Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.
/lang/en/ -> user.php (source)
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * Strings for component 'user', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE'
 * @package   core_user
 * @copyright 2018 Adrian Greeve <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

< $string['addcondition'] = 'Add condition'; < $string['adverbfor_and'] = 'and'; < $string['adverbfor_andnot'] = 'and'; < $string['adverbfor_or'] = 'or'; < $string['applyfilters'] = 'Apply filters'; < $string['clearfilterrow'] = 'Remove filter row'; < $string['clearfilters'] = 'Clear filters'; < $string['clearfilterselection'] = 'Remove "{$a}" from filter';
$string['countparticipantsfound'] = '{$a} participants found';
< $string['filterrowlegend'] = 'Filter {$a}'; < $string['filtersetmatchdescription'] = 'How multiple filters should be combined'; < $string['filtertype'] = 'Filter type'; < $string['match'] = 'Match'; < $string['matchofthefollowing'] = 'of the following:';
$string['moodlenetprofile'] = 'MoodleNet profile ID'; $string['moodlenetprofile_help'] = 'Your MoodleNet profile ID links your MoodleNet profile with this site.';
< $string['placeholdertypeorselect'] = 'Type or select...';
$string['placeholdertype'] = 'Type...'; $string['privacy:courserequestpath'] = 'Requested courses'; $string['privacy:descriptionpath'] = 'Profile description'; $string['privacy:devicespath'] = 'User devices'; $string['privacy:draftfilespath'] = 'Draft files'; $string['privacy:lastaccesspath'] = 'Last access to courses'; $string['privacy:metadata:address'] = 'The address of the user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:aim'] = 'The AIM identifier of the user'; $string['privacy:metadata:alternatename'] = 'An alternative name for the user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:appid'] = 'The app ID, usually something like com.moodle.moodlemobile'; $string['privacy:metadata:auth'] = 'The authentication plugin used for this user record.'; $string['privacy:metadata:autosubscribe'] = 'A preference as to if the user should be auto-subscribed to forums the user posts in.'; $string['privacy:metadata:calendartype'] = 'A user preference for the type of calendar to use.'; $string['privacy:metadata:category'] = 'The category identifier'; $string['privacy:metadata:city'] = 'The city of the user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:confirmed'] = 'If this is an active user or not.'; $string['privacy:metadata:country'] = 'The country that the user is in.'; $string['privacy:metadata:courseid'] = 'Course ID'; $string['privacy:metadata:currentlogin'] = 'The current login for this user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:data'] = 'Data relating to the custom user field from the user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:deleted'] = 'A flag to show if the user has been deleted or not.'; $string['privacy:metadata:department'] = 'The department that this user can be found in.'; $string['privacy:metadata:description'] = 'General details about this user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:devicename'] = 'The device name, occam or iPhone etc..'; $string['privacy:metadata:devicetablesummary'] = 'This table stores user\'s mobile devices information in order to send PUSH notifications'; $string['privacy:metadata:email'] = 'An email address for contact.'; $string['privacy:metadata:emailstop'] = 'A preference to disable notifications from being sent to the user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:fieldid'] = 'The ID relating to the custom user field.'; $string['privacy:metadata:filelink'] = 'There are multiple different files for the user stored in the files table.'; $string['privacy:metadata:firstaccess'] = 'The time that this user first accessed the site.'; $string['privacy:metadata:firstip'] = 'The first IP address recorded'; $string['privacy:metadata:firstname'] = 'The first name of the user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:firstnamephonetic'] = 'The phonetic details about the user\'s first name.'; $string['privacy:metadata:fullname'] = 'The fullname for this course.'; $string['privacy:metadata:hash'] = 'A hash of a previous password.'; $string['privacy:metadata:icq'] = 'The ICQ number of the user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:id'] = 'The user ID'; $string['privacy:metadata:idnumber'] = 'An identification number given by the institution'; $string['privacy:metadata:imagealt'] = 'Alternative text for the user\'s image.'; $string['privacy:metadata:infotablesummary'] = 'Stores custom user information.'; $string['privacy:metadata:institution'] = 'The institution that this user is a member of.'; $string['privacy:metadata:lang'] = 'A user preference for the language shown.'; $string['privacy:metadata:lastaccess'] = 'The time that the user last accessed the site.'; $string['privacy:metadata:lastaccesstablesummary'] = 'Information about the last time a user accessed a course.'; $string['privacy:metadata:lastip'] = 'The last IP address for the user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:lastlogin'] = 'The last login of this user.';
< $string['privacy:metadata:lastname'] = 'The surname of the user.'; < $string['privacy:metadata:lastnamephonetic'] = 'The phonetic details about the user\'s surname.';
> $string['privacy:metadata:lastname'] = 'The last name of the user.'; > $string['privacy:metadata:lastnamephonetic'] = 'The phonetic details of the user\'s last name.';
