Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.
> /** > * LICENSE /** > * * CFTypeDetector > * This file is part of CFPropertyList. * Interface for converting native PHP data structures to CFPropertyList objects. > * * @author Rodney Rehm <> > * The PHP implementation of Apple's PropertyList can handle XML PropertyLists * @author Christian Kruse <> > * as well as binary PropertyLists. It offers functionality to easily convert * @package plist > * data between worlds, e.g. recalculating timestamps from unix epoch to apple * @subpackage plist.types > * epoch and vice versa. A feature to automagically create (guess) the plist * @example example-create-02.php Using {@link CFTypeDetector} > * structure from a normal PHP data structure will help you dump your data to * @example example-create-03.php Using {@link CFTypeDetector} with {@link CFDate} and {@link CFData} > * plist in no time. * @example example-create-04.php Using and extended {@link CFTypeDetector} > * */ > * Copyright (c) 2018 Teclib' > * namespace CFPropertyList; > * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy use \DateTime, \Iterator; > * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal > * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights class CFTypeDetector { > * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell > * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is /** > * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * flag stating if all arrays should automatically be converted to {@link CFDictionary} > * * @var boolean > * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all */ > * copies or substantial portions of the Software. protected $autoDictionary = false; > * > * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR /** > * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * flag stating if exceptions should be suppressed or thrown > * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * @var boolean > * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER */ > * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, protected $suppressExceptions = false; > * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE > * SOFTWARE. /** > * * name of a method that will be used for array to object conversations > * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @var callable > * @author Rodney Rehm <> */ > * @author Christian Kruse <> protected $objectToArrayMethod = null; > * @copyright Copyright © 2018 Teclib > * @package plist /** > * @license MIT * flag stating if "123.23" should be converted to float (true) or preserved as string (false) > * @link * @var boolean > * @link Property Lists */ > * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected $castNumericStrings = true; > */ > > namespace CFPropertyList; /** > * Create new CFTypeDetector > use DateTime; * @param array $options Configuration for casting values [autoDictionary, suppressExceptions, objectToArrayMethod, castNumericStrings] > use Iterator; */ > use stdClass;
< * @example example-create-02.php Using {@link CFTypeDetector} < * @example example-create-03.php Using {@link CFTypeDetector} with {@link CFDate} and {@link CFData} < * @example example-create-04.php Using and extended {@link CFTypeDetector}
> * @example example-create-02.php Using CFTypeDetector > * @example example-create-03.php Using CFTypeDetector with CFDate and CFData > * @example example-create-04.php Using and extended CFTypeDetector
< < namespace CFPropertyList; < use \DateTime, \Iterator; < < class CFTypeDetector {
> class CFTypeDetector > {
< * flag stating if all arrays should automatically be converted to {@link CFDictionary}
> * flag stating if all arrays should automatically be converted to CFDictionary
< public function __construct(array $options=array()) {
> public function __construct(array $options = array()) > {
* Determine if an array is associative or numerical. * Numerical Arrays have incrementing index-numbers that don't contain gaps. * @param array $value Array to check indexes of * @return boolean true if array is associative, false if array has numeric indexes */
< protected function isAssociativeArray($value) {
> protected function isAssociativeArray($value) > {
$numericKeys = true; $i = 0; foreach($value as $key => $v) { if($i !== $key) { $numericKeys = false; break; } $i++; } return !$numericKeys; } /** * Get the default value * @return CFType the default value to return if no suitable type could be determined */
< protected function defaultValue() {
> protected function defaultValue() > {
return new CFString(); } /** * Create CFType-structure by guessing the data-types.
< * {@link CFArray}, {@link CFDictionary}, {@link CFBoolean}, {@link CFNumber} and {@link CFString} can be created, {@link CFDate} and {@link CFData} cannot.
> * CFArray, {@link CFDictionary}, {@link CFBoolean}, {@link CFNumber} and {@link CFString} can be created, {@link CFDate} and {@link CFData} cannot.
* <br /><b>Note:</b>Distinguishing between {@link CFArray} and {@link CFDictionary} is done by examining the keys. * Keys must be strictly incrementing integers to evaluate to a {@link CFArray}. * Since PHP does not offer a function to test for associative arrays, * this test causes the input array to be walked twice and thus work rather slow on large collections. * If you work with large arrays and can live with all arrays evaluating to {@link CFDictionary}, * feel free to set the appropriate flag. * <br /><b>Note:</b> If $value is an instance of CFType it is simply returned. * <br /><b>Note:</b> If $value is neither a CFType, array, numeric, boolean nor string, it is omitted. * @param mixed $value Value to convert to CFType
< * @param boolean $autoDictionary if true {@link CFArray}-detection is bypassed and arrays will be returned as {@link CFDictionary}.
* @return CFType CFType based on guessed type * @uses isAssociativeArray() to check if an array only has numeric indexes */
< public function toCFType($value) {
> public function toCFType($value) > {
switch(true) { case $value instanceof CFType: return $value; break; case is_object($value): // DateTime should be CFDate
< if(class_exists( 'DateTime' ) && $value instanceof DateTime){
> if ($value instanceof DateTime) {
return new CFDate($value->getTimestamp()); } // convert possible objects to arrays, arrays will be arrays if($this->objectToArrayMethod && is_callable(array($value, $this->objectToArrayMethod))){ $value = call_user_func( array( $value, $this->objectToArrayMethod ) );
> } else if ($value instanceof stdClass) { } > $value = (array) $value;
< if($this->suppressExceptions)
> if ($this->suppressExceptions) {
return $this->defaultValue();
> }
throw new PListException('Could not determine CFType for object of type '. get_class($value)); } /* break; omitted */ case $value instanceof Iterator: case is_array($value): // test if $value is simple or associative array if(!$this->autoDictionary) { if(!$this->isAssociativeArray($value)) { $t = new CFArray();
< foreach($value as $v) $t->add($this->toCFType($v));
> foreach ($value as $v) { > $t->add($this->toCFType($v)); > }
return $t; } } $t = new CFDictionary();
< foreach($value as $k => $v) $t->add($k, $this->toCFType($v));
> foreach ($value as $k => $v) { > $t->add($k, $this->toCFType($v)); > }
return $t; break; case is_bool($value): return new CFBoolean($value); break; case is_null($value): return new CFString(); break; case is_resource($value): if ($this->suppressExceptions) { return $this->defaultValue(); } throw new PListException('Could not determine CFType for resource of type '. get_resource_type($value)); break; case is_numeric($value): if (!$this->castNumericStrings && is_string($value)) { return new CFString($value); } return new CFNumber($value); break; case is_string($value): if(strpos($value, "\x00") !== false) { return new CFData($value); } return new CFString($value); break; default: if ($this->suppressExceptions) { return $this->defaultValue(); } throw new PListException('Could not determine CFType for '. gettype($value)); break; } }