// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* Manager class for antivirus integration.
* @package core_antivirus
* @copyright 2015 Ruslan Kabalin, Lancaster University.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace core\antivirus;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Class used for various antivirus related stuff.
* @package core_antivirus
* @copyright 2015 Ruslan Kabalin, Lancaster University.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class manager {
* Returns list of enabled antiviruses.
* @return array Array ('antivirusname'=>stdClass antivirus object).
private static function get_enabled() {
global $CFG;
$active = array();
if (empty($CFG->antiviruses)) {
return $active;
foreach (explode(',', $CFG->antiviruses) as $e) {
if ($antivirus = self::get_antivirus($e)) {
if ($antivirus->is_configured()) {
$active[$e] = $antivirus;
return $active;
* Scan file using all enabled antiviruses, throws exception in case of infected file.
* @param string $file Full path to the file.
* @param string $filename Name of the file (could be different from physical file if temp file is used).
* @param bool $deleteinfected whether infected file needs to be deleted.
* @throws \core\antivirus\scanner_exception If file is infected.
* @return void
public static function scan_file($file, $filename, $deleteinfected) {
> global $USER;
$antiviruses = self::get_enabled();
foreach ($antiviruses as $antivirus) {
> // Attempt to scan, catching internal exceptions.
$result = $antivirus->scan_file($file, $filename);
> try {
if ($result === $antivirus::SCAN_RESULT_FOUND) {
> } catch (\core\antivirus\scanner_exception $e) {
// Infection found.
> // If there was a scanner exception (such as ClamAV denying upload), send messages and rethrow.
if ($deleteinfected) {
> $notice = $antivirus->get_scanning_notice();
> $incidentdetails = $antivirus->get_incident_details($file, $filename, $notice, false);
> self::send_antivirus_messages($antivirus, $incidentdetails);
throw new \core\antivirus\scanner_exception('virusfound', '', array('item' => $filename));
> throw $e;
> }
> $notice = $antivirus->get_scanning_notice();
< // Infection found.
> // Infection found, send notification.
> $incidentdetails = $antivirus->get_incident_details($file, $filename, $notice);
> self::send_antivirus_messages($antivirus, $incidentdetails);
> // Move to quarantine folder.
> $zipfile = \core\antivirus\quarantine::quarantine_file($file, $filename, $incidentdetails, $notice);
> // If file not stored due to disabled quarantine, store a message.
> if (empty($zipfile)) {
> $zipfile = get_string('quarantinedisabled', 'antivirus');
> }
> // Log file infected event.
> $params = [
> 'context' => \context_system::instance(),
> 'relateduserid' => $USER->id,
> 'other' => ['filename' => $filename, 'zipfile' => $zipfile, 'incidentdetails' => $incidentdetails],
> ];
> $event = \core\event\virus_infected_file_detected::create($params);
> $event->trigger();
< throw new \core\antivirus\scanner_exception('virusfound', '', array('item' => $filename));
> // Get custom message to display to user from antivirus engine.
> $displaymessage = $antivirus->get_virus_found_message();
> $placeholders = array_merge(['item' => $filename], $displaymessage['placeholders']);
> throw new \core\antivirus\scanner_exception(
> $displaymessage['string'],
> '',
> $placeholders,
> null,
> $displaymessage['component']
> );
> } else if ($result === $antivirus::SCAN_RESULT_ERROR) {
> // Here we need to generate a different incident based on an error.
> $incidentdetails = $antivirus->get_incident_details($file, $filename, $notice, false);
> self::send_antivirus_messages($antivirus, $incidentdetails);
* Scan data steam using all enabled antiviruses, throws exception in case of infected data.
< * @param string $data The varaible containing the data to scan.
> * @param string $data The variable containing the data to scan.
* @throws \core\antivirus\scanner_exception If data is infected.
* @return void
public static function scan_data($data) {
> global $USER;
$antiviruses = self::get_enabled();
foreach ($antiviruses as $antivirus) {
> // Attempt to scan, catching internal exceptions.
$result = $antivirus->scan_data($data);
> try {
if ($result === $antivirus::SCAN_RESULT_FOUND) {
> } catch (\core\antivirus\scanner_exception $e) {
throw new \core\antivirus\scanner_exception('virusfound', '', array('item' => get_string('datastream', 'antivirus')));
> // If there was a scanner exception (such as ClamAV denying upload), send messages and rethrow.
