Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 311 and 400] [Versions 311 and 401] [Versions 311 and 402] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 311]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * Contains API class for the H5P area.
  19   *
  20   * @package    core_h5p
  21   * @copyright  2020 Sara Arjona <>
  22   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  23   */
  25  namespace core_h5p;
  27  use core\lock\lock_config;
  28  use Moodle\H5PCore;
  30  /**
  31   * Contains API class for the H5P area.
  32   *
  33   * @copyright  2020 Sara Arjona <>
  34   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  35   */
  36  class api {
  38      /**
  39       * Delete a library and also all the libraries depending on it and the H5P contents using it. For the H5P content, only the
  40       * database entries in {h5p} are removed (the .h5p files are not removed in order to let users to deploy them again).
  41       *
  42       * @param  factory   $factory The H5P factory.
  43       * @param  \stdClass $library The library to delete.
  44       */
  45      public static function delete_library(factory $factory, \stdClass $library): void {
  46          global $DB;
  48          // Get the H5P contents using this library, to remove them from DB. The .h5p files won't be removed
  49          // so they will be displayed by the player next time a user with the proper permissions accesses it.
  50          $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT hcl.h5pid
  51                    FROM {h5p_contents_libraries} hcl
  52                   WHERE hcl.libraryid = :libraryid';
  53          $params = ['libraryid' => $library->id];
  54          $h5pcontents = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
  55          foreach ($h5pcontents as $h5pcontent) {
  56              $factory->get_framework()->deleteContentData($h5pcontent->h5pid);
  57          }
  59          $fs = $factory->get_core()->fs;
  60          $framework = $factory->get_framework();
  61          // Delete the library from the file system.
  62          $fs->delete_library(array('libraryId' => $library->id));
  63          // Delete also the cache assets to rebuild them next time.
  64          $framework->deleteCachedAssets($library->id);
  66          // Remove library data from database.
  67          $DB->delete_records('h5p_library_dependencies', array('libraryid' => $library->id));
  68          $DB->delete_records('h5p_libraries', array('id' => $library->id));
  70          // Remove the libraries using this library.
  71          $requiredlibraries = self::get_dependent_libraries($library->id);
  72          foreach ($requiredlibraries as $requiredlibrary) {
  73              self::delete_library($factory, $requiredlibrary);
  74          }
  75      }
  77      /**
  78       * Get all the libraries using a defined library.
  79       *
  80       * @param  int    $libraryid The library to get its dependencies.
  81       * @return array  List of libraryid with all the libraries required by a defined library.
  82       */
  83      public static function get_dependent_libraries(int $libraryid): array {
  84          global $DB;
  86          $sql = 'SELECT *
  87                    FROM {h5p_libraries}
  88                   WHERE id IN (SELECT DISTINCT
  89                                  FROM {h5p_library_dependencies} hld
  90                                  JOIN {h5p_libraries} hl ON = hld.libraryid
  91                                 WHERE hld.requiredlibraryid = :libraryid)';
  92          $params = ['libraryid' => $libraryid];
  94          return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
  95      }
  97      /**
  98       * Get a library from an identifier.
  99       *
 100       * @param  int    $libraryid The library identifier.
 101       * @return \stdClass The library object having the library identifier defined.
 102       * @throws dml_exception A DML specific exception is thrown if the libraryid doesn't exist.
 103       */
 104      public static function get_library(int $libraryid): \stdClass {
 105          global $DB;
 107          return $DB->get_record('h5p_libraries', ['id' => $libraryid], '*', MUST_EXIST);
 108      }
 110      /**
 111       * Returns a library as an object with properties that correspond to the fetched row's field names.
 112       *
 113       * @param array $params An associative array with the values of the machinename, majorversion and minorversion fields.
 114       * @param bool $configurable A library that has semantics so it can be configured in the editor.
 115       * @param string $fields Library attributes to retrieve.
 116       *
 117       * @return \stdClass|null An object with one attribute for each field name in $fields param.
