Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 311 and 400] [Versions 311 and 401] [Versions 311 and 402] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 311]
1 <?php 2 // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ 3 // 4 // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 7 // (at your option) any later version. 8 // 9 // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 11 // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 12 // GNU General Public License for more details. 13 // 14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 15 // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 16 17 18 /** 19 * External course participation api. 20 * 21 * This api is mostly read only, the actual enrol and unenrol 22 * support is in each enrol plugin. 23 * 24 * @package core_enrol 25 * @category external 26 * @copyright 2010 Jerome Mouneyrac 27 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later 28 */ 29 30 defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); 31 32 require_once("$CFG->libdir/externallib.php"); 33 34 /** 35 * Enrol external functions 36 * 37 * @package core_enrol 38 * @category external 39 * @copyright 2011 Jerome Mouneyrac 40 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later 41 * @since Moodle 2.2 42 */ 43 class core_enrol_external extends external_api { 44 45 /** 46 * Returns description of method parameters 47 * 48 * @return external_function_parameters 49 * @since Moodle 2.4 50 */ 51 public static function get_enrolled_users_with_capability_parameters() { 52 return new external_function_parameters( 53 array ( 54 'coursecapabilities' => new external_multiple_structure( 55 new external_single_structure( 56 array ( 57 'courseid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Course ID number in the Moodle course table'), 58 'capabilities' => new external_multiple_structure( 59 new external_value(PARAM_CAPABILITY, 'Capability name, such as mod/forum:viewdiscussion')), 60 ) 61 ) 62 , 'course id and associated capability name'), 63 'options' => new external_multiple_structure( 64 new external_single_structure( 65 array( 66 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'option name'), 67 'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'option value') 68 ) 69 ), 'Option names: 70 * groupid (integer) return only users in this group id. Requires \'moodle/site:accessallgroups\' . 71 * onlyactive (integer) only users with active enrolments. Requires \'moodle/course:enrolreview\' . 72 * userfields (\'string, string, ...\') return only the values of these user fields. 73 * limitfrom (integer) sql limit from. 74 * limitnumber (integer) max number of users per course and capability.', VALUE_DEFAULT, array()) 75 ) 76 ); 77 } 78 79 /** 80 * Return users that have the capabilities for each course specified. For each course and capability specified, 81 * a list of the users that are enrolled in the course and have that capability are returned. 82 * 83 * @param array $coursecapabilities array of course ids and associated capability names {courseid, {capabilities}} 84 * @return array An array of arrays describing users for each associated courseid and capability 85 * @since Moodle 2.4 86 */ 87 public static function get_enrolled_users_with_capability($coursecapabilities, $options) { 88 global $CFG, $DB; 89 90 require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/lib.php'); 91 require_once($CFG->dirroot . "/user/lib.php"); 92 93 if (empty($coursecapabilities)) { 94 throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Parameter can not be empty'); 95 } 96 $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_enrolled_users_with_capability_parameters(), 97 array ('coursecapabilities' => $coursecapabilities, 'options'=>$options)); 98 $result = array(); 99 $userlist = array(); 100 $groupid = 0; 101 $onlyactive = false; 102 $userfields = array(); 103 $limitfrom = 0; 104 $limitnumber = 0; 105 foreach ($params['options'] as $option) { 106 switch ($option['name']) { 107 case 'groupid': 108 $groupid = (int)$option['value']; 109 break; 110 case 'onlyactive': 111 $onlyactive = !empty($option['value']); 112 break; 113 case 'userfields': 114 $thefields = explode(',', $option['value']); 115 foreach ($thefields as $f) { 116 $userfields[] = clean_param($f, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); 117 } 118 break; 119 case 'limitfrom' : 120 $limitfrom = clean_param($option['value'], PARAM_INT); 121 break; 122 case 'limitnumber' : 123 $limitnumber = clean_param($option['value'], PARAM_INT); 124 break; 125 } 126 } 127 128 foreach ($params['coursecapabilities'] as $coursecapability) { 129 $courseid = $coursecapability['courseid']; 130 $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$courseid), '*', MUST_EXIST); 131 $coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid); 132 if (!$coursecontext) { 133 throw new moodle_exception('cannotfindcourse', 'error', '', null, 134 'The course id ' . $courseid . ' doesn\'t exist.'); 135 } 136 if ($courseid == SITEID) { 137 $context = context_system::instance(); 138 } else { 139 $context = $coursecontext; 140 } 141 try { 142 self::validate_context($context); 143 } catch (Exception $e) { 144 $exceptionparam = new stdClass(); 145 $exceptionparam->message = $e->getMessage(); 146 $exceptionparam->courseid = $params['courseid']; 147 throw new moodle_exception(get_string('errorcoursecontextnotvalid' , 'webservice', $exceptionparam)); 148 } 149 150 course_require_view_participants($context); 151 152 // The accessallgroups capability is needed to use this option. 153 if (!empty($groupid) && groups_is_member($groupid)) { 154 require_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $coursecontext); 155 } 156 // The course:enrolereview capability is needed to use this option. 157 if ($onlyactive) { 158 require_capability('moodle/course:enrolreview', $coursecontext); 159 } 160 161 // To see the permissions of others role:review capability is required. 162 require_capability('moodle/role:review', $coursecontext); 163 foreach ($coursecapability['capabilities'] as $capability) { 164 $courseusers['courseid'] = $courseid; 165 $courseusers['capability'] = $capability; 166 167 list($enrolledsql, $enrolledparams) = get_enrolled_sql($coursecontext, $capability, $groupid, $onlyactive); 168 $enrolledparams['courseid'] = $courseid; 169 170 $sql = "SELECT u.*, COALESCE(ul.timeaccess, 0) AS lastcourseaccess 171 FROM {user} u 172 LEFT JOIN {user_lastaccess} ul ON (ul.userid = u.id AND ul.courseid = :courseid) 173 WHERE u.id IN ($enrolledsql) 174 ORDER BY u.id ASC"; 175 176 $enrolledusers = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $enrolledparams, $limitfrom, $limitnumber); 177 $users = array(); 178 foreach ($enrolledusers as $courseuser) { 179 if ($userdetails = user_get_user_details($courseuser, $course, $userfields)) { 180 $users[] = $userdetails; 181 } 182 } 183 $enrolledusers->close(); 184 $courseusers['users'] = $users; 185 $result[] = $courseusers; 186 } 187 } 188 return $result; 189 } 190 191 /** 192 * Returns description of method result value 193 * 194 * @return external_multiple_structure 195 * @since Moodle 2.4 196 */ 197 public static function get_enrolled_users_with_capability_returns() { 198 return new external_multiple_structure( new external_single_structure ( 199 array ( 200 'courseid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Course ID number in the Moodle course table'), 201 'capability' => new external_value(PARAM_CAPABILITY, 'Capability name'), 202 'users' => new external_multiple_structure( 203 new external_single_structure( 204 array( 205 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'ID of the user'), 206 'username' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'Username', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 207 'firstname' => new external_value(PARAM_NOTAGS, 'The first