Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 311 and 400] [Versions 311 and 401] [Versions 311 and 402] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 311]

   1  <?php
   3  namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Chart;
   5  /**
   6   * Created by PhpStorm.
   7   * User: Wiktor Trzonkowski
   8   * Date: 7/2/14
   9   * Time: 2:36 PM.
  10   */
  11  class GridLines extends Properties
  12  {
  13      /**
  14       * Properties of Class:
  15       * Object State (State for Minor Tick Mark) @var bool
  16       * Line Properties @var  array of mixed
  17       * Shadow Properties @var  array of mixed
  18       * Glow Properties @var  array of mixed
  19       * Soft Properties @var  array of mixed.
  20       */
  21      private $objectState = false;
  23      private $lineProperties = [
  24          'color' => [
  25              'type' => self::EXCEL_COLOR_TYPE_STANDARD,
  26              'value' => null,
  27              'alpha' => 0,
  28          ],
  29          'style' => [
  30              'width' => '9525',
  31              'compound' => self::LINE_STYLE_COMPOUND_SIMPLE,
  32              'dash' => self::LINE_STYLE_DASH_SOLID,
  33              'cap' => self::LINE_STYLE_CAP_FLAT,
  34              'join' => self::LINE_STYLE_JOIN_BEVEL,
  35              'arrow' => [
  36                  'head' => [
  37                      'type' => self::LINE_STYLE_ARROW_TYPE_NOARROW,
  38                      'size' => self::LINE_STYLE_ARROW_SIZE_5,
  39                  ],
  40                  'end' => [
  41                      'type' => self::LINE_STYLE_ARROW_TYPE_NOARROW,
  42                      'size' => self::LINE_STYLE_ARROW_SIZE_8,
  43                  ],
  44              ],
  45          ],
  46      ];
  48      private $shadowProperties = [
  49          'presets' => self::SHADOW_PRESETS_NOSHADOW,
  50          'effect' => null,
  51          'color' => [
  52              'type' => self::EXCEL_COLOR_TYPE_STANDARD,
  53              'value' => 'black',
  54              'alpha' => 85,
  55          ],
  56          'size' => [
  57              'sx' => null,
  58              'sy' => null,
  59              'kx' => null,
  60          ],
  61          'blur' => null,
  62          'direction' => null,
  63          'distance' => null,
  64          'algn' => null,
  65          'rotWithShape' => null,
  66      ];
  68      private $glowProperties = [
  69          'size' => null,
  70          'color' => [
  71              'type' => self::EXCEL_COLOR_TYPE_STANDARD,
  72              'value' => 'black',
  73              'alpha' => 40,
  74          ],
  75      ];
  77      private $softEdges = [
  78          'size' => null,
  79      ];
  81      /**
  82       * Get Object State.
  83       *
  84       * @return bool
  85       */
  86      public function getObjectState()
  87      {
  88          return $this->objectState;
  89      }
  91      /**
  92       * Change Object State to True.
  93       *
  94       * @return $this
  95       */
  96      private function activateObject()
  97      {
  98          $this->objectState = true;
 100          return $this;
 101      }
 103      /**
 104       * Set Line Color Properties.
 105       *
 106       * @param string $value
 107       * @param int $alpha
 108       * @param string $type
 109       */
 110      public function setLineColorProperties($value, $alpha = 0, $type = self::EXCEL_COLOR_TYPE_STANDARD): void
 111      {
 112          $this->activateObject()
 113              ->lineProperties['color'] = $this->setColorProperties(
 114                  $value,
 115                  $alpha,
 116                  $type
 117              );
 118      }
 120      /**
 121       * Set Line Color Properties.