 118       */
 119      public static function get_library_details(array $params, bool $configurable, string $fields = ''): ?\stdClass {
 120          global $DB;
 122          $select = "machinename = :machinename
 123                     AND majorversion = :majorversion
 124                     AND minorversion = :minorversion";
 126          if ($configurable) {
 127              $select .= " AND semantics IS NOT NULL";
 128          }
 130          $fields = $fields ?: '*';
 132          $record = $DB->get_record_select('h5p_libraries', $select, $params, $fields);
 134          return $record ?: null;
 135      }
 137      /**
 138       * Get all the H5P content type libraries versions.
 139       *
 140       * @param string|null $fields Library fields to return.
 141       *
 142       * @return array An array with an object for each content type library installed.
 143       */
 144      public static function get_contenttype_libraries(?string $fields = ''): array {
 145          global $DB;
 147          $libraries = [];
 148          $fields = $fields ?: '*';
 149          $select = "runnable = :runnable
 150                     AND semantics IS NOT NULL";
 151          $params = ['runnable' => 1];
 152          $sort = 'title, majorversion DESC, minorversion DESC';
 154          $records = $DB->get_records_select('h5p_libraries', $select, $params, $sort, $fields);
 156          $added = [];
 157          foreach ($records as $library) {
 158              // Remove unique index.
 159              unset($library->id);
 161              // Convert snakes to camels.
 162              $library->majorVersion = (int) $library->majorversion;
 163              unset($library->major_version);
 164              $library->minorVersion = (int) $library->minorversion;
 165              unset($library->minorversion);
 166              $library->metadataSettings = json_decode($library->metadatasettings);
 168              // If we already add this library means that it is an old version,as the previous query was sorted by version.
 169              if (isset($added[$library->name])) {
 170                  $library->isOld = true;
 171              } else {
 172                  $added[$library->name] = true;
 173              }
 175              // Add new library.
 176              $libraries[] = $library;
 177          }
 179          return $libraries;
 180      }
 182      /**
 183       * Get the H5P DB instance id for a H5P pluginfile URL. If it doesn't exist, it's not created.
 184       *
 185       * @param string $url H5P pluginfile URL.
 186       * @param bool $preventredirect Set to true in scripts that can not redirect (CLI, RSS feeds, etc.), throws exceptions
 187       * @param bool $skipcapcheck Whether capabilities should be checked or not to get the pluginfile URL because sometimes they
 188       *     might be controlled before calling this method.
 189       *
 190       * @return array of [file, stdClass|false]:
 191       *             - file local file for this $url.
 192       *             - stdClass is an H5P object or false if there isn't any H5P with this URL.
 193       */
 194      public static function get_content_from_pluginfile_url(string $url, bool $preventredirect = true,
 195          bool $skipcapcheck = false): array {
 197          global $DB;
 199          // Deconstruct the URL and get the pathname associated.
 200          if ($skipcapcheck || self::can_access_pluginfile_hash($url, $preventredirect)) {
 201              $pathnamehash = self::get_pluginfile_hash($url);
 202          }
 204          if (!$pathnamehash) {
 205              return [false, false];
 206          }
 208          // Get the file.
 209          $fs = get_file_storage();
 210          $file = $fs->get_file_by_hash($pathnamehash);
 211          if (!$file) {
 212              return [false, false];
 213          }
 215          $h5p = $DB->get_record('h5p', ['pathnamehash' => $pathnamehash]);
 216          return [$file, $h5p];
 217      }
 219      /**
 220       * Create, if it doesn't exist, the H5P DB instance id for a H5P pluginfile URL. If it exists:
 221       * - If the content is not the same, remove the existing content and re-deploy the H5P content again.
 222       * - If the content is the same, returns the H5P identifier.
 223       *
 224       * @param string $url H5P pluginfile URL.
 225       * @param stdClass $config Configuration for H5P buttons.
 226       * @param factory $factory The \core_h5p\factory object
 227       * @param stdClass $messages The error, exception and info messages, raised while preparing and running an H5P content.
 228       * @param bool $preventredirect Set to true in scripts that can not redirect (CLI, RSS feeds, etc.), throws exceptions
 229       * @param bool $skipcapcheck Whether capabilities should be checked or not to get the pluginfile URL because sometimes they
 230       *     might be controlled before calling this method.
