Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * Class core_tag_area for managing tag areas
  19   *
  20   * @package   core_tag
  21   * @copyright 2015 Marina Glancy
  22   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  23   */
  25  defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  27  /**
  28   * Class to manage tag areas
  29   *
  30   * @package   core_tag
  31   * @copyright 2015 Marina Glancy
  32   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  33   */
  34  class core_tag_area {
  36      /**
  37       * Returns the list of areas indexed by itemtype and component
  38       *
  39       * @param int $tagcollid return only areas in this tag collection
  40       * @param bool $enabledonly return only enabled tag areas
  41       * @return array itemtype=>component=>tagarea object
  42       */
  43      public static function get_areas($tagcollid = null, $enabledonly = false) {
  44          global $DB;
  45          $cache = cache::make('core', 'tags');
  46          if (($itemtypes = $cache->get('tag_area')) === false) {
  47              $colls = core_tag_collection::get_collections();
  48              $defaultcoll = reset($colls);
  49              $itemtypes = array();
  50              $areas = $DB->get_records('tag_area', array(), 'component,itemtype');
  51              foreach ($areas as $area) {
  52                  if ($colls[$area->tagcollid]->component) {
  53                      $area->locked = true;
  54                  }
  55                  $itemtypes[$area->itemtype][$area->component] = $area;
  56              }
  57              $cache->set('tag_area', $itemtypes);
  58          }
  59          if ($tagcollid || $enabledonly) {
  60              $rv = array();
  61              foreach ($itemtypes as $itemtype => $it) {
  62                  foreach ($it as $component => $v) {
  63                      if (($v->tagcollid == $tagcollid || !$tagcollid) && (!$enabledonly || $v->enabled)) {
  64                          $rv[$itemtype][$component] = $v;
  65                      }
  66                  }
  67              }
  68              return $rv;
  69          }
  70          return $itemtypes;
  71      }
  73      /**
  74       * Retrieves info about one tag area
  75       *
  76       * @param int $tagareaid
  77       * @return stdClass
  78       */
  79      public static function get_by_id($tagareaid) {
  80          $tagareas = self::get_areas();
  81          foreach ($tagareas as $itemtype => $it) {
  82              foreach ($it as $component => $v) {
  83                  if ($v->id == $tagareaid) {
  84                      return $v;
  85                  }
  86              }
  87          }
  88          return null;
  89      }
  91      /**
  92       * Returns the display name for this area
  93       *
  94       * @param string $component
  95       * @param string $itemtype
  96       * @return lang_string
  97       */
  98      public static function display_name($component, $itemtype) {
  99          $identifier = 'tagarea_' . clean_param($itemtype, PARAM_STRINGID);
 100          if ($component === 'core') {
 101              $component = 'tag';
 102          }
 103          return new lang_string($identifier, $component);
 104      }
 106      /**
 107       * Returns whether the tag area is enabled
 108       *
 109       * @param string $component component responsible for tagging
 110       * @param string $itemtype what is being tagged, for example, 'post', 'course', 'user', etc.
 111       * @return bool|null
 112       */
 113      public static function is_enabled($component, $itemtype) {
 114          global $CFG;
 115          if (empty($CFG->usetags)) {
 116              return false;
 117          }
 118          $itemtypes = self::get_areas();
 119          if (isset($itemtypes[$itemtype][$component])) {
 120              return $itemtypes[$itemtype][$component]->enabled ? true : false;
 121          }
 122          return null;
 123      }
 125      /**
 126       * Checks if the tag area allows items to be tagged in multiple different contexts.
 127       *
 128       * If true then it indicates that not all tag instance contexts must match the
 129       * context of the item they are tagging. If false then all tag instance should
 130       * match the context of the item they are tagging.
 131       *
 132       * Example use case for multi-context tagging:
 133       * A question that exists in a course category context may be used by multiple
 134       * child courses. The question tag area can allow tag instances to be created in
 135       * multiple contexts which allows the tag API to tag the question at the course
 136       * category context and then seperately in each of the child course contexts.
 137       *
 138       * @param string $component component responsible for tagging
 139       * @param string $itemtype what is being tagged, for example, 'post', 'course', 'user', etc.
