Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

namespace core;

use file_archive;
use file_progress;
use zip_archive;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filestorage/file_progress.php');

 * Unit tests for /lib/filestorage/zip_packer.php and zip_archive.php
 * @package   core
 * @category  test
 * @copyright 2012 Petr Skoda
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class zip_packer_test extends \advanced_testcase implements file_progress {
    protected $testfile;
    protected $files;

     * @var array Progress information passed to the progress reporter
    protected $progress;

    protected function setUp(): void {

        $this->testfile = __DIR__.'/fixtures/test.txt';

        $fs = get_file_storage();
        $context = \context_system::instance();
        if (!$file = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'phpunit', 'data', 0, '/', 'test.txt')) {
            $file = $fs->create_file_from_pathname(
                array('contextid'=>$context->id, 'component'=>'phpunit', 'filearea'=>'data', 'itemid'=>0, 'filepath'=>'/', 'filename'=>'test.txt'),

        $this->files = array(
            'test.test' => $this->testfile,
            'testíček.txt' => $this->testfile,
            'Prüfung.txt' => $this->testfile,
            '测试.txt' => $this->testfile,
            '試験.txt' => $this->testfile,
            'Žluťoučký/Koníček.txt' => $file,

    public function test_get_packer() {
        $packer = get_file_packer();
        $this->assertInstanceOf('zip_packer', $packer);

        $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
        $this->assertInstanceOf('zip_packer', $packer);

     * @depends test_get_packer
    public function test_list_files() {

        $files = array(

        if (function_exists('normalizer_normalize')) {
            // Unfortunately there is no way to standardise UTF-8 strings without INTL extension.
            $files[] = __DIR__.'/fixtures/';
            $files[] = __DIR__.'/fixtures/';
            $files[] = __DIR__.'/fixtures/';

        $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');

        foreach ($files as $archive) {
            $archivefiles = $packer->list_files($archive);
            $this->assertTrue(is_array($archivefiles), "Archive not extracted properly: ".basename($archive).' ');
            $this->assertTrue(count($this->files) === count($archivefiles) or count($this->files) === count($archivefiles) - 1); // Some zippers create empty dirs.
            foreach ($archivefiles as $file) {
                if ($file->pathname === 'Žluťoučký/') {
                    // Some zippers create empty dirs.
                $this->assertArrayHasKey($file->pathname, $this->files, "File $file->pathname not extracted properly: ".basename($archive).' ');

        // Windows packer supports only DOS encoding.
        $archive = __DIR__.'/fixtures/';
        $archivefiles = $packer->list_files($archive);
        $this->assertTrue(is_array($archivefiles), "Archive not extracted properly: ".basename($archive).' ');
        $this->assertEquals(2, count($archivefiles));
        foreach ($archivefiles as $file) {
            $this->assertTrue($file->pathname === 'Prüfung.txt' or $file->pathname === 'test.test');

        $zip_archive = new zip_archive();
        $zip_archive->open(__DIR__.'/fixtures/', file_archive::OPEN, 'cp852');
        $archivefiles = $zip_archive->list_files();
        $this->assertTrue(is_array($archivefiles), "Archive not extracted properly: ".basename($archive).' ');
        $this->assertEquals(3, count($archivefiles));
        foreach ($archivefiles as $file) {
            $this->assertTrue($file->pathname === 'Žluťoučký/Koníček.txt' or $file->pathname === 'testíček.txt' or $file->pathname === 'test.test');

        // Empty archive extraction.
        $archive = __DIR__.'/fixtures/';
        $archivefiles = $packer->list_files($archive);
        $this->assertSame(array(), $archivefiles);

     * @depends test_list_files
    public function test_archive_to_pathname() {
        global $CFG;


        $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
        $archive = "$CFG->tempdir/";

        $result = $packer->archive_to_pathname($this->files, $archive);

        $archivefiles = $packer->list_files($archive);
        $this->assertEquals(count($this->files), count($archivefiles));
        foreach ($archivefiles as $file) {
            $this->assertArrayHasKey($file->pathname, $this->files);

        // Test invalid files parameter.
        $archive = "$CFG->tempdir/";

        $files = array('xtest.txt'=>__DIR__.'/xx/yy/ee.txt');

        $result = $packer->archive_to_pathname($files, $archive, false);

        $result = $packer->archive_to_pathname($files, $archive);
        $archivefiles = $packer->list_files($archive);
        $this->assertSame(array(), $archivefiles);

        $files = array('xtest.txt'=>__DIR__.'/xx/yy/ee.txt', 'test.txt'=>__DIR__.'/fixtures/test.txt', 'ytest.txt'=>__DIR__.'/xx/yy/yy.txt');
        $result = $packer->archive_to_pathname($files, $archive);
        $archivefiles = $packer->list_files($archive);
        $this->assertCount(1, $archivefiles);
        $this->assertEquals('test.txt', $archivefiles[0]->pathname);
        $dms = $this->getDebuggingMessages();
        $this->assertCount(2, $dms);

