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See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
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// (at your option) any later version.
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 * This file defines the class {@link question_definition} and its subclasses.
 * The type hierarchy is quite complex. Here is a summary:
 * - question_definition
 *   - question_information_item
 *   - question_with_responses implements question_manually_gradable
 *     - question_graded_automatically implements question_automatically_gradable
 *       - question_graded_automatically_with_countback implements question_automatically_gradable_with_countback
 *       - question_graded_by_strategy
 * Other classes:
 * - question_classified_response
 * - question_answer
 * - question_hint
 *   - question_hint_with_parts
 * - question_first_matching_answer_grading_strategy implements question_grading_strategy
 * Other interfaces:
 * - question_response_answer_comparer
 * @package    moodlecore
 * @subpackage questiontypes
 * @copyright  2009 The Open University
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * The definition of a question of a particular type.
 * This class is a close match to the question table in the database.
 * Definitions of question of a particular type normally subclass one of the
 * more specific classes {@link question_with_responses},
 * {@link question_graded_automatically} or {@link question_information_item}.
 * @copyright  2009 The Open University
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class question_definition {
    /** @var integer id of the question in the datase, or null if this question
     * is not in the database. */
    public $id;

    /** @var integer question category id. */
    public $category;

    /** @var integer question context id. */
    public $contextid;

    /** @var integer parent question id. */
    public $parent = 0;

    /** @var question_type the question type this question is. */
    public $qtype;

    /** @var string question name. */
    public $name;

    /** @var string question text. */
    public $questiontext;

    /** @var integer question test format. */
    public $questiontextformat;

    /** @var string question general feedback. */
    public $generalfeedback;

    /** @var integer question test format. */
    public $generalfeedbackformat;

    /** @var number what this quetsion is marked out of, by default. */
    public $defaultmark = 1;

    /** @var integer How many question numbers this question consumes. */
    public $length = 1;

    /** @var number penalty factor of this question. */
    public $penalty = 0;

    /** @var string unique identifier of this question. */
    public $stamp;

    /** @var string unique identifier of this version of this question. */
    public $version;

    /** @var boolean whethre this question has been deleted/hidden in the question bank. */
    public $hidden = 0;

    /** @var string question idnumber. */
    public $idnumber;

    /** @var integer timestamp when this question was created. */
    public $timecreated;

    /** @var integer timestamp when this question was modified. */
    public $timemodified;

    /** @var integer userid of the use who created this question. */
    public $createdby;

    /** @var integer userid of the use who modified this question. */
    public $modifiedby;

    /** @var array of question_hints. */
    public $hints = array();

     * Constructor. Normally to get a question, you call
     * {@link question_bank::load_question()}, but questions can be created
     * directly, for example in unit test code.
     * @return unknown_type
    public function __construct() {

     * @return the name of the question type (for example multichoice) that this
     * question is.
    public function get_type_name() {
        return $this->qtype->name();

     * Creat the appropriate behaviour for an attempt at this quetsion,
     * given the desired (archetypal) behaviour.
     * This default implementation will suit most normal graded questions.
     * If your question is of a patricular type, then it may need to do something
     * different. For example, if your question can only be graded manually, then
     * it should probably return a manualgraded behaviour, irrespective of
     * what is asked for.
     * If your question wants to do somthing especially complicated is some situations,
     * then you may wish to return a particular behaviour related to the
     * one asked for. For example, you migth want to return a
     * qbehaviour_interactive_adapted_for_myqtype.
     * @param question_attempt $qa the attempt we are creating a behaviour for.
     * @param string $preferredbehaviour the requested type of behaviour.
     * @return question_behaviour the new behaviour object.
    public function make_behaviour(question_attempt $qa, $preferredbehaviour) {
        return question_engine::make_archetypal_behaviour($preferredbehaviour, $qa);

