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* Essay question renderer class.
* @package qtype
* @subpackage essay
* @copyright 2009 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Generates the output for essay questions.
* @copyright 2009 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class qtype_essay_renderer extends qtype_renderer {
public function formulation_and_controls(question_attempt $qa,
question_display_options $options) {
> global $CFG;
$question = $qa->get_question();
$responseoutput = $question->get_format_renderer($this->page);
// Answer field.
$step = $qa->get_last_step_with_qt_var('answer');
if (!$step->has_qt_var('answer') && empty($options->readonly)) {
// Question has never been answered, fill it with response template.
$step = new question_attempt_step(array('answer' => $question->responsetemplate));
if (empty($options->readonly)) {
$answer = $responseoutput->response_area_input('answer', $qa,
$step, $question->responsefieldlines, $options->context);
} else {
$answer = $responseoutput->response_area_read_only('answer', $qa,
$step, $question->responsefieldlines, $options->context);
> $answer .= html_writer::nonempty_tag('p', $question->get_word_count_message_for_review($step->get_qt_data()));
> if (!empty($CFG->enableplagiarism)) {
$files = '';
> require_once($CFG->libdir . '/plagiarismlib.php');
if ($question->attachments) {
if (empty($options->readonly)) {
> $answer .= plagiarism_get_links([
$files = $this->files_input($qa, $question->attachments, $options);
> 'context' => $options->context->id,
> 'component' => $qa->get_question()->qtype->plugin_name(),
} else {
> 'area' => $qa->get_usage_id(),
$files = $this->files_read_only($qa, $options);
> 'itemid' => $qa->get_slot(),
> 'userid' => $step->get_user_id(),
> 'content' => $qa->get_response_summary()]);
> }
$result = '';
$result .= html_writer::tag('div', $question->format_questiontext($qa),
array('class' => 'qtext'));
$result .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'ablock'));
$result .= html_writer::tag('div', $answer, array('class' => 'answer'));
$result .= html_writer::tag('div', $files, array('class' => 'attachments'));
> // If there is a response and min/max word limit is set in the form then check the response word count.
$result .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
> if ($qa->get_state() == question_state::$invalid) {
> $result .= html_writer::nonempty_tag('div',
return $result;
> $question->get_validation_error($step->get_qt_data()), ['class' => 'validationerror']);
> }
* Displays any attached files when the question is in read-only mode.
* @param question_attempt $qa the question attempt to display.
* @param question_display_options $options controls what should and should
* not be displayed. Used to get the context.
public function files_read_only(question_attempt $qa, question_display_options $options) {
> global $CFG;
$files = $qa->get_last_qt_files('attachments', $options->context->id);
$filelist = [];
> $step = $qa->get_last_step_with_qt_var('attachments');
foreach ($files as $file) {
$out = html_writer::link($qa->get_response_file_url($file),
$this->output->pix_icon(file_file_icon($file), get_mimetype_description($file),
'moodle', array('class' => 'icon')) . ' ' . s($file->get_filename()));
> if (!empty($CFG->enableplagiarism)) {
$filelist[] = html_writer::tag('li', $out, ['class' => 'mb-2']);
> require_once($CFG->libdir . '/plagiarismlib.php');
> $out .= plagiarism_get_links([
$labelbyid = $qa->get_qt_field_name('attachments') . '_label';
> 'context' => $options->context->id,
> 'component' => $qa->get_question()->qtype->plugin_name(),
$output = html_writer::tag('h4', get_string('answerfiles', 'qtype_essay'), ['id' => $labelbyid, 'class' => 'sr-only']);
> 'area' => $qa->get_usage_id(),
$output .= html_writer::tag('ul', implode($filelist), [
> 'itemid' => $qa->get_slot(),
'aria-labelledby' => $labelbyid,
> 'userid' => $step->get_user_id(),
'class' => 'list-unstyled m-0',
> 'file' => $file]);
> }
return $output;
* Displays the input control for when the student should upload a single file.
* @param question_attempt $qa the question attempt to display.
* @param int $numallowed the maximum number of attachments allowed. -1 = unlimited.
