Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 311 and 400] [Versions 311 and 401] [Versions 311 and 402] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 311]

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   *
   5   * Class for the management of Complex numbers
   6   *
   7   * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Mark Baker (
   8   * @license    MIT
   9   */
  10  namespace Complex;
  12  /**
  13   * Complex Number object.
  14   *
  15   * @package Complex
  16   *
  17   * @method float abs()
  18   * @method Complex acos()
  19   * @method Complex acosh()
  20   * @method Complex acot()
  21   * @method Complex acoth()
  22   * @method Complex acsc()
  23   * @method Complex acsch()
  24   * @method float argument()
  25   * @method Complex asec()
  26   * @method Complex asech()
  27   * @method Complex asin()
  28   * @method Complex asinh()
  29   * @method Complex atan()
  30   * @method Complex atanh()
  31   * @method Complex conjugate()
  32   * @method Complex cos()
  33   * @method Complex cosh()
  34   * @method Complex cot()
  35   * @method Complex coth()
  36   * @method Complex csc()
  37   * @method Complex csch()
  38   * @method Complex exp()
  39   * @method Complex inverse()
  40   * @method Complex ln()
  41   * @method Complex log2()
  42   * @method Complex log10()
  43   * @method Complex negative()
  44   * @method Complex pow(int|float $power)
  45   * @method float rho()
  46   * @method Complex sec()
  47   * @method Complex sech()
  48   * @method Complex sin()
  49   * @method Complex sinh()
  50   * @method Complex sqrt()
  51   * @method Complex tan()
  52   * @method Complex tanh()
  53   * @method float theta()
  54   * @method Complex add(...$complexValues)
  55   * @method Complex subtract(...$complexValues)
  56   * @method Complex multiply(...$complexValues)
  57   * @method Complex divideby(...$complexValues)
  58   * @method Complex divideinto(...$complexValues)
  59   */
  60  class Complex
  61  {
  62      /**
  63       * @constant    Euler's Number.
  64       */
  65      const EULER = 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572;
  67      /**
  68       * @constant    Regexp to split an input string into real and imaginary components and suffix
  69       */
  70      const NUMBER_SPLIT_REGEXP =
  71          '` ^
  72              (                                   # Real part
  73                  [-+]?(\d+\.?\d*|\d*\.?\d+)          # Real value (integer or float)
  74                  ([Ee][-+]?[0-2]?\d{1,3})?           # Optional real exponent for scientific format
  75              )
  76              (                                   # Imaginary part
  77                  [-+]?(\d+\.?\d*|\d*\.?\d+)          # Imaginary value (integer or float)
  78                  ([Ee][-+]?[0-2]?\d{1,3})?           # Optional imaginary exponent for scientific format
  79              )?
  80              (                                   # Imaginary part is optional
  81                  ([-+]?)                             # Imaginary (implicit 1 or -1) only
  82                  ([ij]?)                             # Imaginary i or j - depending on whether mathematical or engineering
  83              )
  84          $`uix';
  86      /**
  87       * @var    float    $realPart    The value of of this complex number on the real plane.
  88       */
  89      protected $realPart = 0.0;
  91      /**
  92       * @var    float    $imaginaryPart    The value of of this complex number on the imaginary plane.
  93       */
  94      protected $imaginaryPart = 0.0;
  96      /**
  97       * @var    string    $suffix    The suffix for this complex number (i or j).
