Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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 * H5P editor class.
 * @package    core_h5p
 * @copyright  2020 Victor Deniz <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace core_h5p;

use core_h5p\local\library\autoloader;
use core_h5p\output\h5peditor as editor_renderer;
use Moodle\H5PCore;
use Moodle\H5peditor;
use stdClass;
use coding_exception;
use MoodleQuickForm;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * H5P editor class, for editing local H5P content.
 * @package    core_h5p
 * @copyright  2020 Victor Deniz <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class editor {

     * @var core The H5PCore object.
    private $core;

     * @var H5peditor $h5peditor The H5P Editor object.
    private $h5peditor;

     * @var int Id of the H5P content from the h5p table.
    private $id = null;

     * @var array Existing H5P content instance before edition.
    private $oldcontent = null;

     * @var stored_file File of ane existing H5P content before edition.
    private $oldfile = null;

     * @var array File area to save the file of a new H5P content.
    private $filearea = null;

     * @var string H5P Library name
    private $library = null;

     * Inits the H5P editor.
    public function __construct() {

        $factory = new factory();
        $this->h5peditor = $factory->get_editor();
        $this->core = $factory->get_core();

     * Loads an existing content for edition.
     * If the H5P content or its file can't be retrieved, it is not possible to edit the content.
     * @param int $id Id of the H5P content from the h5p table.
     * @return void
    public function set_content(int $id): void {
        $this->id = $id;

