1 <?php 2 // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ 3 // 4 // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 7 // (at your option) any later version. 8 // 9 // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 11 // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 12 // GNU General Public License for more details. 13 // 14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 15 // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 16 /** 17 * @package moodlecore 18 * @subpackage backup-imscc 19 * @copyright 2009 Mauro Rondinelli (mauro.rondinelli [AT] uvcms.com) 20 * @copyright 2011 Darko Miletic (dmiletic@moodlerooms.com) 21 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later 22 */ 23 24 defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') or die('Direct access to this script is forbidden.'); 25 26 class cc_resource extends entities { 27 28 public function generate_node () { 29 30 cc2moodle::log_action('Creating Resource mods'); 31 32 $response = ''; 33 $sheet_mod_resource = cc2moodle::loadsheet(SHEET_COURSE_SECTIONS_SECTION_MODS_MOD_RESOURCE); 34 35 if (!empty(cc2moodle::$instances['instances'][MOODLE_TYPE_RESOURCE])) { 36 foreach (cc2moodle::$instances['instances'][MOODLE_TYPE_RESOURCE] as $instance) { 37 $response .= $this->create_node_course_modules_mod_resource($sheet_mod_resource, $instance); 38 } 39 } 40 41 return $response; 42 43 } 44 45 private function create_node_course_modules_mod_resource ($sheet_mod_resource, $instance) { 46 global $CFG; 47 48 require_once($CFG->libdir.'/validateurlsyntax.php'); 49 50 $link = ''; 51 $mod_alltext = ''; 52 $mod_summary = ''; 53 $xpath = cc2moodle::newx_path(cc2moodle::$manifest, cc2moodle::$namespaces); 54 55 if ($instance['common_cartriedge_type'] == cc2moodle::CC_TYPE_WEBCONTENT || $instance['common_cartriedge_type'] == cc2moodle::CC_TYPE_ASSOCIATED_CONTENT) { 56 $resource = $xpath->query('/imscc:manifest/imscc:resources/imscc:resource[@identifier="' . $instance['resource_indentifier'] . '"]/@href'); 57 $resource = !empty($resource->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $resource->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; 58 59 if (empty($resource)) { 60 61 unset($resource); 62 63 $resource = $xpath->query('/imscc:manifest/imscc:resources/imscc:resource[@identifier="' . $instance['resource_indentifier'] . '"]/imscc:file/@href'); 64 $resource = !empty($resource->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $resource->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; 65 66 } 67 68 if (!empty($resource)) { 69 $link = $resource; 70 } 71 } 72 73 if ($instance['common_cartriedge_type'] == cc2moodle::CC_TYPE_WEBLINK) { 74 75 $external_resource = $xpath->query('/imscc:manifest/imscc:resources/imscc:resource[@identifier="' . $instance['resource_indentifier'] . '"]/imscc:file/@href')->item(0)->nodeValue; 76 77 if ($external_resource) { 78 79 $resource = $this->load_xml_resource(cc2moodle::$path_to_manifest_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $external_resource); 80 81 if (!empty($resource)) { 82 $xpath = cc2moodle::newx_path($resource, cc2moodle::getresourcens()); 83 $resource = $xpath->query('//url/@href'); 84 if ($resource->length > 0) { 85 $rawlink = $resource->item(0)->nodeValue; 86 if (!validateUrlSyntax($rawlink, 's+')) { 87 $changed = rawurldecode($rawlink); 88 if (validateUrlSyntax($changed, 's+')) { 89 $link = $changed; 90 } else { 91 $link = 'http://invalidurldetected/'; 92 } 93 } else { 94 $link = $rawlink; 95 } 96 } 97 } 98 } 99 } 100 101 $find_tags = array('[#mod_instance#]', 102 '[#mod_name#]', 103 '[#mod_type#]', 104 '[#mod_reference#]', 105 '[#mod_summary#]', 106 '[#mod_alltext#]', 107 '[#mod_options#]', 108 '[#date_now#]'); 109 110 $mod_type = 'file'; 111 $mod_options = 'objectframe'; 112 $mod_reference = $link; 113 //detected if we are dealing with html file 114 if (!empty($link) && ($instance['common_cartriedge_type'] == cc2moodle::CC_TYPE_WEBCONTENT)) { 115 $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($link, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); 116 if (in_array($ext, array('html', 'htm', 'xhtml'))) { 117 $mod_type = 'html'; 118 //extract the content of the file 119 $rootpath = realpath(cc112moodle::$path_to_manifest_folder); 120 $htmlpath = realpath($rootpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $link); 121 $dirpath = dirname($htmlpath); 122 if (file_exists($htmlpath)) { 123 $fcontent = file_get_contents($htmlpath); 124 $mod_alltext = clean_param($this->prepare_content($fcontent), PARAM_CLEANHTML); 125 $mod_reference = ''; 126 $mod_options = ''; 127 //TODO: try to handle embedded resources 128 /** 129 * images, linked static resources, applets, videos 130 */ 131 $doc = new DOMDocument(); 132 $cdir = getcwd(); 133 chdir($dirpath); 134 try { 135 if (!empty($mod_alltext) && $doc->loadHTML($mod_alltext)) { 136 $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); 137 $attributes = array('href', 'src', 'background', 'archive', 'code'); 138 $qtemplate = "//*[@##][not(contains(@##,'://'))]/@##"; 139 $query = ''; 140 foreach ($attributes as $attrname) { 141 if (!empty($query)) { 142 $query .= " | "; 143 } 144 $query .= str_replace('##', $attrname, $qtemplate); 145 } 146 $list = $xpath->query($query); 147 $searches = array(); 148 $replaces = array(); 149 foreach ($list as $resrc) { 150 $rpath = $resrc->nodeValue; 151 $rtp = realpath($rpath); 152 if (($rtp !== false) && is_file($rtp)) { 153 //file is there - we are in business 154 $strip = str_replace("\\", "/", str_ireplace($rootpath, '', $rtp)); 155 $encoded_file = '$@FILEPHP@$'.str_replace('/', '$@SLASH@$', $strip); 156 $searches[] = $resrc->nodeValue; 157 $replaces[] = $encoded_file; 158 } 159 } 160 $mod_alltext = str_replace($searches, $replaces, $mod_alltext); 161 } 162 } catch (Exception $e) { 163 //silence the complaints 164 } 165 chdir($cdir); 166 $mod_alltext = self::safexml($mod_alltext); 167 } 168 } 169 } 170 171 $replace_values = array($instance['instance'], 172 self::safexml($instance['title']), 173 $mod_type, 174 $mod_reference, 175 '', 176 $mod_alltext, 177 $mod_options, 178 time()); 179 180 181 return str_replace($find_tags, $replace_values, $sheet_mod_resource); 182 } 183 }