Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 311 and 402] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 311]
A form for the creation and editing of groups.
Copyright: | 2006 The Open University, N.D.Freear AT open.ac.uk, J.White AT open.ac.uk |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 201 lines (8 kb) |
Included or required: | 1 time |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
group_form:: (4 methods):
Class: group_form - X-Ref
Group form classdefinition() X-Ref |
Definition of the form |
definition_after_data() X-Ref |
Extend the form definition after the data has been parsed. |
validation($data, $files) X-Ref |
Form validation param: array $data param: array $files return: array $errors An array of errors |
get_editor_options() X-Ref |
Get editor options for this form return: array An array of options |