Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.

namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader;

< use DateTime; < use DateTimeZone;
use DOMAttr; use DOMDocument; use DOMElement; use DOMNode;
< use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Calculation;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\DataType;
< use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\DefinedName; < use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Exception as ReaderException;
> use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Ods\AutoFilter; > use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Ods\DefinedNames; > use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Ods\FormulaTranslator;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Ods\PageSettings; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Ods\Properties as DocumentProperties; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Security\XmlScanner; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\RichText\RichText; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Settings; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\File; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\NumberFormat; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet;
> use Throwable;
use XMLReader; use ZipArchive; class Ods extends BaseReader {
> const INITIAL_FILE = 'content.xml'; /** >
* Create a new Ods Reader instance. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->securityScanner = XmlScanner::getInstance($this); } /** * Can the current IReader read the file?
< * < * @param string $pFilename < * < * @return bool
< public function canRead($pFilename)
> public function canRead(string $filename): bool
< File::assertFile($pFilename); <
$mimeType = 'UNKNOWN'; // Load file
> if (File::testFileNoThrow($filename, '')) {
$zip = new ZipArchive();
< if ($zip->open($pFilename) === true) {
> if ($zip->open($filename) === true) {
// check if it is an OOXML archive $stat = $zip->statName('mimetype'); if ($stat && ($stat['size'] <= 255)) { $mimeType = $zip->getFromName($stat['name']); } elseif ($zip->statName('META-INF/manifest.xml')) { $xml = simplexml_load_string( $this->securityScanner->scan($zip->getFromName('META-INF/manifest.xml')), 'SimpleXMLElement', Settings::getLibXmlLoaderOptions() ); $namespacesContent = $xml->getNamespaces(true); if (isset($namespacesContent['manifest'])) { $manifest = $xml->children($namespacesContent['manifest']); foreach ($manifest as $manifestDataSet) { $manifestAttributes = $manifestDataSet->attributes($namespacesContent['manifest']);
< if ($manifestAttributes->{'full-path'} == '/') {
> if ($manifestAttributes && $manifestAttributes->{'full-path'} == '/') {
$mimeType = (string) $manifestAttributes->{'media-type'}; break; } } } } $zip->close(); }
> }
return $mimeType === 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'; } /** * Reads names of the worksheets from a file, without parsing the whole file to a PhpSpreadsheet object. *
< * @param string $pFilename
> * @param string $filename
* * @return string[] */
< public function listWorksheetNames($pFilename)
> public function listWorksheetNames($filename)
< File::assertFile($pFilename); < < $zip = new ZipArchive(); < if ($zip->open($pFilename) !== true) { < throw new ReaderException('Could not open ' . $pFilename . ' for reading! Error opening file.'); < }
> File::assertFile($filename, self::INITIAL_FILE);
$worksheetNames = []; $xml = new XMLReader(); $xml->xml(
< $this->securityScanner->scanFile('zip://' . realpath($pFilename) . '#content.xml'),
> $this->securityScanner->scanFile('zip://' . realpath($filename) . '#' . self::INITIAL_FILE),
null, Settings::getLibXmlLoaderOptions() ); $xml->setParserProperty(2, true); // Step into the first level of content of the XML $xml->read(); while ($xml->read()) { // Quickly jump through to the office:body node
< while ($xml->name !== 'office:body') {
> while (self::getXmlName($xml) !== 'office:body') {
if ($xml->isEmptyElement) { $xml->read(); } else { $xml->next(); } } // Now read each node until we find our first table:table node while ($xml->read()) {