name(s) of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 208 'lastname' => new external_value(PARAM_NOTAGS, 'The family name of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 209 'fullname' => new external_value(PARAM_NOTAGS, 'The fullname of the user'), 210 'email' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'Email address', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 211 'address' => new external_value(PARAM_MULTILANG, 'Postal address', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 212 'phone1' => new external_value(PARAM_NOTAGS, 'Phone 1', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 213 'phone2' => new external_value(PARAM_NOTAGS, 'Phone 2', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 214 'department' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'department', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 215 'institution' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'institution', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 216 'interests' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'user interests (separated by commas)', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 217 'firstaccess' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'first access to the site (0 if never)', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 218 'lastaccess' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'last access to the site (0 if never)', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 219 'lastcourseaccess' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'last access to the course (0 if never)', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 220 'description' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'User profile description', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 221 'descriptionformat' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'User profile description format', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 222 'city' => new external_value(PARAM_NOTAGS, 'Home city of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 223 'country' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHA, 'Country code of the user, such as AU or CZ', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 224 'profileimageurlsmall' => new external_value(PARAM_URL, 'User image profile URL - small', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 225 'profileimageurl' => new external_value(PARAM_URL, 'User image profile URL - big', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 226 'customfields' => new external_multiple_structure( 227 new external_single_structure( 228 array( 229 'type' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'The type of the custom field'), 230 'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The value of the custom field'), 231 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The name of the custom field'), 232 'shortname' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The shortname of the custom field'), 233 ) 234 ), 'User custom fields (also known as user profil fields)', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 235 'groups' => new external_multiple_structure( 236 new external_single_structure( 237 array( 238 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'group id'), 239 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'group name'), 240 'description' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'group description'), 241 ) 242 ), 'user groups', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 243 'roles' => new external_multiple_structure( 244 new external_single_structure( 245 array( 246 'roleid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'role id'), 247 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'role name'), 248 'shortname' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'role shortname'), 249 'sortorder' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'role sortorder') 250 ) 251 ), 'user roles', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 252 'preferences' => new external_multiple_structure( 253 new external_single_structure( 254 array( 255 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The name of the preferences'), 256 'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The value of the custom field'), 257 ) 258 ), 'User preferences', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 259 'enrolledcourses' => new external_multiple_structure( 260 new external_single_structure( 261 array( 262 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Id of the course'), 263 'fullname' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'Fullname of the course'), 264 'shortname' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'Shortname of the course') 265 ) 266 ), 'Courses where the user is enrolled - limited by which courses the user is able to see', VALUE_OPTIONAL) 267 ) 268 ), 'List of users that are enrolled in the course and have the specified capability'), 269 ) 270 ) 271 ); 272 } 273 274 /** 275 * Returns description of method parameters 276 * 277 * @return external_function_parameters 278 */ 279 public static function get_users_courses_parameters() { 280 return new external_function_parameters( 281 array( 282 'userid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'user id'), 283 'returnusercount' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 284 'Include count of enrolled users for each course? This can add several seconds to the response time' 285 . ' if a user is on several large courses, so set this to false if the value will not be used to' 286 . ' improve performance.', 287 VALUE_DEFAULT, true), 288 ) 289 ); 290 } 291 292 /** 293 * Get list of courses user is enrolled in (only active enrolments are returned). 294 * Please note the current user must be able to access the course, otherwise the course is not included. 295 * 296 * @param int $userid 297 * @param bool $returnusercount 298 * @return array of courses 299 */ 300 public static function get_users_courses($userid, $returnusercount = true) { 301 global $CFG, $USER, $DB; 302 303 require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/lib.php'); 304 require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php'); 305 require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php'); 306 307 // Do basic automatic PARAM checks on incoming data, using params description 308 // If any problems are found then exceptions are thrown with helpful error messages 309 $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_users_courses_parameters(), 310 ['userid' => $userid, 'returnusercount' => $returnusercount]); 311 $userid = $params['userid']; 312 $returnusercount = $params['returnusercount']; 313 314 $courses = enrol_get_users_courses($userid, true, '*'); 315 $result = array(); 316 317 // Get user data including last access to courses. 318 $user = get_complete_user_data('id', $userid); 319 $sameuser = $USER->id == $userid; 320 321 // Retrieve favourited courses (starred). 322 $favouritecourseids = array(); 323 if ($sameuser) { 324 $ufservice = \core_favourites\service_factory::get_service_for_user_context(\context_user::instance($userid)); 325 $favourites = $ufservice->find_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'courses'); 326 327 if ($favourites) { 328 $favouritecourseids = array_flip(array_map( 329 function($favourite) { 330 return $favourite->itemid; 331 }, $favourites)); 332 } 333 } 334 335 foreach ($courses as $course) { 336 $context = context_course::instance($course->id, IGNORE_MISSING); 337 try { 338 self::validate_context($context); 339 } catch (Exception $e) { 340 // current user can not access this course, sorry we can not disclose who is enrolled in this course! 341 continue; 342 } 343 344 // If viewing details of another user, then we must be able to view participants as well as profile of that user. 345 if (!