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See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
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 * Quiz module test data generator class
 * @package mod_quiz
 * @copyright 2012 The Open University
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class mod_quiz_generator extends testing_module_generator {

    public function create_instance($record = null, array $options = null) {
        global $CFG;

        $record = (object)(array)$record;

        $defaultquizsettings = array(
            'timeopen'               => 0,
            'timeclose'              => 0,
            'preferredbehaviour'     => 'deferredfeedback',
            'attempts'               => 0,
            'attemptonlast'          => 0,
            'grademethod'            => QUIZ_GRADEHIGHEST,
            'decimalpoints'          => 2,
            'questiondecimalpoints'  => -1,
            'attemptduring'          => 1,
            'correctnessduring'      => 1,
            'marksduring'            => 1,
            'specificfeedbackduring' => 1,
            'generalfeedbackduring'  => 1,
            'rightanswerduring'      => 1,
            'overallfeedbackduring'  => 0,
            'attemptimmediately'          => 1,
            'correctnessimmediately'      => 1,
            'marksimmediately'            => 1,
            'specificfeedbackimmediately' => 1,
            'generalfeedbackimmediately'  => 1,
            'rightanswerimmediately'      => 1,
            'overallfeedbackimmediately'  => 1,
            'attemptopen'            => 1,
            'correctnessopen'        => 1,
            'marksopen'              => 1,
            'specificfeedbackopen'   => 1,
            'generalfeedbackopen'    => 1,
            'rightansweropen'        => 1,
            'overallfeedbackopen'    => 1,
            'attemptclosed'          => 1,
            'correctnessclosed'      => 1,
            'marksclosed'            => 1,
            'specificfeedbackclosed' => 1,
            'generalfeedbackclosed'  => 1,
            'rightanswerclosed'      => 1,
            'overallfeedbackclosed'  => 1,
            'questionsperpage'       => 1,
            'shuffleanswers'         => 1,
            'sumgrades'              => 0,
            'grade'                  => 100,
            'timecreated'            => time(),
            'timemodified'           => time(),
            'timelimit'              => 0,
            'overduehandling'        => 'autosubmit',
            'graceperiod'            => 86400,
            'quizpassword'           => '',
            'subnet'                 => '',
            'browsersecurity'        => '',
            'delay1'                 => 0,
            'delay2'                 => 0,
            'showuserpicture'        => 0,
            'showblocks'             => 0,
            'navmethod'              => QUIZ_NAVMETHOD_FREE,

        foreach ($defaultquizsettings as $name => $value) {
            if (!isset($record->{$name})) {
                $record->{$name} = $value;

> if (isset($record->gradepass)) { return parent::create_instance($record, (array)$options); > $record->gradepass = unformat_float($record->gradepass); } > } >
/** * Create a quiz attempt for a particular user at a particular course. *
< * Currently this method can only create a first attempt for each < * user at each quiz. TODO remove this limitation. < *
* @param int $quizid the quiz id (from the mdl_quit table, not cmid). * @param int $userid the user id. * @param array $forcedrandomquestions slot => questionid. Optional, * used with random questions, to control which one is 'randomly' selected in that slot. * @param array $forcedvariants slot => variantno. Optional. Optional, * used with question where get_num_variants is > 1, to control which * variants is 'randomly' selected. * @return stdClass the new attempt. */ public function create_attempt($quizid, $userid, array $forcedrandomquestions = [], array $forcedvariants = []) { // Build quiz object and load questions. $quizobj = quiz::create($quizid, $userid);
< if (quiz_get_user_attempts($quizid, $userid, 'all', true)) { < throw new coding_exception('mod_quiz_generator is currently limited to only ' . < 'be able to create one attempt for each user. (This should be fixed.)');
> $attemptnumber = 1; > $attempt = null; > > if ($attempts = quiz_get_user_attempts($quizid, $userid, 'all', true)) { > // There is/are already an attempt/some attempts. > // Take the last attempt. > $attempt = end($attempts); > // Take the attempt number of the last attempt and increase it. > $attemptnumber = $attempt->attempt + 1;
< return quiz_prepare_and_start_new_attempt($quizobj, 1, null, false,
> return quiz_prepare_and_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $attemptnumber, $attempt, false,
$forcedrandomquestions, $forcedvariants); } /** * Submit responses to a quiz attempt. * * To be realistic, you should ensure that $USER is set to the user whose attempt * it is before calling this. * * @param int $attemptid the id of the attempt which is being * @param array $responses array responses to submit. See description on * {@link core_question_generator::get_simulated_post_data_for_questions_in_usage()}. * @param bool $checkbutton if simulate a click on the check button for each question, else simulate save. * This should only be used with behaviours that have a check button. * @param bool $finishattempt if true, the attempt will be submitted. */ public function submit_responses($attemptid, array $responses, $checkbutton, $finishattempt) { $questiongenerator = $this->datagenerator->get_plugin_generator('core_question'); $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attemptid); $postdata = $questiongenerator->get_simulated_post_data_for_questions_in_usage( $attemptobj->get_question_usage(), $responses, $checkbutton); $attemptobj->process_submitted_actions(time(), false, $postdata); // Bit if a hack for interactive behaviour. // TODO handle this in a more plugin-friendly way. if ($checkbutton) { $postdata = []; foreach ($responses as $slot => $notused) { $qa = $attemptobj->get_question_attempt($slot); if ($qa->get_behaviour() instanceof qbehaviour_interactive && $qa->get_behaviour()->is_try_again_state()) { $postdata[$qa->get_control_field_name('sequencecheck')] = (string)$qa->get_sequence_check_count(); $postdata[$qa->get_flag_field_name()] = (string)(int)$qa->is_flagged(); $postdata[$qa->get_behaviour_field_name('tryagain')] = 1; } } if ($postdata) { $attemptobj->process_submitted_actions(time(), false, $postdata); } } if ($finishattempt) { $attemptobj->process_finish(time(), false); } } /** * Create a quiz override (either user or group). * * @param array $data must specify quizid, and one of userid or groupid. */ public function create_override(array $data): void { global $DB;
> // Validate.
if (!isset($data['quiz'])) { throw new coding_exception('Must specify quiz (id) when creating a quiz override.'); } if (!isset($data['userid']) && !isset($data['groupid'])) { throw new coding_exception('Must specify one of userid or groupid when creating a quiz override.'); } if (isset($data['userid']) && isset($data['groupid'])) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot specify both userid and groupid when creating a quiz override.'); }
> // Create the override.
$DB->insert_record('quiz_overrides', (object) $data);
> } > // Update any associated calendar events, if necessary. } > quiz_update_events($DB->get_record('quiz', ['id' => $data['quiz']], '*', MUST_EXIST));