        // Load the present content.
        $this->oldcontent = $this->core->loadContent($id);
        if ($this->oldcontent === null) {
< print_error('invalidelementid');
> throw new \moodle_exception('invalidelementid');
} // Identify the content type library. $this->library = H5PCore::libraryToString($this->oldcontent['library']); // Get current file and its file area. $pathnamehash = $this->oldcontent['pathnamehash']; $fs = get_file_storage(); $oldfile = $fs->get_file_by_hash($pathnamehash); if (!$oldfile) {
< print_error('invalidelementid');
> throw new \moodle_exception('invalidelementid');
} $this->set_filearea( $oldfile->get_contextid(), $oldfile->get_component(), $oldfile->get_filearea(), $oldfile->get_itemid(), $oldfile->get_filepath(), $oldfile->get_filename(), $oldfile->get_userid() ); $this->oldfile = $oldfile; } /** * Sets the content type library and the file area to create a new H5P content. * * Note: this method must be used to create new content, to edit an existing * H5P content use only set_content with the ID from the H5P table. * * @param string $library Library of the H5P content type to create. * @param int $contextid Context where the file of the H5P content will be stored. * @param string $component Component where the file of the H5P content will be stored. * @param string $filearea File area where the file of the H5P content will be stored. * @param int $itemid Item id file of the H5P content. * @param string $filepath File path where the file of the H5P content will be stored. * @param null|string $filename H5P content file name. * @param null|int $userid H5P content file owner userid (default will use $USER->id). * * @return void */ public function set_library(string $library, int $contextid, string $component, string $filearea, ?int $itemid = 0, string $filepath = '/', ?string $filename = null, ?int $userid = null): void { $this->library = $library; $this->set_filearea($contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename, $userid); } /** * Sets the Moodle file area where the file of a new H5P content will be stored. * * @param int $contextid Context where the file of the H5P content will be stored. * @param string $component Component where the file of the H5P content will be stored. * @param string $filearea File area where the file of the H5P content will be stored. * @param int $itemid Item id file of the H5P content. * @param string $filepath File path where the file of the H5P content will be stored. * @param null|string $filename H5P content file name. * @param null|int $userid H5P content file owner userid (default will use $USER->id). * * @return void */ private function set_filearea(int $contextid, string $component, string $filearea, int $itemid, string $filepath = '/', ?string $filename = null, ?int $userid = null): void { global $USER; $this->filearea = [ 'contextid' => $contextid, 'component' => $component, 'filearea' => $filearea, 'itemid' => $itemid, 'filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $filename, 'userid' => $userid ?? $USER->id, ]; } /** * Adds an H5P editor to a form. * * @param MoodleQuickForm $mform Moodle Quick Form * * @return void */ public function add_editor_to_form(MoodleQuickForm $mform): void { global $PAGE; $this->add_assets_to_page(); $data = $this->data_preprocessing(); // Hidden fields used bu H5P editor. $mform->addElement('hidden', 'h5plibrary', $data->h5plibrary); $mform->setType('h5plibrary', PARAM_RAW); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'h5pparams', $data->h5pparams); $mform->setType('h5pparams', PARAM_RAW); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'h5paction'); $mform->setType('h5paction', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); // Render H5P editor. $ui = new editor_renderer($data); $editorhtml = $PAGE->get_renderer('core_h5p')->render($ui); $mform->addElement('html', $editorhtml); } /** * Creates or updates an H5P content. * * @param stdClass $content Object containing all the necessary data. * * @return int Content id */ public function save_content(stdClass $content): int { if (empty($content->h5pparams)) { throw new coding_exception('Missing H5P params.'); } if (!isset($content->h5plibrary)) { throw new coding_exception('Missing H5P library.'); } $content->params = $content->h5pparams; if (!empty($this->oldcontent)) { $content->id = $this->oldcontent['id']; // Get old parameters for comparison. $oldparams = json_decode($this->oldcontent['params']) ?? null; // Keep the existing display options. $content->disable = $this->oldcontent['disable']; $oldlib = $this->oldcontent['library']; } else { $oldparams = null; $oldlib = null; } // Prepare library data to be save. $content->library = H5PCore::libraryFromString($content->h5plibrary); $content->library['libraryId'] = $this->core->h5pF->getLibraryId($content->library['machineName'], $content->library['majorVersion'], $content->library['minorVersion']); // Prepare current parameters. $params = json_decode($content->params); $modified = false; if (empty($params->metadata)) { $params->metadata = new stdClass(); $modified = true; } if (empty($params->metadata->title)) { // Use a default string if not available. $params->metadata->title = 'Untitled'; $modified = true; } if (!isset($content->title)) { $content->title = $params->metadata->title; } if ($modified) { $content->params = json_encode($params); } // Save content. $content->id = $this->core->saveContent((array)$content); // Move any uploaded images or files. Determine content dependencies. $this->h5peditor->processParameters($content, $content->library, $params->params, $oldlib, $oldparams); $this->update_h5p_file($content); return $content->id; } /** * Creates or updates the H5P file and the related database data. * * @param stdClass $content Object containing all the necessary data. * * @return void */ private function update_h5p_file(stdClass $content): void { global $USER; // Keep title before filtering params. $title = $content->title; $contentarray = $this->core->loadContent($content->id); $contentarray['title'] = $title; // Generates