 231       *
 232       * @return array of [file, h5pid]:
 233       *             - file local file for this $url.
 234       *             - h5pid is the H5P identifier or false if there isn't any H5P with this URL.
 235       */
 236      public static function create_content_from_pluginfile_url(string $url, \stdClass $config, factory $factory,
 237          \stdClass &$messages, bool $preventredirect = true, bool $skipcapcheck = false): array {
 238          global $USER;
 240          $core = $factory->get_core();
 241          list($file, $h5p) = self::get_content_from_pluginfile_url($url, $preventredirect, $skipcapcheck);
 243          if (!$file) {
 244              $core->h5pF->setErrorMessage(get_string('h5pfilenotfound', 'core_h5p'));
 245              return [false, false];
 246          }
 248          $contenthash = $file->get_contenthash();
 249          if ($h5p && $h5p->contenthash != $contenthash) {
 250              // The content exists and it is different from the one deployed previously. The existing one should be removed before
 251              // deploying the new version.
 252              self::delete_content($h5p, $factory);
 253              $h5p = false;
 254          }
 256          $context = \context::instance_by_id($file->get_contextid());
 257          if ($h5p) {
 258              // The H5P content has been deployed previously.
 260              // If the main library for this H5P content is disabled, the content won't be displayed.
 261              $mainlibrary = (object) ['id' => $h5p->mainlibraryid];
 262              if (!self::is_library_enabled($mainlibrary)) {
 263                  $core->h5pF->setErrorMessage(get_string('mainlibrarydisabled', 'core_h5p'));
 264                  return [$file, false];
 265              } else {
 266                  $displayoptions = helper::get_display_options($core, $config);
 267                  // Check if the user can set the displayoptions.
 268                  if ($displayoptions != $h5p->displayoptions && has_capability('moodle/h5p:setdisplayoptions', $context)) {
 269                      // If displayoptions has changed and user has permission to modify it, update this information in DB.
 270                      $core->h5pF->updateContentFields($h5p->id, ['displayoptions' => $displayoptions]);
 271                  }
 272                  return [$file, $h5p->id];
 273              }
 274          } else {
 275              // The H5P content hasn't been deployed previously.
 277              // Check if the user uploading the H5P content is "trustable". If the file hasn't been uploaded by a user with this
 278              // capability, the content won't be deployed and an error message will be displayed.
 279              if (!helper::can_deploy_package($file)) {
 280                  $core->h5pF->setErrorMessage(get_string('nopermissiontodeploy', 'core_h5p'));
 281                  return [$file, false];
 282              }
 284              // The H5P content can be only deployed if the author of the .h5p file can update libraries or if all the
 285              // content-type libraries exist, to avoid users without the h5p:updatelibraries capability upload malicious content.
 286              $onlyupdatelibs = !helper::can_update_library($file);
 288              // Start lock to prevent synchronous access to save the same H5P.
 289              $lockfactory = lock_config::get_lock_factory('core_h5p');
 290              $lockkey = 'core_h5p_' . $file->get_pathnamehash();
 291              if ($lock = $lockfactory->get_lock($lockkey, 10)) {
 292                  try {
 293                      // Validate and store the H5P content before displaying it.
 294                      $h5pid = helper::save_h5p($factory, $file, $config, $onlyupdatelibs, false);
 295                  } finally {
 296                      $lock->release();
 297                  }
 298              } else {
 299                  $core->h5pF->setErrorMessage(get_string('lockh5pdeploy', 'core_h5p'));
 300                  return [$file, false];
 301              };
 303              if (!$h5pid && $file->get_userid() != $USER->id && has_capability('moodle/h5p:updatelibraries', $context)) {
 304                  // The user has permission to update libraries but the package has been uploaded by a different
 305                  // user without this permission. Check if there is some missing required library error.
 306                  $missingliberror = false;
 307                  $messages = helper::get_messages($messages, $factory);
 308                  if (!empty($messages->error)) {
 309                      foreach ($messages->error as $error) {
 310                          if ($error->code == 'missing-required-library') {
 311                              $missingliberror = true;
 312                              break;
 313                          }
 314                      }
 315                  }
 316                  if ($missingliberror) {
 317                      // The message about the permissions to upload libraries should be removed.