  98       */
  99      protected $suffix;
 102      /**
 103       * Validates whether the argument is a valid complex number, converting scalar or array values if possible
 104       *
 105       * @param     mixed    $complexNumber   The value to parse
 106       * @return    array
 107       * @throws    Exception    If the argument isn't a Complex number or cannot be converted to one
 108       */
 109      private static function parseComplex($complexNumber)
 110      {
 111          // Test for real number, with no imaginary part
 112          if (is_numeric($complexNumber)) {
 113              return [$complexNumber, 0, null];
 114          }
 116          // Fix silly human errors
 117          $complexNumber = str_replace(
 118              ['+-', '-+', '++', '--'],
 119              ['-', '-', '+', '+'],
 120              $complexNumber
 121          );
 123          // Basic validation of string, to parse out real and imaginary parts, and any suffix
 124          $validComplex = preg_match(
 125              self::NUMBER_SPLIT_REGEXP,
 126              $complexNumber,
 127              $complexParts
 128          );
 130          if (!$validComplex) {
 131              // Neither real nor imaginary part, so test to see if we actually have a suffix
 132              $validComplex = preg_match('/^([\-\+]?)([ij])$/ui', $complexNumber, $complexParts);
 133              if (!$validComplex) {
 134                  throw new Exception('Invalid complex number');
 135              }
 136              // We have a suffix, so set the real to 0, the imaginary to either 1 or -1 (as defined by the sign)
 137              $imaginary = 1;
 138              if ($complexParts[1] === '-') {
 139                  $imaginary = 0 - $imaginary;
 140              }
 141              return [0, $imaginary, $complexParts[2]];
 142          }
 144          // If we don't have an imaginary part, identify whether it should be +1 or -1...
 145          if (($complexParts[4] === '') && ($complexParts[9] !== '')) {
 146              if ($complexParts[7] !== $complexParts[9]) {
 147                  $complexParts[4] = 1;
 148                  if ($complexParts[8] === '-') {
 149                      $complexParts[4] = -1;
 150                  }
 151              } else {
 152                  // ... or if we have only the real and no imaginary part
 153                  //  (in which case our real should be the imaginary)
 154                  $complexParts[4] = $complexParts[1];
 155                  $complexParts[1] = 0;
 156              }
 157          }
 159          // Return real and imaginary parts and suffix as an array, and set a default suffix if user input lazily
 160          return [
 161              $complexParts[1],
 162              $complexParts[4],
 163              !empty($complexParts[9]) ? $complexParts[9] : 'i'
 164          ];
 165      }
 168      public function __construct($realPart = 0.0, $imaginaryPart = null, $suffix = 'i')
 169      {
 170          if ($imaginaryPart === null) {
 171              if (is_array($realPart)) {
 172                  // We have an array of (potentially) real and imaginary parts, and any suffix
 173                  list ($realPart, $imaginaryPart, $suffix) = array_values($realPart) + [0.0, 0.0, 'i'];
 174              } elseif ((is_string($realPart)) || (is_numeric($realPart))) {
 175                  // We've been given a string to parse to extract the real and imaginary parts, and any suffix
 176                  list($realPart, $imaginaryPart, $suffix) = self::parseComplex($realPart);
 177              }
 178          }
 180          if ($imaginaryPart != 0.0 && empty($suffix)) {
 181              $suffix = 'i';
 182          } elseif ($imaginaryPart == 0.0 && !empty($suffix)) {
 183              $suffix = '';
 184          }
 186          // Set parsed values in our properties
 187          $this->realPart = (float) $realPart;
 188          $this->imaginaryPart = (float) $imaginaryPart;
 189          $this->suffix = strtolower($suffix);
 190      }
 192      /**
 193       * Gets the real part of this complex number
 194       *
 195       * @return Float
 196       */
 197      public function getReal(): float
 198      {
 199          return $this->realPart;
 200      }
 202      /**
 203       * Gets the imaginary part of this complex number
 204       *
 205       * @return Float
 206       */
 207      public function getImaginary(): float
 208      {
 209          return $this->imaginaryPart;
 210      }
 212      /**
 213       * Gets the suffix of this complex number
 214       *
 215       * @return String
 216       */
 217      public function getSuffix(): string
 218      {
 219          return $this->suffix;
 220      }
 222      /**
 223       * Returns true if this is a real value, false if a complex value
 224       *
 225       * @return Bool
 226       */
 227      public function isReal(): bool
 228      {
