Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 310 and 401] [Versions 310 and 402] [Versions 310 and 403] [Versions 39 and 310]
Library of functions used by the quiz module. This contains functions that are called from within the quiz module only Functions that are also called by core Moodle are in {@link lib.php} This script also loads the code in {@link questionlib.php} which holds the module-indpendent code for handling questions and which in turn initialises all the questiontype classes.
Copyright: | 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas and others {@link http://moodle.com} |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 2647 lines (100 kb) |
Included or required: | 3 times |
Referenced: | 22 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
mod_quiz_display_options:: (2 methods):
qubaids_for_quiz:: (1 method):
qubaids_for_quiz_user:: (15 methods):
Class: mod_quiz_display_options - X-Ref
An extension of question_display_options that includes the extra options usedmake_from_quiz($quiz, $when) X-Ref |
Set up the various options from the quiz settings, and a time constant. param: object $quiz the quiz settings. param: int $one of the {@link DURING}, {@link IMMEDIATELY_AFTER}, return: mod_quiz_display_options set up appropriately. |
extract($bitmask, $bit,$whenset = self::VISIBLE, $whennotset = self::HIDDEN) X-Ref |
No description |
Class: qubaids_for_quiz - X-Ref
A {@link qubaid_condition} for finding all the question usages belonging to__construct($quizid, $includepreviews = true, $onlyfinished = false) X-Ref |
No description |
Class: qubaids_for_quiz_user - X-Ref
A {@link qubaid_condition} for finding all the question usages belonging to a particular user and quiz combination.__construct($quizid, $userid, $includepreviews = true, $onlyfinished = false) X-Ref |
Constructor for this qubaid. param: int $quizid The quiz to search. param: int $userid The user to filter on param: bool $includepreviews Whether to include preview attempts param: bool $onlyfinished Whether to only include finished attempts or not |
quiz_question_tostring($question, $showicon = false, $showquestiontext = true,$showidnumber = false, $showtags = false) X-Ref |
Creates a textual representation of a question for display. param: object $question A question object from the database questions table param: bool $showicon If true, show the question's icon with the question. False by default. param: bool $showquestiontext If true (default), show question text after question name. param: bool $showidnumber If true, show the question's idnumber, if any. False by default. param: core_tag_tag[]|bool $showtags if array passed, show those tags. Else, if true, get and show tags, return: string HTML fragment. |
quiz_require_question_use($questionid) X-Ref |
Verify that the question exists, and the user has permission to use it. Does not return. Throws an exception if the question cannot be used. param: int $questionid The id of the question. |
quiz_has_question_use($quiz, $slot) X-Ref |
Verify that the question exists, and the user has permission to use it. param: object $quiz the quiz settings. param: int $slot which question in the quiz to test. return: bool whether the user can use this question. |
quiz_add_quiz_question($questionid, $quiz, $page = 0, $maxmark = null) X-Ref |
Add a question to a quiz Adds a question to a quiz by updating $quiz as well as the quiz and quiz_slots tables. It also adds a page break if required. param: int $questionid The id of the question to be added param: object $quiz The extended quiz object as used by edit.php param: int $page Which page in quiz to add the question on. If 0 (default), param: float $maxmark The maximum mark to set for this question. (Optional, return: bool false if the question was already in the quiz |
quiz_update_section_firstslots($quizid, $direction, $afterslot, $beforeslot = null) X-Ref |
Move all the section headings in a certain slot range by a certain offset. param: int $quizid the id of a quiz param: int $direction amount to adjust section heading positions. Normally +1 or -1. param: int $afterslot adjust headings that start after this slot. param: int|null $beforeslot optionally, only adjust headings before this slot. |
quiz_add_random_questions($quiz, $addonpage, $categoryid, $number,$includesubcategories, $tagids = []) X-Ref |
