Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 311]
Generic moodleforms field.
Copyright: | 2012 David MonllaĆ³ |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 329 lines (11 kb) |
Included or required: | 5 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
behat_form_field:: (14 methods):
Class: behat_form_field - X-Ref
Representation of a form field.getSession($name = null) X-Ref |
Returns the Mink session. param: string|null $name name of the session OR active session will be used return: \Behat\Mink\Session |
__construct(Session $session, NodeElement $fieldnode) X-Ref |
General constructor with the node and the session to interact with. param: Session $session Reference to Mink session to traverse/modify the page DOM. param: NodeElement $fieldnode The field DOM node return: void |
set_value($value) X-Ref |
Sets the value to a field. param: string $value return: void |
get_value() X-Ref |
Returns the current value of the select element. return: string |
key_press($char, $modifier = null) X-Ref |
Presses specific keyboard key. param: mixed $char could be either char ('b') or char-code (98) param: string $modifier keyboard modifier (could be 'ctrl', 'alt', 'shift' or 'meta') |
matches($expectedvalue) X-Ref |
Generic match implementation Will work well with text-based fields, extension required for most of the other cases. param: string $expectedvalue return: bool The provided value matches the field value? |
get_attribute($name) X-Ref |
Get the value of an attribute set on this field. param: string $name The attribute name return: string The attribute value |
guess_type() X-Ref |
Guesses the element type we are dealing with in case is not a text-based element. This class is the generic field type, behat_field_manager::get_form_field() should be able to find the appropiate class for the field type, but in cases like moodle form group elements we can not find the type of the field through the DOM so we also need to take care of the different field types from here. If we need to deal with more complex moodle form elements we will need to refactor this simple HTML elements guess method. return: behat_form_field |
get_field_instance_for_element(NodeElement $element) X-Ref |
Returns the appropriate form field object for a given node element. param: NodeElement $element The node element return: behat_form_field |
running_javascript() X-Ref |
Returns whether the scenario is running in a browser that can run Javascript or not. return: bool |
wait_for_pending_js() X-Ref |
Waits for all the JS activity to be completed. return: bool Whether any JS is still pending completion. |
get_internal_field_id() X-Ref |
Gets the field internal id used by selenium wire protocol. Only available when running_javascript(). return: int |
text_matches($expectedvalue, ?string $actualvalue = null) X-Ref |
Checks if the provided text matches the field value. param: string $expectedvalue param: string|null $actualvalue The actual value. If not specified, this will be fetched from $this->get_value(). return: bool |
get_field_locator($locatortype = false) X-Ref |
Gets the field locator. Defaults to the field label but you can specify other locators if you are interested. Public visibility as in most cases will be hard to use this method in a generic way, as fields can be selected using multiple ways (label, id, name...). param: string $locatortype return: string |