$string['privacy:metadata:maildigest'] = 'A setting for the mail digest for this user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:maildisplay'] = 'A preference for the user about displaying their email address to other users.'; $string['privacy:metadata:middlename'] = 'The middle name of the user'; $string['privacy:metadata:mnethostid'] = 'An identifier for the MNet host if used'; $string['privacy:metadata:model'] = 'The device name, occam or iPhone etc..'; $string['privacy:metadata:moodlenetprofile'] = 'The MoodleNet profile for the user'; $string['privacy:metadata:msn'] = 'The MSN identifier of the user'; $string['privacy:metadata:my_pages'] = 'User pages - dashboard and profile. This table does not contain personal data and only used to link dashboard blocks to users'; $string['privacy:metadata:my_pages:name'] = 'Page name'; $string['privacy:metadata:my_pages:private'] = 'Whether or not the page is private (dashboard) or public (profile)'; $string['privacy:metadata:my_pages:userid'] = 'The user who owns this page or 0 for system defaults'; $string['privacy:metadata:password'] = 'The password for this user to log into the system.'; $string['privacy:metadata:passwordresettablesummary'] = 'A table tracking password reset confirmation tokens'; $string['privacy:metadata:passwordtablesummary'] = 'A rotating log of hashes of previously used passwords for the user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:phone'] = 'A phone number for the user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:picture'] = 'The picture details associated with this user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:platform'] = 'The device platform, Android or iOS etc'; $string['privacy:metadata:policyagreed'] = 'A flag to determine if the user has agreed to the site policy.'; $string['privacy:metadata:pushid'] = 'The device PUSH token/key/identifier/registration ID'; $string['privacy:metadata:reason'] = 'The reason for requesting this course.'; $string['privacy:metadata:requester'] = 'The ID of the user who requested the course'; $string['privacy:metadata:requestsummary'] = 'Stores information about requests for courses that users make.'; $string['privacy:metadata:suspended'] = 'A flag to show if the user has been suspended on this system.';
> $string['privacy:metadata:user_preference:core_user_welcome'] = 'Timestamp logged for when the welcome message was shown to the user for the first time.';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_preferences'] = 'Preferences associated with the given user'; $string['privacy:metadata:user_preferences:name'] = 'Preference name'; $string['privacy:metadata:user_preferences:userid'] = 'The user ID'; $string['privacy:metadata:user_preferences:value'] = 'Preference value'; $string['privacy:metadata:username'] = 'The username for this user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:secret'] = 'Secret.. not sure.'; $string['privacy:metadata:sessdata'] = 'Session content'; $string['privacy:metadata:sessiontablesummary'] = 'Database based session storage'; $string['privacy:metadata:shortname'] = 'A short name for the course.'; $string['privacy:metadata:sid'] = 'The session ID'; $string['privacy:metadata:skype'] = 'The Skype identifier of the user'; $string['privacy:metadata:state'] = '0 means a normal session'; $string['privacy:metadata:summary'] = 'A description of the course.'; $string['privacy:metadata:theme'] = 'A user preference for the theme to display.'; $string['privacy:metadata:timeaccess'] = 'The time for access to the course.'; $string['privacy:metadata:timecreated'] = 'The time this record was created.'; $string['privacy:metadata:timemodified'] = 'The time when the record was modified'; $string['privacy:metadata:timererequested'] = 'The time the user re-requested the password reset.'; $string['privacy:metadata:timerequested'] = 'The time that the user first requested this password reset'; $string['privacy:metadata:timezone'] = 'The timezone of the user'; $string['privacy:metadata:token'] = 'secret set and emailed to user'; $string['privacy:metadata:trackforums'] = 'A preference for forums and tracking them.'; $string['privacy:metadata:trustbitmask'] = 'The trust bit mask'; $string['privacy:metadata:yahoo'] = 'The Yahoo identifier of the user'; $string['privacy:metadata:url'] = 'A URL related to this user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'The user ID linked to this table.'; $string['privacy:metadata:usertablesummary'] = 'This table stores the main personal data about the user.'; $string['privacy:metadata:uuid'] = 'The device vendor UUID'; $string['privacy:metadata:version'] = 'The device version, 6.1.2, 4.2.2 etc..'; $string['privacy:passwordhistorypath'] = 'Password history'; $string['privacy:passwordresetpath'] = 'Password resets'; $string['privacy:profileimagespath'] = 'Profile images'; $string['privacy:privatefilespath'] = 'Private files'; $string['privacy:sessionpath'] = 'Session data'; $string['filterbykeyword'] = 'Keyword';
< $string['selectfiltertype'] = 'Select';
> $string['supportmessagesent'] = 'Your message has been sent.'; > $string['supportmessagesentforloggedoutuser'] = 'Be careful with this message. The sender was not logged in, so their identity has not been confirmed.'; > $string['supportmessagenotsent'] = "Unfortunately your message could not be sent."; > $string['supportmessagealternative'] = 'Instead you can email {$a}.';
$string['target:upcomingactivitiesdue'] = 'Upcoming activities due'; $string['target:upcomingactivitiesdue_help'] = 'This target generates reminders for upcoming activities due.'; $string['target:upcomingactivitiesdueinfo'] = 'All upcoming activities due insights are listed here. These students have received these insights directly.';
> $string['usergroupselectorcount'] = '{$a->fullname} ({$a->groupcount})'; > $string['userprofile'] = 'User profile'; > > // Deprecated since Moodle 4.1. > $string['addcondition'] = 'Add condition'; > $string['adverbfor_and'] = 'and'; > $string['adverbfor_andnot'] = 'and'; > $string['adverbfor_or'] = 'or'; > $string['applyfilters'] = 'Apply filters'; > $string['clearfilterrow'] = 'Remove filter row'; > $string['clearfilters'] = 'Clear filters'; > $string['filtersetmatchdescription'] = 'How multiple filters should be combined'; > $string['filterrowlegend'] = 'Filter {$a}'; > $string['filtertype'] = 'Filter type'; > $string['match'] = 'Match'; > $string['matchofthefollowing'] = 'of the following:'; > $string['selectfiltertype'] = 'Select'; > $string['placeholdertypeorselect'] = 'Type or select...'; > $string['clearfilterselection'] = 'Remove "{$a}" from filter';