     * @depends test_archive_to_pathname
    public function test_archive_to_storage() {

        $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
        $fs = get_file_storage();
        $context = \context_system::instance();

        $this->assertFalse($fs->file_exists($context->id, 'phpunit', 'test', 0, '/', ''));
        $result = $packer->archive_to_storage($this->files, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'test', 0, '/', '');
        $this->assertInstanceOf('stored_file', $result);
        $this->assertTrue($fs->file_exists($context->id, 'phpunit', 'test', 0, '/', ''));

        $archivefiles = $result->list_files($packer);
        $this->assertEquals(count($this->files), count($archivefiles));
        foreach ($archivefiles as $file) {
            $this->assertArrayHasKey($file->pathname, $this->files);

     * @depends test_archive_to_storage
    public function test_extract_to_pathname() {
        global $CFG;


        $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
        $fs = get_file_storage();
        $context = \context_system::instance();

        $target = "$CFG->tempdir/test/";
        $testcontent = file_get_contents($this->testfile);

        @mkdir($target, $CFG->directorypermissions);

        $archive = "$CFG->tempdir/";
        $result = $packer->extract_to_pathname($archive, $target);
        $this->assertEquals(count($this->files), count($result));
        foreach ($this->files as $file => $unused) {
            $this->assertSame($testcontent, file_get_contents($target.$file));

        $archive = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'phpunit', 'test', 0, '/', '');
        $result = $packer->extract_to_pathname($archive, $target);
        $this->assertEquals(count($this->files), count($result));
        foreach ($this->files as $file => $unused) {
            $this->assertSame($testcontent, file_get_contents($target.$file));

     * Test functionality of {@see zip_packer} for entries with folders ending with dots.
     * @link
    public function test_zip_entry_path_having_folder_ending_with_dot() {
        global $CFG;


        $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
        $tmp = make_request_directory();
        $now = time();

        // Create a test archive containing a folder ending with dot.
        $zippath = $tmp . '/';
        $zipcontents = [
            'HOW.TO' => ['Just run tests.'],
            'README.' => ['This is a test ZIP file'],
            './Current time' => [$now],
            'Data/sub1./sub2/1221' => ['1221'],
            'Data/sub1./sub2./Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl Ďábelské Ódy.txt' => [''],

        if ($CFG->ostype === 'WINDOWS') {
            // File names cannot end with dots on Windows and trailing dots are replaced with underscore.
            $filenamemap = [
                'HOW.TO' => 'HOW.TO',
                'README.' => 'README_',
                './Current time' => 'Current time',
                'Data/sub1./sub2/1221' => 'Data/sub1_/sub2/1221',
                'Data/sub1./sub2./Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl Ďábelské Ódy.txt' =>
                    'Data/sub1_/sub2_/Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl Ďábelské Ódy.txt',

        } else {
            $filenamemap = [
                'HOW.TO' => 'HOW.TO',
                'README.' => 'README.',
                './Current time' => 'Current time',
                'Data/sub1./sub2/1221' => 'Data/sub1./sub2/1221',
                'Data/sub1./sub2./Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl Ďábelské Ódy.txt' =>
                    'Data/sub1./sub2./Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl Ďábelské Ódy.txt',

        // Check that the archive can be created.
        $result = $packer->archive_to_pathname($zipcontents, $zippath, false);

        // Check list of files.
        $listfiles = $packer->list_files($zippath);
        $this->assertEquals(count($zipcontents), count($listfiles));

        foreach ($listfiles as $fileinfo) {
            $this->assertSame($fileinfo->pathname, $fileinfo->original_pathname);
            $this->assertArrayHasKey($fileinfo->pathname, $zipcontents);

        // Check actual extracting.
        $targetpath = $tmp . '/target';
        $result = $packer->extract_to_pathname($zippath, $targetpath, null, null, true);


        foreach ($zipcontents as $filename => $filecontents) {
            $filecontents = reset($filecontents);
            $this->assertTrue(is_readable($targetpath . '/' . $filenamemap[$filename]));
            $this->assertEquals($filecontents, file_get_contents($targetpath . '/' . $filenamemap[$filename]));

     * @depends test_archive_to_storage
    public function test_extract_to_pathname_onlyfiles() {
        global $CFG;


        $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
        $fs = get_file_storage();
        $context = \context_system::instance();

        $target = "$CFG->tempdir/onlyfiles/";
        $testcontent = file_get_contents($this->testfile);

        @mkdir($target, $CFG->directorypermissions);