> $notice = $antivirus->get_scanning_notice();
> $filename = get_string('datastream', 'antivirus');
> $incidentdetails = $antivirus->get_incident_details('', $filename, $notice, false);
> self::send_antivirus_messages($antivirus, $incidentdetails);
* Returns instance of antivirus.
> throw $e;
> }
* @param string $antivirusname name of antivirus.
* @return object|bool antivirus instance or false if does not exist.
> $filename = get_string('datastream', 'antivirus');
> $notice = $antivirus->get_scanning_notice();
public static function get_antivirus($antivirusname) {
< throw new \core\antivirus\scanner_exception('virusfound', '', array('item' => get_string('datastream', 'antivirus')));
> // Infection found, send notification.
> $incidentdetails = $antivirus->get_incident_details('', $filename, $notice);
> self::send_antivirus_messages($antivirus, $incidentdetails);
> // Copy data to quarantine folder.
> $zipfile = \core\antivirus\quarantine::quarantine_data($data, $filename, $incidentdetails, $notice);
> // If file not stored due to disabled quarantine, store a message.
> if (empty($zipfile)) {
> $zipfile = get_string('quarantinedisabled', 'antivirus');
> }
> // Log file infected event.
> $params = [
> 'context' => \context_system::instance(),
> 'relateduserid' => $USER->id,
> 'other' => ['filename' => $filename, 'zipfile' => $zipfile, 'incidentdetails' => $incidentdetails],
> ];
> $event = \core\event\virus_infected_data_detected::create($params);
> $event->trigger();
> // Get custom message to display to user from antivirus engine.
> $displaymessage = $antivirus->get_virus_found_message();
> $placeholders = array_merge(['item' => get_string('datastream', 'antivirus')], $displaymessage['placeholders']);
> throw new \core\antivirus\scanner_exception(
> $displaymessage['string'],
> '',
> $placeholders,
> null,
> $displaymessage['component']
> );
> } else if ($result === $antivirus::SCAN_RESULT_ERROR) {
> // Here we need to generate a different incident based on an error.
> $incidentdetails = $antivirus->get_incident_details('', $filename, $notice, false);
> self::send_antivirus_messages($antivirus, $incidentdetails);
$classname = '\\antivirus_' . $antivirusname . '\\scanner';
if (!class_exists($classname)) {
return false;
return new $classname();
* Get the list of available antiviruses.
* @return array Array ('antivirusname'=>'localised antivirus name').
public static function get_available() {
$antiviruses = array();
foreach (\core_component::get_plugin_list('antivirus') as $antivirusname => $dir) {
$antiviruses[$antivirusname] = get_string('pluginname', 'antivirus_'.$antivirusname);
return $antiviruses;
> }
> /**
> * This function puts all relevant information into the messages required, and sends them.
> *
> * @param \core\antivirus\scanner $antivirus the scanner engine.
> * @param string $incidentdetails details of the incident.
> * @return void
> */
> public static function send_antivirus_messages(\core\antivirus\scanner $antivirus, string $incidentdetails) {
> $messages = $antivirus->get_messages();
> // If there is no messages, and a virus is found, we should generate one, then send it.
> if (empty($messages)) {
> $antivirus->message_admins($antivirus->get_scanning_notice(), FORMAT_MOODLE, 'infected');
> $messages = $antivirus->get_messages();
> }
> foreach ($messages as $message) {
> // Check if the information is already in the current scanning notice.
> if (!empty($antivirus->get_scanning_notice()) &&
> strpos($antivirus->get_scanning_notice(), $message->fullmessage) === false) {
> // This is some extra information. We should append this to the end of the incident details.
> $incidentdetails .= \html_writer::tag('pre', $message->fullmessage);
> }
> // Now update the message to the detailed version, and format.
> $message->name = 'infected';
> $message->fullmessagehtml = $incidentdetails;
> $message->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_MOODLE;
> $message->fullmessage = format_text_email($incidentdetails, $message->fullmessageformat);
> // Now we must check if message is going to a real account.
> // It may be an email that needs to be sent to non-user address.
> if ($message->userto->id === -1) {
> // If this doesnt exist, send a regular email.
> email_to_user(
> $message->userto,
> get_admin(),
> $message->subject,
> $message->fullmessage,
> $message->fullmessagehtml
> );
> } else {
> // And now we can send.
> message_send($message);
> }
> }