     * Start a new attempt at this question, storing any information that will
     * be needed later in the step.
     * This is where the question can do any initialisation required on a
     * per-attempt basis. For example, this is where the multiple choice
     * question type randomly shuffles the choices (if that option is set).
     * Any information about how the question has been set up for this attempt
     * should be stored in the $step, by calling $step->set_qt_var(...).
     * @param question_attempt_step The first step of the {@link question_attempt}
     *      being started. Can be used to store state.
     * @param int $varant which variant of this question to start. Will be between
     *      1 and {@link get_num_variants()} inclusive.
    public function start_attempt(question_attempt_step $step, $variant) {

     * When an in-progress {@link question_attempt} is re-loaded from the
     * database, this method is called so that the question can re-initialise
     * its internal state as needed by this attempt.
     * For example, the multiple choice question type needs to set the order
     * of the choices to the order that was set up when start_attempt was called
     * originally. All the information required to do this should be in the
     * $step object, which is the first step of the question_attempt being loaded.
     * @param question_attempt_step The first step of the {@link question_attempt}
     *      being loaded.
    public function apply_attempt_state(question_attempt_step $step) {

     * Generate a brief, plain-text, summary of this question. This is used by
     * various reports. This should show the particular variant of the question
     * as presented to students. For example, the calculated quetsion type would
     * fill in the particular numbers that were presented to the student.
     * This method will return null if such a summary is not possible, or
     * inappropriate.
     * @return string|null a plain text summary of this question.
    public function get_question_summary() {
        return $this->html_to_text($this->questiontext, $this->questiontextformat);

     * @return int the number of vaiants that this question has.
    public function get_num_variants() {
        return 1;

     * @return string that can be used to seed the pseudo-random selection of a
     *      variant.
    public function get_variants_selection_seed() {
        return $this->stamp;

     * Some questions can return a negative mark if the student gets it wrong.
     * This method returns the lowest mark the question can return, on the
     * fraction scale. that is, where the maximum possible mark is 1.0.
     * @return float minimum fraction this question will ever return.
    public function get_min_fraction() {
        return 0;

     * Some questions can return a mark greater than the maximum.
     * This method returns the lowest highest the question can return, on the
     * fraction scale. that is, where the nominal maximum mark is 1.0.
     * @return float maximum fraction this question will ever return.
    public function get_max_fraction() {
        return 1;

     * Given a response, rest the parts that are wrong.
     * @param array $response a response
     * @return array a cleaned up response with the wrong bits reset.
    public function clear_wrong_from_response(array $response) {
        return array();

     * Return the number of subparts of this response that are right.
     * @param array $response a response
     * @return array with two elements, the number of correct subparts, and
     * the total number of subparts.
    public function get_num_parts_right(array $response) {
        return array(null, null);

     * @param moodle_page the page we are outputting to.
     * @return qtype_renderer the renderer to use for outputting this question.
    public function get_renderer(moodle_page $page) {
        return $page->get_renderer($this->qtype->plugin_name());

     * What data may be included in the form submission when a student submits
     * this question in its current state?
     * This information is used in calls to optional_param. The parameter name
     * has {@link question_attempt::get_field_prefix()} automatically prepended.
     * @return array|string variable name => PARAM_... constant, or, as a special case
     *      that should only be used in unavoidable, the constant question_attempt::USE_RAW_DATA
     *      meaning take all the raw submitted data belonging to this question.
    public abstract function get_expected_data();

     * What data would need to be submitted to get this question correct.
     * If there is more than one correct answer, this method should just
     * return one possibility. If it is not possible to compute a correct
     * response, this method should return null.
     * @return array|null parameter name => value.
    public abstract function get_correct_response();