< if ($xml->name == 'table:table' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
> $xmlName = self::getXmlName($xml); > if ($xmlName == 'table:table' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
// Loop through each table:table node reading the table:name attribute for each worksheet name do { $worksheetNames[] = $xml->getAttribute('table:name'); $xml->next();
< } while ($xml->name == 'table:table' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT);
> } while (self::getXmlName($xml) == 'table:table' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT);
} } } return $worksheetNames; } /** * Return worksheet info (Name, Last Column Letter, Last Column Index, Total Rows, Total Columns). *
< * @param string $pFilename
> * @param string $filename
* * @return array */
< public function listWorksheetInfo($pFilename)
> public function listWorksheetInfo($filename)
< File::assertFile($pFilename);
> File::assertFile($filename, self::INITIAL_FILE);
$worksheetInfo = [];
< $zip = new ZipArchive(); < if ($zip->open($pFilename) !== true) { < throw new ReaderException('Could not open ' . $pFilename . ' for reading! Error opening file.'); < } <
$xml = new XMLReader(); $xml->xml(
< $this->securityScanner->scanFile('zip://' . realpath($pFilename) . '#content.xml'),
> $this->securityScanner->scanFile('zip://' . realpath($filename) . '#' . self::INITIAL_FILE),
null, Settings::getLibXmlLoaderOptions() ); $xml->setParserProperty(2, true); // Step into the first level of content of the XML $xml->read(); while ($xml->read()) { // Quickly jump through to the office:body node
< while ($xml->name !== 'office:body') {
> while (self::getXmlName($xml) !== 'office:body') {
if ($xml->isEmptyElement) { $xml->read(); } else { $xml->next(); } } // Now read each node until we find our first table:table node while ($xml->read()) {
< if ($xml->name == 'table:table' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
> if (self::getXmlName($xml) == 'table:table' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
$worksheetNames[] = $xml->getAttribute('table:name'); $tmpInfo = [ 'worksheetName' => $xml->getAttribute('table:name'), 'lastColumnLetter' => 'A', 'lastColumnIndex' => 0, 'totalRows' => 0, 'totalColumns' => 0, ]; // Loop through each child node of the table:table element reading $currCells = 0; do { $xml->read();
< if ($xml->name == 'table:table-row' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
> if (self::getXmlName($xml) == 'table:table-row' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
$rowspan = $xml->getAttribute('table:number-rows-repeated'); $rowspan = empty($rowspan) ? 1 : $rowspan; $tmpInfo['totalRows'] += $rowspan; $tmpInfo['totalColumns'] = max($tmpInfo['totalColumns'], $currCells); $currCells = 0; // Step into the row $xml->read(); do { $doread = true;
< if ($xml->name == 'table:table-cell' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
> if (self::getXmlName($xml) == 'table:table-cell' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
if (!$xml->isEmptyElement) { ++$currCells; $xml->next(); $doread = false; }
< } elseif ($xml->name == 'table:covered-table-cell' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
> } elseif (self::getXmlName($xml) == 'table:covered-table-cell' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
$mergeSize = $xml->getAttribute('table:number-columns-repeated'); $currCells += (int) $mergeSize; } if ($doread) { $xml->read(); }
< } while ($xml->name != 'table:table-row');
> } while (self::getXmlName($xml) != 'table:table-row');
< } while ($xml->name != 'table:table');
> } while (self::getXmlName($xml) != 'table:table');
$tmpInfo['totalColumns'] = max($tmpInfo['totalColumns'], $currCells); $tmpInfo['lastColumnIndex'] = $tmpInfo['totalColumns'] - 1; $tmpInfo['lastColumnLetter'] = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($tmpInfo['lastColumnIndex'] + 1); $worksheetInfo[] = $tmpInfo; } } } return $worksheetInfo; } /**
< * Loads PhpSpreadsheet from file. < * < * @param string $pFilename
> * Counteract Phpstan caching.
