Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
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Fileapproved_contextlist_test.php    [source] [63 lines]    Unit Tests for the approved contextlist Class
Fileapproved_userlist_test.php       [source] [108 lines]   Unit Tests for the approved userlist Class
Filecollection_test.php              [source] [228 lines]   Collection unit tests.
Filecontextlist_base_test.php        [source] [305 lines]   Unit Tests for the abstract contextlist Class
Filecontextlist_collection_test.php  [source] [196 lines]   Unit Tests for a the collection of contextlists class
Filecontextlist_test.php             [source] [220 lines]   Unit Tests for the approved contextlist Class
Filecoverage.php                     [source] [49 lines]    Coverage information for the tool_dataprivacy plugin.
Filelegacy_polyfill_test.php         [source] [279 lines]   Unit tests for the privacy legacy polyfill.
Filemanager_test.php                 [source] [497 lines]   Privacy manager unit tests.
Filemoodle_content_writer_test.php   [source] [1649 lines]  Unit Tests for the Moodle Content Writer.
Fileprovider_test.php                [source] [331 lines]   Unit tests for all Privacy Providers.
Filerequest_helper_test.php          [source] [219 lines]   Unit Tests for the request helper.
Filerequest_transform_test.php       [source] [141 lines]   Unit Tests for the request transform helper.
Filesitepolicy_test.php              [source] [384 lines]   Unit Tests for sitepolicy manager
Filetests_content_writer_test.php    [source] [540 lines]   Unit Tests for the Content Writer used for unit testing.
Filetypes_database_table_test.php    [source] [148 lines]   Type unit tests for the Database Table.
Filetypes_external_location_test.php [source] [148 lines]   Type unit tests for the External Location.
Filetypes_plugintype_link_test.php   [source] [118 lines]   Types unit tests for the Plugintype Link.
Filetypes_subsystem_link_test.php    [source] [118 lines]   Types unit tests for the Subsystem Link.
Filetypes_user_preference_test.php   [source] [115 lines]   Types unit tests for the Subsystem Link.
Fileuserlist_base_test.php           [source] [262 lines]   Unit Tests for the abstract userlist Class
Fileuserlist_collection.php          [source] [182 lines]   Unit Tests for a the collection of userlists class
Fileuserlist_test.php                [source] [100 lines]   Unit Tests for the approved userlist Class
Filewriter_test.php                  [source] [98 lines]    Unit Tests for the Moodle Content Writer.