Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.

namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader;

< use InvalidArgumentException;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Calculation; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Exception as ReaderException; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\StringHelper; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Border; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet; class Slk extends BaseReader { /** * Input encoding. * * @var string */ private $inputEncoding = 'ANSI'; /** * Sheet index to read. * * @var int */ private $sheetIndex = 0; /** * Formats. * * @var array */ private $formats = []; /** * Format Count. * * @var int */ private $format = 0; /** * Fonts. * * @var array */ private $fonts = []; /** * Font Count. * * @var int */ private $fontcount = 0; /** * Create a new SYLK Reader instance. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Validate that the current file is a SYLK file.
< * < * @param string $pFilename < * < * @return bool
< public function canRead($pFilename)
> public function canRead(string $filename): bool
{ try {
< $this->openFile($pFilename); < } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
> $this->openFile($filename); > } catch (ReaderException $e) {
return false; } // Read sample data (first 2 KB will do)
< $data = fread($this->fileHandle, 2048);
> $data = (string) fread($this->fileHandle, 2048);
// Count delimiters in file $delimiterCount = substr_count($data, ';'); $hasDelimiter = $delimiterCount > 0; // Analyze first line looking for ID; signature $lines = explode("\n", $data); $hasId = substr($lines[0], 0, 4) === 'ID;P'; fclose($this->fileHandle); return $hasDelimiter && $hasId; }
< private function canReadOrBust(string $pFilename): void
> private function canReadOrBust(string $filename): void
< if (!$this->canRead($pFilename)) { < throw new ReaderException($pFilename . ' is an Invalid SYLK file.');
> if (!$this->canRead($filename)) { > throw new ReaderException($filename . ' is an Invalid SYLK file.');
< $this->openFile($pFilename);
> $this->openFile($filename);
} /** * Set input encoding. * * @deprecated no use is made of this property *
< * @param string $pValue Input encoding, eg: 'ANSI'
> * @param string $inputEncoding Input encoding, eg: 'ANSI'
* * @return $this * * @codeCoverageIgnore */
< public function setInputEncoding($pValue)
> public function setInputEncoding($inputEncoding)
< $this->inputEncoding = $pValue;
> $this->inputEncoding = $inputEncoding;
return $this; } /** * Get input encoding. * * @deprecated no use is made of this property * * @return string * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public function getInputEncoding() { return $this->inputEncoding; } /** * Return worksheet info (Name, Last Column Letter, Last Column Index, Total Rows, Total Columns). *
< * @param string $pFilename
> * @param string $filename
* * @return array */
< public function listWorksheetInfo($pFilename)
> public function listWorksheetInfo($filename)
{ // Open file
< $this->canReadOrBust($pFilename);
> $this->canReadOrBust($filename);
$fileHandle = $this->fileHandle; rewind($fileHandle); $worksheetInfo = [];
< $worksheetInfo[0]['worksheetName'] = basename($pFilename, '.slk');
> $worksheetInfo[0]['worksheetName'] = basename($filename, '.slk');
// loop through one row (line) at a time in the file $rowIndex = 0; $columnIndex = 0; while (($rowData = fgets($fileHandle)) !== false) { $columnIndex = 0; // convert SYLK encoded $rowData to UTF-8 $rowData = StringHelper::SYLKtoUTF8($rowData); // explode each row at semicolons while taking into account that literal semicolon (;) // is escaped like this (;;) $rowData = explode("\t", str_replace('¤', ';', str_replace(';', "\t", str_replace(';;', '¤', rtrim($rowData))))); $dataType = array_shift($rowData); if ($dataType == 'B') { foreach ($rowData as $rowDatum) { switch ($rowDatum[0]) { case 'X':
< $columnIndex = substr($rowDatum, 1) - 1;
> $columnIndex = (int) substr($rowDatum, 1) - 1;
break; case 'Y': $rowIndex = substr($rowDatum, 1); break; } } break; } } $worksheetInfo[0]['lastColumnIndex'] = $columnIndex; $worksheetInfo[0]['totalRows'] = $rowIndex; $worksheetInfo[0]['lastColumnLetter'] = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($worksheetInfo[0]['lastColumnIndex'] + 1); $worksheetInfo[0]['totalColumns'] = $worksheetInfo[0]['lastColumnIndex'] + 1; // Close file fclose($fileHandle); return $worksheetInfo; } /** * Loads PhpSpreadsheet from file.
