Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 310 and 401] [Versions 310 and 402] [Versions 310 and 403]
This files exposes functions for LTI 1.3 Key Management.
Copyright: | 2020 Claude Vervoort (Cengage) |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 72 lines (2 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
jwks_helper:: (2 methods):
Class: jwks_helper - X-Ref
This class exposes functions for LTI 1.3 Key Management.get_private_key() X-Ref |
Returns the private key to use to sign outgoing JWT. return: array keys are kid and key in PEM format. |
get_jwks() X-Ref |
Returns the JWK Key Set for this site. return: array keyset exposting the site public key. |