< * @return Spreadsheet
> * @phpstan-impure
< public function load($pFilename)
> private static function getXmlName(XMLReader $xml): string > { > return $xml->name; > } > > /** > * Loads PhpSpreadsheet from file. > */ > protected function loadSpreadsheetFromFile(string $filename): Spreadsheet
{ // Create new Spreadsheet $spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet(); // Load into this instance
< return $this->loadIntoExisting($pFilename, $spreadsheet);
> return $this->loadIntoExisting($filename, $spreadsheet);
} /** * Loads PhpSpreadsheet from file into PhpSpreadsheet instance. *
< * @param string $pFilename
> * @param string $filename
* * @return Spreadsheet */
< public function loadIntoExisting($pFilename, Spreadsheet $spreadsheet)
> public function loadIntoExisting($filename, Spreadsheet $spreadsheet)
< File::assertFile($pFilename); < < $timezoneObj = new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'); < $GMT = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
> File::assertFile($filename, self::INITIAL_FILE);
$zip = new ZipArchive();
< if ($zip->open($pFilename) !== true) { < throw new Exception("Could not open {$pFilename} for reading! Error opening file."); < }
> $zip->open($filename);
// Meta $xml = @simplexml_load_string( $this->securityScanner->scan($zip->getFromName('meta.xml')), 'SimpleXMLElement', Settings::getLibXmlLoaderOptions() ); if ($xml === false) { throw new Exception('Unable to read data from {$pFilename}'); } $namespacesMeta = $xml->getNamespaces(true); (new DocumentProperties($spreadsheet))->load($xml, $namespacesMeta); // Styles $dom = new DOMDocument('1.01', 'UTF-8'); $dom->loadXML( $this->securityScanner->scan($zip->getFromName('styles.xml')), Settings::getLibXmlLoaderOptions() ); $pageSettings = new PageSettings($dom); // Main Content $dom = new DOMDocument('1.01', 'UTF-8'); $dom->loadXML(
< $this->securityScanner->scan($zip->getFromName('content.xml')),
> $this->securityScanner->scan($zip->getFromName(self::INITIAL_FILE)),
Settings::getLibXmlLoaderOptions() ); $officeNs = $dom->lookupNamespaceUri('office'); $tableNs = $dom->lookupNamespaceUri('table'); $textNs = $dom->lookupNamespaceUri('text'); $xlinkNs = $dom->lookupNamespaceUri('xlink'); $pageSettings->readStyleCrossReferences($dom);
< // Content
> $autoFilterReader = new AutoFilter($spreadsheet, $tableNs); > $definedNameReader = new DefinedNames($spreadsheet, $tableNs);
> // Content
$spreadsheets = $dom->getElementsByTagNameNS($officeNs, 'body') ->item(0) ->getElementsByTagNameNS($officeNs, 'spreadsheet'); foreach ($spreadsheets as $workbookData) { /** @var DOMElement $workbookData */ $tables = $workbookData->getElementsByTagNameNS($tableNs, 'table'); $worksheetID = 0; foreach ($tables as $worksheetDataSet) { /** @var DOMElement $worksheetDataSet */ $worksheetName = $worksheetDataSet->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'name'); // Check loadSheetsOnly if ( isset($this->loadSheetsOnly) && $worksheetName && !in_array($worksheetName, $this->loadSheetsOnly) ) { continue; } $worksheetStyleName = $worksheetDataSet->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'style-name'); // Create sheet if ($worksheetID > 0) { $spreadsheet->createSheet(); // First sheet is added by default } $spreadsheet->setActiveSheetIndex($worksheetID);
< if ($worksheetName) {
> if ($worksheetName || is_numeric($worksheetName)) {
// Use false for $updateFormulaCellReferences to prevent adjustment of worksheet references in // formula cells... during the load, all formulae should be correct, and we're simply // bringing the worksheet name in line with the formula, not the reverse $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->setTitle((string) $worksheetName, false, false); } // Go through every child of table element $rowID = 1; foreach ($worksheetDataSet->childNodes as $childNode) { /** @var DOMElement $childNode */ // Filter elements which are not under the "table" ns if ($childNode->namespaceURI != $tableNs) { continue; } $key = $childNode->nodeName; // Remove ns from node name if (strpos($key, ':') !== false) { $keyChunks = explode(':', $key); $key = array_pop($keyChunks); } switch ($key) { case 'table-header-rows': /// TODO :: Figure this out. This is only a partial implementation I guess. // ($rowData it's not used at all and I'm not sure that PHPExcel // has an API for this) // foreach ($rowData as $keyRowData => $cellData) { // $rowData = $cellData; // break; // } break; case 'table-row': if ($childNode->hasAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-rows-repeated')) {