< * < * @param string $pFilename < * < * @return Spreadsheet
< public function load($pFilename)
> protected function loadSpreadsheetFromFile(string $filename): Spreadsheet
{ // Create new Spreadsheet $spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet(); // Load into this instance
< return $this->loadIntoExisting($pFilename, $spreadsheet);
> return $this->loadIntoExisting($filename, $spreadsheet);
< private $colorArray = [
> private const COLOR_ARRAY = [
'FF00FFFF', // 0 - cyan 'FF000000', // 1 - black 'FFFFFFFF', // 2 - white 'FFFF0000', // 3 - red 'FF00FF00', // 4 - green 'FF0000FF', // 5 - blue 'FFFFFF00', // 6 - yellow 'FFFF00FF', // 7 - magenta ];
< private $fontStyleMappings = [
> private const FONT_STYLE_MAPPINGS = [
'B' => 'bold', 'I' => 'italic', 'U' => 'underline', ]; private function processFormula(string $rowDatum, bool &$hasCalculatedValue, string &$cellDataFormula, string $row, string $column): void { $cellDataFormula = '=' . substr($rowDatum, 1); // Convert R1C1 style references to A1 style references (but only when not quoted) $temp = explode('"', $cellDataFormula); $key = false; foreach ($temp as &$value) { // Only count/replace in alternate array entries
< if ($key = !$key) {
> $key = !$key; > if ($key) {
preg_match_all('/(R(\[?-?\d*\]?))(C(\[?-?\d*\]?))/', $value, $cellReferences, PREG_SET_ORDER + PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); // Reverse the matches array, otherwise all our offsets will become incorrect if we modify our way // through the formula from left to right. Reversing means that we work right to left.through // the formula $cellReferences = array_reverse($cellReferences); // Loop through each R1C1 style reference in turn, converting it to its A1 style equivalent, // then modify the formula to use that new reference foreach ($cellReferences as $cellReference) { $rowReference = $cellReference[2][0]; // Empty R reference is the current row if ($rowReference == '') { $rowReference = $row; } // Bracketed R references are relative to the current row if ($rowReference[0] == '[') {
< $rowReference = $row + trim($rowReference, '[]');
> $rowReference = (int) $row + (int) trim($rowReference, '[]');
} $columnReference = $cellReference[4][0]; // Empty C reference is the current column if ($columnReference == '') { $columnReference = $column; } // Bracketed C references are relative to the current column if ($columnReference[0] == '[') {
< $columnReference = $column + trim($columnReference, '[]');
> $columnReference = (int) $column + (int) trim($columnReference, '[]');
} $A1CellReference = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($columnReference) . $rowReference; $value = substr_replace($value, $A1CellReference, $cellReference[0][1], strlen($cellReference[0][0])); } } } unset($value); // Then rebuild the formula string $cellDataFormula = implode('"', $temp); $hasCalculatedValue = true; } private function processCRecord(array $rowData, Spreadsheet &$spreadsheet, string &$row, string &$column): void { // Read cell value data $hasCalculatedValue = false; $cellDataFormula = $cellData = ''; foreach ($rowData as $rowDatum) { switch ($rowDatum[0]) { case 'C': case 'X': $column = substr($rowDatum, 1); break; case 'R': case 'Y': $row = substr($rowDatum, 1); break; case 'K': $cellData = substr($rowDatum, 1); break; case 'E': $this->processFormula($rowDatum, $hasCalculatedValue, $cellDataFormula, $row, $column); break;
> case 'A': } > $comment = substr($rowDatum, 1); } > $columnLetter = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex((int) $column); $columnLetter = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex((int) $column); > $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet() $cellData = Calculation::unwrapResult($cellData); > ->getComment("$columnLetter$row") > ->getText() // Set cell value > ->createText($comment); $this->processCFinal($spreadsheet, $hasCalculatedValue, $cellDataFormula, $cellData, "$columnLetter$row"); > } > break;