 318                      $infomsg = "Note that the libraries may exist in the file you uploaded, but you're not allowed to upload " .
 319                          "new libraries. Contact the site administrator about this.";
 320                      if (($key = array_search($infomsg, $messages->info)) !== false) {
 321                          unset($messages->info[$key]);
 322                      }
 324                      // No library will be installed and an error will be displayed, because this content is not trustable.
 325                      $core->h5pF->setInfoMessage(get_string('notrustablefile', 'core_h5p'));
 326                  }
 327                  return [$file, false];
 329              }
 330              return [$file, $h5pid];
 331          }
 332      }
 334      /**
 335       * Delete an H5P package.
 336       *
 337       * @param stdClass $content The H5P package to delete with, at least content['id].
 338       * @param factory $factory The \core_h5p\factory object
 339       */
 340      public static function delete_content(\stdClass $content, factory $factory): void {
 341          $h5pstorage = $factory->get_storage();
 343          // Add an empty slug to the content if it's not defined, because the H5P library requires this field exists.
 344          // It's not used when deleting a package, so the real slug value is not required at this point.
 345          $content->slug = $content->slug ?? '';
 346          $h5pstorage->deletePackage( (array) $content);
 347      }
 349      /**
 350       * Delete an H5P package deployed from the defined $url.
 351       *
 352       * @param string $url pluginfile URL of the H5P package to delete.
 353       * @param factory $factory The \core_h5p\factory object
 354       */
 355      public static function delete_content_from_pluginfile_url(string $url, factory $factory): void {
 356          global $DB;
 358          // Get the H5P to delete.
 359          $pathnamehash = self::get_pluginfile_hash($url);
 360          $h5p = $DB->get_record('h5p', ['pathnamehash' => $pathnamehash]);
 361          if ($h5p) {
 362              self::delete_content($h5p, $factory);
 363          }
 364      }
 366      /**
 367       * If user can access pathnamehash from an H5P internal URL.
 368       *
 369       * @param  string $url H5P pluginfile URL poiting to an H5P file.
 370       * @param bool $preventredirect Set to true in scripts that can not redirect (CLI, RSS feeds, etc.), throws exceptions
 371       *
 372       * @return bool if user can access pluginfile hash.
 373       * @throws \moodle_exception
 374       * @throws \coding_exception
 375       * @throws \require_login_exception
 376       */
 377      protected static function can_access_pluginfile_hash(string $url, bool $preventredirect = true): bool {
 378          global $USER, $CFG;
 380          // Decode the URL before start processing it.
 381          $url = new \moodle_url(urldecode($url));
 383          // Remove params from the URL (such as the 'forcedownload=1'), to avoid errors.
 384          $url->remove_params(array_keys($url->params()));
 385          $path = $url->out_as_local_url();
 387          // We only need the slasharguments.
 388          $path = substr($path, strpos($path, '.php/') + 5);
 389          $parts = explode('/', $path);
 391          // If the request is made by tokenpluginfile.php we need to avoid userprivateaccesskey.
 392          if (strpos($url, '/tokenpluginfile.php')) {
 393              array_shift($parts);
 394          }
 396          // Get the contextid, component and filearea.
 397          $contextid = array_shift($parts);
 398          $component = array_shift($parts);
 399          $filearea = array_shift($parts);
 401          // Get the context.
 402          try {
 403              list($context, $course, $cm) = get_context_info_array($contextid);
 404          } catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
 405              throw new \moodle_exception('invalidcontextid', 'core_h5p');
 406          }
 408          // For CONTEXT_USER, such as the private files, raise an exception if the owner of the file is not the current user.
 409          if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_USER && $USER->id !== $context->instanceid) {
 410              throw new \moodle_exception('h5pprivatefile', 'core_h5p');
 411          }
 413          if (!is_siteadmin($USER)) {
 414              // For CONTEXT_COURSECAT No login necessary - unless login forced everywhere.