     * Takes an array of values representing a student response represented in a way that is understandable by a human and
     * transforms that to the response as the POST values returned from the HTML form that takes the student response during a
     * student attempt. Primarily this is used when reading csv values from a file of student responses in order to be able to
     * simulate the student interaction with a quiz.
     * In most cases the array will just be returned as is. Some question types will need to transform the keys of the array,
     * as the meaning of the keys in the html form is deliberately obfuscated so that someone looking at the html does not get an
     * advantage. The values that represent the response might also be changed in order to more meaningful to a human.
     * See the examples of question types that have overridden this in core and also see the csv files of simulated student
     * responses used in unit tests in :
     * - mod/quiz/tests/fixtures/stepsXX.csv
     * - mod/quiz/report/responses/tests/fixtures/steps00.csv
     * - mod/quiz/report/statistics/tests/fixtures/stepsXX.csv
     * Also see {@link}, a quiz report plug in for uploading and downloading
     * student responses as csv files.
     * @param array $simulatedresponse an array of data representing a student response
     * @return array a response array as would be returned from the html form (but without prefixes)
    public function prepare_simulated_post_data($simulatedresponse) {
        return $simulatedresponse;

     * Does the opposite of {@link prepare_simulated_post_data}.
     * This takes a student response (the POST values returned from the HTML form that takes the student response during a
     * student attempt) it then represents it in a way that is understandable by a human.
     * Primarily this is used when creating a file of csv from real student responses in order later to be able to
     * simulate the same student interaction with a quiz later.
     * @param string[] $realresponse the response array as was returned from the form during a student attempt (without prefixes).
     * @return string[] an array of data representing a student response.
    public function get_student_response_values_for_simulation($realresponse) {
        return $realresponse;

     * Apply {@link format_text()} to some content with appropriate settings for
     * this question.
     * @param string $text some content that needs to be output.
     * @param int $format the FORMAT_... constant.
     * @param question_attempt $qa the question attempt.
     * @param string $component used for rewriting file area URLs.
     * @param string $filearea used for rewriting file area URLs.
     * @param bool $clean Whether the HTML needs to be cleaned. Generally,
     *      parts of the question do not need to be cleaned, and student input does.
     * @return string the text formatted for output by format_text.
    public function format_text($text, $format, $qa, $component, $filearea, $itemid,
            $clean = false) {
        $formatoptions = new stdClass();
        $formatoptions->noclean = !$clean;
        $formatoptions->para = false;
        $text = $qa->rewrite_pluginfile_urls($text, $component, $filearea, $itemid);
        return format_text($text, $format, $formatoptions);

     * Convert some part of the question text to plain text. This might be used,
     * for example, by get_response_summary().
     * @param string $text The HTML to reduce to plain text.
     * @param int $format the FORMAT_... constant.
     * @return string the equivalent plain text.
    public function html_to_text($text, $format) {
        return question_utils::to_plain_text($text, $format);

    /** @return the result of applying {@link format_text()} to the question text. */
    public function format_questiontext($qa) {
        return $this->format_text($this->questiontext, $this->questiontextformat,
                $qa, 'question', 'questiontext', $this->id);

    /** @return the result of applying {@link format_text()} to the general feedback. */
    public function format_generalfeedback($qa) {
        return $this->format_text($this->generalfeedback, $this->generalfeedbackformat,
                $qa, 'question', 'generalfeedback', $this->id);

     * Take some HTML that should probably already be a single line, like a
     * multiple choice choice, or the corresponding feedback, and make it so that
     * it is suitable to go in a place where the HTML must be inline, like inside a <p> tag.
     * @param string $html to HTML to fix up.
     * @return string the fixed HTML.
    public function make_html_inline($html) {
        $html = preg_replace('~\s*<p>\s*~u', '', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('~\s*</p>\s*~u', '<br />', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('~(<br\s*/?>)+$~u', '', $html);
        return trim($html);

     * Checks whether the users is allow to be served a particular file.
     * @param question_attempt $qa the question attempt being displayed.
     * @param question_display_options $options the options that control display of the question.
     * @param string $component the name of the component we are serving files for.
     * @param string $filearea the name of the file area.
     * @param array $args the remaining bits of the file path.
     * @param bool $forcedownload whether the user must be forced to download the file.
     * @return bool true if the user can access this file.
    public function check_file_access($qa, $options, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload) {
        if ($component == 'question' && $filearea == 'questiontext') {
            // Question text always visible, but check it is the right question id.
            return $args[0] == $this->id;