* @param question_display_options $options controls what should and should
* not be displayed. Used to get the context.
public function files_input(question_attempt $qa, $numallowed,
question_display_options $options) {
global $CFG, $COURSE;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/form/filemanager.php');
$pickeroptions = new stdClass();
$pickeroptions->mainfile = null;
$pickeroptions->maxfiles = $numallowed;
$pickeroptions->itemid = $qa->prepare_response_files_draft_itemid(
'attachments', $options->context->id);
$pickeroptions->context = $options->context;
$pickeroptions->return_types = FILE_INTERNAL | FILE_CONTROLLED_LINK;
$pickeroptions->itemid = $qa->prepare_response_files_draft_itemid(
'attachments', $options->context->id);
$pickeroptions->accepted_types = $qa->get_question()->filetypeslist;
$fm = new form_filemanager($pickeroptions);
$fm->options->maxbytes = get_user_max_upload_file_size(
$filesrenderer = $this->page->get_renderer('core', 'files');
$text = '';
if (!empty($qa->get_question()->filetypeslist)) {
$text = html_writer::tag('p', get_string('acceptedfiletypes', 'qtype_essay'));
$filetypesutil = new \core_form\filetypes_util();
$filetypes = $qa->get_question()->filetypeslist;
$filetypedescriptions = $filetypesutil->describe_file_types($filetypes);
$text .= $this->render_from_template('core_form/filetypes-descriptions', $filetypedescriptions);
$output = html_writer::start_tag('fieldset');
$output .= html_writer::tag('legend', get_string('answerfiles', 'qtype_essay'), ['class' => 'sr-only']);
$output .= $filesrenderer->render($fm);
$output .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', [
'type' => 'hidden',
'name' => $qa->get_qt_field_name('attachments'),
'value' => $pickeroptions->itemid,
$output .= $text;
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('fieldset');
return $output;
public function manual_comment(question_attempt $qa, question_display_options $options) {
if ($options->manualcomment != question_display_options::EDITABLE) {
return '';
$question = $qa->get_question();
return html_writer::nonempty_tag('div', $question->format_text(
$question->graderinfo, $question->graderinfoformat, $qa, 'qtype_essay',
'graderinfo', $question->id), array('class' => 'graderinfo'));
* A base class to abstract out the differences between different type of
* response format.
* @copyright 2011 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class qtype_essay_format_renderer_base extends plugin_renderer_base {
* Render the students respone when the question is in read-only mode.
* @param string $name the variable name this input edits.
* @param question_attempt $qa the question attempt being display.
* @param question_attempt_step $step the current step.
* @param int $lines approximate size of input box to display.
* @param object $context the context teh output belongs to.
* @return string html to display the response.
public abstract function response_area_read_only($name, question_attempt $qa,
question_attempt_step $step, $lines, $context);
* Render the students respone when the question is in read-only mode.
* @param string $name the variable name this input edits.
* @param question_attempt $qa the question attempt being display.
* @param question_attempt_step $step the current step.
* @param int $lines approximate size of input box to display.
* @param object $context the context teh output belongs to.
* @return string html to display the response for editing.
public abstract function response_area_input($name, question_attempt $qa,
question_attempt_step $step, $lines, $context);
* @return string specific class name to add to the input element.
protected abstract function class_name();
* An essay format renderer for essays where the student should not enter
* any inline response.
* @copyright 2013 Binghamton University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class qtype_essay_format_noinline_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
protected function class_name() {
return 'qtype_essay_noinline';
public function response_area_read_only($name, $qa, $step, $lines, $context) {
return '';
public function response_area_input($name, $qa, $step, $lines, $context) {
return '';
* An essay format renderer for essays where the student should use the HTML
* editor without the file picker.