 229          return $this->imaginaryPart == 0.0;
 230      }
 232      /**
 233       * Returns true if this is a complex value, false if a real value
 234       *
 235       * @return Bool
 236       */
 237      public function isComplex(): bool
 238      {
 239          return !$this->isReal();
 240      }
 242      public function format(): string
 243      {
 244          $str = "";
 245          if ($this->imaginaryPart != 0.0) {
 246              if (\abs($this->imaginaryPart) != 1.0) {
 247                  $str .= $this->imaginaryPart . $this->suffix;
 248              } else {
 249                  $str .= (($this->imaginaryPart < 0.0) ? '-' : '') . $this->suffix;
 250              }
 251          }
 252          if ($this->realPart != 0.0) {
 253              if (($str) && ($this->imaginaryPart > 0.0)) {
 254                  $str = "+" . $str;
 255              }
 256              $str = $this->realPart . $str;
 257          }
 258          if (!$str) {
 259              $str = "0.0";
 260          }
 262          return $str;
 263      }
 265      public function __toString(): string
 266      {
 267          return $this->format();
 268      }
 270      /**
 271       * Validates whether the argument is a valid complex number, converting scalar or array values if possible
 272       *
 273       * @param     mixed    $complex   The value to validate
 274       * @return    Complex
 275       * @throws    Exception    If the argument isn't a Complex number or cannot be converted to one
 276       */
 277      public static function validateComplexArgument($complex): Complex
 278      {
 279          if (is_scalar($complex) || is_array($complex)) {
 280              $complex = new Complex($complex);
 281          } elseif (!is_object($complex) || !($complex instanceof Complex)) {
 282              throw new Exception('Value is not a valid complex number');
 283          }
 285          return $complex;
 286      }
 288      /**
 289       * Returns the reverse of this complex number
 290       *
 291       * @return    Complex
 292       */
 293      public function reverse(): Complex
 294      {
 295          return new Complex(
 296              $this->imaginaryPart,
 297              $this->realPart,
 298              ($this->realPart == 0.0) ? null : $this->suffix
 299          );
 300      }
 302      public function invertImaginary(): Complex
 303      {
 304          return new Complex(
 305              $this->realPart,
 306              $this->imaginaryPart * -1,
 307              ($this->imaginaryPart == 0.0) ? null : $this->suffix
 308          );
 309      }
 311      public function invertReal(): Complex
 312      {
 313          return new Complex(
 314              $this->realPart * -1,
 315              $this->imaginaryPart,
 316              ($this->imaginaryPart == 0.0) ? null : $this->suffix
 317          );
 318      }
 320      protected static $functions = [
 321          'abs',
 322          'acos',
 323          'acosh',
 324          'acot',
 325          'acoth',
 326          'acsc',
 327          'acsch',
 328          'argument',
 329          'asec',
 330          'asech',
 331          'asin',
 332          'asinh',
 333          'atan',
 334          'atanh',
 335          'conjugate',
 336          'cos',
 337          'cosh',
 338          'cot',
 339          'coth',
 340          'csc',
 341          'csch',
 342          'exp',
 343          'inverse',
 344          'ln',
 345          'log2',
 346          'log10',
 347          'negative',
 348          'pow',
 349          'rho',
 350          'sec',
 351          'sech',
 352          'sin',
 353          'sinh',
 354          'sqrt',
 355          'tan',
 356          'tanh',
 357          'theta',
 358      ];
 360      protected static $operations = [
 361          'add',
 362          'subtract',
 363          'multiply',
 364          'divideby',
 365          'divideinto',
 366      ];
 368      /**
 369       * Returns the result of the function call or operation
 370       *
 371       * @return    Complex|float
 372       * @throws    Exception|\InvalidArgumentException
 373       */
 374      public function __call($functionName, $arguments)
 375      {
 376          $functionName = strtolower(str_replace('_', '', $functionName));
 378          // Test for function calls
 379          if (in_array($functionName, self::$functions, true)) {
 380              $functionName = "\\" . __NAMESPACE__ . "\\{$functionName}";
 381              return $functionName($this, ...$arguments);
 382          }
 383          // Test for operation calls
 384          if (in_array($functionName, self::$operations, true)) {
 385              $functionName = "\\" . __NAMESPACE__ . "\\{$functionName}";
 386              return $functionName($this, ...$arguments);
 387          }
 388          throw new Exception('Complex Function or Operation does not exist');
 389      }
 390  }