< $rowRepeats = $childNode->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-rows-repeated');
> $rowRepeats = (int) $childNode->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-rows-repeated');
} else { $rowRepeats = 1; } $columnID = 'A';
< foreach ($childNode->childNodes as $key => $cellData) { < // @var \DOMElement $cellData <
> /** @var DOMElement $cellData */ > foreach ($childNode->childNodes as $cellData) {
if ($this->getReadFilter() !== null) { if (!$this->getReadFilter()->readCell($columnID, $rowID, $worksheetName)) { ++$columnID; continue; } } // Initialize variables $formatting = $hyperlink = null; $hasCalculatedValue = false; $cellDataFormula = ''; if ($cellData->hasAttributeNS($tableNs, 'formula')) { $cellDataFormula = $cellData->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'formula'); $hasCalculatedValue = true; } // Annotations $annotation = $cellData->getElementsByTagNameNS($officeNs, 'annotation'); if ($annotation->length > 0) { $textNode = $annotation->item(0)->getElementsByTagNameNS($textNs, 'p'); if ($textNode->length > 0) { $text = $this->scanElementForText($textNode->item(0)); $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet() ->getComment($columnID . $rowID) ->setText($this->parseRichText($text)); // ->setAuthor( $author ) } } // Content /** @var DOMElement[] $paragraphs */ $paragraphs = []; foreach ($cellData->childNodes as $item) { /** @var DOMElement $item */ // Filter text:p elements if ($item->nodeName == 'text:p') { $paragraphs[] = $item; } } if (count($paragraphs) > 0) { // Consolidate if there are multiple p records (maybe with spans as well) $dataArray = []; // Text can have multiple text:p and within those, multiple text:span. // text:p newlines, but text:span does not. // Also, here we assume there is no text data is span fields are specified, since // we have no way of knowing proper positioning anyway. foreach ($paragraphs as $pData) { $dataArray[] = $this->scanElementForText($pData); } $allCellDataText = implode("\n", $dataArray); $type = $cellData->getAttributeNS($officeNs, 'value-type'); switch ($type) { case 'string': $type = DataType::TYPE_STRING; $dataValue = $allCellDataText; foreach ($paragraphs as $paragraph) { $link = $paragraph->getElementsByTagNameNS($textNs, 'a'); if ($link->length > 0) { $hyperlink = $link->item(0)->getAttributeNS($xlinkNs, 'href'); } } break; case 'boolean': $type = DataType::TYPE_BOOL; $dataValue = ($allCellDataText == 'TRUE') ? true : false; break; case 'percentage': $type = DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC; $dataValue = (float) $cellData->getAttributeNS($officeNs, 'value'); // percentage should always be float //if (floor($dataValue) == $dataValue) { // $dataValue = (int) $dataValue; //} $formatting = NumberFormat::FORMAT_PERCENTAGE_00; break; case 'currency': $type = DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC; $dataValue = (float) $cellData->getAttributeNS($officeNs, 'value'); if (floor($dataValue) == $dataValue) { $dataValue = (int) $dataValue; } $formatting = NumberFormat::FORMAT_CURRENCY_USD_SIMPLE; break; case 'float': $type = DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC; $dataValue = (float) $cellData->getAttributeNS($officeNs, 'value'); if (floor($dataValue) == $dataValue) { if ($dataValue == (int) $dataValue) { $dataValue = (int) $dataValue; } } break; case 'date': $type = DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC; $value = $cellData->getAttributeNS($officeNs, 'date-value');
< < $dateObj = new DateTime($value, $GMT); < $dateObj->setTimeZone($timezoneObj); < [$year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second] = explode( < ' ', < $dateObj->format('Y m d H i s') < ); < < $dataValue = Date::formattedPHPToExcel( < (int) $year, < (int) $month, < (int) $day, < (int) $hour, < (int) $minute, < (int) $second < );
> $dataValue = Date::convertIsoDate($value);
if ($dataValue != floor($dataValue)) { $formatting = NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_XLSX15 . ' ' . NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_TIME4; } else { $formatting = NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_XLSX15; } break; case 'time': $type = DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC; $timeValue = $cellData->getAttributeNS($officeNs, 'time-value'); $dataValue = Date::PHPToExcel( strtotime(