$sameuser && (!course_can_view_participants($context) || !user_can_view_profile($user, $course))) { 346 continue; 347 } 348 349 if ($returnusercount) { 350 list($enrolledsqlselect, $enrolledparams) = get_enrolled_sql($context); 351 $enrolledsql = "SELECT COUNT('x') FROM ($enrolledsqlselect) enrolleduserids"; 352 $enrolledusercount = $DB->count_records_sql($enrolledsql, $enrolledparams); 353 } 354 355 $displayname = external_format_string(get_course_display_name_for_list($course), $context->id); 356 list($course->summary, $course->summaryformat) = 357 external_format_text($course->summary, $course->summaryformat, $context->id, 'course', 'summary', null); 358 $course->fullname = external_format_string($course->fullname, $context->id); 359 $course->shortname = external_format_string($course->shortname, $context->id); 360 361 $progress = null; 362 $completed = null; 363 $completionhascriteria = false; 364 $completionusertracked = false; 365 366 // Return only private information if the user should be able to see it. 367 if ($sameuser || completion_can_view_data($userid, $course)) { 368 if ($course->enablecompletion) { 369 $completion = new completion_info($course); 370 $completed = $completion->is_course_complete($userid); 371 $completionhascriteria = $completion->has_criteria(); 372 $completionusertracked = $completion->is_tracked_user($userid); 373 $progress = \core_completion\progress::get_course_progress_percentage($course, $userid); 374 } 375 } 376 377 $lastaccess = null; 378 // Check if last access is a hidden field. 379 $hiddenfields = array_flip(explode(',', $CFG->hiddenuserfields)); 380 $canviewlastaccess = $sameuser || !isset($hiddenfields['lastaccess']); 381 if (!$canviewlastaccess) { 382 $canviewlastaccess = has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenuserfields', $context); 383 } 384 385 if ($canviewlastaccess && isset($user->lastcourseaccess[$course->id])) { 386 $lastaccess = $user->lastcourseaccess[$course->id]; 387 } 388 389 $hidden = false; 390 if ($sameuser) { 391 $hidden = boolval(get_user_preferences('block_myoverview_hidden_course_' . $course->id, 0)); 392 } 393 394 // Retrieve course overview used files. 395 $courselist = new core_course_list_element($course); 396 $overviewfiles = array(); 397 foreach ($courselist->get_course_overviewfiles() as $file) { 398 $fileurl = moodle_url::make_webservice_pluginfile_url($file->get_contextid(), $file->get_component(), 399 $file->get_filearea(), null, $file->get_filepath(), 400 $file->get_filename())->out(false); 401 $overviewfiles[] = array( 402 'filename' => $file->get_filename(), 403 'fileurl' => $fileurl, 404 'filesize' => $file->get_filesize(), 405 'filepath' => $file->get_filepath(), 406 'mimetype' => $file->get_mimetype(), 407 'timemodified' => $file->get_timemodified(), 408 ); 409 } 410 411 $courseresult = [ 412 'id' => $course->id, 413 'shortname' => $course->shortname, 414 'fullname' => $course->fullname, 415 'displayname' => $displayname, 416 'idnumber' => $course->idnumber, 417 'visible' => $course->visible, 418 'summary' => $course->summary, 419 'summaryformat' => $course->summaryformat, 420 'format' => $course->format, 421 'showgrades' => $course->showgrades, 422 'lang' => clean_param($course->lang, PARAM_LANG), 423 'enablecompletion' => $course->enablecompletion, 424 'completionhascriteria' => $completionhascriteria, 425 'completionusertracked' => $completionusertracked, 426 'category' => $course->category, 427 'progress' => $progress, 428 'completed' => $completed, 429 'startdate' => $course->startdate, 430 'enddate' => $course->enddate, 431 'marker' => $course->marker, 432 'lastaccess' => $lastaccess, 433 'isfavourite' => isset($favouritecourseids[$course->id]), 434 'hidden' => $hidden, 435 'overviewfiles' => $overviewfiles, 436 'showactivitydates' => $course->showactivitydates, 437 'showcompletionconditions' => $course->showcompletionconditions, 438 ]; 439 if ($returnusercount) { 440 $courseresult['enrolledusercount'] = $enrolledusercount; 441 } 442 $result[] = $courseresult; 443 } 444 445 return $result; 446 } 447 448 /** 449 * Returns description of method result value 450 * 451 * @return external_description 452 */ 453 public static function get_users_courses_returns() { 454 return new external_multiple_structure( 455 new external_single_structure( 456 array( 457 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'id of course'), 458 'shortname' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'short name of course'), 459 'fullname' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'long name of course'), 460 'displayname' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'course display name for lists.', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 461 'enrolledusercount' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Number of enrolled users in this course', 462 VALUE_OPTIONAL), 463 'idnumber' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'id number of course'), 464 'visible' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, '1 means visible, 0 means not yet visible course'), 465 'summary' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'summary', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 466 'summaryformat' => new external_format_value('summary', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 467 'format' => new external_value(PARAM_PLUGIN, 'course format: weeks, topics, social, site', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 468 'showgrades' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'true if grades are shown, otherwise false', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 469 'lang' => new external_value(PARAM_LANG, 'forced course language', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 470 'enablecompletion' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'true if completion is enabled, otherwise false', 471 VALUE_OPTIONAL), 472 'completionhascriteria' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'If completion criteria is set.', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 473 'completionusertracked' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'If the user is completion tracked.', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 474 'category' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'course category id', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 475 'progress' => new external_value(PARAM_FLOAT, 'Progress percentage', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 476 'completed' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'Whether the course is completed.', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 477 'startdate' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Timestamp when the course start', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 478 'enddate' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Timestamp when the course end', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 479 'marker' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Course section marker.', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 480 'lastaccess' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Last access to the course (timestamp).', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 481 'isfavourite' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'If the user marked this course a favourite.', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 482 'hidden' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'If the user hide the course from the dashboard.', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 483 'overviewfiles' => new external_files('Overview files attached to this course.', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 484 'showactivitydates' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'Whether the activity dates are shown or not'), 485 'showcompletionconditions' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'Whether the activity completion conditions are shown or not'), 486 ) 487 ) 488 ); 489 } 490 491 /** 492 * Returns description of method parameters value 493 * 494 * @return external_description 495 */ 496 public static function get_potential_users_parameters() { 497 return new external_function_parameters( 498 array( 499 'courseid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'course id'), 500 'enrolid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'enrolment id'), 501 'search' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'query'), 502 'searchanywhere' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'find a match anywhere, or only at the beginning'), 503 'page' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Page number'), 504 'perpage' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Number per page'), 505 ) 506 ); 507 } 508 509 /** 510 * Get potential users. 