        } else if ($component == 'question' && $filearea == 'generalfeedback') {
            return $options->generalfeedback && $args[0] == $this->id;

        } else {
            // Unrecognised component or filearea.
            return false;
> } > /** > * Return the question settings that define this question as structured data. > * /** > * This is used by external systems such as the Moodle mobile app, which want to display the question themselves, * This class represents a 'question' that actually does not allow the student > * rather than using the renderer provided. * to respond, like the description 'question' type. > * * > * This method should only return the data that the student is allowed to see or know, given the current state of * @copyright 2009 The Open University > * the question. For example, do not include the 'General feedback' until the student has completed the question, * @license GNU GPL v3 or later > * and even then, only include it if the question_display_options say it should be visible. */ > * class question_information_item extends question_definition { > * But, within those rules, it is recommended that you return all the settings for the question, public function __construct() { > * to give maximum flexibility to the external system providing its own rendering of the question. parent::__construct(); > * $this->defaultmark = 0; > * @param question_attempt $qa the current attempt for which we are exporting the settings. $this->penalty = 0; > * @param question_display_options $options the question display options which say which aspects of the question $this->length = 0; > * should be visible. } > * @return mixed structure representing the question settings. In web services, this will be JSON-encoded. > */ public function make_behaviour(question_attempt $qa, $preferredbehaviour) { > public function get_question_definition_for_external_rendering(question_attempt $qa, question_display_options $options) { return question_engine::make_behaviour('informationitem', $qa, $preferredbehaviour); > } > debugging('This question does not implement the get_question_definition_for_external_rendering() method yet.', > DEBUG_DEVELOPER); public function get_expected_data() { > return null; return array(); > }
} public function get_correct_response() { return array(); } public function get_question_summary() { return null; } } /** * Interface that a {@link question_definition} must implement to be usable by * the manual graded behaviour. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ interface question_manually_gradable { /** * Use by many of the behaviours to determine whether the student * has provided enough of an answer for the question to be graded automatically, * or whether it must be considered aborted. * * @param array $response responses, as returned by * {@link question_attempt_step::get_qt_data()}. * @return bool whether this response can be graded. */ public function is_gradable_response(array $response); /** * Used by many of the behaviours, to work out whether the student's * response to the question is complete. That is, whether the question attempt * should move to the COMPLETE or INCOMPLETE state. * * @param array $response responses, as returned by * {@link question_attempt_step::get_qt_data()}. * @return bool whether this response is a complete answer to this question. */ public function is_complete_response(array $response); /** * Use by many of the behaviours to determine whether the student's * response has changed. This is normally used to determine that a new set * of responses can safely be discarded. * * @param array $prevresponse the responses previously recorded for this question, * as returned by {@link question_attempt_step::get_qt_data()} * @param array $newresponse the new responses, in the same format. * @return bool whether the two sets of responses are the same - that is * whether the new set of responses can safely be discarded. */ public function is_same_response(array $prevresponse, array $newresponse); /** * Produce a plain text summary of a response. * @param array $response a response, as might be passed to {@link grade_response()}. * @return string a plain text summary of that response, that could be used in reports. */ public function summarise_response(array $response); /** * If possible, construct a response that could have lead to the given * response summary. This is basically the opposite of {@link summarise_response()} * but it is intended only to be used for testing. * * @param string $summary a string, which might have come from summarise_response * @return array a response that could have lead to that. */ public function un_summarise_response(string $summary); /** * Categorise the student's response according to the categories defined by * get_possible_responses. * @param $response a response, as might be passed to {@link grade_response()}. * @return array subpartid => {@link question_classified_response} objects. * returns an empty array if no analysis is possible. */ public function classify_response(array $response); } /** * This class is used in the return value from * {@link question_manually_gradable::classify_response()}. * * @copyright 2010 