< '01-01-1970 ' . implode(':', sscanf($timeValue, 'PT%dH%dM%dS'))
> '01-01-1970 ' . implode(':', sscanf($timeValue, 'PT%dH%dM%dS') ?? [])
) ); $formatting = NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_TIME4; break; default: $dataValue = null; } } else { $type = DataType::TYPE_NULL; $dataValue = null; } if ($hasCalculatedValue) { $type = DataType::TYPE_FORMULA; $cellDataFormula = substr($cellDataFormula, strpos($cellDataFormula, ':=') + 1);
< $cellDataFormula = $this->convertToExcelFormulaValue($cellDataFormula);
> $cellDataFormula = FormulaTranslator::convertToExcelFormulaValue($cellDataFormula);
} if ($cellData->hasAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-columns-repeated')) { $colRepeats = (int) $cellData->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-columns-repeated'); } else { $colRepeats = 1; } if ($type !== null) { for ($i = 0; $i < $colRepeats; ++$i) { if ($i > 0) { ++$columnID; } if ($type !== DataType::TYPE_NULL) { for ($rowAdjust = 0; $rowAdjust < $rowRepeats; ++$rowAdjust) { $rID = $rowID + $rowAdjust; $cell = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet() ->getCell($columnID . $rID); // Set value if ($hasCalculatedValue) { $cell->setValueExplicit($cellDataFormula, $type); } else { $cell->setValueExplicit($dataValue, $type); } if ($hasCalculatedValue) { $cell->setCalculatedValue($dataValue); } // Set other properties if ($formatting !== null) { $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet() ->getStyle($columnID . $rID) ->getNumberFormat() ->setFormatCode($formatting); } else { $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet() ->getStyle($columnID . $rID) ->getNumberFormat() ->setFormatCode(NumberFormat::FORMAT_GENERAL); } if ($hyperlink !== null) { $cell->getHyperlink() ->setUrl($hyperlink); } } } } } // Merged cells
< if ( < $cellData->hasAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-columns-spanned') < || $cellData->hasAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-rows-spanned') < ) { < if (($type !== DataType::TYPE_NULL) || (!$this->readDataOnly)) { < $columnTo = $columnID;
> $this->processMergedCells($cellData, $tableNs, $type, $columnID, $rowID, $spreadsheet);
< if ($cellData->hasAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-columns-spanned')) { < $columnIndex = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($columnID); < $columnIndex += (int) $cellData->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-columns-spanned'); < $columnIndex -= 2;
> ++$columnID; > } > $rowID += $rowRepeats;
< $columnTo = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($columnIndex + 1);
> break; > } > } > $pageSettings->setVisibilityForWorksheet($spreadsheet->getActiveSheet(), $worksheetStyleName); > $pageSettings->setPrintSettingsForWorksheet($spreadsheet->getActiveSheet(), $worksheetStyleName); > ++$worksheetID;
< $rowTo = $rowID;
> $autoFilterReader->read($workbookData); > $definedNameReader->read($workbookData); > } > $spreadsheet->setActiveSheetIndex(0);
< if ($cellData->hasAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-rows-spanned')) { < $rowTo = $rowTo + (int) $cellData->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-rows-spanned') - 1;
> if ($zip->locateName('settings.xml') !== false) { > $this->processSettings($zip, $spreadsheet);
< $cellRange = $columnID . $rowID . ':' . $columnTo . $rowTo; < $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->mergeCells($cellRange);
> // Return > return $spreadsheet;
> } > private function processSettings(ZipArchive $zip, Spreadsheet $spreadsheet): void > { ++$columnID; > $dom = new DOMDocument('1.01', 'UTF-8'); } > $dom->loadXML( $rowID += $rowRepeats; > $this->securityScanner->scan($zip->getFromName('settings.xml')), > Settings::getLibXmlLoaderOptions() break; > ); } > //$xlinkNs = $dom->lookupNamespaceUri('xlink'); } > $configNs = $dom->lookupNamespaceUri('config'); $pageSettings->setPrintSettingsForWorksheet($spreadsheet->getActiveSheet(), $worksheetStyleName); > //$oooNs = $dom->lookupNamespaceUri('ooo'); ++$worksheetID; > $officeNs = $dom->lookupNamespaceUri('office'); } > $settings = $dom->getElementsByTagNameNS($officeNs, 'settings') > ->item(0); $this->readDefinedRanges($spreadsheet, $workbookData, $tableNs); > $this->lookForActiveSheet($settings, $spreadsheet, $configNs); $this->readDefinedExpressions($spreadsheet, $workbookData, $tableNs); > $this->lookForSelectedCells($settings, $spreadsheet, $configNs);