* @copyright 2011 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class qtype_essay_format_editor_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
protected function class_name() {
return 'qtype_essay_editor';
public function response_area_read_only($name, $qa, $step, $lines, $context) {
$labelbyid = $qa->get_qt_field_name($name) . '_label';
$output = html_writer::tag('h4', get_string('answertext', 'qtype_essay'), ['id' => $labelbyid, 'class' => 'sr-only']);
$output .= html_writer::tag('div', $this->prepare_response($name, $qa, $step, $context), [
'role' => 'textbox',
'aria-readonly' => 'true',
'aria-labelledby' => $labelbyid,
'class' => $this->class_name() . ' qtype_essay_response readonly',
'style' => 'min-height: ' . ($lines * 1.5) . 'em;',
// Height $lines * 1.5 because that is a typical line-height on web pages.
// That seems to give results that look OK.
return $output;
public function response_area_input($name, $qa, $step, $lines, $context) {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/lib.php');
$inputname = $qa->get_qt_field_name($name);
$responseformat = $step->get_qt_var($name . 'format');
$id = $inputname . '_id';
$editor = editors_get_preferred_editor($responseformat);
$strformats = format_text_menu();
$formats = $editor->get_supported_formats();
foreach ($formats as $fid) {
$formats[$fid] = $strformats[$fid];
list($draftitemid, $response) = $this->prepare_response_for_editing(
$name, $step, $context);
$editor->use_editor($id, $this->get_editor_options($context),
$this->get_filepicker_options($context, $draftitemid));
$output = html_writer::tag('label', get_string('answertext', 'qtype_essay'), [
'class' => 'sr-only',
'for' => $id,
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' =>
$this->class_name() . ' qtype_essay_response'));
$output .= html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::tag('textarea', s($response),
array('id' => $id, 'name' => $inputname, 'rows' => $lines, 'cols' => 60, 'class' => 'form-control')));
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div');
if (count($formats) == 1) {
$output .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden',
'name' => $inputname . 'format', 'value' => key($formats)));
} else {
$output .= html_writer::label(get_string('format'), 'menu' . $inputname . 'format', false);
$output .= ' ';
$output .= html_writer::select($formats, $inputname . 'format', $responseformat, '');
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
$output .= $this->filepicker_html($inputname, $draftitemid);
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
return $output;
* Prepare the response for read-only display.
* @param string $name the variable name this input edits.
* @param question_attempt $qa the question attempt being display.
* @param question_attempt_step $step the current step.
* @param object $context the context the attempt belongs to.
* @return string the response prepared for display.
protected function prepare_response($name, question_attempt $qa,
question_attempt_step $step, $context) {
if (!$step->has_qt_var($name)) {
return '';
$formatoptions = new stdClass();
$formatoptions->para = false;
return format_text($step->get_qt_var($name), $step->get_qt_var($name . 'format'),
* Prepare the response for editing.
* @param string $name the variable name this input edits.
* @param question_attempt_step $step the current step.
* @param object $context the context the attempt belongs to.
* @return string the response prepared for display.
protected function prepare_response_for_editing($name,
question_attempt_step $step, $context) {
return array(0, $step->get_qt_var($name));
* @param object $context the context the attempt belongs to.
* @return array options for the editor.
protected function get_editor_options($context) {
// Disable the text-editor autosave because quiz has it's own auto save function.
return array('context' => $context, 'autosave' => false);
* @param object $context the context the attempt belongs to.
* @param int $draftitemid draft item id.
* @return array filepicker options for the editor.
protected function get_filepicker_options($context, $draftitemid) {
return array('return_types' => FILE_INTERNAL | FILE_EXTERNAL);
* @param string $inputname input field name.
* @param int $draftitemid draft file area itemid.
* @return string HTML for the filepicker, if used.
protected function filepicker_html($inputname, $draftitemid) {
return '';
* An essay format renderer for essays where the student should use the HTML
* editor with the file picker.
* @copyright 2011 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class qtype_essay_format_editorfilepicker_renderer extends qtype_essay_format_editor_renderer {
protected function class_name() {
return 'qtype_essay_editorfilepicker';
protected function prepare_response($name, question_attempt $qa,
question_attempt_step $step, $context) {
if (!$step->has_qt_var($name)) {
return '';
$formatoptions = new stdClass();
$formatoptions->para = false;
$text = $qa->rewrite_response_pluginfile_urls($step->get_qt_var($name),
$context->id, 'answer', $step);
return format_text($text, $step->get_qt_var($name . 'format'), $formatoptions);
protected function prepare_response_for_editing($name,
question_attempt_step $step, $context) {
return $step->prepare_response_files_draft_itemid_with_text(
$name, $context->id, $step->get_qt_var($name));
* Get editor options for question response text area.