511 * 512 * @param int $courseid Course id 513 * @param int $enrolid Enrolment id 514 * @param string $search The query 515 * @param boolean $searchanywhere Match anywhere in the string 516 * @param int $page Page number 517 * @param int $perpage Max per page 518 * @return array An array of users 519 */ 520 public static function get_potential_users($courseid, $enrolid, $search, $searchanywhere, $page, $perpage) { 521 global $PAGE, $DB, $CFG; 522 523 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/locallib.php'); 524 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/lib.php'); 525 526 $params = self::validate_parameters( 527 self::get_potential_users_parameters(), 528 array( 529 'courseid' => $courseid, 530 'enrolid' => $enrolid, 531 'search' => $search, 532 'searchanywhere' => $searchanywhere, 533 'page' => $page, 534 'perpage' => $perpage 535 ) 536 ); 537 $context = context_course::instance($params['courseid']); 538 try { 539 self::validate_context($context); 540 } catch (Exception $e) { 541 $exceptionparam = new stdClass(); 542 $exceptionparam->message = $e->getMessage(); 543 $exceptionparam->courseid = $params['courseid']; 544 throw new moodle_exception('errorcoursecontextnotvalid' , 'webservice', '', $exceptionparam); 545 } 546 require_capability('moodle/course:enrolreview', $context); 547 548 $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $params['courseid'])); 549 $manager = new course_enrolment_manager($PAGE, $course); 550 551 $users = $manager->get_potential_users($params['enrolid'], 552 $params['search'], 553 $params['searchanywhere'], 554 $params['page'], 555 $params['perpage']); 556 557 $results = array(); 558 // Add also extra user fields. 559 $identityfields = \core_user\fields::get_identity_fields($context, true); 560 $customprofilefields = []; 561 foreach ($identityfields as $key => $value) { 562 if ($fieldname = \core_user\fields::match_custom_field($value)) { 563 unset($identityfields[$key]); 564 $customprofilefields[$fieldname] = true; 565 } 566 } 567 if ($customprofilefields) { 568 $identityfields[] = 'customfields'; 569 } 570 $requiredfields = array_merge( 571 ['id', 'fullname', 'profileimageurl', 'profileimageurlsmall'], 572 $identityfields 573 ); 574 foreach ($users['users'] as $id => $user) { 575 // Note: We pass the course here to validate that the current user can at least view user details in this course. 576 // The user we are looking at is not in this course yet though - but we only fetch the minimal set of 577 // user records, and the user has been validated to have course:enrolreview in this course. Otherwise 578 // there is no way to find users who aren't in the course in order to enrol them. 579 if ($userdetails = user_get_user_details($user, $course, $requiredfields)) { 580 // For custom fields, only return the ones we actually need. 581 if ($customprofilefields && array_key_exists('customfields', $userdetails)) { 582 foreach ($userdetails['customfields'] as $key => $data) { 583 if (!array_key_exists($data['shortname'], $customprofilefields)) { 584 unset($userdetails['customfields'][$key]); 585 } 586 } 587 $userdetails['customfields'] = array_values($userdetails['customfields']); 588 } 589 $results[] = $userdetails; 590 } 591 } 592 return $results; 593 } 594 595 /** 596 * Returns description of method result value 597 * 598 * @return external_description 599 */ 600 public static function get_potential_users_returns() { 601 global $CFG; 602 require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/externallib.php'); 603 return new external_multiple_structure(core_user_external::user_description()); 604 } 605 606 /** 607 * Returns description of method parameters 608 * 609 * @return external_function_parameters 610 */ 611 public static function search_users_parameters(): external_function_parameters { 612 return new external_function_parameters( 613 [ 614 'courseid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'course id'), 615 'search' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'query'), 616 'searchanywhere' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'find a match anywhere, or only at the beginning'), 617 'page' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Page number'), 618 'perpage' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Number per page'), 619 ] 620 ); 621 } 622 623 /** 624 * Search course participants. 625 * 626 * @param int $courseid Course id 627 * @param string $search The query 628 * @param bool $searchanywhere Match anywhere in the string 629 * @param int $page Page number 630 * @param int $perpage Max per page 631 * @return array An array of users 632 * @throws moodle_exception 633 */ 634 public static function search_users(int $courseid, string $search, bool $searchanywhere, int $page, int $perpage): array { 635 global $PAGE, $DB, $CFG; 636 637 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/locallib.php'); 638 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/lib.php'); 639 640 $params = self::validate_parameters( 641 self::search_users_parameters(), 642 [ 643 'courseid' => $courseid, 644 'search' => $search, 645 'searchanywhere' => $searchanywhere, 646 'page' => $page, 647 'perpage' => $perpage 648 ] 649 ); 650 $context = context_course::instance($params['courseid']); 651 try { 652 self::validate_context($context); 653 } catch (Exception $e) { 654 $exceptionparam = new stdClass(); 655 $exceptionparam->message = $e->getMessage(); 656 $exceptionparam->courseid = $params['courseid']; 657 throw new moodle_exception('errorcoursecontextnotvalid' , 'webservice', '', $exceptionparam); 658 } 659 course_require_view_participants($context); 660 661 $course = get_course($params['courseid']); 662 $manager = new course_enrolment_manager($PAGE, $course); 663 664 $users = $manager->search_users($params['search'], 665 $params['searchanywhere'], 666 $params['page'], 667 $params['perpage']); 668 669 $results = []; 670 // Add also extra user fields. 671 $requiredfields = array_merge( 672 ['id', 'fullname', 'profileimageurl', 'profileimageurlsmall'], 673 // TODO Does not support custom user profile fields (MDL-70456). 674 \core_user\fields::get_identity_fields($context, false) 675 ); 676 foreach ($users['users'] as $user) { 677 if ($userdetails = user_get_user_details($user, $course, $requiredfields)) { 678 $results[] = $userdetails; 679 } 680 } 681 return $results; 682 } 683 684 /** 685 * Returns description of method result value 686 * 687 * @return external_multiple_structure 688 */ 689 public static function search_users_returns(): external_multiple_structure { 690 global $CFG; 691 require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/externallib.php'); 692 return new external_multiple_structure(core_user_external::user_description()); 693 } 694 695 /** 696 * Returns description of method parameters 697 * 698 * @return external_function_parameters 699 */ 700 public static function get_enrolled_users_parameters() { 701 return new external_function_parameters( 702 [ 703 'courseid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'course id'), 704 'options' => new external_multiple_structure( 705 new external_single_structure( 706 [ 707 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'option name'), 708 'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'option value') 709 ] 710 ), 'Option names: 711 * withcapability (string) return only users with this capability. This option requires \'moodle/role:review\' on the course context. 