 122       *
 123       * @param float $line_width
 124       * @param string $compound_type
 125       * @param string $dash_type
 126       * @param string $cap_type
 127       * @param string $join_type
 128       * @param string $head_arrow_type
 129       * @param string $head_arrow_size
 130       * @param string $end_arrow_type
 131       * @param string $end_arrow_size
 132       */
 133      public function setLineStyleProperties($line_width = null, $compound_type = null, $dash_type = null, $cap_type = null, $join_type = null, $head_arrow_type = null, $head_arrow_size = null, $end_arrow_type = null, $end_arrow_size = null): void
 134      {
 135          $this->activateObject();
 136          ($line_width !== null)
 137                  ? $this->lineProperties['style']['width'] = $this->getExcelPointsWidth((float) $line_width)
 138                  : null;
 139          ($compound_type !== null)
 140                  ? $this->lineProperties['style']['compound'] = (string) $compound_type
 141                  : null;
 142          ($dash_type !== null)
 143                  ? $this->lineProperties['style']['dash'] = (string) $dash_type
 144                  : null;
 145          ($cap_type !== null)
 146                  ? $this->lineProperties['style']['cap'] = (string) $cap_type
 147                  : null;
 148          ($join_type !== null)
 149                  ? $this->lineProperties['style']['join'] = (string) $join_type
 150                  : null;
 151          ($head_arrow_type !== null)
 152                  ? $this->lineProperties['style']['arrow']['head']['type'] = (string) $head_arrow_type
 153                  : null;
 154          ($head_arrow_size !== null)
 155                  ? $this->lineProperties['style']['arrow']['head']['size'] = (string) $head_arrow_size
 156                  : null;
 157          ($end_arrow_type !== null)
 158                  ? $this->lineProperties['style']['arrow']['end']['type'] = (string) $end_arrow_type
 159                  : null;
 160          ($end_arrow_size !== null)
 161                  ? $this->lineProperties['style']['arrow']['end']['size'] = (string) $end_arrow_size
 162                  : null;
 163      }
 165      /**
 166       * Get Line Color Property.
 167       *
 168       * @param string $parameter
 169       *
 170       * @return string
 171       */
 172      public function getLineColorProperty($parameter)
 173      {
 174          return $this->lineProperties['color'][$parameter];
 175      }
 177      /**
 178       * Get Line Style Property.
 179       *
 180       * @param array|string $elements
 181       *
 182       * @return string
 183       */
 184      public function getLineStyleProperty($elements)
 185      {
 186          return $this->getArrayElementsValue($this->lineProperties['style'], $elements);
 187      }
 189      /**
 190       * Set Glow Properties.
 191       *
 192       * @param float $size
 193       * @param string $color_value
 194       * @param int $color_alpha
 195       * @param string $color_type
 196       */
 197      public function setGlowProperties($size, $color_value = null, $color_alpha = null, $color_type = null): void
 198      {
 199          $this
 200              ->activateObject()
 201              ->setGlowSize($size)
 202              ->setGlowColor($color_value, $color_alpha, $color_type);
 203      }
 205      /**
 206       * Get Glow Color Property.
 207       *
 208       * @param string $property
 209       *
 210       * @return string
 211       */
 212      public function getGlowColor($property)
 213      {
 214          return $this->glowProperties['color'][$property];
 215      }
 217      /**
 218       * Get Glow Size.
 219       *
 220       * @return string
 221       */
 222      public function getGlowSize()
 223      {
 224          return $this->glowProperties['size'];
 225      }
 227      /**
 228       * Set Glow Size.
 229       *
 230       * @param float $size
 231       *
 232       * @return $this
 233       */
 234      private function setGlowSize($size)
 235      {
 236          $this->glowProperties['size'] = $this->getExcelPointsWidth((float) $size);
 238          return $this;
 239      }
 241      /**
 242       * Set Glow Color.
 243       *
 244       * @param string $color
 245       * @param int $alpha
 246       * @param string $type
 247       *
 248       * @return $this
 249       */
 250      private function setGlowColor($color, $alpha, $type)
 251      {
 252          if ($color !== null) {
 253              $this->glowProperties['color']['value'] = (string) $color;
 254          }
 255          if ($alpha !== null) {
 256              $this->glowProperties['color']['alpha'] = $this->getTrueAlpha((int) $alpha);
 257          }
 258          if ($type !== null) {
 259              $this->glowProperties['color']['type'] = (string) $type;
 260          }
 262          return $this;
 263      }
 265      /**
 266       * Get Line Style Arrow Parameters.
 267       *
 268       * @param string $arrow_selector
 269       * @param string $property_selector
 270       *
 271       * @return string
 272       */
 273      public function getLineStyleArrowParameters($arrow_selector, $property_selector)
 274      {
 275          return $this->getLineStyleArrowSize($this->lineProperties['style']['arrow'][$arrow_selector]['size'], $property_selector);
 276      }
 278      /**
 279       * Set Shadow Properties.
