Moodle-specific selectors.
Copyright: | 2013 David MonllaĆ³ |
License: | GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 121 lines (4 kb) |
Included or required: | 1 time |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 3 files lib/behat/classes/partial_named_selector.php lib/behat/classes/exact_named_selector.php lib/behat/classes/named_selector.php |
behat_selectors:: (5 methods):
Class: behat_selectors - X-Ref
Moodle selectors manager.get_behat_selector($selectortype, $element, Behat\Mink\Session $session) X-Ref |
Returns the behat selector and locator for a given moodle selector and locator param: string $selectortype The moodle selector type, which includes moodle selectors param: string $element The locator we look for in that kind of selector param: Session $session The Mink opened session return: array Contains the selector and the locator expected by Mink. |
get_allowed_selectors() X-Ref |
Allowed selectors getter. return: array |
get_allowed_text_selectors() X-Ref |
Allowed text selectors getter. return: array |
normalise_named_selector(string $selector, string $locator) X-Ref |
Normalise the selector and locator for a named partial. param: string $selector The selector name param: string $locator The value to normalise return: array |
transform_find_for_field(behat_base $context, string $label, Element $container) X-Ref |
Transform the selector for a field. param: string $label The label to find param: Element $container The container to look within return: array The selector, locator, and container to search within |