712 * groupid (integer) return only users in this group id. If the course has groups enabled and this param 713 isn\'t defined, returns all the viewable users. 714 This option requires \'moodle/site:accessallgroups\' on the course context if the 715 user doesn\'t belong to the group. 716 * onlyactive (integer) return only users with active enrolments and matching time restrictions. 717 This option requires \'moodle/course:enrolreview\' on the course context. 718 Please note that this option can\'t 719 be used together with onlysuspended (only one can be active). 720 * onlysuspended (integer) return only suspended users. This option requires 721 \'moodle/course:enrolreview\' on the course context. Please note that this option can\'t 722 be used together with onlyactive (only one can be active). 723 * userfields (\'string, string, ...\') return only the values of these user fields. 724 * limitfrom (integer) sql limit from. 725 * limitnumber (integer) maximum number of returned users. 726 * sortby (string) sort by id, firstname or lastname. For ordering like the site does, use siteorder. 727 * sortdirection (string) ASC or DESC', 728 VALUE_DEFAULT, []), 729 ] 730 ); 731 } 732 733 /** 734 * Get course participants details 735 * 736 * @param int $courseid course id 737 * @param array $options options { 738 * 'name' => option name 739 * 'value' => option value 740 * } 741 * @return array An array of users 742 */ 743 public static function get_enrolled_users($courseid, $options = []) { 744 global $CFG, $USER, $DB; 745 746 require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/lib.php'); 747 require_once($CFG->dirroot . "/user/lib.php"); 748 749 $params = self::validate_parameters( 750 self::get_enrolled_users_parameters(), 751 [ 752 'courseid'=>$courseid, 753 'options'=>$options 754 ] 755 ); 756 $withcapability = ''; 757 $groupid = 0; 758 $onlyactive = false; 759 $onlysuspended = false; 760 $userfields = []; 761 $limitfrom = 0; 762 $limitnumber = 0; 763 $sortby = 'us.id'; 764 $sortparams = []; 765 $sortdirection = 'ASC'; 766 foreach ($options as $option) { 767 switch ($option['name']) { 768 case 'withcapability': 769 $withcapability = $option['value']; 770 break; 771 case 'groupid': 772 $groupid = (int)$option['value']; 773 break; 774 case 'onlyactive': 775 $onlyactive = !empty($option['value']); 776 break; 777 case 'onlysuspended': 778 $onlysuspended = !empty($option['value']); 779 break; 780 case 'userfields': 781 $thefields = explode(',', $option['value']); 782 foreach ($thefields as $f) { 783 $userfields[] = clean_param($f, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); 784 } 785 break; 786 case 'limitfrom' : 787 $limitfrom = clean_param($option['value'], PARAM_INT); 788 break; 789 case 'limitnumber' : 790 $limitnumber = clean_param($option['value'], PARAM_INT); 791 break; 792 case 'sortby': 793 $sortallowedvalues = ['id', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'siteorder']; 794 if (!in_array($option['value'], $sortallowedvalues)) { 795 throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Invalid value for sortby parameter (value: ' . 796 $option['value'] . '), allowed values are: ' . implode(',', $sortallowedvalues)); 797 } 798 if ($option['value'] == 'siteorder') { 799 list($sortby, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('us'); 800 } else { 801 $sortby = 'us.' . $option['value']; 802 } 803 break; 804 case 'sortdirection': 805 $sortdirection = strtoupper($option['value']); 806 $directionallowedvalues = ['ASC', 'DESC']; 807 if (!in_array($sortdirection, $directionallowedvalues)) { 808 throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Invalid value for sortdirection parameter 809 (value: ' . $sortdirection . '),' . 'allowed values are: ' . implode(',', $directionallowedvalues)); 810 } 811 break; 812 } 813 } 814 815 $course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $courseid], '*', MUST_EXIST); 816 $coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid, IGNORE_MISSING); 817 if ($courseid == SITEID) { 818 $context = context_system::instance(); 819 } else { 820 $context = $coursecontext; 821 } 822 try { 823 self::validate_context($context); 824 } catch (Exception $e) { 825 $exceptionparam = new stdClass(); 826 $exceptionparam->message = $e->getMessage(); 827 $exceptionparam->courseid = $params['courseid']; 828 throw new moodle_exception('errorcoursecontextnotvalid' , 'webservice', '', $exceptionparam); 829 } 830 831 course_require_view_participants($context); 832 833 // to overwrite this parameter, you need role:review capability 834 if ($withcapability) { 835 require_capability('moodle/role:review', $coursecontext); 836 } 837 // need accessallgroups capability if you want to overwrite this option 838 if (!empty($groupid) && !groups_is_member($groupid)) { 839 require_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $coursecontext); 840 } 841 // to overwrite this option, you need course:enrolereview permission 842 if ($onlyactive || $onlysuspended) { 843 require_capability('moodle/course:enrolreview', $coursecontext); 844 } 845 846 list($enrolledsql, $enrolledparams) = get_enrolled_sql($coursecontext, $withcapability, $groupid, $onlyactive, 847 $onlysuspended); 848 $ctxselect = ', ' . context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('ctx'); 849 $ctxjoin = "LEFT JOIN {context} ctx ON (ctx.instanceid = u.id AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextlevel)"; 850 $enrolledparams['contextlevel'] = CONTEXT_USER; 851 852 $groupjoin = ''; 853 if (empty($groupid) && groups_get_course_groupmode($course) == SEPARATEGROUPS && 854 !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $coursecontext)) { 855 // Filter by groups the user can view. 856 $usergroups = groups_get_user_groups($course->id); 857 if (!empty($usergroups['0'])) { 858 list($groupsql, $groupparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($usergroups['0'], SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); 859 $groupjoin = "JOIN {groups_members} gm ON (u.id = gm.userid AND gm.groupid $groupsql)"; 860 $enrolledparams = array_merge($enrolledparams, $groupparams); 861 } else { 862 // User doesn't belong to any group, so he can't see any user. Return an empty array. 863 return []; 864 } 865 } 866 $sql = "SELECT us.