< ++$columnID;
> private function lookForActiveSheet(DOMElement $settings, Spreadsheet $spreadsheet, string $configNs): void > { > /** @var DOMElement $t */ > foreach ($settings->getElementsByTagNameNS($configNs, 'config-item') as $t) { > if ($t->getAttributeNs($configNs, 'name') === 'ActiveTable') { > try { > $spreadsheet->setActiveSheetIndexByName($t->nodeValue ?? ''); > } catch (Throwable $e) { > // do nothing
< $rowID += $rowRepeats;
< $pageSettings->setPrintSettingsForWorksheet($spreadsheet->getActiveSheet(), $worksheetStyleName); < ++$worksheetID;
< $this->readDefinedRanges($spreadsheet, $workbookData, $tableNs); < $this->readDefinedExpressions($spreadsheet, $workbookData, $tableNs);
> private function lookForSelectedCells(DOMElement $settings, Spreadsheet $spreadsheet, string $configNs): void > { > /** @var DOMElement $t */ > foreach ($settings->getElementsByTagNameNS($configNs, 'config-item-map-named') as $t) { > if ($t->getAttributeNs($configNs, 'name') === 'Tables') { > foreach ($t->getElementsByTagNameNS($configNs, 'config-item-map-entry') as $ws) { > $setRow = $setCol = ''; > $wsname = $ws->getAttributeNs($configNs, 'name'); > foreach ($ws->getElementsByTagNameNS($configNs, 'config-item') as $configItem) { > $attrName = $configItem->getAttributeNs($configNs, 'name'); > if ($attrName === 'CursorPositionX') { > $setCol = $configItem->nodeValue; > } > if ($attrName === 'CursorPositionY') { > $setRow = $configItem->nodeValue; > } > } > $this->setSelected($spreadsheet, $wsname, "$setCol", "$setRow"); > } > > break; > } > } > } > > private function setSelected(Spreadsheet $spreadsheet, string $wsname, string $setCol, string $setRow): void > { > if (is_numeric($setCol) && is_numeric($setRow)) { > try { > $spreadsheet->getSheetByName($wsname)->setSelectedCellByColumnAndRow($setCol + 1, $setRow + 1); > } catch (Throwable $e) { > // do nothing > }
< $spreadsheet->setActiveSheetIndex(0); < // Return < return $spreadsheet;
* @return string */ protected function scanElementForText(DOMNode $element) { $str = ''; foreach ($element->childNodes as $child) { /** @var DOMNode $child */ if ($child->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) { $str .= $child->nodeValue; } elseif ($child->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $child->nodeName == 'text:s') { // It's a space // Multiple spaces? /** @var DOMAttr $cAttr */ $cAttr = $child->attributes->getNamedItem('c');
< if ($cAttr) { < $multiplier = (int) $cAttr->nodeValue; < } else { < $multiplier = 1; < } <
> $multiplier = self::getMultiplier($cAttr);
$str .= str_repeat(' ', $multiplier); } if ($child->hasChildNodes()) { $str .= $this->scanElementForText($child); } } return $str; }
> private static function getMultiplier(?DOMAttr $cAttr): int /** > { * @param string $is > if ($cAttr) { * > $multiplier = (int) $cAttr->nodeValue; * @return RichText > } else { */ > $multiplier = 1; private function parseRichText($is) > } { > $value = new RichText(); > return $multiplier; $value->createText($is); > } >
return $value; }
< private function convertToExcelAddressValue(string $openOfficeAddress): string < { < $excelAddress = $openOfficeAddress; < < // Cell range 3-d reference < // As we don't support 3-d ranges, we're just going to take a quick and dirty approach < // and assume that the second worksheet reference is the same as the first < $excelAddress = preg_replace('/\$?([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+):\$?([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+)/miu', '$1!$2:$4', $excelAddress); < // Cell range reference in another sheet < $excelAddress = preg_replace('/\$?([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+):\.([^\.]+)/miu', '$1!$2:$3', $excelAddress); < // Cell reference in another sheet < $excelAddress = preg_replace('/\$?([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+)/miu', '$1!$2', $excelAddress); < // Cell range reference < $excelAddress = preg_replace('/\.([^\.]+):\.([^\.]+)/miu', '$1:$2', $excelAddress); < // Simple cell reference < $excelAddress = preg_replace('/\.([^\.]