked = 0; > > while (count($this->candidatepages) > 0) { > $page = array_shift($this->candidatepages); > $id = $this->perform_create_page($page); > > if ($id === null) { > // Page cannot be created yet because of jumpto. Move it to the end of list. > $consecutiveblocked++; > $this->candidatepages[] = $page; > > if ($consecutiveblocked === count($this->candidatepages)) { > throw new coding_exception('There is a circular dependency in pages jumps.'); > } > } else { > $consecutiveblocked = 0; > } > } > } > > /** > * Calculate the previous page id. > * If no page title is supplied, use the last page created in the lesson (0 if no pages). > * If page title is supplied, search it in DB and the list of candidate pages. > * > * @param int $lessonid the lesson id. > * @param string $pagetitle the page title, for example 'Test page'. '0' if no previous page. > * @return int corresponding id. 0 if no previous page. > * @throws coding_exception > */ > protected function get_previouspage_id(int $lessonid, string $pagetitle): int { > global $DB; > > if (is_numeric($pagetitle) && intval($pagetitle) === 0) { > return 0; > } > > $pages = $DB->get_records('lesson_pages', ['lessonid' => $lessonid, 'title' => $pagetitle], 'id ASC', 'id, title'); > > if (count($pages) > 1) { > throw new coding_exception("More than one page with '$pagetitle' found"); > } else if (!empty($pages)) { > return current($pages)->id; > } > > // Page doesn't exist, search if it's a candidate page. If it is, use its previous page instead. > foreach ($this->candidatepages as $candidatepage) { > if ($candidatepage['title'] === $pagetitle) { > return $this->get_previouspage_id($lessonid, $candidatepage['previouspage']); > } > } > > throw new coding_exception("Page '$pagetitle' not found"); > } > > /** > * Convert the jumpto using a string to an integer value. > * The jumpto can contain a page name or one of our predefined values. > * > * @param int $lessonid the lesson id. > * @param array|null $jumptolist list of jumpto to treat. > * @return array|null list of jumpto already treated. > * @throws coding_exception > */ > protected function convert_page_jumpto(int $lessonid, ?array $jumptolist): ?array { > global $DB; > > if (empty($jumptolist)) { > return $jumptolist; > } > > foreach ($jumptolist as $i => $jumpto) { > if (empty($jumpto) || is_numeric($jumpto)) { > continue; > } > > if (isset($this->jumptomap[$jumpto])) { > $jumptolist[$i] = $this->jumptomap[$jumpto]; > > continue; > } > > $page = $DB->get_record('lesson_pages', ['lessonid' => $lessonid, 'title' => $jumpto], 'id'); > if ($page === false) { > throw new coding_exception("Jump '$jumpto' not found in pages."); > } > > $jumptolist[$i] = $page->id; > } > > return $jumptolist;