*, COALESCE(ul.timeaccess, 0) AS lastcourseaccess 867 FROM {user} us 868 JOIN ( 869 SELECT DISTINCT u.id $ctxselect 870 FROM {user} u $ctxjoin $groupjoin 871 WHERE u.id IN ($enrolledsql) 872 ) q ON q.id = us.id 873 LEFT JOIN {user_lastaccess} ul ON (ul.userid = us.id AND ul.courseid = :courseid) 874 ORDER BY $sortby $sortdirection"; 875 $enrolledparams = array_merge($enrolledparams, $sortparams); 876 $enrolledparams['courseid'] = $courseid; 877 878 $enrolledusers = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $enrolledparams, $limitfrom, $limitnumber); 879 $users = []; 880 foreach ($enrolledusers as $user) { 881 context_helper::preload_from_record($user); 882 if ($userdetails = user_get_user_details($user, $course, $userfields)) { 883 $users[] = $userdetails; 884 } 885 } 886 $enrolledusers->close(); 887 888 return $users; 889 } 890 891 /** 892 * Returns description of method result value 893 * 894 * @return external_description 895 */ 896 public static function get_enrolled_users_returns() { 897 return new external_multiple_structure( 898 new external_single_structure( 899 [ 900 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'ID of the user'), 901 'username' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'Username policy is defined in Moodle security config', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 902 'firstname' => new external_value(PARAM_NOTAGS, 'The first name(s) of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 903 'lastname' => new external_value(PARAM_NOTAGS, 'The family name of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 904 'fullname' => new external_value(PARAM_NOTAGS, 'The fullname of the user'), 905 'email' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'An email address - allow email as root@localhost', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 906 'address' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'Postal address', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 907 'phone1' => new external_value(PARAM_NOTAGS, 'Phone 1', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 908 'phone2' => new external_value(PARAM_NOTAGS, 'Phone 2', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 909 'department' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'department', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 910 'institution' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'institution', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 911 'idnumber' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'An arbitrary ID code number perhaps from the institution', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 912 'interests' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'user interests (separated by commas)', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 913 'firstaccess' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'first access to the site (0 if never)', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 914 'lastaccess' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'last access to the site (0 if never)', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 915 'lastcourseaccess' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'last access to the course (0 if never)', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 916 'description' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'User profile description', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 917 'descriptionformat' => new external_format_value('description', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 918 'city' => new external_value(PARAM_NOTAGS, 'Home city of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 919 'country' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHA, 'Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 920 'profileimageurlsmall' => new external_value(PARAM_URL, 'User image profile URL - small version', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 921 'profileimageurl' => new external_value(PARAM_URL, 'User image profile URL - big version', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 922 'customfields' => new external_multiple_structure( 923 new external_single_structure( 924 [ 925 'type' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'The type of the custom field - text field, checkbox...'), 926 'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The value of the custom field'), 927 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The name of the custom field'), 928 'shortname' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The shortname of the custom field - to be able to build the field class in the code'), 929 ] 930 ), 'User custom fields (also known as user profil fields)', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 931 'groups' => new external_multiple_structure( 932 new external_single_structure( 933 [ 934 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'group id'), 935 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'group name'), 936 'description' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'group description'), 937 'descriptionformat' => new external_format_value('description'), 938 ] 939 ), 'user groups', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 940 'roles' => new external_multiple_structure( 941 new external_single_structure( 942 [ 943 'roleid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'role id'), 944 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'role name'), 945 'shortname' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'role shortname'), 946 'sortorder' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'role sortorder') 947 ] 948 ), 'user roles', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 949 'preferences' => new external_multiple_structure( 950 new external_single_structure( 951 [ 952 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The name of the preferences'), 953 'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The value of the custom field'), 954 ] 955 ), 'User preferences', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 956 'enrolledcourses' => new external_multiple_structure( 957 new external_single_structure( 958 [ 959 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Id of the course'), 960 'fullname' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'Fullname of the course'), 961 'shortname' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'Shortname of the course') 962 ] 963 ), 'Courses where the user is enrolled - limited by which courses the user is able to see', VALUE_OPTIONAL) 964 ] 965 ) 966 ); 967 } 968 969 /** 970 * Returns description of get_course_enrolment_methods() parameters 971 * 972 * @return external_function_parameters 973 */ 974 public static function get_course_enrolment_methods_parameters() { 975 return new external_function_parameters( 976 array( 977 'courseid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Course id') 978 ) 979 ); 980 } 981 982 /** 983 * Get list of active course enrolment methods for current user. 984 * 985 * @param int $courseid 986 * @return array of course enrolment methods 987 * @throws moodle_exception 988 */ 989 public static function get_course_enrolment_methods($courseid) { 990 global $DB; 991 992 $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_course_enrolment_methods_parameters(), array('courseid' => $courseid)); 993 self::validate_context(context_system::instance()); 994 995 $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $params['courseid']), '*', MUST_EXIST); 996 if (!core_course_category::can_view_course_info($course) && !can_access_course($course)) { 997 throw new moodle_exception('coursehidden'); 998 } 999 1000 $result = array(); 1001 $enrolinstances = enrol_get_instances($params['courseid'], true); 1002 foreach ($enrolinstances as $enrolinstance) { 1003 if ($enrolplugin = enrol_get_plugin($enrolinstance->enrol)) { 1004 if ($instanceinfo = $enrolplugin->get_enrol_info($enrolinstance)) { 1005 $result[] = (array) $instanceinfo; 1006 } 1007 } 1008 } 1009 return $result; 1010 } 1011 1012 /** 1013 * Returns description of get_course_enrolment_methods() result value 1014 * 1015 * @return external_description 1016 */ 1017 public static function get_course_enrolment_methods_returns() { 1018 return new external_multiple_structure( 1019 new external_single_structure( 1020 array( 1021 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'id of course enrolment instance'), 1022 'courseid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'id of course'), 1023 'type' => new external_value(PARAM_PLUGIN, 'type of enrolment plugin'), 1024 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'name of enrolment plugin'), 1025 'status' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'status of enrolment plugin'), 1026 'wsfunction' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'webservice function to get more information', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 1027 ) 1028 ) 1029 ); 1030 } 1031 1032 /** 1033 * Returns description of edit_user_enrolment() parameters 1034 * 1035 * @deprecated since 3.8 1036 * @return external_function_parameters 1037 */ 1038 public static function edit_user_enrolment_parameters() { 1039 return new external_function_parameters( 1040 array( 1041 'courseid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'User enrolment ID'), 1042 'ueid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'User enrolment ID'), 1043 'status' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Enrolment status'), 1044 'timestart' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Enrolment start timestamp', VALUE_DEFAULT, 0), 1045 'timeend' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Enrolment end timestamp', VALUE_DEFAULT, 0), 1046 ) 1047 ); 1048 } 1049 1050 /** 1051 * External function that updates a given user enrolment. 