+)/miu', '$1', $excelAddress); < < return $excelAddress; < } < < private function convertToExcelFormulaValue(string $openOfficeFormula): string < { < $temp = explode('"', $openOfficeFormula); < $tKey = false; < foreach ($temp as &$value) { < // Only replace in alternate array entries (i.e. non-quoted blocks) < if ($tKey = !$tKey) { < // Cell range reference in another sheet < $value = preg_replace('/\[\$?([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+):\.([^\.]+)\]/miu', '$1!$2:$3', $value); < // Cell reference in another sheet < $value = preg_replace('/\[\$?([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+)\]/miu', '$1!$2', $value); < // Cell range reference < $value = preg_replace('/\[\.([^\.]+):\.([^\.]+)\]/miu', '$1:$2', $value); < // Simple cell reference < $value = preg_replace('/\[\.([^\.]+)\]/miu', '$1', $value); < < $value = Calculation::translateSeparator(';', ',', $value, $inBraces); < } < }
> private function processMergedCells( > DOMElement $cellData, > string $tableNs, > string $type, > string $columnID, > int $rowID, > Spreadsheet $spreadsheet > ): void { > if ( > $cellData->hasAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-columns-spanned') > || $cellData->hasAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-rows-spanned') > ) { > if (($type !== DataType::TYPE_NULL) || ($this->readDataOnly === false)) { > $columnTo = $columnID;
< // Then rebuild the formula string < $excelFormula = implode('"', $temp);
> if ($cellData->hasAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-columns-spanned')) { > $columnIndex = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($columnID); > $columnIndex += (int) $cellData->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-columns-spanned'); > $columnIndex -= 2;
< return $excelFormula;
> $columnTo = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($columnIndex + 1);
< /** < * Read any Named Ranges that are defined in this spreadsheet. < */ < private function readDefinedRanges(Spreadsheet $spreadsheet, DOMElement $workbookData, string $tableNs): void < { < $namedRanges = $workbookData->getElementsByTagNameNS($tableNs, 'named-range'); < foreach ($namedRanges as $definedNameElement) { < $definedName = $definedNameElement->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'name'); < $baseAddress = $definedNameElement->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'base-cell-address'); < $range = $definedNameElement->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'cell-range-address'); < < $baseAddress = $this->convertToExcelAddressValue($baseAddress); < $range = $this->convertToExcelAddressValue($range);
> $rowTo = $rowID;
< $this->addDefinedName($spreadsheet, $baseAddress, $definedName, $range); < }
> if ($cellData->hasAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-rows-spanned')) { > $rowTo = $rowTo + (int) $cellData->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'number-rows-spanned') - 1;
< /** < * Read any Named Formulae that are defined in this spreadsheet. < */ < private function readDefinedExpressions(Spreadsheet $spreadsheet, DOMElement $workbookData, string $tableNs): void < { < $namedExpressions = $workbookData->getElementsByTagNameNS($tableNs, 'named-expression'); < foreach ($namedExpressions as $definedNameElement) { < $definedName = $definedNameElement->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'name'); < $baseAddress = $definedNameElement->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'base-cell-address'); < $expression = $definedNameElement->getAttributeNS($tableNs, 'expression'); < < $baseAddress = $this->convertToExcelAddressValue($baseAddress); < $expression = $this->convertToExcelFormulaValue($expression); < < $this->addDefinedName($spreadsheet, $baseAddress, $definedName, $expression); < }
> $cellRange = $columnID . $rowID . ':' . $columnTo . $rowTo; > $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->mergeCells($cellRange, Worksheet::MERGE_CELL_CONTENT_HIDE);
< < /** < * Assess scope and store the Defined Name. < */ < private function addDefinedName(Spreadsheet $spreadsheet, string $baseAddress, string $definedName, string $value): void < { < [$sheetReference] = Worksheet::extractSheetTitle($baseAddress, true); < $worksheet = $spreadsheet->getSheetByName($sheetReference); < // Worksheet might still be null if we're only loading selected sheets rather than the full spreadsheet < if ($worksheet !== null) { < $spreadsheet->addDefinedName(DefinedName::createInstance((string) $definedName, $worksheet, $value));
} } }