Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.
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< /** < * Asyncronhous backup tests. < * < * @package core_backup < * @copyright 2018 Matt Porritt <> < * @license GNU GPL v3 or later < */
> namespace core_backup; > > use backup; > use backup_controller;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/includes/backup_includes.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/includes/restore_includes.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php'); /** * Asyncronhous backup tests. *
> * @package core_backup
* @copyright 2018 Matt Porritt <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */
< class core_backup_async_backup_testcase extends \core_privacy\tests\provider_testcase {
> class async_backup_test extends \advanced_testcase {
/** * Tests the asynchronous backup. */ public function test_async_backup() {
< global $DB, $CFG, $USER;
> global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
$this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setAdminUser(); $CFG->enableavailability = true; $CFG->enablecompletion = true; // Create a course with some availability data set. $generator = $this->getDataGenerator(); $course = $generator->create_course( array('format' => 'topics', 'numsections' => 3, 'enablecompletion' => COMPLETION_ENABLED), array('createsections' => true)); $forum = $generator->create_module('forum', array( 'course' => $course->id)); $forum2 = $generator->create_module('forum', array( 'course' => $course->id, 'completion' => COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL));
> // Create a teacher user to call the backup. // We need a grade, easiest is to add an assignment. > $teacher = $generator->create_user(); $assignrow = $generator->create_module('assign', array( > $generator->enrol_user($teacher->id, $course->id, 'editingteacher'); 'course' => $course->id)); >
< $assign = new assign(context_module::instance($assignrow->cmid), false, false);
> $assign = new \assign(\context_module::instance($assignrow->cmid), false, false);
$item = $assign->get_grade_item(); // Make a test grouping as well. $grouping = $generator->create_grouping(array('courseid' => $course->id, 'name' => 'Grouping!')); $availability = '{"op":"|","show":false,"c":[' . '{"type":"completion","cm":' . $forum2->cmid .',"e":1},' . '{"type":"grade","id":' . $item->id . ',"min":4,"max":94},' . '{"type":"grouping","id":' . $grouping->id . '}' . ']}'; $DB->set_field('course_modules', 'availability', $availability, array( 'id' => $forum->cmid)); $DB->set_field('course_sections', 'availability', $availability, array( 'course' => $course->id, 'section' => 1));
> // Enable logging. // Start backup process. > $this->preventResetByRollback(); > set_config('enabled_stores', 'logstore_standard', 'tool_log'); // Make the backup controller for an async backup. > set_config('buffersize', 0, 'logstore_standard'); $bc = new backup_controller(backup::TYPE_1COURSE, $course->id, backup::FORMAT_MOODLE, > get_log_manager(true); backup::INTERACTIVE_YES, backup::MODE_ASYNC, $USER->id); >
> $this->setUser($teacher->id);
$backupid = $bc->get_backupid(); $bc->destroy(); $prebackuprec = $DB->get_record('backup_controllers', array('backupid' => $backupid)); // Check the initial backup controller was created correctly. $this->assertEquals(backup::STATUS_AWAITING, $prebackuprec->status); $this->assertEquals(2, $prebackuprec->execution); // Create the adhoc task. $asynctask = new \core\task\asynchronous_backup_task(); $asynctask->set_blocking(false);
< $asynctask->set_custom_data(array('backupid' => $backupid));
> $asynctask->set_custom_data(['backupid' => $backupid]); > $asynctask->set_userid($USER->id);
\core\task\manager::queue_adhoc_task($asynctask); // We are expecting trace output during this test. $this->expectOutputRegex("/$backupid/"); // Execute adhoc task. $now = time(); $task = \core\task\manager::get_next_adhoc_task($now); $this->assertInstanceOf('\\core\\task\\asynchronous_backup_task', $task); $task->execute(); \core\task\manager::adhoc_task_complete($task);
< $postbackuprec = $DB->get_record('backup_controllers', array('backupid' => $backupid));
> $postbackuprec = $DB->get_record('backup_controllers', ['backupid' => $backupid]);
// Check backup was created successfully. $this->assertEquals(backup::STATUS_FINISHED_OK, $postbackuprec->status); $this->assertEquals(1.0, $postbackuprec->progress);
> $this->assertEquals($teacher->id, $postbackuprec->userid); } > } > // Check that the backupid was logged correctly. > $logrec = $DB->get_record('logstore_standard_log', ['userid' => $postbackuprec->userid, > 'target' => 'course_backup'], '*', MUST_EXIST); > $otherdata = json_decode($logrec->other); > $this->assertEquals($backupid, $otherdata->backupid); > } > > /** > * Tests the asynchronous backup will resolve in duplicate cases. > */ > public function test_complete_async_backup() { > global $CFG, $DB, $USER; > > $this->resetAfterTest(true); > $this->setAdminUser(); > $CFG->enableavailability = true; > $CFG->enablecompletion = true; > > // Create a course with some availability data set. > $generator = $this->getDataGenerator(); > $course = $generator->create_course( > array('format' => 'topics', 'numsections' => 3, > 'enablecompletion' => COMPLETION_ENABLED), > array('createsections' => true)); > $forum = $generator->create_module('forum', array( > 'course' => $course->id)); > $forum2 = $generator->create_module('forum', array( > 'course' => $course->id, 'completion' => COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL)); > > // We need a grade, easiest is to add an assignment. > $assignrow = $generator->create_module('assign', array( > 'course' => $course->id)); > $assign = new \assign(\context_module::instance($assignrow->cmid), false, false); > $item = $assign->get_grade_item(); > > // Make a test grouping as well. > $grouping = $generator->create_grouping(array('courseid' => $course->id, > 'name' => 'Grouping!')); > > $availability = '{"op":"|","show":false,"c":[' . > '{"type":"completion","cm":' . $forum2->cmid .',"e":1},' . > '{"type":"grade","id":' . $item->id . ',"min":4,"max":94},' . > '{"type":"grouping","id":' . $grouping->id . '}' . > ']}'; > $DB->set_field('course_modules', 'availability', $availability, array( > 'id' => $forum->cmid)); > $DB->set_field('course_sections', 'availability', $availability, array( > 'course' => $course->id, 'section' => 1)); > > // Make the backup controller for an async backup. > $bc = new backup_controller(backup::TYPE_1COURSE, $course->id, backup::FORMAT_MOODLE, > backup::INTERACTIVE_YES, backup::MODE_ASYNC, $USER->id); > $bc->finish_ui(); > $backupid = $bc->get_backupid(); > $bc->destroy(); > > // Now hack the record to remove the controller and set the status fields to complete. > // This emulates a duplicate run for an already finished controller. > $id = $DB->get_field('backup_controllers', 'id', ['backupid' => $backupid]); > $data = [ > 'id' => $id, > 'controller' => '', > 'progress' => 1.0, > 'status' => backup::STATUS_FINISHED_OK > ]; > $DB->update_record('backup_controllers', $data); > > // Now queue an adhoc task and check it handles and completes gracefully. > $asynctask = new \core\task\asynchronous_backup_task(); > $asynctask->set_blocking(false); > $asynctask->set_custom_data(array('backupid' => $backupid)); > \core\task\manager::queue_adhoc_task($asynctask); > > // We are expecting a specific message output during this test. > $this->expectOutputRegex('/invalid controller/'); > > // Execute adhoc task. > $now = time(); > $task = \core\task\manager::get_next_adhoc_task($now); > $this->assertInstanceOf('\\core\\task\\asynchronous_backup_task', $task); > $task->execute(); > \core\task\manager::adhoc_task_complete($task); > > // Check the task record is removed. > $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('task_adhoc'));