1052 * 1053 * @deprecated since 3.8 1054 * @param int $courseid The course ID. 1055 * @param int $ueid The user enrolment ID. 1056 * @param int $status The enrolment status. 1057 * @param int $timestart Enrolment start timestamp. 1058 * @param int $timeend Enrolment end timestamp. 1059 * @return array An array consisting of the processing result, errors and form output, if available. 1060 */ 1061 public static function edit_user_enrolment($courseid, $ueid, $status, $timestart = 0, $timeend = 0) { 1062 global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE; 1063 1064 $params = self::validate_parameters(self::edit_user_enrolment_parameters(), [ 1065 'courseid' => $courseid, 1066 'ueid' => $ueid, 1067 'status' => $status, 1068 'timestart' => $timestart, 1069 'timeend' => $timeend, 1070 ]); 1071 1072 $course = get_course($courseid); 1073 $context = context_course::instance($course->id); 1074 self::validate_context($context); 1075 1076 $userenrolment = $DB->get_record('user_enrolments', ['id' => $params['ueid']], '*', MUST_EXIST); 1077 $userenroldata = [ 1078 'status' => $params['status'], 1079 'timestart' => $params['timestart'], 1080 'timeend' => $params['timeend'], 1081 ]; 1082 1083 $result = false; 1084 $errors = []; 1085 1086 // Validate data against the edit user enrolment form. 1087 $instance = $DB->get_record('enrol', ['id' => $userenrolment->enrolid], '*', MUST_EXIST); 1088 $plugin = enrol_get_plugin($instance->enrol); 1089 require_once("$CFG->dirroot/enrol/editenrolment_form.php"); 1090 $customformdata = [ 1091 'ue' => $userenrolment, 1092 'modal' => true, 1093 'enrolinstancename' => $plugin->get_instance_name($instance) 1094 ]; 1095 $mform = new \enrol_user_enrolment_form(null, $customformdata, 'post', '', null, true, $userenroldata); 1096 $mform->set_data($userenroldata); 1097 $validationerrors = $mform->validation($userenroldata, null); 1098 if (empty($validationerrors)) { 1099 require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/enrol/locallib.php'); 1100 $manager = new course_enrolment_manager($PAGE, $course); 1101 $result = $manager->edit_enrolment($userenrolment, (object)$userenroldata); 1102 } else { 1103 foreach ($validationerrors as $key => $errormessage) { 1104 $errors[] = (object)[ 1105 'key' => $key, 1106 'message' => $errormessage 1107 ]; 1108 } 1109 } 1110 1111 return [ 1112 'result' => $result, 1113 'errors' => $errors, 1114 ]; 1115 } 1116 1117 /** 1118 * Returns description of edit_user_enrolment() result value 1119 * 1120 * @deprecated since 3.8 1121 * @return external_description 1122 */ 1123 public static function edit_user_enrolment_returns() { 1124 return new external_single_structure( 1125 array( 1126 'result' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the user\'s enrolment was successfully updated'), 1127 'errors' => new external_multiple_structure( 1128 new external_single_structure( 1129 array( 1130 'key' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'The data that failed the validation'), 1131 'message' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'The error message'), 1132 ) 1133 ), 'List of validation errors' 1134 ), 1135 ) 1136 ); 1137 } 1138 1139 /** 1140 * Mark the edit_user_enrolment web service as deprecated. 1141 * 1142 * @return bool 1143 */ 1144 public static function edit_user_enrolment_is_deprecated() { 1145 return true; 1146 } 1147 1148 /** 1149 * Returns description of submit_user_enrolment_form parameters. 1150 * 1151 * @return external_function_parameters. 1152 */ 1153 public static function submit_user_enrolment_form_parameters() { 1154 return new external_function_parameters([ 1155 'formdata' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The data from the event form'), 1156 ]); 1157 } 1158 1159 /** 1160 * External function that handles the user enrolment form submission. 1161 * 1162 * @param string $formdata The user enrolment form data in s URI encoded param string 1163 * @return array An array consisting of the processing result and error flag, if available 1164 */ 1165 public static function submit_user_enrolment_form($formdata) { 1166 global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE; 1167 1168 // Parameter validation. 1169 $params = self::validate_parameters(self::submit_user_enrolment_form_parameters(), ['formdata' => $formdata]); 1170 1171 $data = []; 1172 parse_str($params['formdata'], $data); 1173 1174 $userenrolment = $DB->get_record('user_enrolments', ['id' => $data['ue']], '*', MUST_EXIST); 1175 $instance = $DB->get_record('enrol', ['id' => $userenrolment->enrolid], '*', MUST_EXIST); 1176 $plugin = enrol_get_plugin($instance->enrol); 1177 $course = get_course($instance->courseid); 1178 $context = context_course::instance($course->id); 1179 self::validate_context($context); 1180 1181 require_once("$CFG->dirroot/enrol/editenrolment_form.php"); 1182 $customformdata = [ 1183 'ue' => $userenrolment, 1184 'modal' => true, 1185 'enrolinstancename' => $plugin->get_instance_name($instance) 1186 ]; 1187 $mform = new enrol_user_enrolment_form(null, $customformdata, 'post', '', null, true, $data); 1188 1189 if ($validateddata = $mform->get_data()) { 1190 if (!empty($validateddata->duration) && $validateddata->timeend == 0) { 1191 $validateddata->timeend = $validateddata->timestart + $validateddata->duration; 1192 } 1193 require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/enrol/locallib.php'); 1194 $manager = new course_enrolment_manager($PAGE, $course); 1195 $result = $manager->edit_enrolment($userenrolment, $validateddata); 1196 1197 return ['result' => $result]; 1198 } else { 1199 return ['result' => false, 'validationerror' => true]; 1200 } 1201 } 1202 1203 /** 1204 * Returns description of submit_user_enrolment_form() result value 1205 * 1206 * @return external_description 1207 */ 1208 public static function submit_user_enrolment_form_returns() { 1209 return new external_single_structure([ 1210 'result' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the user\'s enrolment was successfully updated'), 1211 'validationerror' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'Indicates invalid form data', VALUE_DEFAULT, false), 1212 ]); 1213 } 1214 1215 /** 1216 * Returns description of unenrol_user_enrolment() parameters 1217 * 1218 * @return external_function_parameters 1219 */ 1220 public static function unenrol_user_enrolment_parameters() { 1221 return new external_function_parameters( 1222 array( 1223 'ueid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'User enrolment ID') 1224 ) 1225 ); 1226 } 1227 1228 /** 1229 * External function that unenrols a given user enrolment. 1230 * 1231 * @param int $ueid The user enrolment ID. 1232 * @return array An array consisting of the processing result, errors. 