Add a random question to the quiz at a given point. param: stdClass $quiz the quiz settings. param: int $addonpage the page on which to add the question. param: int $categoryid the question category to add the question from. param: int $number the number of random questions to add. param: bool $includesubcategories whether to include questoins from subcategories. param: int[] $tagids Array of tagids. The question that will be picked randomly should be tagged with all these tags. |
quiz_view($quiz, $course, $cm, $context) X-Ref |
Mark the activity completed (if required) and trigger the course_module_viewed event. param: stdClass $quiz quiz object param: stdClass $course course object param: stdClass $cm course module object param: stdClass $context context object |
quiz_validate_new_attempt(quiz $quizobj, quiz_access_manager $accessmanager, $forcenew, $page, $redirect) X-Ref |
Validate permissions for creating a new attempt and start a new preview attempt if required. param: quiz $quizobj quiz object param: quiz_access_manager $accessmanager quiz access manager param: bool $forcenew whether was required to start a new preview attempt param: int $page page to jump to in the attempt param: bool $redirect whether to redirect or throw exceptions (for web or ws usage) return: array an array containing the attempt information, access error messages and the page to jump to in the attempt |
quiz_prepare_and_start_new_attempt(quiz $quizobj, $attemptnumber, $lastattempt,$offlineattempt = false, $forcedrandomquestions = [], $forcedvariants = [], $userid = null) X-Ref |
Prepare and start a new attempt deleting the previous preview attempts. param: quiz $quizobj quiz object param: int $attemptnumber the attempt number param: object $lastattempt last attempt object param: bool $offlineattempt whether is an offline attempt or not param: array $forcedrandomquestions slot number => question id. Used for random questions, param: array $forcedvariants slot number => variant. Used for questions with variants, param: int $userid Specific user id to create an attempt for that user, null for current logged in user return: object the new attempt |
quiz_is_overriden_calendar_event(\calendar_event $event) X-Ref |
Check if the given calendar_event is either a user or group override event for quiz. param: calendar_event $event The calendar event to check return: bool |
quiz_retrieve_tags_for_slot_ids($slotids) X-Ref |
Retrieves tag information for the given list of quiz slot ids. Currently the only slots that have tags are random question slots. Example: If we have 3 slots with id 1, 2, and 3. The first slot has two tags, the second has one tag, and the third has zero tags. The return structure will look like: [ 1 => [ quiz_slot_tags.id => { ...tag data... }, quiz_slot_tags.id => { ...tag data... }, ], 2 => [ quiz_slot_tags.id => { ...tag data... }, ], 3 => [], ] param: int[] $slotids The list of id for the quiz slots. return: array[] List of quiz_slot_tags records indexed by slot id. |
quiz_retrieve_slot_tags($slotid) X-Ref |
No description |
quiz_retrieve_slot_tag_ids($slotid) X-Ref |
Retrieves tag ids for the given quiz slot. A quiz slot have some tags if and only if it is representing a random question by tags. param: int $slotid The id of the quiz slot. return: int[] |
quiz_create_attempt_handling_errors($attemptid, $cmid = null) X-Ref |
Get quiz attempt and handling error. param: int $attemptid the id of the current attempt. param: int|null $cmid the course_module id for this quiz. return: quiz_attempt $attemptobj all the data about the quiz attempt. |
quiz_create_attempt(quiz $quizobj, $attemptnumber, $lastattempt, $timenow, $ispreview = false, $userid = null) X-Ref |
Creates an object to represent a new attempt at a quiz Creates an attempt object to represent an attempt at the quiz by the current user starting at the current time. The ->id field is not set. The object is NOT written to the database. param: object $quizobj the quiz object to create an attempt for. param: int $attemptnumber the sequence number for the attempt. param: object $lastattempt the previous attempt by this user, if any. Only needed param: int $timenow the time the attempt was started at. param: bool $ispreview whether this new attempt is a preview. param: int $userid the id of the user attempting this quiz. return: object the newly created attempt object. |
quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, $attemptnumber, $timenow,$questionids = array() X-Ref |
Start a normal, new, quiz attempt. param: quiz $quizobj the quiz object to start an attempt for. param: question_usage_by_activity $quba param: object $attempt param: integer $attemptnumber starting from 1 param: integer $timenow the attempt start time param: array $questionids slot number => question id. Used for random questions, to force the choice param: array $forcedvariantsbyslot slot number => variant. Used for questions with variants, return: object modified attempt object |
quiz_start_attempt_built_on_last($quba, $attempt, $lastattempt) X-Ref |
Start a subsequent new attempt, in each attempt builds on last mode. param: question_usage_by_activity $quba this question usage param: object $attempt this attempt param: object $lastattempt last attempt return: object modified attempt object |
quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt) X-Ref |
The save started question usage and quiz attempt in db and log the started attempt. param: quiz $quizobj param: question_usage_by_activity $quba param: object $attempt return: object attempt object with uniqueid and id set. |
quiz_get_user_attempt_unfinished($quizid, $userid) X-Ref |
Returns an unfinished attempt (if there is one) for the given user on the given quiz. This function does not return preview attempts. param: int $quizid the id of the quiz. param: int $userid the id of the user. return: mixed the unfinished attempt if there is one, false if not. |
quiz_delete_attempt($attempt, $quiz) X-Ref |
Delete a quiz attempt. param: mixed $attempt an integer attempt id or an attempt object param: object $quiz the quiz object. |
quiz_delete_previews($quiz, $userid = null) X-Ref |
Delete all the preview attempts at a quiz, or possibly all the attempts belonging to one user. param: object $quiz the quiz object. param: int $userid (optional) if given, only delete the previews belonging to this user. |
quiz_has_attempts($quizid) X-Ref |
param: int $quizid The quiz id. return: bool whether this quiz has any (non-preview) attempts. |
quiz_repaginate_questions($quizid, $slotsperpage) X-Ref |
Repaginate the questions in a quiz param: int $quizid the id of the quiz to repaginate. param: int $slotsperpage number of items to put on each page. 0 means unlimited. |
quiz_rescale_grade($rawgrade, $quiz, $format = true) X-Ref |
Convert the raw grade stored in $attempt into a grade out of the maximum grade for this quiz. param: float $rawgrade the unadjusted grade, fof example $attempt->sumgrades param: object $quiz the quiz object. Only the fields grade, sumgrades and decimalpoints are used. param: bool|string $format whether to format the results for display return: float|string the rescaled grade, or null/the lang string 'notyetgraded' |
quiz_feedback_record_for_grade($grade, $quiz) X-Ref |
Get the feedback object for this grade on this quiz. param: float $grade a grade on this quiz. param: object $quiz the quiz settings. return: false|stdClass the record object or false if there is not feedback for the given grade |
quiz_feedback_for_grade($grade, $quiz, $context) X-Ref |
Get the feedback text that should be show to a student who got this grade on this quiz. The feedback is processed ready for diplay. param: float $grade a grade on this quiz. param: object $quiz the quiz settings. param: object $context the quiz context. return: string the comment that corresponds to this grade (empty string if there is not one. |
quiz_has_feedback($quiz) X-Ref |
param: object $quiz the quiz database row. return: bool Whether this quiz has any non-blank feedback text. |
quiz_update_sumgrades($quiz) X-Ref |
Update the sumgrades field of the quiz. This needs to be called whenever the grading structure of the quiz is changed. For example if a question is added or removed, or a question weight is changed. You should call {@link quiz_delete_previews()} before you call this function. param: object $quiz a quiz. |
quiz_update_all_attempt_sumgrades($quiz) X-Ref |
Update the sumgrades field of the attempts at a quiz. param: object $quiz a quiz. |
quiz_set_grade($newgrade, $quiz) X-Ref |