 140       * @return bool
 141       */
 142      public static function allows_tagging_in_multiple_contexts($component, $itemtype) {
 143          $itemtypes = self::get_areas();
 144          if (isset($itemtypes[$itemtype][$component])) {
 145              $config = $itemtypes[$itemtype][$component];
 146              return isset($config->multiplecontexts) ? $config->multiplecontexts : false;
 147          }
 148          return false;
 149      }
 151      /**
 152       * Returns the id of the tag collection that should be used for storing tags of this itemtype
 153       *
 154       * @param string $component component responsible for tagging
 155       * @param string $itemtype what is being tagged, for example, 'post', 'course', 'user', etc.
 156       * @return int
 157       */
 158      public static function get_collection($component, $itemtype) {
 159          $itemtypes = self::get_areas();
 160          if (array_key_exists($itemtype, $itemtypes)) {
 161              if (!array_key_exists($component, $itemtypes[$itemtype])) {
 162                  $component = key($itemtypes[$itemtype]);
 163              }
 164              return $itemtypes[$itemtype][$component]->tagcollid;
 165          }
 166          return core_tag_collection::get_default();
 167      }
 169      /**
 170       * Returns wether this tag area should display or not standard tags when user edits it.
 171       *
 172       * @param string $component component responsible for tagging
 173       * @param string $itemtype what is being tagged, for example, 'post', 'course', 'user', etc.
 174       * @return int
 175       */
 176      public static function get_showstandard($component, $itemtype) {
 177          $itemtypes = self::get_areas();
 178          if (array_key_exists($itemtype, $itemtypes)) {
 179              if (!array_key_exists($component, $itemtypes[$itemtype])) {
 180                  $component = key($itemtypes[$itemtype]);
 181              }
 182              return $itemtypes[$itemtype][$component]->showstandard;
 183          }
 184          return core_tag_tag::BOTH_STANDARD_AND_NOT;
 185      }
 187      /**
 188       * Returns all tag areas and collections that are currently cached in DB for this component
 189       *
 190       * @param string $componentname
 191       * @return array first element is the list of areas and the second list of collections
 192       */
 193      protected static function get_definitions_for_component($componentname) {
 194          global $DB;
 195          list($a, $b) = core_component::normalize_component($componentname);
 196          $component = $b ? ($a . '_' . $b) : $a;
 197          $sql = 'component = :component';
 198          $params = array('component' => $component);
 199          if ($component === 'core') {
 200              $sql .= ' OR component LIKE :coreprefix';
 201              $params['coreprefix'] = 'core_%';
 202          }
 203          $fields = $DB->sql_concat_join("':'", array('itemtype', 'component'));
 204          $existingareas = $DB->get_records_sql(
 205                  "SELECT $fields AS returnkey, a.* FROM {tag_area} a WHERE $sql", $params);
 206          $fields = $DB->sql_concat_join("':'", array('name', 'component'));
 207          $existingcolls = $DB->get_records_sql(
 208                  "SELECT $fields AS returnkey, t.* FROM {tag_coll} t WHERE $sql", $params);
 209          return array($existingareas, $existingcolls);
 211      }
 213      /**
 214       * Completely delete a tag area and all instances inside it
 215       *
 216       * @param stdClass $record
 217       */
 218      protected static function delete($record) {
 219          global $DB;
 221          core_tag_tag::delete_instances($record->component, $record->itemtype);
 223          $DB->delete_records('tag_area',
 224                  array('itemtype' => $record->itemtype,
 225                      'component' => $record->component));
 227          // Reset cache.
 228          cache::make('core', 'tags')->delete('tag_area');
 229      }
 231      /**
 232       * Create a new tag area
 233       *
 234       * @param stdClass $record
 235       */
 236      protected static function create($record) {
 237          global $DB;
 238          if (empty($record->tagcollid)) {
 239              $record->tagcollid = core_tag_collection::get_default();
 240          }
 241          $DB->insert_record('tag_area', array('component' => $record->component,
 242              'itemtype' => $record->itemtype,
 243              'tagcollid' => $record->tagcollid,
 244              'callback' => $record->callback,
 245              'callbackfile' => $record->callbackfile,
 246              'showstandard' => isset($record->showstandard) ? $record->showstandard : core_tag_tag::BOTH_STANDARD_AND_NOT,
 247              'multiplecontexts' => isset($record->multiplecontexts) ? $record->multiplecontexts : 0));
 249          // Reset cache.