 415              if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSECAT) {
 416                  if ($CFG->forcelogin) {
 417                      require_login(null, true, null, false, true);
 418                  }
 419              }
 421              // For CONTEXT_BLOCK.
 422              if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_BLOCK) {
 423                  if ($context->get_course_context(false)) {
 424                      // If block is in course context, then check if user has capability to access course.
 425                      require_course_login($course, true, null, false, true);
 426                  } else if ($CFG->forcelogin) {
 427                      // No login necessary - unless login forced everywhere.
 428                      require_login(null, true, null, false, true);
 429                  } else {
 430                      // Get parent context and see if user have proper permission.
 431                      $parentcontext = $context->get_parent_context();
 432                      if ($parentcontext->contextlevel === CONTEXT_COURSECAT) {
 433                          // Check if category is visible and user can view this category.
 434                          if (!\core_course_category::get($parentcontext->instanceid, IGNORE_MISSING)) {
 435                              send_file_not_found();
 436                          }
 437                      } else if ($parentcontext->contextlevel === CONTEXT_USER && $parentcontext->instanceid != $USER->id) {
 438                          // The block is in the context of a user, it is only visible to the user who it belongs to.
 439                          send_file_not_found();
 440                      }
 441                      if ($filearea !== 'content') {
 442                          send_file_not_found();
 443                      }
 444                  }
 445              }
 447              // For CONTEXT_MODULE and CONTEXT_COURSE check if the user is enrolled in the course.
 448              // And for CONTEXT_MODULE has permissions view this .h5p file.
 449              if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE ||
 450                  $context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) {
 451                  // Require login to the course first (without login to the module).
 452                  require_course_login($course, true, null, !$preventredirect, $preventredirect);
 454                  // Now check if module is available OR it is restricted but the intro is shown on the course page.
 455                  if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) {
 456                      $cminfo = \cm_info::create($cm);
 457                      if (!$cminfo->uservisible) {
 458                          if (!$cm->showdescription || !$cminfo->is_visible_on_course_page()) {
 459                              // Module intro is not visible on the course page and module is not available, show access error.
 460                              require_course_login($course, true, $cminfo, !$preventredirect, $preventredirect);
 461                          }
 462                      }
 463                  }
 464              }
 465          }
 467          return true;
 468      }
 470      /**
 471       * Get the pathnamehash from an H5P internal URL.
 472       *
 473       * @param  string $url H5P pluginfile URL poiting to an H5P file.
 474       *
 475       * @return string|false pathnamehash for the file in the internal URL.
 476       *
 477       * @throws \moodle_exception
 478       */
 479      protected static function get_pluginfile_hash(string $url) {
 481          // Decode the URL before start processing it.
 482          $url = new \moodle_url(urldecode($url));
 484          // Remove params from the URL (such as the 'forcedownload=1'), to avoid errors.
 485          $url->remove_params(array_keys($url->params()));
 486          $path = $url->out_as_local_url();
 488          // We only need the slasharguments.
 489          $path = substr($path, strpos($path, '.php/') + 5);
 490          $parts = explode('/', $path);
 491          $filename = array_pop($parts);
 493          // If the request is made by tokenpluginfile.php we need to avoid userprivateaccesskey.
 494          if (strpos($url, '/tokenpluginfile.php')) {
 495              array_shift($parts);
 496          }
 498          // Get the contextid, component and filearea.
 499          $contextid = array_shift($parts);
 500          $component = array_shift($parts);
 501          $filearea = array_shift($parts);
 503          // Ignore draft files, because they are considered temporary files, so shouldn't be displayed.
 504          if ($filearea == 'draft') {
 505              return false;
 506          }
 508          // Get the context.
 509          try {
 510              list($context, $course, $cm) = get_context_info_array($contextid);
 511          } catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
 512              throw new \moodle_exception('invalidcontextid', 'core_h5p');
 513          }
 515          // Some components, such as mod_page or mod_resource, add the revision to the URL to prevent caching problems.
 516          // So the URL contains this revision number as itemid but a 0 is always stored in the files table.