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_classified_response { /** * @var string the classification of this response the student gave to this * part of the question. Must match one of the responseclasses returned by * {@link question_type::get_possible_responses()}. */ public $responseclassid; /** @var string the actual response the student gave to this part. */ public $response; /** @var number the fraction this part of the response earned. */ public $fraction; /** * Constructor, just an easy way to set the fields. * @param string $responseclassid see the field descriptions above. * @param string $response see the field descriptions above. * @param number $fraction see the field descriptions above. */ public function __construct($responseclassid, $response, $fraction) { $this->responseclassid = $responseclassid; $this->response = $response; $this->fraction = $fraction; } public static function no_response() { return new question_classified_response(null, get_string('noresponse', 'question'), null); } } /** * Interface that a {@link question_definition} must implement to be usable by * the various automatic grading behaviours. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ interface question_automatically_gradable extends question_manually_gradable { /** * In situations where is_gradable_response() returns false, this method * should generate a description of what the problem is. * @return string the message. */ public function get_validation_error(array $response); /** * Grade a response to the question, returning a fraction between * get_min_fraction() and get_max_fraction(), and the corresponding {@link question_state} * right, partial or wrong. * @param array $response responses, as returned by * {@link question_attempt_step::get_qt_data()}. * @return array (float, integer) the fraction, and the state. */ public function grade_response(array $response); /** * Get one of the question hints. The question_attempt is passed in case * the question type wants to do something complex. For example, the * multiple choice with multiple responses question type will turn off most * of the hint options if the student has selected too many opitions. * @param int $hintnumber Which hint to display. Indexed starting from 0 * @param question_attempt $qa The question_attempt. */ public function get_hint($hintnumber, question_attempt $qa); /** * Generate a brief, plain-text, summary of the correct answer to this question. * This is used by various reports, and can also be useful when testing. * This method will return null if such a summary is not possible, or * inappropriate. * @return string|null a plain text summary of the right answer to this question. */ public function get_right_answer_summary(); } /** * Interface that a {@link question_definition} must implement to be usable by * the interactivecountback behaviour. * * @copyright 2010 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ interface question_automatically_gradable_with_countback extends question_automatically_gradable { /** * Work out a final grade for this attempt, taking into account all the * tries the student made. * @param array $responses the response for each try. Each element of this * array is a response array, as would be passed to {@link grade_response()}. * There may be between 1 and $totaltries responses. * @param int $totaltries The maximum number of tries allowed. * @return numeric the fraction that should be awarded for this * sequence of response. */ public function compute_final_grade($responses, $totaltries); } /** * This class represents a real question. That is, one that is not a * {@link question_information_item}. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class question_with_responses extends question_definition implements question_manually_gradable { public function classify_response(array $response) { return array(); } public function is_gradable_response(array $response) { return $this->is_complete_response($response); } public function un_summarise_response(string $summary) { throw new coding_exception('This question type (' . get_class($this) . ' does not implement the un_summarise_response testing method.'); } } /** * This class represents a question that can be graded automatically. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class question_graded_automatically extends question_with_responses implements question_automatically_gradable { /** @var Some question types have the option to show the number of sub-parts correct. */ public $shownumcorrect = false; public function get_right_answer_summary() { $correctresponse = $this->get_correct_response(); if (empty($correctresponse)) { return null; } return $this->summarise_response($correctresponse); } /** * Check a request for access to a file belonging to a combined feedback field. * @param question_attempt $qa the question attempt being displayed. * @param question_display_options $options the options that control display of the question. * @param string $filearea the name of the file area. * @param array $args the remaining bits of the file path. * @return bool whether access to the file should be allowed. */ protected function check_combined_feedback_file_access($qa, $options, $filearea, $args = null) { $state = $qa->get_state(); if ($args === null) { debugging('You must pass $args as the fourth argument to check_combined_feedback_file_access.