 250          cache::make('core', 'tags')->delete('tag_area');
 251      }
 253      /**
 254       * Update the tag area
 255       *
 256       * @param stdClass $existing current record from DB table tag_area
 257       * @param array|stdClass $data fields that need updating
 258       */
 259      public static function update($existing, $data) {
 260          global $DB;
 261          $data = array_intersect_key((array)$data,
 262                  array('enabled' => 1, 'tagcollid' => 1,
 263                      'callback' => 1, 'callbackfile' => 1, 'showstandard' => 1,
 264                      'multiplecontexts' => 1));
 265          foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
 266              if ($existing->$key == $value) {
 267                  unset($data[$key]);
 268              }
 269          }
 270          if (!$data) {
 271              return;
 272          }
 274          if (!empty($data['tagcollid'])) {
 275              self::move_tags($existing->component, $existing->itemtype, $data['tagcollid']);
 276          }
 278          $data['id'] = $existing->id;
 279          $DB->update_record('tag_area', $data);
 281          // Reset cache.
 282          cache::make('core', 'tags')->delete('tag_area');
 283      }
 285      /**
 286       * Update the database to contain a list of tagged areas for a component.
 287       * The list of tagged areas is read from [plugindir]/db/tag.php
 288       *
 289       * @param string $componentname - The frankenstyle component name.
 290       */
 291      public static function reset_definitions_for_component($componentname) {
 292          global $DB;
 293          $dir = core_component::get_component_directory($componentname);
 294          $file = $dir . '/db/tag.php';
 295          $tagareas = null;
 296          if (file_exists($file)) {
 297              require_once($file);
 298          }
 300          list($a, $b) = core_component::normalize_component($componentname);
 301          $component = $b ? ($a . '_' . $b) : $a;
 303          list($existingareas, $existingcolls) = self::get_definitions_for_component($componentname);
 305          $itemtypes = array();
 306          $collections = array();
 307          $needcleanup = false;
 308          if ($tagareas) {
 309              foreach ($tagareas as $tagarea) {
 310                  $record = (object)$tagarea;
 311                  if ($component !== 'core' || empty($record->component)) {
 312                      if (isset($record->component) && $record->component !== $component) {
 313                          debugging("Item type {$record->itemtype} has illegal component {$record->component}", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 314                      }
 315                      $record->component = $component;
 316                  }
 317                  unset($record->tagcollid);
 318                  if (!empty($record->collection)) {
 319                      // Create collection if it does not exist, or update 'searchable' and/or 'customurl' if needed.
 320                      $key = $record->collection . ':' . $record->component;
 321                      $collectiondata = array_intersect_key((array)$record,
 322                              array('component' => 1, 'searchable' => 1, 'customurl' => 1));
 323                      $collectiondata['name'] = $record->collection;
 324                      if (!array_key_exists($key, $existingcolls)) {
 325                          $existingcolls[$key] = core_tag_collection::create($collectiondata);
 326                      } else {
 327                          core_tag_collection::update($existingcolls[$key], $collectiondata);
 328                      }
 329                      $record->tagcollid = $existingcolls[$key]->id;
 330                      $collections[$key] = $existingcolls[$key];
 331                      unset($record->collection);
 332                  }
 333                  unset($record->searchable);
 334                  unset($record->customurl);
 335                  if (!isset($record->callback)) {
 336                      $record->callback = null;
 337                  }
 338                  if (!isset($record->callbackfile)) {
 339                      $record->callbackfile = null;
 340                  }
 341                  if (!isset($record->multiplecontexts)) {
 342                      $record->multiplecontexts = false;
 343                  }
 344                  $itemtypes[$record->itemtype . ':' . $record->component] = $record;
 345              }
 346          }
 347          $todeletearea = array_diff_key($existingareas, $itemtypes);
 348          $todeletecoll = array_diff_key($existingcolls, $collections);
 350          // Delete tag areas that are no longer needed.