        $onlyfiles = array('test', 'test.test', 'Žluťoučký/Koníček.txt', 'Idontexist');
        $willbeextracted = array_intersect(array_keys($this->files), $onlyfiles);
        $donotextract = array_diff(array_keys($this->files), $onlyfiles);

        $archive = "$CFG->tempdir/";
        $result = $packer->extract_to_pathname($archive, $target, $onlyfiles);
        $this->assertEquals(count($willbeextracted), count($result));

        foreach ($willbeextracted as $file) {
            $this->assertSame($testcontent, file_get_contents($target.$file));
        foreach ($donotextract as $file) {


     * @depends test_archive_to_storage
    public function test_extract_to_pathname_returnvalue_successful() {
        global $CFG;


        $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');

        $target = make_request_directory();

        $archive = "$CFG->tempdir/";
        $result = $packer->extract_to_pathname($archive, $target, null, null, true);

     * @depends test_archive_to_storage
    public function test_extract_to_pathname_returnvalue_failure() {
        global $CFG;


        $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');

        $target = make_request_directory();

        $archive = "$CFG->tempdir/";
        $result = $packer->extract_to_pathname($archive, $target, null, null, true);

     * @depends test_archive_to_storage
    public function test_extract_to_storage() {
        global $CFG;


        $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
        $fs = get_file_storage();
        $context = \context_system::instance();

        $testcontent = file_get_contents($this->testfile);

        $archive = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'phpunit', 'test', 0, '/', '');
        $result = $packer->extract_to_storage($archive, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'target', 0, '/');
        $this->assertEquals(count($this->files), count($result));
        foreach ($this->files as $file => $unused) {
            $stored_file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1("/$context->id/phpunit/target/0/$file"));
            $this->assertInstanceOf('stored_file', $stored_file);
            $this->assertSame($testcontent, $stored_file->get_content());

        $archive = "$CFG->tempdir/";
        $result = $packer->extract_to_storage($archive, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'target', 0, '/');
        $this->assertEquals(count($this->files), count($result));
        foreach ($this->files as $file => $unused) {
            $stored_file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1("/$context->id/phpunit/target/0/$file"));
            $this->assertInstanceOf('stored_file', $stored_file);
            $this->assertSame($testcontent, $stored_file->get_content());

     * @depends test_extract_to_storage
    public function test_add_files() {
        global $CFG;


        $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
        $archive = "$CFG->tempdir/";

        $packer->archive_to_pathname(array(), $archive);

        $zip_archive = new zip_archive();
        $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::OPEN);
        $this->assertEquals(0, $zip_archive->count());

        $zip_archive->add_file_from_string('test.txt', 'test');
        $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::OPEN);
        $this->assertEquals(1, $zip_archive->count());

        $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::OPEN);
        $files = $zip_archive->list_files();
        $this->assertCount(2, $files);
        $this->assertEquals('test.txt', $files[0]->pathname);
        $this->assertEquals('test2/', $files[1]->pathname);

        $result = $zip_archive->add_file_from_pathname('test.txt', __DIR__.'/nonexistent/file.txt');
        $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::OPEN);
        $this->assertEquals(2, $zip_archive->count());


    public function test_close_archive() {
        global $CFG;


        $archive = "$CFG->tempdir/";
        $textfile = "$CFG->tempdir/textfile.txt";


        // Create archive and close it without files.
        // (returns true, without any warning).
        $zip_archive = new zip_archive();
        $result = $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::CREATE);
        $result = $zip_archive->close();

        // Create archive and close it with files.
        // (returns true, without any warning).
        $zip_archive = new zip_archive();
        $result = $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::CREATE);
        $result = $zip_archive->add_file_from_string('test.txt', 'test');
        $result = $zip_archive->add_file_from_pathname('test2.txt', $textfile);
        $result = $zip_archive->close();

        // Create archive and close if forcing error.
        // (returns true for old PHP versions and
        // false with warnings for new PHP versions). MDL-51863.
        $zip_archive = new zip_archive();
        $result = $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::CREATE);
        $result = $zip_archive->add_file_from_string('test.txt', 'test');
        $result = $zip_archive->add_file_from_pathname('test2.txt', $textfile);
        // Delete the file before closing does force close() to fail.
        // Behavior is different between old PHP versions and new ones. Let's detect it.
        $result = false;
        try {
            // Old PHP versions were not printing any warning.
            $result = $zip_archive->close();
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            // New PHP versions print PHP Warning.
            $this->assertInstanceOf('PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Warning', $e);
            $this->assertStringContainsString('ZipArchive::close', $e->getMessage());
        // This is crazy, but it shows how some PHP versions do return true.
        try {
            // And some PHP versions do return correctly false (5.4.25, 5.6.14...)
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            // But others do insist into returning true (5.6.13...). Only can accept them.
            $this->assertInstanceOf('PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException', $e);