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); $args = array($this->id); // Fake it for now, so the rest of this method works. } if (!$state->is_finished()) { $response = $qa->get_last_qt_data(); if (!$this->is_gradable_response($response)) { return false; } list($notused, $state) = $this->grade_response($response); } return $options->feedback && $state->get_feedback_class() . 'feedback' == $filearea && $args[0] == $this->id; } /** * Check a request for access to a file belonging to a hint. * @param question_attempt $qa the question attempt being displayed. * @param question_display_options $options the options that control display of the question. * @param array $args the remaining bits of the file path. * @return bool whether access to the file should be allowed. */ protected function check_hint_file_access($qa, $options, $args) { if (!$options->feedback) { return false; } $hint = $qa->get_applicable_hint(); $hintid = reset($args); // Itemid is hint id. return $hintid == $hint->id; } public function get_hint($hintnumber, question_attempt $qa) { if (!isset($this->hints[$hintnumber])) { return null; } return $this->hints[$hintnumber]; } public function format_hint(question_hint $hint, question_attempt $qa) { return $this->format_text($hint->hint, $hint->hintformat, $qa, 'question', 'hint', $hint->id); } } /** * This class represents a question that can be graded automatically with * countback grading in interactive mode. * * @copyright 2010 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class question_graded_automatically_with_countback extends question_graded_automatically implements question_automatically_gradable_with_countback { public function make_behaviour(question_attempt $qa, $preferredbehaviour) { if ($preferredbehaviour == 'interactive') { return question_engine::make_behaviour('interactivecountback', $qa, $preferredbehaviour); } return question_engine::make_archetypal_behaviour($preferredbehaviour, $qa); } } /** * This class represents a question that can be graded automatically by using * a {@link question_grading_strategy}. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class question_graded_by_strategy extends question_graded_automatically { /** @var question_grading_strategy the strategy to use for grading. */ protected $gradingstrategy; /** @param question_grading_strategy $strategy the strategy to use for grading. */ public function __construct(question_grading_strategy $strategy) { parent::__construct(); $this->gradingstrategy = $strategy; } public function get_correct_response() { $answer = $this->get_correct_answer(); if (!$answer) { return array(); } return array('answer' => $answer->answer); } /** * Get an answer that contains the feedback and fraction that should be * awarded for this resonse. * @param array $response a response. * @return question_answer the matching answer. */ public function get_matching_answer(array $response) { return $this->gradingstrategy->grade($response); } /** * @return question_answer an answer that contains the a response that would * get full marks. */ public function get_correct_answer() { return $this->gradingstrategy->get_correct_answer(); } public function grade_response(array $response) { $answer = $this->get_matching_answer($response); if ($answer) { return array($answer->fraction, question_state::graded_state_for_fraction($answer->fraction)); } else { return array(0, question_state::$gradedwrong); } } public function classify_response(array $response) { if (empty($response['answer'])) { return array($this->id => question_classified_response::no_response()); } $ans = $this->get_matching_answer($response); if (!$ans) { return array($this->id => new question_classified_response( 0, $response['answer'], 0)); } return array($this->id => new question_classified_response( $ans->id, $response['answer'], $ans->fraction)); } } /** * Class to represent a question answer, loaded from the question_answers table * in the database. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_answer { /** @var integer the answer id. */ public $id; /** @var string the answer. */ public $answer; /** @var integer one of the FORMAT_... constans. */ public $answerformat = FORMAT_PLAIN; /** @var number the fraction this answer is worth. */ public $fraction; /** @var string the feedback for this answer. */ public $feedback; /** @var integer one of the FORMAT_... constans. */ public $feedbackformat; /** * Constructor. * @param int $id the answer. * @param string $answer the answer. * @param number $fraction the fraction this answer is worth. * @param string $feedback the feedback for this answer. * @param int $feedbackformat the format of the feedback. */ public function __construct($id, $answer, $fraction, $feedback, $feedbackformat) { $this->id = $id; $this->answer = $answer; $this->fraction = $fraction; $this->feedback = $feedback; $this->feedbackformat = $feedbackformat; } } /** * Class to represent a hint associated with a question. * Used by iteractive mode, etc. A question has an array of these. * * @copyright 2010 