 351          foreach ($todeletearea as $key => $record) {
 352              self::delete($record);
 353          }
 355          // Update tag areas if changed.
 356          $toupdatearea = array_intersect_key($existingareas, $itemtypes);
 357          foreach ($toupdatearea as $key => $tagarea) {
 358              if (!isset($itemtypes[$key]->tagcollid)) {
 359                  foreach ($todeletecoll as $tagcoll) {
 360                      if ($tagcoll->id == $tagarea->tagcollid) {
 361                          $itemtypes[$key]->tagcollid = core_tag_collection::get_default();
 362                      }
 363                  }
 364              }
 365              unset($itemtypes[$key]->showstandard); // Do not override value that was already changed by admin with the default.
 366              self::update($tagarea, $itemtypes[$key]);
 367          }
 369          // Create new tag areas.
 370          $toaddarea = array_diff_key($itemtypes, $existingareas);
 371          foreach ($toaddarea as $record) {
 372              self::create($record);
 373          }
 375          // Delete tag collections that are no longer needed.
 376          foreach ($todeletecoll as $key => $tagcoll) {
 377              core_tag_collection::delete($tagcoll);
 378          }
 379      }
 381      /**
 382       * Deletes all tag areas, collections and instances associated with the plugin.
 383       *
 384       * @param string $pluginname
 385       */
 386      public static function uninstall($pluginname) {
 387          global $DB;
 389          list($a, $b) = core_component::normalize_component($pluginname);
 390          if (empty($b) || $a === 'core') {
 391              throw new coding_exception('Core component can not be uninstalled');
 392          }
 393          $component = $a . '_' . $b;
 395          core_tag_tag::delete_instances($component);
 397          $DB->delete_records('tag_area', array('component' => $component));
 398          $DB->delete_records('tag_coll', array('component' => $component));
 399          cache::make('core', 'tags')->delete_many(array('tag_area', 'tag_coll'));
 400      }
 402      /**
 403       * Moves existing tags associated with an item type to another tag collection
 404       *
 405       * @param string $component
 406       * @param string $itemtype
 407       * @param int $tagcollid
 408       */
 409      public static function move_tags($component, $itemtype, $tagcollid) {
 410          global $DB;
 411          $params = array('itemtype1' => $itemtype, 'component1' => $component,
 412              'itemtype2' => $itemtype, 'component2' => $component,
 413              'tagcollid1' => $tagcollid, 'tagcollid2' => $tagcollid);
 415          // Find all collections that need to be cleaned later.
 416          $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT t.tagcollid " .
 417              "FROM {tag_instance} ti " .
 418              "JOIN {tag} t ON = ti.tagid AND t.tagcollid <> :tagcollid1 " .
 419              "WHERE ti.itemtype = :itemtype2 AND ti.component = :component2 ";
 420          $cleanupcollections = $DB->get_fieldset_sql($sql, $params);
 422          // Find all tags that are related to the tags being moved and make sure they are present in the target tagcoll.
 423          // This query is a little complicated because Oracle does not allow to run SELECT DISTINCT on CLOB fields.
 424          $sql = "SELECT name, rawname, description, descriptionformat, userid, isstandard, flag, timemodified ".
 425                  "FROM {tag} WHERE id IN ".
 426                  "(SELECT ".
 427                  "FROM {tag_instance} ti ". // Instances that need moving.
 428                  "JOIN {tag} t ON = ti.tagid AND t.tagcollid <> :tagcollid1 ". // Tags that need moving.
 429                  "JOIN {tag_instance} tr ON tr.itemtype = 'tag' and tr.component = 'core' AND tr.itemid = ".
 430                  "JOIN {tag} r ON = tr.tagid ". // Tags related to the tags that need moving.
 431                  "LEFT JOIN {tag} re ON = AND re.tagcollid = :tagcollid2 ". // Existing tags in the target tagcoll with the same name as related tags.
 432                  "WHERE ti.itemtype = :itemtype2 AND ti.component = :component2 ".
 433                  "    AND IS NULL)"; // We need related tags that ARE NOT present in the target tagcoll.