1233 */ 1234 public static function unenrol_user_enrolment($ueid) { 1235 global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE; 1236 1237 $params = self::validate_parameters(self::unenrol_user_enrolment_parameters(), [ 1238 'ueid' => $ueid 1239 ]); 1240 1241 $result = false; 1242 $errors = []; 1243 1244 $userenrolment = $DB->get_record('user_enrolments', ['id' => $params['ueid']], '*'); 1245 if ($userenrolment) { 1246 $userid = $userenrolment->userid; 1247 $enrolid = $userenrolment->enrolid; 1248 $enrol = $DB->get_record('enrol', ['id' => $enrolid], '*', MUST_EXIST); 1249 $courseid = $enrol->courseid; 1250 $course = get_course($courseid); 1251 $context = context_course::instance($course->id); 1252 self::validate_context($context); 1253 } else { 1254 $validationerrors['invalidrequest'] = get_string('invalidrequest', 'enrol'); 1255 } 1256 1257 // If the userenrolment exists, unenrol the user. 1258 if (!isset($validationerrors)) { 1259 require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/enrol/locallib.php'); 1260 $manager = new course_enrolment_manager($PAGE, $course); 1261 $result = $manager->unenrol_user($userenrolment); 1262 } else { 1263 foreach ($validationerrors as $key => $errormessage) { 1264 $errors[] = (object)[ 1265 'key' => $key, 1266 'message' => $errormessage 1267 ]; 1268 } 1269 } 1270 1271 return [ 1272 'result' => $result, 1273 'errors' => $errors, 1274 ]; 1275 } 1276 1277 /** 1278 * Returns description of unenrol_user_enrolment() result value 1279 * 1280 * @return external_description 1281 */ 1282 public static function unenrol_user_enrolment_returns() { 1283 return new external_single_structure( 1284 array( 1285 'result' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the user\'s enrolment was successfully updated'), 1286 'errors' => new external_multiple_structure( 1287 new external_single_structure( 1288 array( 1289 'key' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'The data that failed the validation'), 1290 'message' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'The error message'), 1291 ) 1292 ), 'List of validation errors' 1293 ), 1294 ) 1295 ); 1296 } 1297 } 1298 1299 /** 1300 * Role external functions 1301 * 1302 * @package core_role 1303 * @category external 1304 * @copyright 2011 Jerome Mouneyrac 1305 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later 1306 * @since Moodle 2.2 1307 */ 1308 class core_role_external extends external_api { 1309 1310 /** 1311 * Returns description of method parameters 1312 * 1313 * @return external_function_parameters 1314 */ 1315 public static function assign_roles_parameters() { 1316 return new external_function_parameters( 1317 array( 1318 'assignments' => new external_multiple_structure( 1319 new external_single_structure( 1320 array( 1321 'roleid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Role to assign to the user'), 1322 'userid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The user that is going to be assigned'), 1323 'contextid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The context to assign the user role in', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 1324 'contextlevel' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHA, 'The context level to assign the user role in 1325 (block, course, coursecat, system, user, module)', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 1326 'instanceid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The Instance id of item where the role needs to be assigned', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 1327 ) 1328 ) 1329 ) 1330 ) 1331 ); 1332 } 1333 1334 /** 1335 * Manual role assignments to users 1336 * 1337 * @param array $assignments An array of manual role assignment 1338 */ 1339 public static function assign_roles($assignments) { 1340 global $DB; 1341 1342 // Do basic automatic PARAM checks on incoming data, using params description 1343 // If any problems are found then exceptions are thrown with helpful error messages 1344 $params = self::validate_parameters(self::assign_roles_parameters(), array('assignments'=>$assignments)); 1345 1346 $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction(); 1347 1348 foreach ($params['assignments'] as $assignment) { 1349 // Ensure correct context level with a instance id or contextid is passed. 1350 $context = self::get_context_from_params($assignment); 1351 1352 // Ensure the current user is allowed to run this function in the enrolment context. 1353 self::validate_context($context); 1354 require_capability('moodle/role:assign', $context); 1355 1356 // throw an exception if user is not able to assign the role in this context 1357 $roles = get_assignable_roles($context, ROLENAME_SHORT); 1358 1359 if (!array_key_exists($assignment['roleid'], $roles)) { 1360 throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Can not assign roleid='.$assignment['roleid'].' in contextid='.$assignment['contextid']); 1361 } 1362 1363 role_assign($assignment['roleid'], $assignment['userid'], $context->id); 1364 } 1365 1366 $transaction->allow_commit(); 1367 } 1368 1369 /** 1370 * Returns description of method result value 1371 * 1372 * @return null 1373 */ 1374 public static function assign_roles_returns() { 1375 return null; 1376 } 1377 1378 1379 /** 1380 * Returns description of method parameters 1381 * 1382 * @return external_function_parameters 1383 */ 1384 public static function unassign_roles_parameters() { 1385 return new external_function_parameters( 1386 array( 1387 'unassignments' => new external_multiple_structure( 1388 new external_single_structure( 1389 array( 1390 'roleid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Role to assign to the user'), 1391 'userid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The user that is going to be assigned'), 1392 'contextid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The context to unassign the user role from', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 1393 'contextlevel' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHA, 'The context level to unassign the user role in 1394 + (block, course, coursecat, system, user, module)', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 1395 'instanceid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The Instance id of item where the role needs to be unassigned', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 1396 ) 1397 ) 1398 ) 1399 ) 1400 ); 1401 } 1402 1403 /** 1404 * Unassign roles from users 1405 * 1406 * @param array $unassignments An array of unassignment 1407 */ 1408 public static function unassign_roles($unassignments) { 1409 global $DB; 1410 1411 // Do basic automatic PARAM checks on incoming data, using params description 1412 // If any problems are found then exceptions are thrown with helpful error messages 1413 $params = self::validate_parameters(self::unassign_roles_parameters(), array('unassignments'=>$unassignments)); 1414 1415 $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction(); 1416 1417 foreach ($params['unassignments'] as $unassignment) { 1418 // Ensure the current user is allowed to run this function in the unassignment context 1419 $context = self::get_context_from_params($unassignment); 1420 self::validate_context($context); 1421 require_capability('moodle/role:assign', $context); 1422 1423 // throw an exception if user is not able to unassign the role in this context 1424 $roles = get_assignable_roles($context, ROLENAME_SHORT); 1425 if (!array_key_exists($unassignment['roleid'], $roles)) { 1426 throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Can not unassign roleid='.$unassignment['roleid'].' in contextid='.$unassignment['contextid']); 1427 } 1428 1429 role_unassign($unassignment['roleid'], $unassignment['userid'], $context->id); 1430 } 1431 1432 $transaction->allow_commit(); 1433 } 1434 1435 /** 1436 * Returns description of method result value 1437 * 1438 * @return null 1439 */ 1440 public static function unassign_roles_returns() { 1441 return null; 1442 } 1443 }