The quiz grade is the maximum that student's results are marked out of. When it changes, the corresponding data in quiz_grades and quiz_feedback needs to be rescaled. After calling this function, you probably need to call quiz_update_all_attempt_sumgrades, quiz_update_all_final_grades and quiz_update_grades. param: float $newgrade the new maximum grade for the quiz. param: object $quiz the quiz we are updating. Passed by reference so its return: bool indicating success or failure. |
quiz_save_best_grade($quiz, $userid = null, $attempts = array() X-Ref |
Save the overall grade for a user at a quiz in the quiz_grades table param: object $quiz The quiz for which the best grade is to be calculated and then saved. param: int $userid The userid to calculate the grade for. Defaults to the current user. param: array $attempts The attempts of this user. Useful if you are return: bool Indicates success or failure. |
quiz_calculate_best_grade($quiz, $attempts) X-Ref |
Calculate the overall grade for a quiz given a number of attempts by a particular user. param: object $quiz the quiz settings object. param: array $attempts an array of all the user's attempts at this quiz in order. return: float the overall grade |
quiz_update_all_final_grades($quiz) X-Ref |
Update the final grade at this quiz for all students. This function is equivalent to calling quiz_save_best_grade for all users, but much more efficient. param: object $quiz the quiz settings. |
quiz_update_open_attempts(array $conditions) X-Ref |
Efficiently update check state time on all open attempts param: array $conditions optional restrictions on which attempts to update |
quiz_get_attempt_usertime_sql($redundantwhereclauses = '') X-Ref |
Returns SQL to compute timeclose and timelimit for every attempt, taking into account user and group overrides. The query used herein is very similar to the one in function quiz_get_user_timeclose, so, in case you would change either one of them, make sure to apply your changes to both. param: string $redundantwhereclauses extra where clauses to add to the subquery return: string SQL select with columns attempt.id, usertimeclose, usertimelimit. |
quiz_calculate_best_attempt($quiz, $attempts) X-Ref |
Return the attempt with the best grade for a quiz Which attempt is the best depends on $quiz->grademethod. If the grade method is GRADEAVERAGE then this function simply returns the last attempt. param: object $quiz The quiz for which the best grade is to be calculated param: array $attempts An array of all the attempts of the user at the quiz return: object The attempt with the best grade |
quiz_get_grading_options() X-Ref |
return: array int => lang string the options for calculating the quiz grade |
quiz_get_grading_option_name($option) X-Ref |
param: int $option one of the values QUIZ_GRADEHIGHEST, QUIZ_GRADEAVERAGE, return: the lang string for that option. |
quiz_get_overdue_handling_options() X-Ref |
return: array string => lang string the options for handling overdue quiz |
quiz_get_user_image_options() X-Ref |
Get the choices for what size user picture to show. return: array string => lang string the options for whether to display the user's picture. |
quiz_get_user_timeclose($courseid) X-Ref |
Return an user's timeclose for all quizzes in a course, hereby taking into account group and user overrides. param: int $courseid the course id. return: object An object with of all quizids and close unixdates in this course, taking into account the most lenient |
quiz_questions_per_page_options() X-Ref |
Get the choices to offer for the 'Questions per page' option. return: array int => string. |
quiz_attempt_state_name($state) X-Ref |
Get the human-readable name for a quiz attempt state. param: string $state one of the state constants like {@link quiz_attempt::IN_PROGRESS}. return: string The lang string to describe that state. |
quiz_question_action_icons($quiz, $cmid, $question, $returnurl, $variant = null) X-Ref |
param: object $quiz the quiz. param: int $cmid the course_module object for this quiz. param: object $question the question. param: string $returnurl url to return to after action is done. param: int $variant which question variant to preview (optional). return: string html for a number of icons linked to action pages for a |
quiz_question_edit_button($cmid, $question, $returnurl, $contentaftericon = '') X-Ref |