 434          $result = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
 435          foreach ($result as $tag) {
 436              $tag->tagcollid = $tagcollid;
 437              $tag->id = $DB->insert_record('tag', $tag);
 438              \core\event\tag_created::create_from_tag($tag);
 439          }
 441          // Find all tags that need moving and have related tags, remember their related tags.
 442          $sql = "SELECT AS tagname, r.rawname AS relatedtag ".
 443                  "FROM {tag_instance} ti ". // Instances that need moving.
 444                  "JOIN {tag} t ON = ti.tagid AND t.tagcollid <> :tagcollid1 ". // Tags that need moving.
 445                  "JOIN {tag_instance} tr ON = tr.tagid AND tr.itemtype = 'tag' and tr.component = 'core' ".
 446                  "JOIN {tag} r ON = tr.itemid ". // Tags related to the tags that need moving.
 447                  "WHERE ti.itemtype = :itemtype2 AND ti.component = :component2 ".
 448                  "ORDER BY, tr.ordering ";
 449          $relatedtags = array();
 450          $result = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
 451          foreach ($result as $record) {
 452              $relatedtags[$record->tagname][] = $record->relatedtag;
 453          }
 454          $result->close();
 456          // Find all tags that are used for this itemtype/component and are not present in the target tag collection.
 457          // This query is a little complicated because Oracle does not allow to run SELECT DISTINCT on CLOB fields.
 458          $sql = "SELECT id, name, rawname, description, descriptionformat, userid, isstandard, flag, timemodified
 459                  FROM {tag} WHERE id IN
 460                  (SELECT
 461                  FROM {tag_instance} ti
 462                  JOIN {tag} t ON = ti.tagid AND t.tagcollid <> :tagcollid1
 463                  LEFT JOIN {tag} tt ON = AND tt.tagcollid = :tagcollid2
 464                  WHERE ti.itemtype = :itemtype2 AND ti.component = :component2
 465                      AND IS NULL)";
 466          $movedtags = array(); // Keep track of moved tags so we don't hit DB index violation.
 467          $result = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
 468          foreach ($result as $tag) {
 469              $originaltagid = $tag->id;
 470              if (array_key_exists($tag->name, $movedtags)) {
 471                  // Case of corrupted data when the same tag was in several collections.
 472                  $tag->id = $movedtags[$tag->name];
 473              } else {
 474                  // Copy the tag into the new collection.
 475                  unset($tag->id);
 476                  $tag->tagcollid = $tagcollid;
 477                  $tag->id = $DB->insert_record('tag', $tag);
 478                  \core\event\tag_created::create_from_tag($tag);
 479                  $movedtags[$tag->name] = $tag->id;
 480              }
 481              $DB->execute("UPDATE {tag_instance} SET tagid = ? WHERE tagid = ? AND itemtype = ? AND component = ?",
 482                      array($tag->id, $originaltagid, $itemtype, $component));
 483          }
 485          // Find all tags that are used for this itemtype/component and are already present in the target tag collection.
 486          $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT, AS targettagid
 487                  FROM {tag_instance} ti
 488                  JOIN {tag} t ON = ti.tagid AND t.tagcollid <> :tagcollid1
 489                  JOIN {tag} tt ON = AND tt.tagcollid = :tagcollid2
 490                  WHERE ti.itemtype = :itemtype2 AND ti.component = :component2";
 491          $result = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
 492          foreach ($result as $tag) {
 493              $DB->execute("UPDATE {tag_instance} SET tagid = ? WHERE tagid = ? AND itemtype = ? AND component = ?",
 494                      array($tag->targettagid, $tag->id, $itemtype, $component));
 495          }
 497          // Add related tags to the moved tags.
 498          if ($relatedtags) {
 499              $tags = core_tag_tag::get_by_name_bulk($tagcollid, array_keys($relatedtags));
 500              foreach ($tags as $tag) {
 501                  $tag->add_related_tags($relatedtags[$tag->name]);
 502              }
 503          }
 505          if ($cleanupcollections) {
 506              core_tag_collection::cleanup_unused_tags($cleanupcollections);
 507          }
 509          // Reset caches.
 510          cache::make('core', 'tags')->delete('tag_area');
 511      }
 512  }