 517          // In order to get the proper hash, a callback should be done (looking for those exceptions).
 518          $pathdata = null;
 519          if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE || $context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_BLOCK) {
 520              $pathdata = component_callback($component, 'get_path_from_pluginfile', [$filearea, $parts], null);
 521          }
 522          if (null === $pathdata) {
 523              // Look for the components and fileareas which have empty itemid defined in xxx_pluginfile.
 524              $hasnullitemid = false;
 525              $hasnullitemid = $hasnullitemid || ($component === 'user' && ($filearea === 'private' || $filearea === 'profile'));
 526              $hasnullitemid = $hasnullitemid || (substr($component, 0, 4) === 'mod_' && $filearea === 'intro');
 527              $hasnullitemid = $hasnullitemid || ($component === 'course' &&
 528                      ($filearea === 'summary' || $filearea === 'overviewfiles'));
 529              $hasnullitemid = $hasnullitemid || ($component === 'coursecat' && $filearea === 'description');
 530              $hasnullitemid = $hasnullitemid || ($component === 'backup' &&
 531                      ($filearea === 'course' || $filearea === 'activity' || $filearea === 'automated'));
 532              if ($hasnullitemid) {
 533                  $itemid = 0;
 534              } else {
 535                  $itemid = array_shift($parts);
 536              }
 538              if (empty($parts)) {
 539                  $filepath = '/';
 540              } else {
 541                  $filepath = '/' . implode('/', $parts) . '/';
 542              }
 543          } else {
 544              // The itemid and filepath have been returned by the component callback.
 545              [
 546                  'itemid' => $itemid,
 547                  'filepath' => $filepath,
 548              ] = $pathdata;
 549          }
 551          $fs = get_file_storage();
 552          $pathnamehash = $fs->get_pathname_hash($contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
 553          return $pathnamehash;
 554      }
 556      /**
 557       * Returns the H5P content object corresponding to an H5P content file.
 558       *
 559       * @param string $pathnamehash The pathnamehash of the file associated to an H5P content.
 560       *
 561       * @return null|\stdClass H5P content object or null if not found.
 562       */
 563      public static function get_content_from_pathnamehash(string $pathnamehash): ?\stdClass {
 564          global $DB;
 566          $h5p = $DB->get_record('h5p', ['pathnamehash' => $pathnamehash]);
 568          return ($h5p) ? $h5p : null;
 569      }
 571      /**
 572       * Return the H5P export information file when the file has been deployed.
 573       * Otherwise, return null if H5P file:
 574       * i) has not been deployed.
 575       * ii) has changed the content.
 576       *
 577       * The information returned will be:
 578       * - filename, filepath, mimetype, filesize, timemodified and fileurl.
 579       *
 580       * @param int $contextid ContextId of the H5P activity.
 581       * @param factory $factory The \core_h5p\factory object.
 582       * @param string $component component
 583       * @param string $filearea file area
 584       * @return array|null Return file info otherwise null.
 585       */
 586      public static function get_export_info_from_context_id(int $contextid,
 587          factory $factory,
 588          string $component,
 589          string $filearea): ?array {
 591          $core = $factory->get_core();
 592          $fs = get_file_storage();
 593          $files = $fs->get_area_files($contextid, $component, $filearea, 0, 'id', false);
 594          $file = reset($files);
 596          if ($h5p = self::get_content_from_pathnamehash($file->get_pathnamehash())) {
 597              if ($h5p->contenthash == $file->get_contenthash()) {
 598                  $content = $core->loadContent($h5p->id);
 599                  $slug = $content['slug'] ? $content['slug'] . '-' : '';
 600                  $filename = "{$slug}{$content['id']}.h5p";
 601                  $deployedfile = helper::get_export_info($filename, null, $factory);
 603                  return $deployedfile;
 604              }
 605          }
 607          return null;
 608      }
 610      /**
 611       * Enable or disable a library.
 612       *
 613       * @param int $libraryid The id of the library to enable/disable.
 614       * @param bool $isenabled True if the library should be enabled; false otherwise.