private function processCFinal(Spreadsheet &$spreadsheet, bool $hasCalculatedValue, string $cellDataFormula, string $cellData, string $coordinate): void { // Set cell value $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getCell($coordinate)->setValue(($hasCalculatedValue) ? $cellDataFormula : $cellData); if ($hasCalculatedValue) { $cellData = Calculation::unwrapResult($cellData); $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getCell($coordinate)->setCalculatedValue($cellData); } } private function processFRecord(array $rowData, Spreadsheet &$spreadsheet, string &$row, string &$column): void { // Read cell formatting $formatStyle = $columnWidth = ''; $startCol = $endCol = ''; $fontStyle = ''; $styleData = []; foreach ($rowData as $rowDatum) { switch ($rowDatum[0]) { case 'C': case 'X': $column = substr($rowDatum, 1); break; case 'R': case 'Y': $row = substr($rowDatum, 1); break; case 'P': $formatStyle = $rowDatum; break; case 'W': [$startCol, $endCol, $columnWidth] = explode(' ', substr($rowDatum, 1)); break; case 'S': $this->styleSettings($rowDatum, $styleData, $fontStyle); break; } } $this->addFormats($spreadsheet, $formatStyle, $row, $column); $this->addFonts($spreadsheet, $fontStyle, $row, $column); $this->addStyle($spreadsheet, $styleData, $row, $column); $this->addWidth($spreadsheet, $columnWidth, $startCol, $endCol); }
< private $styleSettingsFont = ['D' => 'bold', 'I' => 'italic'];
> private const STYLE_SETTINGS_FONT = ['D' => 'bold', 'I' => 'italic'];
< private $styleSettingsBorder = [
> private const STYLE_SETTINGS_BORDER = [
'B' => 'bottom', 'L' => 'left', 'R' => 'right', 'T' => 'top', ]; private function styleSettings(string $rowDatum, array &$styleData, string &$fontStyle): void { $styleSettings = substr($rowDatum, 1); $iMax = strlen($styleSettings); for ($i = 0; $i < $iMax; ++$i) { $char = $styleSettings[$i];
< if (array_key_exists($char, $this->styleSettingsFont)) { < $styleData['font'][$this->styleSettingsFont[$char]] = true; < } elseif (array_key_exists($char, $this->styleSettingsBorder)) { < $styleData['borders'][$this->styleSettingsBorder[$char]]['borderStyle'] = Border::BORDER_THIN;
> if (array_key_exists($char, self::STYLE_SETTINGS_FONT)) { > $styleData['font'][self::STYLE_SETTINGS_FONT[$char]] = true; > } elseif (array_key_exists($char, self::STYLE_SETTINGS_BORDER)) { > $styleData['borders'][self::STYLE_SETTINGS_BORDER[$char]]['borderStyle'] = Border::BORDER_THIN;
} elseif ($char == 'S') { $styleData['fill']['fillType'] = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Fill::FILL_PATTERN_GRAY125; } elseif ($char == 'M') { if (preg_match('/M([1-9]\\d*)/', $styleSettings, $matches)) { $fontStyle = $matches[1]; } } } } private function addFormats(Spreadsheet &$spreadsheet, string $formatStyle, string $row, string $column): void { if ($formatStyle && $column > '' && $row > '') { $columnLetter = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex((int) $column); if (isset($this->formats[$formatStyle])) { $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getStyle($columnLetter . $row)->applyFromArray($this->formats[$formatStyle]); } } } private function addFonts(Spreadsheet &$spreadsheet, string $fontStyle, string $row, string $column): void { if ($fontStyle && $column > '' && $row > '') { $columnLetter = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex((int) $column); if (isset($this->fonts[$fontStyle])) { $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getStyle($columnLetter . $row)->applyFromArray($this->fonts[$fontStyle]); } } } private function addStyle(Spreadsheet &$spreadsheet, array $styleData, string $row, string $column): void { if ((!empty($styleData)) && $column > '' && $row > '') {
< $columnLetter = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($column);
> $columnLetter = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex((int) $column);
$spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getStyle($columnLetter . $row)->applyFromArray($styleData); } } private function addWidth(Spreadsheet $spreadsheet, string $columnWidth, string $startCol, string $endCol): void { if ($columnWidth > '') { if ($startCol == $endCol) { $startCol = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex((int) $startCol);
< $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension($startCol)->setWidth($columnWidth);
> $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension($startCol)->setWidth((float) $columnWidth);
} else {
< $startCol = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($startCol); < $endCol = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($endCol);
> $startCol = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex((int) $startCol); > $endCol = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex((int) $endCol);
$spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension($startCol)->setWidth((float) $columnWidth); do {
< $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension(++$startCol)->setWidth($columnWidth); < } while ($startCol != $endCol);
> $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension(++$startCol)->setWidth((float) $columnWidth); > } while ($startCol !== $endCol);