* @param object $context the context the attempt belongs to.
* @return array options for the editor.
protected function get_editor_options($context) {
return question_utils::get_editor_options($context);
* Get the options required to configure the filepicker for one of the editor
* toolbar buttons.
* @deprecated since 3.5
* @param mixed $acceptedtypes array of types of '*'.
* @param int $draftitemid the draft area item id.
* @param object $context the context.
* @return object the required options.
protected function specific_filepicker_options($acceptedtypes, $draftitemid, $context) {
debugging('qtype_essay_format_editorfilepicker_renderer::specific_filepicker_options() is deprecated, ' .
'use question_utils::specific_filepicker_options() instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$filepickeroptions = new stdClass();
$filepickeroptions->accepted_types = $acceptedtypes;
$filepickeroptions->return_types = FILE_INTERNAL | FILE_EXTERNAL;
$filepickeroptions->context = $context;
$filepickeroptions->env = 'filepicker';
$options = initialise_filepicker($filepickeroptions);
$options->context = $context;
$options->client_id = uniqid();
$options->env = 'editor';
$options->itemid = $draftitemid;
return $options;
* @param object $context the context the attempt belongs to.
* @param int $draftitemid draft item id.
* @return array filepicker options for the editor.
protected function get_filepicker_options($context, $draftitemid) {
return question_utils::get_filepicker_options($context, $draftitemid);
protected function filepicker_html($inputname, $draftitemid) {
$nonjspickerurl = new moodle_url('/repository/draftfiles_manager.php', array(
'action' => 'browse',
'env' => 'editor',
'itemid' => $draftitemid,
'subdirs' => false,
'maxfiles' => -1,
'sesskey' => sesskey(),
return html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden',
'name' => $inputname . ':itemid', 'value' => $draftitemid)) .
html_writer::tag('noscript', html_writer::tag('div',
html_writer::tag('object', '', array('type' => 'text/html',
'data' => $nonjspickerurl, 'height' => 160, 'width' => 600,
'style' => 'border: 1px solid #000;'))));
* An essay format renderer for essays where the student should use a plain
* input box, but with a normal, proportional font.
* @copyright 2011 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class qtype_essay_format_plain_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
* @return string the HTML for the textarea.
protected function textarea($response, $lines, $attributes) {
$attributes['class'] = $this->class_name() . ' qtype_essay_response form-control';
$attributes['rows'] = $lines;
$attributes['cols'] = 60;
return html_writer::tag('textarea', s($response), $attributes);
protected function class_name() {
return 'qtype_essay_plain';
public function response_area_read_only($name, $qa, $step, $lines, $context) {
$id = $qa->get_qt_field_name($name) . '_id';
$output = html_writer::tag('label', get_string('answertext', 'qtype_essay'), ['class' => 'sr-only', 'for' => $id]);
$output .= $this->textarea($step->get_qt_var($name), $lines, ['id' => $id, 'readonly' => 'readonly']);
return $output;
public function response_area_input($name, $qa, $step, $lines, $context) {
$inputname = $qa->get_qt_field_name($name);
$id = $inputname . '_id';
$output = html_writer::tag('label', get_string('answertext', 'qtype_essay'), ['class' => 'sr-only', 'for' => $id]);
$output .= $this->textarea($step->get_qt_var($name), $lines, ['name' => $inputname, 'id' => $id]);
$output .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', ['type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $inputname . 'format', 'value' => FORMAT_PLAIN]);
return $output;
* An essay format renderer for essays where the student should use a plain
* input box with a monospaced font. You might use this, for example, for a
* question where the students should type computer code.
* @copyright 2011 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class qtype_essay_format_monospaced_renderer extends qtype_essay_format_plain_renderer {
protected function class_name() {
return 'qtype_essay_monospaced';