 615       */
 616      public static function set_library_enabled(int $libraryid, bool $isenabled): void {
 617          global $DB;
 619          $library = $DB->get_record('h5p_libraries', ['id' => $libraryid], '*', MUST_EXIST);
 620          if ($library->runnable) {
 621              // For now, only runnable libraries can be enabled/disabled.
 622              $record = [
 623                  'id' => $libraryid,
 624                  'enabled' => $isenabled,
 625              ];
 626              $DB->update_record('h5p_libraries', $record);
 627          }
 628      }
 630      /**
 631       * Check whether a library is enabled or not. When machinename is passed, it will return false if any of the versions
 632       * for this machinename is disabled.
 633       * If the library doesn't exist, it will return true.
 634       *
 635       * @param \stdClass $librarydata Supported fields for library: 'id' and 'machichename'.
 636       * @return bool
 637       * @throws \moodle_exception
 638       */
 639      public static function is_library_enabled(\stdClass $librarydata): bool {
 640          global $DB;
 642          $params = [];
 643          if (property_exists($librarydata, 'machinename')) {
 644              $params['machinename'] = $librarydata->machinename;
 645          }
 646          if (property_exists($librarydata, 'id')) {
 647              $params['id'] = $librarydata->id;
 648          }
 650          if (empty($params)) {
 651              throw new \moodle_exception("Missing 'machinename' or 'id' in librarydata parameter");
 652          }
 654          $libraries = $DB->get_records('h5p_libraries', $params);
 656          // If any of the libraries with these values have been disabled, return false.
 657          foreach ($libraries as $id => $library) {
 658              if (!$library->enabled) {
 659                  return false;
 660              }
 661          }
 663          return true;
 664      }
 666      /**
 667       * Check whether an H5P package is valid or not.
 668       *
 669       * @param \stored_file $file The file with the H5P content.
 670       * @param bool $onlyupdatelibs Whether new libraries can be installed or only the existing ones can be updated
 671       * @param bool $skipcontent Should the content be skipped (so only the libraries will be saved)?
 672       * @param factory|null $factory The \core_h5p\factory object
 673       * @param bool $deletefiletree Should the temporary files be deleted before returning?
 674       * @return bool True if the H5P file is valid (expected format, valid libraries...); false otherwise.
 675       */
 676      public static function is_valid_package(\stored_file $file, bool $onlyupdatelibs, bool $skipcontent = false,
 677              ?factory $factory = null, bool $deletefiletree = true): bool {
 679          // This may take a long time.
 680          \core_php_time_limit::raise();
 682          $isvalid = false;
 684          if (empty($factory)) {
 685              $factory = new factory();
 686          }
 687          $core = $factory->get_core();
 688          $h5pvalidator = $factory->get_validator();
 690          // Set the H5P file path.
 691          $core->h5pF->set_file($file);
 692          $path = $core->fs->getTmpPath();
 693          $core->h5pF->getUploadedH5pFolderPath($path);
 694          // Add manually the extension to the file to avoid the validation fails.
 695          $path .= '.h5p';
 696          $core->h5pF->getUploadedH5pPath($path);
 697          // Copy the .h5p file to the temporary folder.
 698          $file->copy_content_to($path);
 700          if ($h5pvalidator->isValidPackage($skipcontent, $onlyupdatelibs)) {
 701              if ($skipcontent) {
 702                  $isvalid = true;
 703              } else if (!empty($h5pvalidator->h5pC->mainJsonData['mainLibrary'])) {
 704                  $mainlibrary = (object) ['machinename' => $h5pvalidator->h5pC->mainJsonData['mainLibrary']];
 705                  if (self::is_library_enabled($mainlibrary)) {
 706                      $isvalid = true;
 707                  } else {
 708                      // If the main library of the package is disabled, the H5P content will be considered invalid.
 709                      $core->h5pF->setErrorMessage(get_string('mainlibrarydisabled', 'core_h5p'));
 710                  }
 711              }
 712          }
 714          if ($deletefiletree) {
 715              // Remove temp content folder.
 716              H5PCore::deleteFileTree($path);
 717          }
 719          return $isvalid;
 720      }
 721  }