     * @depends test_add_files
    public function test_open_archive() {
        global $CFG;


        $archive = "$CFG->tempdir/";


        $zip_archive = new zip_archive();
        $result = $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::OPEN);

        $zip_archive = new zip_archive();
        $result = $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::CREATE);
        $zip_archive->add_file_from_string('test.txt', 'test');
        $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::OPEN);
        $this->assertEquals(1, $zip_archive->count());

        $zip_archive = new zip_archive();
        $result = $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::OVERWRITE);
        $zip_archive->add_file_from_string('test2.txt', 'test');
        $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::OPEN);
        $this->assertEquals(1, $zip_archive->count());

        $zip_archive = new zip_archive();
        $result = $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::OVERWRITE);
        $zip_archive->add_file_from_string('test2.txt', 'test');
        $zip_archive->open($archive, file_archive::OPEN);
        $this->assertEquals(1, $zip_archive->count());


     * Test opening an encrypted archive
    public function test_open_encrypted_archive() {

        // The archive contains a single encrypted "hello.txt" file.
        $archive = __DIR__ . '/fixtures/';

< /** @var zip_packer $packer */
> /** @var \zip_packer $packer */
$packer = get_file_packer('application/zip'); $result = $packer->extract_to_pathname($archive, make_temp_directory('zip')); $this->assertIsArray($result); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hello.txt', $result); $this->assertEquals('Can not read file from zip archive', $result['hello.txt']); } /** * Tests the progress reporting. */ public function test_file_progress() { global $CFG; // Set up. $this->resetAfterTest(true); $packer = get_file_packer('application/zip'); $archive = "$CFG->tempdir/"; $context = \context_system::instance(); // Archive to pathname. $this->progress = array(); $result = $packer->archive_to_pathname($this->files, $archive, true, $this); $this->assertTrue($result); // Should send progress at least once per file. $this->assertTrue(count($this->progress) >= count($this->files)); // Each progress will be indeterminate. $this->assertEquals( array(file_progress::INDETERMINATE, file_progress::INDETERMINATE), $this->progress[0]); // Archive to pathname using entire folder and subfolder instead of file list. unlink($archive); $folder = make_temp_directory('zip_packer_progress'); file_put_contents($folder . '/test1.txt', 'hello'); $subfolder = $folder . '/sub'; check_dir_exists($subfolder); file_put_contents($subfolder . '/test2.txt', 'world'); file_put_contents($subfolder . '/test3.txt', 'and'); file_put_contents($subfolder . '/test4.txt', 'other'); file_put_contents($subfolder . '/test5.txt', 'worlds'); $this->progress = array(); $result = $packer->archive_to_pathname(array('' => $folder), $archive, true, $this); $this->assertTrue($result); // Should send progress at least once per file. $this->assertTrue(count($this->progress) >= 5); // Archive to storage. $this->progress = array(); $archivefile = $packer->archive_to_storage($this->files, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'test', 0, '/', '', null, true, $this); $this->assertInstanceOf('stored_file', $archivefile); $this->assertTrue(count($this->progress) >= count($this->files)); $this->assertEquals( array(file_progress::INDETERMINATE, file_progress::INDETERMINATE), $this->progress[0]); // Extract to pathname. $this->progress = array(); $target = "$CFG->tempdir/test/"; check_dir_exists($target); $result = $packer->extract_to_pathname($archive, $target, null, $this); remove_dir($target); $this->assertEquals(count($this->files), count($result)); $this->assertTrue(count($this->progress) >= count($this->files)); $this->check_progress_toward_max(); // Extract to storage (from storage). $this->progress = array(); $result = $packer->extract_to_storage($archivefile, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'target', 0, '/', null, $this); $this->assertEquals(count($this->files), count($result)); $this->assertTrue(count($this->progress) >= count($this->files)); $this->check_progress_toward_max(); // Extract to storage (from path). $this->progress = array(); $result = $packer->extract_to_storage($archive, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'target', 0, '/', null, $this); $this->assertEquals(count($this->files), count($result)); $this->assertTrue(count($this->progress) >= count($this->files)); $this->check_progress_toward_max(); // Wipe created disk file. unlink($archive); } /** * Checks that progress reported is numeric rather than indeterminate, * and follows the progress reporting rules. */ private function check_progress_toward_max() { $lastvalue = -1; foreach ($this->progress as $progressitem) { list($value, $max) = $progressitem; $this->assertNotEquals(file_progress::INDETERMINATE, $max); $this->assertTrue($value <= $max); $this->assertTrue($value >= $lastvalue); $lastvalue = $value; } } /** * Handles file_progress interface. * * @param int $progress * @param int $max */ public function progress($progress = file_progress::INDETERMINATE, $max = file_progress::INDETERMINATE) { $this->progress[] = array($progress, $max); } }