param: int $cmid the course_module.id for this quiz. param: object $question the question. param: string $returnurl url to return to after action is done. param: string $contentbeforeicon some HTML content to be added inside the link, before the icon. return: the HTML for an edit icon, view icon, or nothing for a question |
quiz_question_preview_url($quiz, $question, $variant = null) X-Ref |
param: object $quiz the quiz settings param: object $question the question param: int $variant which question variant to preview (optional). return: moodle_url to preview this question with the options from this quiz. |
quiz_question_preview_button($quiz, $question, $label = false, $variant = null) X-Ref |
param: object $quiz the quiz settings param: object $question the question param: bool $label if true, show the preview question label after the icon param: int $variant which question variant to preview (optional). return: the HTML for a preview question icon. |
quiz_get_flag_option($attempt, $context) X-Ref |
param: object $attempt the attempt. param: object $context the quiz context. return: int whether flags should be shown/editable to the current user for this attempt. |
quiz_attempt_state($quiz, $attempt) X-Ref |
Work out what state this quiz attempt is in - in the sense used by quiz_get_review_options, not in the sense of $attempt->state. param: object $quiz the quiz settings param: object $attempt the quiz_attempt database row. return: int one of the mod_quiz_display_options::DURING, |
quiz_get_review_options($quiz, $attempt, $context) X-Ref |
The the appropraite mod_quiz_display_options object for this attempt at this quiz right now. param: stdClass $quiz the quiz instance. param: stdClass $attempt the attempt in question. param: context $context the quiz context. return: mod_quiz_display_options |
quiz_get_combined_reviewoptions($quiz, $attempts) X-Ref |
Combines the review options from a number of different quiz attempts. Returns an array of two ojects, so the suggested way of calling this funciton is: list($someoptions, $alloptions) = quiz_get_combined_reviewoptions(...) param: object $quiz the quiz instance. param: array $attempts an array of attempt objects. return: array of two options objects, one showing which options are true for |
quiz_send_confirmation($recipient, $a) X-Ref |
Sends a confirmation message to the student confirming that the attempt was processed. param: object $a lots of useful information that can be used in the message return: int|false as for {@link message_send()}. |
quiz_send_notification($recipient, $submitter, $a) X-Ref |
Sends notification messages to the interested parties that assign the role capability param: object $recipient user object of the intended recipient param: object $a associative array of replaceable fields for the templates return: int|false as for {@link message_send()}. |
quiz_send_notification_messages($course, $quiz, $attempt, $context, $cm) X-Ref |
Send all the requried messages when a quiz attempt is submitted. param: object $course the course param: object $quiz the quiz param: object $attempt this attempt just finished param: object $context the quiz context param: object $cm the coursemodule for this quiz return: bool true if all necessary messages were sent successfully, else false. |
quiz_send_overdue_message($attemptobj) X-Ref |
Send the notification message when a quiz attempt becomes overdue. param: quiz_attempt $attemptobj all the data about the quiz attempt. |
quiz_attempt_submitted_handler($event) X-Ref |
Handle the quiz_attempt_submitted event. This sends the confirmation and notification messages, if required. param: object $event the event object. |
quiz_groups_member_added_handler($event) X-Ref |
Handle groups_member_added event param: object $event the event object. |
quiz_groups_member_removed_handler($event) X-Ref |
Handle groups_member_removed event param: object $event the event object. |
quiz_groups_group_deleted_handler($event) X-Ref |
Handle groups_group_deleted event param: object $event the event object. |
quiz_process_group_deleted_in_course($courseid) X-Ref |
Logic to happen when a/some group(s) has/have been deleted in a course. param: int $courseid The course ID. return: void |
quiz_groups_members_removed_handler($event) X-Ref |
Handle groups_members_removed event param: object $event the event object. |
quiz_get_js_module() X-Ref |
Get the information about the standard quiz JavaScript module. return: array a standard jsmodule structure. |