Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 39 and 311]
Renderer class for tool_dataprivacy
Copyright: | 2018 Jun Pataleta |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 149 lines (5 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
render_my_data_requests_page(my_data_requests_page $page) X-Ref |
Render the user's data requests page. param: my_data_requests_page $page return: string html for the page |
render_contact_dpo_link() X-Ref |
Render the contact DPO link. return: string The HTML for the link. |
render_data_requests_page(data_requests_page $page) X-Ref |
Render the data requests page for the DPO. param: data_requests_page $page return: string html for the page |
render_data_registry_page(data_registry_page $page) X-Ref |
Render the data registry. param: data_registry_page $page return: string html for the page |
render_data_registry_compliance_page(data_registry_compliance_page $page) X-Ref |
Render the data compliance registry. param: data_registry_compliance_page $page return: string html for the page |
render_purposes(purposes $page) X-Ref |
Render the purposes management page. param: purposes $page return: string html for the page |
render_categories(categories $page) X-Ref |
Render the categories management page. param: categories $page return: string html for the page |
render_data_deletion_page(data_deletion_page $page) X-Ref |
Render the review page for the deletion of expired contexts. param: data_deletion_page $page return: string html for the page |
render_summary_page(summary_page $page) X-Ref |
Render the user data retention summary page. param: summary_page $page return: string html for the page. |