 280       *
 281       * @param int $sh_presets
 282       * @param string $sh_color_value
 283       * @param string $sh_color_type
 284       * @param int $sh_color_alpha
 285       * @param string $sh_blur
 286       * @param int $sh_angle
 287       * @param float $sh_distance
 288       */
 289      public function setShadowProperties($sh_presets, $sh_color_value = null, $sh_color_type = null, $sh_color_alpha = null, $sh_blur = null, $sh_angle = null, $sh_distance = null): void
 290      {
 291          $this->activateObject()
 292              ->setShadowPresetsProperties((int) $sh_presets)
 293              ->setShadowColor(
 294                  $sh_color_value === null ? $this->shadowProperties['color']['value'] : $sh_color_value,
 295                  $sh_color_alpha === null ? (int) $this->shadowProperties['color']['alpha'] : $this->getTrueAlpha($sh_color_alpha),
 296                  $sh_color_type === null ? $this->shadowProperties['color']['type'] : $sh_color_type
 297              )
 298              ->setShadowBlur($sh_blur)
 299              ->setShadowAngle($sh_angle)
 300              ->setShadowDistance($sh_distance);
 301      }
 303      /**
 304       * Set Shadow Presets Properties.
 305       *
 306       * @param int $shadow_presets
 307       *
 308       * @return $this
 309       */
 310      private function setShadowPresetsProperties($shadow_presets)
 311      {
 312          $this->shadowProperties['presets'] = $shadow_presets;
 313          $this->setShadowProperiesMapValues($this->getShadowPresetsMap($shadow_presets));
 315          return $this;
 316      }
 318      /**
 319       * Set Shadow Properties Values.
 320       *
 321       * @param mixed &$reference
 322       *
 323       * @return $this
 324       */
 325      private function setShadowProperiesMapValues(array $properties_map, &$reference = null)
 326      {
 327          $base_reference = $reference;
 328          foreach ($properties_map as $property_key => $property_val) {
 329              if (is_array($property_val)) {
 330                  if ($reference === null) {
 331                      $reference = &$this->shadowProperties[$property_key];
 332                  } else {
 333                      $reference = &$reference[$property_key];
 334                  }
 335                  $this->setShadowProperiesMapValues($property_val, $reference);
 336              } else {
 337                  if ($base_reference === null) {
 338                      $this->shadowProperties[$property_key] = $property_val;
 339                  } else {
 340                      $reference[$property_key] = $property_val;
 341                  }
 342              }
 343          }
 345          return $this;
 346      }
 348      /**
 349       * Set Shadow Color.
 350       *
 351       * @param string $color
 352       * @param int $alpha
 353       * @param string $type
 354       *
 355       * @return $this
 356       */
 357      private function setShadowColor($color, $alpha, $type)
 358      {
 359          if ($color !== null) {
 360              $this->shadowProperties['color']['value'] = (string) $color;
 361          }
 362          if ($alpha !== null) {
 363              $this->shadowProperties['color']['alpha'] = $this->getTrueAlpha((int) $alpha);
 364          }
 365          if ($type !== null) {
 366              $this->shadowProperties['color']['type'] = (string) $type;
 367          }
 369          return $this;
 370      }
 372      /**
 373       * Set Shadow Blur.
 374       *
 375       * @param float $blur
 376       *
 377       * @return $this
 378       */
 379      private function setShadowBlur($blur)
 380      {
 381          if ($blur !== null) {
 382              $this->shadowProperties['blur'] = (string) $this->getExcelPointsWidth($blur);
 383          }
 385          return $this;
 386      }
 388      /**
 389       * Set Shadow Angle.
 390       *
 391       * @param int $angle
 392       *
 393       * @return $this
 394       */
 395      private function setShadowAngle($angle)
 396      {
 397          if ($angle !== null) {
 398              $this->shadowProperties['direction'] = (string) $this->getExcelPointsAngle($angle);
 399          }
 401          return $this;
 402      }
 404      /**
 405       * Set Shadow Distance.
 406       *
 407       * @param float $distance
 408       *
 409       * @return $this
 410       */
 411      private function setShadowDistance($distance)
 412      {
 413          if ($distance !== null) {
 414              $this->shadowProperties['distance'] = (string) $this->getExcelPointsWidth($distance);
 415          }
 417          return $this;
 418      }
 420      /**
 421       * Get Shadow Property.
 422       *
 423       * @param string|string[] $elements
 424       *
 425       * @return string
 426       */
 427      public function getShadowProperty($elements)
 428      {
 429          return $this->getArrayElementsValue($this->shadowProperties, $elements);
 430      }
 432      /**
 433       * Set Soft Edges Size.
 434       *
 435       * @param float $size
 436       */
 437      public function setSoftEdgesSize($size): void
 438      {
 439          if ($size !== null) {
 440              $this->activateObject();
 441              $this->softEdges['size'] = (string) $this->getExcelPointsWidth($size);
 442          }
 443      }
 445      /**
 446       * Get Soft Edges Size.
 447       *
 448       * @return string
 449       */
 450      public function getSoftEdgesSize()
 451      {
 452          return $this->softEdges['size'];
 453      }
 454  }