filtered params and export file. $this->core->filterParameters($contentarray); $slug = isset($contentarray['slug']) ? $contentarray['slug'] . '-' : ''; $filename = $contentarray['id'] ?? $contentarray['title']; $filename = $slug . $filename . '.h5p'; $file = $this->core->fs->get_export_file($filename); $fs = get_file_storage(); if ($file) { $fields['contenthash'] = $file->get_contenthash(); // Create or update H5P file. if (empty($this->filearea['filename'])) { $this->filearea['filename'] = $contentarray['slug'] . '.h5p'; } if (!empty($this->oldfile)) { $this->oldfile->replace_file_with($file); $newfile = $this->oldfile; } else { $newfile = $fs->create_file_from_storedfile($this->filearea, $file); } if (empty($this->oldcontent)) { $pathnamehash = $newfile->get_pathnamehash(); } else { $pathnamehash = $this->oldcontent['pathnamehash']; } // Update hash fields in the h5p table. $fields['pathnamehash'] = $pathnamehash; $this->core->h5pF->updateContentFields($contentarray['id'], $fields); } } /** * Add required assets for displaying the editor. * * @return void * @throws coding_exception If page header is already printed. */ private function add_assets_to_page(): void { global $PAGE, $CFG; if ($PAGE->headerprinted) { throw new coding_exception('H5P assets cannot be added when header is already printed.'); } $context = \context_system::instance(); $settings = helper::get_core_assets(); // Use jQuery and styles from core. $assets = [ 'css' => $settings['core']['styles'], 'js' => $settings['core']['scripts'] ]; // Use relative URL to support both http and https. $url = autoloader::get_h5p_editor_library_url()->out(); $url = '/' . preg_replace('/^[^:]+:\/\/[^\/]+\//', '', $url); // Make sure files are reloaded for each plugin update. $cachebuster = helper::get_cache_buster(); // Add editor styles. foreach (H5peditor::$styles as $style) { $assets['css'][] = $url . $style . $cachebuster; } // Add editor JavaScript. foreach (H5peditor::$scripts as $script) { // We do not want the creator of the iframe inside the iframe. if ($script !== 'scripts/h5peditor-editor.js') { $assets['js'][] = $url . $script . $cachebuster; } } // Add JavaScript with library framework integration (editor part). $PAGE->requires->js(autoloader::get_h5p_editor_library_url('scripts/h5peditor-editor.js' . $cachebuster), true); $PAGE->requires->js(autoloader::get_h5p_editor_library_url('scripts/h5peditor-init.js' . $cachebuster), true); // Load editor translations. $language = framework::get_language(); $editorstrings = $this->get_editor_translations($language); $PAGE->requires->data_for_js('H5PEditor.language.core', $editorstrings, false); // Add JavaScript settings. $root = $CFG->wwwroot; $filespathbase = \moodle_url::make_draftfile_url(0, '', ''); $factory = new factory(); $contentvalidator = $factory->get_content_validator(); $editorajaxtoken = core::createToken(editor_ajax::EDITOR_AJAX_TOKEN); $sesskey = sesskey(); $settings['editor'] = [ 'filesPath' => $filespathbase->out(), 'fileIcon' => [ 'path' => $url . 'images/binary-file.png', 'width' => 50, 'height' => 50, ], 'ajaxPath' => $CFG->wwwroot . "/h5p/ajax.php?sesskey={$sesskey}&token={$editorajaxtoken}&action=", 'libraryUrl' => $url, 'copyrightSemantics' => $contentvalidator->getCopyrightSemantics(), 'metadataSemantics' => $contentvalidator->getMetadataSemantics(), 'assets' => $assets, 'apiVersion' => H5PCore::$coreApi, 'language' => $language, ]; if (!empty($this->id)) { $settings['editor']['nodeVersionId'] = $this->id; // Override content URL. $contenturl = "{$root}/pluginfile.php/{$context->id}/core_h5p/content/{$this->id}"; $settings['contents']['cid-' . $this->id]['contentUrl'] = $contenturl; } $PAGE->requires->data_for_js('H5PIntegration', $settings, true); } /** * Get editor translations for the defined language. * Check if the editor strings have been translated in Moodle. * If the strings exist, they will override the existing ones in the JS file. * * @param string $language The language for the translations to be returned. * @return array The editor string translations. */ private function get_editor_translations(string $language): array { global $CFG; // Add translations. $languagescript = "language/{$language}.js"; if (!file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}" . autoloader::get_h5p_editor_library_base($languagescript))) { $languagescript = 'language/en.js'; } // Check if the editor strings have been translated in Moodle. // If the strings exist, they will override the existing ones in the JS file. // Get existing strings from current JS language file. $langcontent = file_get_contents("{$CFG->dirroot}" . autoloader::get_h5p_editor_library_base($languagescript)); // Get only the content between { } (for instance, ; at the end of the file has to be removed). $langcontent = substr($langcontent, 0, strpos($langcontent, '}', -0) + 1); $langcontent = substr($langcontent, strpos($langcontent, '{')); // Parse the JS language content and get a PHP array. $editorstrings = helper::parse_js_array($langcontent); foreach ($editorstrings as $key => $value) { $stringkey = 'editor:'.strtolower(trim($key)); $value = autoloader::get_h5p_string($stringkey, $language); if (!empty($value)) { $editorstrings[$key] = $value; } } return $editorstrings; } /** * Preprocess the data sent through the form to the H5P JS Editor Library. * * @return stdClass */ private function data_preprocessing(): stdClass { $defaultvalues = [ 'id' => $this->id, 'h5plibrary' => $this->library, ]; // In case both contentid and library have values, content(edition) takes precedence over library(creation). if (empty($this->oldcontent)) { $maincontentdata = ['params' => (object)[]]; } else { $params = $this->core->filterParameters($this->oldcontent); $maincontentdata = ['params' => json_decode($params)]; if (isset($this->oldcontent['metadata'])) { $maincontentdata['metadata'] = $this->oldcontent['metadata']; } } $defaultvalues['h5pparams'] = json_encode($maincontentdata, true); return (object) $defaultvalues; } }