} } } private function processPRecord(array $rowData, Spreadsheet &$spreadsheet): void { // Read shared styles $formatArray = []; $fromFormats = ['\-', '\ ']; $toFormats = ['-', ' ']; foreach ($rowData as $rowDatum) { switch ($rowDatum[0]) { case 'P': $formatArray['numberFormat']['formatCode'] = str_replace($fromFormats, $toFormats, substr($rowDatum, 1)); break; case 'E': case 'F': $formatArray['font']['name'] = substr($rowDatum, 1); break; case 'M':
< $formatArray['font']['size'] = substr($rowDatum, 1) / 20;
> $formatArray['font']['size'] = ((float) substr($rowDatum, 1)) / 20;
break; case 'L': $this->processPColors($rowDatum, $formatArray); break; case 'S': $this->processPFontStyles($rowDatum, $formatArray); break; } } $this->processPFinal($spreadsheet, $formatArray); } private function processPColors(string $rowDatum, array &$formatArray): void { if (preg_match('/L([1-9]\\d*)/', $rowDatum, $matches)) { $fontColor = $matches[1] % 8;
< $formatArray['font']['color']['argb'] = $this->colorArray[$fontColor];
> $formatArray['font']['color']['argb'] = self::COLOR_ARRAY[$fontColor];
} } private function processPFontStyles(string $rowDatum, array &$formatArray): void { $styleSettings = substr($rowDatum, 1); $iMax = strlen($styleSettings); for ($i = 0; $i < $iMax; ++$i) {
< if (array_key_exists($styleSettings[$i], $this->fontStyleMappings)) { < $formatArray['font'][$this->fontStyleMappings[$styleSettings[$i]]] = true;
> if (array_key_exists($styleSettings[$i], self::FONT_STYLE_MAPPINGS)) { > $formatArray['font'][self::FONT_STYLE_MAPPINGS[$styleSettings[$i]]] = true;
} } } private function processPFinal(Spreadsheet &$spreadsheet, array $formatArray): void { if (array_key_exists('numberFormat', $formatArray)) { $this->formats['P' . $this->format] = $formatArray; ++$this->format; } elseif (array_key_exists('font', $formatArray)) { ++$this->fontcount; $this->fonts[$this->fontcount] = $formatArray; if ($this->fontcount === 1) { $spreadsheet->getDefaultStyle()->applyFromArray($formatArray); } } } /** * Loads PhpSpreadsheet from file into PhpSpreadsheet instance. *
< * @param string $pFilename
> * @param string $filename
* * @return Spreadsheet */
< public function loadIntoExisting($pFilename, Spreadsheet $spreadsheet)
> public function loadIntoExisting($filename, Spreadsheet $spreadsheet)
{ // Open file
< $this->canReadOrBust($pFilename);
> $this->canReadOrBust($filename);
$fileHandle = $this->fileHandle; rewind($fileHandle); // Create new Worksheets while ($spreadsheet->getSheetCount() <= $this->sheetIndex) { $spreadsheet->createSheet(); } $spreadsheet->setActiveSheetIndex($this->sheetIndex);
< $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->setTitle(substr(basename($pFilename, '.slk'), 0, Worksheet::SHEET_TITLE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH));
> $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->setTitle(substr(basename($filename, '.slk'), 0, Worksheet::SHEET_TITLE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH));
// Loop through file $column = $row = ''; // loop through one row (line) at a time in the file while (($rowDataTxt = fgets($fileHandle)) !== false) { // convert SYLK encoded $rowData to UTF-8 $rowDataTxt = StringHelper::SYLKtoUTF8($rowDataTxt); // explode each row at semicolons while taking into account that literal semicolon (;) // is escaped like this (;;) $rowData = explode("\t", str_replace('¤', ';', str_replace(';', "\t", str_replace(';;', '¤', rtrim($rowDataTxt))))); $dataType = array_shift($rowData); if ($dataType == 'P') { // Read shared styles $this->processPRecord($rowData, $spreadsheet); } elseif ($dataType == 'C') { // Read cell value data $this->processCRecord($rowData, $spreadsheet, $row, $column); } elseif ($dataType == 'F') { // Read cell formatting $this->processFRecord($rowData, $spreadsheet, $row, $column); } else { $this->columnRowFromRowData($rowData, $column, $row); } } // Close file fclose($fileHandle); // Return return $spreadsheet; } private function columnRowFromRowData(array $rowData, string &$column, string &$row): void { foreach ($rowData as $rowDatum) { $char0 = $rowDatum[0]; if ($char0 === 'X' || $char0 == 'C') { $column = substr($rowDatum, 1); } elseif ($char0 === 'Y' || $char0 == 'R') { $row = substr($rowDatum, 1); } } } /** * Get sheet index. * * @return int */ public function getSheetIndex() { return $this->sheetIndex; } /** * Set sheet index. *
< * @param int $pValue Sheet index
> * @param int $sheetIndex Sheet index
* * @return $this */
< public function setSheetIndex($pValue)
> public function setSheetIndex($sheetIndex)
< $this->sheetIndex = $pValue;
> $this->sheetIndex = $sheetIndex;
return $this; } }