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_hint { /** @var integer The hint id. */ public $id; /** @var string The feedback hint to be shown. */ public $hint; /** @var integer The corresponding text FORMAT_... type. */ public $hintformat; /** * Constructor. * @param int the hint id from the database. * @param string $hint The hint text * @param int the corresponding text FORMAT_... type. */ public function __construct($id, $hint, $hintformat) { $this->id = $id; $this->hint = $hint; $this->hintformat = $hintformat; } /** * Create a basic hint from a row loaded from the question_hints table in the database. * @param object $row with $row->hint set. * @return question_hint */ public static function load_from_record($row) { return new question_hint($row->id, $row->hint, $row->hintformat); } /** * Adjust this display options according to the hint settings. * @param question_display_options $options */ public function adjust_display_options(question_display_options $options) { // Do nothing. } } /** * An extension of {@link question_hint} for questions like match and multiple * choice with multile answers, where there are options for whether to show the * number of parts right at each stage, and to reset the wrong parts. * * @copyright 2010 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_hint_with_parts extends question_hint { /** @var boolean option to show the number of sub-parts of the question that were right. */ public $shownumcorrect; /** @var boolean option to clear the parts of the question that were wrong on retry. */ public $clearwrong; /** * Constructor. * @param int the hint id from the database. * @param string $hint The hint text * @param int the corresponding text FORMAT_... type. * @param bool $shownumcorrect whether the number of right parts should be shown * @param bool $clearwrong whether the wrong parts should be reset. */ public function __construct($id, $hint, $hintformat, $shownumcorrect, $clearwrong) { parent::__construct($id, $hint, $hintformat); $this->shownumcorrect = $shownumcorrect; $this->clearwrong = $clearwrong; } /** * Create a basic hint from a row loaded from the question_hints table in the database. * @param object $row with $row->hint, ->shownumcorrect and ->clearwrong set. * @return question_hint_with_parts */ public static function load_from_record($row) { return new question_hint_with_parts($row->id, $row->hint, $row->hintformat, $row->shownumcorrect, $row->clearwrong); } public function adjust_display_options(question_display_options $options) { parent::adjust_display_options($options); if ($this->clearwrong) { $options->clearwrong = true; } $options->numpartscorrect = $this->shownumcorrect; } } /** * This question_grading_strategy interface. Used to share grading code between * questions that that subclass {@link question_graded_by_strategy}. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ interface question_grading_strategy { /** * Return a question answer that describes the outcome (fraction and feeback) * for a particular respons. * @param array $response the response. * @return question_answer the answer describing the outcome. */ public function grade(array $response); /** * @return question_answer an answer that contains the a response that would * get full marks. */ public function get_correct_answer(); } /** * This interface defines the methods that a {@link question_definition} must * implement if it is to be graded by the * {@link question_first_matching_answer_grading_strategy}. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ interface question_response_answer_comparer { /** @return array of {@link question_answers}. */ public function get_answers(); /** * @param array $response the response. * @param question_answer $answer an answer. * @return bool whether the response matches the answer. */ public function compare_response_with_answer(array $response, question_answer $answer); } /** * This grading strategy is used by question types like shortanswer an numerical. * It gets a list of possible answers from the question, and returns the first one * that matches the given response. It returns the first answer with fraction 1.0 * when asked for the correct answer. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_first_matching_answer_grading_strategy implements question_grading_strategy { /** * @var question_response_answer_comparer (presumably also a * {@link question_definition}) the question we are doing the grading for. */ protected $question; /** * @param question_response_answer_comparer $question (presumably also a * {@link question_definition}) the question we are doing the grading for. */ public function __construct(question_response_answer_comparer $question) { $this->question = $question; } public function grade(array $response) { foreach ($this->question->get_answers() as $aid => $answer) { if ($this->question->compare_response_with_answer($response, $answer)) { $answer->id = $aid; return $answer; } } return null; } public function get_correct_answer() { foreach ($this->question->get_answers() as $answer) { $state = question_state::graded_state_for_fraction($answer->fraction); if ($state == question_state::$gradedright) { return $answer; } } return null; } }