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OAuth.php [source] [838 lines] | ||
OAuthBody.php [source] [132 lines] | ||
TrivialStore.php [source] [139 lines] | This file contains a Trivial memory-based store - no support for tokens | |
ajax.php [source] [95 lines] | AJAX service used when adding an External Tool. | |
auth.php [source] [167 lines] | This file responds to a login authentication request | |
certs.php [source] [33 lines] | This file returns an array of available public keys | |
contentitem.php [source] [66 lines] | Handle sending a user to a tool provider to initiate a content-item selection. | |
contentitem_return.php [source] [108 lines] | Handle the return from the Tool Provider after selecting a content item. | |
edit_form.php [source] [393 lines] | This file defines de main basiclti configuration form | |
externalregistrationreturn.php [source] [65 lines] | Handle the return from the Tool Provider after registering a tool proxy. | |
index.php [source] [118 lines] | This page lists all the instances of lti in a particular course | |
instructor_edit_tool_type.php [source] [133 lines] | This page allows instructors to configure course level tool providers. | |
launch.php [source] [89 lines] | This file contains all necessary code to view a lti activity instance | |
lib.php [source] [794 lines] | This file contains a library of functions and constants for the lti module | |
locallib.php [source] [4469 lines] | This file contains the library of functions and constants for the lti module | |
mod_form.php [source] [374 lines] | This file defines the main lti configuration form | |
openid-configuration.php [source] [62 lines] | This file returns the OpenId/LTI Configuration for this site. | |
openid-registration.php [source] [62 lines] | This file receives a registration request along with the registration token and returns a client_id. | |
register.php [source] [129 lines] | This file contains all necessary code to launch a Tool Proxy registration | |
register_form.php [source] [118 lines] | This file defines the main tool registration configuration form | |
registersettings.php [source] [101 lines] | This file contains the script used to register a new external tool. | |
registration.php [source] [40 lines] | This file contains all necessary code to initiate a tool registration process | |
registrationreturn.php [source] [122 lines] | Handle the return from the Tool Provider after registering a tool proxy. | |
request_tool.php [source] [73 lines] | Submits a request to administrators to add a tool configuration for the requested site. | |
return.php [source] [145 lines] | Handle the return back to Moodle from the tool provider | |
service.php [source] [229 lines] | LTI web service endpoints | |
servicelib.php [source] [310 lines] | Utility code for LTI service handling. | |
services.php [source] [82 lines] | This file contains a controller for receiving LTI service requests | |
settings.php [source] [222 lines] | This file defines the global lti administration form | |
startltiadvregistration.php [source] [51 lines] | Redirect the user to registration with token and openid config url as query params. | |
token.php [source] [116 lines] | This file contains a service for issuing access tokens | |
toolconfigure.php [source] [60 lines] | This page allows the configuration of external tools that meet the LTI specification. | |
toolproxies.php [source] [193 lines] | This file contains all necessary code to launch a Tool Proxy registration | |
toolssettings.php [source] [122 lines] | This file contains the script used to register a new external tool. | |
typessettings.php [source] [159 lines] | This file contains the script used to clone Moodle admin setting page. | |
upgradelib.php [source] [62 lines] | This file contains functions used by upgrade and install. Because this is used during install it should not include additional files. | |
version.php [source] [54 lines] | This file defines the version of lti | |
view.php [source] [207 lines] | This file contains all necessary code to view a lti activity instance |